Buying a home is a big decision! As the housing market and economy areconstantly adjusting to the ever-changingcircumstances around us. I want you toknow that I’m here to help every step ofthe way as your expert guide.
ContentsT A B L E O FUnderstanding theHousing MarketReal Estate Market CyclesIs Now a Good Time to Buy)Pre-Purchase PreparationAre You Ready to BuyGet Pre-Approved for aMortgageWhat You Need to KnowAbout Your Credit ScoreHiring a Real EstateProfessionalDo I need a Buyer’s AgentWho’s Involved in thePurchase of Your Home)What Are theResponsibilities of aBuyer’s AgentHow this Benefits YouOther Things to ConsiderBuyer’s Agent AdditionalResponsibilities fromContract to CloseWhy Commit to anExperienced Buyer’s AgentWhat is a Buyer AgencyAgreement)Understanding DualAgencyRisks and Challenges Faced byBuyersAs Your Buyer Agent I am YourAdvocateLet the House-HuntingBeginIdentifying your “Must-Have’s” and “Nice-to-Have’s”10 Things to Consider WhenChoosing Your New HomeLook at Homes!Things to Think About WhenConsidering a Home Virtual Home ViewingExplore the NeighborhoodsTypes of Mortgage LoansLoan Application Checklist Make an Offer Negotiate the Details What to Include in the OfferAfter You Submit an OfferPurchasing and Closingthe DealHave your Home Inspectionand Appraisal DoneSecure your FinancingUnderstand the Closing CostsThe Official ClosingCelebrate and Move In!Moving ChecklistsMy Commitment to You, TheBuyerTestimonials0524David McGuire • 301.471.0969 • DAVID.MCGUIRE@REMAX.NET • Page 40817Understanding How BuyerAgents Get PaidAlternate CompensationModelsWhat You Don’t Know CouldCost You31354647
Buying a new home can be an exciting experience, no matter ifit’s your first or fifth time. The process seems daunting, butthis guide is for anyone considering the purchase of a newhome, particularly those who are first-time homebuyers. Ifyou’re like most people looking to purchase right now, youprobably have lots of questions, and that’s normal! I’ve puttogether this Buyer’s Guide, so you know what to expect fromthis process, and, even more importantly, what key things youmight want to consider while buying a home. This resource guide will explain everything right from themoment buying a house first enters your mind through movingday. I also want to highlight the benefits of working withindustry professionals to ensure that you (and your futurehome) are in the best possible hands.David McGuire • 301.471.0969 • DAVID.MCGUIRE@REMAX.NET • Page 5
The real estate market is like many things in life and business —constantly changing! That’s not a bad thing, but it’s important tounderstand where the market is at whenever you decide to buy.What’s important is to have a resource that you can trust to explainwhat market trends mean for you, and your buying and selling power. There are three types of real estate markets:A Seller’s MarketThis happens when there are fewer houses on themarket and the buyers are the ones competingfor the properties. This is often when you seemultiple-offer situations, and purchase pricesometimes higher, even much higher than the listprice. This market favors the sellers.A Buyer’s MarketThis happens when there is a flood of propertieson the market, and home sellers compete toattract attention (and land the contract) from amuch smaller pool of buyers. In this market,you’ll see lower price points and terms that favorthe buyers.A Balanced MarketThis happens when there is a more even balancebetween properties for sale and buyers cominginto the market. This market is the fairer andmore equitable of the three, but is much lesscommon than it’s two counterparts. David McGuire • 301.471.0969 • DAVID.MCGUIRE@REMAX.NET • Page 6R E A L E S T A T E M A R K E T C Y C L E S
I S N O W A G O O D T I M E T O B U Y ?To determine if this is the right time to buy, start by speaking to your realestate professional to find out which real estate market cycle yourparticular area is leaning toward. Your agent can provide you with localmarket statistics, trends, and a current home price evaluation. It’s important to note here that “national” trends don’t always meanwe’re seeing the same conditions locally. No markets are the same at anygiven time, and can vary from city to city and state to state.A question even bigger than identifying market cycles is: “What is YOURmotivation to buy?” While some conditions may certainly favor buying, Ioften coach my clients to clearly identify what making a move will lookand feel like for themselves and their families. This, and keeping an eyeon the trends for purchasing, can be a good indicator if moving is rightfor you. A good real estate professional will be able to help you fully lay out all ofthe information so that you have what you need to make the best possibledecision for you and your family, both emotionally and financially.David McGuire • 301.471.0969 • DAVID.MCGUIRE@REMAX.NET• Page 7
David McGuire • 301.471.0969 • DAVID.MCGUIRE@REMAX.NET • Page 8WARNING! There is a lot of preparation that should be done before you evenpick up the phone to call an agent. Not only should you think about what you haveto do, there are also things you should avoid doing in preparation foryour purchase. These can complicate or even derail the mortgage approvalprocess and/or affect your credit rating: Don’t make any large purchases that might affect your creditscore or debt-to-income ratio.Don’t buy new things for your future home - wait until after youclose the sale.Don’t apply, co-sign, or add any new credit.Don’t close or consolidate any accounts/credit lines withoutadvice from your lender.Don’t quit or change jobs.Don’t change banks.ARE YOU READY TO BUY?
Finding a lender before you start house-hunting is always a good idea for a fewreasons. You will know upfront what mortgage amount you are approved for,so you know how much you can spend on your home. Many sellers will noteven consider an offer from a buyer who is not already pre-approved, and pre-approval also makes financing after making an offer flow more smoothly. Italso never hurts to get a second opinion from another lender, who may havesome suggestions on incentives or rates that your first lender doesn’t have.Your lender will help you decide how large of a loan you actually want to takeout, and will guide you through how your property taxes, homeowner’sinsurance and closing costs will be factored into your final numbers.David McGuire • 301.471.0969 • DAVID.MCGUIRE@REMAX.NET• Page 9G E T P R E - A P P R O V E D F O R A M O R T G A G EWhile FHA loans technically require a minimum credit score limit of 580,higher scores in the 700+ range will get you better interest rates. Your FICOscore will be one of the main determining factors for the type of loan youqualify for, and any increase in the interest rate can affect your overall monthlypayment and what you end up paying over the life of the loan term. There is a large disparity in how loans are approved between all the differentlenders, so you may need to phone around to see what sorts of loans might beavailable to you.W H A T Y O U N E E D T O K N O W A B O U T Y O U RC R E D I T S C O R E
Things That Can Hurt Your Credit ScoreWhat is your payment history like? Were you prompt withyour payments? Late or missed payments will negativelyaffect your credit rating. If you owe more than 33% of your total credit line, that willdramatically lower your credit score. So, a great strategy isto pay down your credit cards below that 33% threshold.A licensed real estate professional will provide much more than the mereservice of helping you find your ideal home. Real estate agents are expertnegotiators, seasoned financial advisors, and superb navigators of thetransaction, start to finish. A professional real estate agent is your bestresource when buying your home, hands down.If that isn’t enough, listen to the 93% of homeowners polled, who agreedthat YES, you should absolutely work with a real estate professionalthrough this process!David McGuire • 301.471.0969 • DAVID.MCGUIRE@REMAX.NET • Page 10HIRING A REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL
A buyer’s agent is a licensed, professional real estateagent who represents home buyers throughout thepurchasing process. Unlike a listing agent, whorepresents the seller and prioritizes the seller'sinterests, a buyer’s agent is legally obligated toadvocate for the buyer’s best interests.Signing a Buyer’s Agency Agreement comes with thebenefit of having a dedicated professional to help youfind and secure your ideal home. With an experiencedagent, the process of identifying suitable properties,negotiating contracts, and closing the transactionbecomes much smoother. This means you won't haveto spend countless hours searching for homes ornavigating complex listings on your own. Your agentwill ensure that the homes you visit meet your criteriaand fit within your budget.I would be happy to explain the process of the BuyerAgency Agreement in more detail and answer anyquestions you may have!David McGuire • 301.471.0969 • DAVID.MCGUIRE@REMAX.NET• Page 11D O I N E E D A B U Y E R ’ S A G E N T ?
