March 29, 2024ד״פשת ב-רדא ט”י וצ תשרפ CONTINUE THE MISSION 6:49 PMDear Parents,When discussing the ןשדה תמורת the possuk states: םירהו ...׳וכו דב ודמ ןהכה שבלו חבזמה לצא ומשו חבזמה לע הלועה תא שאה לכאת רשא ןשדה תא. The Kohen would wear his הנוהכ ידגב and lift a shovelful of ash from the fire that consumed the ןברק הלוע on the חבזמ and placed it next to the חבזמ. Every morning the הדובע would begin with the ןשדה תמורת, removing a shovelful of ashes from the חבזמ from the previous day’s הדובע. This act was the finishing act of the previous day’s service. Only after the ashes were removed, would the new day’s fire be lit, and the new day’s תונברק offered. The Meforshim explain that the lesson the Torah is teaching us is that today’s הדובע is not the beginning of a new mission. The job of the ןהכ is to realize that he is just continuing the mission of his predecessor with renewed vigor and enthusiasm. Rashi echoes the concept when explaining the words in the ילק הז :םיה תריש ותוקלאו השודקה יל תדמועו תקזחומ אלא השודקה תלחת ינא אל :והנממוראו יבא יקלא והונאו יתובא ימימ ילע. Moshe Rabeinu proclaims: I am not the source of my sanctity, rather Hashem stands established for me since the days of my forefathers. Klal Yisrael recognizes that we have a rich past and we continue the mission that was entrusted to us by previous Doros.While being mechanech our children we have to transmit to them the rich legacy we have as Yidden – our Mesorah. תבש טוג Rabbi Ochs●● April 18-30- Pesach Break, No school● May 1 - Isru Chag, No school● May 2 - Classes resume● May 12 - Rebbeim meeting, 11:30 dismissal● May 17 - Grandparents’ Day● First day of school for 2024-25 school year - September 4th.
BULLETIN BOARDOr aut molores remperum eum dolo volorem postrum aut molo voloressit, nesciaectur aliquosae la sit ut et volute cone min eatur autatassin culluptatem fugiataque nobis ducissum utessequi sum dolor reperum fugit illigeni consequ ostibus eatus corenderi que porepud andusci dolorias consendis ernaten ihilis eum et et odi blatia sin ex estibusci dolo atus,● A lot of exciting learning is happening in 6B! We are near the end of Perek Hakones and will IyH finish early next week. In Chumash Seder we are learning Parshas Tzav which is the Parsha of the week. In Navi Seder, we are learning the dramatic match of Dovid and Galyas and we are feeling the Emunah and Bitachon of the composer of Sefer Tehillim.● Last Friday, in the spirit of Purim, the boys celebrated with a Pre-Purim Carnival with costumes and exciting booths and prizes. See pictures in the Williston Snapshots!● First time since covid, the 8th grade boys are putting together a yearbook- please consider placing an ad in support of their end-of-year 8th grade graduation festivities!● 7G and 8G celebrated a siyum on parshiyos on chumash with iced coffee and a jewelry making workshop. Thank you Mrs Ochs!● Nurse Miri facilitated a presentation to 1B and 3B about the importance of eating a balanced diet and which foods should we limited and be eaten "sometimes". The session was concluded with two different smoothies.● 4B made Havadalah candles while learning the about חרממ! ● Can you make a battery out of an apple, a lemon, and a potato? 4G explored how this could be possible. Using zinc, steel, and copper terminals, the volt-o-meters displayed the voltage readings. Yes, you can make batteries from these fruits and vegetables. (Zinc and copper made the strongest terminals resulting in the highest voltages.)