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Buyers Guide

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Prior to real estate, our team of professionals worked in roles in financial analysis,accounting, investment management and banking with large national andinternationally known companies.Today, we are excited about bringing together our extensive backgrounds andexperience, our passion for real estate, and the love of helping people to this excitingbusiness. With decades of sales and service experience, we know what it takes todeliver results!Our clients past and present describe us as very energetic, dedicated, knowledgeableand highly effective real estate consultants providing a level of service which exceedstheir expectations. It is this level of service, our consultative approach, and alwaysanticipating our clients needs in advance, which contributes to our continued successand expanding list of happy clients.We think of our team as not simply real estate agents, but rather real estate advisors.We believe that business is more about people and guidance then it is about contractsand deals. We have a philosophy of working for the client, not for the deal. Sometimesthat means drilling down, understanding a client’s needs, and coaching them to makea move at the right time that suits their unique situation. We are relationship buildersand are here for the long-term interests of our clients. Trust is everything inrelationships and that’s what we strive for!H O L G A R DR E A L E S T A T E G R O U PEric Nygard & Cam HollandOur StoryAllow our dedication to service excellence pairedwith the skills and experience required to succeedin this industry work for you in navigating this ever-changing real estate market.

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The BrokerageOUR CORE VALUESP U T P E O P L E F I R S TPut the relationship side of business first. It’s the most important part of what we do.Be respectful. Listen intently. Anticipate issues. And strive to make meaningfulconnections. We believe when we put relationships above all else, in every instance,everyone wins.I N N O V A T I V E S E R V I C EWhat can you do today that has never been done before? To change the way theindustry works, we have to change how we work. So question everything. Find newways to do old things. Surpass your client’s expectations in even the smallest ofways.C R E A T E A C O M M U N I T YThough we have seven CORE VALUES, this one stands just a tiny bit above the rest.We’re all in this together. We’re creating a community of agents in a purpose-builtenvironment that feels like home. But community is really in the hands of itsmembers. We can create the environment, but it’s up to you to support, celebrateand encourage one another. And to live our values. Oakwyn should feel like a happyextended family.R E A L E S T A T E N E R D SLove what you do. A lot. And find new ways to love it each and every day. There’s somuch to learn, so many new trends to stay on top of in our industry. Relationships tobuild. Goals to meet. Be a student of our craft and share what you learn with yourpeers. Your passion is infectious.L E A D B Y E X A M P L EBe the change you wish to see in the world. That’s Gandhi. And it’s good advice.Model the behavior you’d like to see in the office, out in the field, and at industryevents. What are Oakwyn-like characteristics? Energy. Transparency. Humility. Wit.Passion. Trust. Intelligence. Be those things and you’ll be part of the change.P U R S U E G R O W T H & L E A R N I N GHave a hungry mind. Feed it. The only way to improve personally and professionallyis to seek out and incorporate new learning and understanding into your practice.Read. Keep an open mind. Listen to each other. Listen to podcasts. Share whatyou’ve learned. We can all grow together.E M B R A C E & D R I V E C H A N G EWe work in a dynamic, always-changing business, and we want to be the onesleading that change, rather than reacting to it. So be bold. Be a leader. We’re alsoopen to change on the inside. If there’s something that could be improvedinternally, be bold and bring it up. If we can’t embrace change on the inside, wecan’t drive it on the outside.

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Select a Real Estate AgentMortgage PreapprovalAnalyze Your Needs in a BuyerConsultationSelect PropertiesView PropertiesWrite an Offer to PurchaseNegotiate TermsAccept the ContractObtain Fund For ClosingClose the PropertyTake Possession of Home!Conduct InspectionsResolve any IssuesConduct Title SearchRemove any EncumbrancesObtain Title InsuranceThe Home-Buying ProcessYour Guide to Buying a HomeRemove ContingenciesObtain Mortgage FinancingCredit Check Underwriting Appraisal Survey Insurance