They Protect Your Best Interests Just as you’d turn to a trusted surgeon for a medical procedure or an attorney tohelp with a legal woe or contract, hiring a professional real estate agent helps toensure that all yours, and your family’s interests are well served. From navigatingcomplicated processes to negotiating on your behalf, it’s important to have anadvocate on your side.They’ve Done the HomeworkIn the United States, it takes between 60-180 hours of coursework beforesomeone can even sit for the real estate exam. During that time, we learnprinciples, which include property valuation, escrow procedures, financing, andtaxes. We learn state and federal law, which includes writing binding contractsand leases, titles, liens and encumbrances, and unlawful discrimination. We thenlearn safe and fair practices for working with sellers and buyers that includecommunication skills, marketing, pricing, and a wide spectrum of necessarytechnology and tools needed to list and sell real estate in today’s world. Standards MatterThere is a difference between just being a licensed agent and being a POWERAGENT®. A POWER AGENT® is a real estate agent who is an active member ofthe POWER Program®, which was founded in 1993 and is home to the top 1% ofthe best real estate professionals in the United States, who have chosen to buildtheir businesses on qualities like integrity and service. To participate in thisorganization, agents must not only have a valid license but also impeccableconduct records and adhere to an extensive Code of Ethics and Standards ofPractice.David McGuire • 301.471.0969 • DAVID.MCGUIRE@REMAX.NET• Page 11Page 11David McGuire • 301.471.0969 • DAVID.MCGUIRE@REMAX.NET• Page 12
For buyers like you, that means hiring a POWER AGENT® allows you morepeace of mind, knowing that your representative has been thoroughly vetted,values integrity and transparency, and has sworn an oath to uphold thoseprofessional ethics and standards."Legal Ease"As you might imagine, managing contracts, addendums, contingencies, andcaveats in a world that has become more litigious than ever is not for the faintof heart. Just as a CPA might help you successfully wade through ever-changing tax codes to confidently file a tax return, a real estate professionalhelps home sellers expertly and legally navigate prices, terms, conditions, andcontracts with a lot more peace of mind.Page 11David McGuire • 301.471.0969 • DAVID.MCGUIRE@REMAX.NET• Page 13
Enlisting the services of a professional buyer’s agent is similar to using anaccountant to help you with your taxes, a doctor to help you with your healthcare, or a mechanic to help you with your car. If you had the time to devote tolearning everything about accounting, medicine, and automotive mechanics, youcould perform these services yourself. But who has the time? This is why youallow other professionals to help you in their specific areas of expertise.I will take care of the hassles of everyday real estate transactions for you. I letyou concentrate on your full-time job while I do my job. I will guide you throughthe home-buying process and exclusively represent your interests as I help youfind a home, present your contract offer, negotiate, and close on your home!David McGuire • 301.471.0969 • DAVID.MCGUIRE@REMAX.NET• Page 11David McGuire • 301.471.0969 • DAVID.MCGUIRE@REMAX.NET• Page 14
When it comes to negotiating the purchase of a home,these are the parties involved that will influence theagreed-upon prices and conditions:You, the Buyer – are looking to find a home that fitsyour needs and make a sound investmentThe Buyer’s Agent – the real estate agent chargedwith negotiating on your behalf and looking out foryour best interestsThe Buyer’s Attorney – protects your legal interestsThe Seller – looking to sell their home and get thehighest price and best return on their investment.The Seller’s Agent – the real estate agent who willprotect the interests and negotiate the price and termson behalf of the sellerThe Seller’s Attorney – protect the legal interests ofthe sellerThe Home Inspection company – enlisted by thebuyers to find issues (large or small) with the home togive you further negotiating power and knowledge ofwhat you might be purchasingThe Appraiser – will appraise the home’s valueobjectively on behalf of the lenderMortgage lender or Bank – will oversee the lendingprocess, mortgage options, and closing.Title Company – ensures a clear title and transferof property.David McGuire • 301.471.0969 • DAVID.MCGUIRE@REMAX.NEDavid McGuire • 301.471.0969 •DAVID.MCGUIRE@REMAX.NET• Page 11WHO’S INVOLVED IN THE PURCHASE OF YOUR HOME?David McGuire • 301.471.0969 • DAVID.MCGUIRE@REMAX.NET• Page 15
SellersBuyersAppraisersEngineersSeller’s AttorneyBuyer’s AttorneyTitle CompanyHome InspectorBank RepresentativeYour Real Estate ProfessionalWho is DirectingYOUR Transaction?David McGuire • 301.471.0969 • DAVID.MCGUIRE@REMAX.NET• Page 16
Fiduciary Duty: My fiduciary responsibility isto YOU. At all times, I am acting in your bestinterests from negotiating the best price andterms for you to prioritizing your needs,commitments, and goals. My goal? To work hardfor you so that you can get your best possibleoutcome, and have a positive experience at thesame time.Property Search and ViewingCoordination: Not only will I work hard tolocate the best properties that fit your goals andcommitments, but I will also take care ofscheduling showings for you, stay up to date onthe local market to make sure you get the bestdeal, track down all disclosures, andcommunicate actively with other agents in thearea to find you the perfect home.Expert Advice: I live and breathe real estate sothat I can offer you my expertise in your localmarket, the value of properties in the area,financing options, and finding the best home forthe best terms. I can also walk you through thecomplex legal jargon to make sure you areprotected and confident when you finally putyour pen to paper and sign the contract.David McGuire • 301.471.0969 • DAVID.MCGUIRE@REMAX.NET• Page 17
Negotiation: Negotiation is a big part of the homebuying process -- this is where the magic happens! Notonly do I negotiate the best possible price and terms foryou through frequent communication and discussion, butI make your offer stand out in the sea of competition.There are many ways to work together with the listingagent to ensure we get the best possible deal, and thisincludes negotiating things like:Your most optimal closing dateThe best contingency clauses to protect you and yourinterestsRepair options or credits from the sellerWhat items are included or excluded with the saleA potential rent-back agreement, benefiting you andthe seller in the event they cannot move out byclosing.Some or all of the closing costsA home warranty, payable by the sellerAny escalation clauses in case of a multiple offerscenarioAn earnest money deposit to prove how serious youare in purchasing the homeEnsuring the title is clear with costs potentially paidfor by the sellerThe time and location of the closing and passing offthe keys for your convenience.Coordination of the Home-Buying Transaction:The process of purchasing a home can feel a littledaunting because there’s a lot happening at the sametime. I am here to coordinate and streamline this processfor you, from organizing the inspection, make sure alldeadlines are met, communicate frequently with otheragents and vendors involved during the process such asmortgage brokers, home inspectors, title companies,lawyers, and insurance agents. I keep on top of things toensure that the transaction remains on schedule so we’reready to go by our negotiated closing date.David McGuire • 301.471.0969 • DAVID.MCGUIRE@REMAX.NET• Page 1David McGuire • 301.471.0969 •DAVID.MCGUIRE@REMAX.NET• Page 14David McGuire • 301.471.0969 • DAVID.MCGUIRE@REMAX.NET• Page 18
