Kentucky Diabetes Camp for Children, Inc.Life-changing camping experiences for children with diabetes and their families.www.CampHendon.orgFINANCIAL AID ISAVAILABLE
Giving children with diabetes life-changing experiences,empowering each of them to takecontrol of their unique journey. The Camp Hendon Vision is to be a vibrant and diverse communityof support for young people livingwith diabetes and their families,rooted in and nurtured by atransformative experience of traditional summer camp. OUR MISSION
Campers experience the unique camaraderie ofothers that share the burden of diabetes, while alsogaining confidence and independence in theirdiabetes management. Attending camp helps toimprove self-care skills and reduces emotional distress.Important habits nurtured at camp include:THE BEST PLACE ON EARTHCarb countingInsulin administrationChecking blood sugarRelationship buildingPattern managementInsulin pump managementWWW.CAMPHENDON.ORGCamp Hendon has never turned a child away forfinancial reasons. We offer need-based“camperships” to qualifying families who are unableto pay the camp fee.
Camp Hendon is more than a summer camp. Weoffer a number of programs for different agesand stages of life, as well as support for thewhole family. Programs include: PROGRAMSSummer CampFamily CampTeen CampDay Camp Parents' GroupFree Family EventsCampers enjoy a wide variety of experiences,and diabetes skills are taught in a fun, informalway. Some camp activities may include:HikingSwimmingArcheryZiplineGaga ballArts & Crafts
CAMP NEEDS YOUAs a nonprofit, we rely on the support of volunteersand donations. Camp Hendon does not receive anyfunding from the ADA (American DiabetesAssociation) or JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes ResearchFoundation). You can help by volunteering ormaking a tax-deductible donation. WWW.CAMPHENDON.ORG/DONATEOur need for camp volunteers is crucial! We areseeking the following volunteers:DoctorsNursesPharmacistsMental Health ProfessionalsRegistered DietitiansAdults age 18+
Kentucky Diabetes Camp for Children,Inc. dba Camp Hendon501(c)3 Nonprofit, Tax ID: 27-36192751640 Lyndon Farm Court #108 Louisville, KY 40223502-272-2370REGISTRATIONwww.CampHendon.orgVisit our website to register, or request a paper application by calling 502-272-2370. Applications are medicallyreviewed, and campers are admitted ona first-completion basis.