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Campus Ministry Brochure

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The Pittsburgh Oratory Ryan Catholic Newman Center Catholic Campus Ministry Pitt CMU for and Chatham

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Congregation of the Oratory Campus Ministers Rev Stephen Lowery C O Director of Campus Ministry Rev Michael Darcy C O Rev Joshua Kibler C O Rev Peter Gruber C O Rev Drew Morgan C O Rev David Abernethy C O Rev Paul Werley C O Br Reed Frey C O Br Thomas Skamai C O Br Leo Dornan C O Br Kurt Kessler C O Br Mark Littlefield C O Oratory Staff Becca Marnell Ren Witter Emily Teodorski Jan Vairo FOCUS at Pitt Joe Henkels Team Director Jean Maloney Sarah Cimino Will Ives Katie Gob The Oratory and Newman Center Open daily from 7 00am until 10 00pm The original Oratory was founded in Rome in 1575 by St Philip Neri 1515 1595 as a place where human culture and learning encounter the Gospel which makes the Pittsburgh Oratory the ideal host for the Ryan Catholic Newman Center the student center serving the University of Pittsburgh Carnegie Mellon University and Chatham University since 1961 The Oratorian priests in collaboration with FOCUS Missionaries see page 7 direct a ministry for the Newman Clubs in the Oakland section of Pittsburgh Over the last century the Newman Club has helped thousands of Catholic students achieve spiritual growth while supporting their vocation to excellence as students in the secular university We believe that our patron Blessed John Henry Newman 1801 1890 would be proud It was he who affirmed the goal of a university education to be the great ordinary means to a great but ordinary end it aims at raising the intellectual tone of society It is the education which gives man a clear conscious view of his own opinions and judgments a truth in developing them and eloquence in expressing them and a force in urging them The Newman Club at Pitt Carnegie Mellon Chatham and so many other places has helped to ensure access to this important personal formation without a compromise of the heart and soul of education itself the embrace of divinely revealed truth Our service to the Catholic community of Oakland includes the daily celebration of Mass and the Sacrament of Reconciliation An Oratory is first of all a house of prayer and so especially near to our hearts is our program of perpetual Eucharistic Adoration which we hope you will discover and explore We also host catechetical and formational programs see page 4 In addition to these we organize student retreats service projects and social events of all kinds see pages 6 and 7 With all of these activities which you will find described in great detail in the pages to follow we seek to meet the personal and spiritual needs of those who live and labor on the local campuses FOCUS at CMU Anjelo Rocero Team Director Ben Myers Olivia Morris Louisa Conwill The Pittsburgh Oratory Ryan Catholic Newman Center 4450 Bayard Street Pittsburgh PA 15213 Phone 412 681 3181 www thepittsburghoratory org E mail info pittsburghoratory org St Paul Cathedral 108 N Dithridge Street Pittsburgh PA 15213 www stpaulpgh org E mail info stpaulcathedral org 2 The Congregation of the Oratory of St Philip Neri Pittsburgh Front row left to right Fr Paul Werley C O Fr Joshua Kibler C O Fr Michael Darcy C O Fr David Abernethy C O Fr Stephen Lowery C O Fr Peter Gruber C O Back row left to right Br Kurt Kessler C O Br Thomas Skamai C O Br Mark Littlefield C O Br Reed Frey C O Br Leo Dornan

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Worship and Liturgical Life We are blessed with two beautiful places of worship in the Oakland area St Paul Cathedral and the Donnelly Chapel dedicated to St Philip Neri at the Oratory They provide the university community with a diverse schedule of daily and Sunday Masses as well as many opportunities for the Sacrament of Reconciliation A schedule of Mass and Confession times are listed on the back page of this brochure Eucharistic Adoration is available in the Oratory chapel 24 hours a day 7 days a week Benediction occurs every weekday prior to the 5 15pm Mass Students are encouraged to participate fully in the liturgical life of the Church On the first Friday of every month we celebrate First Friday Devotions For those interested in participating more intimately in our liturgical celebrations we have need of volunteers to serve and read at Mass and our schola and the Cathedral choir have need of singers Students pack the Donnelly Chapel at The Oratory to pray the Rosary together during the Catholic Welcome Week event Wings and a Prayer 3

