Rotary Club of MiamiVirtual BulletinMarch - April 2022+ Upcoming EventsMeetings are now held in-person at the Miami Yacht Club on many Thursdays at 12:30 PM. Our meetings are also transmitted via ZOOM. Periodically meetings are only on ZOOM. Please check our website for specifics:
Message from PresidentNoreen Timoney3Fellow Rotary Club of Miami Member and friends:As we enter into the last two months of this Rotary year, we look at the successes we cantake with us for expansion in the future and identify possible areas to adapt with new goalsor approaches. Thank you for your membership and for your role in achieving some or ourgreat accomplishments. We hope that you will continue being the most important part ofThe Rotary Club of Miami and are looking forward to moving ahead together next year.We have had a year of wonderful service projects. We have adapted to the reality of lifethrough a pandemic and found innovative ways to accomplish our goals. The new focus onprotection and preservation of our environment has triggered a huge response from ourmembers and friends. Our ESMAG has tackled everything from beach cleanups, parkcleanups, “end plastic soup” efforts, tree planting, coral reef restoration and preservation,and so many more projects. While working to do great and necessary things for our planetEarth, we have enjoyed fellowship and fun in these environmental endeavors as well as ourother service commitments.Our Club has remained strong because we have built a wonderful team working together inservice efforts in the seven areas of Rotarian focus. We have celebrated fellowship and funduring our social events and have highlighted some of these events and our manyinnovative projects and initiatives in this and previous digital magazines, our website, oursocial media and in personal communication. As we plan the last two months of this yearand prepare for a new Rotary year, we once again encourage you to share your ideas sothat we can tap into your interests and ensure that your membership goals are beingrealized. We are committed to the values and spirit that we as Rotarians embrace.As you view these digital images and recognize the events, programs, and information, wehope that you will continue to be part of our ongoing Rotarian journey. The images do notreflect things; they showcase people and emphasize that our Club is comprised of valuedmembers, Rotarians in Action!Thank you for being part of us and representing the best of humanity!Sincerely Yours in Rotary Service,On behalf of the Board of Directors of The Rotary Club of Miami,No reen L. TimoneyPresident, 2021-2022
====================================================================================================================Greg Metzger is the Executive Director of Little Free Library. There entity provides a very valuable service of working with communities to ensure that more people have access to books. We will be placing several Libraries in under served communities in Miami Madeline Pumariega, President of Miami Dade College. Madeline Pumariega is the first female president appointed to lead one of the nation’s largest educational institutions, and is also an alumna of MDC. Maria Nardi , Director of Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Department. MsNardi's department impacts us in so many ways, from creating outstanding recreational, natural and cultural experiences to enriching us and enhancing the quality of life for our future generations.. Engaging Keynote SpeakersIn recognition of their effort and time as our keynote speaker, each one will have a tree planted in their honor on May 14th. 4
====================================================================================================================Dalton Hesley is a Senior Research Associate at the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science. His presentation was about Coral Reef Restoration.Engaging Keynote Speakers (2)In recognition of their effort and time as our keynote speaker, each one will have had a tree planted in their honor on May 14th. 5David Lawrence Jr. retired as the publisher of the Miami Herald in 1999, and since then has been very active in the educational/children's arena. He is the chair of The Children's Movement of Florida, was appointed by the Governor is the Board of Trustees of Florida A&M University, and holds several other positions of note. Astrid Mota is the General Manager of Paramount Miami Worldcenter. A luxury 570 Units, 60 story high rise condominium. Her presentation was about the movement to urban large communities, the advantages and challengesMiami just keeps on growing and growing.
St. Patrick’s Day CelebrationMarch 15thas of 5:30Titanic Brewery & Restaurant6
Dean CendanFIU MATCH DAY TO DETERMINE RESIDENCY LOCATIONMatch Day is the key final day for Medical Students who are wrapping up their studies at Medical School. They will find out where they will intern in their next steps. Phil Seipp and Diane Landsberg were present to celebrate with our TBM scholars.7
Interviewing TBM Candidates
Diane Landsberg, Phil Seipp, Susan & Robin Shelley attended the University of Miami School of Medicine Donor Appreciation luncheon on Saturday, April 1st. Key members of the School of Medicine have pledged to promote our TBM Scholarship to all students eligible to apply. It is also our intention to charter a new Rotaract club at the medical campus. DONORS & SCHOLARS CELEBRATIONDean Henri Ford is pictured in the middle with Diane, Phil, Susan and Robin9
Luis Pomareda, “Mr. Interact”, competed in the Mr. Miami Senior High School Pageant. We are so proud of our Interact Club.The Most Handsome Man at Miami High School10
Climate Change BlogClimate Change: Personal or Global?Created by: Rony Astetehttps://www.blogsite.news11
