Bridget’s Girl A Musical Book and Lyrics by Barbara Dixon Music by James A. Goins Contact Barbara Dixon 310.502.6901 James A. Goins 661.382.2810
Bridget’s Girl A Musical Copyright © Barbara Dixon and James A. Goins All rights reserved. MUSICAL NUMBERS ACT I No. TITLE CHARACTER 1. In the Beginning BRIDGET 2. This Isn’t What I Bargained For RICHARD 3. I Told Her BRIDGET, LUCY 4. It’s A Beautiful Day BRIDGET, LUCY, MOM, DAD 5. I’m Sick of It! RICHARD 6. Ignore The Bills JIMMY, BRIDGET 7. It Seemed Like Destiny MOM 8. Looking At Art RICHARD, BRIDGET, ISABEL, JIMMY, VIDAL, ALBERTO, ANNIE ACT II 9. Why Are Girls So Mean? ANNIE 10. I Will Paint You JIMMY 11. Tell Me About My Wife RICHARD, ISABEL 12. The Little Ache Inside BRIDGET 13. Each New Painting JIMMY 14. Can You Hear Me? RICHARD 15. Someday I Will Take Her There DAD 16. I Will Paint You: (Reprise) JIMMY 17. I Am A Girl BRIDGET, ANNIE 18. I Can Do This RICHARD 19. Looking At Art (Reprise) BRIDGET
“Bridget’s Girl” A Musical "Winner - Musical" Chameleon Theatre Circle's Tenth Annual New Play Contest Bridget is trying to get started on her sculpture but every time she begins to work, something interferes. A memory pops into her head; something one of her parents said makes her lose confidence; she gets a call about her daughter, Annie, ditching school again, or Richard, her husband, interrupts her to express his frustration with work. Then there’s the sexy painter down the hall, Jimmy, suggesting new possibilities and causing even more distraction. Bridget's Girl deals with a wife's choice to recapture her artistic life after helping her husband acquire his career, raising a teenage daughter and who now questions the decisions she has made in life that challenges who she really is to her family and her identity as a person. Length: 120 Minutes 19 numbers 5M and 5W Set Requirements: Single Set with Multiple levels. Props and set pieces determine locations.
%%>ααααααβββ∑∑˙ ˙Adagio∑∑˙ ˙−œ œ œ œ œ ˙This could be the one.ϖϖϖφφφφφφφφφφφφφφφφϖϖϖEαπ≡€™≠ΕŒ ‰ιœ œ œœœthe one that I am∑∑%%>αααααααααααααααααααααααα5œ−˙known for.5ϖϖϖφφφφφφφφφφφφφφφφϖϖααEα7/DαÓ Œ ‰ΙœThat -∑œŒ Ó−œΙœ−œΙœo - pens up theϖϖϖφφφφφφφφφφφφφφφφϖϖBMaj7˙œ œœdoor to make ing∑∑%%>ααααααααααααααααααµµµαααµµµαααµµµααα9ϖmore!9ϖϖϖϖϖBαsus4Ó Œ ‰ιœµThe∑∑œ−Œ Œ ‰ιœµone, theyœœœŒ ÓœœŒ ÓBαsus4œ−Œ˙can't, ig - - -œœœŒ ÓœœŒ ÓBαsus41#1: "In The Beginning"Music by James A. GoinsLyrics by Barbara DixonBridget:Cantandocue:BRIDGET: "Thank you, Vidall! Thank you, Alberto!"from Bridget's Girl
