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Bringing Faith to the Table

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The holidays also present a unique opportunity to embodyGod’s love and compassion in ways that speak volumes. Inmoments of tension or hurt, we can respond with patience,kindness, and understanding, reflecting Christ's humility andgrace. Acts of generosity, like serving others or simplylistening and offering a shoulder to lean on, can open doorsfor meaningful conversations about faith. In these moments,when families are vulnerable, the witness of Christ can shinebrightly. Matthew 5:9 says, “Blessed are the peacemakers,for they will be called sons of God.” By choosing to bepeacemakers and agents of healing, we strengthen ourrelationships and create a space for the light of Jesus to touchhearts, offering hope and restoration to those who need itmost. olidays are often filled with joy and celebration, but they ca can also be difficult for many families. For some, it bringsup painful memories of lost loved ones, strainedrelationships, fear, or unmet expectations. The pressure tocreate the "perfect" holiday experience can also lead tostress, anxiety, and feelings of isolation. These moments ofdifficulty, however, offer a unique opportunity for healing,growth, and peace. As families come together, even in themidst of challenges, they can choose to focus on forgiveness,reconciliation, and open communication. The holidaysbecome a time not just for festive meals but for healing oldwounds, offering grace to one another, and building deeperconnections that extend beyond the season.H

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LEAD WITHGRATITUDE In 1 Thessalonians 5:18, Paul encourages believers to "givethanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in ChristJesus for you." This verse teaches us that gratitude is not justa response to the good moments in life but a command fromGod to be practiced in all seasons. When we lead withgratitude, we reflect God’s will and invite others to pause eading with gratitude is a powerful way to share our faith,e especially during holiday gatherings with family. When webegin a meal or a celebration by expressing thankfulness toGod for the food and the time spent together, it sets a positivetone and reflects the heart of a Christian who recognizes thatevery good thing comes from God. Gratitude is a cornerstoneof the Christian faith because it reminds us of God’s ongoingprovision, care, and presence. When we express our thanks,whether for the food, the family, or the blessings of the pastyear, we demonstrate to others that our lives are centered onthe goodness and grace of God.L1

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and consider His presence in their lives, especially inmoments when things may not feel perfect. Gratitude helpsus focus on what we have rather than what we lack andpositions our hearts toward joy and peace.At a family holiday dinner, giving thanks—whether aloud or inprayer—opens the door to conversations about God’sgoodness. It’s a subtle yet powerful way to share the sourceof our joy and peace. Gratitude becomes a bridge to sharingthe deeper truths of the Gospel, especially when we highlightthe spiritual blessings we have in Christ, like forgiveness,grace, and eternal hope.When we are truly thankful, we become more aware of theneeds of others and more willing to serve and bless them.Gratitude encourages a spirit of giving, which directly reflectsGod's love for us. This approach not only deepens our faithbut also strengthens the bond within our families, allowing usto celebrate the holidays in a way that honors God andstrengthens relationships.

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SHARETESTIMONIES OFGOD'S WORK Revelation 12:11 says, “They triumphed over him by theblood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.” oliday gatherings often provide an opportunity for familye members to reflect on the year, and you can naturallyweave in how God has impacted you through sharing apersonal testimony. This can be an encouraging way to shareGod's faithfulness without being overly preachy. A testimonyis not just a recounting of events but a declaration of how Godhas moved, transformed, and shown His faithfulness. Whenwe share our stories, we reveal the tangible ways God hasworked in our lives, showing others that He is not just adistant figure but an active, loving presence in our day-to-dayexperiences. “No one has ever seen God; but if we love oneanother, God lives in us and His love is made complete in us”(1 John 4:12). Testimonies invite others to see God’s love andpower at work, often stirring their hearts to reflect on theirown spiritual journey or consider faith in a deeper way.H2

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This verse reminds us of the power of sharing what God hasdone in our lives. Our testimonies are not just personal storiesbut spiritual victories that can encourage and inspire others.They can often lead to meaningful conversations about God’scharacter and the hope found in Him. When we speak ofGod’s faithfulness, healing, provision, or guidance, weproclaim His glory and power to those around us, showingthem that God is still in the business of working miraclestoday. The story of God's work in our lives can be the sparkthat leads others to faith or deeper trust in Him. It can alsoplant seeds of curiosity or inspiration in the hearts of thosewho may not yet know Him or who may have drifted fromtheir faith.Sharing testimonies also has a profound effect on our ownspiritual growth. Reflecting on what God has done in our liveshelps us to cultivate gratitude and strengthen our faith. Itreminds us of God’s continual presence. As we recount God’swork, we are encouraged to trust Him more deeply, knowingthat the same God who has been faithful in the past willcontinue to be faithful in the future. In sharing His love for us,we glorify God and encourage others to trust in His goodness,no matter what they may be facing.

