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TRACKMIA• International Development & Economic PolicyMIA with ECONOMICS (ECON-MIA) PROGRAMSMASTER OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION MPSA collaborative Ph.D. degrees: with Education Policy with Health Policy and ManagementMASTER OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS MIA combined degrees: with Public Health with EconomicsMASTER OF INTERNATIONAL POLICYLOCATIONCOLLEGE STATION ONLINEWASHINGTON, D.C.MASTER’SMaster of Public Service & Admin.MPSA collaborative Ph.D.:with Education Policywith Health Policy & Mgmt.Master of International AairsMIA combined degrees:with Public Healthwith EconomicsMaster of International in Political Science Contact: 979 -8 45 Master of Public Service & Admin. Graduate Certicates (also on-campus) Advanced International Aairs Homeland Security Nonprot ManagementPublic Management Contact: 1-866-988-BUSH (2874) Master of National Security & Intelligence Master of International PolicyGraduate Certicate Advanced International AairsContact: Fort WorthDallasBryan/College StationAustinHoustonSan AntonioCOLLEGE STATION• Ranked one of the most livable, aordable, and fastest-growing areas in the nationTEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY• One of the country’s largest public institutions and a top-tier research body• Centrally located to Houston, Austin, San Antonio, and Dallas-Fort Worth• Adjacent to the Bush Presidential Library and Museum and Annenberg Presidential Conference Center Our namesake, President George H.W. BushTRACKS • Nonprot Management• Public Management• Public Policy Analysis CONCENTRATIONS:• Analytical Methods• Cybersecurity Policy and Management • Education Policy and Management• Energy, Environment, & Technology Policy and Management• Health Policy and Management• Homeland Security & National Defense• International Nongovernmental Organizations• State & Local Government Policy and Management• Individually designed area of studyTRACKS• International Development & Economic Policy• National Security & DiplomacyCONCENTRATIONS:• Conict & Development• Cyber Policy• Diplomacy • Foreign Economic Policy• Grand Strategy & Defense Policy• Intelligence• International Economic Development• International Law & Organizations• Pandemic Preparedness, Biosecurity, & Disaster Response• Women, Peace, & Security Studies• Regions: China/Indo-Pacic, Europe, Latin America, Middle East MASTER’STHE BUSH SCHOOL WELCOME TO• MIA Combined Degrees• 3-year, 78 credit hours• Client-based Capstone Projects • Summer Internships• 1 year, 30 credit hours • Executive-like Program• Requires 4+ years of international, professional experience to applyTRACKSMPH• Health Policy & Management• Health Promotion & Community Health ScienceMIA• International Development & Economic Policy• National Security & DiplomacyMIA with PUBLIC HEALTH (MIA-MPH)TRACKS • International Development & Economic Policy • National Security & Diplomacy AREAS OF STUDY:• Choose from the MIA concentrationsMASTER OF INTERNATIONAL POLICY (MIP)MASTER OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION (MPSA)MASTER OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (MIA) 2023• 2-year, 48 credit hours • Client-based Capstone Projects • Small Class Sizes • Summer Internships (domestic & international) • Distinguished Faculty (practitioners & academics) • Study Abroad OpportunitiesWE ARE PUBLIC SERVICE

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TRACKMIA• International Development & Economic PolicyMIA with ECONOMICS (ECON-MIA) PROGRAMSMASTER OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION MPSA collaborative Ph.D. degrees: with Education Policy with Health Policy and ManagementMASTER OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS MIA combined degrees: with Public Health with EconomicsMASTER OF INTERNATIONAL POLICYLOCATIONCOLLEGE STATION ONLINEWASHINGTON, D.C.MASTER’SMaster of Public Service & Admin.MPSA collaborative Ph.D.:with Education Policywith Health Policy & Mgmt.Master of International AairsMIA combined degrees:with Public Healthwith EconomicsMaster of International in Political Science Contact: 979 -8 45 Master of Public Service & Admin. Graduate Certicates (also on-campus) Advanced International Aairs Homeland Security Nonprot ManagementPublic Management Contact: 1-866-988-BUSH (2874) Master of National Security & Intelligence Master of International PolicyGraduate Certicate Advanced International AairsContact: Fort WorthDallasBryan/College StationAustinHoustonSan AntonioCOLLEGE STATION• Ranked one of the most livable, aordable, and fastest-growing areas in the nationTEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY• One of the country’s largest public institutions and a top-tier research body• Centrally located to Houston, Austin, San Antonio, and Dallas-Fort Worth• Adjacent to the Bush Presidential Library and Museum and Annenberg Presidential Conference Center Our namesake, President George H.W. BushTRACKS • Nonprot Management• Public Management• Public Policy Analysis CONCENTRATIONS:• Analytical Methods• Cybersecurity Policy and Management • Education Policy and Management• Energy, Environment, & Technology Policy and Management• Health Policy and Management• Homeland Security & National Defense• International Nongovernmental Organizations• State & Local Government Policy and Management• Individually designed area of studyTRACKS• International Development & Economic Policy• National Security & DiplomacyCONCENTRATIONS:• Conict & Development• Cyber Policy• Diplomacy • Foreign Economic Policy• Grand Strategy & Defense Policy• Intelligence• International Economic