May 24, 2024ד״פשת רייא ז’’ט רהב תשרפ MUST BE DIVINE 7:50 PMDear Parents,The possuk states: ץראה לא ואובת יכ ...׳וכו לארשי ינב לא רבד .רמאל יניס רהב השמ לא ׳ה רבדיו ׳הל תבש ץראה התבשו םכל ןתונ ינא רשא. The Mitzvah of הטימש requires that we let the land rest. Rashi, quoting Toras Kohanim, wonders why the Torah explicitly mentions לארשי ינב’s current location – Har Sinai – when introducing the mitzvah of Shmittah. Weren’t all mitzvos transmitted at Har Sinai? Rashi famously responds that just as the mitzvah of Shmittah, the details of which are extensively delineated in the coming pesukim, was transmitted at Sinai, all mitzvos were given in a similarly detailed manner at Sinai. A question still remains. Why was Shmittah singled out to demonstrate this principle? Rav Schwab ל״צז explains that the unique nature of this mitzvah proves that the Torah was indeed given at יניס by the ע״שבר. Had the Torah been authored by human hands and minds, this mitzvah would have never been included! People would find such a mitzvah absurd: allow an entire country’s crop to lie fallow for a full year? Though crop rotation allows land to replenish its nutrients and ensures greater harvest in future years, one would never decree that every field, vineyard and orchard simultaneously remain uncultivated for a full year. People would view such an idea as a surefire method of precipitating an economic crisis. Furthermore, no human would extend this further and command that the land lie fallow for two consecutive years as occurs when a Yovel year follows Shmittah. And certainly, no human would have the audacity to guarantee that there would be sufficient abundant crops in the sixth year of the cycle to suffice for the seventh and eighth year. Clearly, only Hashem in His infinite wisdom could have devised such a mitzvah. Thus, Shmittah is the perfect choice to serve as the example that mitzvos were given in all their detail at Sinai. Shmittah is so clearly divine, that it must follow that all the other mitzvos are divinely given as well. !תבש טוג Rabbi Ochs●● May 27 - Early dismissal, Hamilton bldg - 12 pm, Williston bldg - 12:15 pm● June 2 - Rebbeim meeting, 11:30 dismissal● June 11 - Erev Shavuos: Hamilton building - No school, Williston bldg - 12 pm dismissal● June 12-14 - Shavuos, No school● June 17 - 8G Graduation● June 18 - 8B Graduation● June 20 - Last day of school, Hamilton dismissal 11:50 am, Williston dismissal 12:00 pm● First day of school for 2024-25 school year - September 4th.
BULLETIN BOARDOr aut molores remperum eum dolo volorem postrum aut molo voloressit, nesciaectur aliquosae la sit ut et volute cone min eatur autatassin culluptatem fugiataque nobis ducissum utessequi sum dolor reperum fugit illigeni consequ ostibus eatus corenderi que porepud andusci dolorias consendis ernaten ihilis eum et et odi blatia sin ex estibusci dolo atus,● Students and teachers celebrated a festive Grandparents' Day on Friday, May 17th. Over 45 grandparents were in the building, visiting classes, interacting with their grandchildren and with Rebbeim and teachers. One grandparent remarked that their favorite part was "seeing our grandchildren in their school environment and seeing firsthand what a great job Torah Academy is doing to educate them." The pizza lunch at both Hamilton and Williston was especially enjoyed by our students!● This year's Pesach Learning Program for the boys was a tremendous success with hundreds of hours spent learning over Pesach break. The highly anticipated raffle took some time due to the amount of tickets to write, but BH it finally took place at the end of last week. Mazal tov to the winners: Gershon Bercuson (2B) and Elyasaph Barres (4B) - Artscroll Pocketsize Mikraos Gedolos, Akiva Riesel (5B) and Levi Yitzchock Horowitz (6B) - Oz Vehadar Shas, and Yehuda Pesach Fontek (3B) - Beginners Sofrus Kit! Every boy that learned daily over vacation received a beautiful sefer - Mayan Beis Hashoava in school today. Thank you to the Israel Bookshop for once again sponsoring the seforim "ב והילא 'ר תמשנ יוליעלל"ז קעוואד םהרבא ר.● 4B made homemade cheese as part of their lamed tes melachos program. First they boiled up whole milk. The boys tested the milk to make sure it reached 185 degrees. Then they added lemon juice and stirred the mixture until it curdled. The curdled mixture was then strained through a cloth, and then there was cheese for the boys to enjoy. See pictures further in the Bulletin.● 3G celebrated their siyum on Parshas Vayeitzei and decorated cupcakes featuring a chocolate ladder going up to Shamayim. Thank you Miss Blumberg!● The whole Kindergarten spent an exciting pre- Lag Ba’Omer camping trip at Theresa Hynes Park! They brought along their pop-up tents and roasted marshmallows on their pretend bonfires! Thank you Mrs. Aviva Reiser for sharing her creativity with us and coordinating this event!