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Catapult Fundraising, Inc.

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full-servicefundraising consulting firmLaunching Donor Relationships!

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about usCatapult is a trusted full-servicefundraising consulting firm. We have helped countless non-profitslaunch donor relationships andmaximize their revenue whileminimizing their investment!

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Our FoundersDiane M. Carlson,ChairmanOver four decades of fundraisingexperienceAFP Las Vegas Chapter LifetimeAchievement Award RecipientFormer Chairman of IDC & founder of1-2-1 Philanthropic Services

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Our FoundersAnthony R. Alonso,PresidentOver thirty years of fundraisingexperienceRaised over $1 billion for his clientsover the last ten years aloneProud recipient of the AFP New JerseyChapter Award for ConsultingExcellence

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capital campaign servicesCampaign PlanningFeasibility StudyCampaign Quiet Phase Catapult helps you develop your case statement,campaign budget, campaign dollar goal,recruitment of the campaign committee, andsolicitation trainingCatapult conducts a feasibility study to evaluatecampaign dollar goal, interest in case, identifypotential campaign donors and potential campaigncommittee membersMajor gift strategy and solicitation lasting 18-24monthsPublic Phase ExecutionCampaign wrap-up calling program for mid-leveldonors, smaller gifts, and donor acquisition.Implementation of marketing and PR plan

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What our clients SayI do not know where we would be without the experienceand guidance of Catapult Fundraising. As a church leader,I understand how the ministry works pretty well, but thatdoes not mean I have any expertise on organizing acampaign for millions of dollars. The Catapult team madesure that the structure of our fundraising was in line withour culture and values and has been with us every step ofthe journey. I am so thankful for the work they have doneat MetaChurch!

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Average cost of 3-10cents on the dollar!Upgrade donors with amulti-year pledge ask!Mirrors major gift,face-to-facesolicitationGreatly increase yournumber of donorsRaise large averagegiftsFocused on donor-centered relationship-building techniquescampaign connectcalling program designed for your campaign public phase

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What our clients SayI just want to thank you for the work you have done with usat Deaf Action Center. Not only have we finallyimplemented and formalized a developmental strategicplan, but we are also becoming a donor-centricorganization with the ability to share our stories. Wecontinue to grow and refine our process daily. Thank youfor making this a reality for us.

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What our clients SayOur partnership with Catapult Fundraising came at acritical time in our organization's growth. We have learnedinvaluable development strategies which have beeninstrumental in allowing us to better serve andexponentially grow our mission. The Catapult team hasnot only educated and equipped us, but has been ourbiggest encourager along the way. We are forevergrateful.

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Conduct MajorGiving CapacityStudy &Develop SWATAnalysisEvaluate MajorGift Prospects &Assign AskAmountsProvide a Multi-YearFundraisingPlanMajor DonorResearchServices &Development ofInfluencer ListMajor GiftSolicitationTraining andConsultationReview & ReviseCurrent Case, Solicitation, andStewardshipMaterials major gift initiativescatapult's deliverables

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planned givingcapacity buildingREVIEW DEVELOP IDENTIFY SOLICITReview all current plannedgiving initiatives, casestatement, policies, andcollateral. Facilitate data analysis toidentify planned givingprospects and conductprospect research & wealthratings.Develop policy & plannedgiving materials includinggift commitment forms, case for support,stewardship & recogniitionbenefits, planned givingmarketing calendar, giftdesignation instructions,and more.Identify planned givingprospects to be assigned to staff, board, and volunteerportfolios. Conduct prospect research,run wealth screeningsthrough DonorSearch, andapply Catapult's proprietaryplanned giving affinityscore.Catapult implements atwo-tiered calling programconsisting of 500 loyaldonors. This programincludes a pre-call letter, athank you call designed togauge planned givinginterest, and a follow-upcall from a planned givingconsultant where interest isidentified. Our consultantsdiscuss gift options andobtain signed giftcommitment forms.

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legacy callProcessHighly Personalized Planned Giving Calling ProgramPre-call letter is sentfrom a Legacy Donortelling their story andwhy they made thecommitmentThank you call is madeand planned givinginterest in gaugedIf the donor has interest,a follow-up call is madeby a planned givingconsultant to exploreoptionsGift commitment formis signed and sent backto YOU!On average, $1.2-$1.5 million secured in confirmed planned gifts for every 1,000 prospects called!

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What our clients SayI appreciate the many hours of work that you and thecallers have devoted to the program. I am so impressedwith the work they did to understand the university and itsunique alumni population. We received a $250k bequest from this program, as wellas many others in the pipeline. Gwen M. Paxon, CFRE, youhave been a pleasure to work with, and played a key rolein our success with this program this year. And, AnthonyAlonso, I always knew that you were there if we neededyou. Thank you for everything!

