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CAT5 Resources 2024 Postcard

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CAT5 Resources is pleased to provide a variety of benefit options to you.A Benefit Counselor is available to assist you in making the selections that best fit your needs and answer any questions you may have. Before you enroll!Gather any information you may need, such as dependent’s names, dates of birth, ages, Social Security numbers and addresses.Benefits EnrollmentClick on the Computer icon to view a recorded employee presentation. When prompted use Passcode: sT%1!!5w. Click on the Benefits booklet to view a copy of the 2024-2025 Benefit Guide.Protect your family, income and savings by adding on the following voluntary benefits:Disability InsuranceCritical Illness InsuranceCancer InsuranceAccidentInsuranceThere are changes to some of the benefits this year! Or click this LinkSchedule your appointment to ENROLL!*You must have your enrollment completed by the 20thday of the following month.Scan the QR Code: