2 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogTABLE OF CONTENTSStatements Disclosure Statement ........................................................................................................ page 4 HLC Statement ................................................................................................................... page 4 MOHE Statement ............................................................................................................... page 4 Non-Discrimination Statement ........................................................................................ page 4 Student Account Charges and Payment Options Statement ....................................... page 4 University Mission, Vision, and Convictions Statement ................................................. page 5 Phone Lines ........................................................................................................................ page 6Leadership BoardofTrusteesandInstitutionalOfcers ................................................................... page 7Admission Requirements EnglishProciencyRequirements ................................................................................... page 7 Priority Application Deadlines ......................................................................................... page 9 Non-DegreeSeekingApplicationRequirements ........................................................ page 10Financial Information Fee Schedule.................................................................................................................... page 11 Financial Support ............................................................................................................. page 11 RefundSchedule ............................................................................................................. page 12 Tuition Payments .............................................................................................................. page 12 Graduate Program Information & Policies Academic Calendar ......................................................................................................... page 13 Academic Probation ........................................................................................................ page 13 Academic Standing / Time Limit.................................................................................... page 13 Active Status ..................................................................................................................... page 13 Auditing Courses ............................................................................................................. page 13 Class Schedules and Cancellations ............................................................................... page 13 Code of Conduct for Graduate Students ..................................................................... page 14 Course Load ..................................................................................................................... page 14 CreditHourDenition..................................................................................................... page 14 Date of Degree ................................................................................................................ page 15 Directory Disclosure ........................................................................................................ page 15 Discipline Policy ............................................................................................................... page 15 Drop/Withdrawal from Classes ...................................................................................... page 15 FalsifyingOfcialInformation ........................................................................................ page 15 FERPA ................................................................................................................................ page 16 Grading and Academic Status ....................................................................................... page 16 Graduation ....................................................................................................................... page 17 Health Insurance Policy ................................................................................................... page 17 Incomplete Grades .......................................................................................................... page 17
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 3 InstitutionalReviewBoard(IRB)fortheProtectionofHumanResearchSubjects ... page 18 Leave of Absence/Deferment ........................................................................................ page 18 ReinstatementfromLeaveofAbsence,Deferment,orProbation ............................. page 18 ResponsibilityforPersonalSafety .................................................................................. page 18 Sexual Violence Policy ..................................................................................................... page 18 Sexual Harassment Awareness Training ....................................................................... page 19 Sexual Harassment Policy ............................................................................................... page 19 Transcripts ........................................................................................................................ page 19 TransferCredits(priortoadmission/whileenrolled) .................................................. page 19Campus Resources for Graduate Students Athletic Facilities .............................................................................................................. page 20 Bookstore ......................................................................................................................... page 20 Campus Ministry .............................................................................................................. page 20 Career Development Center.......................................................................................... page 20 Center for Well Being ...................................................................................................... page 20 Center for Writing ............................................................................................................ page 21 Chapels ............................................................................................................................. page 21 ComputingResources .................................................................................................... page 21 E-mail Accounts ............................................................................................................... page 21 EnhancementProgram-DisabilityResources ............................................................. page 22 IdenticationCards ......................................................................................................... page 22 Libraries ............................................................................................................................ page 22 Murphy Online ................................................................................................................. page 23 Newsroom ........................................................................................................................ page 23 Parking Permits and Transportation ............................................................................... page 23 Academic Integrity and Procedures Academic Integrity and Dishonesty .............................................................................. page 23 Grievance Policy .............................................................................................................. page 24 Grievance Committee ..................................................................................................... page 24Graduate Programs Art History ......................................................................................................................... page 26 Catholic Studies ............................................................................................................... page 36 Diversity Leadership ........................................................................................................ page 46 English .............................................................................................................................. page 51 Music Education .............................................................................................................. page 56 Spanish ............................................................................................................................. page 76Course Catalogs Art History ......................................................................................................................... page 81 Catholic Studies ............................................................................................................... page 83 Diversity Leadership ........................................................................................................ page 91 English .............................................................................................................................. page 96 Music Education 104 Spanish 115
4 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogSTATEMENTS Disclosure Statement: This handbook outlines requirements and policies for students in graduate programs intheCollegeofArtsandSciencesattheUniversityofSt.Thomas.Studentsaresubjecttothepolicies in effect at the time of their admission to the program. Students are expected to retain this handbook for reference, and to contact the Graduate Director of their program with any questions.TheGraduateStudentPoliciespageisageneralguidetothepolicies,proceduresand rules at the University of St. Thomas. Students should read the policies page carefully and are responsible for its contents. It can be accessed on the web at Any policies not mentioned in this handbook are governed by general University of St. Thomas Graduate Policies: The contents of this handbook may be updated at any time. Please read the requirements and guidelines for your specic program for any additional information that may be pertinent to your area.HLC StatementThe University of St. Thomas is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (;312-263-0456),aninstitutionalaccreditingagencyrecognizedbytheU.S.Department of Education.”MOHE StatementThe University of St. Thomas is registered with the Minnesota Ofce of Higher Educationpursuanttosections136A.61to136A.71.Registrationisnotanendorsementoftheinstitution.Credits earned at the institution may not transfer to all other institutions. Contact information fortheMinnesotaOfceofHigherEducationis:1450 Energy Park Drive, Suite 350 St. Paul, MN 55108-5227 Phone:(651)642-0567TollFree:(800)657-3866Fax:(651)642-0675 Non-Discrimination StatementThe University of St. Thomas does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, ancestry, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, or status with regard to public assistance in the employment of faculty or staff, the admission or treatment of students, or in the operation of its educational programs and activities. Student Account Charges and Payment Options StatementTuition, fees, and other charges for the academic term are billed at the outset of each term. Students are responsible for timely paying all amounts due to St. Thomas. Charges are made to each student’s account established at the time of registration, in accordance with the Student Payment Agreement and Disclosure Statement. Students may pay their charges in a single
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 5lumpsumbytherstduedateafterthechargesarebilled,ortheymaypaytheirchargesovera longer time period, in accordance with one of two Payment Plan options: • The Extended Payment Plan is available to all students and allows students to pay charges for the fall, spring, and summer academic terms in installments. All charges must be fully paid before the end of the applicable term. Until the charges are fully paid,studentswillnotbepermittedtoenrollinasubsequentacademicterm.• TheEndofTermPaymentPlanisavailabletostudentswhodonotreceivenancialaid from any source other than their employer, and who are eligible for an employer tuition reimbursement of at least 50% of the tuition balance based on receipt of a satisfactory grade report for the corresponding term. Under this plan, no tuition paymentisrequireduntilaftertheendoftheterm,whengradereportshavebeenissued. If the charges are not timely paid, students will not be permitted to enroll in a subsequentacademicterm.Underthepaymentplans,monthlynancechargeswillbeassessedontheunpaidbalanceinthestudentaccount.ContacttheBusinessOfce(651.962.6600)foradditionalinformationabout payment options.University Mission, Vision, and Convictions StatementTwin Cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis. The largest private university in Minnesota, St. Thomas offersbachelor’sdegreesinover85majoreldsofstudyandmorethan45graduatedegreeprogramsincludingmaster’s,educationspecialist,jurisdoctoranddoctorates.Mission Inspired by Catholic intellectual tradition, the University of St. Thomas educates students to be morally responsible leaders who think critically, act wisely and work skillfully to advance the common good.VisionWeseektobearecognizedleaderinCatholichighereducationthatexcelsineffectiveteaching,active learning, scholarly research and responsible engagement with the local community as well as with the national and global communities in which we live.ConvictionsAs a community we are committed to:Pursuit of truth Wevalueintellectualinquiryasalife-longhabit,theunfetteredandimpartialpursuitof truth in all its forms, the integration of knowledge across disciplines, and the imaginative and creative exploration of new ideas.Academic excellenceWecreateacultureamongfaculty,studentsandstaffthatrecognizesthepowerofideas and rewards rigorous thinking.
6 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogFaith and reasonWe actively engage Catholic intellectual tradition, which values the fundamental compatibility of faith and reason and fosters meaningful dialogue directed toward theourishingofhumanculture.DignityWerespectthedignityofeachpersonandvaluetheuniquecontributionsthateachbrings to the greater mosaic of the university community.DiversityWe strive to create a vibrant diverse community in which, together, we work for a more justandinclusivesociety.Personal attentionWe foster a caring culture that supports the well-being of each member.GratitudeWe celebrate the achievements of all members of our community in goals attained and obstacles overcome, and in all things give praise to God.The University of St. Thomas is a comprehensive, co-educational, Catholic university. It seeks to develop morally responsible individuals who combine career competency with cultural awareness and intellectual curiosity. In its undergraduate program, the university is committed to the development of the student through a liberal arts education within the living Catholic tradition and through a high degree of personal attention in a spiritually and intellectually stimulatingcampusenvironment.Graduateprogramsemphasizetheintegrationoftheorywithpractice,enhancetheprofessionalcompetenceandethicaljudgmentoftheirstudents,andfoster personal growth and an appreciation of lifelong learning. In all of its academic programs and other educational enterprises, the university is committed to meeting the diverse, changing needs of the community. Throughout, the university fosters in the student a tradition of service, to the public welfare and an energetic, thoughtful approach to the challenges of contemporary life.PHONE LINES General Information .................................................................................................... 651.962.5000General Information Toll Free ..................................................................................... 800.328.6819PublicSafetyandSecurity(Parking) .......................................................................... 651.962.5100Registrar’sOfce .......................................................................................................... 651.962.6700Student Financial Services .......................................................................................... 651.962.6550BusinessOfce ............................................................................................................. 651.962.6600
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 7LEADERSHIPBoard of Trustees and Institutional OfcersOur board has ultimate responsibility for the advancement of our mission. It approves our mission, convictions, strategic priorities, key policies, budgets and major initiatives, and itexercisesongoingduciaryoversighttoassurealignmentbetweenourmissionandoperations,to keep St. Thomas moving in the right direction: See also: see the individual programs for an outline of admissions requirements particular toeach program.English Prociency Requirements EnglishProciencyRequirementsSt.ThomaspolicyrequiresinternationalstudentstoproveaminimumlevelofEnglishprociencyfor university-level studies.DemonstrationofEnglishlanguageprociencymustbecompletedbeforequalifyingforanI-20/DS-2019 or being allowed to register for classes. Therefore, applicants are encouraged to documentEnglishlanguageprociencyearlyintheadmissionsprocess.ApplicantsmaydemonstrateproofofEnglishLanguageProciency(ELP)inoneofthreeways:1. Byearninganappropriatescoreononeofthefollowingapprovedexams.(ScorescanbenomorethantwoyearsoldandmustbesentdirectlyfromthetestingsitetoSt.Thomas.)*• TOEFL iBT,withoverallscoreof80(schoolcode:6110)• C1 Advanced, with a minimum of 180• Duolingo English Test, with overall score of 105• iTEP, with a minimum score of 3.5• IELTS(Academic), with overall score of 6.5• PTE Academic, with overall score of 53 or higher• ELS, level 112. (Only available in the following programs: Education, Engineering,Theology,Software,Law,SocialWork)• MET,withscoreof53.Thescorereportmustbeaccompaniedbyanofcialletterfromthe testing coordinator• GMAT, with a verbal score of at least 22• GRE, with a verbal reasoning score of at least 146
8 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog2. Orbydocumentingcompletionofacollegedegree,orbydocumentingcitizenship,legalpermanent residence, or employment for at least 3 years, in one of the following countries:• Anguilla• Antigua• Australia• Bahamas• Barbados• Belize• Bermuda• British Virgin Islands• British Guyana• Burundi• Cameroon• Canada(exceptQuebec)• Cayman Islands• Dominica• Egypt• Ethiopia• The Gambia • Ghana• Greenland• Grenada• Guam• Guyana• Iceland• India• Ireland• Jamaica• Kenya• Federated States of Micronesia• Liberia• Macedonia• Malawi• Micronesia• Montserrat• Namibia• Nepal • Netherlands• New Zealand• Nigeria• Norway• Papua New Guinea• Philippines• Sierra Leone• Singapore
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 9• Solomon Islands• South Africa• South Sudan• St. Helena• St. Kitts & Nevis• St. Lucia• St. Vincent• Tanzania• Trinidad & Tobago• Turks & Caicos Islands• Uganda• United Kingdom: England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland• United States of America• U.S. Virgin Islands• Zambia• Zimbabwe3. Or by documenting completion of a college degree, whether undergraduate or graduate, in a country not listed above, by:• Demonstrating the instruction of their undergraduate or other graduate courseworkwasinEnglish(asdocumentedbysubmissionoftranscripts);or• Demonstrating the instruction of their undergraduate or graduate coursework was in English through a course-by-course degree evaluation; or• Demonstrating the instruction of their undergraduate or other graduate coursework was in English by having the school send a letter to St. Thomas conrmingthelanguageofinstructionwasinEnglish.ApplicantswhoaremeetingtheELPrequirementinthethirdway,above,shouldworkwithaspecicschool/collegetowhichtheyareapplying.Paperworkmustbeapprovedbythedeanof the school/college to which the students are applying. This paperwork should be retained in thestudent’sle,theDean’sofceoftheschool/collegetowhichthestudentisapplying,theOfceofAcademicAffairs,andtheOfceofInternationalAdmissions.*Pleasenotethatsomeprogramshavespecicscorerequirementsthatdifferfromtheabovelist, including the Opus College of Business and the School of Law. Please visit your individual program’s website and connect with the corresponding program’s admissions team to understandtherequirements.
10 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogPriority Application Deadlines for Degree and Certicate Seeking ProgramsAll graduate programs review completed applications on a rolling basis. If an application is submitted and completed after the priority deadline, an admissions decision will be provided within a two to three week window. If these dates fall on the weekend, the deadline is the Monday after the posted date. Priority deadlines for most programs are:Summer/Fall Start Priority Admission and Scholarship Application Deadline: March 1 Announcement of Awards: April 1Spring Start Priority Admission and Scholarship Application Deadline: November 1 Announcement of Awards: December 1Master of Arts in Diversity Leadership Absolute Deadlines for Admission and ScholarshipJanuary12(forupcomingspringA)March 4 (for upcoming spring B)May3(forupcomingsummerA)June 24 (for upcoming summer B)August22(forupcomingfallA)October 12 (for upcoming fall B)Graduate Program in Music Education: April1(forupcomingsummer) July1(forupcomingfall) December1(forupcomingspring)Registration Deadlines (for non-degree seeking or auditor admission)January15(forspringsemester)May1(forsummer)August15(forfallsemester)Non-Degree-Seeking Application RequirementsA limited number of places in graduate courses will be available on a space-available basis for students not seeking degrees. The following admission criteria must be met:• Completed application form• Anofcialundergraduatetranscriptfromacollegeoruniversity• A personal statement• One letter of recommendation —OR—• Awritingsampleshowingresearchandwritingexpertise(samplewillnotbereturned).For the art history program, this sample should be analytical and original rather than descriptive in nature, and should include reference notes and a bibliography. Illustrations are also helpful.
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 11Note: Students who take courses at non-degree status and wish to change to degree-seeking statusmustgothroughtheregularadmissionprocess.Non-degreestudentswhosubsequentlybecomedegreestudentsmaytransferoveruptofourcoursestakenatnon-degreestatus(twocoursesforthegraduateprogramsinArtHistoryandEnglish),providedtheyweretakenwithin5 years of their degree-seeking application or as approved by the Director of Graduate Studies.FINANCIALINFORMATIONFee ScheduleThe College of Arts and Sciences at the University of St. Thomas offers a variety of graduate degrees. All of our programs are anchored in collaborative study and fueled by the uplifting power of the liberal arts. Students will gain invaluable critical thinking and research skills that prepare you for success in both your career and personal life: Financial SupportDean’s ScholarshipsThe College of Arts & Sciences offers funds for Dean’s Scholarships for students applying to ourgraduateprograms.Thesescholarshipsprovidenancialassistancetostudentsenrollingin graduate programs in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of St. Thomas in St.Paul,Minnesota.Theyareintendedtorecognizescholasticachievementespeciallybutnotnecessarily exclusively within communities that historically have been underrepresented in highereducationintheUnitedStates.Awardswilltypicallybegrantedonapercoursebasis(3creditcourse)andwillapplyforuptothreeyearswhilethestudentremainsingoodstandingand maintains at least a 3.5 GPA. LuannDummerCenterforWomenResearchAwardThe Luann Dummer Center for Women offers an annual award of $4,000 to a St. Thomas graduate student conducting research on a topic related to women. Full-time and part-time students in all graduate programs are invited to apply. The research may be conducted as partofacourse orqualifyingpaperand mayconsistof acreditornon-creditindependentstudy. The research must take place during the grant period, and the researcher must agree to present the results in a forum sponsored by the women’s center at the end of the grant period. For additional information, contact the director of the Luann Dummer Center for Women at (651) university participates in both the federally insured Student Loan Program and the National DirectStudent Loan Program. Students must ll out a FreeApplication for Federal StudentAid(FAFSA)tobeeligible.ContacttheStudentFinancialServicesOfceat(651)962-6550,or for further information. Financial aid arrangementsareprivatetransactionsbetweentheFinancialServicesofceandthestudent.Itis the student’s responsibility to comply with the application deadlines, to understand the terms
12 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalogoftheloans,andtobeawareofcourseloadsrequiredtomaintaindeferralstatus.ContacttheOfceofGraduateStudentFinancialServicesat(651),sostudentsenrolledonlyintheCerticateprogramsarenot eligible. They can, however, apply for educational loans from private lenders. The Graduate Financial Aid department has more information about private lenders at for VeteransStudents who are veterans may be eligible for a full tuition scholarship through the MN GI Bill andtheChapter33/YellowRibbonProgram.Refund Schedule/WithdrawalsStudents who wish to drop a course or withdraw from the program must initiate this process directlywiththeDirectorofGraduateStudies.Refundstostudentswhoo2.0fciallywithdrawfromclassarecalculatedfromthedateofrecordonthewrittenwithdrawalrequest,notfromthedatethatthestudentceasestoattendclass.Thepercentageofrefundisbased upon the date of withdrawal from the class. Tuition refund schedules are posted online: Tuition PaymentsGraduate tuition is charged for all courses that apply to the programs outlined in this handbook. Tuition rates are determined by the administration each fall and remain in effect for one year. Tuition rates are included on each semester’s registration form. A tuition statement and conrmationaregeneratedbytheuniversity’sBusinessOfce;allpaymentsfortheMasterofArtstuitionarecollectedthere.BeginningwithFall2009,allbillingfromtheBusinessOfceisdoneviae-billing.AllstudentsmusthaveacompletedPaymentAgreementformonleintheBusinessOfce.Thisplanwillbeusedforsuccessiveterms;itisthestudent’sresponsibilitytonotifytheBusinessOfceofanychanges.TheBusinessOfcecanputaholdonregistrationfor upcoming terms if a student’s account is not in good standing. Program directors will notify students if their registration is being held. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the BusinessOfceandthentonotifytheGraduateDirectoroftheirprogramwhenthesituationhasbeenresolved.VisittheBusinessOfcewebsite(,etc.Studentsshouldplanforothergraduateschoolcostssuchasuniversityfees(techfeesandhealthfee),purchasing books and on-campus parking permits. ]
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 13GRADUATEPROGRAMINFORMATION&POLICIES Academic CalendarGraduate programs follow the University of St. Thomas undergraduate calendar which can be found here: Six and seven-week program calendars are also posted. Programs reserve the right to follow different schedules. Please confer with the programfortheofcialcalendar.Academic ProbationIf a graduate student’s cumulative GPA falls below a 3.0 in any given semester, the student is placed on probation for the following two semesters and registration is limited to two or fewer coursespersemesterduringthatprobationaryperiod.Subsequently,thestudent’scumulativeGPA must improve. If this does not occur, the student will be suspended from the program and may not register for a one-year time period. Academic Standing / Time LimitAllrequirementsforthedegreemustbecompletedwithin7yearsofinitialadmissiontotheprogram (as a degree-seeking student) for both full- and part-time students.Students whodonotfullltherequirementswithin7yearsmustapplyforanextensiontotheprogramtothe Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences in charge of graduate programs, and submitawrittendegreeplanwithspecicdatesbywhichtheywillcompletetheirremainingcourserequirements.Thedegreeplan,ifapprovedbytheDirectorofGraduateStudiesandAssociate Dean, will allow the student to resume work on a probationary basis. Students who do not demonstrate satisfactory progress on their degree plan will be dropped from the program. Active StatusOnce accepted, students must enroll in a course within one year. Students who are inactive for threesuccessiveterms(notincludingsummer)willbedroppedfromtheprogram.Thosewholater desire reinstatement should be in conversation with the Graduate Director of their program who,inconsultationwiththeDean’sOfce,maymakeadeterminationaboutreinstatement,which may be done by reactivating their previous record in Banner. The Active Status policies pertain to both degree and non-degree students. Auditing does not count as active status. Auditing CoursesWith the instructor’s permission and available space, a student may choose to audit a course rather than take it for credit. Admission criteria are the same as those of a non-degree applicant. A student may register for a course as an auditor. Auditor status does not confer credit toward the degree, and it may not be changed to “for credit” status after the last day to add the class. Auditorsarechargedtheequivalentofonecoursecredit.Class Schedules and CancellationsThe university reserves the right to make changes in published class schedules as necessary, andtocancelanyclassthathasinsufcientenrollment.
14 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogCode of Conduct for Graduate StudentsThe University of St. Thomas is a private, Catholic, liberal arts community. As such, it expects all members of its community, regardless of age, to act reasonably, maturely, and appropriately atalltimesbothonandoffcampus.Studentsaresubjecttodisciplinarysanctionsforconductthat occurs on and off campus when that conduct is detrimental or disruptive to the purposes or goals of the university. Actions that constitute misconduct include:• Actions that violate the human rights of any student or member of the university community;• Conduct, on or off campus, that is detrimental to the good of the university or which discredits the university;• Misrepresentation or academic dishonesty;• Unauthorizedtakingorpossessionofuniversitypropertyorservicesorthepropertyor services of others;• Intentional damage to or destruction of university property or the property of others on university premises;• Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages that results in irresponsible behavior;• Possession,use,ortrafckingofillegaldrugs;• Possession or use of explosives, reworks, rearms, knives, or other dangerousweapons or materials on university property;• Gambling on university premises;• Failure to comply with the directives of the university ofcialsand their authorizedagents acting in the performance of their duties;• Violations of federal, state, and city laws or ordinances;• Sanctions for violations of rules of conduct include expulsion, suspension, residence halleviction,conductprobation,writtenwarning,nes,orreimbursementfordamages.All students at the University of St. Thomas are entitled to a supportive learning atmosphere. Students who disrupt the class will be asked to modify their behavior, and may be asked to leave the course. Other allegations of misconduct may arise. The graduate programs in CAS reservetherighttoescalateallegationsofmisconducttotheDeanofStudentsOfce.Insuchcases, the Director of Graduate Studies and the Assistant Dean of Students will collaborate in handling allegations of misconduct following the Student Code of Conduct. Course LoadStudents may take from one to three courses per semester. Two courses per semester is the minimumtobeconsideredafull-timestudent(onecourseinthesummer).Theregularcourseload in the Graduate Program in Music Education is three credits in the fall, three credits in thespring,andtencreditsinthesummer.ExceptionsrequiretheapprovaloftheGraduateDirector. Credit Hour Denition Acredithourisanamountofworkrepresentedinintendedlearningoutcomesandveriedbyevidenceofstudentachievementthatreasonablyapproximates:(1)onehour(50minutes)ofclassroom for faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 15weekforapproximatelyfteenweeksforonesemesterofcredit,ortheequivalentamountofworkoveradifferentamountoftime;or(2)atleastanequivalentamountofworkasrequiredinparagraph(1)ofthisdenitionforotheractivitiesasestablishedbytheinstitution,includinglaboratory work, internships, practica, and other academic work leading toward the award of credit hours.Date of DegreeStudentswho completeall academic requirementsbetweenJanuary1 and May31 receivediplomasdatedMay.StudentswhocompleteallacademicrequirementsbetweenSeptember1and December 31 receive diplomas dated December. Diplomas are mailed to the student after nalclearance(qualifyingpaperrevisions,formalpresentation,andotheroutstandingitems)has been approved by the Director of Graduate Studies and processing has been completed intheRegistrar’sOfce.Directory DisclosureDirectory information may be released without the written consent from the student, unless the studentspeciestothecontraryasdescribedbelow.Categoriesincludeyourname,address,telephone number, class, current schedule of classes, dates of attendance, degree and awards and other schools attended. To withhold certain categories of directory information from the public,thestudentnormallymustleaformavailableintheOfceoftheUniversityRegistrarwithinoneweekfromthebeginningofthefallsemester(orthesemesterinwhichthestudententers).Theorderforwithholdingwillremainineffectuntilthestudentrescindsitinwriting.The form for withholding directory information will inform the student of some possible consequences.Forexample,ifthestudent’snameiswithheld,he/she/theycannotparticipatein intercollegiate athletics where team rosters are published, or commencement ceremonies. Graduatestudentswilllloutthisformintheirrespectivegraduateofces.Discipline PolicyThe Committee on Discipline shall be the board of appeal for all decisions regarding academic misconduct which are reached at an administrative level by the dean of the College (ordesignee)andforalldecisionsregardingviolationsoftheRulesofConductwhicharereachedat an administrative level by the dean of student life (or designee). (Further explanationsand procedures regarding the Committee on Discipline are located in the Undergraduate Handbook.)Drop/Withdrawal from CoursesStudents who wish to drop a course or withdraw from the program must initiate this process directly with the Director of Graduate Studies or Program Manager with a written requestforadroporwithdrawal.Emailisacceptable,and therequestshouldincludethestudent’sname,USTidenticationnumber,coursenumber,andtheactiontobetaken.Thisprocesswillbehandledbasedonthedateofnoticationtothegraduateofce.Refundswillfollowthepublished semester’s refund.Falsifying Ofcial InformationWhenagraduatestudentisfoundtohavesubmittedfalsiedacademicorotherinformationforhisorheradmissiontotheprogram,theadministrativeofcialresponsiblewillprepareareport
16 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalogand meet with the dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and the accused student to determine whether the violation merits suspension from the university. The accused student may appeal such a decision to the student advisory committee, which shall either uphold the decision of the administrators, or overrule them, providing the administrators with a written statement of reasons. If overruled, the administrators may appeal to the president, who will meet with the administrators and two representatives of the student committee. The decision ofthepresidentisinallcasesnal.FERPANoticationofRightsasRequiredbytheFamilyEducationRightsandPrivacyActof1974,asAmended (Revision of 8/01/02,by the UniversityRegistrar). TheUniversity of St.ThomasisrequiredtoannuallyprovidethisnoticebyanymeansthatarereasonablylikelytoinformthosewhohaverightsundertheAct.TheFamilyEducationalRightsandPrivacyAct(FERPA)affordsstudents certain rights with respect to their education records. These rights include:1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of thedaytheUniversityreceivesarequestforaccess.Studentsshouldsubmittotheuniversity registrarwritten requeststhatidentify the record(s)they wishto inspect.The registrar will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by theregistrar,theregistrarwilladvisethestudentofthecorrectofcialtowhomtherequestshouldbeaddressed.2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that thestudent believes are inaccurate or misleading. Students may ask the University to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write the university registrar, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the University decides not to amend therecordasrequestedbythestudent,theUniversitywillnotifythestudentofthedecisionandadvisethestudentofhisorherrighttoahearingregardingtherequestfor amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be providedtothestudentwhennotiedoftherighttoahearing.3. Therighttoconsenttodisclosuresofpersonallyidentiableinformationcontainedinthestudent’seducationrecords,excepttotheextentthatFERPAauthorizesdisclosurewithout consent. 4. TherighttoleacomplaintwiththeU.S.DepartmentofEducationconcerningallegedfailuresbytheUniversityofSt.ThomastocomplywiththerequirementsofFERPA.ThecompleteFERPApolicyisavailableat and Academic StatusGrades are symbols that indicate the degree of mastery of course objectives and do notnecessarilyreectthedegreeofeffortexpended.ThegradeofAisgivenforworkofexceptionalquality.ThegradeofBisgivenforsatisfactorywork.Graduatestudentsareexpectedtoattainagrade of B- or better in all graduate program coursework, and a B- is the lowest passing grade. A grade of C+ does not earn credit towards the degree. If in the course of study a student accumulates two or more grades of C+ or below, the student will be placed on probation, or maybesubjecttopossibledismissalfromtheprogram.Theyhaveonesemestertobringtheir
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 17GPA back to the minimal level of 3.0. Students who fail to achieve this level, or who are put onprobationasecondtime,willberequiredtowithdrawfromtheprogram.Gradesmaybeassignedwith+or–.(Note:ThereisnoA+grade).Graduatedegreecourses(withtheexceptionofanInternship)maynotbetakenpass/fail.Allgradesarerecordedonanofcialtranscript.Gradepointaveragesarecalculated(onafour-pointscale)forallcoursesreceivingalettergrade.StudentsareexpectedtomaintainacumulativeGPAof3.0orbetterintheirrequiredcourses to remain in good standing in the program and to receive their degrees. A class in which a gradelower than “B-” is earned must be retaken(if a core course) or replaced byanothercourse(ifanelective).GradereportswillbeavailabletothestudentviaMurphyonlinefollowing each term. Murphy can be accessed off the UST website along with your student ID andPIN( are conferred at commencement once per year in May. Students completing their coursework in December are eligible to ‘walk’ in the May commencement ceremony. Students mustleanApplicationforGraduationformbytheappropriatedeadline(seeAppendixA)andmusthavecompleteddegreerequirementsinordertoparticipateinthecommencementceremony. Students who do not apply for graduation by the deadline will receive diplomas at the next available commencement date. It is the responsibility of the student to complete the Application for Graduation form according to the following deadlines:• For December completion: apply by September 15• For May completion: apply by February 15It is imperative that students notify the Graduate Director immediately if plans for commencement change. All students are encouraged to attend the commencement ceremony; however it is notrequired.Fivecommencementannouncements,alongwithcaps,gowns,andhoods,areprovided by the university at no additional charge. Students have the option of purchasing their hoods through the university bookstore. Health Insurance PolicyThe University of St. Thomas does not offer a student health insurance plan. Full-time, degree-seekingstudentsarenolongerrequiredtocompleteHealthInsuranceVericationinMurphyOnlineeachfall.AsaresultoftheAffordableCareAct,allstudentsarerequiredtohavehealthinsurance coverage. Most St. Thomas students can obtain coverage through age 26 under health care policies purchased by their parents. Students who do not have health insurance may purchase policies through a Health Insurance Exchange/Marketplace. The Affordable CareActprovidestaxcreditsandsubsidiesforqualiedindividualstohelppayforinsurancepurchased in the Marketplace. In some states, the Marketplace is run by the state. In others it is run by the federal government. MNsure is the Marketplace where Minnesotans can shop, compare and choose health insurance coverage that meets their needs.Incomplete GradesStudents who are unable to complete work in a course due to illness or other unavoidable emergenciesmay, atthe instructor’s discretion,beassigned a grade of “I” (Incomplete).Toreceiveagradeof“I,”thecompletedportionofthestudent’sworkmustbeof“B”qualityor
18 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalogbetter.AstudentseekinganIncompletemustrstobtainpermissionfromtheinstructorandthen establish a timeline and a process for completing the coursework. An Incomplete form mustbecompletedandledinwiththeGraduateDirectorwhowillsubmitittotheregistrar.The deadline for completion of work for a course in which a mark of “I” has been assigned is the lastdayofthefollowingsemester(FallorSpring),oranearlierdatespeciedbytheinstructor.After that time, the “I” will lapse into an “F.” No grade of Incomplete will be granted for a course if one is already pending, and no more than two are allowed throughout the student’s program. Students may not register for the master’s essay course until all Incompletes are cleared.Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the Protection of Human Research SubjectsThemission of theIRB at theUniversity of St.Thomas is toassist faculty,staff,and studentresearchers in meeting the highest ethical and professional standards for the use of human subjectsinscienticresearch.ResearchinvolvinghumansubjectsmaynotbeginpriortoIRBreview and approval. Student researchers are advised to consult with a faculty advisor and securetheneededformsandotherinformationfromtheIRBwebsite( in the research planning process.Leave of Absence / DefermentA student may petition for a leave of absence or deferment of admission under appropriate conditions. Decisions will be made by the Director of Graduate Studies in consultation with the faculty. Students making such a petition must present a plan for resuming study.Reinstatement from Leave of Absence, Deferment, or ProbationA suspended graduate student may make written application for reinstatement after their one-year suspension has taken place. This application must pass through the department’s graduate committee for approval. Once reinstated, the student must raise their cumulative GPA to 3.2 by the end of the two semesters following reinstatement. If this occurs, the student will no longer be on probation. If this does not occur, the student will be dropped from the graduate program. After a leave of absence or deferment, a student may write a letter to the Director of GraduateStudiesoftheprograminwhichthestudentisenrolledrequestingreinstatement.Included should be his or her expression of intended course of study over the next few years.Responsibility for Personal SafetyWhile the University of St. Thomas can assume no responsibility for risks associated with participation in programs or activities, the university attempts to provide a safe environment for itsstudents.Historically,fewstudentshavebeeninjuredwhileparticipatinginprogram-relatedactivities,yetnoneofusareimmunetoinjuryinthecourseofourdailylives,work,play,oreldof study. Each student should conduct himself or herself using due and reasonable care in his or her actions. Student status creates no “special” relationship between the student and the university, and the university is not a “custodian” of the safety of students.Sexual Violence PolicyUnderMinnesotalaw,sexualviolenceisacriminalact.AtSt.Thomas,sexualviolenceisdenedas any act of violence or force committed without the complainant’s consent, for the purposes of satisfying the actor’s sexual or aggressive impulses, including, but not limited to, contact of a person or a person’s clothing in the genital, groin, inner thigh, buttocks, or breast areas, or
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 19theuseofthreatofforceorcoercionthatrequiresthevictimtocommitorsubmittoanykindof attempted sexual act. Victims of sexual violence should immediately call 911 on the nearest phone and report the incident. As soon as possible, the victim should contact St. Thomas SafetyandSecurityDepartmentat(651)962-5100.Thesecurityguardswillcontactthemostappropriateuniversityofcial.Sexual Harassment Awareness TrainingAll graduate students at the University of St. Thomas will receive training and/or information regarding Sexual Harassment Awareness and Sexual Violence Awareness.Sexual Harassment PolicySexualharassmentincludesunwelcomesexualadvances,requestsforsexualfavors,sexuallymotivated physical conduct or other verbal or physical conduct or communication of a sexual nature. The University of St. Thomas condemns and opposes any behavior on the part of any of the members of its community that constitutes sexual harassment. Any infraction of this policy should be brought to the attention of the program director who will assist the victim in selecting from a number of options available for resolution.TranscriptsInformationforobtaininganofcialtranscriptcanbefoundbyaccessingtheRegistrar’ssiteon the St. Thomas webpage ( Student transcripts cannot bereleasedwithoutthestudent’sauthorizationinwriting.Requestsfortranscriptsmustincludename (and previous names, if applicable), social security number, student level (graduateor undergraduate), dates of attendance, address to which the transcript should be sent, asignature,andpaymentofthedesignatedfee.Requestscanbebrought,mailedorfaxedto:Registrar’sOfceUniversity of St. ThomasMail#:AQU1062115 Summit AvenueSt. Paul, MN 55105Phone:(651)962-6700Fax:(651)962-6710Afaxed request for transcripts is permissible with an additional fee. Information submittedmust also include a billing address for collection of the fee. Transcripts may be held if a student has outstanding obligations to the university.Transfer Credits (prior to admission/while enrolled)Credit hours from another accredited institution may be considered for transfer to meet degree requirementsinCASgraduateprogramsifthecourseswere1)takenatthegraduatelevelwithapassinggradeof“B”orbetter;2)completedwithinthelastsevenyears;3)compatibleincontent,length,andapproachwiththeprograminwhichthestudentwishestoenroll(orinwhichthestudentisenrolled)attheUniversityofSt.Thomas.Studentsinterestedintransferringgraduatecourses (including graduate-level courses taken abroad)into the University of St.Thomas must petition the program for course credit, and all potential transfer courses must be
20 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalogreviewedandapprovedbytheprogram’sDirectorofGraduateStudies.Inadditiontoofcialtranscripts, students must provide supporting materials as part of any transfer course petition. Materials might include detailed descriptions of the course, course syllabi, and/or examples of completed coursework. Consult with the Graduate Director of your program for instructions on submitting your petition. See the pages in this handbook for any additional information about transferpoliciesspecictoyourprogram.CAMPUSRESOURCESFORGRADUATESTUDENTSAthletic FacilitiesAthletic facilities at St. Thomas provide a variety of recreational opportunities for graduate students. TheAnderson Athletic and Recreation Facility contains a eld house, an aquaticcenter,abasketball/volleyballarena, tnessandweight-trainingfacilities,lockerrooms,andathleticofcesandmeetingrooms.McCarthyGymnasium,locatedonthesouthcampus,hasagymnasiumandfourracquetballcourts.Sixtenniscourtsandsoccerandsoftballeldsprovideadditional outdoor facilities. The McCarthy Gymnasium is free to graduate students, but the AndersonAthleticandRecreationFacilityhasasemester-longfeeformembership.BookstoreThe St. Paul campus bookstore is located on the lower level of the Murray-Herrick Campus Center. The store sells new and used textbooks, trade books, school and ofce supplies,computersandcomputersupplies,insigniaclothingandgifts,candy,jewelry,tapesandCDs,cards,gifts,andmagazines.TheMinneapoliscampusbookstorealsocarriesmanyofthesameitems, but textbooks sold are for classes taught on that campus only.Campus MinistryTheSt.ThomasCenterforCampusMinistry,locatedonsecondooroftheAndersonStudentCenter, offers a variety of opportunities for worship, service, and spiritual counseling. It sponsors the Volunteers in Action program, VISION and spring break volunteer service trips, Biblestudyprograms,retreats,marriagepreparation,vocationinquiry,andspecialseminarsonaspectsofChristianlife.Italsoofferstheyear-longRiteofChristianInitiation(RCIA)programforthosepreparingforbaptism,conrmation,orinitiationintotheCatholicChurch.TheCampusMinistryphonenumberis(651)962-6560.Career Development CenterThe Career Development Center serves students and alumni with their vocational and career learning. The Center staff works with undecided students on choosing their majors, andlaterassistsstudentsfromallmajoreldstodeveloprequiredskillsastheyseekinternships,employmentorgraduateeducation.OntheSt.Paulcampus,theofceislocatedontherstoorofMurray-Herrick,Room123.Formoreinformation,call(651)962-6761.
