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Bulletin March 8

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March 8, 2024ד״פשת א-רדא ח’’כ להקיו תשרפ UNITY BRINGS BRACHA 5:25 PMDear Parents,Parshas Vayakhel opens with the following possuk: רמאיו לארשי ינב תדע לכ תא השמ להקיו םהילא. Moshe gathered all Bnei Yisrael and commanded them to donate materials and to build the Mishkan. Seemingly, whenever Moshe spoke, he would first gather the people to hear his message. Why then, when delivering the command of building the Mishkan does the Torah explicitly emphasize that Moshe gathered the people together? On the possuk םכותב יתנכשו שדקמ יל ושעו – They shall make for me a Mikdash and I will dwell in there – Chazal note that the possuk does not state וכותב יתנכשו, I will dwell in it, rather םכותב – them. This hints that Hashem wishes to dwell דחאו דחא לכ ךותב, within each member of Klal Yisrael. What is unique about the Mishkan that enables the הניכש to reside among all members of Klal Yisrael? The Vilna Goan on Shir HaShirim explains the possuk םיזרא וניתב תורוק by noting that the through Klal Yisrael uniting around the holy endeavor of building the Mishkan, they merit that the Shechina dwells among them. It’s not the Mishkan itself that brings the Shechina close, rather since the Mishkan serves as the unifying force around which Klal Yisrael camp and live it becomes a dwelling place of the הניכש. Moreover, the Goan writes that even today when we lack a Mikdash or a Mishkan, this unification continues. The Halacha requires that we all daven towards Eretz Yisrael and Yerushalayim. This is not merely due to the sanctity of Eretz Yisrael. Rather, since everyone everywhere is facing the Makom HaMikdash during הליפת, the Tefillos are unified and has the effect of bringing the Shechina and Hashem’s bracha closer to us. This then is the reason that the Torah explicitly mentions להקיו – the gathering of the people. It is the gathering of the people that is crucial for the Mishkan’s ultimate function. ! תבש טוג Rabbi Ochs●● Mar 11 - Preschool and 1G Conferences● Mar 15 - 1G Chumash Mesiba● Mar 15 - Long Friday dismissal, K-1pm; PreK, 1-8G, daycare - 2:20pm; 1-8B - 2:30● Mar 17 - Rebbeim meeting, 11:30 dismissal● Mar 21 - Taanis Esther, Dismissal for 6-8G - 12:00 pm; dismissal for 6-8B 12:30 pm● Mar 22 - Purim Carnival● Mar 24-25 - Purim - No school● Mar 27 - General Studies Faculty meeting 3:15 - 4:30 (3pm dismissal for all students)● May 17 - Grandparents’ Day

