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Buyer & Seller Guide

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Your Key Resource forthe Buying & SellingProcess!A P R O F E S S I O N A L G U I D EBUYING& SELLINGYour HOMEPride HomeProperties TeamREALTORS®

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PRIDE HOME PROPERTIESREAL ESTATE TEAMwww.pridehomeaz.comP R I D E H O M E P R O P E R T I E SShawn Bean | Realtor® Licensed Real Estate SalespersonJacob Thomas | Realtor® | Team LeadLicensed Real Estate SalespersonJacob is an experienced real estate professional with many years insales and customer service. Although growing up in Utah he fell in lovewith Arizona and all that it offers. Jacob’s energetic and outgoing naturemakes him stand out amongst the rest. He knows how to listen to yourneeds and use his knowledge of the area and the real estate market toget you into that Dream House you have always wanted.801-719-8059 | jacob.thomas@huntrealestate.comShawn, an Arizona Native, has over 15+ years of experience in bothsales and marketing. He has always loved every aspect of real estateand spends his free time checking out the market stats around thevalley to ensure we stay on top of trends. He works hard with ourclients to get you the most information possible to help you make thebest decision that fits in your budget and timeline.385-207-0228 |

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IM P O R TA NT C O N T A C T S TITLE AGENCYAgent:Company:Phone #:Mobile #:Fax #:Email:Company:Phone #:Email:Loan Officer:Company:Phone #:Mobile #:Fax #:Email:Agent:Company:Phone #:Email:Company:Phone #:Email:Escrow Officer:Phone #:Fax #:Email:Branch Location:Policy #:Escrow #:Policy #:Policy Date:Inspection Date/Time:REALTOR®pridehomeaz@gmail.comJacob Thomas & Shawn BeanLENDERHOME WARRANTY HOME INSPECTIONHOME INSURANCEW W W . P R I D E H O M E A Z . C O MPride Home Properties Team480-269-1060480-269-1060

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TH E CONTENTSThis guide is provided by Pride Home Propertiesas a complimentary resource for real estateconsumers.The BasicsThe Home InspectionThe Home Buying ProcessBuyer WishlistHome Comparison ChecklistZip Code MapLocal Services DirectoryWhat is Escrow?What is Title Insurance?Life of an EscrowClosing Costs: Who Pays WhatTaking TitleClosing 101After the ClosingAdvantages of Selling with a REALTOR®The Home Selling ProcessContract TimelineBuyer AttachmentSample Purchase ContractH.O.A. AddendumCounter OfferBuyer’s Inspection and Seller’s Response(BINSR) Buyer Advisory134578910111316161718192021232434373841 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .E S C R O W & T I T L EH O M E I N S P E C T I O NB U Y E R E S S E N T I A L SS E L L E R E S S E N T I A L SC O N T R A C T S & F O R M SW H Y W O R K W I T H P R I D E H O M E P R O P E R T I E SInside Back Cover

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T H E B A S I C SWho and What You Need to Know for the Home Purchasing Process1LENDERA P P R A I S E RBUYER’S AGENTL I S T I N G A G E N T (R E A L T O R ®HOME INSPECTORE S C R O W O F F I C E RREAL ESTATE AGENT S E L L E R )MULTIPLE LISTING SERVI CE ( M L S )COMMITMENT IS A T W O - W A Y S T R E E TInspects the property and works directly for the buyer.Inspects the property and determines the comparable price of the home.A key role of the buyer’s agent OR broker is to work with the buyer to locatea suitable property and negotiate a successful home purchase.The lender works with the buyer to arrange financing for the purchase of a home.A real estate agent is licensed by the state to represent parties in thetransfer of property. Every REALTOR® is a real estate agent, but not everyreal estate agent has the professional designation of a REALTOR®.A disinterested 3rd party that handles funds, title insurance and signing of loan documents.The MLS is a database of properties listed for sale by REALTORS® who aremembers of the local ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®. Information on an MLSproperty is available to thousands of REALTORS®.A key role of the listing agent OR broker is to form a legal relationship with the homeowner to sellthe property and place the property in the Multiple Listing Service.Your REALTOR® will make a commitment to spend valuable hours finding the right home for you:researching listings, previewing properties, visiting homes with you, and negotiating your contract. Honorthat commitment by staying with the REALTOR® you’ve selected until you purchase your home. Be sureyour REALTOR® accompanies you on your first visit to all new homes and open houses, too.A REALTOR® is a licensed real estate agent and a member of the NATIONALASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, a real estate trade association. REALTORS®also belong to their state and local ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®.f o rW W W . P R I D E H O M E A Z . C O M

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Contract TimelineThe Home Selling ProcessAdvantages of Selling with a REALTOR®E S S E N T I A L S F O R S E L L E R SP R I D E H O M E P R O P E R T I E S

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3A D V A N T A G E S O FS E L L I N G W I T H A R E A L T O R ®PR ICINGSC REENINGAD VERTISI NGNE GOTIAT I ONPR OFESSI O NALISMCL OSING OR S ETTLE MENTNot only will your REALTOR® guide you through the complexity ofpaperwork that ensues during a home sale, but they will also keep youinformed of everything from the escrow process to inspection procedures.Your agent can monitor your transaction while it is in escrow and handle any problems that may arise.By providing valuable information on local market conditions, your will help you price your property realistically and fairly. You will also beinformed of changes in the market that may affect the sale of your property.Think of a REALTOR® as a trained professional who has the ability to sell yourproperty quickly and cost-effectively.A REALTOR® can help you get top dollar for your home because negotiating isone of their areas of expertise.Negotiating for the best terms & price, acting as a mediator to smooth over any potential conflicts between the buyer and the seller, and drawing up a legally binding contract is what you can expect from your trained professional.Finding the right buyer is the ultimate goal of selling a property. Hence, the realestate professional will only show your property to serious, qualified buyers.A REALTOR® has the expertise to research and investigate all potential buyers, exclusively managing the time-consuming aspects of selling a home like fielding constant telephone inquiries, setting up appointments, and holding open houses.Exposure of your property is key to obtaining a quick sale in today’s market.When you use an agent, he OR she will aggressively market your home throughhighly targeted advertising, aiming to reach as many potential buyers as possible.By utilizing a variety of marketing tools, including Multiple Listing Services, advertisement in trade magazines, internet, and national referral networks, your REALTOR® will ensure that your home is sold expediently.REALTOR® W W W . P R I D E H O M E A Z . C O M

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4T H E H O M E S E L L I N G P R O C E S SA Quick 12-Step Overview of the Entire Home Selling ProcessPREPARE THE HOMEFOR SALEHOMESHOWINGSView your home throughthe eyes of the Buyerand ask yourself whatyou’d expect. Your agentwill offer some usefulsuggestions.Earnest money is deposited by Buyer. Buyer will work withtheir mortgage provider tofinalize the loan. TITLE begins processing final purchase details.Your agent will provide amarket analysis, which willhelp you set an asking price.Your agent will present thebenefits and risks of each offer.You will have the opportunity toeither accept OR counter anyoffer based on its merits.Potential Buyersmay ask to see yourhome on short notice. It’s best to accommodatethese requests, younever want to miss apotential sale.This is the transfer of fundsand ownership. Dependingon when the Buyer movesinto the home you will need to be all packed upand ready to move.756OFFERS ANDNEGOTIATIONMEET WITH A ESCROW OPENEDHOME INSPECTIONLISTING THE HOUSECHOOSING AN OFFERUNDER CONTRACTSTRATEGIC PRICING REAL ESTATEPROFESSIONALCLOSINGIf everything goes well, a Buyerand (most often the agent whorepresents them) will presentyour agent with an offer.There’s no commitment requiredon your part for the initial meeting. It will be educational andhelp you identify your next steps.When everything is in placeyour agent will put your homeon the open market. It’s criticalyou make it as easy as possiblefor potential Buyers to viewyour home.Buyers usually perform a physical inspection and may askyou to make some repairs. Youragent will explain all of yourinspection options. See p.13At this point, you and the Buyerhave agreed to all of the termsof the offer and both partieshave signed the agreements.As difficult as it may be, it’simportant to review the marketanalysis and consider your homeprice objectively.142310811912ESTABLISH A PRICEF O RS A L E$P R I D E H O M E P R O P E R T I E S

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55101418 21 - 2728 - 30 DAYS DAYS DAYS DAYS DAYS DAYSC O N T R A C T TIM E LINEYour Reference for Important Points During the Purchasing Contract Process and received by ordered if applicable Research andschedule movingcompanyfor subject property Buyers loanapplication submitted to lender Lender orders appraisal and receives results offull-blown credit Pick up moving boxes Begin packing items needed in the next Title may requireadditionalinformation fromSeller and/orBuyer to clear titlerequirements HOA documents due back from HOA company if applicable Home Inspection completed per Buyer request Start to negotiate completion of home inspection items Contact Agent to discusspolicies Buyers to provideall requestedinformation to Escrow completesand provides titlerequest to lender ifapplicable Escrow preparesdocuments forclosing Begin setting up telephone,cable, etc. at newproperty address Appraisal complete Lender may request additional information Follow-up with InsuranceAgent to ensure policywill be in effect on date ofproperty possession Once allrequirementsare met title is clear and ready tomove to the Change utilities, water, etc. (afterloan is approved)effective on dateof possession FinalizeSettlementStatement/Finalbalancingwith Lender submits loan package to underwriting for approvalLoan ApprovedLender docs sent to escrow.Contract earnest moneyEscrowTitle Search HOA Arrange for Home Inspection Contact Insurance Agent regarding homeowner’sinsurance options report not30 daysLenderInsurance closingLenderLender ProcessMoving ProcessHome InspectionInsurance ProcessTitle / Escrow ProcessW W W . P R I D E H O M E A Z . C O M

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Zip Code MapBuyer’s Wish ListComparison ChecklistLocal Services DirectoryThe Home Buying ProcessE S S E N T I A L S F O R B U Y E R SP R I D E H O M E P R O P E R T I E S

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Meet with yourRealtor for yourbuyer consultation--- Hire your RealtorAfter approval ofdocuments Lenderwires funds and givesOK to recordSend back to Escrowand Escrow Companydistributes fundsYou arePre-Qualified byLenderSigned documentssent to LenderDocumentsrecorded atCounty RecorderYour Realtorshows youhomes fittingyour criteriaYou are giventhe keys to yournew home!LE - Loan Estimateis sent to borrowerfrom the LenderSigning documentsby both Buyer andSeller, Bbuyer bringsclosing fundsBuyer securesHomeowner’sinsuranceLender send borrowerfinal CD (hand delivered 3 day waitperiod, mailed out 6day wait period)Offer made on your favorite home!----Your Realtor will help you negotiate the best termsEscrow Companypayoffs and collectsother informationContract and Earnest Money deposited with Escrow Company:Escrow Opened / Title Search orderedBuyer conductsfinal walk-throughContract isaccepted!LOANAPPROVALPROCESSMortgage CompanyApprovalUnderwriting Property AppraisalRejection7T H E H O M EBU Y ING PROC E SSA Roadmap to Purchasing Your HomeSTART HEREBUYER’S DUE DILIGENCEInspections: Home, Wood Infestation, Roof, Pool. Realtor helps Buyerreview inspections and negotiate appropriate requests.Inspections: Seller Disclosure, Title Commitment, CCRs, HOADisclosures. Realtor reviews with Buyer and presents Buyer Responses.STOPSTOP!!!WELCOME HOMEW W W . P R I D E H O M E A Z . C O M

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8Please take your time and fill it out before we beginour search. It will serve as a great reference tool!There are many important factors involved in finding the perfect home.It’s hard to remember them all when you are put on the spot! Thisworksheet is designed to outline your important needs and desires inyour new home.B U Y E R WIS H L IST                Tile         Square Feet: Min.Price Range:Style of Home:Floor Type: No. of Stories:Home Age:Formal Living RoomFormal Dining RoomGreat RoomFamily RoomPantryBreakfast AreaLaundry RoomAppliancesMax.CarpetPoolSpaViewDecksFenced YardGuest HouseGarageExtra ParkingNo. of Bedrooms:ParkingType/Spaces:Roof Type: Lot Size:Landscape Style:Preferred Zip Codes:AsphaltRV / Boat ParkingAlarm / Security SystemVaulted CeilingsFireplaceLarge ClosetsSolarExtra Storage Bathrooms:IMPORTANT FEATURESPROPERTY SPECIFICATIONSBUYER NOTESP R I D E H O M E P R O P E R T I E SWoodTile

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11GASCABLEWATERUTILITIESTELEPHONEAUTOMOBILE INFORMATIONLIBRARIESPOST OFFICESTRANSPORTATIONCONSUMER SERVICESVOTER REGISTRATION 602.506.1511THE ARIZONA REPUBLIC602.444.1000RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTEFIRE DEPARTMENTPOLICE DEPARTMENTCentury Link 1.866.209.3277 www.centurylink.comCox 866.961.0155Southwest Gas 877.860.6020 www.swgas.comMesa Gas 480.644.2221Emissions Testing 602.771.2300Motor Vehicle Division 602.255.0072DOG LICENSING 602.506.7387Peoria 623.773.7160Phoenix 602.262.6251 Creek 480.358.3450Scottsdale 480.312.3111 623.222.7000Tempe 480.350.8361Cox Communications 623.594.1000OR 1.800.683.0084 TV 1.855.345.7002(APS) Arizona Public Service 602.371.7171OR 1.800.253.9405 Salt River Project 602.236.8888 www.srp.comApache Junction 480.982.6030Avondale 623.333.2005Buckeye 623.386.2196Carefree 480.488.9100Cave Creek 480.488.6617Chandler 480.782.2280El Mirage 623.933.1228Fountain Hills 480.837.9522Gilbert 480.503.6800Glendale 623.930.3190Global Water 520.568.4452Goodyear 623.932.3910Guadalupe 480.730.3080Litchfield Park 623.935.9367Maricopa Dom Water Improv. Dist520.568.2239 Mesa 480.644.2221Paradise Valley* (sewer) 480.348.3518 Wide 1.800.275.8777 Shuttle 602.244.9000Phoenix Transit 602.253.5000Dial.A.Ride 800.775.7295LimousineCarey 602.966.1955Desert Rose 623.780.0159Scottsdale 800.221.5065Starlite 800.875.4104Vincent 480.348.9990Taxi CabAAA 480.966.8294Courier 602.232.2222Yellow 602.252.5252Apache Junction480.474.8555 Carefree480.488.3686Cave Creek 480.488.2286Chandler 480.782.2814El Mirage 602.652.3000Fountain Hills 602.652.3000Gilbert 602.652.3000Glendale 623.930.3530Litchfield Park 623.935.5053Maricopa 520.316.6960Mesa 480.644.3100Peoria 623.773.7555Phoenix 602.262.6372Queen Creek 602.652.3000Scottsdale 480.312.7323Sun City 623.652.3000Surprise 602.652.3000Tempe 480.350.5555Youngtown 623.974.3401Better Business Bureau 602.264.1721AZ Attorney General 602.542.5025AZ Registrar of Contractors 602.542.1525Solid Waste MgMt. Dept. 623.974.4791 OR480.373.0062Waste Management 602.268.2222Recycling Assoc. Maricopa. 520.568.9428Apache Junction480.982.4440 Carefree480.488.0347Chandler 480.782.2120El Mirage 623.583.7988Fountain Hills 480.837.9820Gilbert 480.503.6300Glendale 623.931.5600Goodyear 623.932.2300Litchfield Park see GoodyearMaricopa 520.568.3333Mesa 480.644.2101Paradise Valley 480.348.3631Peoria 623.773.7279Phoenix 602.253.1191Queen Creek 480.644.2400Scottsdale 480.945.6311Sun City 623.974.2321Sun City West 623.584.3500Surprise 623.222.5000Tempe 480.858.7230Youngtown 623.974.3665Apache Junction 480.982.8260Carefree 480.876.1000Chandler 480.782.4130El Mirage 623.933.1341Fountain Hills 602.876.1869Gilbert 480.503.6500Glendale 623.930.3000Litchfield Park 623.932.1220Maricopa 520.568.3673 Dispatch 520.316.6800 AdminMesa 480.644.2211Paradise Valley 480.948.7418Peoria 623.773.8311Phoenix 602.262.6151Queen Creek 602.876.1011Scottsdale 480.312.5000Sun City 623.972.2555Sun City West 623.584.5808Surprise 623.222.4000Tempe 480.966.6211Youngtown 623.974.3665Paradise Valley water service is though a private watercompany called: EPCOR 1.800.383.0834 www.epcor.comBus Lines*Paradise Valley also doesn’t provide trash service owner mustsign up with PV approved trash companies. Visit Town websiteand click on “How do I...”and sign-up for “Garbage Collection”for a list of approved collection companies.LOCAL SERVICES DIRECTORYW W W . P R I D E H O M E A Z . C O M

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T H E H O M E I N S P E C T I O NInspection NotesContractual RightsProfessional InspectionWood Infestation ReportP R I D E H O M E P R O P E R T I E S

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1 3PROFESSIONAL HOME INSPECTIONWOOD INFESTATION REPORT (WIR)CONTRACTUAL RIGHTSAAR Residential Resale Real Estate Purchase ContractThe gives the buyer the right to conduct physical, environmental, and other types of inspections,including tests, surveys, and other studies, of the premises at the buyer’s expense to determinethe value and condition of the premises. The Buyer must have any inspections, test, surveys,etc., and investigate any material matters that are a concern during the inspection period. TheContract also states that the buyer shall provide Seller, upon request and at no cost to the Seller,copies of all reports concerning the premises.In a home inspection, a qualified inspector takes an in-depth, unbiased look at the premises: (1)to evaluate the physical condition, i.e., structure, construction, and mechanical systems; (2) toidentify items that need to be repaired OR replaced; and (3) to estimate the remaining useful lifeof the major systems, equipment, and structure. The inspection gives a detailed report on thecondition of the structural components, exterior, roofing, plumbing, electrical, heating insulationand ventilation, air conditioning, and interiors.As a protective measure, lending institutions require that homes be inspected for damagefrom termites OR other wood-destroying insects before closing the sale of the home. A WIR isa document prepared by a licensed pest control company that informs the buyer and lendinginstitution of the results of the inspection. For more information, contact the ArizonaStructural Pest Control Commission ( at 602-255-3664.INSPECTION NOTESHOME INSPECTION OVERVIEWW W W . P R I D E H O M E A Z . C O M

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E S S E N T I A L S F O R E S C R O W & T I T L ETaking TitleClosing 101What is Escrow?Life of an EscrowAfter the ClosingWhat is Title Insurance?Closing Costs: Who Pays WhatP R I D E H O M E P R O P E R T I E S

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W W W . P R I D E H O M E A Z . C O M

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WHAT IS WHAT IS TITLE E S C R O W ?I N S U R A N C E ?Title companies work to eliminate risks by performing a search of the public records OR throughthe title company’s plant. The search consists of public records, laws and court decisionspertaining to the property to determine the current recorded ownership, any recorded liens,encumbrances OR any other matters of record which could affect the title to the property. When atitle search is complete, the title company issues a commitment for title insurance detailing thecurrent status of title.As an escrow holder, TITLE’S duty is to act as the neutral third party. We hold all documents andall funds, pursuant to the purchase contract and escrow instructions, until all terms have beenmet and the property is in insurable condition. We do not work for the seller OR for the buyer;rather, we are employed by ALL parties and act only upon Mutual Written Instruction.DEFINITION: A contract where by the Insurer, for valuable consideration, agrees to indemnify theInsured for a specified amount against loss through defect of title to real estate wherein the latterhas an interest either as a purchaser OR otherwise.PURPOSE: Title insurance services are designed to afford real property owners, lenders, and otherswith interest in real estate, the maximum degree of protection from adverse title claims OR risks. Thefinancial assurance offered by a title insurance policy from the title company is, of course, theprimary aspect of title protection. The policy affords protection both in satisfying valid claims againstthe title as insured and in defraying the expenses incurred in defending such claims.Occurs when your REALTOR® brings in a fully executed contract with your earnest money deposit.Your Escrow Officer reviews the contract, receipts in the earnest money, orders the commitment for title insurance, and prepares the documents required to close escrow (payoffs, HOAs, etc.) All of the documents are double checked by your Escrow Officer.1 6O P E N I N G E S C R O WT H E T I T L E S E A R C HP R I D E H O M E P R O P E R T I E S

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Lenders FundsExecution of DocumentsRecordationProcessing the EscrowDisbursement of FundsESCROW CLOSING PREPARATION•Termite Report•Buyer’s Hazard Insurance•Payoff Information•HOA Documents•Home Protection Plan• New Loan Package•Repair Bills•Septic (if Applicable)Title ExaminationPolicies Issued••••••After all parties have executedthe necessary documents,Escrow returns the loan packageto the new Lender for review andfundingLender funds the loan andLenders’ check OR wiredfunds are sent to Escrow forprocessingBuyer and Seller meet withEscrow Officer and execute alldocuments+•••••••••••After Escrow receives all fundsneeded and have ascertainedthat conditions are met, originaldocuments are recordedOnce documents are recorded,Escrow notifies AgentsAgents will make arrangementsfor you to receive your keysEscrow deposits earnestmoney fundsEscrow orders preliminary titlereport from title departmentEscrow requests payoff ORassumption information,homeowner’s associationinformation, etc.All disbursements are made inaccordance with thesettlement statement••••Loan documents are received and the Escrow Officer processes the file toreflect closing and advises Agents of funds that are needed for closingClosing appointment times are set for Buyer and Seller with Escrow OfficerInform all parties executing documents to bring a valid government issuedpicture I.D. (drivers license, passport, etc.)Inform Buyer to bring in a cashier’s check OR wired funds for closingPreliminary title report received by Escrow Officer and is reviewed for any surprises, i.e. tax liens, judgments,unknown liens of record, discrepancies in legal description, delinquent taxes, access problems, etc.Escrow informs Agents if additional information is needed to clear any surprises revealed by the PreliminaryTitle ReportEscrow follows-up on receipt of the following (Warranties) if needed, per purchase contract Purchaser receives Owner’s TitleInsurance Policy from Tit leNew Lender receives ALTA LoanPolicy from TitleProperty and parties areresearched by the TitleExaminerPreliminary Title Report is typedand sent to Escrow Officer,Agents, Seller, Buyer and Lender Optional hired professionalmobile notary upon request516427839Opening the Escrow•••••••Items needed to open escrow:Contact info for Buyer, Seller,Agents and Title CompanyFully executed Purchase ContractEarnest money depositCopy of listingNew Lender informationExisting loan payoff informationHOA InformationL I F E O F A N E SC R OW17W W W . P R I D E H O M E A Z . C O M

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18C L O S I N G C O S T S : W H O P A Y S W H A TA Chart Indicating Who Customarily Pays What Costs1.Down Payment2.REALTORS® Commissions3.Existing Loan Payoff4.Loan Pre-Payment Penalty (If Any)5. Taxes6.Termite/Wood Infestion Inspection7.Property Inspection (If Requested by Buyer)8.Property Repairs (If Any)9.Homeowner Assoc. (HOA) Transfer Fee 10.HOA Capital Improvement11.HOA Disclosure Fee12.Home Warranty Premium13.New Loan Origination Fee14.Discount Points15.Documents Preparation / Lending Fee16.Credit Report17. Appraisal 18.Tax Transcripts19.Pre-Paid Interest (Approx. 30 Days)20.Impound Account21.FHA/MIP/VA, Funding Fee, PMG Premium22.Fire/Hazard Insurance (If Any)23.Flood Insurance (If Any)24.Escrow Fee25.Homeowners Title Policy26.Lenders Title Policy and Endorsements27.Recording Fee (Flat Rate)28.Reconveyance/Tracing Fee29.Courier/Express Mail Fees30.Email Loan DocumentsBU YERBU YERSE LLERSE LLERSP LITSE LLERSP LITSE LLERSP LITBU YERSE LLERSE LLERSE LLERPR ORATEBU YERSE LLERSE LLERBU YERBU YERBU YERBU YERBU YERBU YERBU YERBU YERBU YERBU YERBU YERSP LITSE LLERBU YERSP LITSE LLERSP LITBU YERBU YERSE LLERSE LLERSE LLERPR ORATESE LLERBU YERBU YERBU YERBU YERBU YERBU YERBU YERBU YERBU YERBU YERBU YERSP LITSE LLERBU YERSP LITSE LLERSP LITBU YERBU YERSE LLERSE LLERSE LLERPR ORATEBU YERBU YERSE LLERBU YERSE LLERSE LLERBU YERBU YERBU YERBU YERBU YERBU YERBU YERBU YERBU YERBU YERBU YERSP LITSE LLERBU YERSP LITSE LLERSP LITBU YERBU YERSE LLERSE LLERSE LLERPR ORATENegotiableNegotiableNegotiableNegotiableNegotiableCASH FHA VACONVFederal Housing Administration U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs ConventionalLOAN TYPES P R I D E H O M E P R O P E R T I E S

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TAKING TITLECommon Ways of Holding Title to Real Property in ArizonaTRUSTCORPORATIONSOLE AND SEPARATELIMITED PARTNERSHIPTENANTS IN COMMONGENERAL PARTNERSHIPCOMMUNITY PROPERTYJOINT TENANTS WITH RIGHT OF SURVIVORSHIPCOMMUNITY PROPERTY WITH RIGHT OF SURVIVORSHIPA trust is a fiduciary arrangement that allows a third party, or trustee, to hold assets on behalf ofa beneficiary or beneficiaries. You must provide us with the name of the trust, date of the trust,and Trustee names as referenced in your Trust Agreement.A method of co-ownership where parties do not have survivorship rights and each owns aspecific undivided interest in the entire title.Title may be taken in the name of a corporation provided that the corporation is duly formed and ingood standing in the state of its incorporation.Title may be taken in the name of a general partnership duly formed under the laws of the state ofthe formation of the partnership. A partnership is defined as a voluntary association of two OR morepersons as co-owners in a business for profit.Arizona is a community property state. This is a statutory presumption that all property acquired bya married couple is community property. Community property is a method of co-ownership formarried persons only. Upon death of one of the spouses, the deceased spouse’s interest will passby either a will OR intestate succession.A version of holding title between married persons that vests the title to real property in the survivingspouse when it is expressly declared in the Deed. This vesting has the tax benefits of holding title as“community property” and the probate avoidance features of “survivorship rights”.Real property owned by a spouse before marriage OR any acquired after marriage by gift, descent ORspecific intent. If a married person acquires title as sole and separate property, his/her spouse mustexecute a Disclaimer Deed.Joint tenancy with right of survivorship is a method of co-ownership that gives title to the real property to the last survivor. Title to real property can be acquired by two OR more individuals eithermarried OR unmarried. If a married couple acquires title as joint tenants with right of survivorship, theymust specifically accept the joint tenancy to avoid the presumption of community property.A partnership formed by two OR more persons under the laws of Arizona OR another state and havingone OR more general partners and one OR more limited partners. A certificate of limited partnershipmust be filed in the Office of the Secretary of State, a certified copy of which must be recorded.19This guide is provided as a complimentary resource for real estate consumers. The Agent is not in a position to givelegal advice. If you have questions OR would like opinions on which way to hold title would best benefit you, thenyou should obtain the assistance of an Attorney OR other qualified professional.W W W . P R I D E H O M E A Z . C O M

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Valid driver’s license OR non-driver I.D. issued by any stateCurrent United States OR Foreign Passport (with accompanyingvisa and/or other valid documentation)Valid United States Military I.D.Whether you are purchasing a home OR selling a house, knowing what to expect and being preparedat the closing can help eliminate stress and results in a pleasant experience. We understand howimportant this transaction is to you, and we are committed to consistently providing a level of servicethat prepares you for this final step in your real estate transaction.Although the settlement process can vary from state to state, here are some common items that may be required at closing to help the process go as smoothly and quickly as possible. In the event you are required to bring funds to close escrow, we cannot accept personal checks OR cash. If you prefer to wire your funds, please contact us for bank routing instructions. If you will be bringing a proceeds check from another settlement, please contact us to verify acceptance of those funds -- we do not automatically accept checks from all title companies and attorneys.State-specific laws may require the spouse of the parties in title, even thoughtheir name does not appear on the deed, to sign certain documents when obtaining a mortgage. If anyone is unable to attend signing,please contact your local TITLE AGENCY office to arrange a Power of Attorney OR signing by mail. We also offer mobile notary and Remote Online Notary (RON) options.CLOSING 101: Tips for a Stress Free Signing20CLOSING NOTESValid Photo IdentificationCashier’s Check OR Wire Transfer Payable to: TITLE AGENCYAll Persons Who Hold Title to the Property OR Who Will BePurchasing the Property Must Attend Closing to Sign Documents_______P R I D E H O M E P R O P E R T I E S