%%>ααααααααα13ϖnore!13‰œœœ‰œœœ‰œœ‰œœœœœŒœœœœBαsus4Eα/BαΟ∑‰œœœ‰œœœ‰œœ‰œœœœœŒœœœœBαsus4 Eα/Bα∑‰œœœ‰œœœ‰œœ‰œœœœœŒœœœœEα/Bα∑‰œœœ‰œœœ‰œœ‰œœœœœŒœœœœ%%>ααααααααα17‰œ œ œ œ œœœI pic - ture her when I am17‰œœœ‰œœœ‰œœ‰œœœœœŒœœœœœœŒ Ófi- nished‰œœœ‰œœœ‰œ−œ−œ−œ−œ−œ−œœŒœœœœ‰œ œ œœœ œ=in - side a lau - rel tree‰œœœ‰œœœ‰œœ‰œœœœœŒœœœœ%%>ααααααααα20∑20‰œœœ‰œœœ‰œœœœœœœœŒœœŒ‰œ−œ−œ−œ−œ−œ−œ−Arms reach - ing up be - com - ing‰œœœ‰œœœ‰œœ‰œœœœœŒœœœœœœŒ Óbran - ches‰œœœ‰œœœ‰œ−œ−œ−œ−œ−œ−œœŒœœœœ2
%%>ααααααααα23‰œ œ œ œ œœœWhat will it take to set her23‰œœœ‰œœœ‰œœ‰œœœœœœŒœœœœœ=Œ Ófree?‰œœœ‰œœœ‰œœœœœœœœœŒœœœŒ‰œ œ œ=œ œœœShe stands there bathed in as-tral‰œœœ‰œœœ‰œœ‰œœœœœŒœœœœ%%>ααααααααα26œ=Œ Ólight.26‰œœœ‰œœœ‰œ−œ−œ−œ−œ−œ−œœŒœœœœ‰œ œ œœœpeo - ple have come to‰œœœ‰œœœ‰œœ‰œœœœœŒœœœœœ˙Œsee her.‰œœœ‰œœœ‰œœœœœœœœŒœœŒ%%>ααααααααα29‰œ œ œ œ œ œœœSud- den- ly my role is in- ci -29‰œœœ‰œœœ‰œœ‰œœœœœŒœœœœœœŒ Óden - tal‰œœœ‰œœœ‰œ−œ−œ−œ−œ−œ−œœŒœœœœ‰œ œ œœ œ œœWhat does she have to - do with‰œœœ‰œœœ‰œœ‰œœœœœœŒœœœœ3
%%>αααααα323232∑œœœ∀œœœœœœοπ≡€™ϒ∑œœ œœœœœœ∀œ∑œœœœœœœœœ∀∑˙∀œœœ˙Richard:œ−œ−œ−This is notœœœœœœœœœ%%>αααααα6œ−Œ Œwhat6˙˙œœ−˙∀œ−œ−œ−I bar - gainedœœœœœœ∀œœœµœ∀Œ Œfor˙˙∀œœ˙˙ Œœœœthe fren - ziedœœœ∀œœœœœœœŒœmoods theœŒ œœœŒœœœ∀œdust - y floorœœœœœ∀œœ∀œœ%%>αααααα12Œ œœI - thought12Œ œœœœŒœœœ−œ∀,ιœshe was theœœ∀−−œœ∀ιœœµ˙˙œ∀œ œgirl next door.œ∀œ œœœŒ Œœœ˙Œ˙˙˙Œœœœœ∑−−−˙˙˙−−−˙˙˙∑∑−˙1#2: "This Isn't What I Bargained For"*(With variations from Beethoven's Bagatelle Op.119, No1)from Bridget's GirlMusic By James A. GoinsLyrics by Barbara Dixon*Lightlycue:RICHARD: "You'd better go home and wait for Annie..."
%%>ααααααµµµµµµ18∑18∑−˙∑Œœœœœœœœœ=Œ ŒΕπ≡€ϒ∞∑Œ˙˙˙µαα=œœ=Œ Œ∑Œœœœœœœœœœ=Œ Œ∑Œ˙˙˙µαα=œœ=Œ Œ∑Œœœœœœœœœ=Œ Œ∑Œ˙˙˙µαα=œœ=Œ Œ%%>25∑25Œœœœœœœœœ=Œ Œ∑ŒœœœµααŒ˙˙œ œœœœœI ne - ver guessedŒœœœœœœœœŒ Œ∑Œœœœœœœœœ=Œ Œœœœœshe would - n't likeŒœœœœœœœœŒ Œ∑Œœœœœœœœœ=Œ Œ%%>ααααααααα31œœœœshop - ping for clothes31ŒœœœœœœœœŒ ŒŒ Œœand -Œœœœœœœœœ=Œ ŒœœŒœpret- ty things.ŒœœœœœœœœŒ Œ˙ŒŒœœœœœœœ=Œ Œ∑ŒœœœœœœœœŒ Œ∑Œœœœœœœœ=Œ Œ2*
%%>ααααααααα37˙, œGot no37Œœœœœœœœœ=Œ Œ−˙thrillsŒœœœœœ˙Œœ œœœfrom get - ting CanŒœœœœœœœœ=Œ Œœ˙dyŒœœœœœœœŒ Œ∑Œœœœœœœœœ=Œ Œœ˙flo- wersŒœœœœœœœŒ Œ%%>αααααααααµµµµµµµµµ43œΙœ−œdia - mond rings.43Œœœœœœœ−−˙˙˙ŒŒœœœœœœ−−˙˙∑‰ιœœœŒœœœœœ‰ιœœ‰ιœ∑Œœœœœœœ˙˙Œ˙œWould thinkŒœœœœœœœœ=Œ Œ%%>ααααααααα48œ,Œ Œthat48Œœœœœœœœœ=Œ Œ˙œen - ter -ŒœœœœœœœœŒ Œœ˙tain- ingŒœœœœœœœœ=Œ Œ∑ŒœœœœœœœœŒ Œ∑Œœœœœœœœœ=Œ ŒœΙœ−œwas a boreŒœœœœœœœœŒ Œ˙ŒŒœœœœœœœŒ Œ3