Development• International Law & Organizations• Pandemic Preparedness, Biosecurity, & Disaster Response• Women, Peace, & Security Studies• Regions: China/Indo-Pacic, Europe, Latin America, Middle East MASTER’STHE BUSH SCHOOL WELCOME TO• MIA Combined Degrees• 3-year, 78 credit hours• Client-based Capstone Projects • Summer Internships• 1 year, 30 credit hours • Executive-like Program• Requires 4+ years of international, professional experience to applyTRACKSMPH• Health Policy & Management• Health Promotion & Community Health ScienceMIA• International Development & Economic Policy• National Security & DiplomacyMIA with PUBLIC HEALTH (MIA-MPH)TRACKS • International Development & Economic Policy • National Security & Diplomacy AREAS OF STUDY:• Choose from the MIA concentrationsMASTER OF INTERNATIONAL POLICY (MIP)MASTER OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION (MPSA)MASTER OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (MIA) 2023• 2-year, 48 credit hours • Client-based Capstone Projects • Small Class Sizes • Summer Internships (domestic & international) • Distinguished Faculty (practitioners & academics) • Study Abroad OpportunitiesWE ARE PUBLIC SERVICE

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TRACKMIA• International Development & Economic PolicyMIA with ECONOMICS (ECON-MIA) PROGRAMSMASTER OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION MPSA collaborative Ph.D. degrees: with Education Policy with Health Policy and ManagementMASTER OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS MIA combined degrees: with Public Health with EconomicsMASTER OF INTERNATIONAL POLICYLOCATIONCOLLEGE STATION ONLINEWASHINGTON, D.C.MASTER’SMaster of Public Service & Admin.MPSA collaborative Ph.D.:with Education Policywith Health Policy & Mgmt.Master of International AairsMIA combined degrees:with Public Healthwith EconomicsMaster of International in Political Science Contact: 979 -8 45 Master of Public Service & Admin. Graduate Certicates (also on-campus) Advanced International Aairs Homeland Security Nonprot ManagementPublic Management Contact: 1-866-988-BUSH (2874) Master of National Security & Intelligence Master of International PolicyGraduate Certicate Advanced International AairsContact: Fort WorthDallasBryan/College StationAustinHoustonSan AntonioCOLLEGE STATION• Ranked one of the most livable, aordable, and fastest-growing areas in the nationTEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY• One of the country’s largest public institutions and a top-tier research body• Centrally located to Houston, Austin, San Antonio, and Dallas-Fort Worth• Adjacent to the Bush Presidential Library and Museum and Annenberg Presidential Conference Center Our namesake, President George H.W. BushTRACKS • Nonprot Management• Public Management• Public Policy Analysis CONCENTRATIONS:• Analytical Methods• Cybersecurity Policy and Management • Education Policy and Management• Energy, Environment, & Technology Policy and Management• Health Policy and Management• Homeland Security & National Defense• International Nongovernmental Organizations• State & Local Government Policy and Management• Individually designed area of studyTRACKS• International Development & Economic Policy• National Security & DiplomacyCONCENTRATIONS:• Conict & Development• Cyber Policy• Diplomacy • Foreign Economic Policy• Grand Strategy & Defense Policy• Intelligence• International Economic Development• International Law & Organizations• Pandemic Preparedness, Biosecurity, & Disaster Response• Women, Peace, & Security Studies• Regions: China/Indo-Pacic, Europe, Latin America, Middle East MASTER’STHE BUSH SCHOOL WELCOME TO• MIA Combined Degrees• 3-year, 78 credit hours• Client-based Capstone Projects • Summer Internships• 1 year, 30 credit hours • Executive-like Program• Requires 4+ years of international, professional experience to applyTRACKSMPH• Health Policy & Management• Health Promotion & Community Health ScienceMIA• International Development & Economic Policy• National Security & DiplomacyMIA with PUBLIC HEALTH (MIA-MPH)TRACKS • International Development & Economic Policy • National Security & Diplomacy AREAS OF STUDY:• Choose from the MIA concentrationsMASTER OF INTERNATIONAL POLICY (MIP)MASTER OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION (MPSA)MASTER OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (MIA) 2023• 2-year, 48 credit hours • Client-based Capstone Projects • Small Class Sizes • Summer Internships (domestic & international) • Distinguished Faculty (practitioners & academics) • Study Abroad OpportunitiesWE ARE PUBLIC SERVICE

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INTERNATIONALLY ACCLAIMED FACULT Y • Combination of academic professionals and nationally-recognized practitioners • Field experts in city management, diplomacy, intelligence, law enforcement, homeland security, nonprots, state and local government, military, and more• Collaborative learning environment inside and outside of the classroom• Professional collaborations: simulations, research, networking, events, and course topic interactionsRESEARCH INSTITUTES & CENTERS• Collaborative and interdisciplinary team research projects available◊ Institute for Science, Technology & Public Policy◊ Scowcroft Institute of International Aairs◊ Mosbacher Institute for Trade, Economics, & Public Policy◊ Center for Nonprots & Philanthropy◊ Albritton Center for Grand StrategySPEAKERS & EVENTS • Prominent conferences with cutting-edge eld experts• Seminar and speaker engagements with frank and open discussions• Unique insights on key policy and leadership issuesINTERNATIONAL TRAVEL & STUDY ABROAD• Faculty-led, international