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ASK MEANINGFULQUESTIONS Proverbs 20:5 says, “The purposes of a person’s heart aredeep waters, but one who has insight draws them out.” Thisverse highlights the power of asking good questions, as theycan reveal the deeper thoughts and feelings of a person’sheart. Meaningful questions create space for people to think sking meaningful questions is a thoughtful and impactfula way to engage others in conversations about faith,especially during family gatherings. Rather than making smalltalk, asking questions invites others to reflect on their ownbeliefs, experiences, and spiritual journeys. It allows for opendialogue, encouraging deeper thought and understanding.Questions such as “What are you most thankful for this year?”or “How has your faith shaped your view of life?” cannaturally lead to conversations about God’s work and inviteothers to explore their own relationship with Him. Thisapproach respects others' perspectives while subtly openingdoors to share the hope and truth of the Gospel.A 3

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about their lives from a spiritual perspective, offering achance for genuine conversation about faith, struggles, andgrowth. Instead of merely talking at others, we can askquestions that invite them into a meaningful dialogue, helpingthem see how God might be at work in their lives, even whenthey don’t fully recognize it yet.Instead of directly confronting someone about their beliefs,we might ask, “What do you think about the challengespeople face today?” or “How do you find peace in difficulttimes?” These questions create an opening to share how ourfaith helps us navigate similar struggles and may even help usfind common ground. By listening with empathy and care, weshow others that their perspectives matter, which can fostertrust and encourage them to explore God’s Word in a non-pressuring way.Finally, asking questions can lead to self-reflection for boththe asker and the one being asked. When we ask others abouttheir beliefs or how they’ve seen God’s hand in their life, itencourages them to pause and reflect on their spiritualjourney. It’s also an opportunity to examine our hearts anddeepen our understanding of God’s work in our lives.Questions can turn an ordinary conversation into a sacredmoment where the truth of God’s love and faithfulness isexplored, making our gatherings not just about food ortraditions but about meaningful exchanges that draweveryone closer to Christ.

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SHARE THE TRUEMEANING OF THEHOLIDAY Christmas, similarly, is much more than the exchange of giftsor festive decorations. For Christians, it is the celebration ofthe birth of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. he true meaning of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter gg goes far beyond the traditions, meals, or festivities.These holidays hold profound spiritual significance forChristians, providing opportunities to reflect on God’sgoodness and share His love with others. Thanksgiving, forinstance, is not just about a meal or family time but a chanceto acknowledge and give thanks to God for His provision,faithfulness, and the many blessings He has poured out on us.It is a time to remember that everything we have is a gift fromGod, and our gratitude is a way to honor Him. As Psalm 107:1reminds us, “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his loveendures forever.” This verse calls us to give thanks, not juston one day a year, but as a continual response to God’sunending love and faithfulness.T4

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The message of Christmas is one of hope, peace, and love, aswe remember that God sent His Son to redeem us. In Luke2:11, the angel announces to the shepherds, “Today in thetown of David a Savior has been born to you; he is theMessiah, the Lord.” This declaration of Jesus’ birth is areminder that God’s greatest gift to humanity is the gift ofHimself, and it’s this gift that brings meaning and joy to ourcelebration of Christmas.By keeping the true meaning of these holidays at theforefront, we help others remember the reason for theseason: to glorify God for His endless goodness. Whetherthrough prayers of thanksgiving or through sharing the Gospelmessage of Christmas, these holidays can be an opportunityto make our faith known. God is always with us, offering Hislove, His grace, and His peace. These holidays are a chance toreflect on what we’ve been given and extend that grace toothers, inviting them to experience the true meaning of theseason.

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PRACTICEHOSPITALITY ANDGENEROSITY Volunteering as a family, such as serving at a soup kitchen,delivering meals, or helping to organize a food drive, is apowerful way to practice generosity. It’s a way to encourageand teach our children and loved ones that life is not justabout accumulating things for ourselves but about giving and hen we open our homes, our hearts, and our resourcest to others, we model the selfless love that Jesusdemonstrated throughout His life. Hospitality is not just aboutproviding a meal or a comfortable space; it’s about makingothers feel valued, seen, and cared for. It’s about creating anenvironment where people feel the warmth of God’s love andkindness. Hebrews 13:2 reminds us, “Do not forget to showhospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people haveshown hospitality to angels without knowing it.” Thisscripture highlights the importance of being open-handed andgenerous with what we have, not only to those we know butto strangers as well.W5

