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Leadership Portfolio

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PortfolioLeadershipLEADERSHIPEDUCATORPresented by Melanie Bullock

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LeadershipPortfolioABOUT MEAs a dedicated leadership educator, I am fueled by aprofound commitment to cultivating the next generation ofvisionary leaders. With an extensive background spanning18 years, I bring a unique fusion of expertise andunwavering dedication to empowering individuals torealize their leadership potential.My journey as a leadership educator has afforded meinvaluable insights into the dynamic landscape ofleadership development and its profound impact onindividuals and organizations alike. Throughout my career,I have been deeply involved in crafting transformativeeducational experiences, designing innovative curriculumframeworks, and fostering environments conducive toleadership growth and exploration.My approach to leadership education is anchored in asteadfast commitment to fostering inclusive, collaborativelearning environments. I strive to equip learners with theknowledge, skills, and mindset needed to navigatecomplex challenges, inspire positive change, and make ameaningful impact in their spheres of influence.Melanie Bullock

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Vision"... to empower individuals to unlock their full leadershippotential, fostering a world where inspired, ethical leaders drivepositive change and innovation in every corner of society.Through transformative education, inclusive collaboration, andunwavering dedication, I envision a future where leadership isnot just a skill, but a catalyst for building thriving communities,organizations, and a more sustainable, equitable world."Leadership PortfolioMelanie Bullock

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WORKBACKGROUND2007 - 2013 2013 - 2016Coordinator for Programming,University of Central Florida Advised the Board of Directors for the CampusActivities Board and served as Co-ExecutiveDirector for the Miss UCFPageant, preliminaryfor Miss Florida and Miss America.Assisted student programming includingcontractual negotiations, hospitality services,and event promotion. Manage program budgetstotaling over $500,000.Served as the Course Instructor/Faculty for“Leading in Student Organizations” Assistant Director for Campus ProgrammingNorth Carolina Central UniversityTrained entities on programming procedures,facility usage, contracting and negotiations,team building, publicity, and needs assessment. Advised the leadership teams for the StudentActivities Board and Student GovernmentAssociation. Assistant Director for Activities & ProgramsUniversity of South Florida Coordinator of the Summer LeadershipEvent at Walt Disney World ConferenceInitiated event planning and programimplementation for social, recreational,leadership, diversity and inclusion, andeducational programming for the USF andthe St. Petersburg Community.Melanie Bullock Leadership Portfolio

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2016 - 2017 2017 - 2023Associate Director for Leadership &Student EngagementWake Forest University Spearheaded the ACC LeadershipSymposium, a three-day leadershipconference with the Atlantic CoastConference. Led program initiatives includingCHARGE Emerging Leaders andthe Women’s LeadershipSymposium.Created the “Wake ForestLeadership Pyramid” a frameworkfor student leadershipdevelopment that wasimplemented among 16 variousdepartments. Director for the Center for LeadershipElon University Developed training curriculum forleadership development workshopsand experiential laboratories based onthe Elon Leadership Education Model,which has increased programmingoutput and audience participation by440%.Created innovative resourcesincluding e-learning modules,podcasts, training curriculum kits andsimulation exercises, and leadershipworkbooks for individuals, groups,and teams. Directed the Leadership ExperientialLearning Requirement (ELR), creatingleadership development workbooksand personalized leadershipimprovement plans that engagestudents in reflective opportunities tointegrate knowledge and experience.Leadership Portfolio

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ADDITIONALEXPERIENCESJournal of Leadership Education ReviewerAlamance Youth Leadership Academy Board MemberOmicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society, Member and Circle AdvisorInternational Leadership Association Member Bryant Educational Leadership GroupAfrican American College and High School Leadership Experience PlanningCommitteeNational Association for Campus ActivitiesJournal of Campus Activities and Scholarship (JCAPS) Advisory BoardAssociation Liaison, Inter-association Leadership Educators Consortium (ILEC)National Convention Business Network Coordinator Credentialing Task ForceNational Convention Education and Professional Development CoordinatorNational Convention Diversity Initiatives CoordinatorLeadership Fellows Program CoordinatorHBCU Connections Committee Co-ChairMelanie Bullock Leadership Portfolio

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Provided are somehighlighted events,programs, and servicesConferences & MeetingsPhilanthropic EventsWorkshops Leadership PortfolioSpecial EventsTravel/ToursMelanie Bullock

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CONFERENCES& MEETINGSACC Leadership Symposium, Wake Forest University, 2017The Atlantic Coast Conference has long supported theefforts of its member institutions in developing studentleaders. Through the support of the ACC, each year fiveundergraduate student leaders (accompanied by afaculty/staff adviser) from each ACC university gather at ahost university to study and teach, to swap and share bothleadership strategies and knowledge regarding a specificsocial issue.Elon University Intersect Conference,Elon University, 2020 - 2022Intersect provides a look at thedisciplines of diversity,leadership, and the cross-sections of the two. Participantsengage in dialogue andreflection through keynotespeakers and educationalsessions.