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AFTER THE CLOSING will mail your policy to you after closing. will mail the original deed to you after closing.If you have a home warranty policy, call your home warranty company directly for repairs. Have yourpolicy number available when you call.You should receive your loan coupon book before your first payment is due. If you don’t receive yourbook, OR if you have questions about your tax and insurance impounds, contact your mortgagecompany.You may not receive a tax statement for the current year on the home you buy. However, it is yourobligation to make sure the taxes are paid when due. Check with your mortgage company to find out if taxes are included with your payment. For more information on your Maricopa County propertytaxes, contact:Maricopa County Tax Assessor 602-506-3406Maricopa County Treasurer 602-506-8511We recommend you keep all records pertaining to your home together in a safe place, including allpurchase documents, insurance, maintenance and improvements.RECORDED DEEDTITLEPROPERTY TAXESTITLE INSURANCE POLICYTITLEHOME WARRANTY REPAIRSLOAN PAYMENTS AND IMPOUNDS21W W W . P R I D E H O M E A Z . C O M

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BINSRCounter OfferBuyer AdvisoryHOA AddendumSample Purchase ContractC O N T R A C T S A N D F O R M SP R I D E H O M E P R O P E R T I E S

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Buyer Attachment • Updated: October 2022Copyright © 2022 Arizona Association of REALTORS®. All rights reserved.Document updated:ATTENTION BUYER!You are entering into a legally binding agreement. 3.Review the Inspection Paragraph (see Section 6a).WARNING: *WIRE TRANSFER FRAUD*1.Read the entire contract before you sign it.2.Review the Residential Seller’s Property Disclosure Statement (See Section 4a).4.Confirm your ability to obtain insurance and insurability of the propertyduring the inspection period with your insurance agent (see Sections 6a and 6e).5.Apply for your home loan now, if you have not done so already, and provideyour lender with all requested information (see Section 2f).6.Read the title commitment within five (5) days of receipt (see Section 3c).7.Read the CC&R’s and all other governing documents within five (5) days of receipt(see Section 3c), especially if the home is in a homeowner’s association.8.Conduct a thorough pre-closing walkthrough (see Section 6l). If the property isunacceptable, speak up. After the closing may be too late.••information contained in a listing.If important to you, hire a qualified:•General home inspector•Heating/cooling inspector•Mold inspector•Pest inspector•Pool inspector•Roof inspectorVerify square footage (see Section 6b)Verify the property is on sewer or septic (see Section 6f) This information comes directly from the Seller.Investigate any blank spaces, unclear answers or any other information that is important to you.You can obtain information through the Buyer’s Advisory at Be cautious about verbal representations, advertising claims, and It is your responsibility to make sure that you and your lender follow the timeline requirements in Section 2, andthat you and your lender deliver the necessary funds to escrow in sufficient time to allow escrow to close on theagreed upon date. Otherwise, the Seller may cancel the contract and you may be liable for damages.Beware of wiring instructions sent via email. Cyber criminals may hack email accounts and send emails with fake wiring instructions. Always independently confirm wiring instructions prior to wiring any money. Do not email or transmit documents that show bank account numbers or personal identification information.Remember, you are urged to consult with an attorney, inspectors, and experts of your choice in any areaof interest or concern in the transaction.Verify anything important to you.Buyer’s Check ListOctober 2022BUYER ATTACHMENTThis attachment should be given to the Buyer prior to the submissionof any offer and is not part of the Residential Resale Real Estate PurchaseContract’s terms.4

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Residential Resale Real Estate Purchase Contract • Updated: October 2022Copyright © 2022 Arizona Association of REALTORS®. All rights reserved.Page 1 of 10Page 1 of 10Document updated:>>1. PROPERTY1a.1b.1c.1d.1e.1f.1.BUYER: BUYER’S NAME(S)2.SELLER: or as identified in section 9c. SELLER’S NAME(S)3.Buyer agrees to buy and Seller agrees to sell the real property with all improvements, fixtures, and appurtenances thereon 4.or incidental thereto, plus the personal property described herein (collectively the “Premises”).5.Premises Address: Assessor’s #: 6.City: County: AZ, Zip Code: 7.Legal Description: 8.9.10.$ Full Purchase Price, paid as outlined below 11.$ Earnest Money 12.$ 13.$ Money is in the form of: Personal Check Wire Transfer Other 18.Upon acceptance of this offer, the Earnest Money, if any, will be deposited with: Escrow Company Broker’s Trust Account. 19.IF THIS IS AN ALL CASH SALE: A Letter of Credit or a source of funds from a financial institution documenting the availability of 20.funds to close escrow is attached hereto.21.Close of Escrow: Close of Escrow (“COE”) shall occur when the deed is recorded at the appropriate county recorder’s office. 22.Buyer and Seller shall comply with all terms and conditions of this Contract, execute and deliver to Escrow Company all closing 23.documents, and perform all other acts necessary in sufficient time to allow COE to occur on 24., 20 (“COE Date”). If Escrow Company or recorder’s office is closed on the COE Date,MONTH DAY YEAR25.COE shall occur on the next day that both are open for business. 26.Buyer shall deliver to Escrow Company a cashier’s check, wired funds or other immediately available funds to pay any down 27.payment, additional deposits or Buyer’s closing costs, and instruct the lender, if applicable, to deliver immediately available funds to 28.Escrow Company, in a sufficient amount and in sufficient time to allow COE to occur on the COE Date.29.Buyer acknowledges that failure to pay the required closing funds by the scheduled COE, if not cured after a cure notice is delivered 30.pursuant to Section 7a, shall be construed as a material breach of this Contract and the Earnest Money shall be subject to forfeiture.31.All funds are to be in U.S. currency.32.Possession: Seller shall deliver possession, occupancy, existing keys and/or means to operate all locks, mailbox, security33.system/alarms, and all common area facilities to Buyer at COE or . 34.Broker(s) recommend that the parties seek independent counsel from insurance, legal, tax, and accounting professionals regarding 35.the risks of pre-possession or post-possession of the Premises. 36.Addenda Incorporated: Additional Clause Buyer Contingency Domestic Water Well H.O.A. 37.Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Loan Assumption On-site Wastewater Treatment Facility Seller Financing Short Sale38. Solar Addendum Other:October 2022RESIDENTIAL RESALE REAL ESTATEPURCHASE CONTRACT

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Residential Resale Real Estate Purchase Contract • Updated: October 2022Copyright © 2022 Arizona Association of REALTORS®. All rights reserved.Page 2 of 10Page 2 of 10Residential Resale Real Estate Purchase Contract >>>>69.Pre-Qualification: An AAR Pre-Qualification Form is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.70.Loan Contingency: Buyer’s obligation to complete this sale is contingent upon Buyer obtaining loan approval without Prior to 71.Document (“PTD”) conditions no later than three (3) days prior to the COE Date for the loan described in the AAR Loan Status 72.Update (“LSU”) form or the AAR Pre-Qualification Form, whichever is delivered later. No later than three (3) days prior to the 73.COE Date, Buyer shall either: (i) sign all loan documents; or (ii) deliver to Seller or Escrow Company notice of loan 74.approval without PTD conditions AND date(s) of receipt of Closing Disclosure(s) from Lender; or (iii) deliver to Seller or 75.Escrow Company notice of inability to obtain loan approval without PTD conditions.76.Unfulfilled Loan Contingency: This Contract shall be cancelled and Buyer shall be entitled to a return of the Earnest Money if 77.after diligent and good faith effort, Buyer is unable to obtain loan approval without PTD conditions and delivers notice of inability obtain loan approval no later than three (3) days prior to the COE Date. If Buyer fails to deliver such notice, Seller may issue a 79.cure notice to Buyer as required by Section 7a and, in the event of Buyer’s breach, Seller shall be entitled to the Earnest Money 80.pursuant to Section 7b. If, prior to expiration of any Cure Period, Buyer delivers notice of inability to obtain loan approval, Buyer 81.shall be entitled to a return of the Earnest Money. Buyer acknowledges that prepaid items paid separately from the Earnest Money 82.are not refundable. 83.Interest Rate / Necessary Funds: Buyer agrees that (i) the inability to obtain loan approval due to the failure to lock the interest 84.rate and “points” by separate written agreement with the lender; or (ii) the failure to have the down payment or other funds 85.due from Buyer necessary to obtain the loan approval without conditions and close this transaction is not an unfulfilled loan 86.contingency. 87.Loan Status Update: Buyer shall deliver to Seller the LSU, with at a minimum lines 1-40 completed, describing the current status 88.of the Buyer’s proposed loan within ten (10) days after Contract acceptance and instruct lender to provide an updated LSU to 89.Broker(s) and Seller upon request. 39. Fixtures and Personal Property: For purposes of this Contract, fixtures shall mean property attached/affixed to the Premises.40.Seller agrees that all existing: fixtures on the Premises, personal property specified herein, and means to operate fixtures (i.e., remote controls) shall convey in this sale. Including the following:42.• built-in appliances, ceiling fans and remotes • media antennas/satellite dishes (affixed)• storage sheds43.• central vacuum, hose, and attachments• outdoor fountains and lighting• storm windows and doors44.• draperies and other window coverings• outdoor landscaping (i.e., shrubbery,• stoves: gas-log, pellet, wood-burning45.• fireplace equipment (affixed)trees and unpotted plants)• timers (affixed)46.• floor coverings (affixed)• shutters and awnings• towel, curtain and drapery rods47.• free-standing range/oven• smart home devices, access to which• wall mounted TV brackets and hardware48.• garage door openers and remotesshall be transferred (i.e., video doorbell,(excluding TVs)49.• light fixturesautomated thermostat)• water-misting systems50.• mailbox• speakers (flush-mounted)• window and door screens, sun shades51.If owned by Seller, the following items also are included in this sale: 52.• affixed alternate power systems serving• in-ground pool and spa/hot tub equipment• security and/or fire systems and/or alarms53.the Premises (i.e., solar)and covers (including any mechanical or• water purification systems54.other cleaning systems)• water softeners 55.Additional existing personal property included in this sale (if checked): 56.refrigerator (description):57.washer (description):58.dryer (description):59.above-ground spa/hot tub including equipment, covers, and any mechanical or other cleaning systems (description):60.61.other personal property not otherwise addressed (description):62.other personal property not otherwise addressed (description):63.Additional existing personal property included shall not be considered part of the Premises and shall be transferred with no 64.monetary value, and free and clear of all liens or encumbrances.65.Leased items shall NOT be included in this sale. Seller shall deliver notice of all leased items within three (3) days after Contract 66.acceptance. Buyer shall provide notice of any leased items disapproved within the Inspection Period or five (5) days after receipt of the 67.notice, whichever is later.68.IF THIS IS AN ALL CASH SALE: Section 2 does not apply - go to Section 3.1g.2a.2b.2c.2d.2e.2. FINANCING

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Residential Resale Real Estate Purchase Contract • Updated: October 2022Copyright © 2022 Arizona Association of REALTORS®. All rights reserved.Page 3 of 10Page 3 of 10Residential Resale Real Estate Purchase Contract >>>>2f.2g.2h.2k.2l.2m.3a.3b.3c.2i.2j. This Contract shall be used as escrow instructions. The Escrow Company employed by the parties to carry out theterms of this Contract shall be:90.Loan Application: Unless previously completed, within three (3) days after Contract acceptance Buyer shall (i) provide lender 91.with Buyer’s name, income, social security number, Premises address, estimate of value of the Premises, and mortgage loan 92.amount sought; and (ii) grant lender permission to access Buyer’s Trimerged Residential Credit Report. 93.Loan Processing During Escrow: Within ten (10) days after receipt of the Loan Estimate Buyer shall (i) provide lender with 94.notice of intent to proceed with the loan transaction in a manner satisfactory to lender; and (ii) provide to lender all requested 95.signed disclosures and the documentation listed in the LSU at lines 32-35. Buyer agrees to diligently work to obtain the loan and 96.will promptly provide the lender with all additional documentation requested. 97.Type of Financing: Conventional FHA VA USDA Assumption Seller Carryback 98.(If financing is to be other than new financing, see attached addendum.)99.Loan Costs: All costs of obtaining the loan shall be paid by Buyer, unless otherwise provided for herein. 100.Seller Concessions (if any): In addition to the other costs Seller has agreed to pay herein, Seller will credit Buyer % 101.of the Purchase Price OR $ (Seller Concessions). The Seller Concessions may be used for any Buyer fee, cost, 102.charge, or expenditure to the extent allowed by Buyer’s lender.103.Changes: Buyer shall immediately notify Seller of any changes in the loan program, financing terms, or lender described in the 104.Pre-Qualification Form attached hereto or LSU provided within ten (10) days after Contract acceptance and shall only make any 105.such changes without the prior written consent of Seller if such changes do not adversely affect Buyer’s ability to obtain loan 106.approval without PTD conditions, increase Seller’s closing costs, or delay COE.107.Appraisal Contingency: Buyer’s obligation to complete this sale is contingent upon an appraisal of the Premises acceptable to 108.lender for at least the purchase price. If the Premises fail to appraise for the purchase price in any appraisal required by lender, 109.Buyer has five (5) days after notice of the appraised value to cancel this Contract and receive a return of the Earnest Money or 110.the appraisal contingency shall be waived, unless otherwise prohibited by federal law.111.Appraisal Cost(s): Initial appraisal fee shall be paid by Buyer Seller Other the time payment is required by lender and is non-refundable. If Seller is paying the initial appraisal fee, the fee will will not applied against Seller’s Concessions at COE, if applicable. If Buyer’s lender requires an updated appraisal prior to COE, it will be 114.performed at Buyer’s expense. Any appraiser/lender required inspection cost(s) shall be paid for by Buyer.120.Title and Vesting: Buyer will take title as determined before COE. If Buyer is married and intends to take title as his/her sole121.and separate property, a disclaimer deed may be required. Taking title may have significant legal, estate planning and tax122.consequences. Buyer should obtain independent legal and tax advice. 123.Title Commitment and Title Insurance: Escrow Company is hereby instructed to obtain and deliver to Buyer and Seller directly, 124.addressed pursuant to 8s and 9c or as otherwise provided, a Commitment for Title Insurance together with complete and legible copies 125.of all documents that will remain as exceptions to Buyer’s policy of Title Insurance (“Title Commitment”), including but not limited to 126.Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (“CC&Rs”); deed restrictions; and easements. Buyer shall have five (5) days after receipt of the 127.Title Commitment and after receipt of notice of any subsequent exceptions to provide notice to Seller of any items disapproved. Seller 128.shall convey title by warranty deed, subject to existing taxes, assessments, covenants, conditions, restrictions, rights of way, easements 129.and all other matters of record. Buyer shall be provided at Seller’s expense an American Land Title Association (“ALTA”) Homeowner’s 130.Title Insurance Policy or, if not available, a Standard Owner’s Title Insurance Policy, showing title vested in Buyer. Buyer may acquire 131.extended coverage at Buyer’s own additional expense. If applicable, Buyer shall pay the cost of obtaining the ALTA Lender Title 132.Insurance Policy. 3.TITLE AND ESCROWEMAILADDRESSESCROW/TITLE COMPANY CITY PHONE FAX STATE ZIP

