Custom Autodesk Civil 3D tools that help increasecivil engineering efficiency and productivity!Available in Autodesk Civil 3D 2018-2024
StreetProfilesLinkCorridorUpdateCreatePlansCreateSheetsCreates all road alignments, profile views, and preliminarydesign profiles simultaneously from 2d polylines. The designercan also assign preset label styles for alignments and profiles.Links knuckles and cul-de-sac feature lines to corridor mainroad gutter line or edge of pavement feature line.Updates the linked feature line with the main road corridorgutter line or edge of pavement feature line. Creates multiple alignment plan view frames simultaneously.The designer can also adjust view frames rotation, width, andlength as needed.Creates plan & profile sheets for all selected alignmentssimultaneously with set # of sheets per drawing, and drawingname. ProfileThicknessCreates material thickness hatch on any profile views with setstation values and material depth. If the surface changes thedesigner can use the Update button to rehatch.
Create MultipleNetworksMulti-ProfilesDry UtilityBIM Profile NetworkLabelsRenamePartsCreates multiple utility alignments and pipe networks such asstorm, water, and sewer simultaneously from 2D polylines.Allows the designer to assign utility alignment and networknames. Creates multiple utility pipe network profile viewssimultaneously. Allows the designer to preset surface profilestyles, profile view styles, and material hatches. The profileviews can be stacked by columns or rows. HighlightPartsCreates multiple dry utility pipe networks such as gas,electric, fiber, and communications simultaneously. Thedesigner can set pipe coverage depth, pipe separation, andoffsets. Create preset pipe and structure labels for gravity pipenetworks with preset label anchor locations. Allows thedesigner to label multiple utility profile views simultaneouslywithin the same network. Preset labels can be set for eachutility and can be exported and imported to other drawings.Renames multiple pipe and structures descriptionssimultaneously.When working in split view, selected pipes or structures arehighlighted within the plan or profile. The designer can changethe highlight feature color, width, and transparency withinplan and profile.
PavementQuantities Polyline TotalPipe NetworkQTOParkingCountRelinkXREFsCreates an AutoCAD quantities table based on hatch patternswithin the drawing. The designer can also assign pavementthickness, units, unit cost, and pavement names to each hatchpattern. The table provides the total quantities per pavementtype. If any hatches are deleted or added, the designer canclick the Update button to update the quantities table.Creates an AutoCAD table with total quantities of 2d polylines& lines length for each layer within the drawing. Label at VerticesCreates an AutoCAD table for total pipe length and structuresper each pipe network system. The table also be saved as .csvformat. Creates an AutoCAD table based on line & curb labels for totalparking spaces. From the pull-down, the design can importthese custom line & curve parking space labels. After anylabeling revision, the design can click the Update button toupdate parking count table. Relinks multiple AutoCAD/Civil 3D if the drawings have beenrenamed or moved to another folder. The app also allows thedesigner to rename multiple drawings files simultaneously. Add surface labels at vertices for all or multiple selected 2D/3D polylines, feature lines, survey features, parcels,splines, or alignments simultaneously. The designer can alsoadd surface labels through an Xref by selecting objects or bylayer.
Label atintersectionAt PointsWall LabelsVerticesLabelUpdateAdds top of wall and bottom surface labels along all verticesof selected feature lines, or 2D/3D polylines. Adds surface labels at intersection points for all or multipleselected 2D/3D polylines, feature lines, survey features,parcels, splines, or alignments simultaneously. The designercan also add surface labels through an Xref by selectingobjects or by layer.Label at IntervalAdds surface labels at set intervals for selected 2D/3Dpolylines, feature lines, survey features, parcels, splines, oralignments simultaneously. The designer can also add surfacelabels through an Xref by selecting objects.Adds surface labels for all or multiple selected cogo pointswithin the drawing. Wall LabelsPointAdds a top of wall and bottom surface label at any given pointalong the selected feature line or 2D/3D polyline. Updates the CCLS surface labels elevation and horizontallocation point if the selected linear objects have beenadjusted, moved or deleted.
The CCLS Tools ribbon panel also contains pull-down feature tools thatdesigners can take advantage of. Below are the commands for each tool. RMVLINKING - removes links to surface labels created by our surface labeltools.DUBIMCPRO - creates a cover profile from a selected profile that weeds andapplies the cover elevation value.PNLMOVE - moves the selected Pipes and structures profile view labels to thetop or bottom of the profile view.DUBIMADDBK - adds structure on a selected Dry Utility BIM layer at a selectedlocation. PIPENTWALIGN - assigns the nearest alignment to the selected pipes andstructures. HLPIPESET - allows designers to set the highlight colors, width, andtransparency of selected pipes and structures when using the Highlight Pipestool. PROVVIEW - creates views for the selected profile views using the name of theprofile view. UPDATEPVIEWS - updates plan views created by the Create Plans command.Use the update the views after modifying the Plan View BlockTo watch our short video demos for most of our apps please click the imagebelow.LOT LABELSCreates finish pad or finish floor surface elevation spotlabels for multiple closed objects such 2D/3D polylines,feature lines, survey figures, or splines simultaneously.
CCLS Productivity Tools is a trademark of Civil CAD LearningSolutions, LLC in the USA and other countries. 2023 All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong totheir respective holders.14555 Dallas Parkway, Ste. 100Dallas, Tx on: