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BWBOR Summit Sponsorship Packet

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SUMMITSPONSORSHIPBringing together hundreds of workers, organizers, advocates andacademics in solidarity for a Black Worker Bill of Rights.NHooker@nbwc.orgwww.nbwc.org919-874-1003, ext. 1101001 Avenue of the Americas, 12thFloor, New York, NY 10018Packages

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Summit Sponsorship LevelsWe invite you to be a leader in the workers rights and racial justice movement by helpingus to ensure that workers and organizers from across the country have the ability toattend the "It's Time" Summit in person on June 21, 2023 in Washington, DC.As a sponsor of the "it's Time" Summit, you are contributing to NBWC's sponsorshipprogram which will provide airfare, hotel accommodations, and meals for workers,worker centers, small nonprofits, and grassroots organizations.Click here to become a Summit sponsor!

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What is the BlackWorker Bill of Rights?The Black Worker Bill of Rights is a tool designed to 1) close loopholes inanti-discrimination laws and labor laws and 2) provide Black workers withgreater protections and benefits in the job market and workplace. This Bill of Rights will serve as a national standard and advocacy tool thatoutlines the rights, protections, services, and accommodations needed byBlack workers on the job. In the long term, this bill of rights will betransformed into federal legislation.Click here to become a Summit sponsor!

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THE 10 BLACKWORKER RIGHTSThe Right To OrganizeThe Right To Resources And InformationTo Address Barriers To QualityEmploymentThe Right To Assert And Have Your RightsEnforcedThe Right To Equitable Wages, Equal Pay,And Compensation That Is OwedThe Right To Career AdvancementOpportunitiesThe Right To Workplaces Free FromDiscrimination, Harassment And OtherHarmThe Right To Health, Healing, And RestThe Right To Privacy And Freedom FromSurveillance, Monitoring, AutomatedManagement, And ControlThe Right To Dignity In Seeking, Securing,Maintaining, And Retiring FromEmploymentThe Right To Participate In Democracy1.

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