HOW THIS BENEFITS YOU:OTHER THINGS TO CONSIDER:You have Professional Representation: My fiduciary duty is solely to you, so I will look outexclusively for your interests throughout the whole transaction. Access to My Extensive Resources: I can connect you to my extensive list of properties,including exclusive listings and my vast network of vendors such as plumbers, contractors,lawyers, and more.Less Time, Less Stress: I manage the details through the transaction so you don’t have to,saving you time and energy. You can rest easy, knowing you are in good hands.A Strong Negotiator In Your Corner: You can relax, knowing that I have your goals andcommitments at the top of my mind, and will get you the best price and terms possible.Plenty of Guidance and Support: I am your coach and will guide you through every step ofthe process, providing support and advice whether its your first home or your 10th.Exclusive Agreements: All buyers must have a BuyerAgency Agreement before being shown any homes, makingme your exclusive agent who will serve your best interests. Professional Fees: Due to the NAR Settlement, theprofessional fee structures for buyers and sellers are beingde-coupled in many circumstances. When in our firstmeeting, we will discuss fee details and options. In short,commission can be negotiated to be paid either by theseller, by the buyer, by the listing broker, or a combination.There are many options, so we will discuss which choice isbest for you. Compatibility: A real estate agent is your partner andcoach during the home buying process, so hire an agentwhom you feel you are compatible with, and whom you cantrust. This is vital to having a positive experience andworking relationship.David McGuire • 301.471.0969 • DAVID.MCGUIRE@REMAX.NET• Page 19
Promote and protect your interests. Sign an agency agreement saying I will represent you, the buyer. Ask you to be loyal and not work with other REALTORS® . Locate and show available properties from any company, pointing out strengths andweaknesses to you while honoring your price limits. Provide important information about neighborhoods, floor plans, and resalecharacteristics. Counsel you about property values. Keep your bargaining and financial position confidential. Advise you on offers you may want to make on a property. Assist you in arranging property inspections. Submit offers to purchase promptly. Respond honestly and accurately to questions. Consult with you regarding counter-offers. Negotiate only on your behalf. Follow-up on necessary corrections and/or repairs. Supply information for any services requested. Provide guidance and support throughout the closing process. Stay in touch with you regarding future market conditions that may affect your home value. Appreciate any recommendations to family and friends! In Summary, as your Buyer’s Agent, I will…David McGuire • 301.471.0969 • DAVID.MCGUIRE@REMAX.NET• Page 20
Support and Advice: I am your vigilantadvocate and coach from the beginning tothe end of the home-buying process. Myultimate goal is to ensure a positiveexperience for you, and to make thisjourney as smooth and successful aspossible while keeping you informedevery step along the way.Managing Timelines and Deadlines:There's a lot that happens in a shortamount of time during the home-buyingprocess, and I make sure that every detailis tracked and monitored to ensure thatevery step from contract to close is takencare of on or before the deadlines to keepthis process on track. I stay in frequentcommunication with all parties so we canstay on schedule.Buyer’s Agent AdditionalResponsibilities fromContract to Close:Managing All Documentation:I efficiently manage all the paperwork anddocumentation during the course of thetransaction, from creating and reviewing allamendments, disclosures, and details toensuring that every document is a truereflection of your needs, commitments, andgoals.Coaching Through Legal Contracts:Not everybody speaks "legalese", which is whyI will walk you through every point in the legalcontract to make sure you understand and arecomfortable with each point. I will explain theconfusing jargon and their implications,making sure your rights and interests areprotected.Coordinating Inspections:There are several different types of inspectionsthat your dream home may go through such asgeneral home inspections, pests, and radon,which can locate any potential issues with thehome. I will make sure inspection companiesstay on schedule, and book further, morespecialized inspections as needed. Page 21
Guiding You Through the ClosingProcess: I guide you through thetransaction from contract to closing,which includes the finalization of yourfinancing, analyzing all closingdocuments to ensure correctness, andmaking sure that all financial and legalobligations are met. Ongoing Recommendations andInformation: My commitment to youdoesn't end when the keys changehands. I will continue to offerinformation, recommendations, andadvice about what is happening in themarket. This includes offering insightsinto market trends, data, and past saleson an ongoing basis so that you are inthe know.Review of Inspections Reports:Once the inspections are completed, I willreview the reports and go over them withyou. Should any major issues be found, wewill decide our best course of action,whether it's further negotiating for repairs,or re-evaluating your offer.Overseeing Contractors: If and whenany repair work or renovations arerequired, I obtain quotes for any workneeded, and stay in communication withthe contractors to make sure all repairs andrenos are completed on time.Conducting the Final Walk-Through:Prior to closing, I conduct a final walk-through together with you to ensure theproperty is in the condition as was agreedupon, and that all terms of the sale are met.Why Commit to an ExperiencedBuyer’s Agent?The relationship between a buyer and their real estate agent is a partnership. As a buyer'sagent, my role is to be your knowledgable coach, helping you navigate the homebuyingprocess with ease, successfully resulting in the home of your dreams. It's my goal to makethis experiencee a positive one, and while some buyers might feel nervous about signing aBuyer Agency Agreement, this document establishes our relationship so that I can do thebest possible job for you. Without this agreement in place, my responsibility is to work forthe seller's best interest. The Buyer’s Agency Agreement protects your rights, protectsagainst liability, and creates a legally binding relationship where I can serve as yourskilled representative to negotiate the best possible price and terms on your behalf. Page 22
BUYERAGENCYAGREEMENT?O K , S O . . . W H A T I S AA Buyers Agency Agreement is justwhat it sounds like: a legal agreementthat outlines the relationship andexpectations between a buyer andtheir real estate agent or brokerthrough the duration of the home-buying process. Pretty simple, right?With the recent NationalAssociation of REALTORS® Settlement, one of the terms theysettled on is that all buyers musthave formal representation. Thislegal agreement offers the buyerprotection - they now havesomeone in their corner who has afiduciary duty to look out for theirbest interests. This agreementoutlines all the duties andobligations of both parties, fromduration of the relationship, typeof property, geographic area, andthe agent's professional fee. Thisagreement brings transparencyand clarity to the relationship,ensuring everyone is on the samepage and there are no surprises.DEFINITIONAGENCY AGREEMENT: Page 23
A S I M P L E E X P L A N A T I O NA S I M P L E E X P L A N A T I O NAs a buyer's agent, my compensation typically comes from a commission-basedmodel, paid out in various possible ways. See the next page for a simplified breakdown to give you a clear picture on how it works.Beginning in August, 2024, all agents by law, will berequired to use buyer representation agreements andestablish their compensation PRIOR to showing a property. CURRENT AS OF 06/17/2024 Page 24
