Despite Scrub being a beautifulplace to be based, it comes with itslogistical challengesWe are not allowed to use the ferryto transfer provisions unless we pay5$ per boxSuppliers will only deliver to TrellisUse rental cards to go provisioning(info further down)Use chase boats to transferprovisions from Trellis to ScrubPROVISIONINGTO SCRUB
RitewayRiteWay in Road Town is the biggest store to provision from. We have an account with them and have an 8% discount for shopping in store and10% online. Instructions on how to do this TBC.Your provisions can be delivered to Trellis bay or collected from the store.Location on Map: linkOnline Store: https://www.riteway.vg/
This is a more “local” stylesupermarket, but it often has thingsthat Riteway does not, or vice versa.Bobby’s has great vegan and glutenfree options, as well as otherspecialty products that the biggerstores may not.It is located in Road Town:https://g.co/kgs/hp77djCBobby's
SteakationThis is the premium meat butchery and deli on Tortola. They offer all meat fromseafood to vegan burgers/sausages/ground. Their new retail store offers local andinternational produce, artisan goods, smoked meats, farm cheeses as well as gamemeat and bread. We have an account with them with wholesale prices:https://www.bvibutcher.com/copy-of-wholesale Password is: sales284However, as good quality as it is, it is also an expensive place to provision so it isrecommended to not provision the full menu here in order to remain within budget.
Caribbean Cellars, Ltd. offers category-leadingbeverage brands. Shop here for the best prices as wehave a company account with them so we getwholesale prices. Catalogue linkOrder procedure :E-mail: Provisioning@caribbeancellars.com at least 48 hours in advance quoting DreamCaribbean Blue AccountMake sure to include: Product number, name & quantityDelivery time, date & locationBoat name & phone number of crew CaribbeanCellars
The French DeliThe only specialized French and European gourmet shop provisioning in the BVI.Housing a grocery section, a wine cellar and a bakery. Place the order and it will bedelivered. You can also visit the store and hand select as well. It is a fun place tobrowse. If you need advice on wines, a sommelier is at your disposal! They do bulk wine orders as well and we have an account with them with wholesale prices.Link here
Supplier of seafoodSeafoodKingdom
Provides you with the freshest,healthiest, local grown, organic foodavailable in the BVI, with a near zerocarbon footprint. The farm boxoption is the most convenient wayto eat local and eat seasonal in theBVI. You will need to order inadvance, and it will not fully satisfyyour shopping list like a Riteway will,but it provides an amazing fresh,organic option.Good Moon Farm
Relish Gourmet Food and WineChoose from well loved products. Experience good quality with a wide variety tochoose from. British foods, South African foods, Asian foods, and good wines.
Grape ExpectationsRun by a man named Nigel, this is the “go to” place for charter proteins. He is thesupplier for the majority of good restaurants in BVI so his quality is high and he isvery reliable. Give them one or two days notice with your order and they will deliverto the boat directly. They offer a wide range of gourmet products specializing inseafood, grass-fed Angus beef, chicken and many specialty items such as sushi prepingredients and other Asians sauces and seasonings. Additionally, they have a wideselection of wines and a unique rum selection to keep the vacation going. This is alsoone of the most expensive places to provision and they are not offering us anydiscounts so please use sparingly.For orders and questions, email them atprovisioning@grapeexpectationsbvi.com
Great selection at wholesale prices.Often has some more specializedwines compared to CaribbeanCellars. The offering isn’t as large asCaribbean Cellars so if you're doing afull ship bar inventory definitely useCaribbean Cellars. This is more foryour special requests for guests fromcharter to charter.Tico BVI
Recommended CompaniesDENZIL CLINE +1 (284) 495-4900JERRY'S+1 (284) 495-4111Sharmin has also set up an account for us with Hertz. If you wouldlike to book through them, simply let Sharmin know and she canarrange that for you.MR RENTAL+1 284 544-2266
Kelly Taxi +1 (284) 499-9432G R E A T F O R G U E S T S , W I L LS E R V I C E T H E M R U MP U N C H O R C O L D D R I N K SF O R T H E J O U R N E YKelly Frett+1 (284) 440-1013K E L L Y K N O W S T H E S T A F FA T S C R U B W E L L A N D H E I ST H E I R P R E F E R R E D T A X IP R O V I D E R
STARIf you see an injured or turtle indistress, you can contact the SeaTurtle Assistance and Rescue(STAR) Network and they willsend someone to assist. They canbe reached as follows:+1 (340) 690-0474Sea TurtleAssistanceand Rescue
