Ballet Theatre Company offers classrooms acrossGreater Hartford the opportunity to experience anabbreviated performance of its main stage balletseach season at The Bushnell's Belding Theater. Bring your class toNext up: CinderellaFriday, April 28 at 10:00am
TABLE OF CONTENTS010203Community Youth EnrichmentA Children's Ballet OverviewThe Details0405Ballet Overview0607Seating and TicketsHow To Book Your Class The Team08Behind the Curtaindancebtc.org09Field Trip Coordination
At Ballet Theatre Company (BTC), webelieve that all children deserve theopportunity to experience the positiveimpact of the arts. Through ourprogramming, we strive to reach asmany underserved children as possiblethrough dance classes, opportunities toattend professional-caliber liveperformance, and much more. We believe that these opportunities arecrucial in developing well-roundedhuman beings who become criticalthinkers, develop curious minds, andlead more productive lives. The goal ofBTC’s CYEP is to inspire, nurture andencourage children by providing themopportunities to forge a life-long,personal connection to the arts. 01dancebtc.orgBallet Theatre Company's Community YouthEnrichment Program (CYEP) provides childrenaccessibility and exposure to performing arts andculture. Through its different programs andinitiatives, children experience dance education,workshops and professional performances.
An abbreviated performance of BTC’s full-length spring productionCinderella is offered to CT public schools. BTC partners with TheBushnell to offer a field trip to the theater to host over 800 children tosee its ballet.BTC is unique to Connecticut as it is the only professional balletcompany that offers professional dancers a 34-week SeasonContract and bi-weekly compensation. BTC's dancers live in GreaterHartford and contribute back to our local
03THE DETAILSDate, Time and LocationA Children's Ballet: Cinderella will take place on Friday, April 28 at10:00am. The performance will be held at The Bushnell's Maxwell M.and Ruth R. Belding Theater in Hartford, CT. Schools should plan toarrive 30 minutes prior to the performance.The BookingTeachers who are interested in attending BTC's A Children's Ballet:Cinderella should book directly with BTC online by Thedeadline is March 31, 2023. Tickets are $10/student. For every 20 tickets purchased, oneeducator/teacher is free. BTC works directly with The Bushnell tocoordinate school buses and each school's arrival. Additional Materials for TeachersThrough BTC's Behind the Curtain program, Teachers can requestadditional materials related to the production of Cinderella. Materialsinclude a Digital Storybook, an Academic Activity Workbook and aPerforming Arts Activity Workbook. Flip to page 9 for more
04Cinderella, a beloved fairytale classic, features choreography by thecompany's Artistic Director Stephanie Dattellas set to Prokofiev's timelessscore. The production first premiered in 2018 at the University of SaintJoseph's Hoffman Auditorium to sold out audiences.The story of Cinderella follows a young girl whose father passes away, so sheis left to grow up serving as a maid to her Stepmother and Stepsisters.With the help of her Fairy Godmother's magic, Cinderella is able to escapeher life of servitude for one beautiful evening. Though the magic runs out andshe quickly flees with the stroke of midnight, that is not the end of Cinderella'snew adventures.Join Cinderella on her thrilling journey to find out if her dreams can come truewith a little bit of magic.dancebtc.orgTHE ballet overview
Tickets cost $10 per student.When figuring the number of tickets you need, be sure to count yourteachers and chaperones. The Fire Marshall’s regulations require thatevery patron, including infants being held, has a ticket. Once the seatingchart is determined, it may be impossible to seat additional guests withyour group.For every twenty tickets purchased, one free ticket is granted. Be sure toinclude the free ticket(s) in the total count.Seats can only be reserved with the completed online booking form andpayment.*Refunds are not available.The deadline for all bookings is March 31.Book your class through BTC’s “Online Booking Form”, and purchase ticketswith a credit card or by mailing a check to BTC.Upon completing the online booking form, BTC will send a confirmation emailfollowed by an attached invoice to the address provided on the booking form.Please note that your booking will not be completed until payment has beenreceived. 05Book Your ClassTicketsPaymentBTC can accept credit card payments. Details will be provided on yourinvoice.Checks should be made out to Ballet Theatre CompanyMail to 20 Jefferson Ave, Suite #7, West Hartford, CT 06110 Online Booking FormScan the QR code with your phone or book your class.