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Step 1: Find A Realtor Who Is Right For You Step 2: Mortgage Pre-Approval Buyer Process: Step by Step Guide to Home Buying98% of people get help from a REALTOR® when buying ahome. Did you know that only about 20% of REALTORS®complete 80% of home sales? When selecting a REALTOR®, you want a professional and successful REALTOR® withexperience.Once you have signed the BUYER AGENCYDOCUMENTS,we can work together to find your new home.By understanding your needs and desires, we will take thisinformation and tailor a property search specific to you. Indoing so, you will receive information specific and relevant toyour personal buying experience. How much can you afford?:Knowing your true budget is very important when buying a home. Focus on the total monthly paymentsincluding mortgage payments, plus all utilities, taxes and fees. If you have a true budget determined, workwithin that to ensure you are comfortable every month. Maximize your down payment while also setting aside money for moving expenses, repairs, renovations andperhaps some new furniture.We can recommend excellent Mortgage Brokers who can help you with this very important step in the homebuying process.What does it cost to buy a home: Monthly costs of owning a home:Down Payment Legal FeesInspection FeesTaxesMortgageUtilitiesMaintenanceInsuranceProperty TaxesCondo/Strata Fees

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Step 3: Select Homes to View With YourRealtor We will be in contact with you to help select homes to view.We will present the best matches and choose up to 6 homesto view at a time; any more and it's hard to distinguishbetween them.In our experience the most common purchasing objectivesof clients are finding the right home at the best possibleprice in the best time frame with the minimum amount ofinconvenience.Step 4: Find the Right Home Buyer Process: Step by Step Guide to Home BuyingNeeds and Wants - one stopshoppingCostsTransaction CoordinatorAfter Sale Service1.2.3.4.Do background research. We make sure that nothing is leftout and you have all the information necessary to make aninformed decision. Prepare to offer. We will follow all your instructions toensure your needs are met. We recommend reviewing thecontracts before writing an offer so you are familiar withthem and can ask questions prior to the time of writing.Explain all the details. We will give you all the options andensure you know what you are agreeing to.Present and Negotiate the offer. Once you have signed allthe papers, we will do our best to get you the home youwant at the best possible price with conditions you arecomfortable with. During the Offer Process we will:

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This is where we work through any conditions/subjects of the offer. The most common will be financing and homeinspection. With a condo there will also be strata documents to inspect.Financing: Your lender will need to see a copy of the contract and you will work closely with your Mortgage Brokeror Lender to ensure they can approve the financing.Home Inspection: This is your biggest purchase and a few hundred dollars spent on an inspection can save youfrom unpleasant surprises. We can recommend several home inspection companies to choose from. Professional Advice: Talk to your lawyer, accountant, or other professionals to answer any questions that pertainto your specific circumstances. Realtors cannot provide legal or other expert advice in matters beyond thecommon standard of care in the real estate industry.Step 6: Due DiligenceStep 5: Negotiate the Offer The seller can reject your offerIt is uncommon for an offer to be completely rejected. Ifthis happens we will follow up to see if there is anythingmore we can do.2.The seller can "sign back" or counter your offerThis is common. The seller may want to alter some partof your offer, most likely the price.3.The seller can accept your offerPerfect, Congratulations!1.Go With a Licensed Home InspectorJoin the inspectionGet up close and personal withyour new home. The process cantake up to four hours. If anyconcerns are detected, you canaddress them right away. Yourinspector can also provide somemaintenance tips for your newhome.You'll get it in writingTheir report will summarize thecondition of your home. Ifanything needs work, the homeinspector will provide guidanceand suggestions for items ofconcern.No such thing as "perfect"Even with a brand new homethere will be some minor defects(and even some not so minor).Every home will have some minordeferred maintenance and issuesthat will come up. We will workthrough these to decide whichare serious and need to be fixed.Buyer Process: Step by Step Guide to Home Buying