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Education and Spiritual Growth Religious truth is not only a portion but a condition of general knowledge To blot it out is nothing short if I may so speak of unraveling the web of university teaching Blessed John Henry Newman Newman s Idea of a University has Christ at its center The Catholic Campus Ministry Program is dedicated to bringing Christ to the heart of the academic community The Newman Center makes available a number of resources to foster the spiritual and intellectual integration and development of students weekly Bible studies and discussion groups courses for university credit occasional academic and catechetical conferences and presentations Students increasingly demonstrate a desire for an intellectual religious formation proportionate to the academic and professional education they receive on campus We strive to satisfy that desire Here are some of our regularly scheduled events Did you know The Pittsburgh Oratory will be offering a course through Duquesne University during the Spring Semester 2020 that will count for credit at Pitt and CMU Stay tuned for more information about Catholic Life and Culture set to be taught by our very own Fr Michael Darcy C O Catholic Action Sunday evenings at 7 00pm Join us each week in the basement of St Paul s for pizza and a dynamic discussion on a wide variety of topics and issues facing today s Catholic students For students Graduate Study in Foundations of Catholicism a weekly group Monday evenings at 7 30pm for all of those interested in surveying the essentials of Catholic thought and practice For grad students and young professionals RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults A weekly program Tuesday evenings at 7 30pm for those interested in joining the Catholic Church receiving the Sacraments of Initiation or filling gaps in the basics of Christian instruction For students and adults Bagels and Bible Study Join us Wednesday mornings at 9 00am for an in depth study of the coming Sunday s Mass readings Available through podcast as well on the Oratory website For students and adults Introduction to Catholic Theology In the spring semester 2020 Fr Michael Darcy C O will teach Catholic Life and Culture which will consider the life of discipleship in all its aspects The course will begin with a discussion of the Church s vision of morality and move from there to a consideration of Christianity s relation to civilization and culture This elective course is offered for 3 undergrad level credits at Duquesne University and can be cross registered through Pitt and CMU For students Campus Bible Studies Each week there are over 60 small group bible studies that meet at various locations across both Pitt and CMU s campuses led both by students and by FOCUS missionaries They explore topics ranging from salvation history foundations of faith biblical apologetics to Theology of the Body and Christ like leadership For students Talks and Presentations Each month a variety of special talks and presentations are offered to the undergraduate and graduate communities These include monthly Men s and Women s Nights Grad Truth on Tap and bi weekly on campus meetings at CMU called Grace Point Average For students 4

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Retreats and Pilgrimages Retreats The busy lives of university students allow little of the peace and quiet that we need to raise our minds and hearts to God Jesus Himself required time away from His public work for quiet intimacy with His disciples and His heavenly Father The Oratory is very fortunate to have Rednal an 87 acre farm located in Ligonier PA Our spacious house and its beautiful chapel nestled in a deep valley with forests and meadows is a perfect place for prayer study fellowship and growing closer to God Throughout the school year Rednal hosts retreats on a monthly basis Retreats are offered for undergraduates graduates men and women In addition our annual Barn Dance a fun night of square dancing is held in the early fall Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while Mark 6 31 Pilgrimages and Conferences March for Life Every year a mini pilgrimage departs from Pittsburgh for Washington D C to participate in the March for Life to witness joyfully to God s marvelous gift of life FOCUS SEEK Conference 2019 FOCUS Conferences Students have the opportunity to attend Student Leadership Summits SLS and SEEK Conferences where they meet up with thousands of other Catholic students excited about their faith and return to campus with a zeal for Christ Rome Pilgrimage Every other year the Fathers will lead a pilgrimage to the Eternal City Students will visit many sites in Rome such as St Peter s Basilica and the Colosseum as well as places that were important in the life of St Philip Neri such as the Chiesa Nuova and the catacombs Students gather in Wasington D C at the March for Life Local Sites We also try to take advantage of the many rich experiences Pittsburgh has to offer by visiting its beautiful churches and devotional sites Students gather to pray in the room where St Philip Neri founded the Congregation of the Oratory in Rome Italy 5