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CONFERENCES& MEETINGSSummer Leadership Event at Walt Disney World,University of South Florida & NACA, 2013 - 2018Participants explored the importance of Disney’s 5 Keys ofExcellence and challenged through a variety ofexperiences focusing on effective communication andcritical thinking. Through hands-on learning and problem-solving scenarios, participants experienced the real-worldapplication of these principles as they interacted withDisney leaders and discovered their own personalleadership style.

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ORGANIZATIONDEVELOPMENT, RETREATS& TEAM BUILDING “Collaborative Leadership Retreat”Alamance County Law Enforcement Officers“Leading Innovative Teams”American University of Nigeria, Emerging LeadersLeaderShape RetreatElon University

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ORGANIZATIONDEVELOPMENT, RETREATS& TEAM BUILDING Curated Leadership “To-Go” Kits Elon University, 2020 - 2022I have dedicated my career tocultivating cohesive and high-performing teams. From my tenureat various universities inclusive ofthe American University of Nigeria,where I facilitated cross-culturalcollaboration among internationalteams, to my local initiatives suchas organizing leadership retreats forstudents and training programs forlaw enforcement officers, I haveconsistently demonstrated a knackfor fostering teamwork and synergy.

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Sample of Previous Workshops/Presentations:"Professionalism and Leadership Etiquette.” The University of Maryland Center for Minorities in Science andEngineering’s Winter Student Leadership Retreat, College Park, MD“Influential People: Leading from Where You Are.” North Carolina American Council of Education Women’sNetwork, Elon, NCSocially Just Leadership Series: "Building Socially Just Leadership,” “Building Socially Just and Inclusive Teams,”and “Building Socially Just and Coalescing Communities.” Elon University Year of Service Fellows, Elon, NC"Lemonade & Leadership: Leadership Lessons Gained from Beyonce’s Lemonade Album.” Elon UniversityLeadership for the Culture Series, Elon, NC“Leading Inclusive Teams.” Elon University Doctor of Physical Therapy Program and H.O.P.E. Clinic, Elon, NCAdditional Topics:Leading Well: Wellness and Wellbeing Goal-SettingEvent Planning 101Effective Social Media, Marketing & Branding Game-Based Programming/GamificationLeading ChangeEmotional Intelligent LeadershipCommunication Strategies Conflict ManagementProfessional & Dining Etiquette Personal & Organizational Change CliftonStrengths Student Leadership ChallengeORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT,RETREATS & TEAM BUILDING

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PHILANTHROPIC EVENTSDance Marathon, University of South Florida St. Petersburg, 2015Event collaboration with the Children’s Miracle Network, fostered leadershipdevelopment among event planning team, empowering them with the skills andconfidence to lead various aspects of the program, from marketing andfundraising to event management and participant engagement.

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COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENTAlamance Youth Leadership Symposium,Elon University, 2017 - 2023Empowered youth through the connections of civic engagement andleadership development. Partnership with the Alamance Chamber and theAlamance-Burlington School System to host the a summer institute and otherleadership development opportunities throughout the academic year.

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SPECIALEVENTSTEDX,University of South Florida St. Petersburg, 2015Program that offers participants an opportunity to sharestories around unique innovation and ideas that they arecommunity is creating.LeaderShapeElon University, 2020Leadership development programs aimed at empoweringindividuals to lead with integrity, foster collaboration, andcreate positive change in their communities andorganizations. Planned and facilitated the LeaderShapeInstitute, a six-day immersive leadership experiencedesigned for college students and young professionals.

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SPECIALEVENTS“Leadership at the Lunch Counter”,Simulation ExperienceElon University, 2021 & 2022Designed an interactive display and simulationexperience that took participants on a historicjourney of four courageous collegiate leaders andtheir fight for justice.

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TOURS/TRAVEL“Civil Rights Leadership Tour”Elon University, 2017 - 2023Each year, participants from the Isabella CannonLeadership Fellows program take a class called“Disarming Injustice: Nonviolence in the Civil RightsMovement” and participate in a Civil RightsLeadership Tour. Our study of the Civil RightsMovement focused on events and leadership at thecenter of the movement. After spending time inclass, we explored the impact of the movement on atravel learning journey and then apply the lessonslearned to the emerging civil rights movement wefind ourselves in today.

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Professional SkillsLeadership PortfolioTeam Building and ManagementCOMMUNICATIONCOMMUNICATIONEmotional IntelligenceCross-Cultural CompetencePROJECT MANAGEMENTPROJECT MANAGEMENTCommunity Engagement and Relationship BuildingCommunity Engagement and Relationship Building

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Technical Proficiencies Leadership PortfolioMicrosoft 365 & OfficeMailChimpSlackAsanaColleagueEngageQualtricsSurveyMonkeyMaxientSharePointSlateSalesforceWorkdayAppTrackChatGPTWordPressWixMoodleOnTrackAdobe Captivate

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melaniebullock29@gmail.comTogetherLet's WorkLeadership Portfolio-Melanie Bullock