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Habits of Waste Campaign One-Sheets

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Our StrategyHabits of Waste utilizes a strategic framework to launch and manage impactful campaigns that inspireaction and educate people about sustainable habits.IDENTIFY a 'habit of waste' in the average consumer's life.DEVELOP a creative, approachable hook.EDUCATE the general public to increase awareness.EMPOWER individuals to take action in their communities.DEMAND action from people with the power to create large scale change.3,000+ advocates from across the US have participated in our virtual campaigns #CutOutCutlery convinced UberEats, DoorDash, Grubhub and Postmates to providecutlery only when requested, paving the way for city and statewide bills doing the sameUberEats, DoorDash, Grubhub, and Postmates, combined, have saved over 1 billionpacks of cutlery from being delivered unnecessarily in one year. Two states and over 25cities have adopted ordinances inspired by the campaignAfter press from the #reThinkTap and #LAGreenTeen programs, LAUSD committed toupgrading all school fountains to new,uncontaminated water refill stations#ShipNaked launch video received nearly 500,000 impressions on social media"Lights, Camera, Plastic?" story picked up by the Hollywood Reporter and praised byindustry leaders. In Feb. 2022, 'Marry Me' featuring Jennifer Lopez and Owen Wilson hadNO plastic on screen. This year, the movie Abigail, became a huge hit, without any plasticshown on screen. Developed and launched the free #8Meals app on Google and Apple to help peoplebecome imperfectly veganSaved over 22 million crayons from landfills and diverted into underserved schools tosupport art education.Our ImpactOur mission is to create collective change and impactful policies, with a focus onwaste reduction, for a healthier, more sustainable future.THIS IS HOW WE FIGHT CLIMATE CHANGE Our StoryWhile successfully running her first nonprofit, Crayon Collection, founder Sheila Morovatibegan to notice other “habits of waste” in our society. Habits of Waste was born out ofSheila’s fight against plastic straw waste and cutlery in the city of Malibu, which led to theinfluential first plastic straw ban in the world. Since then, Habits of Waste has been hard atwork targeting habitual waste in our society and encouraging people to make a differenceand fight climate change, together.

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WHERE IT ALL BEGAN...Crayon Collection was the founding nonprofit and itfocuses on bringing art education resources tounderserved schools using a reusable model.Essentially, by providing methods for restaurantsto donate gently used crayons to underservedschools we are able to keep crayons out of thelandfill and provide art resources to youngstudents. Crayon Collection became the first habitof waste and paved the way for the Habits ofWaste nonprofit.Proudly partnered withVisit to learn more.The Crayon Collection mission is to inspire a commitment to environmentalconsciousness and the infusion of art education in underfunded schools throughrepurposing gently used crayons. Our ImpactPresent in all 50 states and 12 countries. Guinness World Record holder for most crayons donated in a singleday, with a total of 1,009,500 crayons. Diverted over 22 million crayons from entering the waste stream.

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click here to learn more and joinPlastic utensils? Let’s skip it!HOW CAN YOU HELP?We are now working to convince major chain restaurants, suchas Chipotle, McDonalds, Burger King and Wendy's to make thesame commitment to #CutOutCutlery as the major food deliveryapplications. In addition, our free posters are available todownload and co-brand to help local restaurants promote theirsustainable practices.PASSING SUSTAINABLE LEGISLATIONThe #CutOutCutlery campaign is supported by over 150organizations across the United States. The impact of ourframework has inspired legislation in 25+ cities, including LosAngeles, Denver, and Washington D.C. In 2021, Washington andCalifornia (AB1276) became the first states to pass legislationbased on the campaign's success. Massachusetts and Coloradoare also considering legislation.Leveraging sociological research on the power of defaults, HOW successfully campaignedfor major food delivery apps such as Grubhub, DoorDash, UberEats, and Postmates tochange their default setting so plastic cutlery is only provided upon request. In just one year,this saved Postmates' restaurant partners over $3 million in overhead costs and preventedover 122 million packs of cutlery from being delivered. That’s 1 Billion Plastic Utensilsprevented from entering the waste stream!Visit to learn more.Featured In

