Annual Impact Report2023-2024
Everyonedeserves aplace to feel safeOur mission is to address the root causes of inequitiesthrough comprehensive generational community support.CARES stands as a beacon of hope to those we serve.
“We are determined to be a vehicle of hope for thoseseeking to discover their highest potential.” – R E V E R E N D G L E N N G . G R A Y S O N , S R . , E X E C U T I V E D I R E C T O R92% of students improved school performance80% of students improved daily school attendanceReduction in youth violence resulting from preventive crisis response Outreach positively re-engages youth in school and programs100% of unhoused referrals placed in long-term housing within 30 days 80% of referrals secured employment as a result of career coaching OST EducationViolencePreventionHomelessnessSupport ServicesPROJECTS OUTCOMESACKNOWLEDGEMENTSWith deep appreciation, we thank all of the dedicated supporters who have championed the Center that CARESfor the past 25 years. Your commitment has empowered our community, and together we continue to createdlasting change.95% of high school seniors transitioned to post-secondary educationor employment.98% of high school youth obtained work readiness competencies2,000 community members attend programs/event at Jeron XGrayson Center monthly 750 customers visit CARES Café each monthWorkforceDevelopmentCommunity HubIMPACT SNAPSHOTCARING PATHWAYS TO THRIVING OUTCOMES
Out of School Time Education The Center that CARES provides Out-of-School Time programming that offers a safe,nurturing space for over 350 children. Through 1,500 hours of high-qualityprogramming, the program has made significant strides:92% of students have demonstrated improved school performance.80% of students have reduced absenteeism.Increased digital literacy and STEM skills, with 500 hours of STEM educationprovided.This program is vital in supporting the holistic development of our youth.The Center That
Violence PreventionThe Center that CARES' Violence PreventionProgram, REACH, provides preventive crisis responseand intervention to Pittsburgh residents to reduceyouth violence. Through targeted outreach andcommunity engagement, the program has made apowerful impact:Provided over 300 successful conflictmediation sessions with students, families,and community members Engaged in over 1,000 hours of groupmentoring for youth 16-20 years of age Contributed to decreased shooting incidentsamong youth and young adults between theages of 18-24Coordinated several community-basedviolence prevention events included the 4thannual REACH for Peace WalkIntervened in over 100 shootings and otherIntervened in over 100 shootings and otherviolence, provided emotional support, andviolence, provided emotional support, andresource coordination, resulting in a reductionresource coordination, resulting in a reductionin the incidence of retaliationin the incidence of retaliation
Homelessness Support ServicesHomelessness Support Services offers comprehensive, housing first support for youthexperiencing homelessness, ages 18-24 in Allegheny County. The services address acritical need for stability among vulnerable young adults. Currently, homelessnessaffects 9% of individuals aged 18-24 in the county. In the past year, the program hasmade remarkable progress:100% of referred youth have been placed in long-term housing within 30 days80% of program participants have secured employment through jobplacement services100% of individuals referred to the program have received ongoing casemanagement and connections to wrap around servicesThis program provides essential resources to help youth rebuild their lives andachieve long-term success .The Center That CARESCenterThatCARES.orgRendering of future Hamilton House living space
95% of high school seniors participating in95% of high school seniors participating inour program transition successfully toour program transition successfully topost-secondary education or employmentpost-secondary education or employmentWorkforce DevelopmentThe Center that CARES' Workforce DevelopmentProgram equips youth with essential skills andguidance to thrive in their future careers. Throughhands-on experiences and personalized coaching,the program has achieved the following outcomes:98% of high school youth obtained workreadiness competencies92% of youth engaged in career coaching from8th grade to become Promise Ready95% of high school seniors transitionsuccessfully to post-secondary education oremployment75 youth placed in work experiences125 youth participated in “WorkingWednesday” workforce development initiative300 youth attended college orientation andfairs
The Center that CARES has developed vital community spaces that serve as hubs forconnection, education, and healing. These hubs create safe, inclusive environmentsthat align with our mission of addressing community needs and building assets thatempower individuals. Our hub spaces are highlighted below.CARES Café, a social enterprise, offers work experiences to young adults andnetworking resources to the community. 750 individuals visit the café each monthThe Jeron X Grayson Center, a cultural and neighborhood center for education,training, and community programs. 2,000 residents attend programs/events atthe Jeron X Grayson Center monthlyThe Healing House is an annex focused on providing a safe space for emotionaland mental health supportSunny’s Community Garden provides locally grown produce, with 19 raised bedsand 15 grow bags producing approximately 4,550 pounds of produce a yearCARES - A Community HubThe Center That
Our Vision forthe FutureAs we look ahead, the Center that CARES envisions a communitywhere every individual has the opportunity to thrive. By expandingour educational programs, workforce development, violenceprevention, and housing stability initiatives, we aim to address theroot causes of inequity while creating more spaces for growth andhealing. Together, we will continue to strengthen our community,empowering the next generation with the resources and support theyneed to build a brighter future.
CARING PATHWAYS TOTHRIVING OUTCOMES2701 Centre Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219www.CenterThatCaARES.orginfo@TheCenterThatCARES.orgScan to Donate