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Once you have chosen a lawyer or notary, our Transaction Coordinator will send them all the required paperwork.You will meet with your lawyer within 2 weeks prior to taking possession to provide your insurance information, thebalance of your down-payment, fees and any adjustments, and sign all the required paperwork finalizing theownership of your new home. Step 8: Meet With A Lawyer Step 7: Another Form to Sign - SubjectRemoval Form Lawyers vs. Notaries: What is the difference?The simple answer to this common question is thatnotaries cannot represent clients in court and cannotget involved in litigation. Their work is restricted to non-contentious matters where those involved are inagreement, and often involves notarizing, or witnessingpeople's signatures on documents.Unlike lawyers, notaries cannot provide legal advice orservices on specific matters. For example, they are notable to provide services related to family law, such asseparation or divorce. Notaries can provide servicesincluding the preparation of wills, drafting affidavits, andnotarizing documents. Lawyers, on the other hand, mayrepresent clients on legal matters, inside and outside thecourtroom.Another notable difference between lawyers andnotaries is that lawyers generally must obtain twouniversity degrees in order to be certified to practicelaw; an undergraduate degree, and a law degree. Aftergraduating from law school, those hoping to becomelawyers in BC also have to complete the ProfessionalLegal Training Course and article at a law firm for oneyear before they can practice law. (Articling is similar toa practicum that medical students have to complete.)On the other hand notaries are not required to have alaw degree.Although lawyers require more education and trainingthan notaries, it is a common misconception thatnotaries charge less for services provided. In manycommunities where there are both lawyers andnotaries, the fees charged by both are competitive.Once you have completed your due diligence and satisfiedthe conditions of the contract, it's time to sign the subjectremoval form making the purchase "firm and final". This iswhen you provide your deposit. The deposit forms part ofyour down payment.Buyer Process: Step by Step Guide to Home Buying

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Completion Day: This is the day the official title of the home istransferred to you. Your lawyer/notary will call once all the moneyhas been transferred and the home has been registered in yourname with the Land Titles Office. This usually happens towards theend of the day.Possession Day: We will meet at the property to do a walkthrough and welcome you to your new home.Step 10: Completion & PossessionStep 9: Things To Do Before You Move In Movers: If you are using professional movers, book early!Mailing Address: Gather and create an inventory of places that require your new mailingaddress. You may also want to consider having your mail forwarded through Canada Post toensure you haven't missed anything.Utilities: It's important to set up your utilities such as phone, cable, internet, power, water,and gas at your new address as well as cancel the utilities at the previous address. MortgagePre-ApprovalFind the PerfectHomeDue Diligence toRemove Subjectsto OfferBuyer Process: Step by Step Guide to Home BuyingTimelinesPossession1-2 weeks 1-3 weeks 1-2 weeks +/- 30-90 daysfrom offer dateN O T E : I n t h e v e r y r a r e c h a n c e a n y i s s u e s o r c o n c e r n s a r e i d e n t i f i e d d u r i n g p o s s e s s i o n o u r j o b d o e s n ' t s t o p . W ew i l l e n d e a v o r t o r e c t i f y t h e m a s q u i c k l y a s p o s s i b l e . A l a w y e r c a n a d v i s e y o u i n t h e e v e n t o f a n y t h i n g s e r i o u s t h a tn e e d s a l e g a l o p i n i o n .