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PLANT-BASED STARTS HEREAnimal agriculture is one of the largest contributors to climate change, making up 18% ofglobal greenhouse gas emissions. Research from Oxford, University of Michigan, andTulane finds that we can counteract this pollution with a 40% reduction in animal-basedfoods, which equals only 8 plant-based meals a week (we did the math).What is #8meals?It is an accessible campaign challengingindividuals to eat 8 plant-based meals perweek out of the 21 meals that we should beeating weekly. By dispelling the “all ornothing” mentality behind going plant-based,we can introduce the benefits of vegan eatingto more people throughout society. Download the app today!Download the free #8Meals app on theGoogle Play or the App Store for access tohundreds of recipes, planning tools and acarbon impact calculator. Get started on asuccessful journey to a plant-based lifestlyle. "There are so many health benefits to plant-based nutrition. Habits of Waste’scampaign, #8meals, is a wonderful starting point to incorporate more plant-based mealsinto your diet."-Nina L. Shapiro, MD, Author of HYPE, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLAVisit to learn more.Featured In

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click here to learn more and joinVisit to learn more.850 million tons of paper and cardboard, equal to 1 BILLION trees, are thrown away eachyear. It’s time for the online shopping giants to ship differently. The "big guys" can start byshipping products in their own packaging, without any additional boxes or plasticpackaging.How can you help?Join us by emailing Amazon, Walmart and Target to#ShipNaked! We are requesting that thesecompanies eliminate unnecessary packaging, asmany of these items are already packaged by themanufacturer and do not require additional cardboardor plastic packaging. With just 1 click, you can sendletters to these companies requesting less packagingin our online orders.Watch our campaign launch video!#ShowUsYourPackage on social media!Next time you get a delivery, take a picture of thepackaging and post it on social media with thehashtag #ShowUsYourPackage. Tag @howchangersand the package sender to let them know that theyshould #ShipNaked to save trees, reduce plastic andprotect the planet. Make sure to opt infor less packagingfrom Amazon!LET’S GO NAKED AND REDUCE WASTE

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Sustainability ON Screen Matters. click here to learn more and joindownload the toolkitVisit to learn more.How can you help?Join us as we send letters to Hollywood leadersincluding the IATSE, the Writers Guild, theDirectors Guild, the Producers Guild, SAG, theArt Directors Guild and major film and tvstudios. The letters will inform them of ourconcerns for sustainability ON screen, andencourage them to follow HOW guidelines forshifting societal norms to become moreenvironmentally conscious. Our #LightsCameraPlastic (and beyond...) campaign supports the world’sjourney towards a new eco-normal through the lens of film and television. Whatwe see (and don’t see) on screen has a strong influence on the creation ofsocietal norms and value systems. Just as the reduction of smoking on screensparked widespread decline, we are calling for more sustainable behavior to beshown to normalize positive eco-conscious habits, from reusables to plant-basedalternatives and beyond. We have seen great success in this movement and havepartnered with big name Hollywood studios to implement Lights, Camera, Plastic Tools for Building Sustainable ScenesHabits of Waste is proud to provide tools to helpscenes become more sustainable. Our Lights,Camera, Plastic? (and beyond..) toolkitincludes set posters, script water marks andcrew communications for productions teams toincorporate eco-swaps on set.Featured In

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Visit to learn more.The marketing prowess of plastic water bottle companies have us drinking and discarding 1million plastic bottles per minute, 91% of which are not recycled. Instead, this plastic wastemakes its way into our natural environment, namely our oceans, killing sea life or degradinginto microplastics which we then ingest.Learn about your tap water. Contact your city or water purveyor (where you payyour water bill) to find out about your water. Here is an example of a water reportthat all cities must provide.Filter your tap water to reduce common contaminants. Use this guide to learnmore about best practices.Choose resuables over single-use plastic bottles, and encourage your communityto do the same!How to get involved“Few things are more basic and important to all of us than good, clean water. Somany of us take for granted the easy access to such a basic necessity. Plastic waterbottles only add more damage to our environment. Clean water fountains are the wayto go!” -Nina L. Shapiro, MD Author of HYPE, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLAREDUCING WASTE IS ON TAPclick here to learn more and join