● Third grade girls celebrated a "Country Day". Each girl wrote a report about the country she researched. Parents and grandparents “visited” the countries and played interactive games. Everyone enjoyed their “Trip around the world!” Thank you Mrs. Fuhrman!● On Tuesday, both second grade girls and boys visited the Brookline Department of Public Works’ open house at their municipal service center on Hammond St. The exhibits included the sign and signal shop, a welding demo, robotic sewer camera, tree trimming, catch basin cleaning and more! They discussed planting and composting, had a touch-a-truck section and a recycling show! What fun! Thank you Ms.Taitelbaum and Mrs. Krochmal, and thank you to our chaperons and drivers Mrs. Dessler, Mrs. Youshei, Mrs. Halpern, Mrs. Berzansky, and Ms. Ostashinsky! See pictures further in the Bulletin.● On Thursday, 3B and 4B went on a trip to Warrior Ice Arena. The boys had a great time skating! Thank you so much Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Carey, and all the parent drivers!● Grades 6-8G thoroughly enjoyed their Shabbaton. 8G wowed us with their culinary skills and prepared a very tasty menu with pastries for dessert! Shalosh Seudos featured a panel of speakers that included Mrs. Lisa Marshall, Mrs. Tamar Klompas, and Miss Nechama Baila Blumberg. All addressed the topic of Hodu L’Hashem Ki Tov, describing challenges that they faced and how they dealt with them. The class skits had us laughing through tears! Thank you to the Kaufman family for hosting the Shalosh Seudos, Chai Odom for hosting the Shabbos seuda and the families that hosted the Oneg Shabbos! Thank you Mrs Blumberg and 8G for coordinating this spectacular event!● Mazel tov to Rivky Berman, Sara Nechama Solomon, Chaya Sternfield, Nechama Septimus, and Devorah Sternfield for completing their “In the Know” booklets, above and beyond class expectations!Uniform Gemach AnnouncementThe make-up (and final) girls' Aerobics & Movement afterschool class will take place this Monday, April 24th Mazel Tov! Community EventsPARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES● To Mr. Early Sunday Dismissal Sunday, February 11 - dismissal at 11:30 AM for grades 2-8B due to Rebbe's meeting.Please pick up on time.Condolences Our sincere condolences to Rabbi Eli Kohn (8B Kodesh) and Family on the loss of his grandmother.םילשוריו ןויצ ילבא ראש ךותב םכתא םחני םוקמה.
BULLETIN BOARDOr aut molores remperum eum dolo volorem postrum aut molo voloressit, nesciaectur aliquosae la sit ut et volute cone min eatur autatassin culluptatem fugiataque nobis ducissum utessequi sum dolor reperum fugit illigeni consequ ostibus eatus corenderi que porepud andusci dolorias consendis ernaten ihilis eum et et odi blatia sin ex estibusci dolo atus,Uniform Gemach AnnouncementThe make-up (and final) girls' Aerobics & Movement afterschool class will take place this Monday, April 24th ● 11 Tishrei -SHNAYIM MIKRAHMazel Tov to learners of Parshas Emor!4BAvrohom Berzansky Eliyahu Shlomo Faibish Efraim Feldman Yaakov Wilhelm5BShimshon Nulman Moshe Rosmarin Aaron Uminer Jacob Wiesenfeld6BYaakov Barres Nechemia Berzansky Yosef Shalom Delmoor Avrohom Halpern Levi Yitzchok Horowitz Meir Novik David Meir Sebbag Moshe Isaac Segal Tuvya Sternfield7BEliyohu Boruch Benmergui Baruch Bleich Yehoshua Kashnow Aron Yanovsky8BAbraham Eliyahu Barres Moshe Shalom Davydov Dovid Menachem Feldman Aron David Luria Moshe Aryeh Riesel Chaim Yaakov SeptimusCommunity EventsCondolences Day of Learning Day of Learning● 8 Adar II- sponsored by Nick and Sara Block in memory of Chaya Mirel bas Shmuel Baruch, a''h, Yahrtzeit 7 Adar IICommunity Events● Faibish Family Shalom Zachor - Parshas Tzav, at Khal Tiferes Yosef (53 Parsons st). at 9:00 PM● Faibish baby bris - Monday, April 1 - at Chai Odom (77 Englewood Ave.) 6:30 AM shachris, bris approx. at 7:30 AMCommunity Events Condolences Day of Learning 12 Iyar - sponsored by Tara and Ashky Hedvat in memory of her beloved grandmother and great-grandmother of Chana, Ava, Bella, and Sophia Hedvat, Mrs. Chana Shonfeld zt"l in honor of her yahrtzeit - 11 Iyar. 13 Iyar - sponsored by Rabbi Dan and Mrs. Sara Rodkin l'ilui nishmas Berel ben Shalom, z"l, on his yahrtzeit, father of Mrs. Sara Rodkin, grandfather of Shlomo Rodkin.
WILLISTON SNAPSHOTSHere are 10,11,12 - they are also different9.9.9.4B Making Cheese!2B visiting DPW1B Rainy Day Creativity
PRESCHOOL SNAPSHOTS4.Here are 10,11,12 - they are also different9.9.
KINDERGARTEN CAMPING TRIP4.Here are 10,11,12 - they are also different9.9.
GRANDPARENTS DAY4.Here are 10,11,12 - they are also different9.9.