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Camp Hendon 2023 Program Brochure

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Kentucky Diabetes Camp for Children, Inc.Life-changing camping experiences for children with diabetes and their families.www.CampHendon.orgFINANCIAL AID ISAVAILABLE

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Giving children with diabetes life-changing experiences,empowering each of them to takecontrol of their unique journey. The Camp Hendon Vision is to be a vibrant and diverse communityof support for young people livingwith diabetes and their families,rooted in and nurtured by atransformative experience of traditional summer camp. OUR MISSION

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Campers experience the unique camaraderie ofothers that share the burden of diabetes, while alsogaining confidence and independence in theirdiabetes management. Attending camp helps toimprove self-care skills and reduces emotional distress.Important habits nurtured at camp include:THE BEST PLACE ON EARTHCarb countingInsulin administrationChecking blood sugarRelationship buildingPattern managementInsulin pump managementWWW.CAMPHENDON.ORGCamp Hendon has never turned a child away forfinancial reasons. We offer need-based“camperships” to qualifying families who are unableto pay the camp fee.

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Camp Hendon is more than a summer camp. Weoffer a number of programs for different agesand stages of life, as well as support for thewhole family. Programs include: PROGRAMSSummer CampFamily CampTeen CampDay Camp Parents' GroupFree Family EventsCampers enjoy a wide variety of experiences,and diabetes skills are taught in a fun, informalway. Some camp activities may include:HikingSwimmingArcheryZiplineGaga ballArts & Crafts

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CAMP NEEDS YOUAs a nonprofit, we rely on the support of volunteersand donations. Camp Hendon does not receive anyfunding from the ADA (American DiabetesAssociation) or JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes ResearchFoundation). You can help by volunteering ormaking a tax-deductible donation. WWW.CAMPHENDON.ORG/DONATEOur need for camp volunteers is crucial! We areseeking the following volunteers:DoctorsNursesPharmacistsMental Health ProfessionalsRegistered DietitiansAdults age 18+

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Kentucky Diabetes Camp for Children,Inc. dba Camp Hendon501(c)3 Nonprofit, Tax ID: 27-36192751640 Lyndon Farm Court #108 Louisville, KY 40223502-272-2370REGISTRATIONwww.CampHendon.orgVisit our website to register, or request a paper application by calling 502-272-2370. Applications are medicallyreviewed, and campers are admitted ona first-completion basis.

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