eld seminars • Semester exchange agreements with universities in several countries• Global capstone clients PUBLIC SERVICE LEADERSHIP PROGRAM• Workshops and self-assessments• Engagement and leadership skill-building • Leadership Certicate WRITING PROGRAM• Workshops and writing resources• Capstone consultations• Medal of ExcellenceCAPSTONE PROJECTS• Career-related, team-based consulting project with federal government, state and local government, private industry, and nonprot clients• Project topics include global issues, security, health, environment, technology, cybersecurity, energy, water, education, disasters, intelligence, and many moreLANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT• Native English Speakers in the MIA must pass a spoken foreign language exam to graduate • Organized discussion groups led by native speakers • Free Rosetta Stone licensesSTUDENT ENRICHMENT• Service organizations and committees:◊ Student Government Association◊ Public Service Organization◊ Ambassadors Council◊ International City/County Mgmt Association◊ Foreign Language & Culture Society◊ The Association of Fundraising Professionals◊ Intramurals/Bushwhacker Athletics◊ And many more!BUSH SCHOOL U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT 2023:Top 10% of Graduate Public Aairs Schools#28 in Best Public Aairs Programs # 8 in Homeland Security & Emergency Management#23 in Public Management & Leadership#27 in Nonprot Management #34 in Public Policy AnalysisTEXAS A&M UNIVERSITYWASHINGTON MONTHLY 2022: #7 in Best Bang for the Buck: South#42 in National UniversityU.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT ‘22-23: #26 Nationally in Top Public Schools#38 Nationally in Best Colleges for VeteransThe Bush School has a professional career services sta with a successful track record in assisting students with both their summer internship and employment searches. RECENT EMPLOYMENT Graduates fulll their calling to public service in a number of organizations. In annual employment surveys for the past two years, of those who responded*, 94% of MPSA and 95% of MIA alumni reported they were employed in related elds within 6-months of graduation. * 86% response rateFEDERAL GOVERNMENT • Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)• Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)• Sandia National Laboratories• U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)• U.S. Center for Medicare and Medicaid• U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)• U.S. Department of State• U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency• U.S. Environmental Protection Agency• U.S. Federal Emergency Mgmt Agency• U.S. Government Accountability Oce• U.S. Space ForceGOVT. CONTRACTORS / PRIVATE • Accenture• BoozAllenHamilton• Deloitte• JP Morgan, Chase & Co• Mastercard• PriceWaterhouseCoopers • TeleGeography• UnitedHealth GroupSTATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT • City of Mesa (AZ) • City of Sugar Land (TX)• Georgia Public Defender Council• Harris County• Nebraska Emergency Mgmt Agency• New York State Senate Finance Committee• Public Utility Commission of Texas• San Antonio Housing Authority• State of Rhode Island• Texas Department of Public Safety• Texas Education Agency• Texas Parks and Wildlife DepartmentNONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS• Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Texas• Children at Risk• Cook Children’s Health Foundation• National Associaton of Latino Community Asset Builders• Samaritan’s Purse• United Nations World Food Program• United Way of Metropolitan Dallas• Western Governors’ AssociationPROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTSACCREDITATIONCOST & SCHOLARSHIPSMIP DEGREE TUITION & FEES ESTIMATE:Bush School aid not awarded for this program. COMBINED MIA PROGRAMS When enrolled full-time outside of the Bush School, consult with the School of Public Health or Department of Economics for their tuition/fees and funding options. When enrolled full-time at the Bush School, students are awarded the same funding opportunities and charged similar tuition and fees as MIA students. See MIA section for more information.I am grateful for the challenging coursework and high standards required of me at the Bush School. Professors not only used their industry experiences to assign projects modeled after real-world scenarios, but also prioritized my intellectual and professional development. Their mentorship and group-oriented coursework grounded me so I can succeed in whatever comes next.ROBYN BATTLES, MIA 2022Foreign Aairs Specialist U.S. Air Force, San Antonio, TXThe small class sizes at the Bush School allowed the opportunity to build relationships with the classmates and learn from them. Because they brought their experiences into class discussions, it transformed course material from theory to practice and could demonstrate the impact of programs or policies from a dierent perspective.RAQUEL MENA OROZCO, MPSA 2018Assistant Director of Anity ProgramsSouthern Methodist University, Dallas, TXMPSA AND MIA FUNDING• 100% of on-campus, full-time MPSA/MIA students receive competitive, merit-based funding awards• Awards range from $1,000 to $29,000 per year• Non-Texans also receive a non-resident tuition waiver; paying in-state rates• Second-year students eligible to apply for departmental Graduate Assistantships^d/DdWZzZ ZĞƐŝĚĞŶƚ EŽŶͲƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚ /ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůdƵŝƚŝŽŶΘ&ĞĞƐ Ψϭϯ͕ϲϬϬ ΨϮϲ͕ϱϬϬ Ψϯϭ͕ϬϬϬǀĞƌĂŐĞ^ĐŚŽůĂƌƐŚŝƉ ;Ψϱ͕ϬϬϬͿ ;Ψϱ͕ϬϬϬͿ ;Ψϱ͕ϬϬϬͿEŽŶͲƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚdƵŝƚŝŽŶtĂŝǀĞƌ ;ΨϭϮ͕ϳϬϬͿ ;ΨϭϮ͕ϳϬϬͿΨϴ͕ϲϬϬ Ψϴ͕ϴϬϬ Ψϭϯ͕ϯϬϬĂǀĞƌĂŐĞĐŽƐƚĨŽƌŵŽƐƚƐƚƵĚĞŶƚƐ&dZ^ĐŚŽůĂƌƐŚŝƉΘEŽŶͲƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚdƵŝƚŝŽŶtĂŝǀĞƌCAREER SERVICESEMPLOYERS National and global employers, including high-prole government agencies, nonprots, and companies, value Bush School graduates and their knowledge, skills, and abilities. Some em-ployers are listed below, but be sure to visit our website for a complete list. RANKINGSThe Master of Public Service & Administration is accredited by the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Aairs, & Administration.The Master of International Aairs is a member of the Association of Professional Schools of International Aairs.State/Local Government 39% Nonprot/NGO 23% Federal Government 15%Private 15%Continuing Education 4%Government Contractor 2%Other 2%Master of Public Service & AdministrationFederal Government 39%Private 21%Nonprot/NGO 16%State/Local Government 10%Government Contractor 6% Continuing Education 5%Other 3% Master of International AairsZĞƐŝĚĞŶƚ Ψϭϳ͕ϬϬϬEŽŶͲƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚ Ψϯϯ͕ϬϬϬ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂů Ψϯϴ͕ϮϬϬ

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INTERNATIONALLY ACCLAIMED FACULT Y • Combination of academic professionals and nationally-recognized practitioners • Field experts in city management, diplomacy, intelligence, law enforcement, homeland security, nonprots, state and local government, military, and more• Collaborative learning environment inside and outside of the classroom• Professional collaborations: simulations, research, networking, events, and course topic interactionsRESEARCH INSTITUTES & CENTERS• Collaborative and interdisciplinary team research projects available◊ Institute for Science, Technology & Public Policy◊ Scowcroft Institute of International Aairs◊ Mosbacher Institute for Trade, Economics, & Public Policy◊ Center for Nonprots & Philanthropy◊ Albritton Center for Grand StrategySPEAKERS & EVENTS • Prominent conferences with cutting-edge eld experts• Seminar and speaker engagements with frank and open discussions• Unique insights on key policy and leadership issuesINTERNATIONAL TRAVEL & STUDY ABROAD• Faculty-led, international eld seminars • Semester exchange agreements with universities in several countries• Global capstone clients PUBLIC SERVICE LEADERSHIP PROGRAM• Workshops and self-assessments• Engagement and leadership skill-building • Leadership Certicate WRITING PROGRAM• Workshops and writing resources• Capstone consultations• Medal of ExcellenceCAPSTONE PROJECTS• Career-related, team-based consulting project with federal government, state and local government, private industry, and nonprot clients• Project topics include global issues, security, health, environment, technology, cybersecurity, energy, water, education, disasters, intelligence, and many moreLANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT• Native English Speakers in the MIA must pass a spoken foreign language exam to graduate • Organized discussion groups led by native speakers • Free Rosetta Stone licensesSTUDENT ENRICHMENT• Service organizations and committees:◊ Student Government Association◊ Public Service Organization◊ Ambassadors Council◊ International City/County Mgmt Association◊ Foreign Language & Culture Society◊ The Association of Fundraising Professionals◊ Intramurals/Bushwhacker Athletics◊ And many more!BUSH SCHOOL U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT 2023:Top 10% of Graduate Public Aairs Schools#28 in Best Public Aairs Programs # 8 in Homeland Security & Emergency Management#23 in Public Management & Leadership#27 in Nonprot Management #34 in Public Policy AnalysisTEXAS A&M UNIVERSITYWASHINGTON MONTHLY 2022: #7 in Best Bang for the Buck: South#42 in National UniversityU.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT ‘22-23: #26 Nationally in Top Public Schools#38 Nationally in Best Colleges for VeteransThe Bush School has a professional career services sta with a successful track record in assisting students with both their summer internship and employment searches. RECENT EMPLOYMENT Graduates fulll their calling to public service in a number of organizations. In annual employment surveys for the past two years, of those who responded*, 94% of MPSA and 95% of MIA alumni reported they were employed in related elds within 6-months of graduation. * 86% response rateFEDERAL GOVERNMENT • Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)• Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)• Sandia National Laboratories• U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)• U.S. Center for Medicare and Medicaid• U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)• U.S. Department of State• U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency• U.S. Environmental Protection Agency• U.S. Federal Emergency Mgmt Agency• U.S. Government Accountability Oce• U.S. Space ForceGOVT. CONTRACTORS / PRIVATE • Accenture• BoozAllenHamilton• Deloitte• JP Morgan, Chase & Co• Mastercard• PriceWaterhouseCoopers • TeleGeography• UnitedHealth GroupSTATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT • City of Mesa (AZ) • City of Sugar Land (TX)• Georgia Public Defender Council• Harris County• Nebraska Emergency Mgmt Agency• New York State Senate Finance Committee• Public Utility Commission of Texas• San Antonio Housing Authority• State of Rhode Island• Texas Department of Public Safety• Texas Education Agency• Texas Parks and Wildlife DepartmentNONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS• Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Texas• Children