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What are my potential costs whenbuying a home?Home Inspection Fees ($750+)A home inspection is a report on the condition of the home and includes structural and moisture problems, aswell as electrical, plumbing, roofing and insulation. The fees range depending on the size of the home and thecomplexity of the inspection. Lawyers or Notary fee ($750-1500)Buyers typically hire a lawyer or Notary Public to assist with drafting documents and ensuring the title of thehome is properly transferred. Condo Move-in Fee ($50 - $200)Some strata properties charge a move-in fee.Moving FeesMoving fees vary depending on the distance moved and whether professional movers do all the packing. GSTThe GSTon a new home is 5% of the price.A GST rebate equivalent to 36% of the GST paid is available fornew homes priced up to $350,000 and a partial rebate on new homes priced up to $450,000. Buyers also paythe GST on fees for services from appraisers, home inspectors, lawyers, Notary Publics and REALTORS®.Property Transfer TaxHome buyers in BC pay a provincial Property Transfer Tax (PTT) when they buy a home. The tax is charged at arate of 1% on the first $200,000 of the purchase price and 2% on the remainder up to and including$2 million.The PTT is 3% on amounts greater than $2 million. If the property is residential, a further 2% PTT is payable onthe portion greater than $3 million.-Qualifying first-time home buyersmay be exempt from paying the PTTif the principal residence propertyhas a Fair Market Value of $835,000 or less (effective April 1, 2024) and is less than 0.5 hectares. The first $500kof the purchase price is exempt from PTT. There is a proportional exemption for homes priced between$835,000 and $860,000. For more information go to: buyers of NEWLY BUILT homesmay be exempt from paying the PTT if the purchase price oftheir home is up to $1,100,000. For more information go to: Costs OverviewYou’ve decided to buy a home, it’s important youunderstand all the costs involved in addition to theprice you're paying for the property.

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What are my potential costs when buying a home continued...BC Home Flipping TaxThe BC home flipping tax will apply to income from B.C. properties sold on or after January 1, 2025. Incomefrom property purchased before the tax’s effective date may be subject to the new tax if sold on or afterJanuary 1, 2025 if the property is sold within 2 years, unless an exemption applies.The BC home flipping tax will apply to income from the sale of property that was owned for less than 2 years.The tax rate will be highest for those who owned properties for the shortest period and will decline the longerthe property is owned. The tax rate will be 20 percent for income earned from properties sold within 365 daysof purchase and will decline to zero between 366 and 730 days.You may be exempt from paying tax on income earned from the sale of your property if you are eligible for anexemption. For more information go to: InsuranceLenders typically require home buyers with a mortgage to buy home insurance. The insurance should beeffective on the earlier of either the completion date or the date that the balance of funds is placed in trust.Consider contents and improvements, and deductible reimbursement if strata.LocksNew owners should always have door locks rekeyed. Costs depend on whether the locks are standard orelectronic.Strata Maintenance FeeTypically paid on the first day of each month to cover the maintenance and operation of the strata corporationand building.Utility Hook-upsThere may be fees charged to hook-up hydro, gas, water and sewer, cable, etc.Commission FeesWhat does it cost to hire a Realtor? There is no set commission rate in the real estate profession. Most Realtorsare paid after ownership is transferred. Fees are typically paid to the real estate company by the lawyer ornotary in the transaction, by the seller from the sale proceeds.AdjustmentsProperty TaxesDepending on the Contract of Purchase and Sale, a property buyer will likely be required to reimburse theseller for any prepaid property taxes. The lender may require the buyer to add property tax installments tomonthly mortgage payments. Property taxes are payable on the first business day of July.Utility BillsA buyer istypicallyrequired to reimburse the seller for any prepayments for municipal sewer and water fees.Buying Costs Overview

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Your Lender Will Need to SeeIf salary or hourly:Letter of employment, two recentpay stubs, previous T4 or notice ofassessment and possibly moredepending on the lender.If self-employed:Two recent years of T1 General TaxReturns and two recent years ofNotice of Assessments from CRAwith proof of income taxes paid.If incorporated:Two recent years of companyfinancial statements and acertficate of incorporation.Proof of down paymentSavings account statementGift letter plus confirmation it's in your account (ifapplicable)Line of credit or credit card statements showingbalance, limit, minimum paymentOther documentationCopy of contract and MLS sheetVoid cheque or pre-authorized debit form(stamped by bank) where mortgage payments willbe withdrawn fromIdentificationExtra Costs That Might ApplyAppraisal Fee (approx. $300-450)Your lender might require a professional appraisal. It never hurts to ask if they will cover the cost!Application FeeSome mortgage lenders charge a fee to process yourapplication. Ask if it can be waived.Title InsuranceThis insurance can protect you and/or your lenderfrom all sorts of fraud and potential errors pertainingto the title of your land. Ask your lawyer for details.Mortgage Documentation RequiredMortgage Insurance (.60-3.85% of mortgage amt)The federal government requires high-ratio mortgageswith less than 20% down payment to be insuredagainst default. This costis added to the mortgage.

