BuildingHeart 2024Presenting Sponsor: Dr. Barbara Landau in honour of Sana Zahalka@hearttoheartcanada | info@heart-to-heart.caBuilding Hope, Together.
Tonight's event has been organizedby the Heart to Heart CommitteeMembers, Volunteers and Staff.Thank you for all your hard work!Fundraising and Community Building CommitteeStaffAssia Adam, Jenny Isaacs, Jacob MazerMicah AnshanBasel JarradAhmed KhalifaLydia LevinAlan MeisnerDanny MelamedDebbie MichnickKarla TremblayCo-Chairs: Mark Diamond, Naomi Fromstein & Rob Granatstein 01
03070911141518193336Message from our Executive DirectorTableof ContentsMessage from our Co-ChairsAbout Heart to HeartRecent UpdatesGet InvolvedThank You to Our Event SponsorsSalaam Shalom Fund-A-NeedGreetingsOur Silent Auction Item DonorsWhat’s Next for Heart to Heart...02
A Message fromthe Heart to HeartExecutive Director03Dearest friends,Thank you for being here. Over the past six months, so many peoplehave thanked me for the work that I am doing. The truth is that it ispowered by you and would not exist without your support,commitment, and partnership. The bigger truth is that you and I are the conveners, the enablers, andit’s the youth themselves and their families, who are doing the deepwork that needs to be done to build the future they deserve. I will beaddressing you tonight at Building Heart so, rather than repeat myselfhere, I wanted to use this space to open a very real window into myworld of working with our youth and parents in times of such greatpain and distress. The next few pages are a letter my colleague Assia,our Program Coordinator in Israel, and I recently sent to the parents ofour 2023 cohort - those wonderful and unfortunate youth who weremeant to begin their year of post-camp meetings on October 14thand were instead thrust into the worst crisis they have ever faced. I share this letter because I want you to understand how difficult, andat times tenuous, this work is and because, being on the other side ofsending it, I know what a positive impact it had in shifting the tideswith this heavily impacted cohort. Sometimes the best thing we cando is reach out.With gratitude,Jenny IsaacsExecutive Director, Heart to Heart
04Dear Parents,As we continue to go through a very difficult and complex time, adultsand children alike, we wanted to reach out to you, the parents of ourHeart to Heart 2023 cohort. To say that this year has not gone according to plan would be a hugeunderstatement. Your children began their journey with Heart toHeart almost a year ago. Each of them was chosen for the programbecause we saw something special in them. We do not acceptparticipants to Heart to Heart because they all agree or hold theexact same opinions. We look for youth that we think have thepotential and desire to be impacted by the experience of living andlearning together, youth who are ready to share and to listen withopenness, youth who show leadership potential, youth who at leastwant to believe that there is a better way for Arabs and Jews to livetogether than the status quo. We know that a trip to Canada is a motivating factor, but in yourchildren we saw something more. We watched them get to know eachother in their preparation meetings, and we saw how they becameanimated by having the opportunity to ask each other questionsabout their different cultures and perspectives. We saw them takefull advantage of the opportunities they got in Canada. We saw theway they challenged themselves, each other, and the staff. We taketheir and your high expectations for what Heart to Heart can andshould be as a sign of success and commitment.
05In choosing your children for the program we also chose you, theparents. And in supporting your child’s participation, you chose us.We formed a partnership and it's one that we see as a long termcommitment. We want you to know that whether it's now or in thefuture, Heart to Heart is a community that will always be here for youto step into, and that in many ways, is yours to shape.We know that these are the hardest days. Our vision for this schoolyear was one of continued group meetings filled with opportunities tocontinue learning, deepening friendships and doing communityprojects. We can’t help but feel a sense of loss when we think aboutwhat this year could have been for your children and for your familiesas you took the next steps of the Heart to Heart journey. We also know that there are many feelings about how we as a teamdid and did not respond in the initial period after October 7th. We too,as a staff, have many feelings that we carry with us. We have aspectsthat we look back on with pride, and those we reflect on with regret.We too, as a staff, felt the shock and paralysis of those early days,since we, like everyone else, are humans living and experiencingtogether with you what is happening. Despite having been in this fieldfor many years, we were not prepared for a crisis of this magnitudeand we were not ready with all the answers. But, we’re still here and the year is not over. More importantly, Heartto Heart is beyond any single year program, meeting, or event. It’sabout a deep commitment to the values of mutual respect,understanding, and partnership.