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Student Service and Community The student run Newman Clubs at Pitt and CMU sponsor various service projects and opportunities for Christian witness on a regular basis including work with Little Sisters of the Poor Ronald McDonald House Homeless Ministry Catholic Charities Women s Center and Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh and Risen Lord Food Pantry in West Virginia At the end of the school year students have an opportunity to travel to Jamaica to assist the local community served by the Oratorian priests in Port Antonio Students also gather to pray peacefully at local abortion clinics For the Son of Man also came not to be served but to serve Mark 10 45 Students attend a ukulele night hosted at the Little Sisters of the Poor Being Service Coordinator for the Pitt Newman Club was a great privilege The service ministry expands each year as increasing numbers of eager and enthusiastic students join The Newman Club consistently serves the families of Ronald McDonald House by preparing meals interacts with residents at the Little Sisters of the Poor nursing home and is working to grow a sustainable and lasting homeless ministry The Newman Club seeks to facilitate interactions between students and those they serve allowing each person to encounter Jesus in others through service Monica Merante Pitt 2018 6 Painting a school in Jamaica Students from Pitt and CMU after cooking a meal for the residents of St Joseph s House of Hospitality

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FOCUS and the New Evangelization Social Events For over ten years missionaries from the Fellowship of Catholic University Students FOCUS a campus ministry outreach on over 100 campuses nationwide have been drawing minds and hearts to Christ on our campuses Along with student leaders formed by their simple method of daily prayer attention to the Word of God in small Bible studies over 60 per week and spiritual friendship they cooperate closely with the priests of the Oratory and Catholic Newman Center in their ministry to the university campuses The Newman Center and the Newman Clubs also host many social gatherings throughout the course of the school year including games nights movie nights pick up sports ultimate frisbee volleyball football rugby soccer etc outings to local eateries and parties throughout the year Many lifelong friendships founded on shared values and a shared faith have had a beginning in these small acts of hospitality by students for students Missionaries are recent college graduates who have received training in the habits of prayer study and leadership that make them effective mentors and partners with students in living out the baptismal call to holiness first by example and then by word Their work through the years has energized numerous students to embrace their own call to be well formed and joyful missionaries for Christ both during their time as students as well as after graduation Pitt FOCUS Team 2019 2020 CMU FOCUS Team 2019 2020 The vision and practices of FOCUS may well be considered an extension of the new evangelization that was seen in the 16th century Oratorian founder St Philip Neri whose vocation was to make Rome itself his India though he greatly desired to be a missionary in Asia His regular interactions with young people and incorporation of them and their gifts into the mission of his Oratory are an invaluable precedent for the Church s call for a renewed evangelization in universities today Students who desire to commit themselves to growth in virtue with their peers and to forge friendships that empower them to grow as a persons will want to ask about joining a FOCUS Bible study or taking part in FOCUS discipleship In addition to attending Bible studies they will become equipped both to lead their own Bible study as well as to find and invite other participants Student outreach on campus 7

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The Pittsburgh Oratory Ryan Catholic Newman Center 4450 Bayard Street Pittsburgh PA 15213 412 681 3181 www thepittsburghoratory org Pittsburgh Catholic Newman Clubs O ratory M ass S chedule Sunday Masses Saturday Vigil Sunday 4 00pm and 5 15pm 9 00am 11 00am 4 00pm and 9 00pm Weekday Masses Monday Friday 7 30am and 5 15pm Monday Thursday 9 00pm Saturday 10 00am Confessions Sunday 9 45 10 45am 7 45 8 45pm Monday Friday 7 00 7 20am Noon 1 00pm 4 30 5 00pm Saturday 3 00 3 45pm S t P aul C athedral M ass S chedule Sunday Masses Saturday Vigil Sunday 6 00pm 6 30am 10 00am 12 00pm and 6 00pm Weekday Masses Monday Saturday 8 15am and 12 05pm Confessions 7 00 7 30pm Wednesday 12 45pm Friday 12 45pm and 7 00pm Saturday Students at the Fall Barn Dance at Rednal in Ligonier PA