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Holgard Group Preferred PartnersHOME INSPECTORSCore Property InspectionsAaron Borsch, C.M.H.I.Tel:Douville & Co. Home Inspections Ltd.Tel:**Online link to book**Northwood Home InspectionsTel:**Online link to book**MORTGAGE BROKERSCasey ArchibaldXEVA MortgagesTel: 778-871-6996 casey@caseya.cawww.caseya.caThrive Mortgage Company(Dominion Lending)Tel:Cole HennigPlan B Mortgage Services(Dominion Lending)Tel:Jason KhongJK Law Corp(mobile – will come to you)Tel: 604-723-8597jklawcorp@gmail.comSpagnuolo & Company(multiple locations)Tel: 604-527-4242realestate@bcrealestatelawyers.comwww.bcrealestatelawyers.comJason GolbeyGolbey Law(Port Moody, BC)Tel: 604-800-1629jasonm@golbey.comwww.golbey.comHOME INSURANCERachel DharneyInsure BCTel: 604-858-6866racheld@insurebc.cawww.insurebc.caSussex InsuranceTel: 604-973-1000MyInsurance@SussexInsurance.comwww.SussexInsurance.comAli JeskeSchill InsuranceTel: 604-536-7111Ali@Schillinsurance.comwww.Schillinsurance.comLAWYERS

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8 Weeks Before MovingContact movers or truck rental companies to get estimatesIf you have unwanted or unneeded items, plan a garage sale and set a dateArrange to transfer school records if you have childrenStart a "move file" for all receipts, papers, estimates related to your move6 Weeks Before MovingSelect a mover or truck rental company and arrange pick-up and deliverydatesIf you are moving to a new city, ask your attorney, doctor, and other providersfor referrals and necessary recordsIf you have pets, schedule a check-up and get a copy of veterinary recordsSet schedules with real estate agents and/or landlords4 Weeks Before MovingScheduledisconnection dates with your local utility companiesNotify the appropriate utility companies of connection dates for your newhomeCancel newspaper subscription and trash pickup effective on your movingdateCheck with your local post office for change of address formsFor strata properties, contact strata to reserve the elevator for your move dataand obtain details where you can park your moving truck during the move1 Week Before MovingClean out refrigerator and defrost freezerHave your car serviced if you will be moving/driving a long distanceConfirm connection dates for utilities in your new homeTransfer or close your chequing accountBe sure to get all items from your safety deposit boxMoving DaySpend the entire day at home with the moversCarry any valuables or family heirlooms with youJust before the movers leave, take a final tour of your homeMake sure nothing has been left in drawers or closetsClean home or arrange for cleanersAs you leave, be sure all windows and doors are lockedWhom to NotifyWaterGasElectricityTelephonePost OfficeCable/InternetRental CompaniesMobile Phone ProviderBanksBuilding SocietiesCredit Card CompaniesNational Savings andBondsEmployerInsurance CompaniesPension CompaniesSocial SecurityDoctorDentistOptometrist & OpticianPhysiotherapistChiropractorMassage TherapistHealth InsuranceICBCVehicle RegistrationAgencyVehicle InsuranceFriends and FamilySuscriptions ClubMembershipsLibrarySchools/CollegesMoving Checklists

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C O N T A C TU SEric Nygard & Cam Holland604.715.2900HolgardGroup@gmail.comwww.HolgardGroup.comH O L G A R D G R O U P I S AD E D I C A T E D & P A S S I O N A T E R E A L E S T A T E T E A MH O L G A R DR E A L E S T A T E G R O U P