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January 17 2020 CHINUCH IMPACT 4 21PM When discussing the reward of the the possuk states The midwives defied Pharaoh s directive to kill the babies at birth Not only did they not heed his order they exerted extra effort to ensure that the babies survived Rashi explains that Hashem repaid the midwives for their Mesirus Nefesh and he rewarded them with These were the and through Yocheved and through Miriam Rashi thus connects the words with a reward of The Rosh and other Meforshim question this connection and note that the simple understanding of the that Hashem performed for the midwives was The aspect of was because According to these commentators the reward and tovah that the midwives received was the fruit of their labors and They invested effort in the survival of the Jewish babies and Klal Yisrael correspondingly flourished Many times we invest effort in the Chinuch of our children The greatest tovah is when we see the impact our efforts and siyata dishmaya On such occasions it s important to catch the child in the act and acknowledge it This will inspire the child to continue that behavior Rabbi Ochs As part of a unit of the Understanding Our Differences program 5G had a presentation about Intellectual Disabilities They heard from a wonderful speaker about her experience They continued with a discussion that included guided activities specifically addressing the challenges persons with ID face and the importance of seeing the other parts to their identity as well Thank you Mrs Gould and Mrs Edelman for facilitating this experience Thank you to Gary Alpert of Gateways for guidance with the program January 20 Faculty Professional Development Day no classes for students Parent Teacher Conferences see the schedule on page January 29 Williston STEM Fair February 3 Hamilton STEM Fair March 23 Torah Academy 38th Anniversary Dinner The bulletin is sponsored in honor of our mechanchim and educators by We look forward to the Faculty Professional Development Day on Monday We have engaged Rabbi Michael Ribalt Assistant Principal Yeshiva of Central Queens to give a presentation on Responsibility Centered Discipline

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Bulletin Board DAY OF LEARNING 17 and 19 Teves sponsored by The Wagner Family in honor of Bill Sack 18 Teves sponsored by Rabbi Yudi Mrs Elie Riesel in honor of Moshe Aryeh s 10 birthday on 18 Teves and Akiva s 7th birthday on 3 Teves and with immense gratitude for the wonderful education they are receiving at Torah Academy and for all their amazing teachers in 4th and 1st grades MAZEL TOV TO Rabbi Eli Mrs Edie Dovek on the wedding of their granddaughter PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES DATE LOCATION GRADES January 27 Hamilton Building PreK1 K1 K2 1G Math 6G 8G additional night 6B 8B General Studies additional night February 3 Williston Building 1B 8B February 5 Hamilton Building 2G 8G preK2 Online sign up will open on Monday January 20 at 6 00PM SHNAYIM MIKRA Mazel Tov to learners for Parshas Vayechi 5B 6B 7B 8B Raffle Winner Naftoli Ochs Shlomo Rosmarin Moshe Leff Aron Bier Aron Bier Tuvia Schonberg Moshe Leff Naftoli Ochs Tuvia Schonberg

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PRESCHOOL SNAPSHOTS 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 2 5 4 6 9 7 8 Parsha studies in K2 students collect straw and make cement bricks Learning nekudos in K2 through facial and hands movement For Parshas Shemos designing Moshe s mateh and pictures of the sneh in K1 Drawing Pharaoh s palace Shabbos Tatty and Mommy in K1 Henri Matisse painting by K2 for M week Ice cream day during I week in PK1 N week in K2 n is for nature Filtering water in nature Germs are everywhere Pk1 students use paint PK2 children use magnetic letters to make on hands to demonstrate how germs spread words 10

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HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 5 4G busily prepare display boards for STEM Fair After studying a unit on native Americans 5G present what they learned to other classes at a Native American Fair Second grade playing a review game before their test on perek tes Gym class with Mrs Hain 4 6 First grade girls completed their first book reports The results are displayed on the bulletin board outside their classroom Marie the special visitor speaks to 5G about Intellectual Disabilities followed by guided activities led by Mrs Edelman Girls take AimsWeb tests on the Chromebooks 6 7

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WILLISTON SNAPSHOTS 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 4 1 2 3 1 6th grade attacks a new sugya each at a level they are comfortable with using The Choice Board Boys use Chromebooks to take midyear AimsWeb tests 4B enjoy using new STEM kits 4 5 3 4 5 4B work on a unit on dollars and cents with a special activity Hands on Parsha learning in 1B producing bricks with Pharaoh heling along

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Torah Academy is proud to menschen the following Talmidim who had MIDDOS ALL DAY in both Kodesh and General Studies 1st GRADE Naftoli Ochs Chatzkel Wilhelm Noam Youshaei Dov Bercuson 3rd GRADE Tzvi Posy Yehoshua Gelernter Natanel Atar Tuvia Schonberg Aharon Nadler Yehoshua Kashnow 8th GRADE 6th GRADE Shua Schwarz 4th GRADE Yehoshua Feldman Yehuda Leib Feldman Aaron Bier Henoch Blumberg 2nd GRADE Dovid Menachem Feldman Nechemia Berzansky Uri Hain Aaron Sanieoff Ahron Fireman Zelig Bier Ezra Klompas Daniel Simnegar Nachie Halpern Nochum Dessler David Uri Knisbacher Yitzy Fine Aron Luria 7th GRADE Yehuda Greenblatt Moshe Aryeh Riesel Yisroel Feldman Avrohom Halpern Akiva Rosmarin Yaakov Fontek Levi Yitzchok Horowitz Chaim Septimus Sruly Halpern Levi Meir Klompas Noach Weiner Uri Katz Nesanel Luria Yehuda Feuerstein Akiva Feuerstein Nechemia Ochs Dovid Tzvi Krochmal Baruch Marshall 5th GRADE Mendel Meyers Asher Nesanel Mintzes Mordy Bier Moshe Nussbaum Dovid Plotnik Shlomo Feldman Dovi Posy Dovid Sebbag Eli Feuerstein Chaim Mordechai Moshe Moshe Segal Ephraim Kashnow Tuvya Sternfield Asher Katz Ezzie Schwarz Yaakov Wallin Shmuel Loketch Binyomin Septimus Rodkin Mendel Rodkin

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