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 21Center for Well BeingThe university’s Center for Well Being, located on the corner of Grand and Finn, handles minor illnesses and some routine medical needs. A nurse practitioner and registered nurse are on dutyduringweekdayofcehoursonbothanappointmentandwalk-inbasis.Aphysicianisalsoavailablebyappointment.Mostservicesarefreealthoughsomerequireanominalfee.The Center for Well Being also houses Counseling and Psychological Services, to promote the mental health, interpersonal relationships, and academic performance of UST students. Professional counselors contribute to a healthy campus learning environment by providing psychological services to all who work, train, and study at the University. For more information, call(651)962-6780orgoonlineat for WritingLocatedonthethirdoorofJohnRoachCenterandbyonlineappointment,thewritingcenterisavailabletoassiststudentswithwritingprojectsinprocess.Thecenterprovidesfree,intensive,one-on-oneconsultationsatanystageofthe writingprocess.Call(651)962-5601or bookonline at for an appointment. ChapelsThe University of St. Thomas’s chapels offer numerous opportunities for prayer and the sacraments. The St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel, built in 1917 by E. L. Masqueray (who alsodesignedthe Cathedral of St. Paul),isthecenter of spiritual life oncampus,withdaily andSundayMassesoffered,andtheSacramentofReconciliationofferedMonday-Friday11:30am-12:00pm and Monday-Thursday 3:15-4:15pm. It is also home to a number of choral and organ concerts and other cultural events throughout the year. TheAlbertusMagnusChapel,locatedontherstoorofSitzmannHall,offersdailyMass and regular Eucharistic Adoration. Daily mass is offered at 5:05 pm. TheFlorenceChapel,locatedinthelowerlevel oftheSt.ThomasAquinasChapelprovides a worship space for various religious groups on campus.St. Mary’s Chapel of The St. Paul Seminary, located on the south campus, was consecrated in 1905. The chapel offers regular Mass and Eucharistic Adoration.Schedules for Masses on campus can be found on the university web site and are also printed in the daily electronic St. Thomas Newsroom. Computing ResourcesComputer labs are available in the O’Shaughnessy-Frey Library, McNeely Hall, and the Frey Science and Engineering Center. The university’s TechDesk provides technical support for studentsregardingemailaccounts,PINnumbers,Canvasaccess,etc.Call(651)962-6230tocontact the TechDesk.
22 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogE-mail AccountsAll graduate students are afforded a University of St. Thomas e-mail account while enrolled in coursesatSt.Thomas.Thisaccountmustbeactivatedandeitherused/checkedfrequentlyorforwarded to a preferred email account. A student’s St. Thomas e-mail account is necessary for accessing library information via the web. Additionally, all department correspondence is sent out via email. First time users need to activate their account at Program - Disability ResourcesThe mission of the Enhancement Program – Disability Services at the University of St. Thomas is tomakereasonableefforttoprovideallqualiedstudentswithdisabilitiesequalaccesstoalluniversity courses, services, programs, employment and facilities. Our goal is to enable students withdisabilitiestomaximizetheireducationalpotentialandtodeveloptheirindependenceand self-advocacy skills to the fullest extent possible within the standard university curriculum. Formoreinformation,call(651) CardsOnceofciallyenrolled,studentswillreceiveanIDnumberandmustobtainanIDCardfromtheCardOfceinMurray-HerrickCampusCenter.Thecardisnecessaryforuseofthelibrariesand other campus facilities. Students should carry the card with them at all times and notify the CardOfceifitiseverlostorstolen.Thereisachargeforreplacementcards.Moreinformationcanbefoundat University of St. Thomas has four libraries containing more than 458,000 books and 2,295 periodicals. The collections are continuously developed and updated to support coursework and research. The O’Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center on the St. Paul north campus is the largest of the three libraries. In addition to the reference and circulating collections, it houses the University Archives, the Luxembourg Collection, the Celtic Collections, the Chesterton-Belloc Collection, and the Christopher Dawson Papers.The Archbishop Ireland Memorial Library, located on the St. Paul south campus, supports the university’s graduate theology/Catholic Studies programs. The Charles J. Keffer Library, located in Opus Hall on the Minneapolis campus, primarily supports graduate studies in education, psychology, and business.The Schoenecker Law Library, located in the School of Law on the Minneapolis campus, supports the School of Law curriculum, programs and faculty research. In addition to printed materials, St. Thomas libraries provide students and faculty with access to hundreds of electronic databases, many of which may be searched from outside the library and accessed from the main St. Thomas web site. St. Thomas participates in the Cooperating LibrariesinConsortium(CLIC),agroupofTwinCitiesacademiclibrariesthatmaintainsajointelectronic catalog (CLICnet) of holdings and facilitates the exchange of materials among
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 23member libraries. These cooperating libraries are also members of MINITEX, the regional network that provides interlibrary loan services among St. Thomas, the University of Minnesota, and other libraries throughout the nation. For more information about library services, call the referencedeskat(651)962-5001.Murphy Online SystemThe Murphy Online system is the university’s Student Portal. Murphy Online is available for students to register for their classes, view their grades, academic schedules, and degree audits. StudentsmayalsoprintanunofcialtranscriptthroughtheMurphysystem.Inaddition,studentscanpaytheirtuitionbillsthroughthissite.IfyouhaveanyquestionsorissuesarisingregardingMurphy Online, contact the ITS Tech desk at 651-962-6230.NewsroomThe St. Thomas Newsroom is the university’s electronic newsletter. It is published daily during the fall and spring semester, and once per week during summer session. It is the main source of information for campus events and other university matters.Parking Permits and TransportationApermitisrequiredtoparkinallSt.Thomasparkinglots.AvalidUSTpictureidenticationcard must be presented at the time of purchase. Parking permits are available for purchase at theDepartmentofPublicSafetyandParkingServices,locatedontherstoorofthestudent’sapartmentresidence(Morrison Hall),(651)962-5100.AvalidUSTpictureidenticationcardmust be presented at the time of purchase. Parking is extremely limited, and purchase of a permit does not guarantee availability. Free parking is available along Cleveland Avenue and Grand Avenue. A university bus pass may be purchased at the Public Safety and Parking Servicesofce.Buspassesarehighlydiscountedforstudents.ACADEMICINTEGRITYANDPROCEDURESAcademic Integrity and DishonestyAcademicintegrityisdenedashonesty.Itdoesnotallowcheatingorplagiarism.Dishonestyofany kind in relation to academic work threatens the integrity of the academic enterprise and is unacceptable at the university. Such dishonesty includes cheating on examinations, plagiarism, ghostwriting,andfalsifyingofcialinformationrequestedbytheuniversityconcerningone’sacademic background or status. According to Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, plagiarism means “to steal and pass off as one’s own the ideas and words of another; …to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.” You commit plagiarism whenever you use a source in any way without indicating that you have used it. If you quoteanythingatall,evenaphrase,youmustputquotationmarksaroundit,orsetitofffromyourtext;ifyousummarizeorparaphraseanauthor’swords,youmustclearlyindicatewherethe summary or paraphrase begins and ends; if you use an author’s idea, you must say that you are doing so. In every instance, you also must formally acknowledge the written source from which you took the material. Ghost writing is preparing work for another or having another prepare one’s own work.
24 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogWhen a graduate student is found to be in violation of this provision, academic penalties may beprescribedbytheinstructorofthecourseinquestion,including—butnotrestrictedto—therequirementofadditionalwork,theassignmentofafailinggradeontheworkinquestion,orafailing grade for the entire course. The student has the right to appeal the instructor’s decision totheprogramdirector,andifstilldissatised,tothedeanoftheGraduateSchoolofArtsandSciences.Intheeventtheinstructoristhedirector,rstappealwillbedirectedtothedean.If the faculty member bringing the charges believes that suspension from the university is justied,he/she/theywillsendawrittenrequesttothedeanwhowillmeet,togetherwithonemember of the graduate faculty chosen by the instructor and one chosen by the accused student, as a hearing panel to hear arguments from the instructor and student.Ifthepanelrulesforsuspensionbyamajorityvote,thedeanwillorderthesuspension.Thestudent has the right to appeal to the appropriate graduate student advisory committee, which shall either uphold the hearing panel, or overrule it, providing the panel with a written statement of reasons. If overruled, the panel may appeal to the president of the university, who will meet with the hearing panel and two representatives of the student committee. The decision of the presidentisnal.Grievance PolicyThere is a committee of the university called the Grievance Committee which is available to ensure students’ rights. The committee is composed of three administrators and graduate faculty representatives. Annually, one of the faculty members is elected as chair. Each panel selected to hear an individual case will consist of one student member, one administrator, one faculty member and the chair, who is non-voting, who will preside at meetings and who will see that parties involved are given a fair and impartial hearing. The chair may take part in the questioninganddiscussion.Onceapanelhasbeenselectedallofthosevotingmembersplusthe chair must be present in person to hear the case.Grievance CommitteeThe Grievance Committee of the university is available to ensure that student rights are protected. The entire Grievance Process, Grievance Procedure diagram and Appeal Procedure are available on the web at who believe they have been aggrieved according to the specications in the“Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities” should utilize the following process toresolve that grievance. In the governance of a college there is a chain of command. Grievances shouldberstdiscussedwiththe allegedaggrievorandifthegrievanceisunresolved,thestudent should proceed up the chain of command until the grievance has been satisfactorily settled. Any student who feels aggrieved may consult with the Dean of Student Life concerning the process and the procedures. All persons who become involved in the process will attempt to resolve the grievance prior to any formal Grievance Committee hearings.The Grievance Committee will hear any case in which a student thinks one of the rights listed in the Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities has been denied. The Grievance
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 25Committee will consider only whether the challenged action or decision by a member of the faculty,administration,studentbodyoranyagencyofthesegroupswasunfair(arbitrary)orcapricious.Thecommitteewillrstexaminethefactspresented(inwriting)bythestudent.Ifthecommitteejudgesthatthereissufcientevidence,itwillinvestigatethematterandheartestimony.IftheGrievanceCommitteedecidesthatthestudent’scomplaintisjustied,itwilldiscussthematterwith the person or persons concerned and determine the means to ensure the student’s rights. The decision of the Grievance Committee will be binding on all parties concerned unless the decision is appealed to the executive vice president.
26 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogGRADUATEPROGRAMSINARTHISTORYUniversity of St. ThomasGraduate Program in Art HistoryMail: 44C2115 Summit AvenueSt. Paul, MN 55105-1096 Graduate Director: Dr. Heather Shirey (651)962-5640-phone(651)962-5861-fax Web: Faculty Listing: online: Catalog:“GRADUATE ART HISTORY”Art History Mission StatementThe Master of Arts in Art History program at the University of St. Thomas seeks to prepare its graduate students for the demands of independent research in art history and to present their results in a variety of public and scholarly venues. Graduate courses focus on issues and problemsinarthistory,theprocessofdeningandcarryingoutaresearchagenda,theuseof various methodologies and theories to dene and interpret evidence, and the ability toreadbothanalyticallyandcriticallyoriginalandscholarlymaterial.Theprogramemphasizesaninclusive perspective that encompasses a range of media and global cultures and a contextual approach to art that examines its social, economic, political, and religious importance.
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 27Master of Arts Application RequirementsStudents may apply for the Master of Arts in Art History degree by meeting the following requirements:• Abachelor’s degreein arthistory or a related eld froman accredited college oruniversity veried by an ofcial transcript sent directly to the GraduateArt Historyofce.NOTE:Studentsmaybeacceptedwithastrongliberalartsorinterdisciplinarybackground with the condition that they complete a preparatory program of undergraduate courses if their background in art history is weak. Normally, a minimum of four undergraduate courses in art history is required for admission,but pre-professional or professional experience in the discipline may substitute for coursework as appropriate.• Completed application form• Three condential letters of recommendation sent directly to the Graduate ArtHistoryofcefromindividualswithknowledgeoftheapplicant’srelevantabilitiesandachievements, at least one from a former professor• A personal statement of no more than 500 words describing the applicant’s interest in art history and reasons for pursuing graduate studies at St. Thomas• Awritingsampleshowingresearchandwritingexpertise(samplewillnotbereturned).This sample should be analytical and original rather than descriptive in nature, and should include reference notes, a bibliography, and illustrations. Museum Studies Certicate Application RequirementsTrack 1: MuseumStudiesCerticateiscompletedindependentlyfromtheMAinArtHistoryprogram.Track 2: MuseumStudiesCerticateiscompletedjointlywiththeMAinArtHistory.12ofthe15requiredcreditsrequiredtocompletetheCerticatealsosatisfyrequirementsintheMAprogram.1.Track1(MuseumStudiesCerticateOnly):• Application form• Resume• A personal statement of no more than 500 words that describes why museum studies is important to the applicant’s research and career goals, any experiences that the applicant has had in museums, non-prots, library science, or collections work,broadlydened,andwhattheapplicanthopestogainbyearningtheCerticateatthe University of St. Thomas.• Abachelor’sdegreefromanaccreditedcollege oruniversityveriedbyanofcialtranscript.• Onecondentialletterofrecommendationfromanindividualwithknowledgeoftheapplicant’s relevant abilities and achievements2.Track2(JointMAinArtHistory/MuseumStudiesCerticate):Applicantstothejointprogramwillberequiredtomeetthesameadmissionrequirementsasapplicantstothedegree-seekingMAprogram.RequirementsareaslistedaboveinsectionA.,
28 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogDegree-SeekingApplicationRequirements,plus:• Anadditionalpersonalstatementspecictomuseumstudies,ofnomorethan500words, that describes why museum studies is important to the applicant’s research andcareergoals,anyexperiencesthattheapplicanthashadinmuseums,non-prots,libraryscience,orcollectionswork,broadlydened,andwhattheapplicanthopestogainbyearningtheCerticate.Application to the Museum Studies Certicate (ifalreadyenrolledintheMAinArtHistoryprogram)• Application form• Apersonalstatementspecictomuseumstudies,ofnomorethan500words,thatdescribes why museum studies is important to the applicant’s research and career goals, any experiences that the applicant has had in museums, non-prots, libraryscience,orcollectionswork,broadlydened,andwhattheapplicanthopestogainbyearningtheCerticate.• Students enrolled in the MA in Art History program who would like to add the Museum StudiesCerticatemustdosopriortotheirnalsemesterintheMAprogram.Teaching College Art History Certicate Application RequirementsApplicantstothejointprogramwillberequiredtomeetthesameadmissionrequirementsasapplicantstothedegree-seekingMAprogram.RequirementsareaslistedaboveinsectionA.,Degree-SeekingApplicationRequirements.Book CostsStudents can expect to spend $150.00 per class on books.Art History Transfer PolicyTransfer courses from another accredited institution may only count toward elective courses for the degree. The total number of transfer credits from any other institution and/or the University of St. Thomas may not exceed six. See the Transfer Credit policy for additional details.M.A. Degree RequirementsGeneral degree requirements are determined by the catalog under which the student hasbeenadmittedtotheprogram.Studentswholeavetheprogramandlaterre-applyaresubjecttotherequirementsinplaceatthedateof theirre-admission, unlessspecicallywaivedbythe Director of Graduate Studies. Students should also consult section on academic policies regarding additional regulations for the degree.Successfulcompletionof11coursesplusthequalifyingpapersequence(36creditstotal)isrequired,accordingtothefollowingplan:• Five courses in core areas• Six elective courses• Readingprociencyinoneforeignlanguage
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 29• Qualifyingpaper,oralexamination,andformalpresentationCourseworkCore Courses • TheoryandMethodology(ARHS500),whichshouldbetakenasearlyintheprogramas possible.• TwocoursesinEuropeanorAmericanArt(ARHS510,515,520,525,540)• TwocoursesinNon-EuropeanorAmericanArt(ARHS530,535,536,537)Elective CoursesIn consultation with the Director of Graduate Studies, additional courses beyond the core requirements will be taken in areas of student interest. Up to 2 graduate courses in otherdepartments(suchasEnglish)mayalsofullladditionalcourserequirements(inconsultationwiththeDirectorofGraduateStudies).Electivesmaycomefromthefollowingareas:Seminars: Students must take a minimum of 8 regularly scheduled, graduate classroom courses as part of their degree. Undergraduate courses for graduate credit: Graduate students may take upper division undergraduate courses for graduate credit, provided that they obtain the permission of both the instructor and the Director of Graduate Studies, and that they complete an individual plan with extra work for the course that demonstrates appropriate levels of research, analytical, and presentation skills for a graduate seminar. The number of undergraduate courses that may be taken for graduate credit is limited to two.Study Abroad courses for graduate credit: Unless specied as a study abroad course forgraduate credit, courses taken during January term under the auspices of the undergraduate college (as an independent study) shall have the following course components within thecoursesyllabus,whichwillbeonlewiththegraduateofceand with the student prior todeparture:• A reading component in preparation for the area to be toured. This list of reading will begiventothestudentinsufcienttimeforthestudentstoprepareforthesitestobevisited. The reading component could include a list of sources for the student to use in preparation for a presentation to other graduate students and/or undergraduate students during the site visits.• A reading, oral, and writing component to be completed while on the site visits.• A graduate-level paper component, to be completed after the student returns within the time period of the semester following the tour.• ThecoursewillbelistedasARHS596(StudyAbroad[JanuaryTerm]),butwillcountas an undergraduate course taken for graduate credit. In addition to the costs of the studytour,studentswillpayanadditionalfeeequaltothecostofonegraduatecredittocovertheadditionalrequirements.If the study abroad course is a January-term course for undergraduates, it will have been approved by the UMAIE board by January of the previous year and by the International Studies
30 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogOfcebyspringsemester.Theinstructorforthecoursewillthenpasstheproposal,ifgraduatestudent participants are expected, by the department faculty for their approval for graduate credit before the end of spring semester prior to the January term. IndependentStudyandInternshipsforcredit:Independentstudy(ARHS590)andinternship(ARHS595)aresimilarinthattheyinvolvesupervisedworkoutsideofascheduledclassmeeting.The distinction is that independent study is oriented to the production of a lengthy paper on a focused topic, while internship involves more in the way of applied research and writing. TheindependentstudyisnotmeanttobeusedinpreparationfortheQualifyingPaperunlessit explores a new topic. For a 3-credit internship, the basic expectation is that the student will average about 10-12 hours per week over the course of the semester, about 150 hours total. Independent study is graded with the traditional letter grade while an internship is graded on asatisfactory(S)/unsatisfactory(R)basis.The basic procedure for setting up an internship or independent study is similar. The student contacts a faculty member or supervisor to develop a proposal that describes the topic of the work,theexpectedprocedures,work&timetable,andthenalresult.Theproposal,alongwithacoverform(availableinthegraduateofce),issubmittedtotheDirectorofGraduateStudiesfor review and approval.Students may take up to 6 credits of internship or up to 6 credits of independent study as part of their degree, but may not take more than 9 credits total of both categories.Docents-in-Training receiving graduate credit: Docents-in-training at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts have the opportunity to apply to receive up to 6 graduate credits in the Master of Arts in Art History program as non-degree students. Application for these credits must be made at the startofthedocents’trainingprogramwithcreditbeingappliedattheendoftherstyearandthe second year of training. Please contact the Director of Graduate Studies for information on the current procedures for applying for this credit opportunity.Language RequirementReadingknowledgeofoneforeignlanguageisrequiredforallgraduates.Inconsultationwiththe Director of Graduate Studies, the graduate student chooses his or her foreign language andproofofprociencymustbeattainedbythetimethestudenthastaken6graduatecourses(18credits)orhasreachedthemid-pointintheprogram.Therequirementcanbecompletedinoneofthreeprimaryways:1)completionofaforeignlanguage reading course at the University of St. Thomas, University of Minnesota or other universitywithagradeof passing(orB-orbetterif lettergradeis given);2)completionoftwo undergraduate or graduate level courses in a language with a grade of B- or higher, taken within5yearsoftherstsemesteroftheMastersofArtHistoryprogram;or3)undertakinganexamination proctored by the Department of Art History Graduate Studies. If taking a course at anotherinstitution,yourcompletionofthelanguagerequirementisfullledwhentheDirectorofGraduateStudies receivesan ofcialtranscriptwiththe passing grade.If undertakinganexamination through the Department, you will receive an exam that consists of two hours of
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 31reading translation: one hour with a dictionary and one hour without. Each section will have a separate reading and grading will be done on a pass, low pass and fail scale. Pass and low pass are successful evaluations. A student failing the exam will have the option to retake the test no earlier than 2 months after the exam, during which the student will undertake intensive language study.Note: If the language exam is facilitated by a member of the department faculty or by an outsidefacilitator,thestudentwillincurthecostofpaymentforservices($75).Examsareonlyofferedoncepersemester,usuallyintherstmonthofthesemester.PleasenotifytheDirectorof Graduate Studies at least two months prior to the semester in which you wish to take your exam.Insomecases,previouslifeexperiencemay enable you to fulll the languagerequirementwithout completing either of the other options. There is leeway for the Director of Graduate Studiestomodifytheserequirementsonacase-by-casebasisasneeded.Theprimaryroleoftheexamistodeterminewhetherthestudenthassufcientlanguageskillstoenablethemtotranslatewithadequatecomprehensionapassageinaforeignlanguageofthetypethattheyarelikelytoencounterinthecourseofconductingresearchintheireld.(Thereadingswillbethingsyoumightndduringyourresearchprocessincludingshortarticles,catalogueentries,dictionaryentries,etc.).Thestudentwill not beexpectedto translatetheentire document in a Department administered exam, but rather to clearly indicate the abilities with the language. We are interested in the bigger picture: thus, a few wrong words or twisted grammatical construction here and there should be viewed as minor infractions.NOTE:Itisthestudent’sresponsibilitytobemindfuloftheirlanguageexamrequirements. Graduation CommitteeThenalrequirementsfortheM.A.consistofaprospectus,qualifyingpaper,oralexaminationandpublicpresentation.Forallrequirements,thestudentwillhaveaGraduationCommitteeofthree faculty. Membership of the committee will be chosen by the Director of Graduate Studies in consultation with the student. The Graduation Committee will consist of the following:• The committee chair, a faculty member with direct expertise in the area of research.• Two additional faculty members who have not been involved with the original seminar orindependentstudyfromwhichthequalifyingpaperoriginated.Intheeventofjointfacultyadvisors,oneadditionalfacultymemberwillconstitutethecommitteeof three.Pleasenote:AllIncompletesandproofofforeignlanguageprociencymustbecompletedpriortothestudentundertakingthequalifyingpaperprocess.
