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Building A Better Tomorrow Capital Campaign

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Building A Better TomorrowA campaign for our new campusGiving women and children a safe place to lay their heads, heal their hearts, and a place to call home.

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The NEED to end homelessness is great and we have a blueprint for successful life change!

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Dear Friends, Lack of education, resources, and family stability have le many women and children in our community vulnerable, alone, and desperate– with little or no hope. These are the hidden faces of homelessness. Coupled with the aordable housing crisis, the number of homeless mothers and senior women is growing at an alarming rate.At Alpha-Omega Miracle Home, we have spent two decades ne tuning a program that equips young moms for self-suiciency and capitalizes on the wisdom, kindness, and generosity of senior women who discover purpose in the latter season of their lives. Our unique model of pairing a young mom with a senior woman in an apartment, together with comprehensive support, accountability and a loving community environment has given us a blueprint for true generational life change. With an average wait list of over 80 women, we know now is the time to expand our ministry and build a new campus. Our new campus will triple the number of safe bed nights oered in our G.R.O.W. Program and will nearly double our aordable housing capacity. The education center will give us the exibility to meet the ever changing needs of both our residents and the larger community. The daycare will serve as a safe loving environment for the children of our current and past residents as well as the children of struggling parents in our community when space is available.We believe that the landscape of St. Johns County can be changed as the lives of those reliant on the welfare system are transformed into self-suicient members of the community who give back. But, we need your help. The foundation has been laid. Will you prayerfully consider joining us in our Building a Better Tomorrow campaign for St. Johns County’s most vulnerable populations?Yours in Hope,Lisa FranklinCEO/Founder “For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” Jeremiah 29:11

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In St. Johns County hundreds of women and children do not have a safe place to sleep at night. Lack of education, resources, life skills, and family stability create barriers to self suf-ciency. Moms and their babies are sleeping in cars, in tents, or on the couches of strangers with no place to call home, and that is not acceptable.At Alpha-Omega Miracle Home, we are touched nearly every day by the stories of struggle. 80% of families experiencing homelessness are headed by single mothers.*Children living in poverty don’t just experience nancial instability that is detrimental to their development, but they are also more likely to attend under-resourced schools, reside in neighborhoods subjected to chronic disinvestment, experience adverse health outcomes, and become involved in the child welfare and criminal justice systems.There are currently 198 kids identied as homeless in St. Johns County schools.**Single Moms and Their Children:Struggling TodayStruggling Today* - October 2023** St. Johns County Family Advocate oice November 20232

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Senior Women:The cycles of poverty are set on repeat, while a thriving Florida economy slowly pushes the most underserved people further into the margins.Skyrocketing housing costs are pricing vulnerable populations out of their homes, leaving them with no options. Senior women on a xed income are oen unable to manage the steep increase in cost of living. An unexpected medical condition, death of a spouse or family abandonment oen result in signicant nancial hardship.Florida currently faces an aordable housing shortage of 443,892 homes for low income families.*Alpha-Omega Miracle Home doesn’t just see the need, we are responding to the need.*National low income housing coalition/Florida3

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At Alpha-Omega Miracle Home, we believe there is a plan and purpose for every life. We desire to love, equip, and oer hope to the vulnerable populations who are struggling in the margins.The Heart of The Heart of Alpha-Omega Alpha-Omega Miracle HomeMiracle HomeOur heart is that every resident of Alpha-Omega would…Know the love of GodRevitalize lost dignityHeal from traumaEmbrace a mindset of value and worthExperience healthy family and communityEstablish a new path that allows them to give backBe equipped for self-suicient living through education, job training, and life skills4

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Impacting TomorrowMEETING THE NEEDS 2023 AOMH Statistics15,685SAFE BED NIGHTS18,800BABY DIAPERS via Community Diaper Bank455 MENTAL HEALTH Counseling Hours1500+TRANSPORTATION Needs MetA Helping HandSafety, shelter, food, transportation, aordable child care and medical assistance are critical rst steps for true life change. More is needed.Our program has been ne tuned over 25 years to meet all the baseline needs, and also includes comprehensive support and accountability in a loving community.A few of the services we oer:• G.R.O.W. program with graduation milestones• Counseling to equip residents to overcome trauma• Case management and mentors• Life skills: parenting, nances, cooking, conict resolution, etiquette, etc.• Stable and loving environment for children• Opportunity for education and discovering a career path• Accountability woven into everyday living including short and long term goals• Community gatherings to promote healthy relationships and sense of belonging• Wisdom and support from senior women• Nurturing of self respect and self esteem• A hope-lled environment centered on Christ’s love, grace, biblical truth, and prayer that is shared and demonstrated 984LIFE SKILLStraining hours for our program residents