06It’s about a belief that each of your children deserves a better futurethan the default future we are on track for unless we do somethingdifferent. We believe that each of your children, and you, deserve afuture of equality, peace, justice, safety and security, and theopportunity to experience difference and diversity as a gift ratherthan something to fear. We may not have all the answers or theprecise recipe for how to get there, but we do know that continuing tofoster relationships between your children, your families, and yourcommunities, is a key and foundational part of the solution. Now,more than ever, we believe that it is important to find a way to meet,to talk about feelings, to share thoughts, and to find a path forwardtogether.This letter is our reminder that we are still here for you. If you are notready to be part of the Heart to Heart community right now, that’sokay. We want you to know that the door will always be open to youand we will be waiting on the other side, judgment free. This letter is also a request to let us know how you are doing and howyou would like to move forward this year so that we can planaccordingly and best serve the needs and vision of those of you thatwant to take the next step. Ramadan Kareem, Chag Purim Sameach,Jenny and AssiaP.S. As you saw the other day in the whatsapp group, we are planningto hold our annual Heart to Heart iftar, a tradition since 2019, and wehope you will join.
Message from Our Co-Chairs07Dear Heart to Heart family:Thank you for joining us this evening. The events of October 7th, andthe devastation in Gaza that has followed, have been extraordinarilydifficult for all of us. Being present tonight, whether in person orvirtually, is an act of faith and hope. No doubt, at times during theselast months, many of us have been tempted to surrender to the manyvery strong forces working against the ideals that Heart to Heartstands for.The new paradigm in the region is going to bring about change andevolution in our tactics, at least for now. Our Executive Director,Jenny Isaacs, will speak to this in her remarks this evening. But it willnot divert us from our vision——a future of mutual understanding,peace, and shared society for all of Israel’s citizens. Nor will it causeus to take even a small step back from our mission—to work withteenage Palestinian and Jewish citizens of Israel, and their families, tocreate a community unified by understanding, and to do so bycreating opportunities for learning, growth, camaraderie andleadership training.This evening we are endeavouring to “meet the moment”, in terms ofthe tone of the evening. Those of you attending in person willexperience a venue quite different from those of previous years. Inaddition, we have decided not to hold our live auction. These changes,and others, are intended to ensure that our gathering is sensitive tothe daily horrors being experienced by many people in the region.Please forgive us if we don’t achieve perfection in this quest.
08It won’t surprise you to know that some of our friends andsupporters asked us if we were going to hold this event this year.For us, there was never any doubt: just as we remain resolute inour commitment to a just and peaceful shared society, and todoing the work necessary to achieve it, we believe strongly—thisyear especially-- in the value and power of bringing like-mindedpeople together to find and to share moments of hope. Wesincerely hope that each of you will experience some of thosemoments this evening.Finally, a thank you to the members of the Heart to HeartCommittee: each of you has been profoundly affected by thedeath and devastation of these past months. In navigating theseextremely difficult times together, we have drawn on, anddeepened the connections and understanding among us, builtover years. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for yourcontinuing commitment, and for the wisdom and humanity youbring to our work.Mark Diamond, Naomi Fromstein and Rob GranatsteinHeart to Heart Co-Chairs
09About Heart to HeartHeart to Heart works with young Palestinian and Jewishcitizens of Israel, from the Wadi Ara region, to equipthem with the skills and tools to work in solidarity acrosslines of difference to create more just and inclusivesocieties. Our summer camp program, held in Ontario,serves as the springboard for year-round alumni andfamily programming that includes educational activities,community building, and joint action back home.
Our CommunitiesOur participants are trulyneighbours, living just 15-30 minutes away fromeach other. Despite this,they live worlds apart withlittle opportunity to meet. Heart to Heart pushesback on this reality ofseparation and the fear itengenders. We provide aplatform for connection,understanding andsolidarity.
RecentUpdates11On March 28th, members of the Heart to Heart community - alumni, parents, and siblings - gathered for our annual community Ramadan iftar, a tradition since 2019. No doubt the decision of whether or not to attend the iftar wasstraightforward for some and conflictual for others. In reachingout to the parents and teens we understood that there arefamilies in which the parents are ready to meet, but the teensare not, and some where the teens are ready but the parentsare not. We know that there is pressure from peers not to meetunder these circumstances.
