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Caspi Team Realty Listing Presentation

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SOLD STRATEGY OURLuis Castilloluis@caspiteam.com954-701-9215

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Thank YouGood service speaks for itself. We’re looking forward to the opportunity to earn your referrals too! Luis Castilloluis@caspiteam.com786-220-2545www.caspiteam.comThank you for choosing to put your trustin us for the process of buying and/orselling your home. Every member of ourteam is committed to ensuring that ALL ofyour real estate needs are not just met,but exceeded! We’ve created thispresentation for your convenience andwe hope that it will be a valuableresource. While the entire process isoutlined for you here, please know thatwe will be staying in constant contactwith you throughout the process. Yourexperience will be unique and I will adjustour service according to your wants andneeds. Our focus is on your completesatisfaction.

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TodaysGoals1. Get to know you better2. Answer all your questions3. Ask you important information4. Determine if I am the Broker for you

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Take the risk and fear out of listing your home!Because 25% of the homes we sell were previously listed with anotheragent we often hear stories of consumers who were frustrated withthe other agent. Often the other agent tried to hold their feet to thefire with a listing agreement that can’t be cancelled or largecancellation fees you would have to pay. I wouldn’t want to put any ofour clients through that experience.When you are ready to sell your home make sure the Broker you hireoffers an Easy Exit Listing Agreement. Whenever you are ready to talkwith us call 786-220-2545, or email us at luis@caspiteam.comNO PENTALTY NO EXTRA FEES NO HASSLEEasyExitListing Agreement

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Home Sale Timelineschedule an appointmentdiscuss best strategy forsellingformal listing presentation (Personal or virtual)executed sales agreementproperty evaluationcomplete market analysis establish sales pricepre-listingmarketing campaign startedprofessional photographytaken3D virtual tour createdsigns installedsubmitted to multiple listingservice( instant access to over50,000 agents)Showing options selectedproperty brochure delivereddirect mail campaign launchede-mail campaigns startedopen house scheduled(Including Virtual open houseand virtual showings)listed and activeoffer(s) receivedoffer(s) negotiatedoffer acceptedback-up offer(s) acceptedinspections & disclosurescompletedappraisal completedcontingencies removedproperty closesrefer friends to The CaspiTeam!under contract

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Printed material also include JustListed postcards, as well as ourmonthly newsltters that aremailed to thousands of homes inyour neighborhood. Thisencourages your neighbors to tellfriends and family about yourhome.We actively contact otheragents and current buyingclients to tell them aboutyour home.1.PrintedMaterial12.Makingthe calls2OURLISTINGSTRATEGY

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3.FACEBOOKWe are experts in Facebook ads. We understandthe strategies it takes to market to targeteddemographics, how to hook them, and how toconvert them. We get thousands of image viewsand video plays weekly.OURLISTINGSTRATEGY3

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Open houses are our specialty! We love getting in front of buyers and guiding them through your home!4.Open HousesPosted on all major websites including Zillow,Trulia, and the local MLSSeveral signs strategiclly placed around yourneighborhoodPostcards/letters mailed to areaPosted on our social media accountsSocial Media AdsNewsletter BlastHere are just some of the ways we might market theopen houses we will hold:OURLISTINGSTRATEGY4

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OURLISTINGSTRATEGY1 in 7We convert 1 in 7 people each openhouse we hold!

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55.Hiring the right peopleA Transaction Coordinator functions as a liaison between real estateagents, their clients, escrow companies, and mortgage brokers duringthe process of a real estate sale. We use a transaction coordinator to make sure your transaction (buyingor selling) is as smooth as possible and nothing is over looked. When weare out at your home inspection or on the phone negotiating a betterdeal for you, you can trust we have someone on the back-end makingsure all T's are crossed and I's are dotted.Your home will appear on over 1200 websites, including the MLS, Zillow, Trulia,, and many many more!6.Web-Sites6OURLISTINGSTRATEGY

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OURLISTINGSTRATEGYOver 95% of home buyers start their search online, so professionalphotography is imperative to selling a home! We hire a professionalto come take the best pictures and they are all completely edited tomake sure your home is shown perfectly!Pro PhoneVS.Did you know homes with professionalphotography...Receive an average of 87% more views than their peers across all price tiers.Have a 47% higher asking price per square foot.Homes withmore photossell faster, too. A home with one photo spends an average 70days on the market, but a home with 20 photos spends 32 days on the market.7.7

