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CBD Health & Wellness GuideClick Here To View Our ProductsClick Here To View Blog PostsThis document is the property of Life Retreat. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or otherelectronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case ofbrief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyrightlaw.

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Lifestyle Assessment With Trish TaylorAimed at guiding you to living a healthy, balanced lifestyle which focuses on areassuch as Diet - Sleep - Exercise - Stress - and Daily Routines. It is important to placeemphasis on living a healthier lifestyle in order to live to your full potential. Consultations are online. Please email  to book
CBD Oil Handbook 
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CBD Oil Handbook 
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Introduction to Medical Grade Cannabis Oil


Cannabis oil is extracted from the cannabis plant, Cannabis oil infused with cannabinoids like cannabidiol (CBD) or tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are extremely beneficial in treating pain, inflammation, anxiety, nausea and vomiting, appetite issues and muscle spasms. THC is psychoactive and CBD is anti-psychotic, but a blend of more CBD to less THC is non-psychoactive and a very useful medication.


Medical grade cannabis oil can be taken in the form of capsules, tinctures, oils, suppositories, dermal patches, oral sprays, vaporising oils and edibles.


The Entourage Effect


CBD can modulate the psychoactive properties of THC when they are used together to treat things like pain. This is called the entourage effect. It happens when the various compounds and chemicals in the cannabis plant cooperate to create a combined effect that is greater than their effects when used alone.


The Entourage Effect can also include the other terpenes and cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. Terpenes are a large, assorted class of organic compounds produced by a variety of plants including the cannabis plant. They work with cannabinoids to have a beneficial effect on human health.


CBD is not intoxicating and can be used to treat things like insomnia, anxiety, stress, spasticity, nerve and joint pain. THC, on the other hand, is a recognised pain killer, anti-inflammatory, appetite stimulant and can treat nausea and vomiting, anxiety, depression, muscle spasms and nerve pain.


Cannabinoid medications have been created now that are specifically prescribed by doctors for precise health issues. Some of these are called dronabinol and nabilone (capsules) and nabiximol (oral spray).


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Cannabinoids and the Endocannabinoid System in the HumanBodyCannabinoids are part of a group of various chemical compounds that act on cannabinoidreceptors within the human brain.Cannabinoids can be extracted from the cannabis plant and used to treat a myriad of healthconditions. They can be taken orally, rubbed onto the skin, smoked, inhaled, eaten,swallowed or inserted as suppositories.Trans-delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the primary psychoactive cannabinoidpresent in the cannabis plant. Another primary cannabinoid is cannabidiol (CBD) which isnot psychoactive but is anti-psychotic. So, when THC and CBD are used together, in a ratioof more CBD to THC, they are extremely therapeutic.Endocannabinoids are part of the endocannabinoid system (ECS), a biological system thatmoderates several physiological and cognitive processes, contributing to a healthy immunesystem. These processes include fertility, appetite, moods, pain sensation, memory andhormones. Endocannabinoids are endogenous lipid-based retrograde neurotransmittersthat bind to cannabinoid receptor proteins. These are discharged throughout the centralnervous system, brain and peripheral nervous system.Cannabis contains at least 113 cannabinoids which trigger the endocannabinoid receptors,especially CB1 and CB2, in various parts of the body. CBD binds to the CB2 receptors whileTHC clings to the CB1 receptors. The ECS helps maintain homeostasis in the body andmanages several diseases. This explains why taking cannabinoids helps to control disease asthey cooperate with the endocannabinoid system, mimicking different endocannabinoids.CB1 receptors are found mainly in the brain, liver, intestines and central and peripheralnervous systems and affect memory, pain, stress, appetite and sleep.CB2 receptors are found mainly in the immune system and control inflammation and tissueinjury. CBD Oil Handbook Page 4

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Healing Properties of CannabisMore people are turning to medical grade cannabis oil to treat their respective illnesses.Mothers are treating children with epilepsy, while others are breaking away frompharmaceutical drugs and their harsh side effects. All of them are using non-invasive, yetvery effective, cannabis oils and tinctures to self-medicate a multitude of issuessuccessfully.Recent research is finding that cannabinoids in cannabis can be used medically to treat pain,nausea, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis muscle spasms, seizures caused by epilepsy, andtrauma. Cannabinoids are chemical compounds which are being used even now to decreasebrain damage associated with Alzheimer’s Disease, and to slow down the spread of cancerby targeting cancerous tumours.Cannabinoids bind to cells with help from two groups of molecules called receptors. CB1receptors occur mostly in the brain, where new memories are created and where pain isperceived. CB2 receptors are found mainly in the immune system which stimulatesinflammation if there is any disease of the body.THC tends to bind with CB1 receptors in the brain, reducing the release of varioussignalling molecules, including dopamine. This explains the high people feel when takingTHC. The THC also stimulates appetite, overpowers nausea and interrupts the spread ofpain signals. THC can also be used to disturb the growth of cancer cells as it binds to theCB2 receptors on these cells, thereby not affecting the healthy cells at all.Cannabis has so many positive healing properties it is very difficult to list them here. But wewill list the many benefits of using cannabis and how cannabis can boost your health.Cannabis oil, packed with healing cannabinoids and terpenes, is an alternative medicaltherapy which can heal common disorders and chronic diseases. CBD Oil Handbook Page 5

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Common Disorders:Weight issuesCannabis oil is known to regulate the production of insulin which assists the body tomanage its calorie intake better. If you take CBD, you do not feel hungry and if you takeTHC, it stimulates your appetite. CBD would be better for obese people, and THC would bebetter for anorexics or people with HIV/AIDS and Cancer.Anxiety and StressCBD-infused cannabis oil can alleviate worry and stress thanks to its calming compounds. Itis an anti-anxiety medication.GlaucomaTaking the right cannabis oil helps to reduce the pressure in the eyeball which givesglaucoma patients temporary relief.AddictionTaking cannabis oil can reduce the reliance of some people on alcohol, drugs and opiates.The cannabis replaces the drug by alleviating pain, depression and anxiety. The addict feelscalmer and can better control the addictive impulses with cannabis as a standby “drug”which has no negative side effects.Muscle spasmsCannabis oil can calm down, and alleviate inflammation in, the muscle. The twitching ofmuscles and the pain associated with this condition will benefit from taking cannabis oil .Nausea and vomitingCannabis oil can decrease and eradicate feelings of nausea and vomiting associated withmany illnesses, including cancer and chemotherapy. Cannabinoids interact with receptorsin the brain to control these feelings of nausea and vomiting.Headaches and migrainesTaking cannabis oil for headaches replaces the terrible side effects of strong painkillerspeople usually take for head pain. This natural therapy works when the cannabinoidsinteract with receptors in the brain to stop the pain. Pharmaceuticals can damage the liver,kidneys, heart and stomach.SeizuresCannabis oil can reduce the intensity and frequency of seizures if taken in the requireddoses several times a day. Many epileptics benefit from the use of cannabis oil for theirseizures, instead of using strong pharmaceutical drugs. CBD Oil Handbook Page 6

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Broken bonesHeal faster when you take cannabis oil when the CBD and the collagen react as chemicalsand trigger faster healing processes.Skin conditionsCannabis oil can heal eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, acne and dry or aging skin when appliedas a cream directly to the skin. The cannabinoids bind with receptors in the skin to triggerhealing processes.ArthritisCannabis oil can heal arthritis as it is a natural anti-inflammatory. Cannabinoids interactwith receptors in the joints to reduce inflammation and pain, reducing swelling and tissueissues in the joints.Asthma attacksCannabis can act as a bronchodilator when taken orally; the cannabinoids interact with thebody’s endocannabinoid system to reduce asthma symptoms and to allow better breathing.Blood pressureCannabis oil can reduce blood pressure, assisting people with hypertension. The CBDreduces anxiety and stress and promotes better sleep patterns.Panic attacksCannabis oil is a natural anti-anxiety compound which reduces stress and panic attacks.Take it throughout the day, at regular intervals, for maximum benefit. CBD Oil Handbook Page 7

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Chronic DiseasesDiabetesCannabis oil helps to regulate the production of insulin and controls appetite andmetabolism. It helps people to take control of their eating habits, to sleep better and toreduce their anxiety.CancerCannabis oil has been shown to force cancer cells to commit suicide, reduce the formationof cancerous tumours and stop the spread of tumours. It can also stop the formation of newblood vessels for tumours to spread. Take it alongside chemotherapy and it will also treatthe symptoms of the chemo: nausea and vomiting, depression, low appetite, insomnia andpain.Alzheimer’s DiseaseSlows down the deterioration of the brain as sufferers lose cognitive ability. Thecannabinoids interact with receptors in the brain and at least ensure patients longer liveswhere they cope better with their dementia.HIV/AIDSCannabis oil works with the body’s endocannabinoid system to boost the immune system. Italso increases appetite, beats insomnia, benefits nausea and vomiting, and treatsinflammation and pain. It also helps AIDS patients cope with their depression better.DepressionWhen cannabis is used to return normal functioning to endocannabinoids, it also renews apositive outlook on life and improved moods. The endocannabinoid system regulatesmoods, appetite, hormones and other factors that affect depression. Cannabinoids enablethe ECS to remain in a healthy balance and those with depression can wean themselves offdamaging medications.Multiple SclerosisCannabis oil helps to reduce tremors, muscle spasms and pain, also enabling a good night’ssleep and a better appetite. It also reduces stress and anxiety.Autism and ADHDCannabis oil is a gentler, more natural therapy that can help to reduce the symptoms ofautism and ADHD with no side effects. The patient is calmer, is less moody, eats better,sleeps better and can handle stress better.Medical grade cannabis oil can heal your life. It boosts your health, improves yourself-esteem and allows your body to do its job in maintaining a healthy state of homeostasis.Replace your daily pill intake with cannabis oil and feel the difference in a matter of days.Cannabis oil does what other expensive drugs do, but at no cost to your future. CBD Oil Handbook Page 8

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Different Cannabis Strains and their PropertiesCannabis oil is an extraction obtained from cannabis and contains numerous chemicalcompounds that are known as cannabinoids. The two most prominent cannabinoids,increasingly used to treat numerous ailments, are cannabidiol (CBD) andtetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The best cannabis oil is derived from medical grade highquality, organic cannabis, not affected by chemicals or pesticides.THC and CBD are derived when heat is applied to cannabis and cannabis acids areactivated to produce the cannabinoids we know. So, when THCA (tetrahydrocannabinolicacid) is heated, it creates THC. When CBDA (Cannabidiolic acid) is heated, it creates CBD.There are 8 main cannabinoid acids produced by cannabis, which when heated, becomecannabinoids. The other ones are:● CBGA (Cannabigerolic acid) – CBG (Cannabigerol)● CBCA (Cannabichromenic acid) – CBC (Cannabichromene)● CBGVA (Cannabigerovarinic acid) – CBGV (Cannabigerivarin)● THCVA (Tetrahydrocannabivarin acid) – THCV (Tetrahydrocannabivarin)● CBDVA (Cannabidivarinic acid) – CBDV (Cannabidivarin)● CBCVA (Cannabichromevarinic acid) – CBCV (Cannabichromevarin )Many cannabinoid acids have antibiotic or insecticidal properties because the cannabisplant makes these compounds to protect itself.A Closer Look at THC and CBDTHC is the main psychoactive cannabinoid in the cannabis plant, out of hundreds ofdifferent cannabinoids. It interacts with receptors in the brain, hence the feeling of beinghigh, or euphoric. It is therefore able to control pain, protect nerves and assist with theformation of new neurons in the brain.CBD is a very common and popular cannabinoid which offers so many benefits to humanhealth that it is fast becoming the next big alternative medication. It does not make the userhigh and can also mitigate the effects of the high that the THC causes. Research is ongoingand reveals that CBD can treat numerous common conditions and chronic diseases,including cancer. CBD Oil Handbook Page 9