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BULLETIN BOARDOr aut molores remperum eum dolo volorem postrum aut molo voloressit, nesciaectur aliquosae la sit ut et volute cone min eatur autatassin culluptatem fugiataque nobis ducissum utessequi sum dolor reperum fugit illigeni consequ ostibus eatus corenderi que porepud andusci dolorias consendis ernaten ihilis eum et et odi blatia sin ex estibusci dolo atus,● Nurse Miri held a demonstration in 2B on how to make nutritious smoothies.She made two varieties with the class. One version had milk, strawberries, and bananas, and the other had orange juice, mango, pineapple, and bananas. Yummy, and good for you!● Middle School took a trip to the Reilly Memorial Rink to go ice skating on Tuesday. The boys earned this trip for reaching 100 minutes of undisturbed class time.Way to go!!● 4B had a BBQ siyum on Mishnayos Rosh Hashanah and Parshas Shemos. Mazel tov!● How much do you know about the states? Do you know more than your peers? In groups of four, 4B is trying to claim the United States for themselves. Whoever knows more unique facts about each state holds onto it. 4B boys are using a collection of atlas to verify their information and to compare what different sources focus on, as well as gathering their data. Over the course of the project states will change ownership until the class outgrows the states and aims for the whole world.● Nurse Miri spoke to 3G on the importance of eating balanced meals.● 3G visited the Prek classes to share their original snow stories with the children. Thank you Mrs. Fuhrman for coordinating the event.● 4G girls celebrated the completion of their learning of Parshas Vayigash with a french fry Siyum. After enjoying all different kinds of fries, the girls planned and performed skits of stories which demonstrated various Middos which they learned about from Parshas Vayigash.● 4G is currently learning how to take better care of our planet by recycling and reusing. Crayola has a program called “ColorCycle.” which accept all brands of plastic markers. 4G has started a collection box which will be kept in this box on the table outside the principals’ office. They visited classrooms to ask them to please put their dead markers into this box. Their goal is to collect 15 pounds of dead markers by the end of the year that will NOT end up in landfills or our oceans. ● Excitement was high in the Torah Academy girls’ building as we welcomed our new kallah, Miss Yudkowsky. Grades 1-8 gathered together to dance in her honor. Mazel tov Miss Yudkowsky!● Mazel tov to K1 and K2 on their chazak for their nekuda! Hatzlacha in moving on to the next one!● All the girls are looking forward to celebrating “ Adar Ruach Day” this coming Monday. Stay tuned for the exciting details!● All the preschool kinderlach are looking forward to their Purim carnival to be held on the Thursday before Purim. Thank you Morah Aviva for coordinating the event!Uniform Gemach AnnouncementThe make-up (and final) girls' Aerobics & Movement afterschool class will take place this Monday, April 24th Mazel Tov! Day of Learning Community EventsPARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES● To Mr. Early Sunday Dismissal Sunday, February 11 - dismissal at 11:30 AM for grades 2-8B due to Rebbe's meeting.Please pick up on time.Mazel Tov ● To Shimon (‘14) and Tami Feuerstein on their marriage, and to parents Mr. Sruli and Mrs. Cheryl Feuerstein.● March 9 - Gershon Shanske’s Aufruf at Chai Odom. Shachris at 8:30 AM. Kiddush following davening. Please see the invitation further in the bulletin. Community Events

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BULLETIN BOARDOr aut molores remperum eum dolo volorem postrum aut molo voloressit, nesciaectur aliquosae la sit ut et volute cone min eatur autatassin culluptatem fugiataque nobis ducissum utessequi sum dolor reperum fugit illigeni consequ ostibus eatus corenderi que porepud andusci dolorias consendis ernaten ihilis eum et et odi blatia sin ex estibusci dolo atus,Uniform Gemach AnnouncementThe make-up (and final) girls' Aerobics & Movement afterschool class will take place this Monday, April 24th ● 11 Tishrei -SHNAYIM MIKRAHMazel Tov to learners of Parshas Ki Tisa!4BAvrohom Berzansky Eliyahu Shlomo Faibish Yaakov Wilhelm5BMoshe Rosmarin Aaron Uminer Jacob Wiesenfeld6BYaakov Barres Nechemia Berzansky Zelig Bier Avrohom Halpern Levi Yitzchok Horowitz Meir Novik David Meir Sebbag Moshe Isaac Segal Tuvya Sternfield7BMoshe Bark Baruch Bleich Yehoshua Kashnow Shmuel Lieberman Aron Yanovsky Eliyahu Youshei8BAbraham Eliyahu Barres Moshe Shalom Davydov Chaim Moshe Delmoor Dovid Menachem Feldman Ezra Lev Klompas Aron David Luria Moshe Aryeh Riesel Chaim Yaakov Septimus Moshe UminerCommunity EventsCondolences Day of Learning Remember to change your clocks at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday, March 10.● 26 Adar Alef - sponsored by the Loketch Family in honor of the first yahrtzeit of their dear grandmother/great-grandmother, Chava bas Shmuel, a"h. May her neshama have an aliyah. Day of Learning

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WILLISTON SNAPSHOTSHere are 10,11,12 - they are also different9.9.9.1. 2B making nutritious smoothies with Nurse Miri.2. 1B playing language arts games on a rainy day.3. 8B, what a great bunch!4. 4B world domination competition.

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HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS4.1. Staff Melava Malka and TA Auction 3. 4G’s recycling and reusing program2. 4G’s siyum on Parshas Vayigash 4. 6G and 1G doing a project together

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PRESCHOOL SNAPSHOTS4.Here are 10,11,12 - they are also different9.9.

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