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Buyers Guide

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OUR TEAM ROLESProtect your best interest, and treat all parties involved in the transactionhonestlyExercise due diligence on properties you are seeking to purchaseAbide by the standards of the National Association of Realtors Code of EthicsRespect your time, needs, and financesExhibit open and frequent communication along with swift responsesProvide continuous comprehensive market informationRespond to and resolve any matters in a quick and timely mannerPrompt follow up with all parties involved in the transactionEnsure we always keep a positive working relationshipAttention to your unique needsWHAT YOU CAN EXPECT FROM ME AS YOUR AGENTWHAT I HOPE YOU WILL COMMIT TOObtain required documents in a timely manner (i.e. pre-approval letter)Ensure you have the resources available to pay all Outside of Closing expenses(i.e. Closing Costs, Inspections Fees, Appraisal Fees. applicable down-paymentAllow me to use my expertise during the negotiation processProvide notice if you cannot meet deadlines or appointmentsAlert me right away if you find a desired propertyNotify me immediately if your needs or expectations changeRefrain from calling other agents for information regarding propertiesDo not discuss any terms with sellers or their agentsAsk me first; there are no silling questions. If I do not know they answer I willfind someone that does

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"Pre-Approval" means you have consulted with a loan officer, your creditfiles have been reviewed and the loan officer believes you can readilyqualify for a given loan amount with one or more specific mortgageprograms. Based on this information, the lender will provide a pre-approvalletter, which shows your borrowing power and that you have the ability togo through with a purchase and how much house you can afford. I have along standing working relationships with several great lenders & canrecommend those lenders to you. BONUS: If possible get approvedTHROUGH underwritingTHE HOME-BUYING PROCESS IN 8 EASY STEPSAfter determining your Goals, it's time to begin searching for homes. Berealistic by identifying your wants versus your needs before beginning yoursearch. Make a list of the features and benefits you want in a home.Consider things such as pricing, location, size, schools, amenities anddesign. I will set up a custom market search, delivering property matchesvia email daily. Now let's have some FUN home shopping! Get Pre-Approved for a MortagageSearch for HomesSomething to think about.. I have many years of New Construction experience and I have owned/own 10 homes.I have remodeled 3 homes. I have used a VA laon, FHA loan and Conventional. I own investment property.. Iknow stuff and I am happy to share. When we look at homes, this experience will come inhandy

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After your offer is accepted, it is routine to have a home inspection. *there are a few exceptions to this but we will discuss those in person. During the inspection, a licensed inspector determines if there are anyphysical defects and whether expensive repairs and replacements arelikely to be required immediately or down the road. This is a goodopportunity to examine the property's mechanics and structures, askquestions and learn about the property. I will send you a list ofreputable local home inspectors. Use your inspection timeline toinvestigate the neighborhood, schools, crime data, etc. Once you find a home you love, I will prepare a Pricing Opinion (CMA-Market Analysis). Then I'll draft an Offer to Purchase on your behalf basedon the price, strategy and terms we have discussed and you haveapproved. A commitment for the deposit of good faith (Earnest MoneyDeposit) will go along with the offer. As well as a copy of your pre-approvalletter. The owner may accept your offer, reject it or make a counter-offer.We can discuss each scenario in more depth. Make an OfferHome Inspection

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During the escrow period, * the period of time from offer acceptance to the closingdate - your lender will be working to process your loan application. Your lender willprovide you a very specific list of items required + items to be provided to thelender to give you a final loan approval and a 'Clear to Close'. During the escrowperiod the lender will also order your homes appraisal. The appraisers job is toconfirm that the offer price of the home is no less than your homes value (lowappraisal). The appraiser will also confirm the homes is financeable and does nothave major repair or safety issues. Near closing your lender will work closely withthe Title/Escrow company to create the documents you will sign, these are calledClosing Docs. Prior to closing your lender will send, electronically your 'CD' *Closing Disclosure. You will sign the CD electronically. You will sign your actual Closing Documents in person, it's typically the only part of the closing process thatcan not be completed electronically.What is included in your Offer or Purchase & Sales Agreement? This document details the specifics of the transaction, such as; fixtures(conveyances) to remain with the property, the property's status regarding leadpaint, agreed upon sales price, all contingencies, the closing date, Earnest Moneyamount, loan type and down payment, *Septic & Well conveyances if applicable,Ageny Relationships, etc. Contractural CommitmentDisclaimer: These steps are intended to provide a general guideline on how the home buying process works, however, every transaction can haveits own special situation or circumstances and may not be covered in this guide.The Loan ProcessIf you have any questions about your legal rights or responsibilities, you should consult an attorney. I can provideseveral names of real estate attorneys if neededDuring the escrow period and loan processing period DO NOT open or close any new credit accounts orchange your spending habits in any way. Doing so may end your chances of having your loan approved.If a large expense is unavoidable please contact your lender for instructions