06SEATING AND TICKETSdancebtc.orgSeating at The BushnellSpecial NeedsIf any of your guests – students, teachers, or chaperones – have special needs,be sure to note that in the Online Booking Form.Booster seats are not available.Bushnell staff will seat you by groups.Seating will be determined based on: (1) special needs and (2) the date onwhich the order form/payment is received. Entering the TheaterCinderella will start on time. Doors open 30 minutes prior to curtain.To ensure an optimum experience for all audience members, please arrive atleast 30 minutes early. Bushnell staff members will be posted outside thetheater by the brick courtyard on Capitol Avenue. Let one of them know whichschool you represent.Once inside the theater, ushers will direct you to your seats.
07FIELD TRIP TRANSPORTATIONdancebtc.orgBusesPre-show and post-show traffic jams on Capitol AvenueConfusion when students look for their busThe Bushnell will arrange for parking meters along Capitol Avenue to berestricted, making it easy for your buses to park.Instruct your bus driver to park the bus first, then have the students walk to TheBushnell. This helps us avoid two problems:If your bus is carrying an individual with special needs, instruct the bus driver tostop at the brick courtyard on Capitol Avenue and drop off only the special-needs individual, along with a chaperone. The bus should then proceed to oneof the bagged meters and park. The other students should then walk to thetheater.In the excitement of attending the theater, it can be easy to forget where yourbus is parked. Please make a mental note of where your bus is parked.
08THE TEAMStephanie DattellasStephanie is BTC's Artistic Director and thechoreographer of Cinderella. Stephanie has been withBTC for over 5 years and is proud to share the beautyand magic of ballet with students of Greater Hartford. Victoria JaensonVictoria is BTC's Administrator for CommunityEngagement. She is also a resident professional dancerwith the company and on faculty for the School ofBallet Theatre Company. Audrey Aitken at The BushnellAfter your booking is complete and your payment hasbeen processed, you will hear from Audrey and TheBushnell team. If you have any questions about yourfield trip visit please contact If you have any questions in regards to booking your class do nothesitate to contact BTC's Community Engagement Administrator.Contact Victoria by emailing Contact BTC
BTC's Behind the Curtain program complements A Children's Ballet that featuresmain stage productions such as Cinderella. BTC will offer an in-person presentationhosted by its professional dancers and artists to educate students about the manyaspects of full-length ballet productions. These interactive presentations will aim to invoke an early appreciation for theperforming arts and offer knowledge that will propel students to be active andattentive audience members.In addition, the Behind the Curtain program offers entertaining workbooks so thatstudents can further explore the ballet and performing arts world, while alsopracticing essential academic skills. See next page.In opening students’ eyes to the many wonders of a balletproduction, B e h i n d t h e C u r t a i n aims to sh ar e the joys o f liveperformances with young audiences and inspire a lifelongconnection to the arts, whether that be as a performer, costumer,member of the crew, or audience member.Pictured are students from S.A.N.D. Elementary experiencing a pointe shoelecture demonstration from BTC's Behind the Curtain Nutcracker school tour.
What is the Digital Storybook?BTC has created a digital storybook to tell the story of BTC’s Cinderella. The digitalstorybook features professional performance pictures of BTC’s 2018 production. Thestorybook includes each step of Cinderella's magical journey, giving readers a hint of whatseeing the production in person is like.What is the Performing Arts Workbook?The Performing Arts Activity Workbooks are broken down into three different workbooks:Version 1 for Grades K-1, Version 2 for Grades 2-3, and Version 3 for Grades 4-5. With over 20pages of worksheets and classroom activities, these workbooks allow students to take onthe role of a costume or set designer and explore production elements of the ballet.What is the Academic Activity Workbook?BTC has created a series of activity workbooks to complement the digital storybook ofCinderella. The Academic Activity Workbook is offered in three different versions: Version 1for Grades K-1, Version 2 for Grades 2-3, and Version 3 for Grades 4-5.With over 20 pages of worksheets and classroom activities, these workbooks cover the fourmain academic subjects. Students will practice their math skills through story related wordproblems, explore a bit of history of the ballet, utilize their reading comprehension skills, andinvestigate how environmental settings play a role in the story.In addition, the Cinderella Academic Activity Workbook includes discussion pages whichprovide teachers with topics and ideas to reflect upon after worksheets and activities arecompleted. The workbook is a great way to practice essential school skills, coupled withexcitement and the magic of the ballet.Behind the Curtain MaterialsCont act BT C to learn how you can co uple y our tr ip to the ball etperf ormanc e with its in-schoo l tour and a ctivity workbooks t omaxi mize y our students' exper ience. Email Victoria atoutr each@d ancebt