32 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogQualifying Paper, Oral Examination, and Formal PresentationAs a demonstration of the ability to formulate and carry out original and scholarly work in the discipline,allstudentsarerequiredtosubmitaqualifyingpaperduringthelastsemesterofstudy. This paper will be based on work undertaken in a seminar or independent study and will demonstrate substantial revision and development. A prospectus will be prepared, and the nalpapershouldbethoughtofaswritingajournalarticle.Thepapermustbeapproximately30-40pagesexclusiveofbibliography,notes,andillustrations,andmustdemonstratesufcientresearch,analytical,writing,andeditorialskillsforprofessionalwork.Thequalifyingpaperwillbeevaluatedbythestudent’sGraduationCommittee(seesectionCabove)anduponitsnalcompletionalettergradewillbegiven.Thequalifyingpapermustalsobepresentedattheannual graduate forum sponsored by the department. Note: It is the student’s responsibility to carryouttherequiredspecicsofthequalifyingpapercourse.QualifyingPaperProspectus–ARHS593Bythebeginningofastudent’snalsemester,thestudentmustpreparea10-15-pagetyped,double-spaced prospectus. This prospectus must be submitted to the committee chair of the qualifyingpaper;uponitsapprovalbythecommitteechairitwillbegiventotheothertwofacultymembersoftheGraduationCommitteewithnalapprovalmadewithinoneweekfromstudentsubmission.(TheDirectorofGraduateStudiessendsalldeadlinesforthequalifyingpaper process to the student and their committee in the semester prior in the document “QualifyingPaperProceduresandProtocol.”)Paper Deadlines for GraduationSpecicdeadlinesforthequalifyingpaperprocedurearesenttothestudentandcommitteebytheDirectorofGraduateStudiespriortothestartofthesemesterinthedocument,“QualifyingPaper Procedures and Protocol.” Generally, the paper must be completed and submitted to the advisor and the rest of the Graduate Committee eight weeks prior to the end of the semester. The advisor and committee members will then read and comment upon the paper and return it to the student by six weeks before the end of the semester, working together in nalconsultation.Thepaperwillthenbeamended(ifnecessary)bythestudent,andre-submittedtothestudent’sGraduation Committee three-four weeks prior to the end of the semester. The paper will be evaluated, and recommendations concerning graduation will be made to the Director of Graduate Studies.Grading of Qualifying PaperThecompletionofappendicesB,CandDwillbeapartofthegradingforthequalifyingpaper.Thequalifyingpapercourseisgradedbytheentirepapercommitteewiththetraditionallettergrade. See Grades on pages 25 and 26 of this handbook.Final Paper DispositionUpon completion of the paper in the designated format and approval by the Graduation CommitteeandtheDirectorofGraduateStudiesonthesignedform(seeAppendixD),thestudentmustsubmitoneboundcopyofthepapertotheArtHistoryGraduateOfcebeforetheendofthesemesteraswellasanalPDFsubmittedonCanvas.Thefacultyadvisorwillnotsubmitanalgradeforthepaperuntiltheboundcopieshavebeenreceived.FedEx/Kinko’sonSnelling Avenue is the department’s designated source for the binding and is used by several
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 33UST graduate programs. Please follow the guidelines below regarding binding.• All pages should be copied on 20#, minimum 25% cotton (100% preferred),watermarked paper with a one and one-half inch margin on the binding side of the page and one inch on the other three sides. • The bound copies must contain color images. For the binding, the cover needs to be blackwithwhiteprintingonthespine.Thespinetextshouldread(fromlefttoright):• M.A.ArtHistory,Year,Studentname(asitappearsonqualifyingpaper)Oral Review and DiscussionTheoralexamwillgoforwardonlyuponsuccessfulcompletionofthedraftofthequalifyingpaper—this is determined by the committee’s reading. The oral examination must be taken, and passed,atleastonemonthpriortotheintendeddateofgraduationinkeepingwiththespecictimelineestablishedeachsemester.Thepanelreadingthequalifyingpaperalsoservesastheoral examination committee.The oral examination will last approximately one to two hours and will be conducted by the student’squalifyingpaper/graduationcommittee.Priortotheexamthestudentmustcontacteach member of the committee to gather an understanding of what types of questions,concerns, and topics the committee member would like them to address.Studentswhodonotpasstheoralexaminationmayberequiredtodemonstrateadditionalpreparation before taking the exam a second time. Examinations may be scheduled a third time only with the permission of the Director and upon completion of any recommended additional coursework. Formal PresentationEachstudentisrequiredtopresenthisorherqualifyingpaperresearchfor15-20minutesatapublicforum.Thisdateisscheduledduringnalsweekinthefallorspringsemester. Museum Studies Certicate RequirementsGeneralprogramrequirementsaredeterminedbythecatalogunderwhichthestudenthasbeenadmittedtotheprogram.Studentswholeavetheprogramandlaterre-applyaresubjecttotherequirementsinplaceatthedateoftheirre-admission,unlessspecicallywaivedbytheDirector of Graduate Studies. Students should also consult section VIII. ACADEMIC POLICIES, regardingadditionalregulationsforthecerticate.Successfulcompletionof5courses(15credits)isrequired,accordingtothefollowingplan:• Three courses in core areas including an internship• Two elective courses• Formal internship presentation12 of these 15 credits may also be applied towards the M.A. degree for students who enroll in thatprogramsimultaneouslyorsubsequently.Coursework
34 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogCore Courses• TopicsinMuseumStudies(ARHS570)• TopicsinMuseumStudiesII(ARHS571)• Internship(ARHS595)Elective Courses• TwoArtHistoryseminars(ARHS)withMuseumStudiesCerticate(MSC)designationsUndergraduate courses, even if taken for graduate credit at the University of St. Thomas, will not applytowardstheMuseumStudiesCerticate.IndependentStudycourses(ARHS590)likewisecannotbetakenfor Museum StudiesCerticatecredit.Only designatedgraduateseminarsandthegraduateinternshipcansatisfyMuseumStudiesCerticaterequirements.Formal Internship PresentationAteithertheendofthesemesterinwhichtheinternshipiscompleted(iffallorspring)studentswill give a formal presentation of their internship experience and resulting critical analysis. ThesepresentationswilltakeplaceatthesametimeastheMAQualifyingPaperpresentations.If the student completes his/her internship in the summer, the formal presentation will take place at the end of the following fall semester. If special circumstances arise, the internship presentation could be given in a special session at the start of the fall or spring semester following the internship completion. Teaching College Art History Certicate RequirementsGeneralprogramrequirementsaredeterminedbythecatalogunderwhichthestudenthasbeenadmittedtotheprogram.Studentswholeavetheprogramandlaterre-applyaresubjecttotherequirementsinplaceatthedateoftheirre-admission,unlessspecicallywaivedbytheDirector of Graduate Studies. Students should also consult section VIII. ACADEMIC POLICIES, regardingadditionalregulationsforthecerticate.ThiscerticateinintendedtotrainMinnesotahighschoolteacherswhodelivercoursesintheCollege in the Schools program. Successfulcompletionof6courses(18credits)isrequired,accordingtothefollowingplan:• Five courses in core areas• One capstone pedagogy courseCourseworkCore courses • TheoryandMethodology(ARHS500),whichshouldbetakenasearlyintheprogramas possible.• TwocoursesinEuropeanorAmericanArt(ARHS510,515,520,525,540,545,550,570)• TwocoursesinNon-Europeanornon-European-AmericanArt(ARHS530,535,536,537)
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 35Capstone courseIntheirlastsemester,studentscompleteARHS592,TeachingCollegeArtHistory.Init,studentsworkwithafacultymentortocreatecurriculummaterials.Thisprojectwillrequiresubstantialresearch and writing.Financial SupportStudentsenrolledinMuseumStudiesTrack1(Certicateonly)arenoteligibletoapplyforArtHistorydepartmentfellowships.StudentsenrolledinTrack2(jointMAandMSC)areeligibletoapply for all fellowships.A limited number of assistantships will be awarded each year. These exible awards aredesignedtoprovidemoreconcreteexperienceinthedisciplinethroughspecialprojectsinexhibitions, marketing, publications, and graduate support. Assistantships are awarded as full orpartial.Afullassistantshiprequiresa150-hourcommitment(about8-10hoursperweek/persemester).Graduatestudentsawardedanassistantshipwillberequiredtocompleteanassistantshipcontractwiththeirsupervisorinwhichtheyrecordmutuallyagreeduponspecicsof the work to be done.StudentsawardedanassistantshipmustmaintainasatisfactoryGPA(3.0)eachsemesterandremain a registered student during the term of their assistantship. If work is not successfully completed for any reason, funds may be withheld or reimbursement may be necessary.Incompletes:Studentsreceivingan“I”fortheirqualifyingpapercoursewillbeassessedaresidencyfeeof$75foreachsucceedingtermuntilthenaldraftofthequalifyingpaperhasbeensuccessfullycompletedandformallypresented.Inthissituation,thestudentwillberegisteredforARHS599:ResearchEnrollment.Thisregistrationtriggersthe$75feewhileallowingthestudenttoretain their UST privileges as well as registered student status. The Director of Graduate Studies mayrestrictregistrationforARHS599ifsatisfactoryprogressisnotbeingmadetowardthecompletionofthequalifyingpaper.Studentsmaynotregisterforthequalifyingpapercourseuntilallincompletesarecleared.Non-degree students who receive an incomplete may not register for a course(s) for anysubsequentsemestersuntiltheIncompleteissatisfactorilyresolved.
36 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogGRADUATEPROGRAMSINCATHOLICSTUDIESUniversity of St. ThomasGraduate Program in Catholic StudiesSitzmannHall2115 Summit AvenueSt. Paul, MN 55105-1096 Graduate Director: Dr. Billy Junkerjunk2456@stthomas.eduGraduate Program Manager 651.962.5713(651)962-5706-phone(800)328-6819,ext.2-5706(651)962-5861-faxWeb: Listing: online: Catalog:“GRADUATE CATHOLIC STUDIES”Catholic Studies Mission StatementThe Master of Arts in Catholic Studies is an advanced course of study that provides a comprehensive, interdisciplinary understanding of Catholicism and of the Catholic intellectual tradition. The program explores the truth, beauty, and vitality of Catholicism as it has permeated disciplines and cultures throughout time. Undergirded by courses in theology, philosophy, and history, the program explores Catholicism’s contributions to world literature, art, music, architecture, law, political systems, and the social and natural sciences. It encourages critical reectionanddebateoncontemporaryandcross-culturalissuesrelatedtoCatholicism,anditpromotes the dialogue between faith and reason that leads to a higher synthesis of knowledge.
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 37Specic Objectives• A broad historical framework with detailed study: The program provides students with a basic understanding of the 2,000-year Catholic intellectual tradition and a detailed and critical appreciation of portions of that tradition.• Attentiontothecontemporaryworld:Theprogramhelpsequipstudentstolivewith courage and hope in the complex modern world, to understand and examine critically the contemporary challenges to Catholicism and the internal debates within Catholicism itself, and to develop the intellectual tools necessary to respond to economic,social,cultural,andreligiousinjustice.• Criticalreectionanddebate:TheprogramencouragesstudentstoexamineissuesonavarietyofsubjectsrelatedtoCatholicism.StudentswillbeexposedtoandwillanalyzeargumentsbothinfavorofandopposedtoChurchteaching.• Interdisciplinary and synthetic study: The program seeks to explore the dialogue between faith and reason, and to integrate knowledge across disciplines as they relate to one another.• Faithful study: The program is committed to teaching Catholic theology in a manner faithful to Scripture, tradition, and the Church’s magisterium. All instructors in the program have a profound respect for the Church and its teachings.• Ecumenicalandcross-culturalstudy:Theprogramrecognizesthevastwealthofvarious religious traditions and cultures, past and present. Courses are open to frank and constructive ecumenical dialogue and, when appropriate, incorporate cross-cultural perspectives.Graduate CommitteeThe Graduate Committee consists of six faculty members from the Master of Arts in Catholic Studies program. Convened by the Graduate Program Director, the committee meets regularly to decide admissions, curriculum, program policies, and student issues.Catholic Studies at St. ThomasCatholic Studies at the University of St. Thomas is the oldest and largest Catholic Studies Program in the world. For over 25 years, we have pursued a Christ centered exploration of 2000yearsofCatholicthoughtandcultureforbothundergraduateandgraduatestudents.Weseek the wisdom that integrates reason and faith in a life well lived.CatholicStudies,aprogramsince1993,wasofciallyestablished as a departmentin2001,andnowhasnearly200undergraduatemajorsandmorethan70graduatestudents.SitzmannHall is where all Catholic Studies courses are taught and is a true home for our Catholic Studies community.The Center for Catholic Studies, established in 1996, coordinates programs that enhance the Catholic identity of the university and develops new initiatives for a sustained dialogue betweenfaithandcontemporaryculture.TheCentersponsorsavarietyofstudentprograms,faculty development initiatives, and opportunities for the intellectual and spiritual formation of thelargercommunity.ItproducesthemagazineLumen and sponsors the publication of the scholarlyjournalLogos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture.
38 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogTheCenterhousesthreeacademicinstitutesthatsponsorconferencesandlectures:The John A. Ryan Institute for Catholic Social Thought explores the relationship between the Catholic social tradition and business theory and practice by fostering a deeperintegrationoffaithandwork.The Terrence J. Murphy Institute for Catholic Thought, Law, and Public Policy explores the various interactions between law and Catholic thought on topics ranging from workers’ rights to criminal law to marriage and family.The Joseph and Edith Habiger Institute for Catholic Leadership answers the call to provide Catholic students at the University of St. Thomas a unique context forleadership formation which goes beyond the development of skills to a more organic and collaborative model of Catholic leadership in the academy, in the Church, and in civil and professional life. In addition to assisting the formation of many young Catholic leaders, the Institute is a place of thoughtful analysis concerning what it means to be a Catholic leader in our modern society.Graduate Certicate for Mission and Culture of Catholic EducationCreatedinconsultationwithlocalCatholicschooladministratorsandtheArchdiocesanOfcefor the Mission of Catholic Education, the University of St. Thomas Catholic Studies Mission and CultureofCatholicEducationCerticateisanongoingfacultydevelopmentopportunityforcurrentCatholicschoolteachers.Thiscerticateoffersteachersformationinboththemissionand the culture of Catholic education.Thecerticatehastwogoals:(1)toofferteachersadeepstudyoftheCatholictraditiononeducation, grounded in the nature and dignity of the human person, the unity of knowledge, andthecomplementarityoffaithandreason;and(2)tohelpteachersbringtherichresourcesof that tradition into the culture of their schools and the lives of their students.The Graduate Certicate requires students to complete 5 courses (15 Credits) and oneCapstoneProject(3Credits),foratotalof18Credits.Withthisprogrambeingdesignedforworkingteachers,itisexpectedthatthersttworequiredcourseswillbecompletedovertwosummers.RequiredCourses–6Credits:• CSMA 536: The Heart of Culture: The Story of Catholic Education• CSMA 592: Mission and Culture Challenges in Catholic PreK-12 EducationElective Courses – 9 Credits:All students must complete three elective courses. In consultation with the Graduate Program Director, students choose a set of electives that correspond to their interests and provides additionalexposuretoareasofstudythatmayndbenecialfortheirteachingcareers.CapstoneProject–3Credits:Studentswillworkcloselywithafacultymentoronanindependentproject(e.g.,development
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 39of a new high school or dual-credit course,course unit, or other meaningful venture).Thisprojectwillinvolvesubstantialindividualizedreading,writing,andresearch.Theprojectmustbe designed to have a signicant impact on the cultureof a Catholic school (typically, theschoolwheretheteacherworks).Master of Arts in Catholic Studies (DegreeSeeking–In-personandOnline)The Master of Arts in Catholic Studies is an advanced course of study that provides a comprehensive, interdisciplinary understanding of Catholicism and the Catholic intellectual tradition.The programexploresthe truth,beauty, andvitality of Catholicismas it has,andcontinuestopermeatedisciplinesandculturesthroughouttime.Undergirdedbycoursesintheology, philosophy, and history, the program explores Catholicism’s contributions to world literature, art, music, architecture, law, political systems, and the social and natural sciences. It encouragescriticalreectionanddebateoncontemporaryandcross-culturalissuesrelatedto Catholicism, and it promotes the dialogue between faith and reason that leads to a higher synthesisofknowledge.TheMasterofArtsinCatholicStudiesdegreerequiresstudentstocomplete10courses(30credits)andonemaster’sessay(3credits),foratotalof33credits.Afull-timestudent,takingcourses in fall and spring terms, can complete the Master’s program in 2 years.RequiredCourses–6Credits:• CSMA500:CatholicThoughtandCultureI(aninterdisciplinarycourse)• CSMA501:CatholicThoughtandCultureII(aninterdisciplinarycourse)• RequiredCourseAreas–12Credits:• One CSMA course in the area of Catholic Studies and Theology • One CSMA course in the area of Catholic Studies and Philosophy • One CSMA course in the area of Catholic Studies and History • One CSMA course in the area of Catholic Studies and the Arts Elective Courses – 12 Credits: All students must complete four elective courses. In consultation with the Graduate Program Director, students choose a set of electives that corresponds to their interests and provides additional exposure to areas of study that may be lacking in their academic background or current program. Master’s Essay – 3 Credits: Under the supervision of a faculty advisor, all students complete a master’s essay of 25-40 pagesasthe nal,qualifying projectforthedegree.Normally, themaster’sessay is writtenduring the last semester of study.Non-degree SeekingA limited number of places in graduate courses may be available for students not seeking degrees.Uptotwocoursesmaybetakenatnon-degreestatus,bothofwhichmustbeatthe500levelandbothofwhichmaybeappliedatalaterpointtowardthegraduatedegree.Non-degree students may apply for degree status at regular admissions deadlines if all admission criteriafordegree-seekingstatusarefullled.
40 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogJ.D. Law and MA in Catholic Studies Joint DegreeInthe jointJ.D./MAprogramofferedbythe Schoolof Lawandthe DepartmentofCatholicStudies,studentsearntwograduatedegreesinLawandCatholicStudiesrespectively(atotalof97creditsvs.121credits),inlesstimethanitwouldtaketoearnthetwodegreesseparately.This is possible because 12 credits of courses from the School of Law transfer as elective credits toCatholicStudiesand12credits(24total)fromCatholicStudiestransferaselectivecreditsintotheSchoolofLaw.Full-timestudentscanexpecttocompletethejointprograminthreetofour years of study.Students must apply for the St. Thomas J.D. and MA in Catholic Studies programs separately and meet all admissions requirements in both Law and CatholicStudies. Students typicallyenroll in the School of Law before applying for the Master of Arts degree in Catholic studies. J.D./MA students must be degree-seeking.RequiredCourses–6Credits: • CSMA500:CatholicThoughtandCultureI(aninterdisciplinarycourse) • CSMA501:CatholicThoughtandCultureII(aninterdisciplinarycourse)RequiredCourseAreas–12Credits: • One CSMA course in the area of Catholic Studies and Theology • One CSMA course in the area of Catholic Studies and Philosophy • One CSMA course in the area of Catholic Studies and History • One CSMA course in the area of Catholic Studies and the Arts Master’s Essay – 3 Credits: Under the supervision of a faculty advisor, all students complete a master’s essay of 25-40 pagesasthe nal,qualifying projectforthedegree.Normally, themaster’sessay is writtenduring the last semester of study.For more information, contact Dr. Billy Junker in Catholic Studies at 651-962-5706 or Professor ElizabethSchiltzintheSchoolofLawat651-962-4922.The Master’s EssayUnderthesupervisionofafacultyadviser,allstudentscompleteamaster’sessayasthenal,qualifyingprojectforthedegree.Themaster’sessaygivesstudentsanopportunitytodevelopresearch, critical thinking, and writing skills and deepen their mastery of areas of Catholic Studies that are particularly intriguing to them. The master’s essay course counts for three credits toward the MA degree. The master’s essay is graded on a Pass or No Credit basis; therefore, a traditional letter grade is not assigned.The completed paper, approximately 25-30 pages, will be evaluated by a committee of three faculty members who will hold a formal conversation about it with the student. Normally, students complete the master’s essay during their last semester of study.StudentsarerequiredtocompletetheMaster’sEssayProposalFormbeforebeginningtheirresearch.TheMaster’sEssayProposalFormshouldbesubmittedtotheGraduateProgramCoordinator2
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 41weekspriortothebeginningofthesemesterinwhichthestudentplanstowritetheessay.Initial planning for the Master’s Essay should begin in the previous semester.ChoosingaTopic.Themaster’sessayisdesignedtoreneskillsinsubstantiallyre-thinkingandre-visioninganargumentorideapreviouslyformulated.Assuch,thetopicideallyevolvesfromapaper(oracombinationofpapers)thatthestudenthasalreadywrittenforagraduatecourse.Interdisciplinarytopicsareespeciallyencouraged.SelectinganAdvisor.Onceastudenthasdeterminedtheessaytopic,he/she/theywillconsultwith the Graduate Program Director to discuss the choice of a faculty advisor who has expertise inthearea.Withtheapprovalofthedirector,thestudentwillaskthefacultymembertodirecttheirmaster’sessay.Thestudentandfacultymemberwillthenestablishatimetable:howoftentheywillmeet,whenresearchwillbecompleted,whendraftsoftheworkwillbedue,etc.Theadvisorwillbefamiliarwiththeprimarywork(s),recommendappropriatesecondarymaterials,and offer feedback and guidance during the writing process.TheReviewCommittee.Inconsultationwiththestudentandtheprogramdirector,theadvisorwilldesignatetwoadditionalfacultymembersasreaders.Thesereaders,togetherwiththeadvisor, form the review committee that will read the completed essay and participate in the master’s essay review.The Master’s Essay Review. Together with the advisor, the student schedules the master’s essayreview,normallyheldinthelasttwoweeksofthesemester.Eachmemberofthereviewcommittee receives a completed draft of the essay at least one week before the master’s review takesplace.Attheessayadvisor’sdiscretion,thereviewcommitteemayalsomeettodiscussthestudent’sworkbeforethereviewtakesplace.Approximatelyninetyminutesinlength,themaster’s essay review is an extensive discussion among the student and committee members about the essay’s strengths and weaknesses, the research and revision process, and the essay’s relationtothestudent’scurriculumandfutureinterestsorplans.Master’sEssayEvaluation.AstheculminatingprojectforanadvanceddegreeinCatholicStudies, the master’s essay is evaluated according to the following criteria:• Originality, intelligence, and depth of thought;• Carefulsynthesisanduseofsecondarymaterialstorenetheargument;• Clear, logical, and effective presentation of ideas;• Smooth,efcient,anderror-freeprose.At the conclusion of the master’s essay review, the student receives one of four marks: PasswithHonors,Pass,Revise,or NoCredit(Fail).If revisionsarecalledfor,theadvisorwilldeterminean appropriatedateforthose revisionstobemade.Anal,revisedbound copyoftheessaymustbesubmittedtotheGraduateProgramDirectorandonleintheGraduateCatholicStudiesofcebeforeadegreeisconferred.Master’sEssayPresentations.Attheendofeachsemester,studentswritingthemaster’sessay
42 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalogpresent their work to interested students and faculty and discuss their experiences with the research and writing process. Students who attend these presentations have found themespecially helpful in looking toward writing their own essays.FinalBoundEssay.Anal,revisedboundcopyoftheessaymustbesubmittedtotheGraduateProgram Director and on le in the Graduate Catholic Studies ofce before a degree isconferred. Binding guidelines can be received from the Graduate Program Coordinator.Timeline1. Completedproposalformonleandadvisordesignated:Firstweekofthesemester.The members of the review committee should also be chosen by this time.2. Essay due to review committee members: Three weeks before the end of the semester.3. Master’s essay review held: During the last two weeks of the semester.4. SubmitnalboundessaytotheGraduateProgramCoordinator.Graduate AssistantshipsAssistantships allow graduate students to work within the Department and Center for Catholic Studiesonbothscholarlyandprofessionalprojects.Theyofferstudentsarewardinglearningand professional development experience. Assistants might work on international conferences, helpmentorstudentsinourleadershipprograms,editouracademicjournaloraidafacultymember in research for publishing, or other related work. Catholic Studies Graduate Assistants may work up to 20 hr/week , potentially earning as much as $4,000 per semester. Assistantships are awarded during our scholarship review process and must submit a resume along with other application materials. Assistantships are awarded to students with stellar academic records and strong professional experience which match a need within Catholic Studies. The number of positions available is dependent on funding. Murphy ScholarsWorking to integrate the Catholic intellectual tradition into the law school and the university’s graduate programs, the Terrence J. Murphy Institute for Catholic Thought, Law and Public Policy nanciallysupportsfacultyandstudentresearchfellowships,includingtheMurphyScholarsprogram.StudentsenrolledinthejointJ.D./MACatholicStudiesdegreeprogramhavepriorityfor acceptance as Murphy Scholars. Students enrolled in either the J.D. or the Catholic Studies MA program may apply; acceptance of such students is contingent on a demonstration of interest in the work of the Murphy Institute and commitment to the goals of the Murphy Institute.RegistrationAllstudentsareresponsiblefortheirownregistration.StudentswithquestionsaboutregistrationshouldcontacttheGraduateProgramCoordinatorforassistance.Registrationsarehandledonarstcome,rstservedbasis.Degreestudentshavepriorityovernon-degreestudentsinregistering for courses. Toregisteryourself,utilizetheUniversityStudentPortal:MurphyOnline–• ClickonStudentServices>Registration>Registerforclasses>Fall2020• YoucaneithersearchfortheclassatthispointorentertheCRNnumber.• Click Submit
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 43Academic AdvisingThe Graduate Program Director serves as the general advisor for all students. Throughout the course of their studies, students meet with the director periodically to discuss their academic progress. When students are ready to select a topic area for the master’s essay, they choose an advisor who has the expertise to give counsel and direction throughout the research, development, writing, and presentation of the paper.Catholic Studies Transfer PolicyThe total number of transfer credits from any other institution and/or the University of St. Thomas may not exceed nine. See the Transfer Credit policy for additional details.Credit for Prior LearningThe Catholic Studies Graduate Program is implementing a credit for prior learning opportunity forqualiedgraduatestudents.Onthebasisofthesubmissionandevaluationofaqualifyingportfolio, graduate students may receive nine graduate credits toward the completion of their MA degree in Catholic Studies. The nine credits which they will receive will correspond to the following courses in the catalog:CSMA522Virtue(3cr.)CSMA536TheHeartofCulture:TheStoryofCatholicEducation(3cr.)CSMA592MissionandCulture:ChallengesinPreK-12CatholicEducation(3cr.)Students will not be given partial credit for their portfolio. They will either be awarded the full nine credits, or they will be awarded none. In the latter case, they will retain the right to revise and resubmit their portfolio for our reconsideration. We will allow one revision and resubmission of the portfolio.Independent StudyStudents may occasionally want to study something outside normal course offerings. In that case, they may apply for an independent study course. Both the instructor and the Graduate Program Director must approve the application before the student can register for the course. Up to two independent study courses may count as electives towards the MA degree. Proposals are due by the end of the semester prior to the semester of study.Class AttendanceGraduate students are expected to take responsibility for their own learning and to make appropriate arrangements for assignments and class materials discussed in their absence. Registeredstudentswho donotattendtherst session ofanycourse without notifyingthecourseinstructororgraduateofcemaybedroppedfromthecourse.Eachinstructormaintainsindividualattendancerequirements.Catholic Studies ScholarsA limited number of Catholic Studies Scholarships are awarded each year on a competitive basis to full-time degree-seeking, on-ground students of exceptional promise. These Catholic
44 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogStudies Scholar awards, renewable until completion of the degree, and can be used toward the cost of tuition only. It is expected that Catholic Studies Scholars will take three courses each semester until their last semester. Summer courses may be taken with tuition waivers, and only one course needs to be taken. Catholic Studies Scholar awards are awarded solely on merit, not need. Scholarship applications are evaluated based on the following criteria:• An outstanding GPA, veried by ofcial transcripts from all undergraduate andgraduatestudiessentdirectlytotheCatholicStudiesGraduateOfce• A distinguished writing sample of 10-12 pages that demonstrates superior research, • critical thinking, and writing skills• Three strong letters of recommendation from college professors that address the applicant’s past academic performance as well as potential for future achievement• A personal statement of approximately 500 words in which applicants discuss clearly and concisely their reasons for pursuing a Master of Arts in Catholic Studies degree and their personal and professional goals• A separate statement of approximately 350 words explaining the applicant’s eligibility for a Catholic Studies Scholarship.Scholarships for the second year are contingent upon students maintaining a GPA of 3.5 in therstyearoftheirscholarshipandtheavailabilityoffunding.CatholicStudiesScholarsareexpected to contribute to the life of the program. The Graduate Committee has the right to withdraw a scholarship if its proper use is being violated by the recipient. Scholarships cannot beusedtocovertuitioninRome.ApplicationsforscholarshipsaredueeachyearonMarch1.Scholarships for EducatorsTuition assistance for educators is primarily fullled through the Murray Institute, here atthe University of St. Thomas. Full-tuition funding is available through the Murray Institute for educators of a Catholic School in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis.Scholarships for those in Catholic MinistryBeginning Fall 2022, Catholic Studies will be offering scholarships targeted at assisting those who directly serve a Catholic Ministry. This could include but is not limited to youth ministers, directors of religious education, or missionaries.Conference GrantsGraduate students are encouraged to present papers at academic conferences. Students presenting a paper at a conference should speak with the Graduate Program Director prior to attendingtheconferenceandmayrequestaconferenceparticipationgrantonceayear.Catholic Studies E-NewsletterThe Catholic Studies Graduate Program sends an electronic newsletter once per week. This newsletter contains information for all students, faculty, and staff about upcoming events, lectures,housinglistings,volunteeropportunities,andjobpostings.LumenLumen, a biannual publication of the Center for Catholic Studies, informs faculty, students, alumni, and donors about happenings at the Center and in the department.