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Join our #Bars over bottlescampaign and send youremail to the companies weare targeting! Try out a bar form of shampoo, soap, face wash, or body wash. Let your local store managers know that you would like them to carry moresustainable options in their stores. Creating demand is everything! There are many DIY beauty options to explore! Have fun with friends and familycreating beauty rituals at home that don’t come with plastic packaging. How to get involvedmaking your own lipscrub is as simple ascombining sugar andolive oil!The FactsMore than 120 billion units of plastic packaging are producedglobally/year by the cosmetics industry, contributing to loss of 18 millionacres of forest annuallyThe number of shampoo bottles thrown out in the United States everyyear could fill 1,164 football fields.Visit to learn more.Take a look in your shower. It’s likely that you will find countless single-use plasticcontainers of beauty products. This doesn’t have to be our reality! Try a bar form ofshampoo, conditioner, face wash, or body wash for a sustainable, economical, and qualityalternative to single-use plastics.A NEW ECO-NORMAL FOR YOUR BATHROOMBe part of the solution!

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Many people want to make a difference but may not know how to begin. Our CarbonOffset Challenge is a way for every person to make small changes in their dailylifestyle. By participating in this challenge you can see how minor adjustments toyour daily habits add up and help clean up the planet.REDUCING YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINT IS EASIER THAN YOU THINK STEP 1: Sign up or Sign in to youraccount to save your progress andcalculate cumulative carbon offset overtime.STEP 2: Review the list of actions andmake small, thoughtful swaps to yourhabits of waste each day.STEP 3: Enter your daily totals into thedashboard below to calculate yourcumulative weekly impact. Please makesure to enter your data before 12 PM PST(3 PM EST) on the MONDAY following theend of the week. Dashboard data willNOT be able to be changed after.STEP 4: Download your impact graphic,share on social media and challenge yourfriends on who can make the biggestimpact!Visit to learn more.access the challengeHow to get involved

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LIGHTS CAMERA PLASTIC (SPORTS EDITION)download the toolkitHabits of Waste is proud to providetools to create the change within thesports industry to help athletesrehydrate sustainably – especially oncamera. Our Lights, Camera, Plastic?SPORTS EDITION toolkit includesposters, and communications forsports team operations to adoptreusables on the sidelines for ahealthier way to hydrate their athletes.Visit to learn more.The popularity of sports around the world is growing rapidly due to the consistentincrease in television rights. The numbers are astonishing! It is estimated that over 4 billion people worldwidewatch soccer on television. This is in addition to the billions of fans who watch theNFL, NBA, MLB and other sports on television.Researchers at the Kaiser Family Foundation found that many kids are learninglessons about sports and life from watching famous athletes and that many aremirroring the behavior of famous athletes – the good and bad – both on and offthe field. It’s time for athletes and sports organizations to set a good example byditching single-use plastic.Lets go from this...... to this!A HOME RUN FOR REDUCING WASTEHow to get involved

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CLEAN BEAUTY FOR ALLmake your voice heard!learn about what chemicals to avoid! ACCESS TO CLEAN BEAUTY FOR EVERYONE!Visit to learn more.Join the movement and ask massretailers of beauty products to includeoptions for toxin-free products,allowing us as customers to moreconsciously make better choices forwhat they put on and in our bodiesand our environment.Push for legislation that bans toxicchemicals such as phthalates,formaldehyde, parabens, and coal tarin U.S.Many of the Chemicals we find in beauty products here in the U.S. containchemicals that are banned in the European Union.Toxic chemicals are one of the leading drivers of climate change and a hugeculprit of the biodiversity crisis which profoundly affects us, wildlife, and ourenvironment.Toxins that we put on our nails, hair, and skin not only bring us harm from insideour bodies, but contaminate our environment through waterways, soil, andagriculture - polluting our clean sources. This creates a positive feedback loop,which you can help to stop!How to get involved