at Risk• Cook Children’s Health Foundation• National Associaton of Latino Community Asset Builders• Samaritan’s Purse• United Nations World Food Program• United Way of Metropolitan Dallas• Western Governors’ AssociationPROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTSACCREDITATIONCOST & SCHOLARSHIPSMIP DEGREE TUITION & FEES ESTIMATE:Bush School aid not awarded for this program. COMBINED MIA PROGRAMS When enrolled full-time outside of the Bush School, consult with the School of Public Health or Department of Economics for their tuition/fees and funding options. When enrolled full-time at the Bush School, students are awarded the same funding opportunities and charged similar tuition and fees as MIA students. See MIA section for more information.I am grateful for the challenging coursework and high standards required of me at the Bush School. Professors not only used their industry experiences to assign projects modeled after real-world scenarios, but also prioritized my intellectual and professional development. Their mentorship and group-oriented coursework grounded me so I can succeed in whatever comes next.ROBYN BATTLES, MIA 2022Foreign Aairs Specialist U.S. Air Force, San Antonio, TXThe small class sizes at the Bush School allowed the opportunity to build relationships with the classmates and learn from them. Because they brought their experiences into class discussions, it transformed course material from theory to practice and could demonstrate the impact of programs or policies from a dierent perspective.RAQUEL MENA OROZCO, MPSA 2018Assistant Director of Anity ProgramsSouthern Methodist University, Dallas, TXMPSA AND MIA FUNDING• 100% of on-campus, full-time MPSA/MIA students receive competitive, merit-based funding awards• Awards range from $1,000 to $29,000 per year• Non-Texans also receive a non-resident tuition waiver; paying in-state rates• Second-year students eligible to apply for departmental Graduate Assistantships^d/DdWZzZ ZĞƐŝĚĞŶƚ EŽŶͲƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚ /ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůdƵŝƚŝŽŶΘ&ĞĞƐ Ψϭϯ͕ϲϬϬ ΨϮϲ͕ϱϬϬ Ψϯϭ͕ϬϬϬǀĞƌĂŐĞ^ĐŚŽůĂƌƐŚŝƉ ;Ψϱ͕ϬϬϬͿ ;Ψϱ͕ϬϬϬͿ ;Ψϱ͕ϬϬϬͿEŽŶͲƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚdƵŝƚŝŽŶtĂŝǀĞƌ ;ΨϭϮ͕ϳϬϬͿ ;ΨϭϮ͕ϳϬϬͿΨϴ͕ϲϬϬ Ψϴ͕ϴϬϬ Ψϭϯ͕ϯϬϬĂǀĞƌĂŐĞĐŽƐƚĨŽƌŵŽƐƚƐƚƵĚĞŶƚƐ&dZ^ĐŚŽůĂƌƐŚŝƉΘEŽŶͲƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚdƵŝƚŝŽŶtĂŝǀĞƌCAREER SERVICESEMPLOYERS National and global employers, including high-prole government agencies, nonprots, and companies, value Bush School graduates and their knowledge, skills, and abilities. Some em-ployers are listed below, but be sure to visit our website for a complete list. RANKINGSThe Master of Public Service & Administration is accredited by the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Aairs, & Administration.The Master of International Aairs is a member of the Association of Professional Schools of International Aairs.State/Local Government 39% Nonprot/NGO 23% Federal Government 15%Private 15%Continuing Education 4%Government Contractor 2%Other 2%Master of Public Service & AdministrationFederal Government 39%Private 21%Nonprot/NGO 16%State/Local Government 10%Government Contractor 6% Continuing Education 5%Other 3% Master of International AairsZĞƐŝĚĞŶƚ Ψϭϳ͕ϬϬϬEŽŶͲƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚ Ψϯϯ͕ϬϬϬ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂů Ψϯϴ͕ϮϬϬ

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INTERNATIONALLY ACCLAIMED FACULT Y • Combination of academic professionals and nationally-recognized practitioners • Field experts in city management, diplomacy, intelligence, law enforcement, homeland security, nonprots, state and local government, military, and more• Collaborative learning environment inside and outside of the classroom• Professional collaborations: simulations, research, networking, events, and course topic interactionsRESEARCH INSTITUTES & CENTERS• Collaborative and interdisciplinary team research projects available◊ Institute for Science, Technology & Public Policy◊ Scowcroft Institute of International Aairs◊ Mosbacher Institute for Trade, Economics, & Public Policy◊ Center for Nonprots & Philanthropy◊ Albritton Center for Grand StrategySPEAKERS & EVENTS • Prominent conferences with cutting-edge eld experts• Seminar and speaker engagements with frank and open discussions• Unique insights on key policy and leadership issuesINTERNATIONAL TRAVEL & STUDY ABROAD• Faculty-led, international eld seminars • Semester exchange agreements with universities in several countries• Global capstone clients PUBLIC SERVICE LEADERSHIP PROGRAM• Workshops and self-assessments• Engagement and leadership skill-building • Leadership Certicate WRITING PROGRAM• Workshops and writing resources• Capstone consultations• Medal of ExcellenceCAPSTONE PROJECTS• Career-related, team-based consulting project with federal government, state and local government, private industry, and nonprot clients• Project topics include global issues, security, health, environment, technology, cybersecurity, energy, water, education, disasters, intelligence, and many moreLANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT• Native English Speakers in the MIA must pass a spoken foreign language exam to graduate • Organized discussion groups led by native speakers • Free Rosetta Stone licensesSTUDENT ENRICHMENT• Service organizations and committees:◊ Student Government Association◊ Public Service Organization◊ Ambassadors Council◊ International City/County Mgmt Association◊ Foreign Language & Culture Society◊ The Association of Fundraising Professionals◊ Intramurals/Bushwhacker Athletics◊ And many more!BUSH SCHOOL U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT 2023:Top 10% of Graduate Public Aairs Schools#28 in Best Public Aairs Programs # 8 in Homeland Security & Emergency Management#23 in Public Management & Leadership#27 in Nonprot Management #34 in Public Policy AnalysisTEXAS A&M UNIVERSITYWASHINGTON MONTHLY 2022: #7 in Best Bang for the Buck: South#42 in National UniversityU.