If you are considering making on offer ona listing that is NOT offering acommission to buyer agents, I cannegotiate with the seller or the seller'sagent to discuss including my buyer'sagent professional fee in the terms. Thisbecomes part of the overall negotiationprocess when making an offer on theproperty. Another option could be to adjust thepurchase offer to indirectly cover myprofessional fee, rolling it into yourfinancing so you aren’t paying out ofpocket. As a brief example, if the home islisted for $400,000 and the averagecompensation would be $12,000, wecould offer $412,000 and add thecondition to the offer that the seller paysa $12,000 commission to the buyer'sagent. This way, the net to the sellerremains the same and your compensationobligations are rolled into the overallprice of the home. A seller concession is an arrangementwhere the seller agrees to cover aportion of the buyer's closing costs.This can include various feesassociated with purchasing a home,such as loan origination fees,appraisal fees, points, and more. Byreducing your upfront out-of-pocketexpenses, seller concessions canmake the home purchase moreaffordable, potentially offsettingdirect commission obligations.If the seller refuses to pay my buyer’sagent professional fee and it cannotbe included in the purchase price,you, as the buyer, may need to covermy fee directly. We would discussand agree on this before proceedingwith making an offer on anyproperty, and it will be outlined inour buyer's agency agreement.ALTERNATE COMPENSATION MODELS: OR ANY COMBINATION OF THE ABOVE1 342Negotiating theProfessional Fee with theSeller:Taking Advantage ofSeller Concessions: Adding the Fee tothe PurchaseOffer: Buyer PaysCommissionDirect: Page 25
When you're in the market to buy a home, it'svitally important to understand the overallflow of real estate transactions, especiallyregarding agent representation andcompensation. One key concept that cansignificantly impact the process is theprinciple of "procuring cause." Most procuringcause issues arise when two cooperatingbrokers or agents claim they’re entitled to thebuyer’s side commission.Procuring cause is a term used inreal estate to determine whichagent is entitled to thecommission on a property sale. Itrefers to the actions that directlylead to the sale of a property. W H A T Y O U D O N ’ T K N O W C O U L D C O S T Y O UPROCURING CAUSE:SIMPLIFIED Page 26
1. Neglecting to Inform Other Agents 3. New Construction2. For Sale By OwnerVisiting open houses on your own is a great way to learn whatyou like and dislike. Make sure to register with the hostagent and let them know you're partnering with anagent already. Without disclosing your current buyer-agentrelationship, the selling agent may be justified in claimingthey have procuring clause and are owed the buyer’s side fee.Creating your dream home is an adventure. Surprisingly tomost buyers, the builder's role is very much like a traditionalhome seller. Your agent will represent you as a buyer and usetheir expertise to make sure you get the absolute best dealpossible. Many builders have their own in-houseagent. Without your own representative, you may besubject to paying their fee also. Take advantage of youragent’s expertise by ensuring you follow their policies whenvisiting developments. Please ensure you inform your agent if you decide tocontact the owner of a FSBO property directly. This isimportant because it helps avoid complications that canarise. For instance, some FSBO sellers might be lesswilling to pay a buyer's agent commission if theybelieve you are unrepresented. By keeping me in theloop, we can ensure a smoother process and betternegotiation outcomes.HERE ARE SOME EXAMPLES THAT MAY UNKNOWINGLYPUT YOU IN THE POSITION OF PAYING COMPENSATIONOUT OF POCKET: Page 27
If you contact a listing agent directly to view a property without involving your agent, itcould affect who receives the commission. In some instances, the seller pays the listingagent, who then shares that commission with the buyer's agent responsible for the sale. Ifthe listing agent shows you the property and initiates the transaction, they may claim tobe the procuring cause of the sale and seek the buyer’s agent compensation. If you signed alegally binding Buyer Agency Agreement, you could be legally required to pay both.Why This Matters: If the listing agentclaims to be the procuring cause, theymight be entitled to the full professionalfee. This could complicate or evenjeopardize your agency relationship, affectthe level of service your agent can provide,and require you to pay commissiondirectly. Therefore, it’s crucial to haveconsistent and dedicated representation toensure your interests are always the toppriority.Best Practices for You as a Buyer:Always communicate through yourbuyer's agent when you're interested ina property. This ensures clearrepresentation and avoids anyconfusion over the procuring cause.This includes visiting open houses aswell. If you come across an open house ora listing online, inform the listing agentthat you are represented by a buyer'sagent. This declaration helps maintainclarity about your representation. Alwayscontact me to arrange any showingappointments.Your Protection and Benefit: Workingconsistently with your buyer's agentensures that you have an expert advocatingfor your best interests throughout theentire process. It also helps avoid potentialdisputes over commissions that could arisefrom direct interactions with listing agents,as well as prevents you from unknowinglysharing information that mightdisadvantage you in negotiations.As your buyer's agent, I'm here toguide and advise you, negotiate thebest deal for you, and protect yourinterests and commitments. To makethe home-buying process smooth andsuccessful, I will keep the lines ofcommunication open and handleproperty inquiries and viewings. Thisapproach ensures we follow the rulesof agents and real estate laws alike,and allows me to give you expertguidance every step of the way.#1: Contacting a Listing Agent DirectlyW H A T Y O U D O N ’ T K N O W C O U L D C O S T Y O U Page 28
When you encounter a For Sale By Owner (FSBO) property, it's crucial toinvolve your buyer’s agent to protect your interests and avoid commissiondisputes. FSBO sellers might be unfamiliar with commission structures, leadingto potential misunderstandings. #2: FOR SALE BY OWNER Understanding What FSBO Means: FSBO,or For-Sale-By-Owner listings are properties solddirectly by the owner without a listing agent. Thistypically happens when the seller wants to avoidpaying a professional fee to a real estate agent, orthey believe being represented legally by an agentisn’t necessary.The Unintended Consequences: If you, as abuyer, contact the owner of a FSBO propertydirectly without notifying your buyer’s agent, itcan create problems moving forward. FSBOsellers might assume you are unrepresented andmay be unwilling to pay the buyer's agentcommission, leading to potential complicationswhen you want to make an offer.Your Agent’s Role in FSBO Transactions:Your agent’s job is to represent your interests,which includes contacting FSBO sellers on yourbehalf. They can negotiate terms, including thediscussion of agent compensation, which iscrucial for maintaining the professional servicesas promised in the Buyer Agency Agreement.Potential Risks of Direct Contact: Directly interacting with a FSBO seller mightunintentionally signal that you don't require orvalue your buyer's agent's services. This canresult in the seller refusing to pay thecommission, assuming you're managing thetransaction on your own, and potentially shiftingthe commission payment responsibility onto you,meaning it comes out of your pocket.Why It’s Important to Have Your AgentInvolved: Involving your buyer's agent in yourFSBO interactions ensures that your interestsare professionally represented and shields youfrom potential legal issues. With my experienceand expertise, I can negotiate fair terms,navigate legal complexities, and protect yourrights throughout the transaction.Ensuring You Have ProperRepresentation: Always inform your agentabout any FSBO property you’re interested in.They will contact the seller to arrange a viewingand establish transaction terms, including thebuyer's agent commission. This secures theirrole in the process and ensures you receive thefull benefit of your buyer’s agent’s expertisewithout incurring additional costs.My goal is to guide you through everyfacet of the home-buying process,including dealing with FSBO properties.By ensuring that I am involved from thestart, we can avoid anymisunderstandings or conflicts regardingrepresentation and professional fees.This approach guarantees that yourinterests are always protected and thatyou receive the comprehensive supportand guidance needed for a successfulhome purchase. Page 29W H A T Y O U D O N ’ T K N O W C O U L D C O S T Y O U