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Alpha-Omega Miracle Home FoundedHastings Maternity Home operates with space for seven single mothers AOMH rents rst sixapartments for housingSt. Augustine Thri Store opensSenior Program launchedPlans for future campus draedOur Mission is to break the cycle of poverty by demonstrating God’s love in providing housing, comprehensive support and accountability to the most vulnerable: young mothers, their children, and senior women.MissionMissionhas been unfolding for over 25 years.The story of 19971999-2008200820092010“ I found Alpha-Omega through one healthy person I knew who went through the program years ago. Now, I’m nally ready! Ready to heal and break the cycles that have held me back. I have my foot in the door to a new beginning and want to grow into the mom and person I know I can be.” -Tori20156

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Launch capital campaign for new campus to house 100+ residentsNew campus oice openedG.R.O.W. Program launchedGround work begins for new campus property AOMH owns 20 propertiesOur Vision is to transform the lives of women and children in St. Johns County by meeting their needs in times of crisis; equipping them to become self-suicient contributors of our community.VisionVision$3.5 million State funding awarded2024“ I now feel condent that I can be the mom I want to be - giving my daughter the life that I have hoped for her. Alpha-Omega Miracle Home has been such a blessing. I am so thankful for all the love, support, guidance, and resources that I have received.” - Julia2017-20182023202220197

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Alli’s StoryAlpha-Omega took my son and I in when we needed a place to live… I was desperate, my son needed stability, and AOMH provided that.Alpha-Omega gave us a place to live that included all furnishings. They helped clothe my son, and feedus until we were able to get additional resources.I now have a relationship with God, that I might never have had otherwise. Ms. Lisa invited me to her church, a place that wel-comed everyone. I’m eternally grateful. I had suered silently with bad depression for a very long time. When I started my relationship with God, tears just started pouring down constantly. They were tears of relief, something I hadn’t felt in a long time. While in the program, I was able to nd a job and put my son into daycare. It made me a stronger person and helped me grow mentally. Aer moving out, I worked as hard as I could and have never stopped. Now, I am a mom of two, married, about to buy my rst home. Transformed TodayTransformed Today8

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Vicki’s StoryI worked most of my life as a CNA. I came to AOMH aer experiencing a severe health issue that prevented me from working. I had no money and nowhere to go. I did not have the resources to go to the doctor regularly. In fact, prior to my emergency surgery I had not been to the doctor in 26 years. Thank the Lord Alpha-Omega had room for me. My case manager and pastoral counselor helped me to stay on track with my doctor and I regained good health. While living on campus, I really enjoyed helping the young mothers, because it helped me too. The relationships we develop with all the ladies are truly special. I like to help them learn how to cook dierent things for their children, share conversations with the young mothers, and share my life experiences with them and what God has done for me to get through challenging times. I like to encourage the mothers and the children and other seniors because they encourage me too! Now, I am living with a roommate in Alpha-Omega’s Aordable Housing. We share the rent and split costs and truly can make it work. Being nearby, I still love the time I get to spend with the dear moms and their children. I know I have purpose and God has used Alpha-Omega to provide all that I need.For a better TomorrowFor a better TomorrowThe cost of one month for a resident at Alpha-Omega is $1,100 aer their portion and any grant funding.9e

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Where Young Mothers Come to G.R.O.W.Teyonna’s journey through G.R.O.W.When Teyonna moved to Florida in 2021, she was struggling to go to school and work while paying for childcare for her son. She found herself homeless in a new city aer being abandoned by a close family member. When Teyonna connected with Alpha-Omega Miracle Home, she was pregnant, living with her son in her car and completing school work using only her cell phone. While occasionally she was able to pay for a hotel room, she could not aord permanent housing.Fast forward two years, Teyonna has graduated from the Alpha-Omega Miracle Home’s G.R.O.W. Program and graduated college with her BA in Hospital Management while working at Flagler Hospital. She has recently closed on her rst home. She also interned at Alpha-Omega to complete her degree. Teyonna has taken advantage of every opportunity that Alpha-Omega is able to provide. She has done the hard work and truly is a testament to what God can do through Alpha-Omega. 1030-45 daysOPENGAIN RISE WINWe want to help our residents G.R.O.W. in a program designed to give them the ability to achieve short and long term goals. With guidance and a simple checklist, participants learn and complete these four steps:90-120 days 120-180 days 180 daysGain knowledge of what needs to change in their lifeRise to the challenge of what it takes to make those changesOpen the door to the new changes in their lifeWin success by becoming self-sustaining.OPENGAIN RISE WINA Time to GrowA Time to Grow