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Residential Resale Real Estate Purchase Contract • Updated: October 2022Copyright © 2022 Arizona Association of REALTORS®. All rights reserved.Page 4 of 10Page 4 of 10Residential Resale Real Estate Purchase Contract >>>>3d.3e.3f.3g.3h.4b.4d.4a.4c.154.Seller’s Property Disclosure Statement (“SPDS”): Seller shall deliver a completed AAR Residential SPDS form to Buyer155.within three (3) days after Contract acceptance. Buyer shall provide notice of any SPDS items disapproved within the Inspection156.Period or five (5) days after receipt of the SPDS, whichever is later.157.Insurance Claims History: Seller shall deliver to Buyer a written five (5) year insurance claims history regarding the Premises (or a history for the length of time Seller has owned the Premises if less than five (5) years) from Seller’s insurance company or an support organization or consumer reporting agency, or if unavailable from these sources, from Seller, within five (5) days 160.after Contract acceptance. Buyer shall provide notice of any items disapproved within the Inspection Period or five (5) days after 161.receipt of the claims history, whichever is later.162.Foreign Sellers: The Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act (“FIRPTA”) is applicable if Seller is a non-resident alien 163.individual, foreign corporation, foreign partnership, foreign trust, or foreign estate (“Foreign Person”). Seller agrees to complete, 164.sign, and deliver to Escrow Company a certificate indicating whether Seller is a Foreign Person. FIRPTA requires that a foreign 165.seller may have federal income taxes up to 15% of the purchase price withheld, unless an exception applies. Seller is responsible 166.for obtaining independent legal and tax advice.167. Lead-Based Paint Disclosure: If the Premises were built prior to 1978, Seller shall: (i) notify Buyer of any known lead-based paint 168.(“LBP”) or LBP hazards in the Premises; (ii) provide Buyer with any LBP risk assessments or inspections of the Premises in Seller’s 169.possession; (iii) provide Buyer with the Disclosure of Information on Lead-Based Paint and Lead-Based Paint Hazards, and any, records, pamphlets, and/or other materials referenced therein, including the pamphlet “Protect Your Family from Lead in Your 171.Home” (collectively “LBP Information”). Buyer shall return a signed copy of the Disclosure of Information on Lead-Based Paint and 172.Lead-Based Paint Hazards to Seller prior to COE. 173.LBP Information was provided prior to Contract acceptance and Buyer acknowledges the opportunity to conduct LBP risk174.assessments or inspections during Inspection Period.175.Seller shall provide LBP Information within five (5) days after Contract acceptance. Buyer may within ten (10) days176.or days after receipt of the LBP Information conduct or obtain a risk assessment or inspection of the Premises for the 177.presence of LBP or LBP hazards (“Assessment Period”). Buyer may within five (5) days after receipt of the LBP Information or five 178.(5)days after expiration of the Assessment Period cancel this Contract.179. Buyer is further advised to use certified contractors to perform renovation, repair or painting projects that disturb lead-based paint in 180.residential properties built before 1978 and to follow specific work practices to prevent lead contamination.181. If Premises were constructed prior to 1978, (BUYER’S INITIALS REQUIRED) BUYER BUYER182. If Premises were constructed in 1978 or later, (BUYER’S INITIALS REQUIRED) BUYER BUYER133.Additional Instructions: (i) Escrow Company shall promptly furnish notice of pending sale that contains the name and address of134.Buyer to any homeowner’s association(s) in which the Premises are located. (ii) If Escrow Company is also acting as the title agency135.but is not the title insurer issuing the title insurance policy, Escrow Company shall deliver to Buyer and Seller, upon deposit of funds, a136.closing protection letter from the title insurer indemnifying Buyer and Seller for any losses due to fraudulent acts or breach of escrow137.instructions by Escrow Company. (iii) All documents necessary to close this transaction shall be executed promptly by Seller and138.Buyer in the standard form used by Escrow Company. Escrow Company shall modify such documents to the extent necessary to be139.consistent with this Contract. (iv) Escrow Company fees, unless otherwise stated herein, shall be allocated equally between Seller and140.Buyer. (v) Escrow Company shall send to all parties and Broker(s) copies of all notices and communications directed to Seller, Buyer141.and Broker(s). (vi) Escrow Company shall provide Broker(s) access to escrowed materials and information regarding the escrow. (vii)142.If an Affidavit of Disclosure is provided, Escrow Company shall record the Affidavit at COE. 143.Tax Prorations: Real property taxes payable by Seller shall be prorated to COE based upon the latest tax information available. 144.Release of Earnest Money: In the event of a dispute between Buyer and Seller regarding any Earnest Money deposited with 145.Escrow Company, Buyer and Seller authorize Escrow Company to release the Earnest Money pursuant to the terms and conditions 146.of this Contract in its sole and absolute discretion. Buyer and Seller agree to hold harmless and indemnify Escrow Company against 147.any claim, action or lawsuit of any kind, and from any loss, judgment, or expense, including costs and attorney fees, arising from or 148.relating in any way to the release of the Earnest Money. 149.Prorations of Assessments and Fees: All assessments and fees that are not a lien as of COE, including homeowner’s 150.association fees, rents, irrigation fees, and, if assumed, insurance premiums, interest on assessments, interest on encumbrances, 151.and service contracts, shall be prorated as of COE or Other: 152.Assessment Liens: The amount of any assessment lien or bond including those charged by a special taxing district, such as a 153.Community Facilities District, shall be prorated as of COE.4. DISCLOSURE

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Residential Resale Real Estate Purchase Contract • Updated: October 2022Copyright © 2022 Arizona Association of REALTORS®. All rights reserved.Page 5 of 10Page 5 of 10Residential Resale Real Estate Purchase Contract >>>>4e.4f.5a.5c.6a.6c.5b.6b.6d.Square Footage:BUYER IS AWARE THAT ANY REFERENCE TO THE SQUARE FOOTAGE OF THE PREMISES, BOTH THEREAL PROPERTY (LAND) AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON, IS APPROXIMATE. IF SQUARE FOOTAGE IS A MATERIALMATTER TO BUYER, IT MUST BE INVESTIGATED DURING THE INSPECTION PERIOD.Wood-Destroying Organism or Insect Inspection:IF CURRENT OR PAST WOOD-DESTROYING ORGANISMS OR INSECTS (SUCH AS TERMITES) ARE A MATERIAL MATTER TO BUYER, THESE ISSUES MUST BE INVESTIGATED DURING THE INSPECTION PERIOD213.Inspection Period: Buyer’s Inspection Period shall be ten (10) days or days after Contract acceptance. During the214.Inspection Period Buyer, at Buyer’s expense, shall: (i) conduct all desired physical, environmental, and other types of inspections215.and investigations to determine the value and condition of the Premises; (ii) make inquiries and consult government agencies,216.lenders, insurance agents, architects, and other appropriate persons and entities concerning the suitability of the Premises and217.the surrounding area; (iii) investigate applicable building, zoning, fire, health, and safety codes to determine any potential hazards,218. violations or defects in the Premises; and (iv) verify any material multiple listing service (“MLS”) information. If the presence offenders in the vicinity or the occurrence of a disease, natural death, suicide, homicide or other crime on or in the vicinity is220.a material matter to Buyer, it must be investigated by Buyer during the Inspection Period. Buyer shall keep the Premises free and221.clear of liens, shall indemnify and hold Seller harmless from all liability, claims, demands, damages, and costs, and shall repair all222.damages arising from the inspections. Buyer shall provide Seller and Broker(s) upon receipt, at no cost, copies of all inspection223.reports concerning the Premises obtained by Buyer. Buyer is advised to consult the Arizona Department of Real Estate Buyer224.Advisory to assist in Buyer’s due diligence inspections and investigations. 225. 226.227.228. 229.230. . Buyer shall order and pay for all wood-destroying organism or insect inspections performed during the 231.Inspection Period. If the lender requires an updated Wood-Destroying Organism or Insect Inspection Report prior to COE, it will be 232.performed at Buyer’s expense.233.Flood Hazard: FLOOD HAZARD DESIGNATIONS OR THE COST OF FLOOD HAZARD INSURANCE SHALL BE 234.DETERMINED BY BUYER DURING THE INSPECTION PERIOD. If the Premises are situated in an area identified as having 235.any special flood hazards by any governmental entity, THE LENDER MAY REQUIRE THE PURCHASE OF FLOOD HAZARD 236.INSURANCE. Special flood hazards may also affect the ability to encumber or improve the Premises.191.Condition of Premises: BUYER AND SELLER AGREE THE PREMISES ARE BEING SOLD IN ITS PRESENT PHYSICAL192.CONDITION AS OF THE DATE OF CONTRACT ACCEPTANCE. Seller makes no warranty to Buyer, either express or implied, to the condition, zoning, or fitness for any particular use or purpose of the Premises. However, Seller shall maintain and repair194.the Premises so that at the earlier of possession or COE: (i) the Premises, including all personal property included in the sale, in substantially the same condition as on the date of Contract acceptance; and (ii) all personal property not included in the sale196.and debris will be removed from the Premises. Buyer is advised to conduct independent inspections and investigations regarding197.the Premises within the Inspection Period as specified in Section 6a. Buyer and Seller acknowledge and understand they may,198.but are not obligated to, engage in negotiations or address repairs/improvements to the Premises. Any/all agreed upon repairs/199.improvements will be addressed pursuant to Section 6j. 200.Warranties that Survive Closing: Seller warrants that Seller has disclosed to Buyer and Broker(s) all material latent defects and 201.any information concerning the Premises known to Seller, excluding opinions of value, which materially and adversely affect the 202.consideration to be paid by Buyer. Prior to COE, Seller warrants that payment in full will have been made for all labor, professional, materials, machinery, fixtures, or tools furnished within the 150 days immediately preceding COE in connection with the, alteration, or repair of any structure on or improvement to the Premises. Seller warrants that the information regarding 205.connection to a sewer system or on-site wastewater treatment facility (conventional septic or alternative) is correct to the best of 206.Seller’s knowledge.207.Buyer Warranties: Buyer warrants that Buyer has disclosed to Seller any information that may materially and adversely affect 208.Buyer’s ability to close escrow or complete the obligations of this Contract. At the earlier of possession of the Premises or COE, 209.Buyer warrants to Seller that Buyer has conducted all desired independent inspections and investigations and accepts the Premises. 210.Buyer warrants that Buyer is not relying on any verbal representations concerning the Premises except disclosed as follows:211.212.183.Affidavit of Disclosure: If the Premises are located in an unincorporated area of the county, and five (5) or fewer parcels other than subdivided property are being transferred, Seller shall deliver a completed Affidavit of Disclosure in the form185.required by law to Buyer within five (5) days after Contract acceptance. Buyer shall provide notice of any Affidavit of Disclosure items186.disapproved within the Inspection Period or five (5) days after receipt of the Affidavit of Disclosure, whichever is later. 187.Changes During Escrow: Seller shall immediately notify Buyer of any changes in the Premises or disclosures made herein, the SPDS, or otherwise. Such notice shall be considered an update of the SPDS. Unless Seller is already obligated by this 189.Contract or any amendments hereto, to correct or repair the changed item disclosed, Buyer shall be allowed five (5) days after of such notice to provide notice of disapproval to Seller. 5. WARRANTIES6.DUE DILIGENCE