Exploring new construction developments can be exciting, but it’s crucial tounderstand how your actions can impact our agency relationship, especiallyregarding representation and commission. Here’s what you need to know: #3: NAVIGATING NEW CONSTRUCTION DEVELOPMENTS Potential First Visit Implications: Manybuilders of new construction have particularpolicies regarding buyer representation. If youtour a new development without an agent orfail to register beforehand, the builder mightnot recognize your agent in subsequentdealings. This is especially important duringyour initial visit to the site.Builder's Policies on Agent Fees: Builderstypically only provide compensation to abuyer's agent if the agent accompanies thebuyer or registers them during their initial visitto the site. Failing to adhere to this protocolmight lead the builder to claim they were theprocuring cause of the sale, potentially refusingto pay the buyer's agent their fee.Your Financial Responsibility: If thebuilder refuses to compensate your agentbecause of a breach in their policies—such asvisiting without them or failing to register—youmay end up having to cover their fees yourselfout of your own pocket. To avoid thispotentially burdensome situation, it is crucialto follow the proper protocol from thebeginning.Importance of Agent Presence orRegistration: To make sure your agent isrepresenting you and be compensated by thebuilder, it's essential that they eitheraccompany you on your first visit to a newconstruction site or register you with thedevelopment beforehand. This straightforward,yet crucial step, helps preserve your right torepresentation.Advantages of Having AgentRepresentation: With me as your agent in anew construction purchase, you benefit fromprofessional negotiation, insights into thebuilding process, and someone to advocate foryour interests. My presence can be invaluablein navigating contracts, upgrade choices, andensuring you’re making the right choices tomaximize your ROI at resale. Communicating with Developers: Havinga buyer’s agent for a new construction purchaseoffers numerous advantages, including expertnegotiation, insights into the building process,and dedicated advocacy for your interests. Myinvolvement can be invaluable in navigatingcontracts, selecting upgrades, and makingdecisions that will maximize your return oninvestment when you decide to resell.Amid the excitement of exploring newconstruction homes, it's easy to overlookthe nuances of agent representation andcommission policies. By keeping meinformed and involved from the start, wecan avoid potential issues with buildersand ensure you receive the full benefit ofmy expertise and services withoutunexpected financial obligations. My goalis to support you through every step ofyour home-buying journey, includingnavigating the complexities of newconstruction properties. Page 30W H A T Y O U D O N ’ T K N O W C O U L D C O S T Y O U
Here are some of theseunseen benefits:Having a dedicated buyer's agent exclusively focused on your interests providesnumerous benefits that might not be immediately apparent but are crucial for asuccessful and satisfying home-buying experience. Your agent acts as your advocate,ensuring that your needs and preferences are prioritized throughout the process. Thispersonalized representation can make a significant difference in finding the perfect homeand achieving a smooth, stress-free transaction.Undivided Loyalty: Your agent's loyaltyis exclusively to you, ensuring they are100% committed to finding the bestproperty at the best price without anyconflict of interest.Full Disclosure: With a dedicated buyer'sagent, you have the assurance they willshare all known information about theproperty's condition, history, and potentialissues, allowing you to make an informeddecision. Expert Negotiation: Your agent willnegotiate solely on your behalf, aiming tosecure the best terms and price whilestaying focused on your goals. Theirexperience in negotiation tactics can resultin significant savings and more favorablecontract terms for you. David McGuire • 301.471.0969 • DAVID.MCGUIRE@REMAX.NET Page 31
This is the exciting part! You have been preparing yourself, yourgoals, your hopes and dreams, and now it’stime to get shopping! Page 32
1. Price. Once you have your budget set, lookfor homes that fit your range. Keep in mindthat you’ll need to leave room for closingcosts, possible renovations or upgrades,moving costs, etc. 2. Bedrooms. The size and layout of yournew home and its number of bedrooms is amajor consideration. You should think notonly of your current needs but also of whatyou may need in the future. 3. Bathrooms. The same as your bedroomcount and size, you should figure out howmany bathrooms best fit your householdneeds as well as the features in them, and ifthey will require renovation.4. Kitchen. Considered by many to be the“heart of the house,” your kitchenneeds/wants can take up some of your post-closing budgets if you have to upgrade orrenovate, so keep that in mind during yoursearch. 5. Dining Room. This can be a separateformal room or a combo style with yourkitchen area. Keep in mind your own personalhousehold dining requirements when lookingat different styles. 6. Location. Even when you are sure of thecity and/or certain part of town you’d love tolive in, even particular streets within thoseareas can be different. Also, consider thedistance to major thoroughfares and workcommutes.7. Style. There are condos, colonials,duplexes, ranches and many other styles ofhome. You’ll have to find the one that youprefer and that fits your household’s needs. 8. Outdoor Spaces. From curb appeal andfront porches to backyard gardens and lawnmaintenance needs, there are manyconsiderations to take in when you’re lookingat the exterior property details of your newhome. 9. Storage and Parking. These are twoimportant space needs that can affect theconvenience of your home - and its comfortand “live-ability”. Pay attention to these areasand if they fit your lifestyle and householdneeds.10. Energy Efficiency. The condition ofwindows and HVAC systems can make asignificant impact on monthly energy costs, sothis might be something you keep in mindwhen considering your home. Page 331 0 T H I N G S T O C O N S I D E R W H E N C H O O S I N GY O U R N E W H O M E