12And yet, they came. A smaller group than last year, but peopleshowed up, and they came back to the literal and figurativetable. Although we weren't sure how it would go, we’re so gladwe created that opportunity for people to take a step towardeach other. After a very hard and painful six months, with noclear end in sight, we can feel the energy rebuilding.
Since October, our primary goal has been to provide ouralumni and their families with emotional support in times ofcrisis. This has been carried out through individual outreach,small group meetings, and a campaign which enabled Heart toHeart supporters in Canada to send messages ofencouragement and support to our alumni and parents. Staffand volunteers have served as the intermediaries andconnection holders when direct contact is too hard or painful,while also encouraging direct connection between alumniwhen possible, positive and productive. Now, as we plan for the remainder of the school year and thesummer ahead, we see a growing number of teens, alumninow in their 20s, and parents who are looking to us toconvene them.13
GetInvolved1ShareSomething as simple as reaching out to your friends andfamily to tell them about Heart to Heart can go a long way.Grow the movement by encouraging others to join our mailinglist, follow us on social media, or attend our events.2Show upPeriodically we hold community events. These are anopportunity to learn more about our work and get a windowinto the themes we discuss with our program participants andalumni. Make sure you join our mailing list to get the latestupdates. You can also visit our website, Facebook page, orInstagram feed for event announcements.3SponsorThere are many opportunities to become a Heart to Heartsponsor, from sponsoring an event to sponsoring aparticipant. Full or partial sponsorship of any of our activitiesstrengthens Heart to Heart.14
Thank You To Our2024 Event Sponsors15Presenting SponsorDr. Barbara LandauGold SponsorsRonda Bessner and Rob GranatsteinShelley and Mark DiamondNaomi Fromstein and Efrim BoritzSarah Kraicer and Danny MelamedSara and Irwin Tauben
16Silver SponsorsThe Azrieli FoundationDiamond CorpDiamond Family Michael and Janette Diamond and FamilyRiva GrinshpanKarine KriegerThe Shore FoundationWhitecap Venture PartnersBronze SponsorsSharon and Ron BaruchJosée Bouchard and Paul BelangerCrowe Soberman LLPEdith and Bernard Ennis FoundationMarianne Levitsky and Alan Meisner
Friend SponsorsCongregation Darchei NoamFirst Narayever CongregationTed LazarusOraynu Congregation for Humanistic JudaismPurple SponsorsBlake, Cassels & Graydon LLPLeslie Giller and Andrew HoffmanDebbie Michnick and David TomczakJune Ntazinda17
Salaam ShalomFund-A-NeedSupport $1500: New Alumni Fellowship ProgramSupport our new Heart to Heart Alumni Fellowship Program,launching this summer. The fellowship — designed for, and with, ourpost-high school alumni — will provide the platform for alumni toreconnect and regroup, recommit, heal, take the conversation to thenext level, and take the next step as leaders in their communities.Support $700: High School Alumni ProgrammingSupport our alumni who are still in high school, so they canparticipate in our alumni network and community.Support $300: Parent EngagementHeart to Heart goes beyond our youth programming, because weknow it's so much more powerful when parents and families arealso engaged. Support them in experiencing our education andcommunity building experiences.Contribute through our Mobilbid online auction platform. Text 1-647-699-1957 to get the link or scan the QR code atthe top of this page with your mobile device.18
Congregation Darchei Noam congratulates Heart to Heart on its continued success."Thank you to thededicated staff andvolunteers who continueto nurture the vision ofHeart to Heart. It is an honour tocontribute to their effortsto create understandingand peace."- Marianne Levitsky andAlan Meisner
Wishing Heart to Heartcontinued success. Morris Presser & WendyLitwin"Thank you Mark andShelley for your incredibleleadership on such animportant project. Youcontinue to inspire manywith your commitmentand dedication to makingthe world a better place."- Andrew and LeslieHoffman
We support all the Heart to Heart alumni,your families & friends. You are the futureleaders who will make a positive & lastingdifference of peace, justice & inclusion. Our hearts are with you,June Corman, Harald Ensslen,David Tomczak & Debbie Michnick
The Diamond Family is proudto support Heart to Heart.We are so proud of our Heart to Heart alumni who inthe toughest of times haveshown us there is hope forthe future.