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Residential Resale Real Estate Purchase Contract • Updated: October 2022Copyright © 2022 Arizona Association of REALTORS®. All rights reserved.Page 6 of 10Page 6 of 10Residential Resale Real Estate Purchase Contract >>>>6e.6f.6g.6h.6i.6j.237.Insurance: IF HOMEOWNER’S INSURANCE IS A MATERIAL MATTER TO BUYER, BUYER SHALL APPLY FOR AND238.OBTAIN WRITTEN CONFIRMATION OF THE AVAILABILITY AND COST OF HOMEOWNER’S INSURANCE FOR THE239.PREMISES FROM BUYER’S INSURANCE COMPANY DURING THE INSPECTION PERIOD. Buyer understands that any240.homeowner’s, fire, casualty, flood or other insurance desired by Buyer or required by lender should be in place at COE.241.Sewer or On-site Wastewater Treatment System: The Premises are connected to a: 242.sewer system conventional septic system alternative system243.IF A SEWER CONNECTION IS A MATERIAL MATTER TO BUYER, IT MUST BE INVESTIGATED DURING THE INSPECTION 244.PERIOD. If the Premises are served by a conventional septic or alternative system, the AAR On-site Wastewater Treatment Facility 245.Addendum is incorporated herein by reference.246. (BUYER’S INITIALS REQUIRED) BUYER BUYER247.Swimming Pool Barrier Regulations: During the Inspection Period, Buyer agrees to investigate all applicable state, county, and 248.municipal Swimming Pool barrier regulations and agrees to comply with and pay all costs of compliance with said regulations prior to 249.occupying the Premises, unless otherwise agreed in writing. If the Premises contains a Swimming Pool, Buyer acknowledges receipt 250.of the Arizona Department of Health Services approved private pool safety notice.251. (BUYER’S INITIALS REQUIRED) BUYER BUYER252.BUYER ACKNOWLEDGMENT: BUYER RECOGNIZES, ACKNOWLEDGES, AND AGREES THAT BROKER(S) ARE NOT 253.QUALIFIED, NOR LICENSED, TO CONDUCT DUE DILIGENCE WITH RESPECT TO THE PREMISES OR THE SURROUNDING 254.AREA. BUYER IS INSTRUCTED TO CONSULT WITH QUALIFIED LICENSED PROFESSIONALS TO ASSIST IN BUYER’S 255.DUE DILIGENCE EFFORTS. BECAUSE CONDUCTING DUE DILIGENCE WITH RESPECT TO THE PREMISES AND THE 256.SURROUNDING AREA IS BEYOND THE SCOPE OF BROKER’S EXPERTISE AND LICENSING, BUYER EXPRESSLY 257.RELEASES AND HOLDS HARMLESS BROKER(S) FROM LIABILITY FOR ANY DEFECTS OR CONDITIONS THAT COULD 258.HAVE BEEN DISCOVERED BY INSPECTION OR INVESTIGATION.259. (BUYER’S INITIALS REQUIRED) BUYER BUYER260.Inspection Period Notice: Prior to expiration of the Inspection Period, Buyer shall deliver to Seller a signed notice of any items 261.disapproved. AAR’s Buyer’s Inspection Notice and Seller’s Response form is available for this purpose. Buyer shall conduct all 262.desired inspections and investigations prior to delivering such notice to Seller and all Inspection Period items disapproved shall be 263.provided in a single notice. 264.Buyer Disapproval: If Buyer, in Buyer’s sole discretion, disapproves of items as allowed herein, Buyer shall deliver to Seller a 265.signed notice of the items disapproved and state in the notice that Buyer elects to either:266.(1)Immediately cancel this Contract, in which case:267.(a)If Buyer’s notice specifies disapproval of items as allowed herein, the Earnest Money shall be released to Buyer.268.(b)If Buyer’s notice fails to specify items disapproved as allowed herein, the cancellation will remain in effect but Buyer has269.failed to comply with a provision of this Contract and Seller may deliver to Buyer a cure notice as required by Section 7a.270.If Buyer fails to cure their non-compliance within three (3) days after delivery of such notice, Buyer shall be in breach and271.Seller shall be entitled to the Earnest Money. If, prior to expiration of the Cure Period, Buyer delivers notice specifying272.items disapproved as allowed herein, Buyer shall be entitled to a return of the Earnest Money.273. OR274.(2)Provide Seller an opportunity to correct or address the items disapproved, in which case:275.(a)Seller shall respond in writing within five (5) days or days after delivery to Seller of Buyer’s notice of items276.disapproved. Seller’s failure to respond to Buyer in writing within the specified time period shall conclusively be deemed277.Seller’s refusal to correct or address any of the items disapproved.278.(b)If Seller agrees in writing to correct items disapproved, Seller shall correct the items, complete any repairs in a279.workmanlike manner and deliver any paid receipts evidencing the corrections and repairs to Buyer three (3) days280.or days prior to the COE Date.281.(c)If Seller is unwilling or unable to correct or address any of the items disapproved, Buyer may cancel this Contract within282.five (5) days after delivery of Seller’s response or after expiration of the time for Seller’s response, whichever occurs283.first, and the Earnest Money shall be released to Buyer. If Buyer does not cancel this Contract within the five (5) days as284.provided, Buyer shall close escrow without those items that Seller has not agreed in writing to correct or address.285.VERBAL DISCUSSIONS WILL NOT EXTEND THESE TIME PERIODS. Only a written agreement signed by both parties will extend 286.response times or cancellation rights.287.BUYER’S FAILURE TO GIVE NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL OF ITEMS OR CANCELLATION OF THIS CONTRACT WITHIN 288.THE SPECIFIED TIME PERIOD SHALL CONCLUSIVELY BE DEEMED BUYER’S ELECTION TO PROCEED WITH THE 289.TRANSACTION WITHOUT CORRECTION OF ANY DISAPPROVED ITEMS.

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Residential Resale Real Estate Purchase Contract • Updated: October 2022Copyright © 2022 Arizona Association of REALTORS®. All rights reserved.Page 7 of 10Page 7 of 10Residential Resale Real Estate Purchase Contract >>>>6n.7b.7d.6k.6l.6m.7a.7c.7e.310.Cure Period: A party shall have an opportunity to cure a potential breach of this Contract. If a party fails to comply with any311.provision of this Contract, the other party shall deliver a notice to the non-complying party specifying the non-compliance. If the 312. non-compliance is not cured within three (3) days after delivery of such notice (“Cure Period”), the failure to comply shall become a313.breach of Contract. If Escrow Company or recorder’s office is closed on the last day of the Cure Period, and COE must cure a potential breach, COE shall occur on the next day that both are open for business.315. Breach: In the event of a breach of Contract, the non-breaching party may cancel this Contract and/or proceed against the 316.breaching party in any claim or remedy that the non-breaching party may have in law or equity, subject to the Alternative Dispute 317.Resolution obligations set forth herein. In the case of Seller, because it would be difficult to fix actual damages in the event of 318.Buyer’s breach, the Earnest Money may be deemed a reasonable estimate of damages and Seller may, at Seller’s option, accept 319.the Earnest Money as Seller’s sole right to damages; and in the event of Buyer’s breach arising from Buyer’s failure to deliver the 320.notice required by Section 2b, or Buyer’s inability to obtain loan approval due to the waiver of the appraisal contingency pursuant Section 2l, Seller shall exercise this option and accept the Earnest Money as Seller’s sole right to damages. An unfulfilled 322.contingency is not a breach of Contract. The parties expressly agree that the failure of any party to comply with the terms and 323.conditions of Section 1d to allow COE to occur on the COE Date, if not cured after a cure notice is delivered pursuant to Section 7a, 324.will constitute a material breach of this Contract, rendering the Contract subject to cancellation.325.Alternative Dispute Resolution (“ADR”): Buyer and Seller agree to mediate any dispute or claim arising out of or relating to this 326.Contract in accordance with the REALTORS® Dispute Resolution System, or as otherwise agreed. All mediation costs shall be paid 327.equally by the parties. In the event that mediation does not resolve all disputes or claims, the unresolved disputes or claims shall submitted for binding arbitration. In such event, the parties shall agree upon an arbitrator and cooperate in the scheduling of arbitration hearing. If the parties are unable to agree on an arbitrator, the dispute shall be submitted to the American Arbitration 330.Association (“AAA”) in accordance with the AAA Arbitration Rules for the Real Estate Industry. The decision of the arbitrator shall be and nonappealable. Judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction. 332.Notwithstanding the foregoing, either party may opt out of binding arbitration within thirty (30) days after the conclusion of the 333.mediation conference by notice to the other and, in such event, either party shall have the right to resort to court action. 334.Exclusions from ADR: The following matters are excluded from the requirement for ADR hereunder: (i) any action brought in the 335.Small Claims Division of an Arizona Justice Court (up to $3,500) so long as the matter is not thereafter transferred or removed from 336.the small claims division; (ii) judicial or nonjudicial foreclosure or other action or proceeding to enforce a deed of trust, mortgage, or 337.agreement for sale; (iii) an unlawful entry or detainer action; (iv) the filing or enforcement of a mechanic’s lien; or (v) any matter that within the jurisdiction of a probate court. Further, the filing of a judicial action to enable the recording of a notice of pending action 339.(“lis pendens”), or order of attachment, receivership, injunction, or other provisional remedies shall not constitute a waiver of the 340.obligation to submit the claim to ADR, nor shall such action constitute a breach of the duty to mediate or arbitrate. 341.Attorney Fees and Costs: The prevailing party in any dispute or claim between Buyer and Seller arising out of or relating to this 342.Contract shall be awarded their reasonable attorney fees and costs. Costs shall include, without limitation, attorney fees, expert 343.witness fees, fees paid to investigators, and arbitration costs.290.Home Warranty Plan: Buyer and Seller are advised to investigate the various home warranty plans available for purchase. The291.parties acknowledge that different home warranty plans have different coverage options, exclusions, limitations, service fees and292.most plans exclude pre-existing conditions.293.A Home Warranty Plan will be ordered by Buyer or Seller with the following optional coverage294., to be issued by at a cost 295.not to exceed $ , to be paid for by Buyer Seller Split evenly between Buyer and Seller 296.Buyer declines the purchase of a Home Warranty Plan.297. (BUYER’S INITIALS REQUIRED) BUYER BUYER298.Walkthrough(s): Seller grants Buyer and Buyer’s inspector(s) reasonable access to conduct walkthrough(s) of the Premises for 299.the purpose of satisfying Buyer that any corrections or repairs agreed to by Seller have been completed, and the Premises are substantially the same condition as of the date of Contract acceptance. If Buyer does not conduct such walkthrough(s), Buyer 301.releases Seller and Broker(s) from liability for any defects that could have been discovered.302.Seller’s Responsibility Regarding Inspections and Walkthrough(s): Seller shall make the Premises available for all inspections 303.and walkthrough(s) upon reasonable notice by Buyer. Seller shall, at Seller’s expense, have all utilities on, including any propane, 304.until COE to enable Buyer to conduct these inspections and walkthrough(s). 305.IRS and FIRPTA Reporting: The Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act (“FIRPTA”) provides that, if a seller is a Foreign 306.Person, a buyer of residential real property must withhold federal income taxes up to 15% of the purchase price, unless an exception 307.applies. If FIRPTA is applicable and Buyer fails to withhold, Buyer may be held liable for the tax. Buyer agrees to perform any acts 308.reasonable or necessary to comply with FIRPTA and IRS reporting requirements and Buyer is responsible for obtaining independent and tax advice.7. REMEDIES

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Residential Resale Real Estate Purchase Contract • Updated: October 2022Copyright © 2022 Arizona Association of REALTORS®. All rights reserved.Page 8 of 10Page 8 of 10Residential Resale Real Estate Purchase Contract >>>>8.ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS8a.344.345.346.347.348.349.350.351.352.353.354.355.356.357.358.359.360.361.362.363.364.365.366.367.368.369.370

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Residential Resale Real Estate Purchase Contract • Updated: October 2022Copyright © 2022 Arizona Association of REALTORS®. All rights reserved.Page 9 of 10Page 9 of 10Residential Resale Real Estate Purchase Contract >>>>8b.8g.8h.8k.8l.8m.8n.8o.8p.8c.8d.8e.8f.8i.8j.390.Risk of Loss: If there is any loss or damage to the Premises between the date of Contract acceptance and COE or possession,391.whichever is earlier, by reason of fire, vandalism, flood, earthquake, or act of God, the risk of loss shall be on Seller, provided,392.however, that if the cost of repairing such loss or damage would exceed ten percent (10%) of the purchase price, either Seller or393.Buyer may elect to cancel the Contract. 394.Permission: Buyer and Seller grant Broker(s) permission to advise the public of this Contract. 395.Arizona Law: This Contract shall be governed by Arizona law and jurisdiction is exclusively conferred on the State of Arizona.396.Time is of the Essence: The parties acknowledge that time is of the essence in the performance of the obligations described 397.herein. 398.Compensation: Seller and Buyer acknowledge that Broker(s) shall be compensated for services rendered as previously agreed by 399.separate written agreement(s), which shall be delivered by Broker(s) to Escrow Company for payment at COE, if not previously paid. 400.If Seller is obligated to pay Broker(s), this Contract shall constitute an irrevocable assignment of Seller’s proceeds at COE. If Buyer obligated to pay Broker(s), payment shall be collected from Buyer as a condition of COE. COMMISSIONS PAYABLE FOR THE 402.SALE, LEASING, OR MANAGEMENT OF PROPERTY ARE NOT SET BY ANY BOARD OR ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, OR 403.MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE, OR IN ANY MANNER OTHER THAN BETWEEN BROKER AND CLIENT.404.Copies and Counterparts: A fully executed facsimile or electronic copy of the Contract shall be treated as an original Contract. 405.This Contract and any other documents required by this Contract may be executed by facsimile or other electronic means and in any 406.number of counterparts, which shall become effective upon delivery as provided for herein, except that the Disclosure of Information 407.on Lead-Based Paint and Lead-Based Paint Hazards may not be signed in counterpart. All counterparts shall be deemed to 408.constitute one instrument, and each counterpart shall be deemed an original. 409.Days: All references to days in this Contract shall be construed as calendar days and a day shall begin at 12:00 a.m. and 410.end at 11:59 p.m. 411.Calculating Time Periods: In computing any time period prescribed or allowed by this Contract, the day of the act or event from 412.which the time period begins to run is not included and the last day of the time period is included. Contract acceptance occurs on the that the signed Contract (and any incorporated counter offer) is delivered to and received by the appropriate Broker. Acts that 414.must be performed three (3) days prior to the COE Date must be performed three (3) full days prior (i.e. – if the COE Date is Friday 415.the act must be performed by 11:59 p.m. on Monday).416.Entire Agreement: This Contract, and any addenda and attachments, shall constitute the entire agreement between Seller and 417.Buyer, shall supersede any other written or oral agreements between Seller and Buyer and can be modified only by a writing signed Seller and Buyer. The failure to initial any page of this Contract shall not affect the validity or terms of this Contract. 419.Subsequent Offers: Buyer acknowledges that Seller has the right to accept subsequent offers until COE. Seller understands that 420.any subsequent offer accepted by Seller must be a backup offer contingent on the cancellation of this Contract.421.Cancellation: A party who wishes to exercise the right of cancellation as allowed herein may cancel this Contract by delivering 422.notice stating the reason for cancellation to the other party or to Escrow Company. Cancellation shall become effective immediately 423.upon delivery of the cancellation notice. 424.Notice: Unless otherwise provided, delivery of all notices and documentation required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing 425.and deemed delivered and received when: (i) hand-delivered; (ii) sent via facsimile transmission; (iii) sent via electronic mail, if email 426.addresses are provided herein; or (iv) sent by recognized overnight courier service, and addressed to Buyer as indicated in Section 427.8q, to Seller as indicated in Section 9a and to Escrow Company indicated in Section 3a. 428.Release of Broker(s): Seller and Buyer hereby expressly release, hold harmless and indemnify Broker(s) in this 429.transaction from any and all liability and responsibility regarding financing, the condition, square footage, lot lines, 430.boundaries, value, rent rolls, environmental problems, sanitation systems, roof, wood infestation, building codes, 431.governmental regulations, insurance, price and terms of sale, return on investment or any other matter relating to the value 432. or condition of the Premises. The parties understand and agree that Broker(s) do not provide advice on property as an 433. investment and are not qualified to provide financial, legal, or tax advice regarding this real estate transaction.434. (SELLER’S INITIALS REQUIRED) (BUYER’S INITIALS REQUIRED) SELLER SELLER BUYER BUYER435. Terms of Acceptance: This offer will become a binding Contract when acceptance is signed by Seller and a signed copy delivered 436. in person, by mail, facsimile or electronically, and received by Broker named in Section 8q 437. by , at a.m./p.m., Mountain Standard Time. 438. Buyer may withdraw this offer at any time prior to receipt of Seller’s signed acceptance. If no signed acceptance is received by this 439. date and time, this offer shall be deemed withdrawn and Buyer’s Earnest Money shall be returned. 440. THIS CONTRACT CONTAINS TEN (10) PAGES EXCLUSIVE OF ANY ADDENDA AND ATTACHMENTS. PLEASE ENSURE 441. THAT YOU HAVE RECEIVED AND READ ALL TEN (10) PAGES OF THIS OFFER AS WELL AS ANY ADDENDA AND 442. ATTACHMENTS.