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 45LOGOS: A Journal of Catholic Thought and CultureThis journal is published under the auspices of the Center for Catholic Studies. Aninterdisciplinaryquarterly,Logos publishes scholarly articles that explore the beauty, truth, and vitality of Christianity, particularly as it is rooted in and shaped by Catholicism. More information can be found at
46 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogGRADUATEPROGRAMINDIVERSITYLEADERSHIPUniversity of St. ThomasGraduate Program in Diversity LeadershipMail # OEC 205-B 2115 Summit AvenueSt. Paul, MN 55105-1096 Graduate Director: Dr. Pao Ehrmantrautehrm7444@stthomas.eduGraduate Program Manager: 651.962.6007Web: Listing: online: Catalog:“GRADUATE PROGRAM IN DIVERSITY LEADERSHIP COURSE CATALOG”
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 47The Master of Arts in Diversity Leadership is a mission-driven program that develops DEI skills enriched by quality instruction in the humanities. This innovative approachprovides professionals at any level of their careers with the knowledge and skills to support transformationalchangewhich,inourcurrentculturalclimate,requiresadeepunderstandingofissuesindiversity,equityandinclusion.Theprogramoffersthreeinterdisciplinaryareastodevelopprociency:PrinciplesinLeadership,CultureandSociety,andagroupofIntegrativecourses,wherestudentscanapplyandexpandthefoundationalconceptsoforganizationalleadership,change,race,genderandpoliticalpolarizationacquiredintherequiredcoursesof the program. As students make their way through the curriculum, they will collect relevant materials in a graduate portfolio, curated in close consultation with their advisor. The portfolio will ensure integration of concepts and development of a personal philosophy for change in diverse contexts.Toprovideexibilitytoadultlearners,allcoursesaretaughtintheonlineasynchronousmodalityexcept for the seminar component of each course. All courses include a HyFlex seminar component with invited guest speakers who are currently active in industry, the community or workingatrelevantorganizationstothesubjectmatterofthecourse.Studentswillbeinvitedto attend in person, participate synchronously online or asynchronous online.The program entails: 6RequiredCoursesintwoareas:Principles in LeadershipMADL 500 Leading Self and Diverse TeamsMADL510LeadingInclusiveOrganizationsMADL 520 Storytelling for Inclusive CulturesCulture and SocietyMADL550Race,Culture,andPowerMADL 560 Biological Sex, Gender and SexualityMADL570NavigatingPoliticalPolarizationPlus, 6 Elective Courses from this list:MADL600OrganizationalLeadershipforSocialJusticeMADL 610 Street Art and Social JusticeMADL620EquityFocusedLeadership:IntersectionalityofDisabilityandOtherSocialIdentitiesMADL 630 Language, Diversity, and InclusionMADL640ReligioninPublicandProfessionalLifeMADL 650 Intercultural Competence for Diversity LeadershipMADL 660 Borders, Immigration, and IdentityMADL670HistoricalFoundationsofRaceinAmericaMADL 680 Topics in Diversity Leadership
48 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogApplication:Thefollowingitemsarerequiredontheonlineapplication:• Ofcialcollegetranscript(s)• Minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0 (applicants with a GPA of 2.7 - 3.0 will beconsideredonanindividualbasis)• A Statement of Purpose describing why you are pursuing graduate study and how your intended program will help you achieve your professional goalsApplications will be reviewed as they are received and you can expect to receive an admission decision within 3 weeks.Pace and FormatThis2-yearlong,part-time,onlineprogramallowsexibilitytostart6timesayear.Studentswilltake 6 consecutive courses each year. Each course will run independently for a 6-week time period, making the workload more manageable, so you can balance your coursework with yourpersonalandprofessionallife.Theprogramrequiresthecompletionof30creditsor12,2.5 credit courses. Rotating CurriculumTheprogramconsistsof12,6-weekcoursescompletedover2years(6courseseachyear).Sixcoursesarerequiredand6areelectives.Theprogramofferscurriculumthatfocusesonthreeinterdisciplinaryareastodevelopprociency:Principles in LeadershipCulture and SocietyIntegrative CoursesClassroom ExperienceTo provide exibility to adult learners, all courses are taught in the online asynchronousmodality. For seminar components of the courses, students will be invited to attend in person orparticipatesynchronouslyorasynchronousonlinefortotalexibility.Asstudentsmaketheirway through the curriculum, they will collect relevant materials in a graduate portfolio, curated in close consultation with their advisor. The portfolio has the goal of preparing candidates to present and effectively communicate what they’ve learned in interviews and career development opportunities.Diversity Leadership ScholarshipThe University of St. Thomas offers a Diversity Leadership Scholarship for students applying to the MA in Diversity Leadership program. The scholarship is intended for:• St. Thomas alumni,• St. Thomas faculty and staff,• U.S. Veterans and Military Service members,• Government employees,
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 49• First-generation students,• NGO employees, and• members of historically underrepresented groups in higher education.• Additionally, all students will have the opportunity to apply for this scholarship within their application based on life experiences that have provided them with distinctive perspectives on diversity leadership. Awards will typically be granted on a per course basis and will apply for up to three years while remaining a student in good standing (maintainaminimumGPAof3.0).Employer Tuition BenetsInacompetitivelabormarket,manyemployersoffertuitionreimbursementbenetsasawayto attract and retain top employees. Consider requesting tuition reimbursement from youremployerfortheMAinDiversityLeadershipprogram.Inadditiontothebenetsyou’llreceivefromtheprogram,yourparticipationwillalsobenetyour organizationby helping todrivecultural change through your leadership. An Interdisciplinary Approach to CurriculumOur courses seek to educate not only DEI professionals but also leaders who need to be DEI attunedtomovetheirorganizationsforwardwithintention,guidedbythewealthofexperienceand academic rigor our faculty bring to this program. Through collaborative curriculum from the College of Arts and Sciences, Opus College of Business and the School of Education, graduatesoftheMAinDiversityLeadershipwillbeabletoleveragetheuniqueelementsoftheprogram.You’llgainculturalcompetencetoequipemployeestodomeaningfulworkandengrainDEIintothecultureoftheirorganization.Learn Everything at your own PaceThe program is designed for busy people and allows you to learn at the pace that is right for you. For example, if you aren’t able to take classes during the summer, you can skip summer semester and complete the degree in three years instead of two.Achieve Leadership Skills from AnywhereOnline learning can give students the opportunity to learn on their own schedule, ndingoptimal work and life balance.Learning ExperienceThe asynchronous format of the program allows students to attend class and complete assignments on their own schedule. During a typical six-week session, you can expect 5-6 hours a week listening to recorded lectures or engaged in course readings and an additional 8-10hourscompletinghomeworkassignments,quizzesandexams.However,specicswillvaryby course and instructor and student’s prior knowledge. In addition to working on your own, there will also be opportunities to connect with faculty and your fellow students throughout the course.Internet Access and Equipment
50 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogStudentswillneedreliableinternetaccessandacomputerwithMicrosoftOfceSuite(Word,Excel,PowerPoint)allowingthemtoaccesscoursedeliverysoftwareandtheabilitytocompleteassignments.
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 51GRADUATEPROGRAMSINENGLISHUniversity of St. ThomasGraduate Program in EnglishMail#JRC333 2115 Summit AvenueSt. Paul, MN 55105-1096 Graduate Director: Dr. Todd Lawrencedtlawrence@stthomas.eduGraduate Program Manager: 651.962.5628Web: Listing: online: Catalog:“GRADUATE ENGLISH”
52 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogDegree-Seeking Application RequirementsStudents may apply for the Master of Arts in English, Master of Arts in Creative Writing and Publishing,and CerticateinTeachingCollegeEnglish programsby meeting thefollowingrequirements:Completed online application• A bachelor’s degree in English or a related eld from an accredited college ofuniversityveried byanofcialtranscriptsentdirectlytotheGraduateAdmissionsOfce.Studentsshouldhavecompletedaminimumofve(5)undergraduateEnglishcoursesbeyondtherst-yearlevelwitha“B”orbetter,orhavearecordofexperienceintheeldofEnglishLiteratureorCreativeWritingandPublishing.• If you are a Master of Arts in English applicant, you must submit a writing sample that is a literary analysis that closely examines a text. If you are a Master of Arts in Creative Writing and Publishing applicant, your writing sample must be a creative sample or a portfolioofworksinoneofthethreemaingenres(poetry,ction,creativenonction).• Three (3) condential letters of recommendation fromnon-relatedindividuals thatcan speak to your academic abilities and achievements. At least one letter should be from a former professor. • A personal statement of 500 words or less that describes why you are pursuing graduate study in English or Creative Writing and Publishing and how your intended program will help you achieve your academic and/or professional goals. Non-Degree-Seeking Application RequirementsA limited number of places in graduate courses will be available on a space-available basis for students not seeking degrees. The following admissions criteria must be met: • Completed online application.• AnofcialundergraduatetranscriptfromacollegeorUniversitysentdirectlytotheGraduateAdmissionsOfce.• A personal statement of 500 words of less that describes the applicant’s interest in studying English and/or Creative Writing and Publishing at the graduate level. Note: Students who take courses at the non-degree status and wish to change to degree-seeking status must go through the regular admissions process for their desired program. Once admitted to the program, students may transfer up to two courses taken as a non-degree studentfor credittowardstheirdegree. (Non-degreecoursesbeingconsideredfor transfermust have been taken within 5 years of the degree-seeking application or as approved by the DirectorofGraduateStudies.)Academic AdvisingThe Graduate Program Director is the designated advisor for all graduate English and Creative Writing&Publishingstudents.PleasecontactDr.ToddLawrence( email for an appointment at any time. It is recommended that students consult with Todd at
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 53leasttwotimes--oncepriortostartingtherstclassandonceaftercompletingthreecourses.This provides an opportunity for mapping and coordinating strategies for completing degree work.Mailboxes Mailboxes are provided for registered graduate English students in the graduate student commonroom,locatedinJRC356.Returnedstudentpapers,andotherimportantpiecesofinformation are typically distributed via these mailboxes or available for pickup there. Students are responsible for checking their mailboxes regularly; the room is unlocked Monday through Thursday until 9:30pm.Academic LoadThemajorityofstudents in the M.A.inEnglishand M.A.inCreativeWritingand Publishingprogramstakeclassesonapart-timebasis(i.e.atleastone3-creditcoursepersemester).Amaximum full-time academic load is three 3-credit courses per semester.Courses Taken Outside the English M.A. Programs With approval from the Graduate Program Director, a total of two literature-based courses (classroom-based,andnotonline,anduptosixcredits)takenoutsidetheprogrammaybecounted toward the Master of Arts degree. Only courses comparable in workload to St. Thomas courses in which the student receives a grade of “B” or better may be counted. These courses include the following:• A course transferred from another graduate program. The process requires anofcialtranscriptandmayrequiresyllabi,coursedescriptionsordescriptionsofworkcompletedforthecourse(s).• A University of St. Thomas undergraduate English course taken for graduate credit. This requires a completed Undergraduate Course for Graduate Credit applicationform, signed by the instructor, before course registration. Additional work above the undergraduate standards for the class is expected. Please note: only 300- or 400-level English courses will be considered. • A University of St. Thomas graduate course in Art History or Catholic Studies related to the study of literature.• Independent Study Students may take up to two independent study courses within the graduate English Programs. Please note that most instructors will take on an independent study student only if they have hadthatstudentinapreviousclass.Inaddition,anindependentstudy(GENG698)doesnotfulll a 600-level seminar requirement.The process begins by completing an IndependentStudy Proposal form along with a 500-word statement describing the nature of the research, the goals of the study, and a bibliography of the texts to be read. Both the instructor and the Graduate Program Director must approve the proposal for independent study before the student can be registered for the course by the Graduate Program Coordinator. Proposals are due by the end of the semester prior to the semester of study.Degree Planning GENG513IntrotoGraduateStudiesinEnglish(forM.A.Englishstudents)orGENG501IntrotoCreativeWritingandPublishing(forM.A.CWPstudents)shouldbetakenasearlyaspossible,
54 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalogsincestudentsmustcompletethiscourseasoneoftheirrstthreecoursesintheprogram.Special permission of the Graduate Program Director to take any additional courses beyond thatthree-courselimitwithoutGENG513orGENG501isrequired.Itisalsostronglyrecommendedthatstudentstakethethreeareadistributionrequirementsearlyintheprogram,toallowformoreexibilitylateron.StudentscanchecktheirprogresstowardsfulllinggraduatecourserequirementsbylookingattheirstudentdegreeevaluationunderthestudentrecordssectionoftheMURPHYOnlinewebsite.Degree RequirementsGeneral degree requirements are determined by the catalog under which the student hasbeenadmittedtotheprogram.Studentswholeavetheprogramandlaterre-applyaresubjecttotherequirementsinplaceatthedateoftheirre-admission,unlessspecicallywaivedbytheDirector of Graduate Studies. Successful completion of 9 courses plus the Master’s Project sequence (30 credits total) isrequiredforbothMasterofArtsprogram.Master of Arts in English• GENG513:IntroductiontoGraduateStudiesinEnglish(3Credits)• GENG516:CriticalQuestionsinLiteraryTheory(3Credits)• Pre-1900BritishorAmericanLiterature(3Credits)• IdentityandPower(3Credits)• LiteratureinaGlobal,Transatlantic,orTransnationalPerspective(3credits)• TheMaster’sEssay(3Credits)• FourElectives(12credits)**Some cours may fulll more than one distribution requirement (I.E. Pre-1900 British andTransatlantic). In this case,a total of ve electiveswould be requiredto meetthe 30 creditrequirement.Master of Arts in Creative Writing & Publishing• GENG501:IntroductiontoCreativeWriting&Publishing(3credits)• FourCreativeWritingWorkshops(GENG601,602,603,604,598)(12credits)• IdentityandPower(3credits)• ThreeEnglishelectives(9credits)• TheMaster’sProject(3credits)CerticateinTeachingCollegeEnglish• GENG507:TeachingCollegeEnglish(3credits)• GENG513:IntroductiontoGraduateStudiesinEnglish(3credits)• ThreeEnglishelectives(9credits)• TheMaster’sProject(3credits)
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 55Graduate Committee TheGraduateCommitteeconsistsofveEnglishprofessors,theGraduateProgramCoordinator,and the student representatives. Convened by the Graduate Program Director, the committee meets to decide admissions, curriculum, program policies, and student issues. Student Representatives Two student representatives serve as liaisons between the Graduate Committee, the Graduate Program Director, the Graduate Program Coordinator, and the graduate students of the program. The representatives attend all graduate English committee meetings, with the exception of admission meetings. The student representatives communicate news and ideas between facultyandstudents,organizesocialgatherings,theMaster’sProjectpresentations,andassistwith other duties as needed. The graduate student representatives serve a one year term and should expect to average 25 hours of work per semester. Each representative is paid $16/hr for the academic year. Applicants must be degree-seeking students and submit a statement of interest to the Graduate Program Director when the call is put out in late spring.
56 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogGRADUATEPROGRAMSINMUSICEDUCATIONThe University of St. Thomas Music Department and its Graduate degree programs and certicates are fully accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and the National Association of Schools of Music. Contact Information University of St. ThomasGraduate Programs in Music EducationBrady Education Center 1072115 Summit AvenueSt. Paul, MN 55105-1096 Graduate Director: Dr.DougOrzolekdcorzolek@stthomas.eduGraduate Program Manager: 651.962.5850 music@stthomas.eduWeb: Faculty Listing: online: Catalog:“GRADUATE MUSIC EDUCATION” Mission StatementThe mission of Graduate Programs in Music Education is to raise the standard of music teaching intheUnitedStatesbypromotingartistic,intelligent,reective,andinspiredmusicteachingatall levels of music instruction. Our work encourages a continual process of music education reform. We initiate programs that address practitioners’ musical, intellectual, and professional needs.Wevalueclassroompractice,theory,andresearchequallyinourquesttoimprovethequalityofmusiceducation.
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 57MASTER OF ARTS IN MUSIC EDUCATIONThis distinctive, national degree program is designed for practicing music educators seeking a comprehensive course of study that combines theory and practice in a reectivesetting.Emphasis is placed on musical and pedagogical artistry, together with developing students’ research skills. In addition to taking core courses designed to develop an understanding of currentmusiceducationthoughtandpractice,studentsselectoneofveareasofinterest:• Choral Concentration• Instrumental Concentration• Kodály Concentration• Orff Schulwerk Concentration• Piano Pedagogy ConcentrationStudies in each concentration address the theoretical and practical needs of experienced music educators who work with school-aged choristers, instrumentalists, children in general music programs,andpianists.Nationallyrecognizedpractitionersteachcoursesintheirrespectiveareas of concentration, above.Application Deadlines Summer term: April 1 Fall term: July 1Spring term: December 1Program StructureTheMasterofArtsinMusicEducationcurriculumrequires33semesterhoursandconsistsofthree essential elements:• core courses that embody issues of teaching and learning, historical and philosophical foundations of music education, musicianship and ensemble, perspectives in music theory, and music education research methods;• aspecializedeldofconcentrationthatoffersopportunitiesto develop specic skills inrequiredandelectivecourses;and• amaster’sthesisornalprojectthatallowsstudentstoconductappliedresearchinmusiceducation.Core CoursesCorecoursesprovideopportunitiesforstudentstoplacetheirspecicskillswithinabroadermusical and educational context. Areas of study include: an introduction to scholarship and researchmethodsinmusiceducation(GMUS600);anexaminationofconditionsthataffectthelearningprocessandwaystheycanbemediatedtoinuencestudentdevelopment(GMUS601); a survey of ideas, forces, philosophies, and values that have shaped American musiceducation(GMUS608);anexaminationandapplicationoftraditionalandcontemporarymusictheoryscholarship(GMUS611);in-depthconsiderationofmusichistory,literature,andtheorydevotedtoaparticularhistoricalperiod(GMUS612);systematicstudyofappliedmusicianship
58 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalogskillsintonicsolfaandchoralensemble(GMUS750);andtheapplicationofmusiceducationresearchtonalprojectsandthesiswriting(GMUS890). Fields of ConcentrationSixeldsof concentrationareavailableintheMasterofArtsprogram.Each is designed todevelop teaching expertise in an area of specialty in music education: Choral, Instrumental, Kodály, Orff Schulwerk, Diverse Perspectives, or Piano Pedagogy.SchedulingThe Master of Arts in Music Education degree program is designed for working music teachers who wish to pursue graduate study without interrupting their professional lives. All courses requiredforthedegreeareavailableduringthesummerterminaninterlockingarrangementof day and evening courses. Field of concentration courses are offered in rotations of even- and odd-numbered years. For the convenience of those teachers who live in the Twin Cities’ metropolitan area, most core courses are offered during the fall and spring semesters.AdvisingThe program director serves as academic advisor for all students until course work is completed. Degree plans are prepared during the admissions interview.Active StatusOnce accepted as a student in the St. Thomas Master of Arts in Music Education degree program, students must enroll in a course within one year. Matriculated students who do not register for two successive summer terms will be deactivated and must re-apply to resume work in the program.AdmissionsOur Admissions Committee thoroughly reviews every application to understand the strengths, skills and unique potential of each prospective student. A sound academic record – yourundergraduatehistoryandsubsequentgraduatework–isimportant,ofcourse.In addition to your academics, the committee will carefully examine your personal statement and letters of recommendation looking for evidence of writing skills, evidence of successful workinthemusiceld,leadershipexperienceandcommitmenttothemissionofGraduatePrograms in Music Education. All information you submit is considered and we encourage you to be thorough and straightforward. We want to make sure that the University of St. Thomas GraduateMusicProgramisagoodtforyou,andthatyouareagoodtfortheUSTGraduateMusic Program.Application CriteriaApplicants for admission to the Master of Arts in Music Education degree program must meet the following minimal criteria: 1. baccalaureatedegreeandamajorinmusicormusiceducationfromanaccreditedcollege or university with a minimum of a “B” grade average and2. evidenceofsuccessfulworkintheeldconrmedbythreelettersofrecommendation
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 59from teachers, administrators, or other professional colleagues.Meeting minimal application criteria does not guarantee admission; likewise, minimum criteria exceptions may be made by the admissions committee based on other factors of professional achievement.Application Requirements:Applicants must submit the following materials to Graduate Programs in Music Education (GPME). Applications will not be processed without receipt of all items. Applicants will benotied,bymail,4-6weeksfollowingtheapplicationdeadline.1. Completedonlineapplication(whichincludesitems3and5below).2. Ofcialtranscriptsofallbaccalaureateandgraduatestudies.3. Resume: include education, teaching experience, music performances, awards,professionalactivitiesandafliations.4. ThreecondentiallettersofrecommendationsentdirectlyfromreferencestoGPME.Your references should attach a separate letter addressing knowledge of your teaching or musical work and your interest in pursuing a Master of Arts degree.5. Personal Statement. Typed, double-spaced essay of 2-3 pages describing the following:• Why you have decided to pursue graduate study.• How the University of St. Thomas Master of Arts in Music Education degree program will help you meet your professional goals.• What outcomes you expect as a result of earning the M.A. degree at the University of St. Thomas.6. Performance Assessment Hearing. Ten-minute demonstration or the applicant’s music performanceability.RefertothePerformanceAssessmentHearingsectionbelow.7. Admission Interview and Degree Plans. These are scheduled directly with Dr. Doug Orzolek, Director of Graduate Programs in Music Education, Music History and Theory Diagnostic Exam. All students admitted to the Master of Arts in Music Education program must take a diagnostic examination in music history and theory immediately following their acceptance into the program. For more information, refer to the Music History and Theory Diagnostic Exam section below.Performance Assessment HearingCandidates for the Master of Arts degree must demonstrate music performance ability in piano, voice, or other classical instrumental performance. The performance must be loaded to YouTube and available to the Graduate Programs in Music Education admissions committee. The application will not be considered until the performance Students must perform two different compositions, showing contrasting styles in historical periods, technical demands, and tempi. If an accompaniment exists for the works being performed, then the recording must include that accompaniment. In addition, all students should sing either “My Country ‘Tis of Thee,” or “America, the Beautiful” a cappella.
60 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogPerformance Assessments are evaluated on technical competence (at the level of a seniorrecital) and musical expression, including stylistic understanding of the music presented.The emphasis in the Performance Assessment is on meaningful musical performance that demonstrates the student’s ability to expressively convey music convincingly.AnyquestionsaboutthePerformanceAssessmentshouldbedirectedtoDr.DougOrzolek,DirectorofGraduateProgramsinMusicEducation, History and Theory Diagnostic ExamAll students admitted to the Master of Arts in Music Education program must take a diagnostic examination in music history and theory immediately following their acceptance into the program. This exam is a non-course requirement of the Master of Arts in Music EducationdegreeandalsoservesasaprerequisiteforcoursesGMUS611andGMUS612.Studentswillnot be admitted to GMUS 611 or GMUS 612 until all tests are completed with passing grades. For more information regarding the test, log onto the GPME Students Blackboard site. You will need your University of St. Thomas Username and Password to log onto Blackboard.Nondegree StudentsYou may begin the Master of Arts degree in Music Education as a nondegree student. This option may be of interest to students with a desire to pursue graduate study but not necessarily in obtaining a degree. Enrolling in one or more courses at nondegree status will provide contact with faculty members and an opportunity to evaluate whether the program’s offerings match your needs, interests, and abilities. To enroll as a nondegree student select the online application link on this page.Transfer of Course WorkTransfer credits from another institution may not be applied to Level II or III of either the Orff orKodályeldsofconcentration;however,theymaybeappliedtothecorerequirementsandLevelIintheseeldsofconcentration.SixgraduatecreditsearnedasanondegreestudentinUSTcoursesthatalsoarerequirementsforthegraduateprogrammaybetransferredtomeetthestudent’scourserequirements.Thetotal number of transfer credits from other institutions and the University of St. Thomas may not exceed six.Changing from Nondegree to Degree StatusNondegree students may apply for degree-seeking status at the regular admissions deadlines by submitting all required application materials. Letters of recommendation solicited fromfaculty in the program are allowable. Up to six credits taken as a nondegree student may be applied for credit towards the degree.International ApplicantsIt is recommended that international students complete their application at least six months prior to their anticipated arrival on campus.
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 61ChecklistGraduatestudentsmustrstcompletealloftheapplicationrequirementsfortheprogramtowhich they are applying. Submit the documents directly to the program, by the deadlines indicatedforeachspecicprogram.InternationalRecruitingandAdmissionsalsorequiresthefollowing submissions, which you can also submit directly to your graduate program.English• OfcialdocumentationofEnglishlanguageprociency.Financial• Completed International Student Questionnaire and Financial Certication Form(PDF).• Ofcialdocumentationofyournancialsupportcurrentwithinthelast3months.Immigration paperwork• A copy of the picture page from your passport.• Applicants who are already inside the U.S. must submit a copy of their current visa and a copy of their I-94 card.• Applicants who are already inside the U.S. on a J-1 visa must submit a copy of their most recent DS2019 form.• Applicants transferring an F-1 visa from another U.S. school must submit a copy of theirmostrecentI-20formandaSEVISTransferForm(PDF).Please mail these additional submissions directly to the graduate program to which you are applying.ELS (ELS Language Center)Ifyoufeelthatyouareunabletoobtaintheminimumscoreonanyofthetestsrequired,youmaychoose to apply directly to the ELS Language Center, located on the St. Thomas campus. Upon completionofELS,graduateapplicantsmustprovideproofofoneoftheEnglishprociencyrequirementslistedabove.Transcripts from institutions outside the U.S. must be evaluated before your application can be considered. For further information contact:Educational Credentials Evaluators Inc.P.O. Box 92970 Milwaukee, WI 533202Phone:(414)289-3400Fax:(414)289-3411Please keep in mind that our program is primarily a summers-only program. Given current policies governing student visas, this does not make our program a good match for many
62 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Cataloginternational students. While we do offer graduate courses during the school year, low enrollment in a course might mean that the class is canceled. As a result, we cannot guarantee year-round course offerings. This may have an impact on your student visa. With this disclaimer, Graduate Programs in Music Education regrets that it cannot be held responsible for helping you maintain your status as a student in the United States.Choral Music Education Concentration CriteriaThe Master of Arts degree with concentration in choral music education features a broad range oftheoreticalcoursesbalancedbyrequirementsthatapplydirectlytochoraldirectors’workwithtreble,emergingadolescent,andmatureadolescentvoices.Uniquetothisprogramisitsemphasis on practical application in graduate study as well as cooperation among classroom, vocal, and instrumental music educators to produce superior music education in our schools.In this program students will:• sharpenconductingandrehearsalskillsnecessaryforefcientchoralartistry;• gain insights into historical and contemporary choral literature through analytical study;• improve musical competency;• broaden understanding of music history, theory, and literature;• gain pedagogical insights into vocal development, sight-singing/musicianship, and choral music learning for choirs of all ages and ability levels;• discover new applications for existing expertise; and• emphasizethecommonalityofthegoalsandtechniquessharedbymusiceducatorsat all levels.Music Education Core CoursesStudentsarerequiredtotakethefollowing14semestercredits.GMUS600 IntrotoScholarship&ResearchMethodsinMusicEducation(3cr.)GMUS601 TeachingandLearning(3cr.)GMUS608 FoundationsofMusicEducation(3cr.)GMUS611 PerspectivesinMusicTheory(3cr.) Prerequisite:PassinggradeontheDiagnosticExamGMUS750 MusicianshipandEnsemble(1cr.)GMUS876 DirectedResearch(0cr.)GMUS890 CulminatingThesis/Project(1cr.) Choral Concentration CriteriaStudentstake13requiredcreditsinthechoraleldofconcentrationand6electivecredits.Through the required concentration courses, students expand and rene the informationneeded to work successfully with choral singers of all ages. Elective courses offer students opportunitiestofurtherdeneandhonethedepthandbreadthoftheirexpertise.RequiredChoralCourses(15cr.)GMUS518 TeachingChoralMusictoYoungSingers(2cr.)GMUS673 ChoralScoreStudyandLiteratureI(2cr.)GMUS674 ChoralScoreStudyandLiteratureII(2cr.)
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 63GMUS676 VoiceFundamentals(2cr.)GMUS726 IntermediateChoralConducting(2cr.)GMUS727 AdvancedChoralConducting(2cr.)GMUS728 AdvancedChoralConductingab(1cr.)Plusoneofthefollowingcourses(2cr.)GMUS541 GlobalTraditionsforChoir(2cr.)GMUS542 PopularMusicinChoir(2cr.)ChoralElectiveCourses(choose4creditsfromthefollowingelectives):GMUS517 DevelopingtheChildVoice(2cr.)GMUS523 EmergingAdolescentVoices(2cr.)GMUS527 VocalJazzTechniques(2cr.)GMUS530 IPA/English/FrenchDictionforSingers(1cr.)GMUS531 IPA/Italian/GermanDictionforSingers(1cr.)GMUS544-xxTopicsinMusicEducation(withAdvisorapproval)GMUS574 VoicePerformance(30-minutelessons)(1cr.)GMUS612 TopicsinMusicHistory,LiteratureandTheory(3cr.)GMUS651 DalcrozeMusicianship(3cr.)GMUS741 KodályLevelI(3cr.)Othercoursesconsideredforelectivecredit(withAdvisorapproval)Instrumental Concentration CriteriaThe Master of Arts degree with a concentration in instrumental music education features a broad rangeoftheoreticalcoursesbalancedbyrequirementsthatapplytoinstrumentaldirectors’workwithelementary,middle,andhighschoolinstrumentalensembles.Uniquetothisprogramisitsemphasis on practical application in graduate study as well as cooperation among classroom, vocal, and instrumental music educators to produce superior music education in our schools. Informed, practical pedagogy is the cornerstone of this concentration.In this program, students will:• sharpenconductingandrehearsalskillsnecessaryforefcientinstrumentalartistry;• gain insights into historical and contemporary instrumental literature through analytical study;• improve musical competency;• broaden understanding of music history, theory, and literature;• gain pedagogical insights into instrumental pedagogy, sight- reading/musicianship and instrumental music learning for ensembles of all ages and ability levels;• discover new applications for existing expertise; and• emphasizethecommonalityofthegoalsandtechniquessharedbymusiceducatorsat all levels.