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This is the day you become a homeowner, but there are several final steps. Prior toclosing, we will have a final walk-through of the home you are buying. This is to ensure repairs (if any) were completed and that the house is in the same or bettercondition than when you made the offer. Most lenders will require that you have ahomeowner's insurance binder (proof of insurance) before they will close the loan. After signing the loan documents, the lender will set in motion the payment(funding the loan). Once the Funds are received the title company will set inmotion Recording at the county.. Once recorded & closed we can arrange transferof keys. YOU ARE NOW A HOME OWNER!Title is the legal way of saying you own a right to something. For real estatepurposes, title refers to ownership of the property, meaning that you have therights to use that property. It may be a partial interest in the property or it may bethe full. However, because you have title, you can access the land and potentiallymodify it as you see fit. Title also means that you can transfer that interest orportion that you own to others. However, you can never legally transfer more thanyou own.. We will have a title contingency in your offer ensuring you are buying ahome with clear, marketable title with no unmanageable encumbrances. When wereceive the Title Report from our title company. It will be your job to contact ourTitle Officer or LPO and ask for an appointment to 'Review' the title report. It isimperative you understand what you are buying and any limitations that come withthe property.Title Disclaimer: These steps are intended to provide a general guideline on how the home buying process works,however, every transaction can have its own special situation or circumstances and may not be covered in this guide.The Closing

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You can Purchase a Home In-Person or VirtuallyIf needed, I have the tools and resources to guide you through the purchase of your home virtually. Virtual & Video Tours I can schedule video tours or virtual appointments to previewhomes from your matrix property wish-list. Sharing PropertiesWe can both share homes for sale and favorite properties withinyour Matrix - the site and integration makes this process fun andeasy! *if a home in your matrix really catches your eye, call or textme immediately. If you find something outside of your matrix, adviseme, I can arrange to tour off-market homes and FSBO's on yourbehalf Asking QuestionsMy clients are the smartest in the market. This is because they ASKlots of questions. I encourage you to ask, ask and ask again. This isone of the biggest purchases in your lifetime let's get your questionsanswered.

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I would LOVE to be YOUR Real Estate Brokerand RE partner. Please contact me today ifyou have any questions, would like to talk nextsteps or simply lear more about the marketCall/Text: 206 992 2327Email: idabearhomes@gmail.comWebsite: idabear.withwre.comWith tools like Zoom and social media platforms, I can bring homes toyou. I can send you detailed information and videos for anything fromvirtual home tours to home inspections, to strategy meetings. If wecould do it in person we can do it virtuallyVideo,Video, VideoSigning ElectronicallyI partner and integrate with companies like Dotloop and Authentisignallowing you to sign documents electronically.Welcome Home! Congratulations! You just finished the home buying experience.We have just spent a month or more together during the buyingprocess. We may not talk by phone every day now but rest assured Iam here if you need me. I have resources for everything . Pleasereach out any time. CONGRATULATIONS!

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TestimonialsIda was wonderful to work with. She helps everystep of the way, with purchasing a home or helpingsell your home. I highly recommend her. She helpedmy family and I sell the house we owned andpurchase our dream home. Bruce & DawnIda was amazing to work with. She was alwaysavailable via text, phone or email. Gettinginformation on homes before we even saw themwas incredibly helpful. After our offer wasaccepted, she helped walk us through every stepof the way straight through to closing. We woulddefinitely work with her again! We purchased ahome that we never stepped foot in and shemade us feel confident the entire time Behning Family Ida is an excellent realtor. We were first time homebuyers, with no idea on what to do. She is a veryknowledgeable realtor. She helped us find a house,even though we were all the way on the other sideof the country, she sent us videos and we were ableto video chat while she was visiting the houses.While our plans changed dramatically, we weren’table to continue with our house purchase, due toother unforeseen military circumstances. She wasfast and quick at responding and messaging back.We’re hoping to get stationed in Washington again,and will definitely be using Ida, for our futurehouse purchase. N. Sparks Ida was able to help me find a home which wasunder construction and not yet listed. In thiscompetitive market this was the edge weneeded Definitely helped us find a home thatwas new and too our liking which would havesold very quickly otherwise. She provided greatcontacts for inspections and for lenders. Irecommend her to all my friends. The Clarke's