Y O U C A N D I A L 7 6 7 ( S 0 S ) F O R E M E R G E N C YS I T U A T I O N S I N T H E B V I . V I S A R ( V I R G I N I S L A N D SS E A R C H & R E S C U E O R G A N I Z A T I O N ) I S A N O N -P R O F I T , V O L U N T E E R O R G A N I Z A T I O N T H A T W I L LA S S I S T A L M O S T I M M E D I A T E L Y T O A N Y E M E R G E N C YI N T H E W A T E R S O F T H E V I R G I N I S L A N D S .DIAL 767
HOSPITALS AND CLINICSP E R S O N A L .Our charters arepersonal. Be interactive,interested, involved. C U S T O M .G E N U I N E .Always. We are here for our guests.Our charters take us where the guest dreams. This is not a "we do this every week"type experience. P E E B L E SH O S P I T A L+1 (284) 494-3497 open on SundaysRoad TownE U R E K AM E D I C A LC E N T E R+1 (284) 494-3497 open on SundaysRoad TownN U R S ER O M A L I A S M I T HC L I N I CAnegada+1 (284) 494-3497 open on Sundays+1 (284) 346-1709 +1 (284) 852-7795 Jost Van DykN U R S E I R I SO ’ N E A L C L I N I CM E D I C A LC E N T R EVirgin Gorda+1 (284) 345-2613 +1 (284) 852-7730
NORMAN ISLANDTHE PIRATES BITECaribbean, Bar, Seafood, FusionWILLY T'SFamous pirate ship dive bar. Food is deepfried junk food, definitly more of a pre andpost dinner hang out for the moreadventurous guest.There is a really nice hike up from behindthe Bite, foot path around whole Islandwith great views. Make sure to wear shoeswith good grip as gravel is loose and it canbe quite rocky. The hike is easy tomoderate.There is bad cell reception close to theBite, better off taking a ball closer to WillyT’s if guests prefer connectivity.Behind the Bite is the restaurants veggiegarden, from which you can buy fresh basil.
COOPER ISLANDCOOPER ISLAND RESORT RESTAURANTYou need to book at least one week inadvance, do this by calling: +1 (284) 543-2266It is a very popular restaurant and the food/service is fantastic.Always book a Boaty ball pre-arrival asspots go quickly for the moorings.There is an easy trail up to top of islandview point, for the guest that likes tostretch their legs.Good snorkeling on far right point of thebay, access by dingy.
VIRGIN GORDACOCO MAYAGreat food and has music most eveningswith dance floor. Opportunity for guests todress up and dance until about 12am.HOG HAVENBeautiful view and popular BBQ style food.Best taxi driver on the island is Patsy: +1 (284) 540-6482She can assist in taking you to the grocerystore, or if you are too busy she will evenshop for you and bring it to the boat. Patsy also does a really nice tour of theisland, which includes taking the guests tothe Baths and to various view points thatthey would not usuallysee from the boat..
NORTH SOUNDSABA ROCKThis is the most refined restaurant of theentire charter route. The view isoutstanding, with a great upstairs bar andlovely dining by the water.For table bookings go to the addressbelow:https://sabarock.com/eat-and-drink They also do a fun Tarpon feeding at 5pmmost days which is great for kids andadults to see. However, if you find that online the timeslot you wish for is taken, we often foundcalling them directly to make a space foryou works.
BITTER ENDA great place to do a mid week reprovision.This store has limited fresh ingredients butmany frozen proteins and lots of dry pantryIngredients so if you need to whip up anextra lunch or dinner, you can definitelymake it happen here.They also have freshly baked bread andpastries in the morning (sell out fast) whichis a nice help for the morning if you'reunder pressure. There is also a large icemachine.
LEVRICK BAYIn this marina there is a small grocery store.The offering is more basic than Bitter Endbut they do have more household itemssuch as trash bin bags, bug spray, andother odd ends in addition to the usualmix of pantry and fresh produce.
ANEGADAPOTTERSHas fun late night music and limbo.All restaurants here require pre-ordering.Once you pick up your ball, radio in yourorder or dingy to the restaurant to do it inperson. Cut off time is about 2pm for theorder, so that they may prepare it for yourdinner.LOBSTER TRAPA little more refined, no live music.WONKEY DOGFood is very good, they have a DJ mostnights and you can dance on the sand!
LITTLE JOSTFOXY'S TABOOThe bar on shore, which is a nice spot forthe guest to order a traditional islandcocktail or cold beer after a nice walk tobubbly pools.
JOST VAN DYKEFOXY'SIn Great Harbour there is the original Foxy’swhich is a great Caribbean style restaurantand bar which does a wonderful grill/bbqwith chicken, ribs, grilled fish and othercuts of meat as well as salads.It is buffet style and each person ispermitted one visit to the serving area.Food is fresh and fairly made, with musiccoming on after dinner with often a steeldrum style or some kind of cover band oreven a DJ. Its always a fun time!Booking is also essential and done via theirwebsite: https://foxysbar.com