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Main Differences Between CBD and THCTHC affects the mind, being psychoactive; CBD is non psychoactive and successfully helpsto mitigate the effects of THC.● THC can assist the body as an appetite stimulant, pain reliever andanti-inflammatory. CBD has numerous benefits for the body especially inflammation,energy and pain.● THC is available mainly as edibles and powerful extracts; CBD comes in the form oftinctures, drops, capsules and suppositories. Both can come in creams for muscleand joint pain.  CBD Oil Handbook Page 10

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Treatment GuidelinesChoosing to take medical cannabis as your personal natural medication is a big step awayfrom controlling pharmaceuticals. Many cannabis dispensaries and doctors who believe inthe herb are saying that self-medication is best. Learning how to self-dose is importantwhen choosing cannabis as every person is different and every dose will be different.Cannabis also varies in intensity and affects young people, old people, sick people andhealthy people differently. Remember that taking CBD is non-toxic and will not affect younegatively. Taking THC will give you a high - make you feel euphoric - and may cause otherside effects if not managed. Taking CBD and THC as a blend, where CBD is stronger, workswell as the psychoactive qualities of the THC are then mitigated. CBD is non-psychotic andan antioxidant.There is really no such thing as overdosing with CBD, a natural antioxidant which isnon-psychoactive. But you need to be careful when dosing with THC as you may feel theside effects. But even so, they will not harm you in the way that overdosing withpharmaceuticals can harm the patient. Taking too much THC may cause psychosis for awhile, a bit of paranoia and maybe the munchies - but will not leave lasting damage.Most people who choose to take cannabis oil as their medication do play around a bit withthe dose to see how much they need before they feel the effects. Taking CBD during the daywill probably make you drowsy. Taking it at night is better and then the dose can beincreased. Use trial and error dosing until you find the right dose for your condition andyou.Taking cannabis oil orally is the best approach as it is convenient and can go with you in yourhandbag. Oral medication allows instant relaxation and has a good impact on the brain. Besure to let the cannabis have time to make a difference.Hard drugs have a huge impact on your body and mind, so allow this gentle medication todo its work gently and naturally. Don’t expect side effects, just expect to be healed. Usecapsules or tinctures. The oil will soothe the intestinal tract, decreasing inflammation andassisting patients with digestive issues. Capsules act rapidly, being useful for chronicdiseases. Other options include juicing, edibles, suppositories and inhaling.Intake MethodsJuicing - making juice out of raw cannabis and flushing the body with this goodness hasworked to allow recovery and a return to health. Some people with dire autoimmunediseases like Crohn’s Disease, Fibromyalgia or Rheumatoid Arthritis have opted for the CBD Oil Handbook Page 11

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juicing option. Every cannabis oil is different, and every patient is different, so effects dovary.Sublingual (Tinctures & Oils) – taking the cannabis under the tongue is a rapid effectiveway of getting the benefits of the cannabinoids. Cannabis tinctures are an ancient form ofmedication, harking back thousands of years. Cannabis oils with a higher CBD ratio can alsobe dropped under the tongue, benefiting patients of all ages. This is the easiest method forchildren and the taste is also bearable.Capsules - When you consume cannabis oil in capsules ,you know you will get a steady dose.Each cannabis plant offers differing degrees of THC or CBD. But some of the best capsulesare pre-dosed, combined with 100% organic coconut butterand made from natural gelatinefor better absorption by the body.Topical – balms, creams, lotions, ointments, patches, oils. Always non-psychoactive andeasy to use. Feel instant effects in painful areas of the skin and joints, muscles and tissues.Topical cannabis oil works to relieve pain, inflammation and itchy skin, not forgettingswelling joints and muscles. Creams need to be constantly and liberally re-applied and treatpsoriasis, eczema, arthritis, restless leg syndrome, muscle spasms, cramps and more.Patches - cannabinoids can dissolve in fat and alcohol - THC and CBD can pass through theskin, directly into the bloodstream and are non-invasive. Patches are still being tested andcan really take off as it is so quick and easy. Ideal for those who do not want to inhale theircannabis, or swallow capsules . Stick the patch onto the inner skin of the wrist, the ankle orthe top of the foot where skin is dry and hairless. Suppositories – ideal for patients who are very ill and need stronger doses of CBD or THC.It is very easy, and the cannabis oil goes directly into the lower colon, into the bloodstream.It works extremely well and is long lasting, benefiting the liver, pancreas and internalorgans, especially if the patient has cancer. The only drawback is that this should be done athome, and the suppositories should be kept in the fridge. Simply insert a ball of cannabismedication into the rectum where it is absorbed into the lower colon. CBD Oil Handbook Page 12

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Cannabis and CancerCancer cells are unlike healthy cells as they do not die but continue to spread and multiply.When cancer patients take cannabis oils constantly for a period, they keep up the metabolicpressure on cancer cells to die and to stop proliferating. It is therefore safe to say thatcannabis oil can kill your cancer.Studies have revealed that THC and CBD interact with CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptorson cancer cells which encourages increased ceramide. This forces the cancer cells tocommit suicide, or experience programmed cell death, which is essential for themaintenance of normal cellular homeostasis and is an important physiological response tomany forms of cellular stress.Cancer is one disease everyone dreads. Cancer kills. Some people do survive cancer andhave lived to tell their stories. This is because cancer can be treated. Cancer has manysymptoms, depending on where it starts. These all contribute to making the disease veryuncomfortable.But there is hope. Cannabis oil can treat cancer symptoms. Research carried out inlaboratories also reveals that cannabis oil can reverse the spread of cancer. We recommendcombining cannabis oil medication with an alkaline diet, packed with foods rich in iron. Addto this plenty of freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, with alkaline water daily. Thecannabis oil will work well with this health fix, boosting the immune system andencouraging a more positive outlook on life as the patient starts to feel better.What is Cancer?Cancer is a chronic disease when normal cells start to grow out of control, forcing normalcells out of an area of the body. A group of cells experiences abnormal and uncontrolledgrowth, forming a lump or mass. The body can no longer function as a healthy entity. Remember that cancer is more than just one disease - it is a group of diseases involving thisunusual cell growth which can invade the body. There are many kinds of cancer which startanywhere in the body, yet spread in unique ways.In a healthy body, cells work hard, dividing in a logical way. Then they die when they are oldor damaged – and new cells grow in their place. Cancer cells, however, continue to grow anddivide, grow and divide – without dying. They therefore do not make way for new cells andstart to crowd out the normal, healthy cells. They spread, in a process known as metastasis.Some cancers spread fast, others are slower; some cancers respond well to treatment,others do not. Some cancers respond to surgery while others respond to chemotherapy or CBD Oil Handbook Page 13

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radiotherapy. The good news is that cancer can be treated. Many people lead healthy, fulllives after cancer treatment.Symptoms of Cancer● Coughing-up blood, incessant coughing or hoarse voice● Insistent headaches● Mysterious loss of weight or appetite● Serious pain in bones● Continuous fatigue, nausea, or vomiting● Persistent low-grade fever● Frequent infections● Change in bowel or bladder functions● Sores that do not heal● Strange bleeding or discharge● Thickening or lump in the breast or elsewhere● Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing● Change in a wart or moleCancer Risk Factors● Age – cancer takes years to develop so usually hits people in later life, from age 65and older.● Lifestyle habits – smoking, drinking alcohol, sun exposure, obesity, unsafe sex● Family history – mutations can be passed from one generation to the next● Health – stay healthy and fit to avoid coming down with any chronic illness● Environment – harmful chemicals, pollution, stress, other factorsThese risk factors still do not determine for sure whether someone gets cancer or not.How Can Cannabis Oil Help Treat Cancer?Cannabis oil has several anti-cancer properties. It is antiemetic (decreases nausea andvomiting), anti-tumour (hinders the growth of tumours), analgesic (relieves pain), stimulatesappetite, reduces stress and insomnia. This means that cannabis oil can be used to treat thesymptoms of cancer, and to reduce the progress of the cancer.Let us look at these one by one:Antiemetic - CBD can work with the body’s endocannabinoid system, activating specificreceptors in the brain that help to suppress nausea and vomiting.Anti-tumour – Cannabinoids can suppress tumours by forcing cancer cells to commitsuicide. This also hinders the growth of cells and slows down the development of bloodvessels that tumours depend on to grow. Cannabinoids can also stop metastasis, the CBD Oil Handbook Page 14

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breaking away of cancer cells from a tumour, to form a new tumour elsewhere in the body,using the blood or lymph system as their conveyer belt.Analgesic – Cannabinoids cling to CB1 endocannabinoid receptors in the central nervoussystem and in the peripheral nerve endings. They also cling to CB2 endocannabinoidreceptors in peripheral tissue of the immune system. Cannabinoids reduce pain when theyact on the spine and surrounding regions of the body, influencing pain pathways travellingup and down this central and peripheral nervous system. CBD and THC are both naturalanti-inflammatory compounds – when CBD clings to CB2 receptors, it releasesanti-inflammatory agents including serotonin and histamine – having an effect like that ofmorphine.Appetite stimulation – the body’s innate endocannabinoid system regulates many systemswithin the immune system, including appetite. THC is a great appetite stimulant in that itclings to CB1 receptors in the brain which could be linked to the perceptions of eating andgetting rewards.Stress and insomnia – The endocannabinoid system can help to regulate moods anddestroy any unpleasant, negative memories. CBD is a known anti-anxiety compound,calming people down and reducing stress. When cannabinoids work with theendocannabinoid system, they can induce better sleep patterns, so reducing insomnia andallowing the patient to calm down, eat well and sleep.How Does Cannabis Oil Kill Cancer?When CBD and THC connect to CB1 or CB2 endocannabinoid receptor sites on cancercells, they can cause increased synthesis of ceramide which leads to cell death. Normal cellsare not affected. The source of energy for the cancer to live is extinguished. The ceramidedisrupts the digestive system within the cancer cell and impedes nutritional pathways. Acancer patient who takes THC and CBD regularly, over time, can keep metabolic pressureon these cancer cell death pathways.Suggested Treatment GuidelinesDue to the nature of cancer, we would suggest pure organic medical grade THC/CBD oil.You would need to take 5 drops orally three times daily, in addition we would suggest 1 x200mg THC/CBD capsule that would need to be taken just before you go to sleep at nightfor a month and then assess how the condition has improved. CBD Oil Handbook Page 15