64 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogMusic Education Core CoursesStudentsarerequiredtotakethefollowing17semestercredits.GMUS600 IntrotoScholarship&ResearchMethodsinMusicEducation(3cr.)GMUS601 TeachingandLearning(3cr.)GMUS608 FoundationsofMusicEducation(3cr.)GMUS611 PerspectivesinMusicTheory(3cr.) Prerequisite:PassinggradeontheDiagnosticExamGMUS750 MusicianshipandEnsemble(1cr.)GMUS876 DirectedResearch(0cr.)GMUS890 CulminatingThesis/Project(1cr.)Instrumental Concentration Course CriteriaStudentstake11requiredcreditsintheinstrumentaleldofconcentrationandveelectivecredits.Throughtherequiredconcentrationcourses,studentsexpandandrenetheinformationneeded to work successfully with instrumentalists of all ages. Elective courses offer students opportunitiestofurtherdeneandhonethebreadthanddepthoftheirexpertise.RequiredInstrumentalCourses(11cr.)GMUS570-592 AppliedPerformanceStudies(2cr.asspeciedbelow):• Private study; 12, 30-minute lessons on the major instrument,arranged with the instructor and determined in consultation with thedirector.(1credit)• Private study; 12, 30-minute lessons on a secondary instrument, arranged with the instructor and determined in consultation with thedirector.(1credit)GMUS665 InstrumentalMusicianshipPedagogy(3cr.)GMUS687 AdvancedInstrumentalScoreStudyandLiterature(3cr.)GMUS690 AdvancedInstrumentalConducting(3cr.) Prerequisite:GMUS687.Instrumental Elective Course CriteriaChoose 5 credits from the following electives:GMUS544-xxTopicsinMusicEducation(withAdvisorapproval)GMUS557 MarchingBandTechniques(1cr.)GMUS558 SoloandSmallEnsembleandSoloLiterature(1cr.)GMUS651 DalcrozeMusicianship(3cr.)GMUS661 ExploringMusicTechnology(3cr.)GMUS664 JazzPedagogy(3cr.)GMUS671 AfricanMusicEnsemble(2cr.)Othercoursesconsideredforelectivecredit(withAdvisorapproval)Kodály ConcentrationThe Master of Arts degree with concentration in Kodály music education features a broad range of theoretical courses balanced by requirements that apply to the general musicteacher’s work with students of all ages using the Kodály approach. This developmentally
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 65sequential,activemusic-makingapproachemphasizessinging,artistry,literacy,authenticmusicmaterials, reective practice, and inquiry-based learning within a prepare-present-practice-assess instructional model for teaching musical concepts and skills. Pedagogic tools include moveable-do tonic solfa, Curwen/Glover hand signs, and rhythm syllables.In this program students will:• sharpen performance skills necessary for achieving artistic ensemble and solo performance;• gain insights into historical and contemporary art music and folk music literature and performancestylethroughanalyticalstudy,classicationandperformance;• improve musical competency and conducting skills;• broaden understanding of music history, theory, and literature;• gain pedagogical insights into developmentally appropriate, sequential musicinstruction using a spiral curriculum with children of all ages and ability levels;• discover new applications for existing expertise;• experience, explore, and create strategies for developing successful preparation, presentation, practice, and assessment experiences; and• articulate ways in which Kodály-inspired music teaching serves the common goals of the music education profession.Music Education Core CoursesStudentsarerequiredtotakethefollowing16semestercredits.GMUS600 IntrotoScholarship&ResearchMethodsinMusicEducation(3cr.)GMUS601 TeachingandLearning(3cr.)GMUS608 FoundationsofMusicEducation(3cr.)GMUS611 PerspectivesinMusicTheory(3cr.) Prerequisite:PassinggradeontheDiagnosticExamGMUS612 TopicsinMusicHistory,LiteratureandTheory(3cr.) Prerequisite:PassinggradeontheDiagnosticExamGMUS876 DirectedResearch(0cr.)GMUS890 CulminatingThesis/Project(1cr.)Kodály Concentration CoursesStudentstake12requiredcreditsintheKodályeldofconcentrationand5electivecredits.Throughtherequiredconcentrationcourses,studentsexpandandreneinformationneededto successfully use the Kodály approach in their classrooms and rehearsals with children of all ages.Electivecoursesofferstudentsopportunitiestofurtherdeneandhonethebreadthanddepth of their expertise.RequiredKodályCourses(15cr.)GMUS651 DalcrozeMusicianship(3cr.)GMUS731 OrffSchulwerkI(3cr.)GMUS741 KodályLevelI(3cr.)GMUS742 KodályLevelII(3cr.) Prerequisite:GMUS741GMUS743 KodályLevelIII(3cr.) Prerequisite:GMUS741andGMUS742
66 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogKodály Elective CoursesChoose 2 credits from the following electives:GMUS517 DevelopingtheChildVoiceintheClassroom(2cr.)GMUS518 TeachingChoralMusictoYoungSingers(2cr.)GMUS520 FrenchDictionforSingers(1cr.)GMUS521 GermanDictionforSingers(1cr.)GMUS522 ItalianDictionforSingers(1cr.)GMUS524 EmergingAdolescentVoices(2cr.)GMUS527 VocalJazz(2cr.)GMUS544-xxTopicsinMusicEducation(withAdvisorapproval)GMUS570-592PerformanceStudies(1cr.)GMUS671 AfricanMusicEnsemble(2cr.)GMUS676 VoiceFundamentals(2cr.)GMUS727 AdvancedChoralConducting(2cr.)Othercoursesconsideredforelectivecredit(withAdvisorapproval)Orff Schulwerk ConcentrationThe Master of Arts degree with an Orff Schulwerk concentration features a broad range of theoretical courses balanced by requirements that apply to the general music teacher’swork with students of all ages using Orff Schulwerk. In the Orff approach, teachers create an environment in which children become active, creative participants in their musical education. They experience music through movement, song, speech, and instrument playing, which prepares them for music reading and writing. Independent musicianship is developed through a teaching process that includes imitation, exploration, improvisation, composition, and literacy.In this program, students will: • sharpen performance skill necessary for achieving artistic ensembles;• gain insights into historical and contemporary Orff ensemble literature through analytical study and orchestration;• improve musical competency;• broaden understanding of music history, theory, and literature;• examine pedagogical uses of Orff media to teach music concepts, develop musical ideas and skills, and facilitate ensemble performance with children of all ages and ability levels;• discover new applications for existing expertise;• experience and explore strategies for developing successful improvisation and composition experiences; and• articulate ways in which Orff Schulwerk serves the common goals of the music education profession.Music Education Core CoursesStudentsarerequiredtotakethefollowing17semestercredits.GMUS600 IntrotoScholarship&ResearchMethodsinMusicEducation(3cr.)GMUS601 TeachingandLearning(3cr.)
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 67GMUS608 FoundationsofMusicEducation(3cr.)GMUS611 PerspectivesinMusicTheory(3cr.) Prerequisite:PassinggradeontheDiagnosticExamGMUS612 TopicsinMusicHistory,LiteratureandTheory(3cr.) Prerequisite:PassinggradeontheDiagnosticExamGMUS750 MusicianshipandEnsemble(1cr.)GMUS876 DirectedResearch(0cr.)GMUS890 CulminatingThesis/Project(1cr.)Orff Schulwerk Concentration CoursesStudentstake11requiredcreditsintheOrffSchulwerkeldofconcentrationand5electivecredits. Through the required concentration courses, students expand and rene theinformation needed to successfully use the Orff Schulwerk approach with children of all ages. Electivecoursesofferstudentsopportunitiestofurtherdeneandhonethebreadthanddepthof their expertise.RequiredOrffCourses(11cr.)GMUS731 OrffSchulwerkI(3cr.)GMUS732 OrffSchulwerkII(3cr.)GMUS733 OrffSchulwerkIII(3cr.)GMUS735 CurriculumDevelopment(2cr.) Prerequisite:GMUS731Orff Schulwerk ElectivesChoose 5 credits from the following electives:GMUS517 DeveloptheChildVoiceintheClassroom(2cr.)GMUS532 OrffMasterClass(2cr.)GMUS544-xxTopicsinMusicEducation(withAdvisorapproval)GMUS651 Dalcroze(3cr.)GMUS671 AfricanMusicEnsemble(2cr.)GMUS725 BeginningChoralConducting(2cr.)GMUS741 KodályLevelI(3cr.)GMUS765 AmericanFolkMusic(3cr.)Othercoursesconsideredforelectivecredit(withAdvisorapproval)Diverse Perspectives ConcentrationThe Diverse Perspectives concentration celebrates and explores all musical traditions and their attendant sociocultural and sociohistorical dimensions along with recognition of the people whocreate,perform,andlistentomusic.Thisprogramplacesauniqueemphasisonmattersofequityinmusiceducationincluding:identity,diversity,justice,andactionleadingtoamoreempatheticandsociallyjusteducation.Practicalapplicationwithinindividualteachingsettingsare examined and implemented.
68 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogDiverse Perspectives Concentration Courses:GMUS600 IntroductiontoResearchandScholarship(3cr.)GMUS601 TeachingandLearning(3cr.)GMUS608 FoundationsofMusicEducation(3cr.)GMUS611 PerspectivesinMusicTheory(3cr.)GMUS537 LatinAmericanMusic(2cr.)GMUS652 GlobalTraditionsinChoir(2cr.)GMUS653 WorldMusicforDiversePerspectives:InstrumentalEnsembles(2cr.)GMUS671 AfricanMusicEnsemble(2cr.)GMUS536 SmithsonianFolkwaysWorldMusicPedagogy(3cr.)GMUS606 RealizingDiversityinMusicEducation(3cr.)GMUS670 EastAsianMusicCultures(2cr.)GMUS890 MAProject(1cr.) ElectiveCredits(4);totalCredits33Piano Pedagogy ConcentrationThe Master of Arts degree with a concentration in piano pedagogy features a broad range of theoreticalcoursesbalancedbyrequirementsthatapplytopianoteachers’workwithstudentsof all ages and abilities. The program places emphasis on practical aspects of teaching elementary, intermediate and advanced students to develop their musicianship and technical skills.In this program, students will:• sharpen and improve personal competence in performance on the piano;• learn the principles of a healthy and effectivetechnique and how to develop it instudents;• broaden understanding of music history, theory, and historic piano performance practices;• develop a good working knowledge of literature for the piano, as well as specicpiano teaching methods, sources, and editions available;• gain insights into individual learning styles and performance psychology;• gain pedagogical insights into the pedagogy of sight-reading, improvisation, keyboard theory, practicing, and expressive interpretation;• discover new applications for existing expertise;• expand organizational skills in areas of studio policy, goal-setting, and curriculumdevelopment; and• discoverthecommonalityofthegoalsandtechniquessharedbyallmusiceducators.• performance skills necessary for achieving artistic ensembles.Music Education Core CoursesStudentsarerequiredtotakethefollowing14semestercredits.GMUS600 IntrotoScholarship&ResearchMethodsinMusicEducation(3cr.)GMUS601 TeachingandLearning(3cr.)GMUS608 FoundationsofMusicEducation(3cr.)GMUS651 DalcrozeMusicianship(3cr.)
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 69GMUS750 MusicianshipandEnsemble(1cr.)GMUS876 DirectedResearch(0cr.)GMUS890 CulminatingThesis/Project(1cr.)Piano Pedagogy Concentration CoursesStudents take 13 required credits in the piano pedagogy eld of concentration and 6electivecredits.Throughtherequiredconcentrationcourses,studentsexpandandrenetheinformation needed to work successfully with pianists of all ages. Elective courses offer students opportunitiestofurtherdeneandhonethebreadthanddepthoftheirexpertise.RequiredPianoPedagogyCourses(13cr.)GMUS571 AdvancedAppliedPianoStudies(1cr.) Offeredeverysemester.Threesemestersrequired. Private study; 12, 50-minute lessons arranged with the instructor GMUS613 AdvancedTheoryforPianists(3cr.)GMUS771 ElementaryMaterialsandTeachingTechniques(3cr.)GMUS772 IntermediateMaterialsandTeachingTechniques(3cr.)GMUS800 SupervisedTeaching(1cr.)Piano Pedagogy Elective CoursesChoose 6 credits from the following electives:GMUS571 AdvancedAppliedPianoStudies(1cr.) Offered every semester. Must take two semesters. Privatestudy;12,50-minutelessonsarrangedwiththeinstructor(1cr.)GMUS544-xxTopicsinMusicEducation(withAdvisorapproval)GMUS615 PerformancePractices(3cr.)GMUS619 KeyboardLiterature(3cr.)GMUS773 AdvancedTeachingTechniques(3cr.)GMUS800 SupervisedTeaching(1cr.:additionalsemester)Othercoursesconsideredforelectivecredit(withAdvisorapproval)OtherPianoPedagogyRequirementsPianoRecital• Length–minimum of 30 minutes• Content–a portion of the recital may be an artistic performance of intermediate repertoire• When–atthecompletionofrequiredpianostudies;studentmustbetakinglessonsduring or immediately before the semester the recital is given.• Prerequisite–Studentmustsatisfactorilyperformtheentirerecitalinahearingforthepiano faculty no later than one month before the planned recital date.Certicate in Piano PedagogyTheCerticateinPianoPedagogyisaprogramdesignedforprofessionalteachersandthosewishing to enter the profession who would like to formally pursue studies in piano pedagogy,
70 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalogbutwhodonotwishtoattainagraduatedegree.Certicatestudentswillreceiveacademiccredit through the Graduate Programs in Music Education as non-degree students. EligibilityThosewhowishtoworktowardthecerticatemaydosoregardlessofacademicbackgroundorteachingexperience;however,itisassumedthatstudentswillhavesufcientbackgroundinpianostudyandpreferablysometeachingexperience.Anapplication,interview,and(whenappropriate)academictranscriptswilldetermineeligibilityforthecerticate.Therearecertainrequirementsforthosewhodonothaveanundergraduatedegreeinmusic.Students without a Baccalaureate Degree in MusicThosestudentswishingtoenterthecerticateprogramwhohavenotcompletedabaccalaureatedegreeinmusicwillhaveasaprerequisitethesuccessfulcompletionofeithertheElementaryMaterials and TeachingTechniques or the Intermediate Materials and Teaching Techniquescoursebeforebeingacceptedintothecerticateprogram.Students without College Music History or Theory CoursesStudents must complete at least one college semester of music theory and one college semester of music history. These may be taken from any college offering these undergraduate courses,andmaybetakenatanytime,butmustbecompletedbeforethecerticatecanbeawarded. It is highly recommended, however, that students take them as soon as possible, as the knowledge gained will provide an important background for other courses in the program.Piano Pedagogy Certicate RequirementsTofulllrequirementsofthecerticatestudentswill:• choosevepianopedagogyconcentrationcourses.• twopedagogymethodscoursesrequired,ofwhichElementaryMaterialsandTeaching Techniques(GMUS771)mustbeone.• aminimumofthreesemestersofpianolessons(GMUS571).• twelve 50-minute lessons per semester.• onesemesterofSupervisedTeaching(GMUS800).Recitals.Studentsarenotrequiredbutareencouragedtoperforminarecital.Studentsmustbeenrolledasdegreeornondegreegraduatestudentsforcoursestoapplytowardthecerticate.Piano Pedagogy CoursesThe following courses are offered as part of both the Master of Arts in Music Education and theCerticateinPianoPedagogy.Studentsfrombothprogramswillparticipateinthecoursestogether,andwillbeexpectedtofulllthesamerequirementsineachcourse.GMUS 571 Applied Piano Studies, 1 cr. Twelve 50-minute individual lessons.
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 71GMUS 613 Theory for Pianists, 3 cr.The study of harmonic language, rhythm, texture, formal and contrapuntal procedures, chosen from a broad range of examples derived primarily from literature for piano. GMUS 615 Performance Practices, 3 cr.An in-depth study of performance practices associated with stylistic interpretation of piano music from the 18th century to the present, including issues of phrasing, articulation, rhythm and tempo, dynamics, pedaling and ornamentation correlated with the evolution of the instrument.GMUS 619 Keyboard Literature, 3 cr.Study of the keyboard literature from the beginning of the 18th century to the present.GMUS771ElementaryMaterialsandTeachingTechniques,3cr.Discussion of teaching materials for the beginning student and issues relating to the development of musicianship in early studies on the instrument. Learning theories and their relationship to the various aspects of piano study are explored. The course includes consideration of the business aspects of running an independent studio. Seminar participants will develop some familiarity with the various electronic keyboards available for studio and student use.GMUS772IntermediateMaterialsandTeachingTechniques,3cr.An in-depth study of materials and teaching techniques for the intermediatestudent. Learning theories and their relationship to the various aspects of piano study at the intermediate level are explored.GMUS773AdvancedTeachingTechniques,3cr.Topics will include those that are applicable to all students, as well as addressing theissuesthatarespecictotheadvancingstudent.Subjectsinclude:planningrepertoire that takes students from the intermediate level to the advanced level; developing advanced technique; how to devise practice strategies tosolvespecictechnicalproblems;howtorecognizeandavoidphysicalinjuries;performance anxiety; interpretation and analysis; history of piano pedagogy andcurrentpedagogicaltheory;howtopractice;memorizingandpreparationfor performance.GMUS 800 Supervised Teaching, 2 cr.Piano faculty direction and observation of each student’s teaching in an online format. Students will video record their own piano students for the basis of the class.Opentonon-USTpianoteachers.Prerequisite:instructor’spermission.MUSW 501 Topics in Contemporary Music Education, 1 cr.Students may earn credit by attending piano pedagogy workshops sponsored by the University of St. Thomas, including the Summer Workshops in Piano Pedagogy.
72 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogCerticate in Teaching World MusicTheUniversityofSt.Thomasoffershigh-qualitycontinuingeducationopportunitiesformusiceducators who wish to teach world music in the schools. These experiences will give you newideasthatwillsupportandrevitalizeteaching.TheseexperiencesmaycounttowardtheCerticateinTeachingWorldMusicortheexistingMasterofArtsinMusicEducationdegree.PurposeTheCerticateinTeachingWorldMusicisaprogramdesignedforprofessionalteachersandthose wishing to enter the profession who would like to formally pursue studies in world music pedagogy,butwhodonotwishtoattainagraduatedegree.Certicatestudentswillreceiveacademic credit through the Graduate Programs in Music Education as both degree and nondegree students.EligibilityThosewhowishtoworktowardthecerticatemaydosoregardlessofacademicbackgroundorteachingexperience;howeveritisassumedthatstudentswillhavesufcientbackgroundinmusicalstudy(atleastanundergraduatedegreeinmusic)andpreferablysometeachingexperience. An application, interview, and (when appropriate) academic transcripts willdetermineeligibilityforthecerticate.WorldMusicCerticateRequirementsTofulllrequirementsofthecerticatestudentswill:• takefourrequiredcourses(9credits)• selectelectivecourses(6credits)inconsultationwiththeDirectorofGraduateProgramsinMusic Education• completeaTeachingWorldMusicCapstone(3credits)• Students must be enrolled as degree or nondegree graduate students for courses to apply towardthecerticate.World Music CoursesThe following courses are offered as part of both the Master of Arts in Music Education and theCerticateinTeachingWorldMusic.Studentsfrombothprogramswillparticipateinthecoursestogether,andwillbeexpectedtofulllthesamerequirementsineachcourse.GMUS536SmithsonianFolkwaysCerticationCourseinWorldMusicPedagogy,3cr.Audio, video, print, electronic, and human resources will be sampled in this intensive course, with the aim of learning as well as developing an understanding of ways to teach music of the world’s cultures. Attention will be given to learning culture through songs, movement and dance experiences, instrumental music, and contextualized cultural components. Participants will be guided throughrecordings and curricular materials from the Smithsonian Folkways archives thatttheneedsofstudentsinknowingmusic(andknowingculturethroughmusic).Musicalexperienceswillbetailoredforuseatvariouslevels,includingin classes for children, youth and adults in university and community settings, with occasional small group sessions to decipher and discuss applications for
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 73particularteachingcontextsandaims.Enrolledparticipantswilljointogethertoshare particular means of teaching world music, and will receive documentation fromthe Smithsonian Institution that certiestheir specialized study inWorldMusic Pedagogy. GMUS 537 Latin American Music, 1 cr.Participants will be guided through musical experiences that cover selected musical cultures and genres from throughout Latin America including Puerto Ricanplena,MexicansonJarocho,Dominicanmerengue,andBraziliansamba.This hands-on workshop is appropriate for vocal and instrumental educators who teach at the elementary, middle or high school level.GMUS 601 Teaching and Learning, 3 cr.Comprehensive overview of learning theories, instructional theories, and implications for the teaching of music to children in grades K-12. Applications of principles and concepts inherent in these theories to the teaching and learning of music.GMUS 671 African Music Ensemble, 2 cr.StudyoftraditionalAfricanmusic(Ghanaianculture)throughmusicperformance.Performance of chants, songs, music for social and festive occasions, and other vocal and instrumental examples selected from a variety of styles. All instruments provided,exceptuteandCD’swhichcanbepurchasedinclass.GMUS 538 Teaching World Music Capstone, 3 cr.Studentswillworkcloselywithafacultymentorondevelopinganalcapstoneproject (e.g. a detailed lesson plan or curriculum). This project will involvesubstantialindividualizedreading,writing,andresearch.WorldMusicCerticateElectiveCourses,6cr.Elective courses are to be selected in consultation with the Director of Graduate Programs in Music Education based upon the needs of the student. The Graduate Programs in Music Education offer a variety of courses each year to support the needsofmusiceducators.Forthiscerticate,thefollowinglistofelectivesmaybe considered:GMUS 570 Piano Studies, 1 cr.GMUS 574 Voice Studies, 1 cr.GMUS 591 Guitar Studies, 1 cr.GMUS 611 Perspectives in Music Theory, 3 cr.GMUS651 DalcrozeMusicianship,3cr.GMUS 731 Orff Schulwerk Level I, 3 cr. GMUS 741 Kodály Level I, 3 cr.GMUS 841 Curriculum Development in Music Education, 3 cr.GMUS 5xx Other Instrument Studies, 1 cr.Additional courses with consent of Program Director.Doctorate in Educational Leadership and Learning with a Concentration in Music Education
74 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogIn its 28th year, the Doctorate in Leadership is a distinctive program that prides itself on artfully weavingtheorywithreal-lifeapplication.Here,youareimmersedinthereectivepracticeofleadership with your fellow cohort members and are able to apply everything you learn – from academic research ndings to brainstorms with classmates – to your organization’s criticalissues and challenging situations. CourseworkThe Doctorate in Leadership program is built on four areas of coursework: core, research, collateral and dissertation. Courses focus on the ideas and issues central to leadership over a three-year period, and students attend core courses with their cohort. Students may concurrently take collateral and research courses, which are offered one evening a week and include online components.CreditsThe Doctorate in Educational Leadership and Learning degree consists of 66 total credits that encompass core courses, research, electives and dissertation.CoreCourses(18Credits)EDLD910 LeadersandOrganizations:MultidisciplinaryPerspectives1EDLD911 LeadersandOrganizations:MultidisciplinaryPerspectives2EDLD 912 Critical Issues in Their Political, Social and Economic ContextsEDLD 913 Power, Freedom and ChangeEDLD 914 Ethical Dimensions of Leadership EDLD 915 Leadership Narrative SeminarResearchCourses(9Credits)EDLD902 SurveyResearchEDLD904 QualitativeMethodsofResearchandEvaluationEDLD905 AnalysisofQualitativeDataConcentrationinMusicEducationCourses(15Credits)GMUS 601 Teaching and Learning in Music Education GMUS 608 Foundations of Music EducationGMUS 840 Philosophical Foundations and Aesthetics in Arts Education GMUS 841 Curriculum Development in Arts EducationGMUS 842 Psychological Foundations of Arts EducationCollateral(9Credits)Each student, working with faculty, will outline a program of concentrated study with courses from education and other university offerings, including business communication, business administration, international management, computer software design, counseling psychology, social work or divinity.Dissertation(15Credits)Thismajorpaperdemonstratesthedoctoralstudent’sabilitytoresearchanimportantquestionineducation,andtopresentandinterpretthendingsinclearandlogicalwrittenform.Thedissertation is completed under the supervision of a faculty chair and is formally presented in
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 75an oral presentation to the dissertation committee.External RelationshipsLocalAfliatesKodály Chapter of Minnesota Minnesota Music Educators Association The Minnesota OperaMinnesota Orchestra Minnesota OrffMinnesota Youth SymphoniesRegionalAfliatesMusic Theory Midwest Shell Lake Arts CenterWisconsin Music Educators Association Wisconsin School Music AssociationNationalAfliatesAmerican Choral Directors Association American College of Musicians American Orff Schulwerk AssociationCollege Band Directors National Assocation DalcrozeSocietyofAmericaEnsembleTheInternationalAssociationforJazzEducationMENC: The National Association for Music Education Music Teachers National AssociationOrganizationofAmericanKodályEducatorsThe Society for Music TheoryJournals and PublicationsChoral JournalKodály Envoy Music and Meaning The Orff EchoResearchandIssuesinMusicEducationReverberations
76 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogGRADUATEPROGRAMSINSPANISHUniversity of St. ThomasGraduate Programs in SpanishMail # OEC 320-C2115 Summit AvenueSt. Paul, MN 55105-1096 Graduate Director: Dr. Juli Krolljakroll@stthomas.eduGraduate Program Manager: 651.962.5293Web: Listing: online: Catalog: “GRADUATE SPANISH”Master of Arts in Spanish Mission StatementThe Master of Arts degree in Spanish at the University of St. Thomas provides students with in-depth understanding of one or more of the following: Hispanic Cultures, Literatures and Linguistics; Spanish Teaching and Language Pedagogy; and Spanish for the Professions. Customizableaccordingtostudentneeds,theM.A.inSpanishoffersasolidfoundationintheintellectual and cultural history of Latin America, Spain, and the U.S. with training in Hispanic linguistics,languagepedagogy,andSpanishforawiderangeofprofessions.Weofferaexibleprogram that students design in consultation with their graduate advisor, accessible course delivery with evening and summer courses, and traditional, hybrid, and online course formats. The M.A. in Spanish prepares students for a variety of careers including college-level teaching; bilingualworkineldssuchaseducation,business,law,governmentandsocialservices,socialwork, and medical professions; and continued study at the doctoral level.
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 77Graduate Certicate in Hispanic Cultures, Literature and Linguistics Mission StatementThe Graduate Certicate program in Hispanic Cultures, Literature, and Linguistics at theUniversity of St. Thomas prepares its students for the intercultural and linguistic demands of the Spanish-speaking professional world. Students who complete the Graduate Certicatewill develop their verbal and written ability in Spanish, engage with the vivid intellectual and cultural history of Latin America, Spain, and the U.S., and learn about Hispanic linguistics and languagepedagogy.Theseskillswillhelpourstudentsprepareforvariousprofessionaleldsandbecomecompassionateglobalcitizens.Deadlines for Online Application and Receipt of All Required Materials1. Acompletedapplication(online)totheDirectorofGraduateStudiesinSpanish2. A bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university with an overall GPA of3.0orbetter.OfcialsealedandstampedtranscriptsmaybesentdirectlytotheDirector of Graduate Studies in Spanish.3. AminimumofveundergraduateSpanishcoursesbeyondthesecond-yearlevelwitha grade of “B” or better.4. Threecondentiallettersofrecommendation.Itisimperativethatyourlettersaddressyour relevant academic abilities and achievements, and ideally at least two of your lettersshouldbewrittenbyyourformerprofessors.Recommendersshouldsubmitthe letters via a secure link that they will receive via e-mail from St. Thomas.5. A writing sample, in Spanish, of literary, cultural, or linguistic analysis. This 7-15 page, double-spacedpaper(one-inchmargins)shouldbeaclose,analyticalreadingofatext, a cultural phenomenon, or a linguistic phenomenon rather than a broad overview ofatopic.Youmayconsiderrevisingapreviouspapertoreectyourcurrentwritingand analytical abilities. Please include any research references in a bibliography. This paper can be sent as an e-mail attachment to the Director of Graduate Studies in Spanish.Program Requirements for the Graduate Certicate in Hispanic Cultures, Literature, and LinguisticsProgramRequirements:18creditsdistributedasfollows:*Required:Foundationalcourse:GSPA510TopicsinWorldLanguagesTeaching(3cr.)Plus: An additional 15 credits distributed as follows:Atleastonecourse(threecredits)ineachofthefollowingareas:HispanicCultureandCivilization- GSPA 515 Hispanic Cinema Studies- GSPA 523 Hispanic Visual Culture and Literature- GSPA 524 Hispanics in Minnesota and the U.S.- GSPA 530 Exile and Migration in Contemporary SpainHispanic Literature-GSPA512ChicanoandU.S.LatinoLiterature(s)andCulture(s)- GSPA 522 Mexican Literature and Society- GSPA 525 Caribbean Literature and Cultures
78 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog- GSPA 540 Topics in Hispanic Culture and Literature Hispanic Linguistics- GSPA 517 Spanish Phonetics and Phonology for Teachers - GSPA 519 Spanish Sociolinguistics- GSPA 550 Topics in Hispanic LinguisticsAnadditionalthree(3)creditsmaybedistributedbetweenanyoftheremainingHispanicCultureandCivilization,HispanicLiterature,andHispanicLinguisticscoursesANDthefollowingarea:Spanish for the Professions-GSPA518SpanishTranslationWorkshop(3cr.)-GSPA541TopicsinSpanishfortheProfessions(3cr.)-GSPA620AdvancedSpanishProfessionalWriting(3cr.)Finally, students will complete a required capstone course: SPAN 698 Independent Project(integrativeactivity)(3cr.)In the case of a course that is cross-listed for graduate and undergraduate credit, graduate students will be held to a higher academic standard than undergraduate students, with a higher level of academic rigor expected of graduate students. Further, students may not repeat a cross-listed course for graduate credit if the class has already been taken for undergraduate credit at the University of St. Thomas. Exceptions: The topics courses GSPA 540 Topics in Hispanic Culture and Literature and GSPA 550 Topics in Hispanic Linguistics may be taken for credit more than once with different topics at the graduate level. Admission RequirementsDeadlinesforOnlineApplicationandReceiptofAllRequiredMaterials:1. Acompletedapplication(online)totheDirectorofGraduateStudiesinSpanish2. A bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university with an overall GPA of3.0orbetter.OfcialsealedandstampedtranscriptsmaybesentdirectlytotheDirector of Graduate Studies in Spanish.3. AminimumofveundergraduateSpanishcoursesbeyondthesecond-yearlevelwith a grade of “B” or better.4. Three condential letters of recommendation. It is imperative that your lettersaddress your relevant academic abilities and achievements, and ideally at least twoofyourlettersshouldbewrittenbyyourformerprofessors.Recommendersshould submit the letters via a secure link that they will receive via e-mail from St. Thomas.5. A writing sample, in Spanish, of literary, cultural, or linguistic analysis. This 7-15 page, double-spaced paper (one-inch margins) should be a close, analyticalreading of a text, a cultural phenomenon, or a linguistic phenomenon rather than abroadoverviewofatopic.Youmayconsiderrevisingapreviouspapertoreectyour current writing and analytical abilities. Please include any research references
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 79in a bibliography. This paper can be sent as an e-mail attachment to the Director of Graduate Studies in Spanish.Program Requirements for the M.A. in Spanish 30 credits distributed as follows:Required:Atleastonecourse(threecredits)ineachofthefollowingareas:HispanicCultureandCivilization-GSPA515HispanicCinemaStudies(3cr.)-GSPA523HispanicVisualCultureandLiterature(3cr.)-GSPA524HispanicsinMinnesotaandtheU.S.(3cr.)-GSPA530ExileandMigrationinContemporarySpain(3cr.)Hispanic Literature-GSPA512ChicanoandU.S.LatinoLiterature(s)andCulture(s)(3cr.)-GSPA522MexicanLiteratureandSociety(3cr.)-GSPA525CaribbeanLiteratureandCultures(3cr.)-GSPA540TopicsinHispanicCultureandLiterature(3cr.)Hispanic Linguistics and World Languages Teaching-GSPA510TopicsinWorldLanguagesTeaching(3cr.)-GSPA517SpanishPhoneticsandPhonologyforTeachers(3cr.)-GSPA519SpanishSociolinguistics(3cr.)-GSPA550TopicsinHispanicLinguistics(3cr.)PLUS:Sixadditionalcourses(18credits)chosenfromtheaboveareasandthefollowingarea,in consultation with the graduate advisor: Spanish for the Professions-GSPA518SpanishTranslationWorkshop(3cr.)-GSPA541TopicsinSpanishfortheProfessions(3cr.)-GSPA620AdvancedSpanishProfessionalWriting(3cr.)andRequired:Finally,studentswillcompleteacapstonecourse:GSPA699–Master’sProject(3cr.)More information: Academic Expectations Statement The goal of the University of St. Thomas graduate Spanish programs is to deepen and broaden your linguistic skills, sharpen your intellectual ability, and increase your knowledge of Hispanic cultures, literature and linguistics, and Spanish for the Professions.While in the program, you may take a number of courses in periods or thematic areas new to you. As most of our graduate seminars are topic-driven, it is expected that you will work as an independent researcher develop a greater comfort level within the area of study.