Page 34HELPFUL STRATEGY: Save & submit all future pay stubsSave & submit all future bankstatements (all pages)Keep copies of documentssubmitted to processingContinue to pay off debts andloans on timeCOMMON MISTAKES:Don’t make cash depositsDon’t make large purchases on credit cardsDon’t co-sign loans for anyoneDon’t change bank accountsDon’t apply for new creditSTART HERE PRE-APPROVALPreliminary docs include:W2’s, bank statements,tax returns.FIND A HOMEAccess your wants andneeds, then let yourREALTOR® help you finda home. MAKE AN OFFEROffer accepted, signbinder, schedule homeinspection.APPLICATIONPROCESSSubmit updated pre-approvaldocuments prior to obligatingyourself to contract. KNOWYOUR NUMBERS. CONTRACT-AGREEMENT OFSALEReview and sign yourcontract with yourREALTOR® and attorney.APPRAISALORDEROrdered within thefirst week of contract.Appraisal inspectioncompleted. PROCESSINGProcessor completesall updatedinformation,verifications forcredit, employment,and assets. APPRAISALREPORTReceived and reviewed:processor updatesitems needed forapproval. This will beemailed to you within 3days of receipt. COMMITMENTSubmit ALL outstandingcondition items fromcommitment letter order tofinal clearance. TITLE REPORTTitle report submitted forreview and clearance. HOMEOWNER INS.POLICYCopy of appraisal &mortgage clause providedto you for securinghomeowner’s insurance. CLEAR TO CLOSEYou are notified that yourfile is clear to close and aclosing date is coordinatedand scheduled by allparties. UNDERWRITINGProcessor submits your fileto underwriting for reviewand commitment letter.Approval commitment lettersent to you and attorney forreview.FINAL WALKTHROUGHBorrowers do a final walk-through of the property toapprove condition of thehouse prior to signingclosing documents. FINISHYou can enjoy thetax advantages ofowning your newhome. CONGRATS!Congratulationsand welcome toyour NEW HOME! CLOSING!You’re at the finishLINE! All partiessign closingdocuments. Your contact information here. Add name, company, website, emailand phone number. The Buyopoly board simplifies the home-buying process into a fun, engaginggame-like experience. Imagine playing Monopoly, but instead of buyingproperties with fake money, you're navigating through the real steps of buyinga home. It starts with the basics—like getting pre-approved for a mortgage—and moves through finding the right home, making an offer, and closing thedeal. Each square on the Buyopoly board represents a step in the journey ofbuying a home. It's a fun way to demystify the complexities of real estatetransactions, making it less stressful for you because you can visually see what'scoming next and prepare accordingly.
Every house has its pros and cons, but there are several things to think aboutwhen considering each as a possible home:What is the overall condition of the home? Are there any safety concerns? Ifyou have small children, can you fit safety gates at the stairs? Are the locks ondoors and windows in good condition?How is the home’s functionality? A certain home might be perfect at this pointin your life, but what about 5 years from now? Are you planning to have afamily? Will you be empty nesters? Do you think about renting out a room, orpossibly working from home? Is there lots of storage space?What is the home’s location like? Is there a park close by? How far away is thegrocery store? Restaurants? Are you close to your workplace? Are you near amain road to hear traffic and sirens going by?Many real estate agents can use Facetime or Zoom to show homes now or usepre-recorded videos, 3D walkthroughs, or interactive floorplans to show eachhome in case an in-person visit isn’t an option. Realtor®.com now hasintegrated a livestream mode to accommodate virtual open houses and makethem available to all. Page 35T H I N G S T O T H I N K A B O U T W H E NC O N S I D E R I N G A H O M EV I R T U A L H O M E V I E W I N G
Drive or walk through areas at different times of the day, during the week,and on weekends.Travel to and from places that you would typically frequent. Look foraccess to major thoroughfares, highways, and shopping.Check with local civic, police, fire, and school officials to find informationabout the area.Look at traffic access patterns around the area during different times ofthe day and drive from the area to work.Is the neighborhood near parks, places of worship, recreation centers,shopping, theaters, restaurants, public transportation, schools, etc.? Page 36E X P L O R E T H E N E I G H B O R H O O D S
WHO QUALIFIESDOWNPAYMENTUPFRONTMORTGAGEINSURANCEMONTHLYMORTGAGEINSURANCEMINIMUM CREDITSCOREVADepartment ofVeteran AffairsVeterans,Personnel withhonorable discharge,Reservists &National Guard,Surviving SpousesNONENONENONE580USDADepartment ofAgricultureSomeone who isbuying a home in aUSDA -designatedrural area.NONE2% of the loanamount. Canbe rolled intoloan amount.REQUIRED640FHAFederal HousingAdministrationAnyone whomeets the minimumcredit and incomelevels. At least 3.5%of purchaseprice1.75% ofloanamountREQUIRED580-640203KFederal HousingAdministrationAnyone whoplans to purchasea fixer-upper or needs torenovate their home andmeets credit & incomerequirementsAt least 3.5%of purchaseprice1.75% ofloanamountREQUIRED580-640CONVENTIONAL97Depending on the program,available first time homebuyers (a buyer who hasn'towned in the last threeyears) can put 3% down witha Conventional 97 program.Varies from3%-20% ofpurchasepriceNONEREQUIRED620SELECT SMARTPLUSAnyone whomeets lenders credit,income & debt levelrequirementsVaries from3% -20%,but typicallyranges from5-20%NONEREQUIRED620T Y P E S O F M O R T G A G E L O A N S Page 37Financing is one of the big concerns that buyers have, so below is a chart outlining various mortgage loan types to helpyou choose the best option for your home purchase. Each loan type offers different features, benefits, and eligibilityrequirements, catering to a range of financial situations and home-buying goals. Use this chart to compare your optionsand determine which mortgage loan aligns best with your needs and circumstances.
Real estate contract with legal description and deposit receipt.Check for appraisal and credit report, varies with lender. Name and complete address of last two years of residence. Name and complete address of landlord or mortgage company for the last two years.Explanation letter regarding any employment gaps over the last two years. Name and address of employers from the last two years with dates. Explanation letter of any credit deficiencies. Social Security Numbers of all borrowers. Current gross monthly income figures. Copy of paystubs covering a 30-day period and last two years W2s and or 1099s. If income is derived from other sources, two years tax returns, both business and personalwith all schedules, signed. If self-employed, what is the current profit and loss on income and expenses? If divorced, a copy of the complete recorded decree and settlement. Name, address, and account numbers of all places where assets are held (checking,savings, CD’s, IRA’s, etc.) 3 month’s of most current statements. List of stocks and securities with market value – certified copies. Estimate of cash value of life insurance. Schedule of real estate owned, with value, lien, rental income, and payments. Year, make, and model of vehicles. Estimate the value of furniture and personal property. Name, address, numbers, balance, and payments of installment loansIf child support is being paid, provide proof of payment.If relocating, information regarding a buy-out of house, payment of closing costs, etc. fromthe company.If selling current house, a copy of the listing agreement or contract. Homeowner’s Insurance documentation. Additional Requirements for FHA/VA Loan ApplicationsCopy of Driver’s License and Social Security CardsName and address of nearest living relative. Copy of DD214 and/or original Certificate of Eligibility (VA only).Childcare expenses must be provided. Page 38L O A N A P P L I C A T I O N C H E C K L I S Tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
You may have looked a LOT of homes, or maybe you found The One right away.Once you have picked the house of your dreams, you’ll be ready to make an offer! Your real estate agent will help you write up the offer, including the sales price andclauses and taking the items below into consideration. Then, they will act as youradvocate and present your offer, representing your interests to the other party. Page 39M A K E A N O F F E R O N T H E H O M E O FY O U R C H O I C EN E G O T I A T E T H E D E T A I L S W I T H T H ES E L L E R O R S E L L E R ’ S A G E N TOnce the seller views your offer, they will very likely prepare a counteroffer. Withthe help of your expert negotiator real estate agent, the parties will go back andforth until both sides accept the offer. During this process, your real estate agentwill offer insights and suggestions on how to proceed. Once all parties have agreedto the price, terms and conditions, you will enter in to contract!