Create Your Own Charitable Legacy Through Our FoundationIf you are 70 ½ or older, you may direct your IRA administrator to distribute a gift from your IRA to the Rotary Club of Miami Florida Foundation, Inc. This is known as a Qualified Charitable Distribution. Any You may want to establish a legacy that will honor a loved one, or memorialize your name, in perpetuity or for a time frame you choose. Just set up a charitable award program within our Club'sfoundation. They are so many options you might want to address: educational scholarships, musical instruments, sensory toys for children with special needs, planting trees, feeding the poor and the list goes on and on. amount you transfer to the Club’s Foundation, up to $100,000, counts towards your RMD. Simply roll over part of your RMD to a charity, like the Rotary Club of Miami Florida Foundation, Inc. Your charitable contribution will then distributed tax-free. There are several individual awards that our Clubs manages, such as the Thomas Brown McClelland Trust, the Griffitts Award (Police Officer of the Year), the Grace & John DeLury Leadership Award (Four-Way Test at Miami High School) and recently, Richard Pagliarulo, a former Member who moved to Montana, left in his will a donation to fund educational scholarships in honor of a dear friend.13
Everyone is invited to join the Investment Club• Each Member pays initial formation costs $100• Investment requirement/Members is $300/semester. The first semester investment is due.• AGIC does not offer investment advice. It is believed that Members may decide to follow some of the Club’s strategies in their own investments.• For further details, please contact Robert BullThe Alpha Generator Investment Club, LLC (AGIC) and the Rotary Club of Miami Evening Club have decided to join forces and hold joint meetings on a monthly basis. This will reduce ZOOM meeting fatigue and allow for greater attendance. 14Alpha Generator Investment Club: consistently beating the market
JOIN ESMAG! We need to address environmental issues in our area. Everyone is invited to join ESMAG (Environmental Sustainability Miami Action Group). There are NO Membership fees. We need your help to come up with new ideas and plan/participate with our projects. Contact Robert Bull.ESMAG has its own website: and its own Facebook page: Club is the ambassador for EndPlasticSoup and the ESRAG organizer in our District. Our goal is to expand these efforts. Help is need to accomplish these goals.15
Dennis Caltagirone2024 – 2025 Dist. Gov.Attended our MeetingBrian TschirshartIncoming President being interviewed by Noreen TimoneyDave Anderson is recovering nicely. He attended a meeting in Weston.Hugo is now the Trashercize leaderDiane presenting Robert a shovel award for his environmental talk.16Nagjyoti, all the way from India, has great attendance
District 6990 Training Assembly 2022 - 2023On May 16th, the District Training Assembly was held at Marlin’s Park. Our Club had a strong presence. Randy Lichtman prepared the training schedule. Robert Bull & Phil Seipp were part of the training team. Diane assisted with the organization. Also attending were Noreen Timoney, Robin & Susan Shelley, MiryamCotrina, Brian Tschirhart and Jay Almeida, who took these photos.17
========================================================Coral Reef Restoration project is scheduled for May 7th. We will first start at the Coral Restoration Foundation in Key Largo at 9:00 AM for training and education. After lunch we will travel to a coral nursery and then on to Pickles Key to transplant these corals. A similar project with the University of Miami will be scheduled for a late date.18Upcoming EventsTree Planting on May 14that Crandon Park. Four (400) trees to be planted========================================================
May5 Thursday – Zoom Meeting7 Saturday – Coral Reef Restoration Project12 Thursday – Club Meeting at Miami Yacht Club14 Saturday – Tree Planting at Crandon Park18 Wednesday Board Meeting19 Thursday – ZOOM Meeting 26 Thursday – Club Meeting at the Miami Yacht Club28 Board RetreatJune 2 Thursday – ZOOM Meeting4 Saturday – Worldwide EndPlasticSoup Action Day 4 – 8 Rotary International Convention in Houston9 Thursday – Club Meeting at the Miami Yacht Club14 Tuesday – Flag Day15 Wednesday – Deadline to renew Membership16 Thursday – ZOOM Meeting22 Wednesday Board Meeting25 Saturday Brian TschirhartInduction as 2022- 2022 President30 Thursday – Noreen’s Farewell Meeting as 2021 -2022 PresidentNotes:As new opportunities for projects or events arise, the calendar will be adjusted ROTARY CLUB OF MIAMICURRENT CALENDARMAY THROUGH JUNE19
====================================================================LONG TERM CARE (LTC) COSTS can be a financial drain for most families. Currently, the annual cost of a private room for LTC is $114,000. If medical insurance inflation is just 3.5%, in ten years it will cost $168,000/year and in twenty years it will be $249,000. In the case of Alzheimer’s, the cost could be double. Have you planned for this probable event? If not contact me and I may provide you with reasonable alternatives. Please contact me: Cell: 305.733.3704, Website: IN THE BULLETINFLEXIBLE TIMING DATESCOST:¼ Page - $10½ Page - $25Full Page - $50Contact: Robert BullRobert H. BullVIDEOSFOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS CONTACT SHIRLEY PARDON:(786.525.4621)BUYING/SELLING OR RENTING. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A VACATION HOME, RENTAL PROPERTIES OR PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, SHIRLEY CAN ASSIST YOU.20SHIRLEY PARDONgri, sres, cips, trcREALTOR ®, SELLING, RENTING. INVESTMENT PROPERTIES. VACATION HOMES, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT.Each office is independently owned and operatedKELLER WILLIAMS® MIAMI700 NE 90THSTREET, SUITE AMIAMI, FL 33138First Video is about Guija Lake, El Slvador, cleanup, while in Spanish, visuals are easy to understand 2nd Video: P/E Jayshree Sridhar of RC Madras, addressing the RC of Washington, D.C. on Women Empowerment.