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Cannabis Oil and ChildrenParents can educate themselves about cannabis oil and its innate healing qualities.Knowledge is indeed power and if parents learn that cannabis oil is a non-psychoactivechemical compound with powerful healing qualities, then they may give it safely to theirchildren. Already, some children have used cannabis oil to treat epilepsy, autism and evencancer.Parents should do their homework about medical cannabis. The cannabis plant comprisesnumerous cannabinoids, or chemical compounds, which can interact with the body’sendocannabinoid system to nurture health. Cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol(THC) are two of the main cannabinoids used to make medical cannabis oil products.CBD is non-psychoactive making it a good medical therapy for children. It is used to treatcommon ailments such as headaches, insomnia, stress, lack of appetite and nausea. It alsobenefits chronic diseases such as Cancer, Fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s Disease andAlzheimer’s Disease. It can treat diseases of the brain and body because the cannabinoidsinteract with endocannabinoid receptors in the brain, central nervous system and immunesystem to ensure the body remains in a state of homeostasis. Cannabinoids will even go asfar as forcing cancer cells to commit cell suicide, shrinking tumours and stopping themspreading around the body.Be careful when using THC to dose children. This is a fantastic alternative for pain, epilepsyand other conditions, but should rather be taken in tandem with CBD to alleviate the high itcauses.Studies are showing that cannabis oil is a better medication to choose for autism than somepharmaceutical drugs. Children can safely take cannabis oil in small doses, specifically whenthe oil is mostly CBD. Children suffer all kinds of anxieties and conditions when they are insocial and school situations – often these are “abnormal” environments where they cannotbe themselves.Autism and ADHD are increasingly diagnosed these days - children are taking heavy drugsto treat their conditions so that they can fit into “normal” environments with their peers.CBD is a useful cannabis extract for reducing seizures, anxiety, insomnia and nausea.CBD-infused cannabis oil is calming and free from side effects that other drugs do have.When a child has autism, the brain does not develop normally regarding social andcommunication skills. Some doctors say that autism is a result of too few endocannabinoids.So, adding cannabinoids like CBD to the child’s immune system can only help.Children who have ADHD are suffering too little dopamine in their brains. Thisneurotransmitter regulates attention, memory and other important cognitive actions in the CBD Oil Handbook Page 16

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brain. Cannabinoids like CBD interact with receptors in the brain to help manage thedopamine. The child can therefore concentrate better and calm down a lot. This is far betterthan a drug like Ritalin which has terrible side effects.Suggested Treatment GuidelinesYou would use the Life Retreat CBD/THC tincture (dosage is weight based).Example dosage schedule:● 5-15kg (1 drop twice daily)● 15kg – 30kg (2 drops twice daily)● 30kg -45kg (3 drops twice daily)● 45kg-80kg (4 drops twice daily) CBD Oil Handbook Page 17

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Cannabis Oil and PetsMore veterinarians are accepting cannabidiol (CBD) as a compelling way to treat numerousillnesses in puppies and felines. This includes nervousness, lack of appetite, stress and pain.There are two main chemical compounds in the cannabis plant, which comprises numerousdifferent cannabinoids. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) cling to certainreceptors in your body and brain which are part of the innate endocannabinoid system.Even dogs have an endocannabinoid system. Before you treat your sick dog with cannabisoil, see which kind of cannabinoid suits the illness. THC is great for inflammation, but ablend of THC and CBD is better as the CBD takes away the psychotic properties of the THC(which makes patients high).It is always difficult to know how much cannabis oil to give your sick dog, but you need toensure it works. You do not want your dog to feel any side effects of the THC which willdisorientate them. It can take a few hours for the cannabis oil to work on your sick dog. Ifyou think the dog is not responding enough, increase the dosage a little. An overdose meansyour dog is wobbly, spaced out, not eating or drinking and battling to stand up. Then youtake your dog to the vet. Never leave your dog alone if dosing with cannabis. Use CBDstrains rather than THC strains just to be on the safe side as CBD is a natural medicationwith NO side effects.The answer to dosing your pet is not to assume that they are people. So, don’t try to givethem people-sized measurements of cannabis as this could end in disaster. The good news isthat cannabis oil can be used to treat similar conditions in pets that humans have – anxiety,arthritis and cancer to name a few. Some pet owners have successfully treated jointinflammation, nervousness and seizures in their cats and dogs.Before you give your dog cannabis oil, make sure:● It is only CBD based,● It is organic (so free from pesticides and fungicides),● It is in tincture form so that your dog can easily ingest the drops,● It is good quality – so pay for a good cannabis oil foryour dogs.You can use cannabis oil to treat your dogs if they suffer from these ill-health issues:● Anxiety – the cannabis oil is calming and will help your dog get a good night’s sleep● Seizures – CBD has proven to reduce seizures and their frequency - also in dogs● Cancer – dogs with cancer have nothing to lose by trying CBD. Studies show thatcannabinoids stop cancer cells from growing and tumours from spreading. CBD alsorelieves symptoms of cancer treatments, making the dogs more comfortable. CBD Oil Handbook Page 18

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Methods to Give Your Dog Cannabis Oil:● Cannabis oil – put a little oil in a piece of meat or a treat you usually give your dog. Orsquirt the oil into the dog’s mouth using a syringe● Cannabis oil creams – this can be used for arthritis or for dogs not wanting to eat. Itis great for skin allergies and joints. Choose a natural cream including coconut orolive oils if your dog licks himself.● Cannabis oil tinctures – do the same as with the oil – squirt into the sick dog’s mouthwith a syringe or put a few drops in his favourite snack● Cannabis oil edibles – you can make cannabis oil butter and insert this into the dog’sfood or you can buy ready-made dog biscuits containing cannabis oil in somecountries. Do not give your dog human edibles containing cannabisYou would use the Life Retreat CBD/THC tincture (dosage is weight based).Example dosage schedule:● 5-15kg (1 drop twice daily)● 15kg – 30kg (2 drops twice daily)● 30kg -45kg (3 drops twice daily) CBD Oil Handbook Page 19

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Alternative Treatments SuggestionsBeing diagnosed with cancer feels like a death sentence. But there is always hope. Manypeople survive cancer. We advocate the healthiest lifestyle possible. A blend of naturaltherapies and fresh foods. The key is to cleanse the body of abnormal cells which meanseliminating all toxins and contaminants that could feed the cancer.Cancer is a word for more than one version of a terrible disease. Cells divide uncontrollablywhich causes abnormal cell growth and tumours. These abnormal wild cells occupyadjacent tissues, spreading into the body. Cancer patients can help to fight their cancer byeating a diet rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory foods. Choose fresh foods that fightdamage caused by too many free radicals. Only eat organic, grass-fed, free-range andadditive free foods, straight from the earth.These foods include leafy green vegetables, cruciferous vegetables, orange colouredvegetables and fruits, berries, fresh herbs and spices, organic meats, wild-caught fish,cultured dairy products, nuts and seeds, unrefined oils, mushrooms and green tea.At the same time, cleanse your immediate environment from toxins – electromagneticwaves from technology like cell phones and computers, processed foods, commercialbeauty and cleaning products, plastics and unfiltered water.We advocate a raw, plant-based diet, rich in alkaline water. Juice your fresh produce asoften as you can and make sure to get enough iron, selenium and apricot kernels per day asrequired to fight cancer. Alkaline WaterCancer cells thrive in an acidic environment, so most cancer patients start a strict alkalinediet when they are diagnosed. Alkaline foods include organic fruits and vegetables, beansand other pulses, whole grains, sprouts, grasses, nuts and seeds and cold-pressed plant oils.Now you can add alkaline water to the mix for your cancer. This will help to fight the acid inyour bloodstream, at the same time improving your metabolism and assisting your body toabsorb important vitamins better. When your body is brimming with alkaline goodness, thecancer cells have no real food to keep them alive – pH levels are balanced and the cancer issupposed to slow down and even stop. But is this true?There is not enough research into the effects of alkaline water on cancer, as this is analternative therapy and far too cheap for pharmaceutical concerns to promote the idea!The best part about drinking alkaline water when you have cancer is that it hydrates yourbody, improves symptoms of acid reflux and other signs of acidity. When the World Health CBD Oil Handbook Page 20

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Organisation (WHO) updated the guidelines on the quality of drinking water, they did notmention what pH it should be.Normal drinking water has a pH of 7. Alkaline water has a pH of 8 or 9. Many people believethat this alkalinity can neutralise acids in the body. A pH of anything between 1 and 7 isacidic. There is very little scientific evidence to substantiate this, but anecdotal evidencedoes show that an alkaline body is better than an acidic body if cancer is to be overcome.Alkaline water has these health properties:● Supports the immune system● Cleanses the colon● Assists with weight loss● Hydrates the skin and detoxifies● Assists with anti-aging● Resists cancerPlant-based DietChoose to eat fresh vegetables, fruits and unprocessed foods that come from plants. Thiswill ensure your body remains in a state of balance, more alkaline than acidic. Studies showthat the pH of urine is more alkaline with such a diet, helping to protect the healthy cells.A diet rich in unprocessed fresh plant foods can reduce disease and death from ill-healthcaused by hypertension, diabetes, vitamin D deficiency, arthritis, low bone density andmore. Alkaline diets apparently build stronger bones, reduce muscle spasms or wasting,prevent plaque formation in the blood vessels and stop calcium forming in the urine, andkidney stones in the kidneys.Many people believe that disease cannot start in a body whose pH is balanced. An acidic pHcan cause disease and the best pH is said to be between 7.35 and 7.45. So, if someone eatstoo much protein and grains, their acid load increases. This raises calcium in the urine andmore calcium is released from the bones, resulting in osteoporosis. There are many benefits to sticking to an alkaline diet:● Assists with a healthy immune system and cancer prevention● Reduces pain and inflammation● Helps stick to a healthy weight● Lowers risk for high blood pressure and strokes● Enhances absorption of vitamins and avoids magnesium deficiency● Protects bone density and muscle mass CBD Oil Handbook Page 21