Pre-Approval Letter: Include amortgage pre-approval letter to showyou're financially capable of purchasingthe home. Consider Sellers Circumstances:Find out what is important to the sellerand be sure to take their desires intoaccount when making your offer. Flexible Closing Date: Being flexiblewith the closing date can be attractive tothe seller, especially if they need time tomove out. Higher Earnest Money Deposit: Ahigher deposit can show your seriouscommitment to the purchase. Minimal Contingencies: Fewercontingencies make the process smootherfor the seller. However, don't waiveessential ones like the home inspection ifat all possible. Shorten Time Periods: Don’t feelcomfortable waiving a contingency,consider shortening the time frames togive the seller more confidence. Cover Some Seller Costs: Offering topay for some of the seller’s closing costscan make your offer stand out. Personal Letter: Consider including apersonal letter expressing why you love thehome. This can resonate with the seller,especially in competitive markets. Makesure you keep it generic and don’t break fairhousing laws (I’ll guide you). Escalation Clause: In a competitivemarket, an escalation clause canautomatically increase your offer if there arehigher bids, up to a maximum amount. Rent-Back Agreement: If the sellerneeds time to find a new home, offering arent-back agreement can be appealing. W H A T T O I N C L U D E I N T H E O F F E R T OM A K E I T M O R E A P P E A L I N G Page 40
Accept the Offer Accept Counteroffer Decline Counteroffer Counter their CounterofferReject the Offer Let the OfferExpireAccept AnotherOfferThis stops the negotiation process. This stops thenegotiation process. Negotiations can go back and forthmultiple times until an agreement is made,or the inability to come to an agreement.** NOTE: while in the negotiation process, another offer could come in and the seller could accept a different offer.During the negotiation process, it’s vital to keep response times as short as possible to minimize that risk.If an offer Isn't accepted or formally rejected bythe expiration time, then the offer expires andno longer valid. The seller can accept another buyer’s offer andmay not give you the opportunity to revise youroffer.Congratulations, you are now in contract! You and youragent will begin moving through any contingencies that areoutlined in your purchase agreement. The seller can come back with different termsor a price in an attempt to negotiate termsacceptable to both parties.Counter the OfferTheSellerCould:You Can Then:Congratulations, we did it! Congratulations,we did it! OFFER ACCEPTED Page 41
Your offer was finally accepted by the seller, andyou now move into the final phase of the home-buying process! Homebuyers everywhere probably consider this the moststressful part. By the time the deal is done, you will havesigned what feels like a thousand documents. Page 42
Typically, a thorough home inspection and an appraisal will be done for the home youare looking to purchase, especially if you are financing. This is a great way for you toprotect your interests and learn if there are any problems with the home you put anoffer in on, and can give you some negotiating power in your offer.Appraisals are scheduled by your lender. These can be a simple exterior drive-by, usingpictures or video walk-throughs for their assessments, or in other cases, a morethorough physical appraisal is done. If you are purchasing a resale property, we highly recommend that you have aprofessional home inspector conduct a thorough inspection. The inspection willinclude, but may not be limited to, the following:AppliancesPlumbingElectricalAir conditioning and heatingVentilationRoof and AtticFoundationGeneral Structure Page 43H A V E Y O U R H O M E I N S P E C T I O N A N DA P P R A I S A L D O N E
The inspection is not designed to criticize every minor problem or defect in thehome. It is intended to report on major damage or serious problems that requirerepair. Should serious problems be indicated, the inspector will recommend thata structural engineer or some other professional inspect it, as well.A home cannot “pass or fail” an inspection, and your inspector should not tellyou whether he/she thinks the home is worth the money you are offering. Theinspector’s job is to make you aware of repairs that are recommended ornecessary so that you can continue to make an informed decision.The seller may be willing to negotiate the completion of repairs or a credit forthe completion of repairs, or you may decide that the home will take too muchwork and money. A professional inspection will help you make a clear-headeddecision. In addition to the overall inspection, you may wish to have separatetests conducted for termites or the presence of radon gas.In choosing a home inspector, consider one that has been certified as a qualifiedand experienced member by a trade association. Your buyer’s agent canrecommend several professional home inspectors for you to consider, and theywill attend the inspection, as should you.Hire an inspector who is familiar with the type of property you intend topurchase and its immediate surroundings. They can help explain their findingsso you’ll be able to clearly understand the inspection report and know exactlywhich areas need attention. Plus, you can get answers to many questions, tipsfor maintenance, and a lot of general information that will help you once youmove into your new home. Most importantly, you will see the home through theeyes of another objective third party. Page 44
One thing that every homebuyer needs to be aware of, especially first-timebuyers, are the closing costs. Typically, this works out to about 3 -4 % of thecost of the home you are purchasing. For example, a $400,000 home wouldhave approximately $12,000 to $16,000 in closing costs. These are the things that need to be paid by the buyer:Home inspectionProperty appraisalProperty surveyDeposit (down payment)Title insuranceProperty insuranceLand transfer taxState recording feesProperty taxes, Utilities, and condo feesMortgage default insuranceEscrow feesLegal fees and disbursementsNew home warrantiesMoving costsIf you hire an agent to represent you and your best interest, that is oftenreferred to as a buyer's agent. In this scenario, you would be responsible foryour agent getting paid their fee. This doesn’t necessarily mean that youwould cut a check directly to your agent, although that’s an option. Usually, itcan be worked on and negotiated when presenting the offer to the seller.Because this is something that is based on license law and state guidelines,ask your agent to explain how they plan on getting paid their fee. Page 45S E C U R E Y O U R F I N A N C I N GSince you’ve already seen your lender for pre-approval, it’s now a matter ofsecuring the funds for the sales amount agreed upon. You will finalize thedetails like the down payment, the interest rate, and the payment schedule,and sign the papers.U N D E R S T A N D T H E C L O S I N G C O S T S
This meeting will typically be at the lender’s (or lender’s attorney’s) office. Insome states, a real estate transaction is not officially closed until thedocuments are recorded at the local records office. Other states simplyconsider the deal closed when the documents are signed and the moneychanges hands. A lot of documents need to be signed by several institutions. Page 46T H E O F F I C I A L C L O S I N GC E L E B R A T E A N D M O V E I N !You’ve done it! You’ve bought your dream home, and all that is left ismoving in! On the day you get possession of your new home, you will meetwith your real estate agent for a final walk-through of your new home. After the walkthrough is completed, you will get the keys and discuss anyfinal issues with your agent. Then, you will be free to start moving in!