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Case studiesfaith-based$6.8M IN GIFTCOMMITMENTSSECURED3,100 donors callededucationartsTotal confirmed gifts: $6,867,161Total potential gifts: $4,960,063Cost per dollar forconfirmed gifts: $0.03$7.5M IN GIFTCOMMITMENTSSECURED1,500 donors calledTotal confirmed gifts: $7,666,000Total potential gifts: $1,212,500Cost per dollar forconfirmed gifts: $0.01$2.8M IN GIFTCOMMITMENTSSECURED2,000 donors calledTotal confirmed gifts: $2,825,000Total potential gifts: $1,510,000Cost per dollar forconfirmed gifts: $0.04

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What our clients SayThe best part of partnering with Catapult on a Legacy Callprogram was having the opportunity to rapidly expand ourplanned giving outreach.Our return was well worth the investment! Catapult securedmore planned gifts in a few short months than our in-houseefforts brought in over the course of five years!

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Annual fundcalling programDATA ANALYSIS &PROSPECT SELECTIONPRE-CALLCORRESPONDENCETHE CALLFOLLOW-UPCatapult partners with youto analyze your data andselect the best prospects fora calling program. Werecommend a combinationof donors, lapsed donors,and non-donor acquisitionfor a comprehensiveprogram.A letter is written by one ofCatapult's writers telling thestory of someone who hasbenefited from yourservices or a donor. Theletter has a personalizedask amount tailored to eachindividual prospect andinforms them that a call willfollow.Catapult's cadre ofexperienced callers have athought provoking, two-way dialogue with yourconstituents and work witheach prospect to find acomfortable level of giving.Thank you letters / emails,cannot be reachedcorrespondence, pledgereminders, and collectionenvelopes are mailed to theprospects following thephone call.

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ContactabilityRatingsLive TextCampaignsSocial MediaStrategyDigital VoicemailDropText MessagesEmail DripCampaignsPerfect for stewardship, pledgepayment reminders, a thank youfor making a gift, or eventupdatesTargeted emails sent atpredetermined intervals based onyour prospects' response to oursolicitation or email campaignDeliver personalized messagesdirectly to prospects' voicemailboxes. A great way to announceevents share campaignmilestones and thank donors.Suggested posts & content aswell as strategy and budgetdevelopment for retargeting andPPC adsCatapult utilizes proprietarysoftware to determine the besttime of day that you will connectwith each individual prospect inthe calling pool.Our calling team can text too! Livetext message exchanges areparticularly effective with youngerconstituents and during specialgiving daysDigital marketing program complements

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benefits of a calling programUPGRADEDONORSBRING LAPSEDDONORS BACKON BOARD NON-DONORACQUISITIONOur calling methodologymimics face-to-facesolicitation techniques,which is the most effectiveway to upgrade donors!Our experienced callers aretrained to have qualityconversations with yourconstituents to learn abouttheir experience with yourorganization and bring themback on board as donors.Our pre-call letters aredesigned to informconstituents that a call willfollow. This tool legitimizesour call to non-donors andgives them time to learnfrom the letter how theirsupport will make adifference!

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What our clients SayYour partnership? We depend on the expertise and experience ofCatapult to guide us and work with us to ensure exceptionalresults.Our program? While most phone programs are struggling orshutting down, ours has grown significantly because of a provenplan of peer engagement and messaging, personable andprofessional callers, and strategic segmentation to ensure donor-centered engagement.The service, customer focus, and exceptional leadership andprogram management are what sets Catapult apart.Knowledgeable, responsive and with incredible attention to detail,the entire team at Catapult is committed to making my job aseasy as possible.

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What our clients SayI wish to share my appreciation and confidence that UBCF has in CatapultFundraising.I have been in the fundraising / non-profit world for 25 years and worked onmany multi-channel campaigns. I have been so impressed with the seamlessteamwork that Catapult provides to our organization.More importantly, I have witnessed the relationships that Catapult has built onbehalf of UBCF with our acquisition donors. Catapult's use of diversified segmentation and messaging from the pre-callemails to phone outreach to the text messaging to ringless voicemails...allthose touchpoints allow UBCF to reach the donor in a way that the donorwants to be communicated with. I am truly grateful for the cooperation and the wonderful team we have withCatapult Fundraising!

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ProspectIdentification fora SuccessfulProgramGift Phase thatIncludesFulfillment,Recognition, andReportingProspectQualificationCall &AppointmentSettingRenew Donors toUpgrade TheirGivingPersonalizedSolicitationProcess byMimicking Face-To-FaceSolicitationsPre-call LetterTelling a Donor'sStory & Outliningthe Case forSupportmid-level donor calling programreaching out to loyal donors to increase philanthropic support!

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Telephone702-508-0101I N F O R M A T I O