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Stick to a diet packed with fruits and vegetables, soybeans and tofu, nuts and seeds, andlegumes for an alkaline-enriched pH. Avoid acidic foods such as meat, eggs, diary, mostgrains and all processed foods. Eat vegan foods to build a body that is so healthy that cancer cells have no hope of livingthere. The immune system and central nervous systems function in a balanced way. Studiesreveal that vegans are less obese, have lower blood pressure and very low cancer risk.Going vegan can switch on genes that prevent cancer and switches off genes that causecancer and heart disease. So, even if you have cancer in the family, and you think you aredoomed, switch over to a meat-free, vegan diet and set yourself free of your genes.Raw DietEating a raw food diet means eating 70% raw foods and avoiding cooked or processed foodsat all costs. Raw food is supposed to digest better and provide the body with essentialnutrients which can be easily absorbed. The opposite happens when consuming food that iscooked or processed. Such “foods” can be the cause of ill-health and disease.The raw food is just that: eating foods straight from the Earth that include fresh fruits andvegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouted grains and beans. Some raw food diet followers alsoconsume raw milk, cheese from raw milk, raw fish and organic meat. This diet has thesebenefits:● Decreased dangers of disease● More weight loss● Clearer, younger skin● More energy and positivity● Less depression and insomnia● Decreased chances of inflammation● Less calories, trans fats, sodium, saturated fats, sugar● More potassium, magnesium, folate, Vitamins A and B, antioxidants, fibreEat as many fresh and raw fruits and vegetables as you need. Then add:● Proteins – lentils, beans, soy beans, chickpeas, peas, tofu, tempeh, seitan (a proteinmade from wheat), soy drinks, nuts and seeds. There is protein in whole grains andvegetables, brown rice and oats.● Vitamin B12 -take fortified plant drinks, nutritional yeast, breakfast cereals or soyproducts containing enough B12 – or take a supplement.● Calcium – take fortified plant drinks, orange juice, beans, cooked green leafyvegetables (kale, collards, Swiss chard, spinach), cooked broccoli, almonds, tahini,and blackstrap molasses. CBD Oil Handbook Page 22

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● Iron – eat plenty of beans, lentils, leafy green vegetables, whole grains, dried fruit –and combine them with Vitamin C rich citrus fruits, strawberries, red peppers andtomato juice for better absorption.● Omega 3 fatty acids – ground flaxseed, flax oil, walnuts, soybeans.● The vegan diet is trending, and we know that 2018 is going to be the year to govegan. Drop meat and turn your awareness to your bodily and mental health, thefuture of animals who are maltreated to make food for humans, and the future of theplanet.JuicingFruit is the purest form of food on the planet. Vegetables come a close second. Fruits andvegetables should be eaten raw and organic – especially if you have cancer. Eating only raworganic fruit and vegetables is a vegan diet – and juicing them is the best way to beat cancer.Juicing fruits and vegetables increases your intake of healthy nutrients in a shorter timeand makes it easier to digest these fibrous foods. Some people feel bloated if they eat largequantities of raw fruit and vegetables but when they are juiced, the fibrous bits are leftbehind.But juicing does not always do justice to the fruits or vegetables – or to you. Juicing tends toleave out the best nutrients in the seeds and skin of many fruits and vegetables which areextremely beneficial to patients with cancer. Juicing for cancer should therefore beaccompanied by food processing for cancer to ensure these extra nutrients are alsoconsumed. Get yourself a juicer and food processor if you want to start juicing for cancer.Dieticians have formulated special eating plans for people in stages 1, 2, 3 and 4 of cancerwhere specific fruits and vegetables need to be eaten in specific ways to beat the cancer.Hundreds of these raw foods contain cancer-killing nutrients which need to be combinedwith other nutrients to fight the cancer. Using a food processor means you can grind theseeds and skins of the plants to eat the mush and therefore get the innate nutrients youneed.When you drink a fresh juice, you are taking in more vitamins, minerals and enzymes than afresh fruit or vegetable can provide. And it is so easy to digest and absorb into thebloodstream. Juicing also encourages detoxification and better health and allows thestomach and intestines to rest from digesting so much fibre when fruits and vegetables areeaten raw. Make juices where you combine the necessary nutrients from varying produceand voila, you have your vitamin and food in one glass! CBD Oil Handbook Page 23

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IronIron is needed in our bodies to keep red blood cells healthy. Iron carries oxygen through thebody. Haemoglobin in red blood cells is two thirds iron and carries oxygen from the lungsaround the body. Iron also produces new, healthy cells which encourages the immunesystem to deny infection or disease in the body. Iron also helps to change blood sugar intoenergy – so muscles can work to their best potential and hair, nails and skin remain healthy.Iron deficiency means constant fatigue and less energy, both physically and mentally.Women need 14.8mg of iron daily, men need 8.7mg daily. Heme iron is found in animalfoods, while non-heme iron comes from plant foods. It is best to eat food rich in Vitamin Cwhile eating non-heme iron foods to increase absorption.These heme iron rich foods will help : mussels, liver, beef, oysters, sardines, fish, poultry andother seafoods.Non-heme iron rich foods include : spinach, lentils, cooked beans, tofu, all seeds, driedapricots, baked potatoes, wheat germ, nuts, raisins, broccoli, beetroot and brown rice.Some 20% of women are anaemic as they don’t get enough iron. Anaemia is a result of toofew red blood cells because there is not enough iron in the body. The body then cannotproduce enough haemoglobin, which is needed to carry oxygen from the lungs, around thebody. So, you feel weak and tired.It is best not to drink caffeinated drinks during meals or to mix foods rich in calcium withiron rich foods. Rather eat your iron-rich foods with good vitamin C sources such asbroccoli, oranges, strawberries and lemon juice. If you are still low in iron, you may need aniron supplement which you need to chat to your doctor about. The last thing you need is toomuch iron in your body!SeleniumWherever we go, carcinogens are around us – in millions of toxins everywhere, fromchemicals and smoke, to plastic and mercury. Mercury can be deadly and can build up instrong concentrations in the kidneys, liver and brain. It weakens these organs and can causeterrible damage.But there is hope – you can detoxify your body with mineral selenium. And the best sourceof selenium is brazil nuts. While these treats are expensive, you only need about 6 a day toget all the selenium you need. Other excellent sources of selenium include free-range eggs,mushrooms, shellfish, meat and seeds.Many people do not realise that they have high levels of mercury in their bodies. Mercurytaints cells by reducing their ability to create energy, by stopping enzymatic activity and CBD Oil Handbook Page 24

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closing antioxidant systems. If you take selenium, however, it binds to such toxic substancesin the body and removes their damaging powers. The mercury is absorbed by the seleniumand eliminated as waste.One of the best qualities about selenium is that it reduces inflammation. And inflammationis one of the first signs of disease. Selenium is a wonderful natural therapy for people withautoimmune diseases and low immune responses. Selenium directs glutathione to repairareas of DNA that are damaged.In this way, it reduces cancer growth and slows down aging. Glutathione is known as themaster antioxidant because it can regenerate in the liver – it is a blend of three amino acidscalled cysteine, glycine and glutamine. High glutathione levels mean good health, no diseaseand less aging.Selenium is like cannabis oil – it can cause cell death in cancer cells and it can decrease thespread of tumours in skin cancers such as melanoma. Follow these tips to increase seleniumin your diet, and decrease mercury levels:● Eat wholesome, unprocessed foods rich in anti-inflammatory properties● Eat 5-6 Brazil nuts daily● Eat only wild-caught fish to avoid mercury● Remove old fillings that could contain mercury● Eat more herbs like parsley to boost your natural detoxification systems● Eat super green foods to detox daily – as well as chlorella and/or spirulina● Drink plenty of filtered water● Take a good cleansing supplement● Get in a sauna whenever you can.Apricot KernelsThe apricot pip contains important substances that can fight cancer. This is the kernel of theapricot and it is packed with amygdalin, a naturally occurring chemical compound.Amygdalin is supposed to fight cancer, prevent cancer and destroy tumours. It is also foundin the seeds of apples, plums, peaches and cherries.There is one drawback about consuming too much amygdalin, however, and that is cyanidepoisoning. Because when you consume this chemical, it is converted into hydrogen cyanidein the body. This can kill cancer cells but also normal cells. Studies show that cyanide isharmful to the brain and heart which use lots of oxygen as the cyanide stops cells in thebody using oxygen so they die. A person has to eat up to 60 apricot kernels before they arekilled by the cyanide. So, the reason why apricots fight cancer is that the cyanide poisonsthe cancer cells. Cancer patients need to eat 5-10 apricot kernels a day to affect the cancer. CBD Oil Handbook Page 25

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But be aware to take only 20 micrograms per kilogram of body weight at one time. Apricotsas a fruit are also full of Vitamins A and C, potassium and fibre, protein and pure oil. Oilpressed from the kernel can be used in cooking – the kernels are used to make amarettobiscuits, almond finger biscuits and apricot jams. Apricot kernels are also packed withVitamin E and essential fatty acids, important for immune health. The two main essentialfatty acids are linoleic acid (omega 6) and alpha-linolenic acid (omega 3). These essentialfatty acids are vital for normal bone growth, metabolism management, skin and hair growthand reproductive system support. Eating a few apricot kernels here and there will assistyour daily health regime by boosting the immune system, reducing pain, and lowering highblood pressure. CBD Oil Handbook Page 26

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ConditionsAcneWhat is Acne?Acne is a serious skin condition when the sebaceous glands produce oil, stimulated by malehormones which are produced in the adrenal glands. This happens to males and femaleswhen they reach puberty and the skin becomes inflamed as spots and pimples break out.Acne occurs on the face, shoulders, back, neck, chest and upper arms. It can also consist ofblackheads, cysts and nodules and can cause emotional discomfort and maybe physicalscarring.How Can Cannabis Oil Benefit Acne?Cannabis oil is a natural anti-inflammatory and many skin disorders are linked toinflammation in the body. It is also an antioxidant and anti-aging substance which benefitsthe skin. Cannabis oil can heal dermatitis, acne, psoriasis and eczema. Use the cannabis oilas a cream, balm or topical to control the inflammation, remove the pain and allow the skinto heal.Use a cannabis oil cream daily just as a moisturiser to ensure a healthy, supple skin thatnever seems to age. Or take cannabis oil orally as it contains all the right ingredients foressential health. Cannabinoids in the cannabis – including cannabidiol (CBD) andtetrahydrocannabinol (THC) – have natural healing properties that fight inflammation andpain, anxiety and insomnia, depression and lack of energy. They interact with receptors inthe skin to work with the endocannabinoid system to ailments like acne. Get enough sleepand good food and take care of your immune system.CBD is a natural anti-inflammatory and can reduce the amount of oil in the skin, thereforesuccessfully treating acne. The CBD calms down the sebum, produced by the skin’ssebaceous glands. It is interesting to note that if the body produces too much anandamidethe skin is very oily but if it produces too little anandamide, the skin is dry and ages faster.Anandamide is a neurotransmitter produced in the brain often called the bliss molecule. It isan endocannabinoid that clings to cannabinoid receptors, mainly in the brain.Suggested Treatment GuidelinesThe Organic Skin Healing Cream is the best product we have for acne. Apply as needed toaffected areas.ADHDWhat is ADHD?Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common complaint that affects focus,self-control and other skills important in daily life. It is caused by differences in the CBD Oil Handbook Page 27