80 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogOur graduate classes are conducted in a seminar format with a limited number of students. In each you should expect: • an intensive amount of reading • an intensive amount of discussion • an extensive amount of time devoted to research • some formal presentations to the class • an intensive amount of writing. Regularattendanceand informed participationis mandatory in all courses. Participants areexpected to have completed the assigned readings/homework and arrive at the meeting ready toanalyzeanddiscussit.Incompletesareonlygivenincasesofextremeneed.Itis,therefore,importanttoorganizeyourtime effectively and plan your work in advance. Researchingtopicswillrequirethatyouuseawidearrayoflibraries,includingtheSt.Thomaslibrary and others in the Twin Cities. You should expect to make heavy use of interlibrary loan andplanaccordingly.Materialsmaytakedaystobedeliveredtocampus(butcanoftenarriveinhoursdependingoncircumstances).Both inside and outside of the classroom, our program excels due a strong sense of collegiality among all students, faculty, and staff. While this creates a demanding and supportive learning environment, graduate students are expected to support the program outside the classroom. Graduate participation is expected at all Spanish-related department events. This includes talks byvisitingscholars,lmscreeningsandlectures,andotherevents—butmostimportantisyourattendance at events featuring your fellow graduate student colleagues.Onamoregenerallevel,itisimportantthatallgraduatestudentsfamiliarizethemselveswiththe policies and deadlines contained in the graduate handbook. Transfer Credits UponapprovalbytheSpanishGraduateAdvisoryBoard,uptoonegraduate-levelcourse(3credits)willbeacceptedtowardstheGraduateCerticateinHispanicCultures,Literature,andLinguistics. Up to two graduate-level courses will be accepted for transfer for the Master of Arts degreeinSpanish(sixcredits).Advising The Director of Graduate Studies in Spanish serves as general advisor for all students. Degree studentsarerequiredtomeet withtheDirectorofGraduateStudiesoncepersemesterforadvising purposes. After students select a topic area for their GSPA 698 or GSPA 699 course, they will choose a professor for the course who has the expertise to give counsel and direction throughout the research, development of the prospectus, writing of the paper, and its formal presentation. The Spanish Graduate Studies Director will also be available to answer any
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 81specicquestionsrelatedtotheCerticate.GRADUATEARTHISTORYCOURSECATALOGARHS500 MethodsandIssuesinArtHistory,3cr.An introduction to the methods and problems of art history, including the theoretical approaches to art and its history, the examination and analysis of the work and its medium, the role of the museum and gallery in the study of art, andbibliographictoolsofthedifferentdisciplinesoftheeld.Requiredofallgraduate students.ARHS501 MuseumEducationProgram(DocentProgram),3cr.Prerequisite:permissionoftheDirectorofGraduateStudies.ARHS510 TopicsinAncientandMedievalArt,3cr.ARHS515 TopicsinRenaissanceandBaroqueArt,3cr.ARHS520 TopicsinModernArt,3cr.ARHS525 TopicsinAmericanArt,3cr.ARHS530 TopicsinEastandSouthAsianArt,3cr.ARHS535 TopicsintheArtofAfricaandtheAfricanDiaspora,3cr.ARHS536 TopicsinArtofthePacic,3cr.ARHS537 TopicsinIndigenousAmericanArt,3cr.ARHS540 TopicsinArchitecturalHistory,3cr.ARHS545 TopicsinDesignandAppliedArts,3cr.ARHS550 TopicsinTextiles,Ceramics,andMetalwork,3cr.ARHS570 TopicsinMuseumStudiesI;topicsinMuseumStudies,3cr.From visitors and audience development to museum education and social media.ARHS571 TopicsinMuseumStudiesII,topicsinMuseumStudies,3cr.From theory and history to exhibitions and collections.ARHS575 Exhibitions,3cr.ARHS580 ConservationStudies,3cr.ARHS590 IndependentStudy,3cr.Prerequisite:permissionoftheDirectorofGraduateStudiesARHS593 TeachingCollegeArtHistory,3cr.The Teaching College Art History Capstone Project involves working closelywith a faculty mentor to develop a signicant teaching-related portfolio thatbrings together knowledge attained through courses in the graduate Art History program. This project will require substantial independent reading, writing,andresearch.ThisprojectservesasthecapstonefortheTeachingCollegeArtHistoryCerticateProgram.ARHS594 QualifyingPaper,2cr.As a demonstration of the ability to formulate and carry out original and scholarly work in the discipline, all students are requiredto submit a qualifying paperduringthelastsemesterofstudy.Thequalifyingpapermustalsobepresentedattheannualgraduateforumsponsoredbythedepartment.Prerequisite:ARHS
82 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog593ARHS595 Internship,3cr.Prerequisite:PermissionoftheDirectorofGraduateStudies.ARHS596 StudyAbroad(JanuaryTerm),3cr.Prerequisite:PermissionsoftheinstructorandtheDirectorofGraduateStudies.ARHS597 Undergradcoursestakenforgraduatecredit,3cr.Prerequisites:PermissionsoftheinstructorandtheDirectorofGraduateStudies.ARHS599 ResearchEnrollment,3cr.Prerequisite:ARHS594withagradeofIncomplete.
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 83GRADUATECATHOLICSTUDIESCOURSECATALOGCSMA500 CatholicThoughtandCultureI(requiredforMAdegreeandjointdegree),3cr.TheinterdisciplinarystudyinCatholicThoughtandCultureIlooksattheperiodfromantiquityto the early Middle Ages. This course will consider some pre-Christian works of intellect and imagination, so that we may glimpse the contributions such works make to the later development of the Catholic tradition. Upon completion of Catholic Thought and Culture I, students will have a sense of the depth, complexity and beauty of the Catholic intellectual tradition, as it has developed up to medieval times.CSMA501 CatholicThoughtandCultureII(requiredforMAdegreeandjointdegree),3cr.This course provides an interdisciplinary exploration of the wisdom of the Catholic tradition expressed through works of intellect and imagination, from the late medieval period up to contemporary times. Classics in literature, art, theology, philosophy, music, the sciences, and/orarchitecturearediscussed.EmphasisisplacedonrecognizingtheintegrityofthegroundingCatholicvision,andontracingtheunieddevelopmentandexpansionofthatvisionovertime.CSMA505 CSMAinRome,3cr.ThecityofRomeisacityrichinhistoryandreligionbothpaganandCatholic.Thisisseeninthe physical and spiritual reality of the city, in its geography, in its streets and their layout, in its ruins and churches and monuments. As part of the Catholic Studies Master’s program, this courseengagesthephysicalandspiritualrealitythatisthecityofRomeinaninterdisciplinaryway(e.g.,history,theology,arthistory,literature,philosophy)soastohelpstudentsunderstandmoredeeplyandmorerichlyRome’suniqueplaceintheCatholicChurch.AsRomeisaspiritualand cultural reality, this course may well engage other parts and aspects of Italy and Italian historyandculturebeyondthephysicalconnesofthegeographicalcityofRome,butwithaneye to how the city might illuminate such further points of study and experience.CSMA 510 Essentials of Catholic Faith, 3 cr.This course will focus on a theological study of the “Catechism of the Catholic Church” in its entirety, aimed at helping students develop a broad and comprehensive grasp of the essential claims of the Catholic faith and an understanding of its unity and integrity. Particular attention is given to the scope and integrity of the teachings of the Catholic Church with regard to the inter-relationship of the four sections of the “Catechism”, namely, the Profession of Faith, the Sacraments, Life in Christ and Prayer. Explicit attention will be given to ways in which Catholic teachings are manifested in the classic texts and works of art, such as those examined in Catholic Thought and Culture I and II.CSMA 514 Augustine’s City of God, 3 cr.Augustine began writing City of God in 413 AD. His intention was to defend the Catholic church againstitspagancritics,whoheldChristianityresponsibleforthesackofRomebytheGothsin410.Bythetimehehadnished,morethanadecadelater,Augustine’sworkhadgrownintoacomplexengagementoftheentiretyofpaganRomanthoughtandculturethroughamasterfulinterweavingofScriptureandthefoundationalworksofpaganRomanculture.Thiscoursewillconsist of a close reading of the whole of City of God, with particular focus on this interweaving
84 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalogof political, historical, philosophical, and theological themes that have made Augustine’s work second only to the Bible in the shaping of Western Christianity. CSMA 515 John Henry Newman, 3 cr.Called by the Church historian, Jaroslav Pelikan, “the most important theological thinker of modern times,” Cardinal Newman is perhaps best known for his work on university education. Hismostsignicantintellectualwork,however,wasintheareaofdevelopmentofdoctrine,the relations of faith and reason, and the role of authority and conscience in the life of the Church. This course considers the contemporary relevance of Newman’s thought in each of these areas and examines his sermons and devotional writings, works which led T. S. Eliot to refer to Newman as one of the two greatest homilists in the English language. CSMA 516 The Catholic Social Tradition, 3 cr.This course provides an investigation into the ways in which Catholicism is inherently social andecclesial.ItsspecicfocusisontheChristianengagementwiththeworld.Thecourse’sframework will be taken from the analysis of society into three spheres of action (culture,economicsandpolitics)asdescribedinCentesimusannus.ThecourseexaminesthewaysthatRevelation,thesacramentallife,andtheteachingsoftheChurchcallCatholicstoseekholinessandtowitnesstotheirfaithintheworld.Specictopicswillincludesocialandeconomicjustice,politics and public policy, lay and religious apostolates, and marriage and family. CSMA517 ThomasAquinas,3cr.In some regards the 13th century was a barbarous age, pre-scientic and sometimessuperstitious, torn by conicts and wars. At the same time it was an era of magnicentintellectual and cultural achievement, a time in which cathedrals were built and universities founded.StThomasAquinas(1224-1274)wasamanofhistimebuthiswork,likethatofmanyof his contemporaries, transcended his century. Today Thomas is remembered principally for his Summa theologiae, the textbook on theology that he wrote for beginning students and for his numerous careful commentaries on the work of Aristotle, the Greek philosopher. Even so, as important as the Summa is, about a third of Thomas’s extant work consists of commentaries onScripture.Anothermajorportionofhiswork,muchneglected,consistsofeffortstodefendthe teachings of Catholicism against its critics, both internal and external. The focus of this course will be to explore critical elements of Thomas’s thinking as a theologian in three general areas: systematic theology, biblical commentary, and apologetics. CSMA 519 Topics in Catholic Studies and Theology, 3 cr.This course considers particular topics in the area of Catholic studies and theology. Although the topics will vary, the courses will have both an aesthetic foundation and an interdisciplinary focus.CSMA519 ConversationsonReligionandCulture,3cr.Christian communities have always understood, intuitively at least, that culture has a powerful impact on human persons, who are made for the common life of society. For many centuries the Catholic tradition has taken a lively interest in expressions of Christianculture—architecture,art,andliterature—butrarelyreectedontheconceptof culture itself. This changed in the 20th century as many Catholic thinkers, laity and clergy alike, began to examine the relationship between religion and culture more
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 85deeply.OneoftheleadersofthisnewinquirywasChristopherDawson(1889-1970),the preeminent English Catholic historian of the century. Dawson wrote extensively on the nature of culture and on topics related to the importance of Christian culture to Westerncivilization.ThiscoursewillacquaintthestudentwithsomeofDawson’sworkin this area but at the same time put Dawson in “conversation” with a number of other importantvoices,modernandcontemporary,suchasJacquesMaritain,HilaireBelloc,JosefPieper,TSEliot,JosephRatzinger,DorothySayers,MaryAnnGlendon,BarbaraWard,andSimoneWeil.Topicsmayincludesecularization,education,therestorationof Christian culture, and technology, among others.CSMA 521 Augustine’s Confessions, 3 cr.St. Augustine’s Confessions is one of the most enduring and inuential works of Christianliterature, one that speaks about the relation between God and man in an unprecedented way. Augustine makes his confession to God by telling the story of his life, and he casts the mysteries of theology in terms of his own experience. As we explore the philosophical, theological, and literary dimensions of this remarkable work, we will consider the particulars of Augustine’s storyandthewaythoseparticularssetthestageforAugustine’sreectiononcreaturesandtheir Creator, memory and time, and sin and grace. CSMA 522 Virtue, 3 cr.Understanding virtue is essential for understanding and speaking about human activity. St. ThomasAquinaswillprovidethefoundationalformulationsofthetheologicalvirtuesoffaith,hope,andcharity,andthecardinalvirtuesofprudence,justice,courage,andtemperance.Wewill strive to see how understanding the virtues illuminates the fundamental reality of the human personandprovidesuswithavocabularyforanalyzingandspeakingaboutthemoralactionsof the human person. Works by other thinkers will complement readings from St. Thomas. We willalsoengageworksofction.Thesewillprovideopportunitiestoconsiderthevirtuesintheconcrete, and, in turn, the reality of the virtues will help us think more substantively about works of literature. CSMA 525 Philosophical Foundations for Theology, 3 cr.Since Christianity encountered the secular philosophies of the ancient world, theology has been shaped and inuenced by philosophy. Christian theologians have had to respond tochallenges to their doctrines brought by philosophers, and they have often adopted the conceptual frameworks and technical language of philosophy. As a result, even though theology and philosophy are distinct disciplines, a knowledge of philosophy is really necessary in order to understand theology. This course aims to provide a basic understanding of the philosophical concepts that constitute much of the foundation of Catholic theology, especially in the areas of metaphysics, epistemology and ethics. Special attention will be given to Platonic and Aristotelian schools of thought.CSMA 529 Topics in Catholic Studies and Philosophy, 3 cr.This course considers particular topics in the area of Catholic studies and philosophy. Although the topics will vary, the courses will have both an aesthetic foundation and an interdisciplinary focus.CSMA 529 Conscience, Freedom, & Destiny, 3 cr.
86 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogIntheintroductiontohisbookonthevirtues,RomanoGuardiniwrites:“Thereisonething that Plato’s philosophy has made clear once and for all; he showed that absolute values exist, that these can be known and, therefore, that there is such a thing as truth. Helikewiseshowedthatthesevaluesaresummedupinthemajestyofthatwhichwecall“theGood”,whichisidenticalwiththedivineandthatitsrealizationleadsmantothe perfection of life freedom and beauty.” Such is the task of education – the formation of our vital powers and strivings, our inner world and outward surroundings. In short, it involves a formation and tuning of conscience within the antiphonal relation between nature and grace: to the Good, True, and Beautiful – the fabric from which nature is woven–andtoChristwhowoveitandwhoisourdestiny.Tohelpusreectuponthistask, we will draw upon a range of Guardini’s writings, including Conscience; Freedom, Grace, & Destiny; selections from The World and the Person; The Lord; Learning the Virtues; The Church and the Catholic; and The Spirit of the Liturgy.CSMA 529 Science and Catholicism, 3 cr.The rise and dramatic development of the modern natural sciences have shaped our worldinvariedandprominentways.HowdothesenaturalsciencestintoCatholicintellectual,spiritual,andculturallife?Justwhatarethenaturalsciences,really?Howaretheyrelatedtophilosophyandtheology?Howaretheyintegratedintoa“Catholicimaginary”? In this course, we seek to understand and answer these importantquestionsthroughanexplorationofimportantepisodes,topics,andtextsfromthetwo-thousand-year history of Christianity and science.CSMA 533 Christopher Dawson, 3 cr.We will examine the life and thought of the Catholic historian,Christopher Dawson (1889-1970),whoseworkontheformativeroleofreligiononculturehadanimportantimpactonCatholicthought inthe20thcentury.Over aforty-yearperiod,Dawsonwroteprolicallyonculture,history,Christianityandpoliticallife,andeducation.Studentswillbecomeacquaintedwiththemajorthemesofhisworkaswellashisinteractionwithcontemporariesandinuenceon later scholars. CSMA534 Secularization,3cr.The development of modern Western culture is often described as a steady process of “secularization,”inwhichadistinctivelyChristianvisionofrealityinexorablyrecedes,leavinginits wake a “disenchanted” but presumptively real world best described by the natural sciences, or an exclusively naturalistic philosophy, with no place for God or the transcendent. Drawing ontherecentworkofCatholicphilosopherCharlesTaylor(ASecularAge,2007)andothers,thiscourseexaminesrecentchallengestothis“masternarrative”ofasecularizedmodernity.Howdidthisnarrativecometoachievethestatusofunquestionedtruth?Howmightwetellthe story of modernity in a way that does not foreclose the reality of God and transcendence, butisalsomorethannostalgiaforanimaginedpast?Recentdebatesoverthecoherenceof“secularization”narrativesprovidetheoccasionforrediscoveringtherichnessoftheCatholicintellectualtraditionasavantagepointfromwhichtoengageandcritiquemodernculture.CSMA 535 St. Francis and his World, 3 cr.
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 87St. Francis was born into a world in the throes of radical transformation, arguably one of the most decisive periods of change in European history. It was a period that witnessed the birth ofthemodernstate,theearlyformationofmarketeconomies,thebirthoftherstEuropeanuniversities, and much more. In short, it was a world in need of a saint, like St. Francis, who could channel its wild energy without dampening it. After a brief survey of the political, economic, and religious transformations of Europe from the 11th-13th centuries, we will give our attention to St.Francis’ownwritings,thewritingsoffellowFranciscans(especiallyThomasofCelanoandSt.Bonaventure,theprincipalbiographersofSt.Francis),andworksbycontemporaryhistorians,both Franciscan and non-Franciscan for other perspectives on the way in which Franciscan charisma encountered the world. CSMA 536 The Heart of Culture: The Story of Catholic Education, 3 cr.(requiredforgraduatecerticate)The heart of any culture, as well as its continuity, can be found in its educational tradition, the distillation for the next generation of its highest ideals and most important truths. For the WestthisbeganwiththeGreeks,whosetinplace,somevecenturiesbeforeChrist,themainaspects of a tradition that lasted, with signicant developments,up until very recent times.This course will trace that tradition, using both primary and secondary source material, and will include: its origins in fth-centuryBC Greece; its universalization during the Hellenisticperiod; its encounter with Christianity in the Patristic era; its Christian instantiation under the Carolingian Empire; the great Medieval educational synthesis and the rise of the University; thedevelopmentofRenaissancehumanismandtheRatioStudiorumoftheJesuits;Newman’sclassic expression of the tradition in The Idea of a University; and the great challenge to that tradition and change that has taken place during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. CSMA 539 Topics in Catholic Studies and History, 3 cr.This course considers particular topics in the area of Catholic studies and history. Although the topics will vary, the courses will have both an aesthetic foundation and an interdisciplinary focus.CSMA 539 Crisis in the Church, 3 cr.The story of the Church is different in important ways from the stories of any other societyorinstitution.Nootherhumaninstitutionhassurvived,andourished,forsolong and in the face of so many challenges. But the Church is not simply an institution, though it has some institutional characteristics. It is a distinct society that penetrates and engages secular societies, that exists within them without being subordinated to them or absorbed by them. Indeed, the Church can never be separated from secular societies. It always takes root in the soil of a pre-existing culture and seeks to modify it so that it conforms more closely to the vision of the Gospel. At the same time, it is nourished but also shaped, even distorted, by that culture. Drawing on the work of ChristopherDawson,JacquesMaritain,andotherprominentCatholicthinkers,wewillexplore what Dawson called a history “beneath the surface” of secular society, as the ChurchhasstruggledtoliveouttheGreatCommission(Mt28.19-20).Thisisastoryofheroismandsuccessbutalsoofcorruptionandfailure,ofdelitybutalsotemptationand distraction. We can learn from the strengths and weaknesses and also come to appreciate how we may be prone to both in the future. The structure of the course will
88 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalogfollow the insight that the story of the Church, from its origins in the Apostolic Age to the modern period, can be understood as a series of cycles with a common pattern of creativity, achievement and retreat. Students may expect to complete the course with anawarenessandunderstandingofsomethemajorpersonalitiesandevents,secularand ecclesial, that have shaped the life of the Church.CSMA 542 Dante’s Divine Comedy, 3 cr.In this course, we will read and discuss Dante’s masterpiece, The Divine Comedy. While we will situate the poem in history and will pay close attention to the poem’s engagement with political and theological controversies, our main task will be to attend to the language, structure, and imagery of Dante’s poem itself. CSMA 543 The Catholic Novel, 3 cr.In this course, we will examine the interrelationships among the novelist, the novelist’s faith, andthe audience.Whatdoesitmeanto be a “Catholicnovelist”? At what points arethereconictsbetweenthedemandsofartandthedemandsoffaith,andhowmaythoseconictsberesolved?We’llexploretheseandmanyrelatedquestionsaswereadthegreatestCatholicwriters of the modern era, including Dostoevsky, Mauriac, Greene, Waugh, and O’Connor.CSMA 544 Nature and Grace in Shakespeare, 3 cr.This course examines the relationship between the natural and supernatural orders as imagined in the drama of Shakespeare. Some questions we willask include: What is the relationshipbetweengood(andbad)humanactsandthebroaderorderofcreation?Whateffect,ifany,doesthesupernaturalgiftofgraceplayintransforminghumanaction?HowdoessuchgracendrepresentationwithinShakespeare’splays?DoesShakespeareofferaconsistentpictureofhowGodrelatestotheworldofnatureandhumanaction?Wewillpursuethesequestionsthrough a close reading of a number of Shakespeare’s plays.CSMA 545 Mary, Mother of God, 3 cr.ThiscoursetakesaninterdisciplinarylookatoneofthemostimportantguresofCatholicism—Mary, the Mother of God. Drawing on philosophy, theology, poetry, music, and the visual arts, we will examine three key moments in Mary’s life as mother: the Annunciation, the Nativity, and the StabatMater(Maryatthefootofthecross).Theseculturallyandhistoricallydiversedepictionsof Mary set the stage for an investigation into the meaning of her role, within Catholicism as a whole and within the lives of individual Christians. CSMA 549 Topics in Catholic Studies and the Arts, 3 cr.This course considers particular topics in the area of Catholic studies and the arts. Although the topics will vary, the courses will have both an aesthetic foundation and an interdisciplinary focus.CSMA 549 Catholic Apocalyptic Literature, 3 cr.Much of what is called apocalyptic ction and lm does not live up to its name.Apocalypticliteratureis not just about the endof theworldbut how these eventsreveal the truth about both this world and the world beyond. In this course we will look at the biblical depictions of the end of the world as well as Catholic doctrinal
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 89sources on the end times. We will then look at a number of Catholic apocalyptic tales including but not limited to:RobertHugh Benson’sThe Lord of theWorld (1907),Walter M.Miller, Jr.’sACanticlefor Leibowitz(1959), and Michael O’Brien’s FatherElijah(1996).CSMA 549 Metaphysical Poetry, 3 cr.The ambitious lyric poetry of late 16th-17th century England is known as “metaphysical” poetry because of its breadth and ambition. This poetry is able to link anything to anything else, and everything to God. The metaphysical poets wrote about love: friendship, marriage, sex, and the soul’s love of God. They often did this all in the samepoem.TheyalsowroteatatimeofreligiouscrisisinEnglandastheReformationunsettled everything. They wrote about that too and often in the same poems. This course will read selected poems of Donne, Herbert, Crashaw, Marvell and others with an eye to how their poetry weaves themes of love and faith together in a time of religious and spiritual crisis.CSMA 549 Shakespeare’s Christian Imagination, 3 cr.This course will examine Shakespeare’s use of Christian imagery and theology across four of his most enduring plays: King Lear, Othello, The Winter’s Tale, and The Tempest. We will supplement our close reading and discussion of Shakespeare’s text with some recent scholarly treatments of Shakespeare’s engagement with the Christian tradition. Our aim is to gain a better appreciation for the catholic Christian context and components of Shakespeare’s dramatic artistry.CSMA 591 Thomas More, 3 cr.Thomas More was the exemplary renaissance man: a scholar, lawyer, and statesman of wit and humordedicatedtohiswifeandchildren.Heheldpoliticalofcesecondinpoweronlytotheking whom he served faithfully and at whose orders he was beheaded. The Catholic Church has declared him a martyr. His is certainly a remarkable life, and it has a substantial paper trail. Wewillreadanumberofhismajorworksaswellasstudyhislifewiththegoalofdeterminingif and how he achieved such a remarkable integration of thought and life. The readings may includeMore’stwogreatpoliticalworks,theenigmaticUtopia,andhisHistoryofKingRichardIII,whichsoinuencedShakespeare’splay;hisDialogconcerningHeresiesindefenseoftheCatholic Church against the emerging protestant reformers; and, from his imprisonment in the Tower of London, the Dialog of Comfort in Tribulation and his prison letters. CSMA592 Mission and Culture Challenges in Catholic PreK-12 Education (required forgraduatecerticate),3cr.This course explores the history, philosophy, and theology of PreK-12 Catholic education in the United States over the past 100 years. The course aims to help students understand the challenges PreK-12 Catholic schools face with respect to their mission and culture. Students will be exposed to the philosophical and theological foundations upon which Catholic schools have been built, the changes within church and society that have affected Catholic PreK-12 education, and the future of Catholic PreK-12 education. Discussions and assignments will focus on creative solutions to mission and culture challenges facing Catholic schools today.
90 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogCSMA 593 Topics in Catholic Studies, 3 cr.This course considers particular topics in the area of Catholic studies. Although the topics will vary, the courses will have both an aesthetic foundation and an interdisciplinary focus.CSMA 593 Happiness, 3 cr.Everyonewantshappiness,butdoesanyoneknowhowtondit?Shouldweevenexpecttonditinthislife—orjustpursueit?Inthiscourse,wewillexamineancient,medieval, and contemporary writing about the universal human desire for happiness—and the many ways it can elude us. How can we identify true happiness, and why are weoftendrawntofalseimitations?Iseveryonehappyinthesameway?Isitpossibletobehappywithoutvirtue—orwithoutGod?Cansufferingandhappinesscoexistinthegoodlife?Drawingonphilosophy,theology,literature,andart,wewillmapouttheuniquecharacterofChristianhappiness.CSMA 593 Mary, Mother of God, 3 cr.This course takes an interdisciplinary look at a central gure in Catholicism—Mary,Mother of God. Drawing on philosophy, theology, poetry, music, and the visual arts, the course examines three key moments in Mary’s life as mother: the Annunciation, the Nativity, and the Stabat Mater. These culturally and historically diverse depictions of Mary set the stage for an investigation into the meaning of her role, within Catholicism as a whole and within the lives of individual Christians.CSMA 594 Integral Ecology, 3 cr.Increased contemporary attention to the theme of “ecology” calls for a serious investigation into the ways in which ecological concerns intersect with Catholic culture and its values. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, this course explores the foundations of a Catholic “integral ecology” and investigates the implications of that ecology for a Christian, ecologically-attuned life and witness. CSMA595 CapstoneProject,3cr.Studentswillworkcloselywithafacultymentoronanindependentproject(e.g.,developmentofanewhighschoolordual-creditcourse,orcourseunit).Thisprojectwillinvolvesubstantialindividualizedreading,writing,andresearch.TheprojectmustbedesignedtohaveasignicantimpactonthecultureofaCatholicschool(typically,theschoolwheretheteacherworks).Thiscourse is only open to students who have completed 12 credits in the Mission and Culture of CatholicEducationCerticateProgram.CSMA 599 Master’s Essay, 3 cr.Under the supervision of a faculty adviser, all students complete a master’s essay as the nal,qualifyingprojectfor the Master ofArtsdegree.Themaster’sessaygivesstudentsanopportunity to develop research, critical thinking, and writing skills and deepen their mastery of areas of Catholic Studies that are particularly intriguing to them.
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 91GRADUATEPROGRAMINDIVERSITYLEADERSHIPCOURSECATALOGMADL 500 Leading Self and Diverse Teams, 2.5 cr.Leadershipisaboutinsight,initiative,inuence,andimpact.Youwillhaveanopportunitytoexplore principled leadership in this class, positioning you for continued success in both your career and the UST MA program. You will gain a framework and skillset for developing your abilitytomakemeaningfulimpactwithindynamicandcomplicatedorganizations.Leadingselfand others incorporates insight into self-awareness, interpersonal and team dynamics, taking initiative and having inuence both with and without formal authority, and examining thelargerimpactonorganizationalsystemsandthecommongood.Leadershipisnotexclusivetoonly those who currently manage direct reports but rather explores the opportunity that each individualhastoleadinandacrossvariousgroups,people,organizationalsettingsandsocietyat large.MADL510 LeadingInclusiveOrganizations,2.5cr.To be effective and just, leaders need to practice inclusion at self, interpersonal, team,organizational and community levels, based on foundational knowledge, skills, andmindsets applied in diverse domestic and global contexts. This course introduces a range of perspectives including legal, ethical, structural, political, symbolic, historical, social, and relational,toexploretopicssuchasbias,power,privilege,andharassmentinorganizations,intercultural competence, and global workforce and market demography. Emphasis is on using these frameworks and concepts for assessing and transforming your workplaces (local and global) and communities to be intentionally diverse, inclusive, and equitable. MADL 520 Storytelling for Building Inclusive Cultures, 2.5 cr.Perfecting story-telling skills is an essential tool for all leaders, especially for DEI leaders where awareness, empathy, and mutual respect are paramount. The course will introduce students to principles that effectively link DEI related information to inuencing businessand organizational outcomes through storytelling. Our business culture demands conciseand meaningful communications that can both inform and inuence decision makers. Thiscourse is designed to teach DEI leaders principles and skills that enhance their thinking about presentations and the use of a variety of communication channels to facilitate positive business decisions. Students will explore how information grounded in shared human experiencescanimpactorganizationalstrategyandfostermoreinclusiveandmoreeffectiveorganizationalcultures;beabletobuildastructuredthinkingprocesstotellacompellingstory;and gain skills in condently understanding and using information to inuence outcomes. MADL550 Race,Culture,andPower,2.5cr.In this course, students will begin to understand race as a social and political construct with cultural resonance that has the power to shape where and how people live, their social conditions, and their ability to access humane existence. Drawing from disciplines such as ethnic, Black, and indigenous studies, as well as cultural studies, critical race studies, and Black feministtheorizing,thiscoursewillintroducestudentstoraceasaconstructedideathatis
92 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalognot biologically founded yet is very powerful and real. Students will engage ideas about race andidentityasmorethanjustattitudesorbiasesthatcanbeeasilychanged,butasconstructedrealities embedded in systems and institutions of everyday life. Most importantly, we will think about and discuss strategies for resisting ideologies and understanding the ways these ideologiesaredangerousandlimitingforeveryonewhoacceptsthemwithoutcritique–notjustthosewhoarevictimizedbytheirsystematicoppression.MADL 560 Biological Sex, Gender and Sexuality, 2.5 cr.Thiscourseexplorestheconvergenceofsociologyandbiologyinhowwedenegender,sex,sexual orientation, and sexual behavior. Topics are examined in developmental order from conceptiontoadulthoodandincludecurrentissuesrelevanttotheLGBTQIA+communityandsociety at-large with particular emphasis on applications to the workplace.MADL570 NavigatingPoliticalPolarization,2.5cr.Navigating Political Participation is designed to provide a thorough, thoughtful, and engagingexaminationoftheconceptofpoliticalpolarizationintheUnitedStates.Wewillconsidervariousmeasures of the degreeofpolarizationin thepublic andamong elected ofcials, potentialcausesofobservedchangesinpolarizationovertime,andtheimpactofpoliticalpolarizationon our politics and ourselves. In this course, you will gain a broader understanding of the causes,consequences,andimpactsofpoliticalpolarization,andyouwillenhanceyourabilitytocriticallyanalyzecurrentpoliticaldebates.Theassignmentsinthiscoursearedesignedtofurtherdevelopyourabilitytoanalyzeresearchndingswithinpoliticalscienceandintegrateacademic works into your own arguments.MADL600 OrganizationalLeadershipforSocialJustice,2.5cr.This course explores leadership for the promotion of effective and ethical change in communities and organizations. Envisioning, initiating, sustaining and institutionalizingchange will be examined through historical and contemporary case studies, interdisciplinary concepts and theories, tactical and strategic models for change. We will understand different aspectsofleadershipindiversesettings,suchas:communityorganizing,socialmovements,organizations,andinstitutions.Individualandcollectivereectionsonintersectionalidentity,working across differences, will ground us in diversity leadership. Simultaneously engaging in personal, inter-personal, structural, and cultural levels of inquiry will provide a coherentandglobalanalysis.Diversity,equity,inclusion,andanti-racistworkispresentedandcritiquedthrough class discussion and application to students’ work and community contexts.MADL 610 Street Art and Social Justice, 2.5 cr.Artinthestreet—includinggrafti,murals,andotherinstallationsinpublicspace—canprovideanexpressiveavenueformarginalizedvoiceswhileshapingurbanspaceinanewandmoreinclusive manner. In contrast to art that is created for museums or the commercial art market, streetartisuniquelypositionedtoengagewithsocialissuesfromacriticalperspective.Thisclasswillinvolveananalysisofstreetartprojectsaroundtheworld,withaparticularfocusonart in the Twin Cities. Topics explored in this course include the history of street art over time;the impetus for street art in communities in the USA and globally; street art as a form of protest; streetartandmarginalizedidentities;modelsforcreating,preserving,andpresentingstreetart, and, ultimately, the potential for street art to play a role in social change. While this course
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 93places an emphasis on art in the Twin Cities, the assignments allow students to engage with andreectonstreetartinmanydifferentlocations.MADL620 EquityFocusedLeadership: Intersectionality of Disability and Other Social Identities, 2.5 cr.The purpose of this course, focused on disability and intersecting marginalized culturaland social identities (e.g., race, ethnicity, social economic status, gender, sexual identity,age, education, religion), is to prepare leaders in all elds to work towards systematicallydeconstructing barriers and taking meaningful action to address the impacts of ableism*and other discriminatory practices such as racism. Ableism is “society’s pervasive negative attitudeaboutdisability…”(Hehir,2007,p.8);itisthebeliefthatindividualswithdifferencesmustbe“xed”toaccesssocialbenetsandbelongtothelargercommunity.Racismreectsdiscriminatorybeliefscenteredonraceandskincolor.Thiscourseisdesignedtoequipfutureleaders with the knowledge, practices, and dispositions to successfully manage diverse spaces, using their understanding of disability and other diversity. The course engages leaders with issuessuchasbias,discrimination,marginalization,oppression,prejudice,andprivilegewhileexaminingthecrucialroleofleadersininuencingpositive,systemicchangeforsocialjustice.This course brings together research and practices focused on centering leadership on social justicework.Thisleadershipworkincludes(a)buildasolidfoundationforyourequityworkas a leader, (b) build skills to address“isms” (e.g., ableism,racism) and (c) utilize culturallyandlinguisticallysustainingpracticestoprovideequitableopportunitiesforindividualswhoexperience both a disability and other intersecting identities. Leaders should engage in these practicesandfocusonjustice,equity,diversity,andinclusion,forindividualswithdisabilitiesand other marginalized identities through a theoretical lens embracing anti-ableism.In thiscourse theory and practice are combined to assist leaders to generate knowledge of, develop applications of, and share information about approaches and solutions to important problems in the areas of disability discrimination.MADL 630 Language, Diversity, and Identity, 2.5 cr.In the United States, some groups express their identities, in part, by using multiple languages or by using English in distinctive ways. Some dominant groups use language to express in-group belonging and to express exclusiveness, whether intentionally or unintentionally. This course explores the intersections of language, race and ethnicity, gender and sexuality, ability and disability, and identity by focusing on various groups in the U.S. Among other things, we will examine how Americans use language to express their distinctive cultural identities within theU.S.andwewillexaminehowdominantgroupsattimesmarginalizeothersusinglanguage.Through examples drawn from the experience of ethnic groups such as Hispanics and Latinx people,AsianAmericans,andAfricanAmericans;andmarginalizedcommunitiessuchLGBTQIApeople, women, and people with disabilities,students will explore broader questions suchas how language shapes our perceptions and feelings of belonging. We will discover how language ideology underlies institutional policies and practices that can promote intolerance andprejudice,andhowlanguagecaninsteadbeusedasatooltofostersocialinclusionandbelonging.