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Residential Resale Real Estate Purchase Contract • Updated: October 2022Copyright © 2022 Arizona Association of REALTORS®. All rights reserved.Page 10 of 10Page 10 of 108q.8r.8s.9a.9b.9c.Agency Confirmation:Agency Confirmation: Broker on behalf of Seller:Broker on behalf of Buyer:OFFER REJECTED BY SELLER: , 20The undersigned agree to sell the Premises on the terms and conditions herein stated, acknowledge receipt of acopy hereof and grant permission to Broker named in Section 9a to deliver a copy to Buyer. The undersigned agree to purchase the Premises on the terms and conditions herein stated and acknowledge receipt of acopy hereof including the Buyer Attachment.ADDRESS ADDRESSFIRM ADDRESSFIRM ADDRESSPRINT FIRM NAMEPRINT FIRM NAMEPRINT AGENT’S NAMEPRINT AGENT’S NAMEPRINT AGENT’S NAMEPRINT AGENT’S NAME^ BUYER’S SIGNATURECITY, STATE, ZIP CODE CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE ̂^ SELLER’S SIGNATUREPREFERRED TELEPHONEPREFERRED TELEPHONE^ BUYER’S NAME PRINTED ̂^ SELLER’S NAME PRINTEDFAXFAXMONTHSTATEDAY EMAIL ADDRESS ADDRESS EMAIL AGENT MLS CODE AGENT MLS CODE AGENT MLS CODE AGENT MLS CODE STATE ZIP CODEZIP CODEMO/DA/YR ^ BUYER’S SIGNATURE CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE CITY, STATE, ZIP CODEMO/DA/YR ^ SELLER’S SIGNATURE YEARFIRM MLS CODE ̂^ BUYER’S NAME PRINTED^ SELLER’S NAME PRINTED FIRM MLS CODE(SELLER’S INITIALS) FIRM STATE LICENSE NO.MO/DA/YRMO/DA/YR AGENT STATE LICENSE NO. AGENT STATE LICENSE NO. AGENT STATE LICENSE NO. AGENT STATE LICENSE NO. FIRM STATE LICENSE NO.457.458.459.460.461.462.463.464.465.466.467.468.469443.444. 445.446.447.448.449.450.451.452.453.454.455.456.Buyer; Seller; or Broker named in Section 9a above is the agent of (check one): both Buyer and Seller Broker named in Section 8q above is the agent of (check one): Seller; or both Buyer and Seller Counter Offer is attached, and is incorporated herein by reference. Seller must sign and deliver both this offer and the CounterOffer. If there is a conflict between this offer and the Counter Offer, the provisions of the Counter Offer shall be controlling.9.SELLER ACCEPTANCEResidential Resale Real Estate Purchase Contract >>

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Page 41 Date: Date: Date: This is a Counter Offer originated by: Seller Buyer Landlord Tenant This is a Counter Offer to the Offer Counter Offer dated MO/DA/YRSeller/Landlord: Buyer/Tenant: Premises Address: Acceptance of the above Offer and/or Counter Offer is contingent upon agreement to the following: Time: Time: Time: The undersigned agrees to the terms and conditions of this Counter Offer and acknowledges receipt of a copy hereof. Date: Time: between the following Parties: An additional Counter Offer is attached, and is incorporated by reference. If there is a conflict between this Counter Offer and theadditional Counter Offer, the provisions of the additional Counter Offer shall be controlling. Date: Time: Terms of Acceptance: Unless acceptance of this Counter Offer is signed by all parties and a signed copy delivered in person, by mail,facsimile or electronically, and received by the originating party’s Broker named in the Contract Section 8q or 9a as applicable by at a.m. p.m., Mountain Standard Time, this Counter Offer shall be considered withdrawn. Except as modified by this Counter Offer, all other terms and conditions of the above referenced Offer/Counter Offer(s) shall remain unchanged and deemed accepted. Until this Counter Offer has been accepted in the manner described above, the Parties understand that the Party originating this Counter Offer may withdraw the offer to buy, sell, or lease the Premises. The undersigned acknowledges receipt of a copy hereof. Date: Time: RESPONSEACCEPTANCECounter Offer • Updated: June 2021 • Copyright © 2021 Arizona Association of REALTORS®. All rights reserved.Document updated:June 2021COUNTER OFFER

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BUYER INSPECTIONS AND INVESTIGATIONS COMPLETEDItems disapproved: Buyer elects as follows:Buyer acknowledges that:Buyer has verified all information deemed important including:(See Section 6j)Buyer has completed all desired Inspection Period items, such as:Buyer and Seller acknowledge that any agreed upon corrections/repairs; dated:Seller:Buyer:Premises Address:(a)MLS or listing information; and(b)all other information obtained regarding the Premises., 20(a)All desired Inspection Period inspections and investigations must be completed prior to delivering this notice to Seller;(b)All Inspection Period items disapproved must be provided in this notice;(c)Buyer’s election is limited to the options specified below; and(d)Buyer is not entitled to change or modify Buyer’s election after this notice is delivered to Seller.(a)Must be performed in a workmanlike manner; and(b)Arizona law, A.R.S. § 32-1121, requires that a licensed contractor perform corrections/repairs for which: (i) the aggregatecontract price, including labor and materials, is $1,000 or greater; or (ii) the work to be performed is not of a casual or minornature; or (iii) the work to be performed requires a local building permit.(a)physical, environmental, and other inspections and investigations;(b)inquiries and consultations with government agencies, lenders, insurance agents, architects, and other persons and entities;(c)investigations of applicable building, zoning, fire, health, and safety codes;(d)inquiries regarding sex offenders; and the occurrence of a disease, natural death, suicide, homicide or other crimeon the Premises or in the vicinity(e)inspections and investigations pertaining to square footage, wood-destroying organisms or insects, sewer, flood hazard,swimming pool barriers, and insurance; and(f)inspections and investigations of any other items important to Buyer.Premises Accepted – No corrections requested. Buyer accepts the Premises in its present condition and no corrections orrepairs are requested. Premises Rejected – Buyer disapproves of the items listed below and elects to immediately cancel theContract.Buyer elects to provide Seller an opportunity to correct or address the disapproved items listed below. (Attach an addendum, ifapplicable.)Residential Buyer’s Inspection Notice and Seller’s Response • Updated: October 2022 • Copyright © 2022 Arizona Association of REALTORS®. All rights reserved.Page 1 of 3Document updated:MONTH DAY YEARRESIDENTIAL BUYER’S INSPECTIONNOTICE AND SELLER’S RESPONSE (BINSR)PAGE 1 of 3October 2022>>

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BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT BUYER WAS ADVISED TO OBTAIN INSPECTIONS OF THE PREMISES BY QUALIFIEDINSPECTOR(S) AND BUYER DECLINED. By acting against Broker’s advice, Buyer accepts responsibility and hereby releases,indemnifies and holds harmless Brokers from any and all liability for all matters that professional inspections could have revealed.Buyer acknowledges that Broker(s): (1) make no representations concerning the competency of any inspectors, contractors and/or repair persons and assume no responsibility for any deficiencies or errors made; and (2) neither Seller nor Broker(s) are expertsat detecting or repairing, or estimating costs to repair physical defects in the Premises. Buyer further acknowledges that if Selleragrees to address the items disapproved by monetary credit or change in Purchase Price, an addendum must be submitted toBuyer’s lender, who may limit or restrict total contractual credits. The undersigned agrees to the modified or additional terms andconditions, if any, and acknowledges receipt of a copy hereof.^ BUYER’S SIGNATURE^ BUYER’S SIGNATUREMO/DA/YR MO/DA/YR ^ BUYER’S SIGNATURE ̂^ BUYER’S SIGNATURE MO/DA/YR MO/DA/YRBUYER’S WAIVER OF INSPECTIONS Residential Buyer’s Inspection Notice and Seller’s Response >>>>Residential Buyer’s Inspection Notice and Seller’s Response • Updated: October 2022 • Copyright © 2022 Arizona Association of REALTORS®. All rights reserved.Page 2 of 3PAGE 2 of 3

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SELLER’S RESPONSE BUYER’S ELECTION TO BE COMPLETED ONLY IF SELLER HAS NOT AGREED TOCORRECT ALL ITEMS DISAPPROVED(See Section 6j)TO BE COMPLETED ONLY IF BUYER PROVIDES SELLER AN OPPORTUNITY TOCORRECT OR ADDRESS ITEMS DISAPPROVED ON PAGES 1-2.(See Section 6j) Buyer elects to cancel this ContractBuyer accepts Seller’s response to Buyer’s Notice and agrees to close escrow without correction of those itemsSeller has not agreed in writing to correct or address.The undersigned agrees to the modified or additional terms and conditions, if any, and acknowledges receipt of a copy hereof. If Buyer provides Seller an opportunity to correct or address items disapproved, Seller shall respond within five (5) days or otherwise specified days after delivery of this notice. Seller agrees to correct or address the items disapproved by Buyer pursuant to terms set forth herein and Section 6j of theContract. Seller is unwilling or unable to correct or address any of the items disapproved by Buyer.Seller’s response to Buyer’s Notice is as follows (Attach an addendum, if applicable):The undersigned agrees to the modified or additional terms and conditions, if any, and acknowledges receipt of a copy hereof.Seller responds as follows:^ BUYER’S SIGNATURE^ SELLER’S SIGNATUREMO/DA/YR MO/DA/YR ̂^ BUYER’S SIGNATURE ̂^ SELLER’S SIGNATUREMO/DA/YR MO/DA/YRPAGE 3 of 3Residential Buyer’s Inspection Notice and Seller’s Response • Updated: October 2022 • Copyright © 2022 Arizona Association of REALTORS®. All rights reserved.Page 3 of 3Residential Buyer’s Inspection Notice and Seller’s Response >>

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Buyer Advisory Page | Arizona Department of Real Estate (March 2023) 1 of 13 A Resource for Real Estate Consumers Provided by the Arizona Association ofREALTORS® and the Arizona Departmentof Real Estate A real estate agent is vital to the purchase ofreal property and can provide a variety ofservices in locating a property, negotiatingthe sale, and advising the buyer. A real estate agent is generally not qualifiedto discover defects or evaluate the physicalcondition of property; however, a real estateagent can assist a buyer in finding qualifiedinspectors and provide the buyer withdocuments and other resources containingvital information about a prospectiveproperty. This Advisory is designed to make the purchase ofreal property as smooth as possible. Some of themore common issues that a buyer may decide to investigate or verify concerning a propertypurchase are summarized in this Advisory.Included in this Advisory are: In addition, a buyer must communicate to thereal estate agents in the transaction any specialconcerns the buyer may have about the propertyor surrounding area, whether or not those issuesare addressed in this Advisory. 1.2.3.Conditions affecting the surroundingarea that the buyer should investigate.Common documents a buyer should review;The property may be subject to video and/or audio surveillance. Buyershould therefore exercise caution and not discuss features or pricing whilein the home. This Advisory is supplemental to obtaining professional property inspections.Professional property inspections are absolutely essential: there is no practicalsubstitute for a professional inspection as a measure to discover and investigatedefects or shortcoming in a property. Physical conditions in the property thebuyer should investigate; andReminder: Please Note: DOCUMENT UPDATED:March 2023

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Page | 2 3 Purchase Contract 3 MLS Printout 3 The Subdivision Disclosure Report (Public Report) 3 Seller’s Property Disclosure Statement (SPDS) 3 Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) 6 Repairs, Remodeling and New Construction 6 Square Footage 6 Roof 6 Swimming Pools and Spas(Barriers) 6 Septic and Other On-Site Wastewater Treatment Facilities 7 Sewer 4 Homeowner’s Association (HOA) Governing Documents 4 HOA Disclosures 4 Community Facilities District 4 Title Report or Title Commitment4 Loan Information & Documents 4 Home Warranty Policy 5 Affidavit of Disclosure 7 Water/Well Issues (Adjudications, CAGRDs) 7 Soil Problems 7 Previous Fire/Flood 7 Pests(Scorpions, Bed bugs, Roof Rats, Termites & Bark Beetles) 8 Endangered & Threatened Species 8 Deaths & Felonies on the Property 5 Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Form 5 Professional Inspection Report 5 County Assessors/Tax Records 5 Termites and Other Wood Destroying Insects and Organisms 5 Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act (FIRPTA) 8 Indoor Environmental Concerns (Mold, Drywall, Radon Gas& Carbon Monoxide, Drug labs, Other) 8 Property Boundaries 9 Flood Insurance / Flood Plain Status9 Insurance(Claims History) 9 Other Property Conditions (Plumbing, Cooling/Heating, Electrical systems) of 13 Buyer Advisory 10 EnvironmentalConcerns (EnvironmentallySensitive Land Ordinance) 10 Electromagnetic Fields10 Superfund Sites 12 Market Conditions Advisory12 Fair Housing & DisabilityLaws 12 Wire Fraud 11 Drive around the Neighborhood 1310 Freeway Construction & Traffic Conditions 10 Crime Statistics 10 Sex Offenders 10 Forested Areas 11 Talk to the Neighbors Arizona Department of Real Estate (March 2023) 12 Additional Information 12 Information about Arizona Government, State Agencies and Arizona REALTORS® 11 Investigate your Surroundings 10 Military and Public Airports 10Zoning/Planning/Neighborhood Services 11 Schools 11 City Profile Report Table of Contents SECTION 2 SECTION 1 SECTION 3 SECTION 4 SECTION 5 RESOURCES BUYER ACKNOWLEDGMENT COMMON DOCUMENTS A BUYER SHOULD REVIEW CONDITIONS AFFECTING THE AREA SURROUNDINGTHE PROPERTY THE BUYER SHOULD INVESTIGATE COMMON PHYSICAL CONDITIONS IN THEPROPERTY A BUYER SHOULD INVESTIGATE OTHER METHODS TO GETTING INFORMATION ABOUT A PROPERTY