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development of brain structure and wiring. It often runs in families. Everyone hassymptoms of ADHD at some time in their lives. But when a child is diagnosed with ADHD,they are experiencing symptoms in a more intense manner. This introduces challenges atschool, at home and with peers.Children who have ADHD have too little dopamine in their brains. This neurotransmitterregulates attention, memory and other important cognitive actions in the brain.How Can Cannabis Oil Benefit ADHD?Cannabinoids like CBD interact with receptors in the brain to help manage the dopamine.The child can therefore concentrate better and calm down a lot. This is far better than adrug like Ritalin which has terrible side effects. Anecdotal evidence is strong in the favour ofcannabis oil to treat ADHD.Research is revealing that cannabinoids positively affect the region of the brain that isaccountable for self-regulation of behaviour. This means the cannabis oil can control thehyperactivity. CBD is a calming cannabinoid which enhances sleep, appetite andstress-relief. These all contribute to calming the hyperactivity impulses that ADHDsufferers experience.Suggested Treatment GuidelinesYou would use the Life Retreat CBD/THC tincture (dosage is weight based).Example dosage schedule:● 5-15kg (1 drops twice daily)● 15kg – 30kg (2 drops twice daily)● 30kg -45kg (3 drops twice daily)● 45kg-80kg (4 drops twice daily)AutismWhat is Autism?The new name for Autism is Autism Spectrum Disorder because it is such a complexdisease. Doctors call it a neurobehavioral condition and they think it starts in the earlystages of life, or in early childhood. Autism is therefore a form of ill-health that affectscognitive and physiological child development and can last forever. It influences the way achild experiences everything happening around him or her. Autism is about deficiencies inthe way a child socialises, speaks, writes and communicates. Some children developcharacteristic symptoms including stiff, monotonous behaviour, anti-social performancesand more. Many are highly intelligent and can become expert at a particular hobby or formof creativity. CBD Oil Handbook Page 28

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How can Cannabis Oil Benefit Autism?Studies are revealing that cannabinoids in cannabis such as CBD and THC do help tomanage the social behaviour - and other dysfunctional behaviours - of patients with autism.Parents acknowledge that medical cannabis regulates moods, sleep patterns, seizures andreliance on pharmaceutical drugs.Cannabinoids are very powerful chemicals which can work with the body’sendocannabinoid system to heal many conditions. Some researchers believe that when thebody does not produce enough endocannabinoids, autism results. These healthy moleculesare like the cannabinoids in cannabis. Cannabis cannabinoids cling to certain receptors inthe brain and immune system and can help the brain to communicate again to thesereceptors.CBD is best for children as it is harmless, while tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is psychoactiveso not a good option for children. At least the CBD deals with autism symptoms and assiststhe patient to have a better quality of life: better sleep, better appetite, less lethargy andless anxiety.Suggested Treatment GuidelinesYou would use the Life Retreat CBD/THC tincture (dosage is weight based).Example dosage schedule:● 5-15kg (1 drops twice daily)● 15kg – 30kg (2 drops twice daily)● 30kg -45kg (3 drops twice daily)● 45kg-80kg (4 drops twice daily)ALSWhat is ALS?Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disease which seems to start inthe legs and arms. It eventually causes difficulties in swallowing, chewing and breathing.Sometimes patients start to lose cognitive functioning when they can no longercommunicate. This leads to dementia or personality disorders.ALS is also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease and is caused by the obliteration of motorneurons. This leads to wasting or shrinking of muscles and loss of muscle control. This isbecause motor neurons, nervous system cells, can no longer send messages to the musclesto work.How Can Cannabis Oil Benefit ALS?Some studies show that medical cannabis has such a beneficial impact on ALS that it canslow the disease down and increase the survival time for patients. Using THC for ALSreveals decreased oxidative damage (damage by free radicals to cells and tissues), as well as CBD Oil Handbook Page 29

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decreased excitotoxicity (where neurons are so over-stimulated they damage cells andtissues).If medical cannabis can slow down the development of ALS, it will lengthen the life of theALS sufferer. This will decrease the heavy psychological and physical burden of the disease.Many ALS sufferers get depressed but medical cannabis is a natural antidepressant. ALSpatients can also choose to take medical cannabis alongside their other medication if theyare unsure of taking it as their only therapy.Suggested Treatment GuidelinesProduct: Cannabis Oil TinctureDosage: 5 x Drops Under The Tongue Twice Daily (Morning and Night).AnxietyWhat is Anxiety?This neurological condition is complex and presents itself in many different forms. Somepeople have panic attacks, others develop phobias and still more suffer from post-traumaticstress disorder (PTSD). Anxiety begins from a state of overwhelming worry. When theworry starts to affect daily life - the patient cannot eat or sleep and develops extremefatigue - medication is needed.Anxious people become tense and their posture becomes so bad that their bodies suffer.Muscle tension increases around the neck, shoulders, hips and legs. It is wise to do moreexercise but be careful not to damage tendons or muscles through overuse. Anxietyoriginates in the gut so many people develop terrible digestive disorders which in turndisrupt their sleep, working abilities and more. Anxiety can be revealed as panic attacks,stage fright, perfectionism, obsessive-compulsive disorder and doubt of one’s abilities.How Can Cannabis Oil Benefit Anxiety?Cannabidiol (CBD) can help fight inflammation caused by stress (the underlying cause ofmany a disease) and relax body and mind. CBD-infused medical grade cannabis is ideal foranxiety as it alleviates inflammation, pain, spasms, sleep issues, eating issues and more. Thepatient feels much calmer and in control. CBD is a cannabinoid which binds to specificcannabinoid receptors, many of which occur in the brain - the centre of emotionalbehaviour, including anxiety, moods, stress levels and ability to sleep. Tests have shown thatCBD relieves all levels of anxiety, from worry to panic attacks and PTSD.Suggested Treatment GuidelinesProduct: Cannabis Oil TinctureDosage: 5 x Drops Under The Tongue Twice Daily (Morning and Night). CBD Oil Handbook Page 30

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ArthritisWhat is Arthritis?Arthritis is not one disease but has more than 100 different strains. Anyone can get arthritiswhich now affects more than 50 million adults and 300 000 children globally. People of allages, sexes and races can and do have arthritis, which is also most common among womenand occurs more frequently as people get older.Common arthritis jointsymptomsinclude swelling, pain, stiffness and decreased range ofmotion. Symptoms may come and go. They can be mild, moderate or severe. Severe arthritiscan result in chronic pain, inability to do daily activities and make it difficult to walk or climbstairs. Arthritis can cause permanent joint changes. These changes may be visible, such asknobby finger joints, but often the damage can only be seen on X-ray. Some types ofarthritis also affect the heart, eyes, lungs, kidneys and skin as well as the joints.The most common types of arthritis are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.Osteoarthritis involves wear-and-tear damage to the cartilage in the joint — the hard, slickcoating found at the ends of bones. If there is enough damage, bone will grind directly onbone, causing pain and restricted movement.In rheumatoid arthritis, the body’s immune system attacks the lining of the joint capsule, arough membrane that encloses all the joint parts. This lining becomes swollen and inflamed.The disease process can ultimately destroy cartilage and the bone within the joint. How Can Cannabis Oil Benefit Arthritis?Studies have found that patients with arthritis have more CB2 receptors in their injuredjoints than healthy people. The CBD interacts with these receptors to cure the pain andeven repair the damage to the joints. Using topical creams regularly, saturating the painfularea, will allow better mobility of the joint. CBD is a natural anti-inflammatory and bringsimmediate pain relief. If the skin and joints are painful or showing signs of aging orinflammation, CBD is the best therapy. Simply rub in a CBD cream and feel the effects indays.Suggested Treatment GuidelinesLife Retreat Ultra Pain Balm , apply as needed for relief.AsthmaWhat is Asthma?Asthma can be a simple condition or a chronic issue. Airways become thinner, get blockedand produce extra mucus. Breathing is difficult which then stimulates fits of coughing, CBD Oil Handbook Page 31

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wheezing and shortness of breath. Asthma attacks can be life-threatening. Asthma is adynamic disease and can be controlled with the right medication.How Can Cannabis Oil Benefit Asthma?During an asthma attack, the little airways in the lungs tighten, causing shortness of breathand an excruciating constriction in the chest. The THC in medicinal cannabis is a powerfulbronchodilator which helps to relax and open these airways, allowing more oxygen to flowfreely through them. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, cannabis oil can be aneffective treatment for asthma.Suggested Treatment GuidelinesProduct: Cannabis Oil TinctureDosage: 5 x Drops Under The Tongue Twice Daily (Morning and Night).Crohn’s DiseaseWhat is Crohn’s Disease?Crohn's disease is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It causes inflammation of thedigestive tract, which can lead to abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss andmalnutrition. Different people get inflammation caused by Crohn's disease in differentareas of the digestive tract. This often spreads deep into the layers of affected bowel tissuemaking the disease both painful and debilitating. It can lead to life-threateningcomplications. There is no known cure for Crohn’s disease, but it can be managed withrelevant therapies.How Can Cannabis Oil Benefit Crohn’s Disease?Through cannabis research, scientists are learning how cannabinoids may be a lessdamaging way to treat Crohn’s disease. The endocannabinoid system has two primaryreceptors, CB1 and CB2. CB2 receptors are found in the immune system and thehematopoietic system which includes bone marrow, lymph nodes, the spleen, and thymus.They regulate the inflammatory process by controlling the release of cytokines producedby the immune cells, which is integral to Crohn’s disease. Activating these receptors resultsin pain relief and anti-inflammatory effects.Suggested Treatment GuidelinesProduct: Cannabis Oil TinctureDosage: 5 x Drops Under The Tongue Twice Daily (Morning and Night). CBD Oil Handbook Page 32

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DementiaWhat is Dementia?Dementia is not on particular disease. This term refers to a set of symptoms associated withdeterioration in memory or cognitive skills, to the extent that the patient battles tocomplete normal daily activities. Most dementia cases (60-80%) are Alzheimer’s diseasewhile Vascular dementia, which occurs after a stroke, is the second most common dementiatype. But there are many other conditions that can cause symptoms of dementia. Some arereversible, such as thyroid problems and vitamin deficiencies.How Can Cannabis Oil Benefit Dementia?Some studies have that found taking cannabis could help to manage some behaviouralsymptoms of dementia such as that agitation or aggression. While there is currently noscientific evidence that cannabis can help to prevent the disease, anecdotal evidence ismounting that it does enhance quality of life for each patient.Scientists have meanwhile shown interest in the role of the endocannabinoid system tohelp treat Alzheimer's disease. Some studies have shown that THC could remove amyloidclumps (hallmarks of Alzheimer’s) from nerve cells grown in a lab. Other researchersbelieve that using CBD to target CB2 receptors could manage microglia activity, ending thepotentially harmful overactivation of the immune system in the brain.Suggested Treatment GuidelinesProduct: Cannabis Oil TinctureDosage: 5 x Drops Under The Tongue Twice Daily (Morning and Night).DepressionWhat is Depression?Depression is a huge word for a condition that ranges from mildly sad to clinicallydepressed. Real physiological symptoms show that the brain too is under stress. Whensomeone gets really depressed, he/she shows signs of extraordinary tiredness, loss ofinterest in things he/she usually loves, irritability, headaches, stomach discomfort, lack ofself-esteem, strange muscle or body pains and even self harming. Help is required to easethese symptoms.Depression could also be a result of extreme stress. When someone is stressed, their bodychanges in terms of a weakened immune system and is liable to infections and diseasesbecause of being malnourished. CBD Oil Handbook Page 33