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11Where Senior Women Find Their PurposeOur agship G.R.O.W. Program places young moms and senior women together in fully furnished and equipped apartments. Over time, they oen become surrogate grandmothers and form loving, life-giving, and lasting rela-tionships. Senior women are part of the ongoing residential program and may stay as long as they can care for themselves. They are assigned case managers along with access to transportation and a licensed mental health counselor. Mothers and children benet from the experience of older women. Seniors nd purpose in the latter season of life.Connecting the GenerationsIn addition to our G.R.O.W. Program, AOMH also serves the community in 4 additional ways:St. Augustine Thri StoreAdoption Assistance Community Diaper Bank Aordable Housing

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12Our new campus expansion will enable us to:• Expand housing capacity by 50%. Providing a safe environment where mothers and children with senior women can heal, grow, and make transformational life changes in a healthy community.• Provide a playground and sports eld for children to play and participate in safe extracurricular activities before and aer school.• House an on-site daycare that will provide a stable learning environment for children, while their mothers are rebuilding their lives through gaining employment and education.• Shared space for our seniors to teach our new moms valuable, intergenerational life skills that grow, build and nurture relationships. • Multiply classroom space for tutoring, job training, individual and group mental health counseling, health and wellness programs, and a prayer room. • Incorporate a technical learning lab for women and children to have access for school work, reading readiness, tutoring and preparing resumes for job searching. Creating A Safe PlaceFor I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me... as you did this to the least of these my brothers, you did it unto me.Matthew 25:30 - 40Increasing the capacity to support the growing demandProviding safety, community, education, and resources while residents experience a loving, hope-lled environment.

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Building A better TomorrowCapital Campaign for Alpha-Omega Miracle HomeToday, the maximum occupancy in our G.R.O.W. Program is 30 while our wait list averages 80+. Emergency Dormitory BedsCURRENTFUTURE012Residential CapacityCURRENTFUTURE30100+Aordable Housing Units*(average occupancy per unit is 2-4 ppl.)CURRENTFUTURE10*19*13e

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1st Phase - Site work & Infrastructure 14First Phase CompletedI am privileged and proud to support Alpha-Omega Miracle Home by building homes and other necessary facilities for their St. Augustine campus. To me, Alpha-Omega is the Bible personied. According to James 1:27, helping “orphans and widows in distress,” or children and women, is what God calls us to do. Therefore, we all need to be obedient and support His commands by helping Alpha -Omega Miracle Home.-Chris Shee, MasterCra Builders Group

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1st Phase - Site work & Infrastructure Current Phase - Residential HousingOur new Alpha-Omega Miracle Home Campus will provide 8 two-bed-room apartments and 12 three-bedroom apartments for a total of 20 new homes that can shelter up to 92 mothers, children, and seniors. Three BuildingsTwenty Housing Units• Eight 2 BR- 900+ sq. . • Twelve 3 BR- 1,300+ sq. .WDWHREF.Washer DryerREF.REF.23' - 9 1/2"149 SFBEDROOM 1149 SFBEDROOM 2158 SFKIT.298 SFLIVING RM.42' - 3 1/4"11' - 2 1/2"13' - 3 3/4"6' - 9 1/4"9' - 1 1/4"15' - 5 3/4"10' - 2 1/4"17' - 0 1/2"7' - 2 3/4"140 SFOMEGA SUITE123 SFKIT.164 SFBEDROOM 1164 SFBEDROOM 2265 SFLIVING RM38' - 3 3/4"37' - 9 1/4"12' - 6"7' - 11 1/4"12' - 2 1/2"12' - 1 1/2"10' - 2 1/4"11' - 8 1/2"9' - 10 1/2"12' - 6 1/4"42 SFUTIL.6' - 3"6' - 7 1/2"5' - 6"6' - 7 1/2"11' - 8 1/2"14' - 7 1/4" 6' - 7 1/2"8' - 5 1/4"5' - 0"P.O. BOX 3126, 7 WALDO STREETST. AUGUSTINE, FL 32084PHONE: 904.826.1334 FAX: 904.826.4547INFO@MDGINC.COMC:\Users\tcupchoy\Documents\23194.0P - AOMH_tcupchoySNLRX.rvtPROJ. NO: 23194.0PUNIT PLAN10/05/2023 1/4" = 1'-0"1ALPHA UNIT 1/4" = 1'-0"2OMEGA UNIT0' 2' 4' 8' 16'15Projected Current Phase Total- $4,900,000

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16Current Phase Campaign BudgetInvesting in a Better Tomorrow for Women and ChildrenNEW RESIDENTIAL HOUSING $4,450,000 -20- two and three Bedroom Apartments -Furniture and Appliances PROGRAM TRANSPORTATION $100,000 -Two 15 Passenger Vans for ResidentsRECREATION AREA $350,000 -Picnic Pavilion, Sports Field, Playground, and Splash ParkCurrent Phase Total Cost To Be Raised: $4,900,000