“In this difficult and critical time,we extend our support to thealumni, their family and friends.The response by the Heart toHeart alumni to the ongoing tragicevents is what is needed. By their leadership and example,there is a glimmer of hope in thesedark days. Thank you for showingus the way forward by yourcommitment to each other and aprocess of a deeper understandingof each other’s communities.” - Danny and Sarah
“Proudly supportingHeart to Heart youth,families and staff as theywork to counter divisionwith solidarity”. - Ronda Bessner and Rob Granatstein
"It's inspiring to see what canhappen when youth have anopportunity to learn and grow.Peace and healthy communities arealways created from the bottom upand not the politicians."- Mark and Shelley Diamond
"We hope Heart to Heart willserve as a beacon of hope for itsalumni and their families, andprovide a model for mutualappreciation, understanding,and peace to a region burdenedby immeasurable pain."- Efrim Boritz and Naomi Fromstein
Originally written and shared in October 2023Dear Heart to Heart Alumni and Families I am sending LOVE and TEARS for the tragedy that isunfolding. We want you to know that I LOVE and amconcerned about the safety of all of you. There is no child or adult connected to Heart to Heart whoseheart is not broken. We are filled with fear, sadness, andworry about everyone affected. We need you to know what is not broken – what is strongerthan ever – that is the determination to re-dedicate ourselvesto the vision of a shared society based on EQUALITY,SECURITY and HOPE for your future. We are holding our breath as the current events unfold withso many innocent lives at risk. As soon as there is anopportunity your Heart to Heart Canadian family will joinwith the Givat Haviva staff and with you to begin the re-building. You are the best proof that mutual understanding, respectand FRIENDSHIP is not just possible, it is the ONLY startingpoint for achieving the security and hopeful future we alllong for. Sending you my LOVE and PROMISE that your Canadianfamilies CARE and have all of you in our HEARTS!! -Barbara Landau
Thank You to Our Silent AuctionItem Donors33Ace HotelAGOMark Anshan / Brenda SpieglerBag & BougieSophie BarkhamBelle de Provence, Yasmin TaniJosh BarrBistro on AvenueCarisma Restaurant, MonicaJune CormanCounty Bike Rentals, Jeff SnidermanDark Horse CoffeeDear Grain BreadsJennifer DiamondMark DiamondFentster GalleryFiesta Farms, Kendra SozinhoDr. Emmanuel FrantzisGwen Freidman Fringe Festival, Lucy McPheeRob GranatsteinHarbord Bakery, Susan Wisniewski and Roslyn Katz
34Emma HewsonHills Florists, Laura & MelissaHot Docs, Alex MacGillivrayKasa RestaurantRaja Khouri and Jeffrey WilkinsonLady York FoodsRick LashLorena LaskyLydia LevinDiane LoebNaomi LoebAlan MeisnerDebbie MichnickMike's No Frills, Michael KhouryAdam Minster Food DudesMichelle MeyerSimone NitzanZorik NitzanNortown, Richard Litman Physioheath Studios, Joanna HabbousIda and Paulo PusateriMikki Rae Roses RestaurantMichelle RossLipa RothMitchell and Laurel RothmanRussell Hill Chiropractic & Natural Health
Second City, Mike FaranaccioShoppers Drug Mart College/Crawford,Sabina Kapoor and Kathleen ForsythSheryl ShapiroShouldn't Be ShoppingAllan SkerrittSpotlight AcademyTarragon, Patron Services, Natasha ParsonsTerrazza, Frankie Lasagna The Ladovsky FamilyThursdaysTom TothKarla TremblayValerie Restaurant Vela RestaurantRobert Weir35Participate and bid through ourMobilbid online auction platform. Text 1-647-699-1957 to get thelink or scan the QR code withyour mobile device.
36What’s Next?Launching the Heart to Heart AlumniFellowship ProgramAfter careful consideration, we have decided to focusour efforts on our existing Heart to Heart communitymembers, namely our alumni, who already have a strongfoundation, relationships, and connection with the largervalues and mission of the program. Rather thanlaunching a new cohort of fourteen-year-olds, we plan towork with our alumni over the summer to provide themwith opportunities to heal, reconnect and regroup,recommit, take the conversation to the next level, andtake the next step as leaders in their communities. We’llalso be inviting them in as partners in shaping Heart toHeart’s future work to meet the new reality, because ifanyone deeply understands what’s needed, it’s them.Through the Fellowship, participants will be given aframework and support to design and implementprojects and connect with the wider movement ofpeople, projects, and organizations working for change inline with Heart to Heart values. We hope to bring a cohort of Fellows to Canada inAugust, 2024. Stay tuned for details.