94 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogMADL640 ReligioninPublicandProfessionalLife,2.5cr.Over 70% of Americans indicate their workplace is the top location for the most frequentinteraction with people who do not share their religious worldview or way of life. Furthermore, globalreligiouspopulationsareprojectedtogrowatarate23timeshigherthanreligiouslyunafliated populations.Religionis alive and well, and religious diversity,including secularidentities, is only expected to increase in pubic and professional settings. Designed for studentsinallprofessionalandpubliccontexts,andemphasizingthecasestudymethodandopportunities to reexively develop leadership for religiously diverse societies, this courseintroduces everyday interfaith leadership as the ability to draw on experience, religious literacy, and awareness of self and others to efciently assess (inter)religiously complex situations,empathetically account for the various and often competing needs of stakeholders, and skillfully discern and take action to produce outcomes that serve the common public goods for all parties involved.MADL 650 Intercultural Competence for Diversity Leadership, 2.5 cr.This course will integrate intercultural communication theories and research with applications ofinterculturalcompetenceinpracticingdiversityleadership.Thecoursewillrstintroducefoundationaltheoriesandframeworksonhowcultureinuencespeople’sidentity,perceptions,beliefs, and behaviors. Building on the cognitive understanding of culture, inclusive and equitableleadershipisachieved throughleaders’practiceofinterculturalcompetence.Thecourse will cover the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) as an instrument to assessinterculturalcompetenceandtoleadorganizationalchange.MADL 660 Borders, Immigration, and Identity, 2.5 cr.The U.S. public has long maintained contradictory perceptions of immigration: it has been understood as a foundational aspect of American society, and on the other hand, it has been subject historically to waves of xenophobia and the institution of restrictive policies.In themidstofamainstreamdiscourse,narrativesfromimmigrantwriterscarrysignicantrhetoricalweightandbring rst-hand perspective thatcaninuenceand shiftconversationsin publicspheres,asinpolitics,education,organizations,etc.Thiscourseprivilegesimmigrantnarrativesas a counterbalance to public discourse and examines the power of narrative and storytelling throughthestudyofliterarygenres,includingmemoir,ction,poetry,andliteraryjournalism.We will critically engage with these literary texts through thematic lenses including racial formation in the U.S., labor, family and gender, transnationalism, and pay special attention to immigrant histories and communities in Minnesota, including refugee and Korean adoption narratives. Students will work with the tools of literary and rhetorical analysis to evaluate and discuss the effect of narrative and consider the impact of narrative in public communication projects.MADL670 HistoricalFoundationsofRaceinAmerica,2.5cr.RacehasbeenintegraltothelegalregimeofcitizenshipintheUnitedStates,totheeconomiccourse of American history, and to the lived experiences of generations of Americans and thoseresidinginsocietiesthatinteractedwiththeUnitedStatesforcenturies.Specically,themakingofrace—thecategoricaldenitionsthatstructuredwhobelongedtospeciedracialgroups, the opportunitiesand limitationsthat came with such racial classications, and therelationship of racialized and ethnic cultural identity to American nationalism—has provena
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 95powerful and enduring element of American history. We cannot understand our society as a product of complex and contingent pasts without grappling with the role of racial formation in both the American past and in our present. This course will trace that history, beginning with thetrans-Atlanticslavetradeandculminatingintheearlytwenty-rstcentury.Wewillapproachtherelationshipbetweenrace,power,andcitizenshipasadynamicinterplaybetweenlarge-scalechangesandlivedexperiences,andinterrogatethatrelationshiptoposequestionsaboutitssocial,legal,andhumanconsequences.MADL 680 Topics in Diversity Leadership, 2.5 cr.Thesubjectmatterofthesecourseswillvaryfromyeartoyear,butwillnotduplicateexistingcourses. The topic course will be assessed by the MA in Diversity Leadership Advisory Board anditwillberequiredtoworktowardsatleastthreeoftheobjectivesofourprogram.
96 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogGRADUATEENGLISHCOURSECATALOG GENG 501 Intro to Creative Writing, 3 cr.Intended for students who have not developed a substantial writing portfolio, this course offers anintroductiontothetheoreticalandpracticalelementsinvolvedinwritingpoetry,ction,andcreativenonction.Readingswillincludetheoreticalandcreativetexts.GENG 506 Intro to Linguistics: Engl Lan, 3 cr.The systematic study of present-day English sounds through phonetics and phonology, words through morphology, sentences through syntax, as well as the contexts of language production through the history of English, sociolinguistics, and social integration in discourse. Special attention will be given to the use of language study as an approach to English literature and the teaching of English.GENG 507 Teaching College English, 3 cr.This course explores the history, theory, and practice of teaching literature and writing at the collegelevel.StudentswillreectontheconnectionbetweentheoryandpracticeinEnglishpedagogy.GENG 513 Issues in Criticism, 3 cr.Anintroductiontotheprincipaltheoreticalissuesandquestions in the discipline ofliterarystudies. The course explores the major contemporary approaches to literary studies in thecontext of various traditions of literary theory and criticism. It encourages students to assess constructively some of the key controversies in contemporary critical theory and apply their learningtotheinterpretationofliterarytexts.Thisrequiredcoursemustbetakenasoneoftherstthreecoursesintheprogram.GENG 514 Genre Studies , 3 cr.Anexaminationofaparticularsubjectwithinoneofthefourmajorgenrecategoriesofction,nonctionprose,drama,orpoetry.Creditmaybeearnedmorethanonceunderthiscoursenumber for different emphases.GENG516 CriticalQuestionsinLiteraryTheory,3cr.ThiscourseexploresakeytheoreticalquestionintheeldofEnglishstudies,asselectedbytheinstructor.Studentswillexplorethisquestionbyreadingworksofliterarytheoryandotherculturaltexts.Prerequisite:GENG513.Thiscoursemustbetakenasoneoftherstvecoursesin the MA program.GENG 521 Medieval Literature, 3 cr.ThestudyofEnglishliteraturefromitsbeginningto1485.ReadingsmayincludeBEOWULF,selections from Old English poetry,THE PEARL poet, medieval drama, Langland, Marie deFrance, Malory, and Chaucer. This course satises the Early British Literature distributionrequirement.
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 97GENG522 TheEnglishRenaissance,3cr.The study of English drama, poetry, and prose of the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries inrelationshiptothemajorthemesanddevelopmentsoftheContinentalRenaissance.Potentialauthors studied include Edmund Spenser, Christopher Marlowe, and William Shakespeare. ThiscoursesatisestheEarlyLiteraturedistributionrequirement.GENG 523 17th-Century British Lit, 3 cr.AstudyofEnglishproseandpoetryfrom1603to1660.Readingsmayincludesuchindividualauthors as Ben Jonson, John Doone, and/or John Milton, and such groupings as the metaphysicalorCavalierpoets,andsuchprosewritersasFrancisBacon,RobertBurton,andSirThomasBrowne,withemphasisonthemajordevelopmentsofprosestyle.ThiscoursesatisestheEarlyLiteraturedistributionrequirement.GENG528 Restoration/18thC.BritLit,3cr.ThestudyofBritishdrama,poetry,ction,andnon-ctionprosefrom1660to1830.Thismayincludeexplorationofliterarydevelopments such asthe rise and fall of Restorationdrama,the origins of the periodical, the rise of the novel and female authorship, the popularity of the scandalous memoir and its offspring, biography, and the tradition of the gothic. Authors covered may include Behn, Defoe, Addison and Steele, Haywood, Swift, Pope, Gay, Johnson, Boswell, Goldsmith, Burney, Inchbald, Wollstonecraft, Godwin, Radcliffe, Edgeworth, andAusten.ThiscoursesatisestheEarlyLiteraturedistributionrequirement.GENG529 TheRomanticAgeinBritain,3cr.AstudyofBritishpoetry,ction,drama,andnon-ctionprosefrom1789to1850,includingexplorationoftopicssuchasliteraryinnovation,theRomanticselfandimagination,Romanticecology,theGothic,thehistoricalnovel,andsciencection.Alsoexaminedaretherelationshipbetweenliteratureandkeysocialdevelopments,suchastheFrenchRevolutionandNapoleonicWars, the equality of the sexes, the anti-slave trade movement, industrialization, and thescienticrevolution.AuthorscoveredmayincludeBlake,Wollstonecraft,Scott,Wordsworth,Coleridge,Byron,PercyandMaryShelley,Keats,Austen,andHemans.ThiscoursesatisestheEarlyLiteraturerequirement.GENG 530 The Victorian Age in Britain, 3 cr.ThestudyofBritishpoetry,ction,drama,andnon-ctionprosefrom1837to1901,includingexploration of the relationship between literature and key cultural developments, including industrialization,Darwinism,Pre-Raphaelitism,Aestheticism,andtheWomenQuestion.AuthorscoveredmayincludeTennyson,ElizabethandRobertBrowning,Dickens,Collins,GeorgeEliot,DanteandChristinaRossetti,Barrett,CharlotteBronte,Hopkins,andWilde.GENG 532 20th-Century British Li, 3 cr.This course will focus on canonical texts of 20th-century British literature while also drawing attention to texts written by British writers of color and writers born outside of the United Kingdom.PotentialauthorsmayincludeT.S.Eliot,Forster,Shaw,Woolf,Joyce,Rhys,Lawrence,Huxley,Naipaul,Rushdie,Walcott,Heaney,Boland,Beckett,andPinter.
98 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogGENG 542 Colonial/Early American Lit, 3 cr.The study of American literature from European exploration through about 1800. The origins anddevelopmentofction,poetry,andautobiographywillbeexplored,withattentiongiventosuchuniquelyAmericanliteraryformsastheJeremiad,thecaptivitynarrative,andtheslavenarrative. Authors covered may include Columbus, Cabeza de Vaca, Bradstreet, Bradford,Equiano,Rowlandson,Franklin,Occom,Wheatley,Freneau,Iriving,Brown,Rowson,andNativeAmericanorators.ThiscoursesatisestheEarlyLiteraturedistributionrequirement.GENG 547 19th-Century Amer Lit, 3 cr.The study of the rich and varied strands of 19th-century American writing, beginning in about 1800 and culminating in turn-of-the-century literature. This course will explore intersections between literature and key intellectual, historical, and cultural events of the period. Potential authors studied include James Fenimore Cooper, Emily Dickinson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edgar Allan Poe, William Fuller, Herman Melville, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Jacobs,MarkTwain,andWaltWhitman.ThiscoursesatisestheEarlyLiteraturedistributionrequirement.GENG 549 20th-Century American Lit, 3 cr.ThestudyofAmericanction,poetry,drama,andnon-ctionprosefrom1900tothepresent.The relationship between literature and key cultural developments will be explored, including immigrationandAmericanization,industrializationandmechanization,modernism,andthecivilrights and feminist movements. Authors covered may include Wharton, O’Neill, Hemingway, Faulkner,Williams,Kerouac,Rich,Erdrich,andMorrison.GENG 558 Multicultural Literature, 3 cr.This course focuses on postcolonial writers, as well as writers from American communities of color. The course emphasis may be on the literature of one nation or ethnic community, on one geographic area, or on a group of authors who deal with a similar topic. Authors will vary,andmayincludeChinuaAchebe,JuliaAlvarez,JunotDiaz,BessieHead,JamaicaKincaid,Maxine Hong Kingston, Ngugi wa Thiong’o, or Derek Walcott. Credit may be earned more than onceunderthisnumberfordifferentemphases.ThiscoursesatisestheIdentityandPowerdistributionrequirement.GENG 559 Native Amer Literature, 3 cr.The study of the literature of various Native American groups from its origins in such traditional forms as creation myths and the trickster cycle through literary responses to treaty, reservation, andboardingschoolerasandintocontemporaryction,poetry,andautobiography.Authorscovered may include Apess, Winnemucca, Zitkala-Sa, Eastman, Welch, Erdrich, and Silko. This coursesatisestheIdentityandPowerdistributionrequirement.GENG 560 African-American Literature, 3 cr.The study of the heritage of African-American literature, beginning with the vernacular tradition,colonialpoetry,andtheslavenarrative;proceedingthroughtheHarlemRenaissance,themodernperiod,andtheBlackArtsMovement;andculminatingincontemporaryction,poetry,drama,andothergenres.Authors coveredmay includeEquiano,Jacobs,Douglass,Wheatley, Chesnutt, DuBois, Hughes, Hurston, Wright, Eillison, Brooks, Baldwin, Baraka, and Morrison.ThiscoursesatisestheIdentityandPowerdistributionrequirement.
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 99GENG 562 Modern European Traditions , 3 cr.Reading in translation of representative masterpieces in the European tradition from theRenaissancethroughthe 20th century,includingsuchwriters as Cervantes,Racine,Goethe,Flaubert,Sand,Dostoevsky,Kafka,and Mann.Areasof inquirymayalsoinclude the mutualinteractions of the European tradition with modern African, Latin American, or Eastern literatures.GENG 572 Special/Thematic Topics, 1-3 cr.Possibletopicsmayincludeliteratureandlm,theBibleandliterature,thememoir,ecologyand literature, literatures of the Holocaust, and literary biography. Credit may be earned more than once under this course number for different emphases.GENG 573 Special/Thematic Topics, 1-3 cr.Possibletopicsmayincludeliteratureandlms,theBibleandliterature,thememoir,ecologyand literature, literatures of the Holocaust, and literary biography. Credit may be earned more than once under this course number for different emphases.GENG 577 Literature by Women, 3 cr.This course will offer a survey of literature by women. It will concentrate on some tradition of British,American (including American communities of color), and/or post-colonial women’swriting. It may address issues of the placement of women in the literary canon, the role of gender in the composition and criticism of literary texts, thematic issues in writing by women, along with relevant elements of women’s history and feminist theory. Credit may be earned more than once under this number for different emphases.GENG 598 Topics in Lit/Writing, 3 cr.No description is available.GENG 599 Topics in Literature, 3 cr.No description is available.GENG 601 Writing Poetry , 3 cr.Aworkshopexperienceinvolvingtheongoingexplorationofsubjectmatterandtechnique.Readingswillincludetheoreticalandcreativetexts.Thiscoursewillalsodiscusspoetrywritingin publishing contexts--how literary works are written, revised, submitted, acquired, edited,and marketed by presses. The course will also give students insight into broader issues in the publishing world such as the rise of small and independent presses, university presses, traditionalmajorpresses,aswellasonlinepublishing,selfpublishing,andissuesofaccessanddiversity in the literary marketplace. The course will include guest lectures or other engagements with agents and/or editors from the publishing community.GENG 602 Writing Fiction, 3 cr.Aworkshopexperienceinvolvingtheongoingexplorationofsubjectmatterandtechnique.Readingswillincludetheoreticalandcreativetexts.Thiscoursewillalsodiscussctionwritingin publishing contexts--how literary works are written, revised, submitted, acquired, edited,and marketed by presses. The course will also give students insight into broader issues in
100 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalogthe publishing world such as the rise of small and independent presses, university presses, traditionalmajorpresses,aswellasonlinepublishing,selfpublishing,andissuesofaccessanddiversity in the literary marketplace. The course will include guest lectures or other engagements with agents and/or editors from the publishing community.GENG 603 Writing for Young People, 3 cr.Aworkshopexperienceinvolvingtheongoingexplorationofsubjectmatterandtechnique.Readingswillincludetheoreticalandcreativetexts.Thiscoursewillalsodiscussyoungadultwriting in publishing contexts--how literary works are written, revised, submitted, acquired,edited, and marketed by presses. The course will also give students insight into broader issues in the publishing world such as the rise of small and independent presses, university presses,traditionalmajorpresses,aswellasonlinepublishing,selfpublishing,andissuesofaccess and diversity in the literary marketplace. The course will include guest lectures or other engagements with agents and/or editors from the publishing community.GENG604 WritingCreativeNonction,3cr.Aworkshopexperienceinvolvingtheongoingexplorationofsubjectmatterandtechnique.Readings will include theoretical and creative texts. This course will also discuss creativenonction writing in publishing contexts -- how literary works are acquired, edited, andmarketed by literary presses. The course will also give students insight into broader issues in the publishing world such as the rise of online publication and issues of access and diversity in the literary marketplace. The course will include guest lectures or other engagements with publishers in the local community.GENG 613 Topics in Literary Theory, 3 cr.Anadvancedexaminationofthemajordevelopmentsanddebatesincontemporaryliterarytheory. Topics may include Marxism, psychologocial criticism, reader-response theories, hermeneutics, deconstruction, feminist criticism, and new historicism. Credit may be earned more than once under this number for different emphases. Prerequisite: GENG 513 orpermission of the instructorGENG 618 Issues on Canon, 3 cr.An examination of theoretical debates over how literary works are or should be selected as worthy of academic scholarship and teaching. Incudes such practical issues as forming a curriculum, developing new critical assumptions and methods, and assessing scholarship. Prerequisite:GENG513orpermissionoftheinstructorGENG 621 Topic/Figures in Medieval Lit , 3 cr.Potential topics may include Geoffrey Chaucer, Tolkien: Middle Ages/Middle Earth, and Arthurian Literature. Credit may be earned more than once under this number for different emphases. This course satises the Early Literature distribution requirement. Prerequisite:GENG 513 or permission of the instructorGENG622 Topics/FiguresinEnglishRen,3cr.Potential topics may include the rise of the theater or developments in lyric poetry; potential
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 101guresincludeEdmundSpenser,ChristopherMarlowe,andWilliamShakespeare.Creditmaybe earned more than once under this number for differentemphases.This course satisesthe Early Literature distribution requirement. Prerequisite: GENG 513 or permission of theinstructorGENG 623 Topics/Figs in 17th C. Brit. Lit. 3 cr.Potential topics may include religiousliterature, women’s writing,or thenew subjectivity inpoetry;potentialguresincludeJohnDonne,GeorgeHerbert,andJohnMilton.Creditmaybeearnedmorethanonceunderthsinumberfordifferentemphases.ThiscoursesatisestheEarlyLiteraturedistributionrequirement.Prerequisite:GENG513orpermissionofinstructorGENG628 Topics/FigRest/18thC.BritLit,3cr.PotentialtopicsmayincludethewomenplaywrightsoftheRestorationPeriod;theliteratureoftheWestIndies;Godwin,Wollstonecraft,andtheircircle;andJaneAustenonlm.Creditmaybeearnedmorethanonceunderthisnumberfordifferentemphases.Thiscoursesatisesthe Early Literature distribution requirement. Prerequisite: GENG 513 or permission of theinstructorGENG629 Topic/FiginBritRomanticAge,3cr.Potential topics may include literature after the French Revolution, the rst- or the second-generationRomantics,Blakeandhiscompositeart,Byronandhislegacy,theShellysandtheircircle,Romanticismandmyth,Romanticecology,Romanticphilhellenism,andwomenwritersofthelongRomanticperiod.Creditmaybeearnedmorethanonceunderthis numberfordifferentemphases.ThiscoursesatisestheEarlyliteraturerequirement.Prerequisite:GENG513 or permission of the instructor.GENG 630 Topic/Fig: Brit Victorian Age, 3 cr.Potential topics include Charles Dickens, the Gothic novel, the Victorian sensation novel, detectiveliteratureoftheVictorianperiod,andliteratureofthendesiecle.Creditmaybeearnedmorethanonceunderthisnumberfordifferentemphases.Prerequisite:GENG513orpermission of the instructorGENG 632 Topics/Figs in 20th C. Brit Lit, 3 cr.Potential topics may include Britain between the wars, British Modernism, the Bloomsbury Group,T.S.Eliot’sinuenceonModernism,andpost-WorldWarIIBritishLiterature.Creditmaybeearnedmorethanonceunderthisnumberfordifferentemphases.Prerequisite:GENG513or permission of the instructorGENG 637 Topics/Figs in Irish Lit, 3 cr.Potential topics may include James Joyce, W.B. Yeats, modern and contemporary Irish drama, and the poetry of Seamus Heaney and Eavan Boland. Credit may be earned more than once under this number for different emphases. Prerequisite: GENG 513 or permission of theinstructor
102 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogGENG 642 Topics/Fig Colonial/Early Am Lit, 3 cr.Potential topics may include early American women writers, race in colonial/early American literature, dissenting voices in colonial/early American literature, and the early American novel. Credit may be earned more than once under this number for different emphases. This course satisestheEarlyLiteraturedistributionrequirement.Prerequisite:GENG513orpermissionofthe instructorGENG 647 Topics/Figs: 19th C. Amer Lit, 3 cr. Potential topics may include Emily Dickinson, Henry James, Mark Twain, literature of the Civil War, the rise of the woman novelist, and Transcendental writing. Credit may be earned more thanonceunderthisnumberfordifferentemphases.ThiscoursesatisestheEarlyLiteraturedistributionrequirement.Prerequisite:GENG513orpermissionoftheinstructorGENG 649 Topics/Figs in 20th C. Amer Lit, 3 cr.PotentialtopicsmayincludesuchguresasEdithWharton,F.ScottFitzgerald,ErnestHemingway,William Faulkner, and Willa Cather. Potential topics may include the rise of the American Theater, the Beats, and contemporary American literature. Credit may be earned more than once under thisnumberfordifferentemphases.Prerequisite:GENG513orpermissionofinstructorGENG 658 Topics/Figs: Multicultural Lit, 3 cr.Potential topics may include Third World cinema, writing and resistance in the global age, andMexican-Americanliterature.PotentialauthorsmayincludeAmaAtaAidoo,AssiaDjebar,FrantzFanon, C.L.R.James,Arundhati Roy, Salman Rushdie, or Ngugi waThinong’o. Creditmaybeearnedmorethanonceunderthisnumberfordifferentemphases.ThiscoursesatisestheIdentityandPowerdistributionrequirement.Prerequisite:GENG513orpermissionoftheinstructorGENG 659 Topics/Figs in Native Amer Lit, 3 cr.Potentialtopics may include OjibwayandDakotaliterature, contemporaryNativeAmericanliterature, and the literature of Native American women. Credit may be eared more than onceunderthisnumberfordifferentemphases.ThiscoursesatisestheIdentityandPowerdistributionrequirement.Prerequisite:GENG513orpermissionoftheinstructorGENG 660 Topics/Figs: African Amer Lit , 3 cr.Potential topics may include gures such as James Baldwin, Toni Morrison, or Zora NealeHurston;race,gender,andsexualityintheblacknovel;theHarlemRenaissance;andtraumaand the 19th century American slave narrative. Credit may be earned more than once under thisnumberfordifferentemphases.ThiscoursesatisestheMulticulturalLiteraturedistributionrequirement.Prerequisite:GENG513orpermissionoftheinstructorGENG 672 Special/Thematic Topics, 3 cr.Potential topics may include the dialogue of self and other, the public intellectual and civic education, and discourse analysis. Credit may be earned more than once under this number fordifferentemphases.Prerequisite:GENG513orpermissionoftheinstructorGENG697 IndependentProject,3cr.
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 103Studentswillworkcloselywithafacultymentoronanindependentproject.Thisprojectwillinvolvesubstantialindividualizedreading,writing,andresearch.GENG698 IndependentReading,1-3cr.No description is available. GENG699 Master’sProject,3cr.ThecapstoneforgraduateprogramsinEnglishisthemaster’sprojectcourse.FortheMAinEnglish,studentscompleteanessaythatprovidesanopportunityforlengthyreectionaboutselectedworksorauthors.Thepurposeistogivestudentsanalopportunitytodevelopanareaofexpertisewhiletheyrenetheirwriting,revising,andeditingskills.FortheMAinCreativeWriting and Publishing, students complete a chapbook-length portfolio of 40-50 pages such as a collection of poetry, literary ction, young adult ction or creativenonction. In eitherprogram,studentswillpresenttheirprojecttoareviewcommitteeofafacultyadvisorandtwoadditional faculty readers and should demonstrate a high level of cogency and stylistic grace. TheMaster’sProject(GENG699)isitsowncoursewithitsownuniqueregistrationandcountsfor 3 credits toward the Master of Arts in English or Master of Arts in Creative Writing and Publishing degree.
104 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogGRADUATEMUSICEDUCATIONCOURSECATALOGGMUS 517 Developing the Child Voice, 2 cr.Philosophy, methods, and materials for the elementary (K-6) setting designed to foster alove of singing and build toward vocal health, singing skill, and independent musicianship. Examination of a skill- and knowledge-based approach that teaches and celebrates music and singing through a developmentally oriented spiral curriculum.GMUS 518 Teaching Choral Music to Young Singers, 2 cr.This course is designed for elementary and middle school choral teachers who hope to teach musical skills and concepts while teaching choral repertoire to their ensembles. Topics covered include”pedagogicalanalysisofchoralpieces,techniquesforteachingmelodic,rhythmic,andformal elements while teaching choral repertoire, daily lesson planning, and short-term and long-term rehearsal planning. Students will actively participate using appropriate repertoire from a choral packet.Additional course fee: $40.GMUS 523 Teaching Adolescent Voices in a Choral Setting, 3 cr.Exploration of a wide range of repertoire that considers the vocal, emotional, behavioral, and intellectual characteristics of middle and high school students. Emphasis on criteria for selecting repertoire and developing a choral library that includes music for single-gender and mixed choirs in grades 6-12. Additional course fee: $45.GMUS527 VocalJazzTechniques,2cr.Repertoire, score analysis, jazz theory, arranging, and stylistic interpretation, for vocaljazz ensemble through participation and performance. All course components, includingimprovisation, address musicianship development for teachers and students. Demonstrations byhighschooland professionaljazz performers.Development of adolescent singers’auralsensitivityandrhythmicaccuracyusingvocaljazz.Additional course fee: $30.GMUS 530 IPA/English/French Diction for Singers, 1 cr.IntroductiontosingingintheFrenchandEnglishlanguageutilizingtheInternationalPhoneticAlphabet. Emphasis on pronunciation, enunciation, declamation, artistic expression and interpretive considerations in the context of French song texts and choral repertoire GMUS 531 IPA/Italian/German Diction for Singers, 1 cr.IntroductiontosingingintheItalianandGermanlanguagesutilizingtheInternationalPhoneticAlphabet. Emphasis on pronunciation, enunciation, declamation, artistic expression, and interpretive considerations in the context of German song texts and choral repertoire.GMUS 532 Orff Master Class, 2 cr.For the experienced Orff teacher. Topics will vary.