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How Can Cannabis Oil Benefit Depression?Cannabis oil can ease depression by enhancing sleep, appetite and moods and to decreasemuscle and bodily pain. Cannabis oil is a natural anti-inflammatory and can fight pain – thiswill heal the brain and body. Depression may require a good dose of endocannabinoids –compounds similar to those found in cannabis. These elements have an important role toplay as they balance moods, appetite and immune system and make sure people get enoughsleep. So, when depressed, try to increase endocannabinoid function to improve mood andreduce stress levels. One way to do this is to use the cannabinoids in cannabis.Studies show that CBD interacts with serotonin levels in your body. When serotonin levelsare depleted due to environmental or chemical factors, mental health takes a huge knock.Cannabinoids can set the balance right again by clinging to receptors in the brain and actinglike serotonin. CBD can also relieve issues of insomnia, lack of appetite and self-esteem – allfactors that contribute to depression. THC can stimulate the CB1 receptor in the brain andnervous system which can have the same effect as taking antidepressants. Mix your THCwith CBD and you won’t feel high, so this is a safer option that guarantees a better mentalstate. Taking CBD-infused cannabis oil stimulates the hippocampus region of the brainwhere memory and mental abilities originate. Doctors are agreeing that CBD is a naturalantidepressant that can bring back a normal balance to our endocannabinoid systems –when you get depressed, the endocannabinoid system is out of kilter and dis-ease results.Suggested Treatment GuidelinesProduct: Cannabis Oil TinctureDosage: 5 x Drops Under The Tongue Twice Daily (Morning and Night).DiabetesWhat is Diabetes?Type 1 diabetes used to be called juvenile-onset or insulin-dependent diabetes - 5 to 10 outof 100 people have this diabetes. The body attacks its own cells that produce insulin, whichultimately eradicates the insulin in the body. Now the cells can no longer absorb sugar orglucose which they need to make energy. Children tend to show symptoms and get very sickfrom sudden high blood sugar. They can also get very low blood sugar and this diabetescannot be prevented.During Type 2 diabetes (once called adult-onset or non-insulin-dependent diabetes), adultsusually get symptoms of the body not being able to use insulin the way it should. This insulinresistance can worsen until the pancreas makes less and less insulin and there is then aninsulin deficiency. The patient does not get low blood sugar, but this disease can be reversed CBD Oil Handbook Page 34

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and prevented. Stick to a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet - exercise and fresh healthyfoods are the answer.How Can Cannabis Oil Benefit Diabetes?Cannabinoids help manage blood sugars and to maintain a healthy weight. These chemicalcompounds speed up the metabolism. In recent studies, people who took cannabis oil wereless resistant to the insulin produced by their body and could maintain balanced bloodsugars. They could metabolise carbohydrates better and were slimmer. CBD is a naturalanti-inflammatory therefore ideal for people with diabetes 2. It can also successfully treateye issues such as glaucoma, insomnia and pain – all linked to diabetes. Always check bloodglucose levels to avoid hypoglycemia.Suggested Treatment GuidelinesProduct: Cannabis Oil TinctureDosage: 5 x Drops Under The Tongue Twice Daily (Morning and Night).EpilepsyWhat is Epilepsy?Epilepsy is a neurological condition resulting in seizures which can recur on a frequentbasis. Epilepsy can affect people in varying degrees of severity, but some patients sufferfrom uncontrollable seizures. Epilepsy is a condition that can cause life-long suffering,seriously affecting one’s ability to lead a normal life. But with the correct treatment, there ishope. The seizures are caused by some kind of unrestrained electrical activity in the brainwhich then results in convulsions, troubled thoughts and disorientation. Epilepsy is thoughtto be a genetic disorder but can also be caused by trauma, head injury or tumours of thebrain. Many seizures are idiopathic which means no one knows why they happen and manychildren are diagnosed with epilepsy every year. This interrupts their lives and they areunable to live fulfilled childhoods - they must take chronic medication which then hasnegative impacts on their health.How Can Cannabis Oil Benefit Epilepsy?Cannabinoids like cannabidiol (CBD) have a positive effect on epilepsy:● The CBD overwhelms the activity of glutamate which cause neurons to becomeagitated.● CBD is a known anti-inflammatory so reduces the inflammation in the brainassociated with seizures.● CBD helps increase endocannabinoid levels which helps the body to have optimumimmunity and a healthy balance. CBD Oil Handbook Page 35

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● CBD copies the way endocannabinoids by controlling the flow of good ions such ascalcium and potassium and so reducing the agitation of neurons.CBD-infused cannabis oil can be used to treat epilepsy as it also assists with insomnia,stress, anxiety, depression and moods. People who have epilepsy feel calmer, with bettermotor skills and improved social interaction – as well as fewer seizures! Cannabis oilcontains anticonvulsant propertiesand is a natural muscle relaxant.Suggested Treatment GuidelinesProduct: Cannabis Oil TinctureDosage: 5 x Drops Under The Tongue Twice Daily (Morning and Night).FibromyalgiaWhat is Fibromyalgia?Fibromyalgia can affect people of all ages, including children. The patient suffers varyingdegrees of pain all over their bodies, which comes and goes. The pain can be acute ortender. Fibromyalgia has negative impacts on physical, emotional, mental and spiritualhealth. The word literally means ‘pain in the muscles, ligaments and tendons’. Thisall-encompassing disease affects people in different ways and symptoms vary. Patients getvery tired, battle to sleep, battle to think clearly or forget things and feel stiff in theirmuscles and bones. Often there is depression, anxiety, migraines, pain in the pelvis,irritability, an overactive bladder, irritable bowel syndrome and gastrointestinal refluxdisease. Stress also dominates this disease.How Can Cannabis Oil Benefit Fibromyalgia?Medical cannabis, cannabis oil, can relieve many of the symptoms related to fibromyalgiaincluding pain, insomnia, fatigue, restless leg syndrome, depression and anxiety. Treatingfibromyalgia with cannabis oil means far fewer side effects than pharmaceuticals which canalso cause addiction and more pain. Cannabis is a natural pain killer which binds to thecannabinoid receptors found throughout the nervous system and brain. Treat this diseasewith a blend of THC and CBD for best results. Some patients can then wean themselves offtheir chronic medication.Suggested Treatment GuidelinesProduct: Cannabis Oil TinctureDosage: 5 x Drops Under The Tongue Twice Daily (Morning and Night). CBD Oil Handbook Page 36

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GlaucomaWhat is Glaucoma?Glaucoma is a common eye condition that often causes optic nerve damage, and when leftuntreated, can lead to blindness. More than 60 million people live with glaucoma globallyand the disease can cause irreversible blindness. New evidence is showing that glaucoma isa neurodegenerative condition that could be linked to other neurodegenerative diseaseslike Alzheimer’s disease. Some research is revealing that glaucoma seems to be appears tobe a strong forecaster of Alzheimer’s Disease.How Can Cannabis Oil Benefit Glaucoma?Optimal health depends on the body’s internal endocannabinoid system (ECS) whichregulates every aspect of wellbeing: inflammation, pain regulation, neuroprotection,immune response, moods, fertility, appetite and energy levels. Cannabinoids can play a vitalrole in assisting the body with inflammation and neuroprotection, including treatingglaucoma. There are cannabinoid receptors in the ocular tissues which manage intraocularpressure. Cannabis oils could target these tissues and help to decrease intraocular pressureand protect the retinal cells. CBD is the ideal therapy for the eyes. Suggested Treatment GuidelinesProduct: Cannabis Oil TinctureDosage: 5 x Drops Under The Tongue Twice Daily (Morning and Night).Heart DiseaseWhat is Heart Disease?Heart disease is a complex condition with many variations. It can involve the heart itself, ofthe blood vessels feeding the heart. Heart disease can occur due to an unhealthy lifestyle,genetics or environmental conditions. Congenital heart defect is a hereditary heart diseasewhich people are born with and which has to be managed. Cardiovascular disease affectsthe heart and arteries and can be prevented and managed. Atherosclerosis is caused by anunhealthy lifestyle, lack of exercise, too many toxins and poor diet. Plaque builds up in thewalls of arteries and blocks the flow of blood in and out the heart. Heart attacks occur whenthese arteries are completely blocked and the heart cannot operate.How Can Cannabis Oil Benefit Heart Disease?Studies have discovered that CBD is a powerful vasorelaxant because it reduces tension inthe artery walls, or reduces pressure in the blood vessels. CBD can benefit thecardiovascular system thanks to its direct benefits to the arteries, enabling them to relax.CBD is a natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant which benefits the heart and arteries. CBD Oil Handbook Page 37

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CBD also has a positive impact on the survival and death of white blood cells, the migrationof white blood cells and the accumulation of platelets.Suggested Treatment GuidelinesProduct: Cannabis Oil TinctureDosage: 5 x Drops Under The Tongue Twice Daily (Morning and Night).HIV/AIDSWhat is HIV/AIDS?HIV is a virus (human immunodeficiency virus) that attacks the immune system which is thebody’s baseline of health and defence against disease. The virus kills the T-helper cells(white blood cells in the immune system, also called CD4 cells) making copies of itself insidethese cells. The virus then kills the cells and gradually kills the immune system as it makesmore copies of itself. So as the immune system dissolves and so does the person’s healthand they cannot fight off any infections or diseases. It can take a few years to up to 15 yearsfor the immune system to totally break down, also dependent on age, health and socialcontext. Eventually that person has AIDS, which is the last phase of HIV and will lead todeath. Cannabis oil can slow down this process of immune system destruction and assistthe patient with the side effects of the disease.How Can Cannabis Oil Benefit HIV/AIDS?Cannabis oil is a cure for many conditions including nausea, vomiting, pain, depression andanxiety. These are all very real symptoms of HIV. Cannabis contains cannabinoids such ascannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which interact with the humanendocannabinoid system to ensure the innate balance of moods, hormones, metabolismand sleep patterns. HIV is all about the eventual break down of the immune system socannabis oil can help. It can also relieve inflammation, neural pain and general painassociated with peripheral neuropathy – pain caused by HIV when nerves in the peripheralnervous system are harmed and twitch, or there is loss of muscle and coordination. CBDwill also take the edge off painkillers or other drugs prescribed to treat HIV, yet which haveterrible side effects.Suggested Treatment GuidelinesProduct: Cannabis Oil TinctureDosage: 5 x Drops Under The Tongue Twice Daily (Morning and Night). CBD Oil Handbook Page 38