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT ‘22-23: #26 Nationally in Top Public Schools#38 Nationally in Best Colleges for VeteransThe Bush School has a professional career services sta with a successful track record in assisting students with both their summer internship and employment searches. RECENT EMPLOYMENT Graduates fulll their calling to public service in a number of organizations. In annual employment surveys for the past two years, of those who responded*, 94% of MPSA and 95% of MIA alumni reported they were employed in related elds within 6-months of graduation. * 86% response rateFEDERAL GOVERNMENT • Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)• Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)• Sandia National Laboratories• U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)• U.S. Center for Medicare and Medicaid• U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)• U.S. Department of State• U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency• U.S. Environmental Protection Agency• U.S. Federal Emergency Mgmt Agency• U.S. Government Accountability Oce• U.S. Space ForceGOVT. CONTRACTORS / PRIVATE • Accenture• BoozAllenHamilton• Deloitte• JP Morgan, Chase & Co• Mastercard• PriceWaterhouseCoopers • TeleGeography• UnitedHealth GroupSTATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT • City of Mesa (AZ) • City of Sugar Land (TX)• Georgia Public Defender Council• Harris County• Nebraska Emergency Mgmt Agency• New York State Senate Finance Committee• Public Utility Commission of Texas• San Antonio Housing Authority• State of Rhode Island• Texas Department of Public Safety• Texas Education Agency• Texas Parks and Wildlife DepartmentNONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS• Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Texas• Children at Risk• Cook Children’s Health Foundation• National Associaton of Latino Community Asset Builders• Samaritan’s Purse• United Nations World Food Program• United Way of Metropolitan Dallas• Western Governors’ AssociationPROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTSACCREDITATIONCOST & SCHOLARSHIPSMIP DEGREE TUITION & FEES ESTIMATE:Bush School aid not awarded for this program. COMBINED MIA PROGRAMS When enrolled full-time outside of the Bush School, consult with the School of Public Health or Department of Economics for their tuition/fees and funding options. When enrolled full-time at the Bush School, students are awarded the same funding opportunities and charged similar tuition and fees as MIA students. See MIA section for more information.I am grateful for the challenging coursework and high standards required of me at the Bush School. Professors not only used their industry experiences to assign projects modeled after real-world scenarios, but also prioritized my intellectual and professional development. Their mentorship and group-oriented coursework grounded me so I can succeed in whatever comes next.ROBYN BATTLES, MIA 2022Foreign Aairs Specialist U.S. Air Force, San Antonio, TXThe small class sizes at the Bush School allowed the opportunity to build relationships with the classmates and learn from them. Because they brought their experiences into class discussions, it transformed course material from theory to practice and could demonstrate the impact of programs or policies from a dierent perspective.RAQUEL MENA OROZCO, MPSA 2018Assistant Director of Anity ProgramsSouthern Methodist University, Dallas, TXMPSA AND MIA FUNDING• 100% of on-campus, full-time MPSA/MIA students receive competitive, merit-based funding awards• Awards range from $1,000 to $29,000 per year• Non-Texans also receive a non-resident tuition waiver; paying in-state rates• Second-year students eligible to apply for departmental Graduate Assistantships^d/DdWZzZ ZĞƐŝĚĞŶƚ EŽŶͲƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚ /ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůdƵŝƚŝŽŶΘ&ĞĞƐ Ψϭϯ͕ϲϬϬ ΨϮϲ͕ϱϬϬ Ψϯϭ͕ϬϬϬǀĞƌĂŐĞ^ĐŚŽůĂƌƐŚŝƉ ;Ψϱ͕ϬϬϬͿ ;Ψϱ͕ϬϬϬͿ ;Ψϱ͕ϬϬϬͿEŽŶͲƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚdƵŝƚŝŽŶtĂŝǀĞƌ ;ΨϭϮ͕ϳϬϬͿ ;ΨϭϮ͕ϳϬϬͿΨϴ͕ϲϬϬ Ψϴ͕ϴϬϬ Ψϭϯ͕ϯϬϬĂǀĞƌĂŐĞĐŽƐƚĨŽƌŵŽƐƚƐƚƵĚĞŶƚƐ&dZ^ĐŚŽůĂƌƐŚŝƉΘEŽŶͲƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚdƵŝƚŝŽŶtĂŝǀĞƌCAREER SERVICESEMPLOYERS National and global employers, including high-prole government agencies, nonprots, and companies, value Bush School graduates and their knowledge, skills, and abilities. Some em-ployers are listed below, but be sure to visit our website for a complete list. RANKINGSThe Master of Public Service & Administration is accredited by the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Aairs, & Administration.The Master of International Aairs is a member of the Association of Professional Schools of International Aairs.State/Local Government 39% Nonprot/NGO 23% Federal Government 15%Private 15%Continuing Education 4%Government Contractor 2%Other 2%Master of Public Service & AdministrationFederal Government 39%Private 21%Nonprot/NGO 16%State/Local Government 10%Government Contractor 6% Continuing Education 5%Other 3% Master of International AairsZĞƐŝĚĞŶƚ Ψϭϳ͕ϬϬϬEŽŶͲƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚ Ψϯϯ͕ϬϬϬ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂů Ψϯϴ͕ϮϬϬ

