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Superannuation Smart Property online brochure

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Building for your retirement! 40 10 40

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WELCOMEInvesting in property in Australia has always been considered a very solidinvestment option, but doing so through superannuation has had its limitations inthe past, especially where borrowings are involved. Investors were limited tosingle part contract purchases like apartments, townhouses or existing propertysold as a ‘single part contract’ purchase. Fortunately there is now a solution. Superannuation Smart Property works with industry professionals to open upproperty investment opportunities like never before. We understand theattraction to build brand new property as part of your investment portfolio, andwe can now assist you in building new house and land with ease and confidenceinside what many consider to be the best tax vehicle we have in Australia: yourSelf Managed Super Fund (SMSF). Superannuation Smart Property works with you to find the right propertyinvestment to suit your budget and financial goals. Not only do we love what wedo but we are also growing our own SMSF portfolios by investing in new houseand land builds, so we have first hand experience in this area, and are happy toshare this knowledge with you. DISCLAIMER: Information provided is for general information only. SuperannuationSmart Property and any of its affiliates do not provide financial advice and encourageyou to seek advice from a licensed financial planner who is authorised to advise onpurchasing real property as part of an investment plan prior to making anyinvestment decision.

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BUILD NEWTraditionally investing in property through SMSF’s wascomplicated by restrictions on two part contracts, whereborrowings are attached to the property purchase, whichincluded new house and land builds. We now have a thirdparty solution that meets the rules of the SIS Act (governingSMSF investments) to ensure your new property builds arefully compliant. Working with Superannuation Smart Property provides youaccess to the full array of build types, working with yourpreferred builders, giving you full choice like never before. Found a property yourself that you’d like to build insidesuper? No problem. We can facilitate that for you too. Y O U C A N N O W B U I L DN E W H O U S E & L A N DI N S I D E Y O U R S M S FWhat will your retirement look like?

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WHY THE HYPE?When considering investing in property, everyone has heard the mantra‘location, location, location’. And of course the physical location of theproperty is very important. But there is another ‘location’ you need to giveserious consideration to, and that is under which entity you purchase yourinvestment property. Although we cannot give financial advice and do strongly recommend youdiscuss your own personal financial situation with a qualified financialadvisor, we can give you an overview on a few of the different entities underwhich you can purchase your investment property. Choosing the right entitycan make a massive difference to the financial outcome and your plans togrow wealth for retirement. The below scenario will demonstrate 3 different outcomes on the sameproperty and the tax paid on each of these. Capital gains tax is also something to greatly consider when making a planfor your long term investment: paying capital gains when you sell outside ofsuper on whatever tax rate you are on at the time of selling, or ZERO capitalgains tax if sold inside super when fully retired. W H A T A R E T H E B E N E F I T SHow much tax will you pay?

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PROPERTY OPTIONSThe choices are yours:Choose what you buildChoose where you buildChoose which builder to build withOr choose a fractional share in a high yield property as ‘tenants incommon’NDISDUAL KEYCO-LIVINGHOUSE & LANDDUPLEXTENANTS INCOMMONI T ’ S A L L A B O U T C H O I C EWhat property type best suits your needs?

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FRACTIONAL Fractionalised property investing in Tenants In Common Propertyprovides an affordable property investment option on high yieldproperties. From as little as $60,000 you can join forces with other like-minded investors enabling fractional ownership without the need topurchase an entire property. With your name on the title as ‘tenants incommon’ you are exposed to capital growth as well as achieving returnsup to 11% per annum. Name on the title as ‘tenants in common’ Purchase in 5% share lotsPurchase shares as funds allow to grow your portfolioSell your share at any timeHigh returns - projected returns up to 11% per annumSpread risk over multiple propertiesOpen to investors of all levelsPurchase inside or outside superUp to 8 owners on each propertyNo borrowings required - cash only purchaseExposure to capital growthT E N A N T S I N C O M M O NSuper smart investing

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FAQ’SC O M M O N Q U E S T I O N SQ. I don’t know anything about setting up a SMSF, can you help?A. We can put you in touch with professionals who can assist you with both thesetup as well as ongoing management if you wish. Q. What types of properties can I buy inside my SMSF?A. We can now help you access standalone properties like dual keys, duplexes,rooming houses, NDIS and standard house and land builds, as well asapartments, townhouses and existing property. Q. Does purchasing the same property as a single part contract inside mySMSF cost more?A. Yes, there are additional costs to provide this service which are packagedinto the single part price. However these costs are generally considered to begreatly outweighed by the benefits of investing inside a SMSF, such as taxadvantages and capital gains tax benefits. Your financial advisor can providefull information. Q. How much money do I need to invest in property inside my SMSF?A. This will depend on the type of property. For some, a 20% deposit isenough, but for other property types a 35% deposit is needed. You may alsowish to consider a fractionalized investment where you can invest with as littleas $60,000 for a 5% share of a high yield property. What is your investment strategy?

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What are my long term financial goals?1.What types of properties align with my investment strategy?2.What is my timeline for seeing returns on my investments?3.Am I comfortable with fractional ownership?4.What support do I need to achieve my investment goals?5.Curious to learn more? Want to find outhow you can invest in new house and landbuilds inside a SMSF? Let’s have a noobligation chat to discuss your propertyoptions. Feel free to scan the QR code tobook in a time that works best for you, orreach out directly if only after hours worksand I’ll open up a spot especially for you. ASK YOURSELFLET’S CHATDISCLAIMER: Information provided is for general information only. Superannuation SmartProperty and any of its affiliates do not provide financial advice and encourage you to seek advicefrom a licensed financial planner who is authorised to advise on purchasing real property as partof an investment plan prior to making any investment decision. 1300 40 10 40 or 0407 477301P.O. Box 5909, Maroochydore Qld Thomas SMSF Property Specialist