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InflammationWhat is Inflammation?Inflammation is the root of most diseases and is also related to autoimmune diseases suchas rheumatoid arthritis or type 1 diabetes. Inflammation is a negative force in the bodywhich creates an immune imbalance. The immune system could start to attack its owntissues if action is not taken immediately. Inflammation also means that the body is trying toheal something, so it can also be a healthy response. It signifies the beginning of a healingprocess, in a bid to protect the body. Inflammation also is the body’s way of defending itselfagainst viruses and bacteria, and to repair damaged tissues.How Can Cannabis Oil Benefit Inflammation?Cannabis oil is a natural anti-inflammatory. CBD is the ideal therapy for inflammation as itis natural, alternative and has no side effects. CBD offers innate anti-inflammatorycompounds and immunosuppressive qualities making it a perfect natural medication fordiseases like arthritis, multiple sclerosis, sore muscles and even cancer. CBD can thereforetreat conditions of the central nervous system, brain and immune system. Used incombination with THC, CBD mitigates the psychoactive powers of the THC and the twochemical compounds can treat chronic dis-ease.Suggested Treatment GuidelinesProduct: Cannabis Oil TinctureDosage: 5 x Drops Under The Tongue Twice Daily (Morning and Night).LupusWhat is Lupus?Lupus is a serious inflammatory disease caused by an overactive immune system. When theimmune system attacks the organs and tissues of the body, the joints, kidneys, skin, heart,lungs, blood cells and brain become inflamed. Lupus patients are in constant pain and endup taking a pile of pills every day. Research is ongoing regarding which is the best CBD forLupus. The causes of Lupus include:● Sunlight - exposure to sunlight may bring on lupus skin lesions or could trigger aninternal response in vulnerable people.● Infections -can bring on lupus or cause a relapse in certain people.● Medications -lupus can be activated by some types of anti-seizure medications,antibiotics and blood pressure medications.Symptoms include joint pain, swelling and stiffness; fatigue and fever; shortness of breath;chest pain; butterfly-shaped rash on the face that covers the cheeks and bridge of the nose; CBD Oil Handbook Page 39

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headaches, confusion and memory loss; skin lesions that appear or worsen with sunexposure; dry eyes; fingers and toes turn white or blue when they are exposed to cold orduring stressful periods.How Can Cannabis Oil Benefit Lupus?Cannabis oil treats inflammation and pain which makes it the perfect medicine for lupus. Itis safe, natural and effective. The trick is to take high doses of cannabidiol (CBD) orallyevery day. The best way to manage lupus is firstly through a healthy lifestyle – get enoughsleep, eat a balanced diet and do plenty of exercise. Secondly, take cannabis oil to managethe inflammation and pain and you will find relief. Cannabinoids seem to increase one of theanti-inflammatory proteins and reduce a pro-inflammatory protein. They work with thebody’s endocannabinoid system to maintain a healthy balance in the immune system –lowering inflammation and relieving lupus right away. Receptors in the human brain reactto cannabis in similar ways that they react to pharmaceuticals. But, unlike conventionaldrugs, cannabis is a natural medicine without side effects. Scientists have found thatcannabinoids help to balance many biological systems in the body and brain. Taking the bestCBD for Lupus will also ensure less stress, better sleep and a sense of calmness to thosewhose bodies are at war with themselves.Suggested Treatment GuidelinesProduct: Cannabis Oil TinctureDosage: 5 x Drops Under The Tongue Twice Daily (Morning and Night).MenopauseWhat is Menopause?Every woman experiences menopause, in their midlife. Menopause typically starts aroundage 50 but many women experience early menopause, due to environmental andphysiological factors. This is a very individual time in a woman’s life and many women gothrough enormous emotional and physical changes which can change them forever. Theseinclude mood swings, hot flushes, changes in weight, metabolism, energy levels and physicalbody features. The hormonal changes can induce depression, so each woman needs to gethelp in her own way. With menopause comes changes in oestrogen production and endocannabinoidproduction. When oestrogen levels go down, so do levels of the fatty acid amide hydrolase(FAAH) which is how the body modulates anandamide levels. This is one of the blissmolecules that keeps women sane. Anandamide is responsible for pain, appetite andfertility and menopause changes this. CBD Oil Handbook Page 40

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How Can Cannabis Oil Benefit Menopause?While there is no one cure for menopause, there are things a woman can do to relievesymptoms and experience a better quality of life. Cannabis oil is a natural choice of therapywhich can also reduce the dangers of breast cancer. CBD interacts with cannabinoidreceptors in the body to reduce the impact of menopause and its symptoms. At least, takingCBD is calming and reduces stress, anxiety and depression. It also helps to manageappetite, insomnia and inflammation.Suggested Treatment GuidelinesProduct: Cannabis Oil TinctureDosage: 5 x Drops Under The Tongue Twice Daily (Morning and Night).MigrainesWhat are Migraines?A migraine is a severe headache that can cause severe throbbing pain or a pulsing sensation,usually on just one side of the head. It's often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, andextreme sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine attacks can cause significant pain for onlyhours or a few days and can be so severe that the pain is disabling. Warning symptoms suchas aura may occur before or with the headache. These can include flashes of light, blindspots, or tingling on one side of the face or in your arm or leg.How Can Cannabis Oil Benefit Migraines?Take CBD to reduce this process happening in your body and to reduce the pain of themigraine as CBD immediately treats the inflammation. THC-infused cannabis oil is a greattreatment for what is known as excitotoxicity. This is caused by an accumulation ofglutamate, a neurotransmitter that helps us to think. Glutamate is toxic when there is toomuch of it and you then get a migraine. CBD and THC can both treat migraines byincreasing the level of serotonin in your brain. Serotonin is called the happy chemical andalso helps combat depression. Cannabis oils rich in CBD and THC also block receptors thatcontrol nausea and vomiting, other migraine-associated symptoms. Patients who takeconventional anti-inflammatories are doing untold damage to their livers and kidneys. Butwith cannabis oil there are no side effects, only effective relief.Suggested Treatment GuidelinesProduct: Cannabis Oil TinctureDosage: 5 x Drops Under The Tongue Twice Daily (Morning and Night). CBD Oil Handbook Page 41

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Multiple SclerosisWhat is Multiple Sclerosis?This disease can be disabling when the brain and spinal cord /central nervous system areaffected. The body’s immune system attacks the myelin (protective sheath) covering thenerve fibres. This means that communication between the brain and body is affected and,over time, the nerves start to weaken or become damaged forever. Multiple Sclerosisaffects people in varying degrees, which depends on how much nerve damage there is.Some people are affected so badly that they can no longer walk, while others show no newsymptoms and enter what doctors call ‘remission’. It is sad that there is no cure for MS, butmodern treatments do speed up recovery from attacks. These can adjust the progress ofthe disease, managing its symptoms and allowing patients to be in remission.How Can Cannabis Oil Benefit Multiple Sclerosis?Cannabis oil is a calming therapy, naturally, and has no negative side effects. Cannabinoids,or chemical compounds, go straight to the root of MS symptoms, working with the body’sendocannabinoid system to heal the immune system and central nervous system. Cannabisoil gives relief to patients who are in pain and suffer muscle spasticity and stiffness.Cannabinoids like cannabidiol (CBD) are calming and great treatments for anxiety, stressand spasticity. Having Multiple Sclerosis is exhausting and at least the CBD can tackle thissymptom. It is very tiring having muscle spasticity, stiffness and arms and legs that rarelyare still. This means very little sleep at night too and the pain is draining. But cannabis oilcan relieve these symptoms associated with Multiple Sclerosis.Suggested Treatment GuidelinesProduct: Cannabis Oil TinctureDosage: 5 x Drops Under The Tongue Twice Daily (Morning and Night).OsteoporosisWhat is Osteoporosis?Osteoporosis means ‘porous bones’ which for patients means weak bones. When boneslose mass, they fracture easily and become deformed, so changing the shape of the body.Many people associate osteoporosis with hunchback people, but it can invisible to the eye.The first stage of bone loss is osteopenia which can evolve into osteoporosis.Bone densitymeasures bone health. Peak bone mass is reached by the age of 30, after which bones losedensity. As people age, their bodies reabsorb calcium and other minerals from the bones.This weakens them and can lead to osteopenia and osteoporosis. Every time we injure orfracture our bones, we make them weaker and more susceptible to osteoporosis. CBD Oil Handbook Page 42

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How Can Cannabis Oil Benefit Osteoporosis?The skeleton contains CB1, CB2, TRPV1 and GPR55 receptors which are part of theendocannabinoid system. CB1 receptors are found on nerve fibres covering bone as well ascells in the bone marrow, as well as on osteoblasts (cells that make bone), osteoclasts (atype of bone cell that breaks down bone tissue) and bone marrow derived adipocytes(connective tissue cells that store fat). Osteoclasts, osteoblasts and osteocytes also expressCB2 receptors at significantly higher levels than those reported for CB1. Cannabis oil canactivate the CB1 receptor and help treat osteoporosis. Studies found that the CB1 receptorprotects the body against bone loss associated with aging by modulating adipocyte andosteoblast variation of bone marrow stromal cells.Suggested Treatment GuidelinesProduct: Cannabis Oil TinctureDosage: 5 x Drops Under The Tongue Twice Daily (Morning and Night).PainWhat is Pain?Pain is an unpleasant sensation that can range from mild, localized discomfort to agony.Pain can affect people physically and emotionally. When nerves are stimulated, people feelphysical pain but when emotions are stimulated, people feel emotional pain. Pain can becaused by injury, abuse or diseases which really invade the body such as cancer orfibromyalgia. Depression causes another kind of pain that is felt in the heart. Pain is alsorelated to inflammation and if inflammation is healed, pain is reduced.How Can Cannabis Oil Benefit Pain?Cannabinoids in cannabis oil known as cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)can fight inflammation by affecting the way the body deals with pain. The endocannabinoidsystem (ECS) is a big network of cell receptors which influences the way the body deals withpain, inflammation, mood, appetite and sleep. Consuming cannabis oil changes the way thebody regulates all of these things – CBD increases the number of endocannabinoids in thebody and is able to help regulate the immune system. Deal with chronic pain the naturalway when you allow CBD to calm inflammation and change pain signals in the brain. A safe,non-psychoactive cannabinoid, this compound is a natural medicine that you can use foryour arthritis. Use cannabis cream too as a natural therapy instead of heavyover-the-counter painkillers.Suggested Treatment GuidelinesLife Retreat THC/CBD tincture and the patient can take 10 drops as needed for relief. If thepain is more severe then a capsule or the balm can be suggested. CBD Oil Handbook Page 43