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INTERNATIONALLY ACCLAIMED FACULT Y • Combination of academic professionals and nationally-recognized practitioners • Field experts in city management, diplomacy, intelligence, law enforcement, homeland security, nonprots, state and local government, military, and more• Collaborative learning environment inside and outside of the classroom• Professional collaborations: simulations, research, networking, events, and course topic interactionsRESEARCH INSTITUTES & CENTERS• Collaborative and interdisciplinary team research projects available◊ Institute for Science, Technology & Public Policy◊ Scowcroft Institute of International Aairs◊ Mosbacher Institute for Trade, Economics, & Public Policy◊ Center for Nonprots & Philanthropy◊ Albritton Center for Grand StrategySPEAKERS & EVENTS • Prominent conferences with cutting-edge eld experts• Seminar and speaker engagements with frank and open discussions• Unique insights on key policy and leadership issuesINTERNATIONAL TRAVEL & STUDY ABROAD• Faculty-led, international eld seminars • Semester exchange agreements with universities in several countries• Global capstone clients PUBLIC SERVICE LEADERSHIP PROGRAM• Workshops and self-assessments• Engagement and leadership skill-building • Leadership Certicate WRITING PROGRAM• Workshops and writing resources• Capstone consultations• Medal of ExcellenceCAPSTONE PROJECTS• Career-related, team-based consulting project with federal government, state and local government, private industry, and nonprot clients• Project topics include global issues, security, health, environment, technology, cybersecurity, energy, water, education, disasters, intelligence, and many moreLANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT• Native English Speakers in the MIA must pass a spoken foreign language exam to graduate • Organized discussion groups led by native speakers • Free Rosetta Stone licensesSTUDENT ENRICHMENT• Service organizations and committees:◊ Student Government Association◊ Public Service Organization◊ Ambassadors Council◊ International City/County Mgmt Association◊ Foreign Language & Culture Society◊ The Association of Fundraising Professionals◊ Intramurals/Bushwhacker Athletics◊ And many more!BUSH SCHOOL U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT 2023:Top 10% of Graduate Public Aairs Schools#28 in Best Public Aairs Programs # 8 in Homeland Security & Emergency Management#23 in Public Management & Leadership#27 in Nonprot Management #34 in Public Policy AnalysisTEXAS A&M UNIVERSITYWASHINGTON MONTHLY 2022: #7 in Best Bang for the Buck: South#42 in National UniversityU.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT ‘22-23: #26 Nationally in Top Public Schools#38 Nationally in Best Colleges for VeteransThe Bush School has a professional career services sta with a successful track record in assisting students with both their summer internship and employment searches. RECENT EMPLOYMENT Graduates fulll their calling to public service in a number of organizations. In annual employment surveys for the past two years, of those who responded*, 94% of MPSA and 95% of MIA alumni reported they were employed in related elds within 6-months of graduation. * 86% response rateFEDERAL GOVERNMENT • Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)• Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)• Sandia National Laboratories• U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)• U.S. Center for Medicare and Medicaid• U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)• U.S. Department of State• U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency• U.S. Environmental Protection Agency• U.S. Federal Emergency Mgmt Agency• U.S. Government Accountability Oce• U.S. Space ForceGOVT. CONTRACTORS / PRIVATE • Accenture• BoozAllenHamilton• Deloitte• JP Morgan, Chase & Co• Mastercard• PriceWaterhouseCoopers • TeleGeography• UnitedHealth GroupSTATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT • City of Mesa (AZ) • City of Sugar Land (TX)• Georgia Public Defender Council• Harris County• Nebraska Emergency Mgmt Agency• New York State Senate Finance Committee• Public Utility Commission of Texas• San Antonio Housing Authority• State of Rhode Island• Texas Department of Public Safety• Texas Education Agency• Texas Parks and Wildlife DepartmentNONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS• Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Texas• Children at Risk• Cook Children’s Health Foundation• National Associaton of Latino Community Asset Builders• Samaritan’s Purse• United Nations World Food Program• United Way of Metropolitan Dallas• Western Governors’ AssociationPROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTSACCREDITATIONCOST & SCHOLARSHIPSMIP DEGREE TUITION & FEES ESTIMATE:Bush School aid not awarded for this program. COMBINED MIA PROGRAMS When enrolled full-time outside of the Bush School, consult with the School of Public Health or Department of Economics for their tuition/fees and funding options. When enrolled full-time at the Bush School, students are awarded the same funding opportunities and charged similar tuition and fees as MIA students. See MIA section for more information.I am grateful for the challenging coursework and high standards required of me at the Bush School. Professors not only used their industry experiences to assign projects modeled after real-world scenarios, but also prioritized my intellectual and professional development. Their mentorship and group-oriented coursework grounded me so I can succeed in whatever comes next.ROBYN BATTLES, MIA 2022Foreign Aairs Specialist U.S. Air