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CCEF Newsletter Volume 3

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Dear Community Members,I am thrilled to announce that the Crestwood Community Education Foundation hasachieved a remarkable milestone in our mission to support educational excellence inour community.Thanks to the generous contributions of our donors and the tireless efforts of ourdedicated volunteers, we have significantly enriched our local schools and students.From funding innovative educational grants to providing scholarships for deservingstudents, the Foundation has made a tangible difference in the lives of countlessindividuals, strengthening our community as a whole.I am immensely proud of what we have accomplished together, and I want to expressmy heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has contributed to our success. Whether youhave donated your time, money, or expertise, you have helped make our community abetter place to live and learn.Looking ahead, we remain committed to enhancing educational opportunities for allstudents in the Crestwood area. With your continued support, I am confident that wecan achieve even greater things.Thank you again for your unwavering support of the Crestwood Community EducationFoundation.Sincerely,Walaa HamadCCEF President NewsletterC R E S T W O O D C O M M U N I T Y E D U C A T I O N F O U N D A T I O N# 3 | J U N E 2 0 2 4W EL C O M E T O O U Rwe're so glad you're here!A message fromthe PresidentH E Y , H O W A R E Y O U ?

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On behalf of the Crestwood Community EducationFoundation, we wish all the teachers a pleasedTeacher's Appreciation Week! The community trulyappreciates and values your hard work and dedicationto education. Offering cookie trays is a beautiful way to showappreciation for the teachers and celebrate andrecognize the vital role that teachers play in shapingthe lives of their students.We hope this small token of appreciation brings joyand happiness to the teachers and reminds them howmuch their work is valued and appreciated. Onceagain, happy Teacher's Appreciation Week to all theteachers in Crestwood!Celebrating Our Precious Teachers

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T h e sc h o l ar s h i p f u n d s w e r e e s t ab l i s hed b yi n d i vi d u a ls a n d b u s i ne s s e s w a n ti n g to a s s is ts t u d en t s in o b ta i n i n g a c ol l e g e e d u cat i o n . T h es c h o la r s h ip s a re a w a rd e d at t h e ā€˜ f r ont - e n dā€™ o f t h ec o l l eg e e du c a t io n a n d p a i d d i r ec t l y to t h es t u d en t s .C o m m u n i t y S c h o l a r s h i pF u n d sScholarshipA R E YO U L OO K I N G F O R A W A Y T O SU P P O R T T H I S P R O JE C T AN DC O N TRI B U T E T O ST U D E NT ā€™ S ED U C A TI O N ? VI S I T T H E CO M M U NI T YS C H OLA R S H IP F U ND W E BP A G E A N D CO N T R I BU T E .C C E F , w i t h t h e c o n t r ib u t i on o f E l - S aye d M ea t M ar k e t an d I nf i n i tyC r e a ti v e s , a w a rd e d s ix s c ho l a r sh i p s to t h e 2 0 2 4 s e n ior s t ud e n t sC C E F S c h o la r s h ip $ 5 0 0 T o M ah d i Na s s e r ed d i n e$ 5 0 0 t o I sa b e l la J o m aaE l - S ay e d Me a t Mar k e t s c h o la r s h ip $ 5 0 0 t o R ee m K ha n a f e r$ 5 0 0 t o M ah e r Ha r pI n f i ni t y Cr e a t iv e s Sch o l a rs h i p $ 2 5 0 t o N ad i n e H a k i m$ 2 5 0 A l i Sl i m

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The CCEF 100 is a fundraiser that brings Crestwoodcommunity members together. Donate to the CCEF toenhance our local schools' staff and students!2024 (our first year!) Our goal is to reach 100 members!All members receive a CCEF Fundraiser Keychain andsome precious vouchers from local businesses!Price: $30L E A R N M O R ECCEF 100 FundraiserWe have chosen Anastasia the Musical as ourspring musical. We have wanted to do thisproduction for several years but have yet to pick itup due to its challenging/costly production needs.I believe this is a worthwhile production for ourstudents because it is a more traditional musical/,unlike the productions we have put on in manyyears. The music, vocals, and choreography aremore advanced and classical than my studentshave gotten to experience. They must experienceas many different kinds of theatre as possible inschool. Teacher: Cayla KolbuszSchool: Crestwood High School Drama ClubGrant Awarded: $1795Students Impacted: 70Anastasia The MusicalC C E F G R A N T S A W A R D E D

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C L I C K O N T H E I M A G E S T O F I N D O U T M O R E A B O U T O U R S P O N S O R SC O N T A C T U S S U B S C R I B EW W W . C C E F D H . O R GOur PartnersD O N A T E T O D A Y !Embrace our exciting sponsorshipopportunities, boost local education, andshape a brighter future for our community.Together, let's pave the way for generations tocome!Could you fill out the Sponsorship form whenyou submit your payment?Visit the CCEF website to learn more about thesponsorship packages.S P O N S O R S H I P P A C K A G E SSponsorshipYour support and contributions willenable us to meet our goals and improveconditions. Your generous donation willfund our mission.Make a Donation!