One Month PriorFile “Change of Address” forms with the postal serviceMake arrangements to move your personal belongings andfurniture, either by phoning a moving company or arrangingfor a rental truck.Gather boxes and other moving supplies that you might need.Plan your travel route to your new home. Be mindful of anybridges or overpasses that might have a clearance restriction.Create a folder to keep moving expense receipts, as some ofthese are tax deductible. Lodging, meals, and fuel are some ofthe items you can claim on your taxes.Develop a plan for packing – packing the things you will usemost, pack last, then ensuring those items that you will needfirst when you arrive at your new home will be available.Notify family, friends, and businesses of your move. Notify federal and state tax authorities, as well as any othergovernment agencies.MOVING CHECKLIST Page 47uuuuuuuu
Two Weeks PriorNotify services like gas, electric, water, cable TV, phone, andinternet of your move.Arrange for services at your new address.Have your car serviced if your new home is some distanceaway.Recruit people to help you on moving day.Have a detailed plan for keeping pets safe at all times once themovers arrive. This can be a very stressful time for them aswell, with strangers in the house, loud noises, a lot of activity,and doors being open for long periods of time.Arrange for babysitters for any small children.Confirm your moving company or rental truck arrangements. Notify your bank if you are leaving the city.MOVING CHECKLIST Email • Page 48uuuuuuuu
One Day PriorKeep moving materials separate so they don’t accidentally get packeduntil you are done.Put your phone chargers in a safe place to keep handy.Pick up a rental truck if you are moving yourself.Fill up your car with gas, and double-check your oil and tire pressure.Get a good sleep!On Moving DayHave the proper moving supplies handy, such as undamaged boxes tofinish packing, blankets for TV’s, mirrors, and pictures, and tie-downstraps to prevent large items from shifting during the drive.Do a final walk-through to make sure you have everything!Pack the “Essentials” box. This will be the box you open first at yournew home, and will have phone chargers, personal hygiene items, petfood, snacks, bottled water etc. Everything you will need to keephandy as you move into your new place. Do a walk-through of your new home and take pictures, checking forany damage that wasn’t there when you purchased.MOVING CHECKLIST Page 49uuuuuuuu
After the MoveMake sure that any mail that arrives with a yellow sticker(this indicates it was forwarded) is contacted and givenyour new address. Register to vote in your new area.Get the address on your driver’s license changed to yourcurrent address. If you have moved to a different state, youwill need to apply for a new one.Contact auto insurance to have the policy changed to yournew address.Find out when the garbage is picked up at your new homeand what recycling programs are available.Select a new doctor, dentist, chiropractor, optometrist,etc., and have your medical files transferred. Locate new service providers such as banks, pharmacies,plumbers, HVAC contractors, etc. Make a list of the new emergency numbers to have handyin your new home. MOVING CHECKLIST Page 50uuuuuuuu
Show the children the new home prior to moving. If this isn’t possible,pictures or videos will help them visualize where they are going.Assure children that you won’t forget their friends. Make a scrapbook of the old home and neighborhood.Throw a good-bye party. At the party, have their friends sign a t-shirt.Have your children write goodbye letters to their friends and enclosetheir new address. You may wish to call the other children’s parents sothey will encourage return letters.When packing, give them their own box. They can decorate it so theywill know which one is theirs after the move.If you are moving far away, buy postcards when you stop so they canremember the trip.When unpacking, allow them to unpack their treasures then, and havethem play with the boxes while you unpack.Start a scrapbook for their new home, including a diary of My First…Visit their new school, park, church, etc. Take a camera to snappictures for the scrapbook.Help your children invite new friends over to the house.Let them choose a new favorite restaurant. This will help them feel incontrol of their new world.Encourage them to send letters about their new home to their friends.Involve your children in groups, sports, and activities like the onesthey used to participate in.Remember that even if you only lived in your former home a fewyears, to a young child it is nearly their entire life!TIPS FOR HELPING CHILDREN WITH A MOVEKids require extra attention and care when planning to buy or sell ahome. Making a little extra effort to include them in the buying andselling process helps them adjust more quickly to the move. Page 51uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
While the closing on your new home may mark the end of thepurchase process, I hope it will mark the beginning of anongoing relationship. I make a concerted effort to keep in touchwith my clients and to continue to be a resource for their realestate and neighborhood needs. As a client, you can look forward to receiving periodic updates onneighborhood events and quarterly real estate market analysisreports. And, of course, if you need referrals for plumbers,electricians, and other service professionals, I am always happyto provide you with a list of trusted vendors. I am committed tobeing a trusted resource you can count on to help you expertlynavigate any real estate question or need. My goal is your goal, and I want to help you move up to yourNext Level in life, whatever that might be.Maintaining relationships is part of my commitment to provide alevel of real estate service well above and beyond expectations.My clients share their positive experience with friends andassociates who then seek me out. This has allowed me to build asuccessful real estate practice based on referrals. As a result, I can devote more of my time to helping clients andspend less looking for new ones. If you are happy with myservice, I hope you will spread the word and send people my wayso I can help them the same way I helped you. That’s a win-winall around!Thank you for the privilege!David McGuire • 301.471.0969 • DAVID.MCGUIRE@REMAX.NET Page 52M Y C O M M I T M E N T T O Y O U , T H E B U Y E R
Whether you are looking to buy or sell a homeor are just curious about the local market, Iwould love to offer my comprehensive realestate services and support. With theexperience and utmost education of anassociate broker, you can be confident I willguide you through the details and nuances ofour market. Having access to top listings &exceptional technology, I am committed tomaking your real estate experience successful,enjoyable, and memorable.Also, as a former long-time (25 years)successful business owner/operator in thecommunity, I was the proud recipient ofFrederick County’s Small BusinessEntrepreneur of the Year.If you want a realtor who prides himself onachieving the results you desire with thecustomer service you expect, I would behonored to work with you. DAVIDMCGUIREAssociate Brokerdavid.mcguire@remax.net301-471-0969david-mcguire.remax.comSeller Representative Specialist (SRS)Real Estate Negotiation Expert (RENE)Short Sale and Foreclosure Resource (SFR) Certified Real Estate Team Specialist (CRETS)Leading Re Marketing Specialist2021, 2022 Homesnap Excellence in Customer Service2021 L&F Gold Team Member of Top Producers2022 Associate BrokerDesignations/Certifications/Awards:MD VA PALicensed in::