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Page | Arizona Department of Real Estate (March 2023) The CC&Rs are recorded against the property and generallyempower a homeowner’s association to control certain aspects ofproperty use within the development. By purchasing a property insuch a development, the buyer agrees to be bound by the CC&Rs.The association, the property owners as a whole, and individualproperty owner can enforce the CC&Rs. It is essential that the buyerreview and agree to these restrictions prior to purchasing a property. 3 of 13 Buyer Advisory Section 1 COMMON DOCUMENTS A BUYER SHOULD REVIEW The documents listed below may not be relevant in every transaction, nor is the list exhaustive. Unless otherwisestated, the real estate broker has not independently verified the information contained in these documents. 312 MLS Printout Purchase Contract Contingency Waivers 54Seller’s Property Disclosure Statement(SPDS) Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) The Purchase Contract contains numerouscontingencies, including, but not limited to, theloan contingency, the inspection contingency, andthe appraisal contingency. Should a buyer elect towaive any such contingencies in conjunction withtheir purchase offer, adverse consequences mayresult that place buyer at risk of losing their EarnestMoney or incurring monetary damages if buyerdecides not to purchase the property after theiroffer is accepted. Before offering to waive anycontractual contingencies, buyers should weigh therisks and consult with independent legal counsel. Buyers should protect themselves by taking the timeto read the Arizona REALTORS® Residential ResaleReal Estate Purchase Contract and understand theirlegal rights and obligations before they submit anoffer to buy a property. A Subdivision Disclosure Report (Public Report) isintended to point out material information about asubdivision. Subdividers (any person who offers forsale or lease six or more lots in a subdivision or whocauses land to be divided into a subdivision) are requiredto give buyers a Public Report. Read the Public Reportbefore signing any contract to purchase a property in a A listing is a contractual agreement between the sellerand the listing broker and may authorize the broker tosubmit information to the Multiple Listing Service(MLS). The MLS printout is similar to an advertisement. Neither the listing agreement nor theprintout is a part of the purchase contract betweenthe buyer and seller. The information in the MLSprintout was probably secured from the seller, thebuilder, or a governmental agency, and could beinaccurate, incomplete or an approximation.Therefore, the buyer should verify any importantinformation contained in the MLS. Most sellers provide a SPDS. This document poses a varietyof questions for the seller to answer about the propertyand its condition. The real estate broker is not responsiblefor verifying the accuracy of the items on the SPDS;therefore, a buyer should carefully review the SPDS andverify those statements of concern. A seller’s disclosure obligation remains even if the buyer and seller agree that no Seller’s Property Disclosure Statement will be provided. subdivision. Although some of the information may becomeoutdated, subsequent buyers can also benefit from reviewingthe Public Report. Public Reports dating from January 1, 1997, areavailable on the Arizona Department of Real Estate (ADRE) websiteADRE does not verify the information in the Public Report.Therefore, the Report could be inaccurate, so it should beverified by the buyer. Residential Resale Real Estate Purchase Contract(Arizona REALTORS® Residential Resale Purchase Contract) (ADRE Property Buyer’s Checklist) (AAR Sample SPDS)(ADRE Property Buyer’s Checklist) (Arizona Deed Restrictions webpage) Search Developments) (ADRE Property Buyer’s Checklist) The Subdivision DisclosureReport (Public Report) It is the law of this state that any covenants or restrictions thatare based on race, religion, color, handicap status or nationalorigin are invalid and unenforceable. A.R.S. 32-2107.01 Buyers should consult legal counsel if uncertain of the application of particularprovisions in the CC&Rs. ADRE ADVISES: “Read the deed restrictions, also called CC&Rs (covenants, conditions and restrictions). You might findsome of the CC&Rs are very strict.”

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Page | Arizona Department of Real Estate (March 2023) 4 of 13 Buyer Advisory 6Homeowners Association(HOA) Governing Documents If purchasing a resale home in a condominium orplanned community, the seller (if fewer than 50units in the community) or the HOA (if there are50 or more units) must provide the buyer with adisclosure containing a variety of information. In addition to CC&Rs, HOAs may be governed by Articles ofIncorporation, Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, and oftenarchitectural control standards. Read and understandthese documents. Also, be aware that some HOAs imposefees that must be paid when the property is sold, so ask ifthe purchase of the property will result in any fees.Condominium and planned community HOAs areregulated by Arizona statutes. They are not under thejurisdiction of the Department of Real Estate (ADRE).Nonetheless, the Arizona’s Homeowner's Association DisputeProcess is administered by the ADRE. Community Facilities Districts (CFDs) are special taxingdistricts that use bonds for the purpose of financingconstruction, acquisition, operation and maintenance ofpublic infrastructure that benefits the real propertyowners comprising the CFD members. Roadways, publicsewer, utility infrastructure and public parks areexamples of the types of public infrastructure paid forby CFDs. CFDs have a Governing Board that may be theCity Council acting as the board or a stand-alone board.Any member of a CFD may request disclosures from thisboard. Questions to ask include: the amount still owedand how many more payments are left in order to payoff the CFD for the property. It is important that youreview the Detailed Property Tax Statement which willshow the current amount due to the CFD. CFDs are most commonly found on the property’sdetailed property tax statement from the County TaxAssessor. The local municipality or county can also be asource of CFD information. The title report or commitment contains importantinformation and is provided to the buyer by the title/escrow company or agent. This report or commitmentlists documents that are exceptions to the titleinsurance (Schedule B Exceptions). Schedule BExceptions may include encumbrances, easements, andliens against the property, some of which may affectthe use of the property, such as a future addition orswimming pool. Make sure you receive and review all ofthe listed documents. Questions about the titlecommitment and Schedule B documents may beanswered by the title or escrow officer, legal counsel, ora surveyor. A home warranty [policy]is a service contract that typicallycovers the repair and/or replacement costs of homeappliances and major systems such as heating, cooling,plumbing, and possibly other components of a home that faildue to normal usage and age. Coverage varies depending onthe policy. Be aware that pre-existing property conditions aregenerally not covered. A home warranty may be part of thesale of the home. If so, buyers should thoroughly read thehome warranty contract to understand coverage,limitations, exclusions, and costs associated with thepolicy. Unless a buyer is paying cash, the buyer must qualify fora loan in order to complete the purchase. A buyershould complete a loan application with a lender beforemaking an offer on a property if at all possible and, ifnot, immediately after making an offer. It will be thebuyer’s responsibility to deposit any down payment andensure that the buyer’s lender deposits the remainderof the purchase price into escrow prior to the close ofescrow date. Therefore, make sure you get allrequested documentation to your lender as soon aspossible. (A.R.S.33-1260);and (A.R.S. 33-1806) (A.R.S. 33-1260); (A.R.S. 33-1806) (ADRE HOA Information) a house: Tools & Resources for Homebuyers) ( (American LandTitle Association) (CFPB - What is titleinsurance?) 87 HOA Disclosures Community Facilities District 911 Home Warranty Policy 10 Loan Information and Documents Title Report or Title Commitment

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Page | Arizona Department of Real Estate (March 2023) 5 of 13 Pima: Yuma: La Paz: Apache: Graham: Mohave: Coconino: SantaCruz: Gila: Pinal: Navajo: Cochise: Greenlee: Maricopa: Buyer Advisory 15 12 Affidavit of Disclosure County Assessors/Tax Records 14 Professional Inspection Report 13 Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Form 16 Termites and Other WoodDestroying Insects and Organisms 17 Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act (FIRPTA) If the buyer is purchasing five or fewer parcelsof land (whether improved or vacant), otherthan subdivided land, in an unincorporated areaof a county, the seller must furnish the buyerwith an Affidavit of Disclosure. If the home was built prior to 1978, the seller mustprovide the buyer with a lead-based paint disclosureform. Buyer is further advised to use certifiedcontractors to perform renovation, repair or paintingprojects that disturb lead-based paint in residentialproperties built before 1978 and to follow specificwork practices to prevent lead contamination. The county assessor’s records contain a variety ofvaluable information, including the assessed value ofthe property for tax purposes and some of the physicalaspects of the property, such as the reported squarefootage. The date-built information in the assessor’srecords can be either the actual or effective/weightedage if the residence has been remodeled. All information on the site should be verified for accuracy. The importance of having a property inspected by aprofessional inspector cannot be over-emphasized. Aninspection is visual physical examination, performed for a fee, designed to identify material defects in theproperty. The inspector will generally provide the buyer with a report detailing information about the property’s condition. The buyer should carefully review this report with the inspector and ask the inspector about any item of concern. Pay attention to the scope of the inspection and any portions of the property excluded from the inspection. Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act(FIRPTA) may impact the purchase of property if the legal owner(s)of the property are foreign persons or non- resident aliens pursuant to FIRPTA. If so, consult a taxadvisor as mandatory withholding may apply. Termites and other wood destroying insects are commonlyfound in some parts of Arizona. General guidance, inspectionreport information and the ability to search a property for pasttermite treatments may be found on the Arizona Departmentof Agriculture website. (ASHI Home Buyer’s Guide) (AAR Sample Form) (ADRE Lead Based Paint Information) (AZDA-Termite Information) (AZDA-Wood Destroying Insect Inspection Reports) (AZDA-Search for Termite Reports) (I.R.S. FIRPTA Definitions) withholding (I.R.S. FIRPTA Information) I.R.S. FIRPTA Video) Yavapai: Assessor's Office Home ( (AAR Sample Affidavit of Disclosure)

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Page | Arizona Department of Real Estate (March 2023) 6 of 13 Buyer Advisory Section 2 COMMON PHYSICAL CONDITIONS IN THEPROPERTY A BUYER SHOULDINVESTIGATE Because every buyer and every property are different, the physical property conditions requiring investigation will vary. 21Square Footage Repairs, Remodeling andNew Construction 345Roof Swimming Pools and Spas Septic and Other On-SiteWastewater Treatment Facilities The seller may have made repairs or added a roomto the property. The buyer should feel comfortablethat the work was properly done or have an expertevaluate the work. Request copies of permits,invoices or other documentation regarding thework performed. USE OF LICENSED CONTRACTORS A contractor’s license is required for workperformed on a property unless the aggregatecontract price, including labor and material, is lessthan $1,000, the work performed is of a “casual or minor nature,” and no building permit is required. An unlicensed property owner may also perform work themselves if the property is intended for occupancy solely by the owner. If, however, the property is listed or offered for sale or rent within one year of the completed work, it is consideredprima facie evidence that the owner performed thework for purposes of sale or rent. Owners of property who are acting as developers,who improve structures or appurtenances tostructures on their property for the purpose of saleor rent, and who contract with a licensed generalcontractor must identify the licensed contractors’names and license numbers in all sales documents. Square footage on the MLS printout or as listed by thecounty assessor’s records is often only an estimate andgenerally should not be relied upon for the exactsquare footage. An appraiser or architect can measurethe property’s size to verify the square footage. If the home is not connected to a public sewer, it isprobably served by an on-site wastewater treatmentfacility (conventional septic or alternative system). Aqualified inspector must inspect any such facility withinsix months prior to transfer of ownership. Forinformation on current inspection and transfer ofownership requirements, contact the specific countyenvironmental/health agency where the property islocated or the Arizona Department EnvironmentalQuality (ADEQ). If the roof is 10 years old or older, a roof inspection bya licensed roofing contractors highly recommended. If the square footage is important, you should have itconfirmed by one of these experts during the inspectionperiod in a resale transaction and prior to executing acontract on a new home transaction. If the property has a pool or a spa, the home inspectormay Exclude the pool or spa form the general inspectionso an inspection by a pool or spa company may benecessary. (Before you Hire a Contractor–Tips) (National Association ofthe Remodeling Industry) (Phoenix Building Permit Search) (Tucson Building permit records) Other cities- search Planning & Development (Arizona Roofing ContractorsAssociation) (Before youHire a Contractor) (ADEQ – AZ Statewide InspectionProgram File a Notice of Transfer Online) information/ (AAR-Pool Barrier Laws & Information) (Licensed RealEstate Appraisers) 36-1681 - Pool enclosures; requirements; exceptions;enforcement ( (A.R.S. 36-1681 Swimming PoolEnclosures)

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Page | Arizona Department of Real Estate (March 2023) 7 of 13 Buyer Advisory 678SEWER Soil Problems Water/Well Issues 910 Pests Previous Fire/Flood The property may receive water from a municipalsystem, a private water company, or a well. Youshould investigate the availability and quality of thewater to theproperty, as well as the water provider. Alist of Arizona’s water companies is available at theArizona Corporation Commission. CAGRDs: The Central Arizona Groundwater Replenishment District (CAGRD) functions to replenishgroundwater used by its members, individual subdivisionsand service areas of member water providers.Homeowners in a CAGRD pay an annual assessment feewhich is collected through the county property taxprocess based the amount of ground water served tomember homes. Adjudications: Arizona is undertaking severalStream Adjudications, which are court proceedings todetermine the extent and priority of water rights inan entire river system. For information regarding water uses andwatersheds affected by these adjudications, and the formsupon sale of the property, visit the Department of WaterResources online. Even if the listing or SPDS indicates that the propertyis connected to the city sewer, a plumber, homeinspector, or other professional should verify it. Somecounties and cities can perform this test as well. The soil in some areas of Arizona has “clay-like”tendencies, sometimes referred to as “expansivesoil.” Other areas are subject to fissure, subsidence and other soil conditions. Properties built on such soils may experience significant movement causing a major problem. If it is disclosed there has been a fire or flood on theproperty, a qualified inspector should be hired toadvise you regarding any possible future problems as aresult of the fire or flood damage and/or anysubsequent repairs. For example, if the property wasnot properly cleaned after a flood, mold issues mayresult. Your insurance agent may be able to assist you inobtaining information regarding fire, flood, or other pastdamage to the property. Cockroaches, rattlesnakes, black widow spiders,scorpions, termites and other pests are common inparts of Arizona. Fortunately, most pests can becontrolled with pesticides. Scorpions: Scorpions, on the other hand, may be difficult to eliminate. If buyer has any concerns or ifthe SPDS indicates the seller has seen scorpions or other pests on the property, seek the advice of a pest control company. Bed Bugs: Infestations are on the rise in Arizonaand nationally. Roof Rats: Roof Rats have been reported in some areas by Maricopa County Environmental Services. Termites: Consumer Information is available from the Arizona Department of Agriculture. If it has been disclosed that the property is subject to anysuch soil conditions or if the buyer has any concernsabout the soil condition or observes evidence of cracking,the buyer should secure an independent assessment ofthe property and its structural integrity by a licensed,bonded, and insured professional engineer. of Water Resources – Adjudications) (Arizona Corporation Commission- Utilities Water) and Adequate Water Supply) Soils -UA Science AZ Geological Survey) (Information on Land Subsidence & Earth Fissures) (State Certified Engineers & Firms) – Information) Bugs – Information) (Roof Rats) (Termite Information) (Bark Beetles – Information) (Central Arizona Ground Water Replenishment District) Bark Beetles: areas. Bark beetles have been reported in some forested