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serving others. By working together as a family, we providefor those in need and build a sense of unity and sharedpurpose. It becomes a teaching moment to instill values ofcompassion, service, and gratitude. Hebrews 10:24-25 says,“And let us consider how we may spur one another on towardlove and good deeds, not giving up meeting together as someare in the habit of doing, but of encouraging one another.”Generosity isn’t always about large gestures; even small actsof kindness can have a profound impact. Our blessings are notmeant to be hoarded but shared. When we give, weparticipate in the work of God’s kingdom, extending His loveto those experiencing hardship. In 2 Corinthians 9:7, we arereminded, “Each of you should give what you have decided inyour heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, forGod loves a cheerful giver.” This scripture emphasizes theimportance of giving from a willing and joyful heart ratherthan out of obligation.Practicing hospitality and generosity reflects the heart of Godto the world around us. By inviting others into our homes,offering our time and resources, and giving to those in need,we share the love of Christ in practical and meaningful ways.Acts of kindness not only bless others but also draw us closerto God’s heart, teaching us that it is more blessed to give thanto receive.

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We come before You with humble hearts, asking for Your guidanceand grace. Lord, we pray that Your love would flow through us andinto the hearts of our family. May Your light shine so brightly within usthat it ignites a fire of faith that will be passed down from generationto generation.Help us to share the love of Jesus in everything we do—through ourwords, our actions, and our choices. Let our lives reflect the grace,compassion, and forgiveness that Christ has shown us, so that others,especially our loved ones, may see His love and be drawn closer toHim.We pray that You would soften the hearts of those who do not yetknow You, and open their minds to the truth of Your salvation. Maythey feel Your presence in their lives, and come to understand thedepth of Your mercy and the joy of following Jesus.Father, we ask that You bless our families with Your peace andunderstanding. May Your love bind us together, and may we be atestimony of Your power to transform lives. Let the seeds of faith weplant today grow deep roots and bear fruit for generations to come.In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.Heavenly Father,

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BE A GOODLISTENER ometimes, listening attentively to family members is tt he best way to share your faith. Be compassionate andnonjudgmental if someone expresses doubts or struggleswith their faith. This can create a space for honest discussionsabout faith, allowing you to share God's love throughunderstanding and encouragement. Listening goes beyondhearing words—it involves understanding, empathy, andengagement with the speaker. As we listen attentively, wecommunicate that we value the person and what they have tosay, which can foster trust and deepen connections. James1:19 reminds us of the importance of being quick to listen:“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyoneshould be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to becomeangry.” This scripture highlights the need to prioritizelistening before speaking, encouraging us to understandothers fully before responding.S6

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Jesus listened to those around Him, offering comfort andguidance. We are called to follow His example. He often tooktime to listen to the questions, concerns, and pains of thoseHe encountered. Whether speaking to a woman at the well orhealing the blind, Jesus heard their hearts and respondedwith care. As followers of Christ, we are called to listen in away that reflects His heart for people—offering a place forthem to express their needs, doubts, and struggles. Listeningwith compassion allows us to point others to Christ, theultimate healer of their hurts.Being a good listener helps us grow in wisdom andunderstanding. Proverbs 18:13 says, “To answer beforelistening—that is folly and shame.” When we take the time tolisten carefully, we avoid jumping to conclusions or givinghasty advice. This thoughtful approach allows us to discernbetter how to respond, whether with encouragement, prayer,or practical advice. Listening allows us to seek God’s wisdombefore we speak, helping us to be more effective in ourinteractions with others. It reminds us that we are not simplyhere to offer solutions but to be present, to understand, andto walk alongside others in their journey. Listening is not justa skill; it is a ministry that reflects God's heart in tangible, life-giving ways.

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SHARE SCRIPTURETHOUGHTFULLY haring scripture thoughtfully is an essential aspect ofC Christian communication and can be a powerful way toencourage, uplift, and guide others in their faith. The Biblespeaks to the heart and spirit, offering hope, healing, andtruth. Jesus modeled this throughout His ministry by gentlyguiding others toward truth while showing compassion fortheir struggles. For example, when He spoke to the woman atthe well in John 4, He acknowledged her sin withoutharshness and pointed her to the living water that couldquench her spiritual thirst. In the same way, when we sharescripture, we should do so with love and grace, aiming tobuild up rather than tear down. 2 Timothy 4:2 encourages us,“Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season;correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience andcareful instruction.” Thoughtful sharing requires patience andthe ability to discern the right moment and method ofdelivering God’s truth.S7

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Another critical element of thoughtfully sharing scripture isensuring that the verses we choose are relevant andappropriate for the situation. God's Word speaks to everyaspect of life, and by studying the scripture andunderstanding its context, we can offer verses that bringcomfort, wisdom, or conviction as needed. When we sharescripture with others, it’s not just about quoting verses butabout applying them in a way that meets the person wherethey are. Romans 15:4 reminds us, "For everything that waswritten in the past was written to teach us so that through theendurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragementthey provide, we might have hope." When we share scripturethoughtfully, we can impart this hope, helping others see howGod’s Word speaks into their current situation and offerencouragement for their journey.We should never forget that sharing scripture is not just abouttransmitting information but about inviting others into adeeper relationship with God. The Bible is a living, activeWord; when we share it with others, we invite them toexperience God's transformative power in their lives. As wespeak God's Word over others, we pray that it will take root intheir hearts, bring healing, and draw them closer to Him. In allof this, we rely on the Holy Spirit to guide us, ensuring thatour words are both truthful and loving and that they pointothers to the Savior. Sharing scripture thoughtfully is an act ofkindness and a powerful tool in helping others grow in faith.

