1Supporters The William & Alice Mortensen FoundationThe Ellen Jeanne Goldfarb Memorial Charitable Trust The Robert and Margaret Patricelli FoundationAhearn Family FoundationThe John and Kelly Hartman FoundationHenry Hall Charitable Trust, Bank of America, N.A. TrusteeThe Buchalter Breslow FamilyPARTNERSHIPS MAKE DANCE ACCESSIBLEBallet Theatre Company (BTC) makes it possible to solidify your organization’scommitment to giving back.BTC is grateful for the generosity of our donors who collectively help to build thisgrowing organization one season at a time. Your investment to create stunningballet performances, fund programs and support job opportunities will grantyou access to unique opportunities for brand recognition and art experiences.
Dear Community Supporter:It’s been five years since I joined Ballet TheatreCompany. During that time, BTC hasexperienced sustainable growth, increased thecaliber and size of its professional balletofferings, and doubled its School of BalletTheatre Company.Accomplishments are seldom achieved alone,which is why we look forward to each new andrenewed sponsorship.For this Season, I extend my invitation for youto become a Corporate Sponsor. Sponsorshipwith BTC is an opportunity to make a financial,philanthropic, and community impact thataligns with your values. So, I’m asking you tojoin the finest ballet company in Connecticut,to help make Hartford the arts center of NewEngland and to help enrich the GreaterHartford Community.Please review the following sponsorshippackage for more information about thebenefits you’ll receive from a partnership withus. Should you have any further questionsabout our organization, please gratitude,Stephanie Dattellas,Artistic & Managing DirectorLeadershipGlobally, only 33% of major ballet companiesare led by women artistic directors.DID YOU KNOW?JOB OPPORTUNITIES | STAFFINGBUDGETTICKET REVENUESTUDENT BODY & TUITION2 DOUBLED125% INCREASE$307,000 TO $890,000FROM 3 TO 7 STAFF&FIRST RESIDENT PROFESSIONALDANCE COMPANY
3 BTC partners with peer community nonprofits to make the art of danceenjoyable and accessible to all through its Community Enrichment Program.BTC offers 4 different youth enrichment programs and company dancers tourto bring the art of ballet to libraries, museums, and retirement communities inGreater Hartford.YOUTH EDUCATION & COMMUNITY ENRICHMENT BTC works to maintain an inclusive environment of all races, ages, religions,sexual identities, gender expressions, and abilities. We renounce racism andany other system or structure that perpetuates exclusion and causes harm.Our excellence derives from our diversity, and we commit to continuechallenging ourselves as well as old ideas and outdated norms in ballet. Internally, the staff and professional company evaluation process aims toensure transparency, increased equity, and open communication opportunities(including upward feedback).DIVERSITY & INCLUSION Connecticut's economy benefits because BTC creates 150 jobs seasonallythrough BTC's productions, programs, and training school. BTC hires artists,technical, and production professionals to create its ballets. BTC creates opportunities for ballet dancers to step up into arts- administrativeroles. Some of BTC's professional dancers are also on faculty as teachers or onstaff as program administrators. Ballet is intense on the body, so a viable careerafter dance is critical.The most recent Americans for the Arts national survey reports that the ArtsSector in Connecticut generated $727.2 million in economic activity, supported23,114 jobs, and generated $72.3 million in state revenue.WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENTDid you know that a pair of pointe shoes roughly costs $80, and on average aballet dancer goes through 12 pairs per year? BTC supplies a pointe shoestipend so that these artists do not use their own salary to purchase therequired tools (shoes) for their work.EQUITY IN BALLETOur Impact
Adults64.3%Youth 10-1822.6%BIPOC7.8%LGBTQ+5.2%Adults60%Youth Ages 3-1440%4Our AudienceBTC's newsletter reaches over 5,000 mailboxes in greater Hartford. With its sponsorship partner, Connecticut Public, BTC's on-air ad delivers318,600 impressions and 54,000 digital impressions. And BTC's directmarketing reaches all of Greater Hartford.Digital ImpressionsTicket sales have steadily increased over the past five years. Despite thepandemic, BTC produced ballet-for-film with digital viewing to keep revenueup. This Season, BTC is performing at the 910-seat Belding Theater in TheBushnell for the second year in a row. The 2021 Nutcracker ballet nearlysold out across all three performances.Ticket SalesBTC ballets attract a wide variety of patrons and funders, especially withinWest Hartford's business community. Ticket-buyers skew towardsdiverse, upper-middle and high-income earners, families, and art-oriented Millennials. By sponsoring Season 24, your business info willreach this cultured market.Audience Detailmeet the crowdDemographics from Up Close:Fall 2022 Ballet PerformanceAges at a typical main-stageballet such as The Nutcracker