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Page | Arizona Department of Real Estate (March 2023) 8 of 13 Buyer Advisory 13 Indoor Environmental Concerns 11 Endangered & Threatened Species 12 Death and Felonies on the Properties 14 Property Boundaries Certain areas in the state may have issues relatedto federally listed endangered or threatenedspecies that may affect land uses. Furtherinformation may be obtained on the U.S. Fish andWildlife website or by contacting the appropriateplanning/development service department. Arizona law states that sellers and real estatelicensees have no liability for failure to disclose to abuyer that the property was ever the site of a naturaldeath, suicide, murder or felony. This information is often difficult to uncover; however, the local law enforcement agency may be able to identify incidents related to a property address. Attention has been given to the possible health effects of mold in homes, apartments and commercialbuildings. Certain types of molds may cause healthproblems in some people while triggering onlycommon allergic responses in others. Mold is often not detectable by a visual inspection. Todetermine if the premises you are purchasing, orleasing contains mold or airborne health hazards, youmay retain an environmental expert to perform anindoor air quality test. This is particularly important ifany of the inspection reports or disclosure documentsindicate the existence of past or present moisture,standing water, visible water stains, or water intrusionin the Premises. The Arizona Department of Health Services, Office of Environmental Health, states: If the property boundaries are of concern, asurvey may be warranted. For example, a surveymay be advisable if there is an obvious use ofproperty by others, i.e., a well-worn path across aproperty and/or parked cars on the property orfences or structures of adjacent property ownersthat appear to be built on the property. For moreinformation, visit the Arizona Professional LandSurveyors online. A search for surveyors may befound online at the Board of TechnicalRegistration. Imported Drywall: There have been reports of problematic drywall, produced in China, used in Arizona homes. Residents in homes with problem drywall report health issues such as respiratoryirritation, and other problems such as copper corrosion and sulfur odors. Visit the Consumer Product Safety Commission website for moreinformation. Radon Gas and Carbon Monoxide: Radon gas and carbon monoxide poisoning are two of the more common and potentially serious indoor air quality (IAQ) concerns. Both of these concerns can be addressed by the home inspector, usually for an additional fee. For information on radon levels in the state, visit Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency online. Drug labs: Residual contamination arising from the illicit manufacture of methamphetamine and other drugs carried out in clandestine drug laboratories presents a serious risk of harm to human and environmental health. Other: For information on other indoor environmental concerns, the EPA has a host of resource materials and pamphlets online. (A.R.S. § 32-2156) Arizona Ecological Services Field Office | U.S. Fish &Wildlife Service ( (Arizona Ecological Services) (Arizona Endangered Species) bit.ly2kRk7jm (Drywall Information Center) (About Radon) (Asbestos Information) (Voluntary Guidelines-Methamphetamine & Fentanyl Laboratory Cleanup)Formaldehyde | US EPA (EPA Formaldehyde) “If you can see mold, or if there is an earthy or mustyodor, you can assume you have a mold problem.” (EPA-Indoor Air Quality) (EPA-Mold) (CDC-Mold Information) BTR Land Surveyors) (Carbon Monoxide Infographic)

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Page | Arizona Department of Real Estate (March 2023) 9 of 13 Buyer Advisory 15 Environmental Concerns Flood Insurance/Flood Plain Status 16 Insurance (Claims History) 17 Other Property Conditions Every property is unique; therefore, important conditions vary. Your mortgage lender may require you to purchaseflood insurance in connection with your purchase ofthe property. The National Flood Insurance Programprovides for the availability of flood insurance andestablished flood insurance policy premiums based onthe risk of flooding in the area where properties arelocated. Changes to the federal law (The Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 and theHomeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act of 2014,in particular) will result in changes to flood insurancepremiums that are likely to be higher, and in thefuture, may be substantially higher, than premiumspaid for flood insurance prior to or at the time of saleof the property. As a result, purchasers of propertyshould not rely on the premiums paid for floodinsurance on the property previously as an indicationof the premiums that will apply after completion ofthe purchase. In considering purchase of the property,you should consult with one or more carriers of floodinsurance for a better understanding of floodinsurance coverage, current and anticipated futureflood insurance premiums, whether the prior owner’spolicy may be assumed by a subsequent purchase ofthe property, and other matters related to thepurchase of flood insurance for the property. Ifcommunityfloodplaininformationisnotavailable for a specific property, and in order to obtain flood insurance, it may be necessary to have an elevation survey and obtain an elevation certificate. This is necessary to determine a properties insurability and premium rate. You may also wish to contact the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for It is often very difficult to identify environmental hazards.The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality(ADEQ) website contains environmental informationregarding the locations of open and closed landfills (SolidWaste Facilities), wildfire information, as well as air andwater quality more information about flood insurance as itrelates to the property. Many factors affect the availability and cost ofhomeowner’s insurance. Property owners may request a five-year claims history from their insurancecompany, an insurance support organization or consumerreporting agency. information, as well as air and water quality information(and more). Cooling/Heating: Make sure the cooling and heating systems are adequate. If it is important to you, hire a qualifiedheating/cooling inspector. Section 3 Consumer Resources ( (Helping YouNavigate Insurance and Make Better InformedDecisions) National Flood Insurance Program (FEMA) (Flood Risk Information) certificate (Elevation Certificates: Who Needs Them and Why - fact sheet) Arizona) (Maricopa County Flood Control District-Services) (ADEQ-Solid Waste Facilities) (Phaseout of Ozone-DepletingSubstances -ODS) (ADEQ-Landfills) Other Arizona Counties: Consult County Websites. (Wildfire Support) Plumbing: Electrical Systems: Check functionality. Check for functionality and safety. CONDITIONS AFFECTING THE AREASURROUNDING THE PROPERTY THE BUYERSHOULD INVESTIGATE

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Page | Arizona Department of Real Estate (March 2023) 10 of 13 Buyer Advisory 2354Superfund Sites Crime Statistics FreewayConstruction andTraffic Conditions 1 Environmentally Sensitive Land Ordinance Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMFs) 678Sex Offenders Forested Areas Military and Public Airports For information on electric and magnetic fields, andwhether they pose a health risk to you or yourfamily, visit the National Institute of EnvironmentalHealth Sciences website. There are numerous sites in Arizona where the soiland groundwater have been contaminated byimproper disposal of contaminants. Maps may beviewed on ADEQ’s website to see if a property is inan area designated by the ADEQ as requiringcleanup. Crime statistics, an imperfect measurement at best,provide some indication of the level of criminalactivity in an area. Approximately two-thirds of the City of Scottsdale isaffected by the Environmentally Sensitive LandOrdinance (ESLO), which requires some areas onprivate property be retained in their natural stateand designated as National Area OpenSpace(NAOS). Although the existence of a freeway near theproperty may provide highly desirable access,sometimes it contributes to undesirable noise. Tosearch for roadway construction and planning, visitthe Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT)website. The legislature has mandated the identification of areas in the immediate vicinity of military and publicairports that are susceptible to a certain level of noisefrom aircraft. The boundaries of these areas have beenplotted on maps that are useful in determining if aproperty falls within one of these areas. The maps formilitary and public airports may be accessed on theArizona Department of Real Estate (ADRE) website.Additionally, the boundaries of military and publicairports in Maricopa County may be viewed on thecounty website. These maps are intended to show the area subject to a preponderance of airport-related noise from a given airport. Periodic over-flights that may contribute to noise cannot usually be determinedfrom these maps. Vacant land or lots may be for sale within areas of high noise or accident potential zones. Because the zoning of these lots may conflict with the buyer’s ability to develop the property, the buyer should verify whether development is prohibited Zoning regulations for these areas, may be found at A.R.S.§28- 8481. Life in a forested area has unique benefits and concerns. As withother natural disasters that affect the United States in anygiven year including flooding, tornados, hurricanes andearthquakes, having information regarding wildfire risk will becrucial for Buyers here in the Southwest. To get the most upto date information on the community you are seeking topurchase in, search by city name, zip code and/or contactcounty/city fire authority for more information on issuesparticular to a community. Cities) (ADOT Statewide Projects) (ADOT Road Conditions) (AZ ADEQ – Superfund Sites) (EPA Supefund) (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences) Crime Statistics - All Arizona Sex Offender and Community Notification) (National Sex Offender Public Site) (ELS and NAOS) ( (Search - Community Wildfire Risk) (Arizona Fire Wise Communities) Education/Fire Wise USA) Since June 1996, Arizona has maintained a registry andcommunity notification program for convicted sex offenders.Prior to June 1996, registration was not required, and only the higher-risk sex offenders are on the website. The presenceof a sex offender in the vicinity of the property is not a fact thatthe seller or real estate broker is required to disclose.

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Page | Arizona Department of Real Estate (March 2023) 11 of 13 Buyer Advisory (ADRE - Maps of Military Airports Boundaries) (ADRE - Maps of Public Airports & Boundaries) (Phoenix Skyharbor Airport - General Information) (Phoenix) (Tucson) (Arizona Department of Education) (Find City Stats & Information) (ADRE) 910 Schools Talk to the Neighbors Drive Around the Neighborhood Zoning/Planning/Neighborhood Services 11 City Profile Report Investigate Your Surroundings Buyers should always drive around theneighborhood, preferably on different days atseveral different times of the day and evening, toinvestigate the surrounding area. Information may be found on community websites. Neighbors can provide a wealth of information.Buyer should always talk to the surroundingresidents about the neighborhood and the history ofthe property the buyer is considering for purchase. Although there is no substitute for an on-site visit tothe school to talk with principals and teachers, thereis a significant amount of information aboutArizona’s schools on the Internet. Visit the Arizona Department of Education websitefor more information. Google Earth is an additional method toinvestigate the surrounding area: GoogleEarth Information on demographics, finances and otherfactors are drawn from an array of sources, such as U.S. Census Bureau of Labor, Internal RevenueService, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and theNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrationand may be viewed on Homefair’s Website.“Call the school district serving the subdivision to determinewhether nearby schools’ area accepting new students. Some schooldistricts, especially in the northwest of the greater Phoenix area,have placed a cap on enrolment. You may find that your childrencannot attend the school nearest you and may even betransported to another community.” ADRE ADVISES: Section 4 OTHER METHODS OF GETTINGINFORMATION ABOUT A PROPERTY

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Page | Arizona Department of Real Estate (March 2023) 12 of 13 Buyer Advisory Section 5 RESOURCES Market Conditions Advisory Fair Housing and Disability Laws Wire Fraud Additional Information Information about ArizonaGovernment, State Agencies andArizona REALTORS® It is illegal under the Fair Housing Act andArizona Fair Housing laws for a property owner/seller, landlord, property manager or real estateprofessional to discriminate in the sale, rental,and financing of housing and in other housing-related activities against another person basedon certain protected characteristics. The real estate market is cyclical and real estate values go up and down. The financial market also changes,affecting the terms on which a lender will agree toloan money on real property. It is impossible toaccurately predict what the real estate or financialmarket conditions will be at any given time. The ultimate decision on the price a buyer is willing topay and the price a seller is willing to accept for aspecific property rest solely with the individual buyeror seller. The parties to a real estate transaction mustdecide on what price and terms they are willing to buyor sell considering market conditions, their ownfinancial resources and their own uniquecircumstances. The parties must, upon careful deliberation, decidehow much risk they are willing to assume in atransaction. Any waiver of contingencies, rights orwarranties in the Contract may have adverseconsequences. Buyer and seller acknowledge that theyunderstand these risks. Buyer and Seller assume all responsibility should thereturn on investment, tax consequences, crediteffects, or financing terms not meet theirexpectations. The parties understand and agree thatthe Broker(s) do not provide advice on property as aninvestment. Broker(s) are not qualified to providefinancial, legal, or tax advice regarding a real estatetransaction. Therefore, Broker(s) makes norepresentation regarding the above items. Buyer andseller are advised to obtain professional tax and legaladvice regarding the advisability of entering into thistransaction. Home Closing 101 Arizona Department of RealEstate Consumer Information Arizona Association of REALTORS® NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®(NAR) Ten Step Guide to Buying a Home ( Beware of wiring instructions sent via email. Cybercriminals may hack email accounts and send emails withfake wiring instructions. You should independentlyconfirm wiring instructions in person or via a telephonecall to a trusted and verified phone number prior to wiringany money. Market Conditions Advisory (Arizona REALTORSForms) – Sample (Arizona REALTORS® Wire Fraud Advisory) (Americans with Disabilities Act) ® The National Association of REALTORS® Code of Ethicsalso prohibits discrimination or aiding in discrimination. It isunlawful to discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationalorigin, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexualorientation), familial status, and disability. Mortgage Closing Scams (CFPB-How to Protect Yourself) (Arizona REALTORS® Fair Housing Advisory) Fair Housing Rights and Obligation (

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Page | Arizona Department of Real Estate (March 2023) 13 of 13 Buyer Advisory BUYER ACKNOWLEDGMENT Buyer acknowledges receipt of all 13pages of this Advisory. Buyer further acknowledges that there maybe other disclosure issues of concern notlisted in this Advisory. Buyer is responsible formaking all necessary inquiries and consultingthe appropriate persons or entities prior tothe purchase of any property. The information in this Advisory is providedwith the understanding that it is not intended aslegal or other professional services or advice.These materials have been prepared for generalinformational purposes only. The informationand links contained herein may not be updatedor revised for accuracy. If you have anyadditional questions or need advice, pleasecontact your own lawyer or other professionalrepresentative. ^BUYER SIGNATURE ^BUYER SIGNATURE DATE DATE

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NOTESKeep Track of Other Important Dates & DetailsP R I D E H O M E P R O P E R T I E S54

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Keep Track of Other Important Dates & DetailsNOTESW W W . P R I D E H O M E A Z . C O M55

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