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Canva Simplebooklet Integration

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2024 Simplebooklet.com05/15/2024Deploying Simplebooklet to expand business andenterprise accounts in Canva.SimplebookletApp/ConnectDesign Anything Publish Anywhere

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TheOpportunityExpand Seat Count andPer Seat Utilization. By encouraging design toolswitching from incumbentplatforms to the Canvaplatform.Increase opportunity withinactivated teams withinan organization throughtheir organic exposure asthe audience of publisheddesigns. 01Expand Session Time andDepth Of Usage. Expand the usability ofcreated designs byoffering a frictionlesssharing experience.Increase depth of use byexpanding the workflowscope through a returnand update cycle.

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What’s ASimplebookletSIMPLEBOOKLET.COM02Simplebooklet recreates, online, the tactileexperience of flipping through yourbrochure, flyer, presentation, guide, orreport.Your design is represented from abrandable single link that you deliver as aconsistent experience on any device ordigital property, while maintainingaudience access control.

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03WhereSimplebooklet FitsDESIGN ANYTHINGPrint ProductsPresentationsBrochures, flyers, cards, reports, guides,resumes, sell sheets, presentations, pitchdecks, ebooks, booklets, newsletters, productsheets, bifolds, invitations, calendars

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Why Canva Clients Use Simplebooklet04There is a lot of friction in Canva’ssharing tools, making it difficult todeliver on the mission publish anywhere.Each sharing option comes with it’s own unique, often cumbersome link.No Single URLOpaque, inconsistent presentation across the multiple digital channelsmeans no harmony in distribution..Multiple OutputsAs a Canva user, I share from the EDIT page, so I can never feelconfident in what I think my audience will see in different channels.Audience PerspectiveNot designed for robust, multi-tier communication across digitalchannels. Access controls, activation reporting, and the presentationof the designs are generic and rudimentary.Simplistic SharingOur unitary link theory, that one link should be persistent, consistent, brandable and handle all distributionsituations. No matter what a user does with their content, they are confident that this one link will alwayslead their audience to a familiar presentation of their design.One LinkA Canva design is presented on a customizable, professional and brandable presentation landing page.Page design is only as strong as the environment it’s presented within.Sharing First FocusWith notifications and advanced reporting, the Canva user always has the pulse of the audience. Withbuilt in Calls To Action and lead magnet features, the design drive inbound audience activation.The Feedback To Be SuccessfulControl who, when and where people can view and participate in your Canva design.Access ManagementRemoving Friction - Simplebooklet puts it’s powerfulpublish anywhere featureset into the hands of Canva usersthrough the Apps, Connect and SCIM api integrations. 16,000 permonthThe number ofCanva usersthat sign up toSimplebookleteach monththrough theextensionsmarketplace

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CANVA USER TO SIMPLEBOOKLET05Workflow@rebeca Print With CanvaIncreasedSession TimeAnd Depth OfUseA Canva designis no longer oneand done. Thedesignbecomes aliving piece ofcontent that isconstantlypublished andupdated.

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SIMPLEBOOKLET TO CANVA USER06WorkflowDesign ToolSwitchAs content isimported fromother designtools, thosedesignstransition tothe deeplyintegrated,frictionlessworkflow ofupdating inCanva. Print With Canva Integration

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DELIVERING ON THE CANVA API PROMISES07Integration Points APP ApiExport designs to theSimplebooklet platform.Import sharing assets (qrcode, link) to be used inpage design.Redirect all editing intoCanva.oAuth to connect accounts. CONNECT ApiCreate, destroy, updateSimplebooklet accounts basedon Canva account permissions.Import designs directly fromCanva accounts on theSimplebooklet dashboard.Export Simplebooklets createdfrom different design tools(PPT, Adobe, Doc) into theCanva design editor.SCIM ApiComing Soon - to provide theOkta and multi-tenant accountmanagement required byenterprise installations.010203

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OneDigitalCASE STUDYA Stand Shadow helps theaudience understand anexisting behavior so thatthey can adapt theirthinking to said behaviorrather than to standarddesign opinions.08Sierra Blue is a light,subdued, airy blue with ababy blue undertone. It isa perfect color for ayounger audience. Wecan pair it with off-whitefor a harmonious appeal.

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09SoneparCASE STUDYA Long Shadow can beused with mockups thatare completely flat tocreate an interestingoverall design scheme,taking on more of a three-dimensional effect. Sierra Blue is a light,subdued, airy blue with ababy blue undertone. It isa perfect color for ayounger audience. Wecan pair it with off-whitefor a harmonious appeal.

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10Food For The PoorCASE STUDYA Long Shadow can beused with mockups thatare completely flat tocreate an interestingoverall design scheme,taking on more of a three-dimensional effect. Sierra Blue is a light,subdued, airy blue with ababy blue undertone. It isa perfect color for ayounger audience. Wecan pair it with off-whitefor a harmonious appeal.

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11Resourcessimplebooklet.comscott.brownlee@simplebooklet.com941-600-8159Dedicated ResourceScott BrownleeSIMPLEBOOKLET EXTENSION