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Join Us in Building a Better Tomorrow# of Partners Gi Amount* Totals 1 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 1 $500,000 $500,000 3 $300,000 $900,000 4 $150,000 $600,000 5 $100,000 $500,000 7 $75,000 $525,000 8 $50,000 $400,000 10 $25,000 $250,000 12 $10,000 $120,000 Many Various $105,000 Total $4,900,000*Gis may be given over three years.17LEGACY GIVINGSecuring the Legacy through Planned & Estate GisIn addition to our campaign goal, Alpha-Omega Miracle Home (AOMH) is seeking the declaration of $500,000 in planned and estate gis. These gis will ensure that women, children & seniors will continue to have a place to call home and always have a hand up.Large nancial milestones like the sale of a home, land or other assets are a strategic opportunity for giving. Funds from such transactions can be set aside as charitable gis to AOMH, which can have tax advantages if appropriately structured beforehand.Legacy giving is an act of worship which oers a long- term investment in AOMH values of caring for women and children. The gi of naming the ministry in your will, or as an account beneciary, becomes a tangible way of saying thank you to God for a lifetime of blessing. AOMH commits to assure mission-driven stewardship of these funds.

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The Heart of Community In the future, the Alpha-Omega Miracle Home campus will include a Education Center. This facility will be a exible space suited to meet the changing needs of our residents and the outside community. Outtted with a kitchen, the Education Center will allow for a wide variety of life skills classes and community meals for our residents. It will include spaces where residents can access needed technology for job searches and studying as well as meeting rooms for counseling, bible study, and case management. We envision partnerships with mobile dental units and health screening services like mammograms, as well as hair stylists, providing a safe staging area and regular appointments for residents and the community. This space will also house our Diaper Bank and Blessing Closet, increasing our reach in the community.Finally, the Education Center will house an on site daycare that will oer aordable day care for residents and the outside community.Future Phase - Education Center, Emergency & intake dormitoryProjected Cost- $3,703,825.0018

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This vital addition will give the women and children a chance to rest and reorient themselves to a safe environment. It will also give sta a better opportunity to understand the needs and circumstances of each woman before evaluating their need for the G.R.O.W. housing program. Emergency and Intake DormitoryOur emergency dormitory will be the rst point of contact that will provide women and children in crisis immediate support, safe shelter and valuable resources. Dormitory will include:• 12 safe beds• Common living area• 24 hour support sta With the new Alpha-Omega Miracle Home campus completed, this will nearly double our aordable housing. Expanding our Aordable Housing Program gives graduates of the Program another stepping stone to self-suiciency and will help to meet the growing need for aordable housing in the larger community as well.19

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“ I feel condent. I feel strong. And most importantly, I have a relationship with God that I never knew was possible. I am so grateful to the AOMH sta because I truly don’t know where I would be if it weren’t for them.” - KelliTHE TIME TO EXPAND IS NOW

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OUR LEADERSHIP Executive Sta Lisa Franklin, Founder/CEO 904-669-5433 • Nancy Kelley, CDO 904-982-4225 • Sara Vanik, COO 904-823-8588 • Sara@aomh.orgBoard of Directors Bobby Crum, President - Worship & Teaching Pastor, Anastasia Church Greg Watts, Vice President - Retired COO/CFO, The Sulzbacher Center Chris Lawson, Treasurer - Owner/President, Optimus Advisors, LLC Carrie Mickler, Secretary - Branch Manager, SouthState Bank Gregory S. Beaver- Director, St. Johns County Sheri’s Oice John Ruggeri- Owner, Ruggeri Construction Tiany Cowie- Director, St. Johns River Water Management District Ekee Ehrlich, ESQ - Attorney, E3 Law PA Tony Lee, DMD- Owner, Total Dental Care John R. Ginn- Co-Founder, Ginn & Patrou, P.A.Advisory Board Lisa Payne, Vice President, Ameris Bank Connie Carroll, Retired Business Owner, Accounting Firm Chris Shee, President, MasterCra Builders, Inc. Terry Hicks, Owner, Best Agent, LLC Contact Information Nancy Kelley, Chief Development Oicer • 904-982-4225 • Twanna Swi, Capital Campaign Manager • 904-923-7923 • Twanna@aomh.orgOice 2860 Collins Ave. St. Augustine, FL 32084904-823-8588Our Building A Better Tomorrow Campaign is dedicated to the memory and legacy of Danny Tanton21

Page 24“ Truly I tell you whatever “ Truly I tell you whatever you did for one of the you did for one of the least of these brothersleast of these brothers and sisters of mine and sisters of mine you did for me.” you did for me.” Matthew 25:40Matthew 25:40Alpha-Omega Miracle Home is a faith-based, 501(c)(3) non-prot Florida corporation founded in 1997. Our housing program provides shelter, support and hope to single/expectant mothers, their children, and senior women.