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OURLISTINGSTRATEGY8.Using all of our toolsWe take great pride in using all the tools available to us. We want tomake sure that not only is your home marketed well, but that we areusing the data from those efforts to keep your home at the top of mind.Here is how...We get notifications when any agent is asked for information onyour property. The average Realtor response time is over 24hours. That is unacceptable to us, so we follow up immediately. 8

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Next StepsDeclutter:It is important to declutter your house so it appears to have lots of storage space.Potential buyers want to feel like they can easily fit all their belongings and bewell-organized. All built-in cabinets and closets are fair game for potentialbuyers to inspect. These areas must be clean, neat, and orderly.  There areseveral key areas in your house where you will want to focus your time.1. Kitchen2. Bathrooms3. Clothes Closets4. Kid’s StuffRemember... First Impressions Last a LifetimeSpacious: Rooms should appear spacious. Store any unnecessary pieces offurniture to allow for easy movement around the room and throughout thehouse.Curb Appeal:New Plants: Remove all dead plants and replace with new ‘live’ plants. Addannual flowers with pops of color.Fertilize: Fertilize your lawn, shrubs, and trees. You want everything to lookgreen and healthy. You might even want to ‘super bloom’ flowers to keep themblooming while your house is on the market.Mulch: Mulch all plant beds and around trees. Mulch not only cleans up thelandscape but also stops weeds from returning. Potential buyers see a mulchedyard as a well-maintained yard.OURLISTINGSTRATEGY

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OUR TESTIMONIALSI consider myself very lucky to haveconnected with the Caspi team when Idid. There are so many real estateprofessionals in Miami but few Ibelieve would go above and beyondthe way they did for me in anotherwise very confusing and difficulttime. They were not only professional,but kind, compassionate, patient anddiligent to help me in every waypossible. They even helped me in waysoutside of their responsibilitiesbecause they saw i needed a hand andwas going through a lot. I am forevergrateful to them and God for placingthem in my life when I needed them.Thank you Emma and Luis from thebottom of my heart. We found the Caspi Teamonline. They helped us rentour property in two weeksto a good tenant. After ayear they helped us sell thesame prooperty at marketvalue. They wereresponsive, professional,and trustworthy. Theirprofessionalism is excellentand in my opinion is rare inSouth Florida. CASPI TEAM is The best realtorin broward !! Fast andknowledgeable, greatcommunication for documentsand paper work quick response Thanks a lot I highlyrecommend , is my advisor formany yearsThey did an outstanding job forme. Not only did they helpnegotiate a great price for meon the home we purchased.They also assisted me with somerecommendations on financingthat helped me save money.We LOVE our realtor!! Myhusband and I have dealt withthe company through sales andpurchases. They are friendly,efficient, knowledgeable,helpful, available, andthoughtful. I recommend LuisCastillo to anyone who asks. Hehas a client for life.

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OUR TESTIMONIALSEmma and Luis are an absolutepleasure to work with. Theycommunicate with youconstantly and never leave inthe dark, whatever question(s)you have they find the answerand care about what you feeland think. They don’t push younor are they trying to sell youon they think you need or want,they genuinely care about youand your needs which makes fora great experience. They have atremendous amount ofknowledge and know what’sgoing on and have a fantasticteam to work with. I have usedthem in the past, used themnow for the sale and purchase,will use them In the future andhighly recommend working withthem. They answer your callanytime not just when it’sconvenient.The Caspi Team is thebest in South Florida.They are very responsive,are always available, andknow the market. It isreassuring having anagent that you can trustand that is looking out foryour best interests. Theyhave helped mesuccessfully with 4 dealsand I highly recommendthem!!!Emma is the hardest workingrealtor we have ever met. Thanksto her we were able to sell ourhome and close on a new one onthe same day. She did such anamazing job handling both, and wewere extremely impressed. This isnot the first time we have workedwith Emma, Luis and their teamand we will continue to use them ifneeded in the future as well asrefer them to our friends.

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