● Mazel tov to 2G on finishing Parshas Lech Lecha! They celebrated with an exciting siyum! They enjoyed some nosh, played musical chairs and Chumash BINGO. Thank you Mrs. Fontek!● Our cupcake decorating elective for 7th and 8th grade girls produced some amazingly creative results. Thank you Mrs. Wiesenfeld for your inspiration.● Prek 2 has been working hard understanding how their beebot robots work. They are also busy publishing their own rhyming creations.● We can feel Pesach in the air as all Hamilton students are hard at work producing their illustrated Pesach haggados and other assorted Pesach props.● All our Moros appreciated the Purim visits by their costumed students.Uniform Gemach AnnouncementThe make-up (and final) girls' Aerobics & Movement afterschool class will take place this Monday, April 24th Mazel Tov! Day of Learning Community EventsPARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES● To Mr. Early Sunday Dismissal Sunday, February 11 - dismissal at 11:30 AM for grades 2-8B due to Rebbe's meeting.Please pick up on time.Mazel Tov Mazel Tov ● To Dr. Moshe and Mrs. Rachel (‘01) (Head of Special Projects) Faibish on the birth of their son, and to grandparents Mr. Michel and Mrs. Sima Rynderman, and Mr. Sorin and Mrs. Lia Faibish. Please see the Shalom zachor and bris info in the Community Events - page 3).● To Chanan and Nechama (‘06) (Goldman) Meltzer on the birth of their son, and to grandparents Rabbi Baruch and Mrs. Miriam Goldman.● To Paltiel and Reut (Cohen-Skaly) (‘97) Taub on the birth of their son, and to grandmother Mrs. Irit Cohen-Skaly.● To Yisroel (‘00) and Shoshana Cohen-Skaly on the birth of their son, and to grandmother Mrs. Irit Cohen-Skaly.
BULLETIN BOARDOr aut molores remperum eum dolo volorem postrum aut molo voloressit, nesciaectur aliquosae la sit ut et volute cone min eatur autatassin culluptatem fugiataque nobis ducissum utessequi sum dolor reperum fugit illigeni consequ ostibus eatus corenderi que porepud andusci dolorias consendis ernaten ihilis eum et et odi blatia sin ex estibusci dolo atus,Uniform Gemach AnnouncementThe make-up (and final) girls' Aerobics & Movement afterschool class will take place this Monday, April 24th ● 11 Tishrei -SHNAYIM MIKRAHMazel Tov to learners of Parshas Vayikra!4BAvrohom Berzansky Eliyahu Shlomo Faibish Avromi Fine5BShimshon Nulman Moshe Rosmarin Aaron Uminer Jacob Wiesenfeld6BYaakov Barres Zelig Bier Avrohom Halpern Levi Yitzchok Horowitz Meir Novik David Meir Sebbag Moshe Isaac Segal Tuvya Sternfield7BMoshe Bark Eliyohu Boruch Benmergui Baruch Bleich Yehoshua Kashnow Aron Yanovsky8BAbraham Eliyahu Barres Moshe Shalom Davydov Chaim Moshe Delmoor Dovid Menachem Feldman Ezra Lev Klompas Aron David Luria Gavriel Novik Moshe Aryeh Riesel Chaim Yaakov Septimus Moshe UminerCommunity EventsCondolences Day of Learning Day of Learning● 8 Adar II- sponsored by Nick and Sara Block in memory of Chaya Mirel bas Shmuel Baruch, a''h, Yahrtzeit 7 Adar IICondolences Community Events● Faibish Family Shalom Zachor - Parshas Tzav, at Khal Tiferes Yosef (53 Parsons st). at 9:00 PM● Faibish baby bris - Monday, April 1 - at Chai Odom (77 Englewood Ave.) 6:30 AM shachris, bris approx. at 7:30 AM
WILLISTON SNAPSHOTSHere are 10,11,12 - they are also different9.9.9.1. 4B Purim fun!2. Nurse Miri teaching 3B about MyPlate.WILLISTON PURIM CARNIVAL
HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS4.1. 3rd and 1st grade switched classes for Purim shtick2. 1st grade Purim shtick3. 4G experiment4. Cupcake decorating elective 5. 4G Birchas Yaakov scrapbook
PRESCHOOL SNAPSHOTS4.Here are 10,11,12 - they are also different9.9.