Force, San Antonio, TXThe small class sizes at the Bush School allowed the opportunity to build relationships with the classmates and learn from them. Because they brought their experiences into class discussions, it transformed course material from theory to practice and could demonstrate the impact of programs or policies from a dierent perspective.RAQUEL MENA OROZCO, MPSA 2018Assistant Director of Anity ProgramsSouthern Methodist University, Dallas, TXMPSA AND MIA FUNDING• 100% of on-campus, full-time MPSA/MIA students receive competitive, merit-based funding awards• Awards range from $1,000 to $29,000 per year• Non-Texans also receive a non-resident tuition waiver; paying in-state rates• Second-year students eligible to apply for departmental Graduate Assistantships^d/DdWZzZ ZĞƐŝĚĞŶƚ EŽŶͲƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚ /ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůdƵŝƚŝŽŶΘ&ĞĞƐ Ψϭϯ͕ϲϬϬ ΨϮϲ͕ϱϬϬ Ψϯϭ͕ϬϬϬǀĞƌĂŐĞ^ĐŚŽůĂƌƐŚŝƉ ;Ψϱ͕ϬϬϬͿ ;Ψϱ͕ϬϬϬͿ ;Ψϱ͕ϬϬϬͿEŽŶͲƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚdƵŝƚŝŽŶtĂŝǀĞƌ ;ΨϭϮ͕ϳϬϬͿ ;ΨϭϮ͕ϳϬϬͿΨϴ͕ϲϬϬ Ψϴ͕ϴϬϬ Ψϭϯ͕ϯϬϬĂǀĞƌĂŐĞĐŽƐƚĨŽƌŵŽƐƚƐƚƵĚĞŶƚƐ&dZ^ĐŚŽůĂƌƐŚŝƉΘEŽŶͲƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚdƵŝƚŝŽŶtĂŝǀĞƌCAREER SERVICESEMPLOYERS National and global employers, including high-prole government agencies, nonprots, and companies, value Bush School graduates and their knowledge, skills, and abilities. Some em-ployers are listed below, but be sure to visit our website for a complete list. RANKINGSThe Master of Public Service & Administration is accredited by the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Aairs, & Administration.The Master of International Aairs is a member of the Association of Professional Schools of International Aairs.State/Local Government 39% Nonprot/NGO 23% Federal Government 15%Private 15%Continuing Education 4%Government Contractor 2%Other 2%Master of Public Service & AdministrationFederal Government 39%Private 21%Nonprot/NGO 16%State/Local Government 10%Government Contractor 6% Continuing Education 5%Other 3% Master of International AairsZĞƐŝĚĞŶƚ Ψϭϳ͕ϬϬϬEŽŶͲƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚ Ψϯϯ͕ϬϬϬ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂů Ψϯϴ͕ϮϬϬ

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TRACKMIA• International Development & Economic PolicyMIA with ECONOMICS (ECON-MIA) PROGRAMSMASTER OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION MPSA collaborative Ph.D. degrees: with Education Policy with Health Policy and ManagementMASTER OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS MIA combined degrees: with Public Health with EconomicsMASTER OF INTERNATIONAL POLICYLOCATIONCOLLEGE STATION ONLINEWASHINGTON, D.C.MASTER’SMaster of Public Service & Admin.MPSA collaborative Ph.D.:with Education Policywith Health Policy & Mgmt.Master of International AairsMIA combined degrees:with Public Healthwith EconomicsMaster of International in Political Science Contact: 979 -8 45 Master of Public Service & Admin. Graduate Certicates (also on-campus) Advanced International Aairs Homeland Security Nonprot ManagementPublic Management Contact: 1-866-988-BUSH (2874) Master of National Security & Intelligence Master of International PolicyGraduate Certicate Advanced International AairsContact: Fort WorthDallasBryan/College StationAustinHoustonSan AntonioCOLLEGE STATION• Ranked one of the most livable, aordable, and fastest-growing areas in the nationTEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY• One of the country’s largest public institutions and a top-tier research body• Centrally located to Houston, Austin, San Antonio, and Dallas-Fort Worth• Adjacent to the Bush Presidential Library and Museum and Annenberg Presidential Conference Center Our namesake, President George H.W. BushTRACKS • Nonprot Management• Public Management• Public Policy Analysis CONCENTRATIONS:• Analytical Methods• Cybersecurity Policy and Management • Education Policy and Management• Energy, Environment, & Technology Policy and Management• Health Policy and Management• Homeland Security & National Defense• International Nongovernmental Organizations• State & Local Government Policy and Management• Individually designed area of studyTRACKS• International Development & Economic Policy• National Security & DiplomacyCONCENTRATIONS:• Conict & Development• Cyber Policy• Diplomacy • Foreign Economic Policy• Grand Strategy & Defense Policy• Intelligence• International Economic Development• International Law & Organizations• Pandemic Preparedness, Biosecurity, & Disaster Response• Women, Peace, & Security Studies• Regions: China/Indo-Pacic, Europe, Latin America, Middle East MASTER’STHE BUSH SCHOOL WELCOME TO• MIA Combined Degrees• 3-year, 78 credit hours• Client-based Capstone Projects • Summer Internships• 1 year, 30 credit hours • Executive-like Program• Requires 4+ years of international, professional experience to applyTRACKSMPH• Health Policy & Management• Health Promotion & Community Health ScienceMIA• International Development & Economic Policy• National Security & DiplomacyMIA with PUBLIC HEALTH (MIA-MPH)TRACKS • International Development & Economic Policy • National Security & Diplomacy AREAS OF STUDY:• Choose from the MIA concentrationsMASTER OF INTERNATIONAL POLICY (MIP)MASTER OF PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION (MPSA)MASTER OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (MIA) 2023• 2-year, 48 credit hours • Client-based Capstone Projects • Small Class Sizes • Summer Internships (domestic & international) • Distinguished Faculty (practitioners & academics) • Study Abroad OpportunitiesWE ARE PUBLIC SERVICE