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Parkinson’s DiseaseWhat is Parkinson’s Disease?People with Parkinson’s Disease have symptoms related to the lack of dopamine in theirbrains. These include shaking limbs, stiff muscles and muscle contractions, difficulty inmoving, coordination and balancing. Later on, patients battle to speak, and their cognitivesystem weakens, leading ultimately to memory loss and dementia.How Can Cannabis Oil Benefit Parkinson’s Disease?Research has found that people with a healthy endocannabinoid system can better fightstress, post-traumatic stress disorder, fear, pain and anxiety. Taking cannabis oil enhancesthe strength of the ECS and assists the body to maintain its innate immune balance.Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of many cannabinoids in the cannabis plant that interact with theECS to maintain inner brain and body health. Doctors are finding that Parkinson’s patientswho take CBD experience reduced shaking, less anxiety and better sleep patterns. CBD canprotect the brain as it is an antioxidant that can slow down the progression of Parkinson’s.Cannabis oil therefore has huge potential to treat Parkinson’s Disease. CBD can assist thebrain to detoxify therefore protecting it from damage and slowing down neural damage.Suggested Treatment GuidelinesProduct: Cannabis Oil TinctureDosage: 5 x Drops Under The Tongue Twice Daily (Morning and Night).PetsHow Can Cannabis Oil Benefit Pets?Cannabidiol (CBD) can treat sick dogs as this cannabinoid has no side effects. These days,pet lovers can treat their dogs with cannabis oil edibles containing CBD or hemp oil whichare considered safe. If the dog overdoses on cannabis or eats raw cannabis by mistake, theside effects can be horrible. The dog will lose his balance, feel very tired, feel panicky oranxious, hate loud noises and battle to breathe.Dogs also have an endocannabinoid system, just like humans, which maintains an innatebalance of immunity and health. The cannabis oil interacts with the endocannabinoidsystem and offers relief from pain, digestion issues, seizures and anxiety. UsingCBD-infused cannabis oil is safe and a great option besides conventional pet medications.Be careful of the size of the dose so understand how much cannabis oil is required to treat asick dog. Make sure it is only CBD based, it is organic (so free from pesticides andfungicides), it is in tincture form and it is good quality. CBD Oil Handbook Page 44

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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?This condition is about extreme anxiety that results after a traumatic incident. This can beanything from childhood abuse, car accidents, loss of a loved one to war, abandonment,assault or robbery. Patients with PTSD get flashbacks, nightmares, insomnia and battle tofit into social situations.How Can Cannabis Oil Benefit PTSD?Studies found that people with PTSD had lower levels of anandamide in their brains (acannabinoid found naturally in the body). Anandamide and THC both stimulate the samereceptors in the brain which promote healing. Anandamide is an endocannabinoid thatclings to cannabinoid receptors and THC has a similar effect. So, post-traumatic stressdisorder is a lack of endocannabinoids which can be balanced if cannabis oil is introduced asa medication. Try cannabis oil for PTSD and it will immediately deal with the anxietysymptoms. CBD-enriched cannabis oil slows down the rush of thoughts, the panic andallows the patient to think through the trauma without succumbing to its agony. Sleeppatterns will improve which straight away deals with anxiety.Suggested Treatment GuidelinesProduct: Cannabis Oil TinctureDosage: 5 x Drops Under The Tongue Twice Daily (Morning and Night).SchizophreniaWhat is Schizophrenia?Schizophrenia is a mental illness – or psychotic disorder – when a person experiencessevere misrepresentation about daily life which forces them to get an incorrect idea abouttheir living context. They often hear voices and see things and are very paranoid aboutcertain people or issues. They can get very depressed and battle to stick to hobbies or workor social groups. They lack motivation and concentration. When they take conventionalmedicines, they often experience terrible side-effects. People with Schizophrenia need help– not only from drugs, but also from loved ones who need to be patient and to draw theminto their lives gently.How Can Cannabis Oil Benefit Schizophrenia?Schizophrenia sufferers reported feeling less psychotic and calmer when they tookcannabis oil (CBD). While the disease does not simply disappear, its effects are reduced. Theconsumption of CBD helps with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) as it contributes to thatsystem where the body is trying to constantly maintain a healthy balance as it produces itsown cannabis-like chemicals. It does this to balance emotions, moods, sleep patterns and CBD Oil Handbook Page 45

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keep the immune system strong. Some research has shown that when some patients tookCBD, it assisted them to remember things and they were able to function normally in asocial context. Scientists say that Schizophrenia has links to a chemical disparity in the brainrelated to neurotransmitters.CBD is therefore an attractive option for those with Schizophrenia as it is a non-invasiveway to control this mental illness and has no side effects. CBD is the perfect cannabinoid forpeople with mental issues as it is anti-psychotic and can calm the mind down. A CBDenriched cannabis oil will relieve psychosis as it interacts with receptors in the brain whichmanage moods, emotions and the ongoing healthy balance of the immune system. WhenCBD is taken daily in large doses it allows Schizophrenic patients to come out of their shellsagain and be social. CBD can improve memory and help mental illness patients to recogniseobjects and people. CBD can also relieve the hallucinations experienced by Schizophreniasufferers. The body’s endocannabinoid system regulates the immune system and psychoticbehaviour arises if there is too much change.Suggested Treatment GuidelinesProduct: Cannabis Oil TinctureDosage: 5 x Drops Under The Tongue Twice Daily (Morning and Night).SkinWhat is Skin?Caring for the skin, our largest organ, is vital for essential health as the skin is the firstbarrier against toxins that can enter the body. Many people have skin disorders such asacne, eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis. Many of these skin issues are caused by stress.Adults who get skin disorders are usually those people who are not looking after theirhealth and have developed high blood pressure, heart issues and the potential to havestrokes. Overuse of cigarettes and alcohol can also cause psoriasis and other diseases. Theskin protects the body from the sun’s rays – specifically ultraviolet light – which can damagecells. Everyone needs Vitamin D and only a healthy skin can produce Vitamin D whenexposed to the sun. Take proper care of the skin, enjoy a daily skin care regime and ensureno infections set in. When skin gets dry and cracked, germs can get in, causing infection orother issues.How Can Cannabis Oil Benefit the Skin?Many skin disorders are linked to inflammation in the body. Cannabis oil is a naturalanti-inflammatory and antioxidant. It is also an anti-aging substance which will benefit theskin throughout its life. Hemp seed oil contains plenty of omega 3 and 6 to moisturise theskin and protect it from the sun. These essential fatty acids are vital in the right balance forboth the skin and internal physical health. CBD Oil Handbook Page 46

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Taking cannabis oil orally or as a topical will work for skin health as it contains all the rightingredients for essential health. Cannabinoids in the cannabis – including cannabidiol (CBD)and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) – have natural healing properties that fight inflammationand pain, anxiety and insomnia, depression and lack of energy. All these things relate to ahealthy skin. Studies have shown how cannabis oil can heal dermatitis, acne, psoriasis andeczema. Using your cannabis oil as a cream or balm or topical (all the same thing) controlsthe inflammation associated with these skin conditions, removes the pain and allows theskin to heal.Suggested Treatment GuidelinesOur Skin Healing night balm has amazing regenerative properties for skin.SleepWhat is Sleep?Everyone needs to sleep, every day. Sleep is that time when we relax completely, allowingour bodies and minds to rejuvenate. Without sleep, we cannot function. Sleep is natural andinvolves a reduction in consciousness, in energy levels, physical activity, emotional andsensory activity and interactions with others or the environment. When people do notsleep, they are vulnerable to disease. Those who suffer sleep disorders or lack of sleep willexperience health problems and emotional issues.How Can Cannabis Oil Benefit Sleep?Cannabis oil will help to solve restless sleeping patterns, treating insomnia and stress oranxiety. Insomnia can affect well-being and holistic health, leading to numerous secondaryconditions. Take cannabis oil for a peaceful night’s sleep and wake up feeling well rested andrelaxed. A cannabis oil infused with CBD can enhance the endocannabinoids that occurnaturally in the body’s endocannabinoid system, helping the body to maintain a system ofhomeostasis, or natural immune balance. Taking cannabis oil daily is good for your health asit will contribute to this action and the CBD will cling to the cannabinoid receptors whereneeded.Suggested Treatment GuidelinesLife Retreat THC/CBD tincture and the patient can take 10 drops 40 mins before bed.StressWhat is Stress?Stress is a natural human phenomenon that used to save people from danger. The fight orflight syndrome was real and allowed people to use their gut feelings to escape or facedanger. In the modern world, stress has become something that permeates our days, ourlives. People work all the time and find no time to play. This imbalance in life results in stresswhich is an overload of work and demands of daily living. These include relationships on all CBD Oil Handbook Page 47

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levels, work issues, financial issues, family problems and now, climate change andenvironmental conditions that threaten the way we live and are forcing us to change.Stress has a positive side and can motivate as it is essential for human survival. But whenthe fight or flight mechanism is triggered too much, for the wrong reasons, it can causemental and physical harm.How Can Cannabis Oil Benefit Stress?Cannabis oil treats the causes and symptoms of stress. It can help to release feel-goodhormones and relax the mind. It reduces anxiety and promotes tranquillity. Studies done inIsrael show that when cannabis oil is given to patients after an emotional trauma, the stressis less and the risk of long term stress disorders is reduced. Cannabinoids diminished thestress receptors in parts of the brain where sensory information and emotions aremanaged. Cannabis oil can ease insomnia and lack of appetite, as well as curb depression.Cannabinoids can modulate the release of neurotransmitters and can create higher levelsof pleasure and changes in memory functions.Suggested Treatment GuidelinesProduct: Cannabis Oil TinctureDosage: 5 x Drops Under The Tongue Twice Daily (Morning and Night).StrokesWhat are Strokes?Strokes are extremely dangerous: a vein bursts in the brain or is blocked and curbs oxygento the brain. Brain cells can therefore die in minutes. This causes loss of balance andmovement issues, intellectual shortfalls, depression, language issues, learning disabilities,memory loss, paralysis, seizures, slurred speech, trouble swallowing and weakness. Anyonewho experiences a stroke must get medical assistance within 3 hours.How Can Cannabis Oil Benefit Strokes?A study found that CBD is a more effective antioxidant than vitamin A or E, which areknown to block the damage of glutamate. Cannabinoids can block glutamate which iscreated when the brain lacks oxygen. The CBD can therefore save the brain cells from dyingdue to starvation. Cannabinoid receptors appear to increase in the brain after a stroke andCBD binds to these receptors to assist the brain to survive a stroke. Another study revealedthat cannabinoids can protect the brain and even trigger the growth of new brain cellswhere there is damage or disease. Medical cannabis can also treat inflammation in the brainand nervous system. The patient needs cannabis oil directly after a stroke to preventneurons and astrocytes from being damaged. This ensures normal brain recovery. Since CBD Oil Handbook Page 48

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strokes occur in the brain, patients can use both CBD and THC to promote recovery andrebalancing of the immune system.Suggested Treatment GuidelinesProduct: Cannabis Oil TinctureDosage: 5 x Drops Under The Tongue Twice Daily (Morning and Night). CBD Oil Handbook Page 49

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