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 105GMUS536 SmithsonianFolkwaysCerticationCourseinWorldMusicPedagogy,3cr.Audio, video, print, electronic, and human resources will be sampled in this intensive course, with the aim of learning as well as developing an understanding of ways to teach music of the world’s cultures. Attention will be given to learning culture through songs, movement and dance experiences,instrumentalmusic,andcontextualizedculturalcomponents.Participantswillbeguided through recordings and curricular materials from the Smithsonian Folkways archives thatttheneedsofstudentsinknowingmusic(andknowingculturethroughmusic).Musicalexperiences will be tailored for use at various levels, including in classes for children, youth, and adults in university and community settings, with occasional small group sessions to decipher anddiscussapplicationsforparticularteachingcontextsandaims.Enrolledparticipantswilljointogether to share particular means of teaching world music, and will receive documentation fromtheSmithsonianInstitutionthatcertiestheirspecializedstudyinWorldMusicPedagogy.GMUS 537 Latin American Music, 2 cr.This course is to introduce music educators to several traditional musical genres from throughoutLatinAmericaincludingPuertoRicanPlenaandBomba,MexicanSonJarochoandMariachi, Afro-Peruvian music, and Afro Cuban genres. Pedagogical strategies will be modeled and discussed. Considerations for application in different music education contexts will be examined.GMUS 542 Popular Music for Choir, 2 cr.Participants will experience singing and choral traditions from a wide variety of popular music traditions including. Emphasis will be placed on musical characteristics and healthy vocal techniquestoachieveparticularstylisticallyspecictimbresandstylesaswellastranscriptionand arranging. This course is appropriate for singers and choral directors with a particular focus on upper elementary through secondary and community choral settings. GMUS 544-xx Topics in Music Education, 1 or 2 cr.Topics vary. Examples follow.GMUS 544-xx Teaching Guitar, 1 cr.Preparation for starting or continuing a class guitar program. Topics include acquiring andmaintaining instruments, reviewing available texts and related materials, and age-appropriate pacing of pedagogical materials and approaches. Special focus on teaching musical notations and stylistic genres common to the guitar. Designed for the middle and high school teacher.GMUS 544-xx Let the Body Sing! Creating Moving Musicians for Choral Performance, 2 cr.This course will focus on the manner in which engagement of the whole body when singing can have a profound effect on tone, phrasing, rhythmic integrity and musicality, creating a more holistic approach to choral performance. Participants will explore how “Body Singing” can be appliedtoteachingandconductingthroughthecontextofspecicchoralworks;aswellasgenerating a comprehensive approach to rehearsal and performance at all levels of instruction.GMUS 544-xx Global Music Traditions for Choir, 1 cr.Participants will experience singing and choral traditions from a wide variety of musical cultures. Emphasiswillbeplaced onmusicalcharacteristicsand healthyvocal techniquestoachieveparticularculturallyspecictimbresandstyles.Themusicwillhailfromavarietyofcountries
106 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalogincluding (but not limitedto) Bulgaria,Macedonia,Tahiti,Ghana, andTanzania.This courseis appropriate for singers and choral directors with a particular focus on upper elementary through secondary choral settings.GMUS 544-xx Group Piano Pedagogy, 1 cr.This introductory course is designed to prepare piano teachers and classroom music instructors toteachpianotostudentsinagroupsetting.Itwillemphasizerepertoire,musicianshipskills,and creative activities for beginning and intermediate children and adults. Topics will include logistical issues of setting up a keyboard lab or class piano studio, philosophies and learning theories concerning group teaching, curriculum development and lesson planning, a survey of methods and materials for a variety of learning styles, the use of technology, group management skills and resources for further learning. GMUS 544-xx Music in Our Backyard, 1 cr.This course will allow participants to explore the music of the various and diverse cultures that exist right here in the Twin Cities. Each day will feature a different culture through hands-on experience with experts from our region. Participants will be immersed in the music of each culture and come away with contextual understandings that will apply to their classrooms. Join us to learn more about your neighbors and their music! GMUS557 MarchingBandTechniques,1cr.Development of skills required to successfully organize and direct marching bands withinthe context of a school music program. Topics include philosophy and the role of marching band in the music program, historical perspectives, marching band styles, administration and organizationofthemarchingbandandauxiliaryunits,teachingtechniques,contemporarydrilldesign, music selection, and show development using software.GMUS 558 Solo & Small Ensemble Literature, 1 cr.Opportunityfor instrumental music educators to reviewand study standardand signicantsolo and small ensemble literature. Examination, analysis, and listening to important solo works for all instruments and a variety of small ensembles. Emphasis will be on a review of literature foralllevelsofsolosmallensembleplaying.,pedagogicaltechniques,andresources.GMUS 570-92 Applied Performance Studies, 1 cr.Twelve 50-minute individual lessons: 1 cr.; Twelve 30-minute individual lessons: 1 cr. Arrange private lessons with the instructor before registering. Specify the instructor and duration of lessons on the course registration form.GMUS 570 Harpsichord GMUS 571 Piano GMUS 572 Lute GMUS573 RecorderGMUS 574 Voice GMUS 575 Organ GMUS 576 Flute
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 107GMUS 577 Oboe GMUS 578 Clarinet GMUS 579 Bassoon GMUS 580 Saxophone GMUS 581 Trumpet GMUS 582 French HornGMUS 583 TromboneGMUS 584 EuphoniumGMUS 585 TubaGMUS 586 PercussionGMUS 587 ViolinGMUS 588 ViolaGMUS 589 CelloGMUS 590 Double BassGMUS 591 GuitarGMUS 592 HarpGMUS 593 CompositionGMUS600 IntroductiontoScholarshipandResearchMethodsinMusicEducation,3cr.This course will guide students toward: comprehending research articles and methodologies that they will encounter over the course of their careers; building skills in working with library resources, database and other bibliographic materials; developing skills generally in academic writing and American written English - and particularly in accordance with the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Edition; and provide an opportunity for initial thinking about how they will carry out their work for GMUS 890 in terms of a topic and format.GMUS 601 Teaching and Learning, 3 cr.Comprehensive overview of learning theories, instructional theories, and implications for the teaching of music to children in grades K-12. Applications of principles and concepts inherent in these theories to the teaching and learning of music.GMUS606 RealizingDiversityinMusicEducation,3cr.Thiscourseisdesignedtointroducethefourdomainsofsocialjusticeineducation:identity,diversity, justice, and action. Considerationsof engendering empathy, developing a criticalconsciousness,andcraftingamoresociallyjusteducationarecentraltotheseminar.GMUS 608 Foundations in Music Education, 3 cr.Consideration of cultural, philosophical, and historical contexts of music education through reading assignments and student presentations.GMUS 611 Perspectives in Music Theory, 3 cr.Creative construction of conceptual frameworksthat blend traditionalanalytical techniqueswith recent trends in music theory scholarship. Development of methodology for the perceptual
108 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalogandreectivestudyofmusicalprocesses,style,andmeaning.Criticallistening,scorereading,composing, and writing about music. Prerequisite:SuccessfulcompletionoftheMasterofArtsInMusicEducationMusicHistoryandTheoryDiagnosticExaminations(LoginonCanvas).GMUS 612 Topics in Music History, Literature and Theory, 3 cr.This course explores the history and ideas surrounding American song, from works performed by voice as well as instrumental versions of songs. Topics covered will include 19th c. song, Sousa and his inuence, Irving Berlin, Blues, Jazz, Chuck Berry and Rock, Musical Theater,CountryMusic,Women’sVoicesinMusicandRagtime.Prerequisite:SuccessfulcompletionoftheMasterofArtsInMusicEducationMusicHistoryandTheoryDiagnosticExaminations(loginonCanvas).GMUS 613 Advanced Theory for Pianists, 3 cr.Study of theory literature from the beginning of the 18th century to the present.GMUS 615 Performance Practices, 3 cr.In-depth study of performance practices associated with stylistic interpretation of piano music from the 18th century to the present, including issues of phrasing, articulation, rhythm and tempo, dynamics, pedaling, and ornamentation correlated with the evolution of the instrument.GMUS 619 Keyboard Literature, 3 cr.Study of keyboard literature from the beginning of the 18th century to the present.GMUS651 DalcrozeMusicianship,3cr.MusicianshipdevelopmentbasedontheDalcrozeapproach.Studyofeurhythmics(trainingthebodyinrhythmanddynamics),solfege(trainingtheear,eyeandvoiceinpitch,melodyandharmonyusingxed-do),improvisation(combining eurhythmicsandsolfegeaccordingtothestudents’owninvention–inmovement,withthevoice,onaninstrument)andmethods(applicationtoolsfortheclassroomandstudio).GMUS 652 Global Traditions for Choirs, 2 cr.Participants will experience singing and choral traditions from a wide variety of musical cultures. Emphasiswillbeplaced onmusicalcharacteristicsand healthyvocal techniquestoachieveparticularculturallyspecictimbresandstyles.Themusicwillhailfromavarietyofcountriesincluding (but not limited to) Bulgaria, Macedonia,Tahiti, Ghana and Tanzania. This courseis appropriate for singers and choral directors with a particular focus on upper elementary through secondary choral settings.GMUS 653 Diverse Perspectives: Instrumental Ensembles, 2 cr.Diverse musics and experiences are often misrepresented in the instrumental music ensemble due to the lack of resources available to educators as well as the problems connected to the authenticity of the existing repertoire and arrangements. This course will explore the theoretical perspectives and practical approaches that can help music educators develop a more inclusive instrumental music program. The course will offer students the opportunity to
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 109discover and contemplate original music for bands and orchestras from all over the world. In addition, experiences with different types of instrumental ensembles will be provided. The goal of the course is to help music educators consider how an inclusive approach to instrumental pedagogy can enrich and expand the opportunities provided by performing and rehearsing diverse musics.GMUS 661 Exploring Music Technology, 3 cr.A step-by-step approach to recording your ensemble’s rehearsals and performances. Learn how to use recording technology as a powerful ally in the learning process. Using a streamlined approach, learn to overcome frustration and begin using recording as an essential pedagogical tool in your classroom environment. Once you introduce your ensemble to critical listening of their recorded rehearsals and performances, they will listen with accountability well beyond their individual parts, thus resulting in an improved ownership of their sound.GMUS664 JazzPedagogy,3cr.Studyof methods used ineffectiveteachingof jazz ensemble at all gradelevels.Emphasisonbasic principles of jazz performanceas learnedthroughjazz history, theory,scorestudyandarranging.Discussionofrepertoireandmethodsforteachingjazzrhythms,articulations,harmony, and improvisation.GMUS 665 Instrumental Musicianship Pedagogy, 3 cr.Examination of issues related to teaching instrumental music such as the application of music learning theory to instrumental rehearsals for all levels, comprehensive musicianship, pedagogical development of theensemble, demonstrated rehearsaltechniques, long-termand short-term lesson planning, and literature review.GMUS 670 East Asian Music Cultures, 2 cr.This course explores traditional and contemporary music as a social and communal activity within multiple Asian cultures including: Japan, China, and Korea. It employs an anthropological and ethnomusicological approachthat analyzes music in cultural context rather than solelyasanobjectofart.Pedagogicalstrategiesandcurricularinnovationswillbedevelopedwithattention to avoiding appropriation and othering while aiming toward equity with a moresociallyjustmusiceducation.Additionally,eachstudentwillselectanadditionalmusicculturewithin East Asia to study across the semester. This course is designed to enable graduate music students to increase their understanding of diverse music cultures. The listening, research, and curriculumdevelopmentskillsandknowledgeacquiredwillprovideafoundationtobecomemore critical and discerning music educators.GMUS 671 African Music Ensemble, 2 cr.StudyoftraditionalAfricanmusic(Ghanaianculture)throughmusicperformance.Performanceof chants, songs, music for social and festive occasions, and other vocal and instrumental examples selected froma variety of styles.All instruments provided, except ute and CD’swhich can be purchased in class.GMUS 672 Teaching Gospel Music, 1 cr.Participants in this course will explore music from the black gospel traditions and its context within an historical overview of African American music. Students will learn to produce vocal
110 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalogtimbres and style nuances appropriate for this music as strategies for arranging, teaching, and learning gospel music.GMUS 673 Choral Literature and Analysis I, 2 cr.Study of choral literature representing the Classic, Romantic, and Twentieth Century styleperiods. Survey of historical and style evolution of major choral genres and analysis ofrepresentative works for each era.Additional course fee: $30.GMUS 674 Choral Score Study and Literature II, 2 cr.Study of choral literature representing the Classic, Romantic, and Twentieth Century styleperiods. Survey of historical and style evolution of major choral genres and analysis ofrepresentative works for each era.Additional course fee: $30.GMUS 676 Voice Fundamentals, 2 cr.Practical training for working with PreK-adult voices of all ranges, while preserving and protecting your voice and your students’ voices for long- term use. Examination of literature andpracticeofappropriatetechniquesthatfostervocalhealth.Variousteachingapproachesfromscientictoempiricalarepresentedanddiscussed. GMUS 687 Advanced Instrumental Score Study and Literature, 3 cr.Designed for the experienced conductor interested in deepening skills in practical score analysis. Primary attention to addressing performance problems in the score through rehearsal preparationsandphysicalconductingtechnique.Literatureappropriatetoclassmembershipis selected for use in the course. PrerequisiteforGMUS690AdvancedInstrumentalConducting.GMUS 690 Advanced Instrumental Conducting, 3 cr.Intensive laboratory seminar of conducting concepts and mechanics. Instruction in advanced score analysis as it relates to physical gesture and rehearsal/performance application, stylistic interpretation, rehearsal pacing, and podium communication. Daily opportunity to conduct an instrumental ensemble during the second week of the course.Prerequisite:GMUS687AdvancedInstrumentalScoreStudy&Literature.Additionalcoursefee: $45.GMUS 725 Beginning Choral Conducting, 2 cr.Emphasis on sharpening conducting gestures, musicianship skills, and choral teaching techniques through individual and group instruction. Opportunity to develop gesturesappropriateforimprovedchoralsinging,analyzeandpreparescores,andexploretechniquesthat integrate performance and conceptual learning. Applicable for choir directors at all levels.Additional course fee: $45.GMUS 726 Intermediate Choral Conducting, 2 cr.Designed for the intermediate choral conductor. Laboratory course with in- depth study
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 111of conducting gesture and its effect on choral sound. Individual lessons in the choral lab settingconstituteamajorcomponentofthiscourse.Scorestudy,rehearsaltechniques,andperformance practice issues.Additional course fee: $45.GMUS 727 Advanced Choral Conducting, 2 cr.For the advanced choral conductor. Laboratory course with in-depth study of conducting gesture and its effect on choral sound. Individual lessons in the choral lab setting constitute a major component of this course. Challenging SATB and treble choir pieces and choral/orchestralrepertoire.Scorestudy,rehearsaltechniques,andperformancepracticeissues.Prerequisite:GMUS726IntermediateChoralConducting.Additionalcoursefee:$45.GMUS 728 Advanced Choral Conducting Lab, 1 cr.During this course, advanced choral conducting students will extend their skills by choosing, analyzing,teaching,rehearsingandconductingachoraloctavoinaconductinglabsetting.Prerequisite:AdvancedChoralConducting(GMUS727)Additionalcoursefee:$45. GMUS 731 Orff Schulwerk Level I, 3 cr.Basic Orff elemental musicianship, including study of pentatonic melodies, ostinati, bordun accompaniments,andelementalforms;sopranorecordertechnique;classroomapplication,technique,andimprovisation;basicmovementskillsandclassroomapplication,andfolkdance.Additional course fee: $45.GMUS 732 Orff Schulwerk Level II, 3 cr.Study of pentatonic, diatonic and modal melodies; melodic ostinato, bordun, and shifting chord accompaniments; irregular and changing meters; alto recorder and classroom applications andimprovisation;sequentialteachingofdanceformsandfolkdances.Prerequisite:GMUS731orequivalent.Additionalcoursefee:$45.GMUS 733 Orff Schulwerk Level III, 3 cr.Improvisation in diatonic modes, asymmetric meters, and harmonic accompaniments; ensemble performance of all recorder voices; choreography and improvisation relative to movement and music.Prerequisite:GMUS732orconsentofOrffdirector.Additional course fee: $45.GMUS 735 Orff Curriculum Development, 2 cr.ClassroomapplicationofbasicOrffvocabulary,theory,sequentialskills,andconceptstotheclassroom. Implementation of typical Orff activities in learning experiences designed for elementarystudents.In-depthobjectivesforeachgrade;developmentofsupportingteachingstrategies, and lesson plans; skills and concepts curriculum grid. Emphasis on application of studies through small-group and peer teaching.Prerequisite:OrffLevelsIandIIfromanyAOSAapprovedcourse.
112 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogGMUS 741 Kodály Level I, 3 cr.KodályLevelIstudiesinmusicianshipandchoralensemble;materials,analysis,classication&retrievalsystems;andcurriculum,pedagogyandinstructionaltechniques.Emphasisisplacedon teaching grades K and 1. Additional course fee: $45.GMUS 742 Kodály Level II, 3 cr.KodályLevelIIstudiesinmusicianshipandchoralensemble;materials,analysis,classication&retrievalsystems;andcurriculum,pedagogy&instructionaltechniques.Emphasisisplacedonteachinggrades2and3.Prerequisite:KodályLevelI(MUS741orGMUS750,GMUS751,andGMUS753)orequivalent.Additional course fee: $45GMUS 743 Kodály Level III, 3 cr.KodályLevelIIIstudiesinmusicianshipandchoralensemble;materials,analysis,classicationandretrievalsystems;andcurriculum,pedagogy&instructionaltechniques.Emphasisisplacedonteachinggrades4and5.Prerequisite:KodályLevelII(MUS742orGMUS753,GMUS754,andGMUS755)orequivalent.Additional course fee: $45.GMUS 750 Musicianship I, 1 cr.Studies in musicianship, including systematic sight-reading, aural transcription, and analytical skilldevelopment.ThiscourseisrequiredforallMasterofArtsstudents(notrequiredofKodályconcentration).GMUS 765 American Folk Music, 3 cr.Listening and performance survey of traditional folk music with a particular emphasis on Anglo-American and African-American secular and sacred styles and genres. Study of historical primary and secondary sources, classroom repertoire, and performance practices. Comparative researchtechniques,transcription,andsystematicnotationforthemusicclassroom.GMUS771 ElementaryMaterialsandTeachingTechniques,3cr.Discussion of teaching materials for the beginning student and issues relating to the development of musicianship in early studies on the instrument. Learning theories and their relationship to the various aspects of piano study are explored. Includes consideration of the business aspects of running an independent studio.GMUS 773 Intermediate to Advanced Piano Pedagogy, 3 cr.Topics will include those that are applicable to all student as well as, addressing the issues that arespecictotheadvancingstudent.Subjectsinclude:planningrepertoirethattakesstudentsfromtheintermediateleveltotheadvancedlevel;developingadvancedtechnique;howtodevisepracticestrategiestosolve specictechnicalproblems;how torecognizeandavoidphysicalinjuries;performanceanxiety;interpretationandanalysis;historyofpianopedagogyandcurrentpedagogicaltheory;howtopractice;memorizingandpreparationforperformance.
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 113GMUS 800 Supervised Teaching, 1 cr.Faculty direction and observation of each student’s teaching. Students will videotape their own pianostudentsforthebasisoftheclass.Prerequisite:completionofpedagogycourses. GMUS 840 Philosophical Foundations and Aesthetics in Arts Education, 3 cr. Applicationofphilosophicaltheorytopracticalissuesandproblemsfacingtheeld of artseducation. One of the primary goals of the course is the development of a personal philosophy of arts education. Topics include art and feeling, the creative process, aesthetic meaning, aesthetic experience, musical meaning and experiences in arts education. Please note that the primary artistic area explored will be music.GMUS 841 Curriculum Development in Music Education, 3 cr.Curriculum development and evaluation in music education raises fundamental questionsabout the purposes and characteristics of music programs in school settings. Curriculum as a eldofstudyoftendrawsuponcloselyrelatedfoundationaldisciplines-history,philosophy,psychology, sociology, and educational policy studies - to examine what is taught and learned in music classrooms. We will also draw upon these elds to understand contemporarycurriculum theory and practice, as well as to examine educational policies and their impact on musicprograms,particularlyinthisclimateofschoolreform.Studentswillanalyzeandcritiqueavailable curricular models and design comprehensive programs to foster students’ musical growth. Please note that the primary artistic area explored will be music.GMUS 842 Psychological Foundations of Music Education, 3 cr.This course explores the cognitive foundations of music. The course will examine the full range of physical, psychophysical and cognitive mechanisms that lead to musical experience. The coursebeginswiththephysicsof musical instruments and the physical qualities of musicalpitch. This leads to the psychophysics of hearing and why some sounds are experienced asconsonantand others as dissonant.Thecoursewillthen turn to perceptualorganizationand develop the sense in which music is an emergent phenomenon. Finally, we examine the structuresinworkingmemorythatallowindividualpitcheventstobeorganizedintomusicalexpressions. Along the way, we will look at the general principles that govern the structure of music and also investigate the extent to which other species understand and hear music as music. The course will also include a deep analysis of musical expectancy in terms of fractal structure and dynamic systems.GMUS876 DirectedResearch,0cr.Graduate Music Education FacultyRequiredforallstudentswhoareworkingontheirnalprojectsandthesisanddoNOTplantograduate during the term they are enrolled in this course. GMUS 876-01 Dr. Karen Howard GMUS 876-03 Dr. Bruce GleasonGMUS 876-05 Dr. Vanessa Cornett-MurtadaGMUS876-07Dr.DougOrzolekGMUS 876-09 Dr. Albert Pinsonneault
114 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogGMUS 876-11 Dr. Shersten Johnson GMUS 876-13 Dr. Sarah SchmalenbergerGMUS 876-99 Not working with my advisorStudents should note that supervisors may not be available during all terms. This shouldbeclarieduponregisteringforGMUS876-xx.Studentswillnotbeassessedthe one-credit tuition fee for the semester in which they are not working with their supervisor.However,theywillregisterfor GMUS876-99($75 feeassessed)duringthese terms.GMUS890 M.A.Project,1cr.Graduate Music Education FacultyRequiredforallstudentscompletingnalprojectorthesisworkandlingforgraduation.GMUS 890-01 Dr. Karen Howard GMUS 890-03 Dr. Bruce Gleason GMUS 890-05 Dr. Vanessa Cornett-Murtada GMUS890-07Dr.DougOrzolekGMUS 890-09 Dr. Albert PinsonneaultGMUS 890-11 Dr. Shersten Johnson GMUS 890-13 Dr. Sarah Schmalenberger
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 115GRADUATESPANISHCOURSECATALOGGSPA 510 Topics in World Languages Teaching, 3 cr.ThiscoursepresentshowcurrentsecondlanguageacquisitiontheoryinformstheteachingofSpanish at the college level. Through the observation of language instructors, the discussion of course readings, and the development of a teaching portfolio, among other activities, students willgainaworkingknowledgeofadultsecondlanguageacquisitiontheoryandbecomefamiliarwithavarietyofinstructionalapproaches.Themaingoalofthecourseistoequipstudentswiththe theoretical background and practical skills to teach Spanish at the college level. GSPA512 ChicanoandU.S.LatinoCulture(s)andLiterature(s),3cr.This course provides an introduction and overview of the different issues that concern the ChicanoandU.S.Latinopopulations.Throughreadings,discussions,lms,presentationsandotheractivities,wewilllearnaboutthevariousdifferentgroupsthatcomprisethissignicantpart of the U.S. population. Students will read and discuss texts produced by Chicano and U.S. Latino Writers. The reading of literary works will be complemented by the historical, socio-cultural and political context in which these texts are produced. Through literary texts, movies and documentaries, and other forms of art, we will explore the intricacies of living between cultures. Class discussions and readings will also offer students a critical perspective on the diversity of American society and culture.GSPA 515 Hispanic Cinema Studies, 3 cr.This course examines topics in Hispanic Cinema, starting from early twentieth-century images, throughcinema’sGoldenAgetotheinternationallyproducedtwenty-rstcenturylms.Withan eye toward understanding basic cinematographic technique and terminology, narrativestructure,majorcinematicmovements,andsalientsocioculturalthemes,studentswillviewandanalyzelmsrepresentingSpain,Mexico,Argentina,Chile,Cuba,andPeru.Theviewingoflmswill be accompanied by study of critical texts on cinema theory, the history of Hispanic cinema, and scholarly articles on the lms. Topics covered include nationalism and the individual;history and memory; urban and rural life; women, gender, and society; machismo and identity; non-traditional relationships and the family; religious identity; race relations and ethnicity; indigenismo in cinema, human rights, land and labor rights.GSPA 517 Spanish Phonetics and Phonology for Teachers, 3 cr.This course is designed to expand students’ knowledge of Spanish phonetics using the most currenttextsand approaches.Concurrently,thecourse will also present:1) recentresearcharticles on the acquisition of second language phonetics and phonology, and 2) currentteaching methodologies and resources for teaching the Spanish sound system. The main goal is to provide students and teachers with a greater repertoire of teaching tools to use in a variety of Spanish classes and levels.GSPA 519 Spanish Sociolinguistics, 3 cr.In this course, students will be introduced to the theoretical foundations of sociolinguistic
116 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalogvariation (dialectal, social, historical, language contact) in the Spanish-speaking world. ThesociolinguisticvariationofspecicSpanishfeatures(phonological,morphosyntactic,discursive)along with theoretical and methodological concepts of sociolinguistic research (types oflinguistic variation, types of variables, sampling, types of instruments for the collection of data, etc.)willbediscussed.GSPA 522 Mexican Literature and Society, 3 cr.In this class, students will learn about Mexican history, culture, and identity by reading and analyzing texts corresponding to various critical moments in Twentieth- and Twenty-FirstCenturyMexico.TheseincludetheMexicanRevolution;mid-Twentieth-Centuryindigenismoandfeminism;mid-centurymodernizationandsocialmovementsofthe1960s,post-colonialism,andtheTwenty-FirstCentury’snarcoandborderconicts.Studentswillreadandanalyzenovels,essays, short narrative, poems, and works of art, architecture and political protest; participate in class discussion and presentations; and create original research on selected topics.GSPA 523 Hispanic Visual Culture and Literature, 3 cr.This course is a survey of the literatures and arts in the Iberian Peninsula from the Eighth Century untiltoday.Studentswillreaddifferenttypesoftexts:fromtherstmarginaliacontainingearlysignsofCastilianandBasque,tosomeofthemostrecentexamplesofinterdisciplinarywritingin Spanish. These readings, together with the discussions and the analysis of selected iconic buildings, paintings, sculptures, and movies will provide students with a broad understanding of Spanish cultural production and Spanish history. GSPA 524 Hispanics in Minnesota and the U.S., 3 cr.In this course, we will explore the culture of Hispanics in Minnesota in order to better understand our local Hispanic community. Together we will discuss issues of identity, housing, economic opportunity and education. We will end the course with a series of presentations based on coursereadingsandpersonalizedresearchofcommunityorganizations.GSPA 525 Caribbean Literature and Cultures, 3 cr.This course explores multicultural identity of the Hispanic Caribbean through a study of literature andculturesfromthepopulationsofCuba,PuertoRico,theDominicanRepublic,CaribbeanHispanicsinmainlandLatinAmerica,andbeyond.Beginningwithindigenouscivilizationsandtracing the effects of colonialism through the era of independence to the present day, this course looks at Caribbean history as background for understanding contemporary Caribbean literature and culture from a post-colonial perspective. Students will read works of literature andanalyzemusicandvisualculture,participateinclassdiscussions,andengageinresearchon key topics of Caribbean literature and culture. GSPA 530 Exile and Migration in Contemporary Spain, 3 cr.This course introduces students to the notion of the historical forms of exile and, in relationship toit,theformsofanotherexiblebutcomplexconcept:migration.ThroughastudyofSpain’scultural artifacts, students will learn about the nation’s contemporary history with a particular emphasis on the migratory phenomena. Students will read poems, essays, novels and short stories, as well as watch movies that cover the period from the Civil War until the present. Throughtheexaminationofthesetexts,studentswillalsoreectaboutrelatedtopicssuchas
CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course Catalog | 117memory, violence, repression, censorship and transnationalism. Not only that, the analysis of literary, cinematic, visual and musical texts will also help students locate Spain in a transnational context ranging from Latin and North America to Europe. GSPA 540 Topics in Hispanic Culture and Literature, 3 cr.This course examines a cultural and/or literary movement from Spain and/or Latin America from a historical and interdisciplinary perspective. Includes theoretical approaches and can include the study of novels, poems, theater, lm,art, music,and performance.Topics may include:Colonial Latin America and its relationship to the present, Border Culture: Mexico and the U.S., or From Farm to Table: Fair Trade, Economics, and Latin American culture, etc. Credit may be earned more than once under this number for different emphases.GSPA 541 Topics in Spanish for the Professions, 3 cr.In this class, students will learn Spanish-language skills, cultural information, and communicational strategiesneededintheprofessionaleldsinordertocommunicatewithSpanish-speakingindividuals competently and professionally. Emphasis is placed on specialized, advancedvocabulary building, role play, and an understanding of Hispanic cultures. Topics may include Spanish for law enforcement, social services, education, medicine, business, and communications.GSPA 550 Topics in Hispanic Linguistics, 3 cr.This course provides an in-depth study of a particular area of Spanish Linguistics. Topics may vary with each offering and may include History of the Spanish Language, Spanish Pragmatics, and Spanish in the U.S. Credit may be earned more than once under this number for different emphases. GSPA 620 Advanced Spanish Professional Writing, 3 cr.This course seeks to advance students’ professional writing skills in Spanish, including analysis of professional discourse production, intense practice of writing strategies, and implementation of techniquesfortheproductionoftextsinSpanish.Thecoursepreparesstudentstosuccessfullydeal with academic and professional writing in Spanish through preparation, production, and editing of diverse discourse genres including those relevant to business and professional contexts. GSPA698 IndependentProject,3cr.Each student will work independently with a faculty member on an individualized researchprojectintheeldofHispanicCultures,Literature,orLinguisticsand/orwillprepareaprojectincurriculardevelopmentintheareathattheyteach.Thisprojectwillrequireextensivereading,writing, and research.GSPA699 Master’sProject,3cr.Each student will work independently with a faculty member on an individualized researchproject in the eld of Hispanic Cultures, Literatures, or Linguistics; Spanish LanguagePedagogy;orSpanishfortheProfessions.Thisprojectwillrequireextensivereading,writing,andresearch.Studentswillcreateawrittenresearchprojectandwillsharetheirresearchinanoral presentation as part of the course
118 | CAS Graduate Student Handbook and Course CatalogVisit us online to learn more about our graduate programs in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of St. ThomasApply online! All students considering Graduate School at the University of St. Thomas should use the application aligned for their program of interest.Graduate Tuition Rates and Financial Aid InformationThe College of Arts and Sciences at the University of St. Thomas offers a variety of graduate degrees for you to pursue and take the next step in your educational career. All of our programs are anchored in collaborative study and fueled by the uplifting power of the liberal arts. Throughout your time in the college, you will engage in activities such as peer-to-peer learning and faculty mentorship, all of which transforms you into an engaged scholar that actively contributes to your discipline. You will gain invaluable critical thinking and research skills that prepare you for success in both your career and personal life.Graduate PoliciesIn the absence of a more stringent policy at the school or college level the University Graduate Academic Policies apply. Should a graduate program not have a specic policy or shouldtherebeomissionsorgapsinthepolicyforaspecicgraduateschoolprogram,theUniversityGraduate Policy shall govern. Archived CatalogsPreviously published catalogs are available for review.