SponsorshipPRESENTING SPONSORSHIP SEASON SPONSORSHIPS Make your mark with BTC’s most popular sponsorship option. Seasonsponsorship supports all Season 24 main stage performances - The Nutcracker,Cinderella, and two Up Close productions. For your support, you receive comp tickets, pre-show marketing, show-nightmarketing and acknowledgment, and special hospitality suited to each level. By becoming a Presenting Sponsor, your patronage will fully finance BTC'sproductions. The benefits and marketing package will be fully customizable. Please contact BTC's Development Director to discuss if this level is right foryou.5SPECIAL FOCUS SPONSORSHIPSSpecial-focus sponsorship allows you to participate in a customized opportunity.This can mean support for a program, equity in the arts, or an event. See page 7for details.$100,000 or $50,000$25,000, $10,000, or $5,000
PACKAGE LEVELSMain-stageBalletPresentingSponsor$100,000Sensory-FriendlyBalletPresentingSponsor$50,000Visionary Sponsor$25,000Lead Sponsor$10,000Community Sponsor$5,000Logo Fixed on Main Curtains atThe Bushnell(The Nutcracker or Cinderella) Exclusive recognition inpromotions using language“Presented by” Opportunity to host ArtisticStaff and Dancers for anexclusive meet and greet Tickets to The Nutcracker16 tickets12 tickets8 tickets6 tickets2 ticketsTickets to Cinderella16 Tickets12 tickets8 tickets6 tickets2 ticketsComplimentary tickets to Ballet SoireeFull Table6 tickets4 tickets2 ticketsDiscountInvitation to exclusive rehearsalperformance at The Bushnell Logo on promotional posters,flyers and postcards Curtain speech mention at allBTC performances & events Recognition in Press Releasesfor the Season Logo on updated BTC websitefor the Season Invitation to Open DressRehearsals at the Studio Digital Promotions in the parentlobby Social Media RecognitionFilmedCommercial Full Page Ad in BTC’s playbill
Special Focus SponsorshipsThe Behind the Curtain program offers an abbreviatedperformance of its main stage productions for local schools. Theprogram educates through the exploration of staging a theaterproduction. Students practice essential academic skills throughfun, curriculum-paired workbooks.Bringing Arts into the Classroom $20,000Workplace Development in Dance $15,000 Equity with Pointe Shoe Patronage $10,000Pointe shoes are critical for dancer safety and technical work.The average ballet dancer can spend $1,000 per season onpointe shoes, but patrons can cover these costs for the BTCResident dancers by helping BTC provide an equitable shoestipend fund (like major NY and Boston ballets provide). BTC provides 150 jobs per Season - the resident danceprofessionals, choreographers, costume designers, lightingdesigners, master electricians, scenic designers, stagehands, andteaching artists. Show that Greater Hartford provides a robust and artist-friendlyeconomy. Your sponsorship will support BTC’s hired artists andprofessionals, benefiting the strength of the artistic community inthe heart of Connecticut. Event Sponsorship $5,000There are two chances for your business to put the fun into funding,the annual Ballet Soiree and One Night in Hollywood. One Night in Hollywood is a great sponsorship opportunity for theGreater Hartford social scene. Celebrate Valentine’s day early as BTCdancers recreate select scenes from classic Hollywood filmsfamously danced by Fred Astaire, Patrick Swayze, and Rita Hayward.
Let's ConnectAchieve yourbusinessdevelopment,marketing,civicengagementand socialresponsibilitygoals byaligning withBallet TheatreCompany, amainstay in theGreaterHartford artsand culturescene.Ready to Sponsor?Contact Brianna DunlapDevelopment Directorgiving@dancebtc.org8
Name:Company/Org: Address:City: State: Zip:Number: Email: Ready to Sponsor?SUBMISSSION FORMYes!For your Full-sized Ad:I will provide a 4.5 w x 7.5h, 300 dpi adPlease design an ad for meI will sponsor the workand mission of BTC forSeason 24.Presenting Season 24$100,000Presenting theSensory-Friendly Ballet$50,000Visionary Sponsorlead SponsorCommunity sponsor$25,000$10,000$5,000Arts in the classroomsponsorArtist WorkforcesponsorPointe Shoe PatronEvent sponsor$5,000$10,000$20,000$15,000PaymentEnclosed is a check for $________Please mail it to:Attn: B. DunlapBallet Theatre Company20 Jefferson Avenue #7West Hartford, CT06110For credit card payments, Theatre Company is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Sponsorships and underwriting opportunities are deductible to the extent allowed by law.THANK YOU
AdvertiseIf you wish to donate by exclusively placing an ad in BTC's playbill, yourbusiness's ad will be in every performance playbill through June 2023. Printed and digital versions of BTC's playbill are distributed to every ticket-holder at our productions.Get your business seen! Before the performance and during intermission,patrons are focused on seeking information about the event and are likely tobe receptive to your creative and informational business advertisement inthe playbill.Many audience members take playbills home from the theater to peruselater and keep as a souvenir from a special evening of entertainment.ADVERTISEConnectwith adiverseaudience ofover 6,000 in ourperformanceplaybills.$1,000 full-page ad$500 half-page Contact