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My name is Ida Bear. I was raised right here in beatiful Pacific Northwest and it's here where I continue to be an active member of the community. Inmy earlier years, I went to college in Southern California and studied visualmerchandising. While going to school I worked Full Time for a local RealEstate developer learning sales skills, Management skills, building practicesand other important skills. It was during this time, I realized I had anextreme passion for all things real estate.In the early 90's I moved HOME to the PNW. I met and married my husband,Jim Robb and we began our family. He was an active duty Service Memberand soon another adventure began, we packed up many times and movedour family around the world, anywhere the Navy would see fit for us to go.We always knew we'd come HOME.. Towards the end of Jim's 30 years in theNavy we found ourselves back in the PNW. It's our final frontier this is OURforever home. In 2010 I decided it was time to go back to school. I went to Real Estateschool in Virginia and passed my VA Real Estate exam . I practiced RE for 2years while Jim was stationed in Norfolk. When it was time to come home Istudied and passed my WA RE exam and since 2013 have made my workhome with Windermere as they known for providing exceptional customerservice and have been achieving outstanding results for home buyers likeyou for more than 48 years. I live and work in our community, I can providedetailed information to guide you through the buying process, includingimportant market data and the latest strategies to help you find & secure ahome quickly and easily. I am a proud member of the National Association ofRealtors, local RE Association, I am a Certified Military Relocation Professional & Accredited Washington StateHousing and Finance Commission 1st Time Buyers AgentMy clients are my top priority. I provide my clients with expertise, knowledge,value, and responsiveness. It's my greatest desire that YOU become aninformed decision maker. I promise to keep your best interest at heart andadvocate on your behalf to help you find the home you love. Whether youprefer to get in touch by email, text, or phone, I am here to answer anyquestions you might have. Please contact me today to find out how I can putmy resources, skills, and experience to work for you. Ida Bear, Broker,Realtor & MRPCONTACTSOCIAL MEDIAMobile: 206 992 2327idabearhomes@gmail.comwww.idabear.withwre.comFacebook: Association of RealtorsKitsap County Board of RealtorsMilitary Relocation ProsMY PROMISESKILLSMarket ExpertAggressive NegotiatorEducatorCreative Problem SolverPeople Connector

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I have always had an affinity for Bees. I sincerely believe without Bees we would cease toI have always had an affinity for Bees. I sincerely believe without Bees we would cease toI have always had an affinity for Bees. I sincerely believe without Bees we would cease toexist. I am fascinated by the way they serve and how they take care of their community.exist. I am fascinated by the way they serve and how they take care of their community.exist. I am fascinated by the way they serve and how they take care of their community. I love their work ethic - LOLI love their work ethic - LOLI love their work ethic - LOL Many Many years ago I came across this quote made byMany Many years ago I came across this quote made byMany Many years ago I came across this quote made by Saint John ChrysostomSaint John ChrysostomSaint John Chrysostom “““The bee is more honored than other animals not because she labors, but becauseThe bee is more honored than other animals not because she labors, but becauseThe bee is more honored than other animals not because she labors, but becauseshe labors for others.”she labors for others.”she labors for others.” I took this quote to heart and believe, like the Bee, I am here to serve. My hope is that I canI took this quote to heart and believe, like the Bee, I am here to serve. My hope is that I canI took this quote to heart and believe, like the Bee, I am here to serve. My hope is that I canserve you in a way that brings you joy, lessens your burden and some day adds to yourserve you in a way that brings you joy, lessens your burden and some day adds to yourserve you in a way that brings you joy, lessens your burden and some day adds to yournest-egg (makes your hive abundant)nest-egg (makes your hive abundant)nest-egg (makes your hive abundant) Ida BIda BIda B Realtor, Broker, Navy Wife, Mom, Grandma, Daughter, Aunt, Friend, Animal RescuerRealtor, Broker, Navy Wife, Mom, Grandma, Daughter, Aunt, Friend, Animal RescuerRealtor, Broker, Navy Wife, Mom, Grandma, Daughter, Aunt, Friend, Animal Rescuer andandand Self-Proclaimed FoodieSelf-Proclaimed FoodieSelf-Proclaimed Foodie