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PRAY FOR OTHERS raying for others is one of the most powerful ways to ee express our love and support for those around us. Asbelievers, we are called to lift up the needs of our brothersand sisters in Christ and those who do not yet know Himthrough prayer. It’s an act of intercession, standing in the gapon behalf of others, asking God to intervene in their lives. TheApostle Paul often exemplified this in his letters, constantlypraying for the churches and individuals he was ministeringto. In 1 Timothy 2:1, Paul encourages, "I urge, then, first ofall, that petitions, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving bemade for all people." This scripture highlights the importanceof praying and acknowledging the power of prayer to bringchange in hearts and situations.When we take the time to pray for someone’s struggles, pain,or challenges, it shows that we care about their well-beingbeyond surface-level interactions. It allows us to enter into P8

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their experience and ask God for His help and comfort in theirlives. Jesus, in His ministry on Earth, was deeplycompassionate toward those in need, and He prayed for Hisfollowers, even in their moments of doubt and fear. Praying for others also helps us focus on the needs of othersrather than our own concerns, fostering a spirit of humilityand service. It can shift our perspective, reminding us thatGod is at work in the lives of those around us and that we arepart of His larger plan. As we pray, we trust that God islistening and that He is able to answer according to His will.Romans 8:34 assures us that "Christ Jesus who died—morethan that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of Godand is also interceding for us." Just as Christ intercedes onour behalf, we are invited to intercede for others, partneringwith Him in bringing about change and healing.When we pray for someone, especially those struggling ordistant from God, we invite the Holy Spirit to work in theirhearts. Prayer can soften hearts, open minds, and bringpeople closer to the truth of the gospel. In James 5:16, weare reminded, “Therefore confess your sins to each other andpray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of arighteous person is powerful and effective.” Through ourprayers, we seek God’s intervention for those in need and joinin His work of restoring, healing, and transforming lives.Praying for others is a spiritual act that carries eternalsignificance, as it invites God’s will and purpose into the livesof those we care about.

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CONCLUSI O N sing these approaches, you can naturally integrate yourf faith into holiday gatherings, offering a witness to yourfamily that is loving, authentic, and sensitive to their uniquesituations and needs. Just as a gardener plants seeds in thesoil and nurtures them, the same care and attention arerequired to nurture spiritual growth in individuals andfamilies. These seeds might seem small initially, but theygrow into something significant with patience, consistency,and trust in God’s timing. Proverbs 22:6 reminds us, "Startchildren off on the way they should go, and even when theyare old, they will not turn from it." By consistently sowingseeds of faith through prayer, sharing Scripture, or modelinggodly behavior, family spiritual leaders create an environmentwhere these seeds can take root in the hearts of those theylead.Leading by example brings authenticity to the seeds of faithwe plant. People are more likely to be transformed by what U9

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they see in our lives than by what we say. Throughout Hisministry, Jesus modeled the very qualities He preachedabout––love, humility, forgiveness, and servant leadership.By living out these values, He demonstrated that true faith isnot just about words but actions reflecting God’s love andgrace. We are called to be examples of integrity andfaithfulness, showing others through our lives what it meansto walk with God.Small but consistent acts of faith cultivate a spiritualatmosphere where God can work. Over time, what starts as atiny seed of faith can blossom into a deep, personalrelationship with God that transforms individual lives, entirefamilies, and communities. Galatians 6:9 reminds us, "Let usnot become weary in doing good, for at the proper time wewill reap a harvest if we do not give up." The seeds we planttoday, through our words and actions, will eventually bearfruit that can lead to generational change, healing, and aculture of faith that extends far beyond ourselves.Ultimately, planting seeds of faith and leading by examplearen’t just about immediate results; they’re about trusting Godto work through the process of growth. It may take time forthe seeds to sprout, and there may be seasons of waiting, buttransformation happens when we faithfully commit to doingthe work God has called us to do. God waters and cultivates aswe plant and nurture, bringing about lasting change thatglorifies Him. Our faith, lived out authentically, becomes apowerful tool for transformation for generations to come.