%%>αααβββ∑Œ ‰œœ−−œœœœ−−˙˙π≡€€™ModeratoΟ∑Œ ‰œœ−−œœœœ−−˙˙∑Œ ‰ιœœœœ˙˙˙˙œœ−−˙˙ÓœœI Toldœœœœ˙∑ΟBridget & Lucy:%%>ααα5ϖHer5Œ ‰−−œœœœœœ−−˙˙Œœœœœœœyou would be a bet - terŒ ‰−−œœœœœœ−−˙˙Bridget:œœ−˙mo - ther.Œ ‰−−œœœœœœ−−˙˙%%>ααα8ŒœœœœœœDon't give in to too much8Œ ‰−−œœœœœœ˙˙ŒΕLucy:œœ−˙su - gar!Œ ‰ιœœœœ˙˙˙˙œœ−˙Œ ‰ιœ œ œ œœShe'll end up di - a -∑∑1#3: "I Told Her"Music by James A. GoinsLyrics by Barbara Dixonlegatocue:Bridget: "I wasn't annoyed. I remember how I felt.She was the sweetest little girl."from Bridget's Girl
%%>ααα11œœ−˙be - tic11Œ ‰ιœœœα˙˙˙œœœÓÓœœI Told∑∑εBridget & Lucy:ϖHerŒ ιœ−−œœœœœœ−˙∑œœœœœœœ∑%%>ααα15∑15Œ ‰ιœœœœ˙˙˙˙œœ−−˙˙ÓœœI Told -−−−−˙˙˙˙Œ∑ΟBridget:ϖHerŒ ‰−−œœœœœœ−−˙˙‰œ œ œ œœœœI have' - nt been the per - fectŒ ‰−−œœœœœœ−−˙˙%%>ααα19œœ−˙mo - ther.19Œ ‰−−œœœœœœ−−˙˙ŒœœœœœœDon't give in to all thatŒ ‰ιœœœœœœœœœœœŒ œΕLucy:œœ Œ Óshop - pingϖϖϖœœ−˙2
%%>ααα22Ó ‰œ œ œYou must set22∑−˙Œœœ Œ Óli - mitsŒ ‰ιœœœ˙˙˙œœ−˙ÓœœI Told−−−˙˙˙Œ−˙ŒεBridget & Lucy:−˙ŒHerŒ ‰ιœœœœ˙˙˙˙œœ−−˙˙%%>ααα26∑26−−−−˙˙˙˙Œ−˙Œ∑Œ ‰ιœœœœ˙˙˙˙œœ−−˙˙∑˙˙˙˙Ó∑œ œ œ œιœœιœYou're not - the kind for back -œœœœ‰ιœœœœŒ ‰ιœœœœœœ ‰Ιœœ Œ ‰ΙœœΕΕBridget:%%>αααααααααααα30œœœŒ ‰ιœing down your30Œœœœœ‰ιœœœœŒŒœœ ‰Ιœœ Œœ œ œ œιœœιœprin - ci - ples do not bend.œœœœ‰ιœœœœŒœœœœœœ ‰Ιœœ Œœœ∑‰ιœœœœŒœœœœœœœœ‰Ιœœ Œœœœœ3
%%>αααβββ∑Œ ‰ιÏιÏÏΙÏÏ↓ÏÏŒ ‰ιÏÏ)Οπ≡€™≠∑Œ−ú∑∑Œ ‰ιÏιÏÏ ΙÏÏÏ↓ÏÏŒ ‰ιÏ)∑∑∑sim.%%>ααα5∑5Œ ‰ιÏιÏÏΙÏÏÏÏŒ ‰ιÏ∑Œ−ú∑∑Ó ‰−−ÏÏÏÏÏÏ úŒÏ ÏÏÏÏIt's a beau-ti - ful−úŒ∑Bridget:%%>ααα9wday.9Œ ‰ιÏιÏ−ÏÏÏÏŒ ‰ΙÏ∑‰ÏÏÏÏÏ∑Spoken:LUCY: You'll have to find another one.∑Œ ‰ιÏιÏ−ÏÏÏÏŒ ‰ΙÏŒ ‰ιÏÏÏÏA bla my-Spring‰ÏÏÏÏÏ∑1#4: "It's A Beautiful Day"Music by James A. GoinsLyrics by Barbara DixonCopyright © 2008Moderatecue:BRIDGET: "...I can spend more time with Mom and Dad...'"from Bridget's GirlSpoken:LUCY: Mom and Dad's housekeeper gave notice.
%%>ααα13wday.13Œ ‰ιÏιÏ−ÏÏÏÏŒ ‰ΙÏLUCY: Are you listening?∑‰ÏÏÏÏÏ∑BRIDGET: A housekeeper.∑Œ ‰ιÏιÏ−ÏÏÏÏŒ ‰ΙÏŒÏ Ï Ï Ï Ï ÏI am sit-ting on a‰ÏÏÏÏÏ∑%%>ααα17ÏŒ Óbench.17Œ ‰ιÏιÏ−ÏÏÏÏŒ ‰ΙÏŒ ‰ιÏ Ï ÏÏA bench in the‰ÏÏÏÏÏ∑LUCY: I suggest you putan ad in the paper.ÏŒ Ópark.Œ ‰ιÏιÏ−ÏÏÏÏŒ ‰ΙÏÓ Œ ‰ιÏThe‰ÏÏÏÏÏ∑%%>ααα21ÏιÏÏ−Ïtrees are bloom - ing21Œ ‰ιÏιÏ−ÏÏÏÏŒ ‰ΙÏÓÏÏÏÏis - n't that e -‰ÏÏÏÏÏ∑LUCY: That's what I didlast time.wnough?Œ ‰ιÏιÏ−ÏÏÏÏŒ ‰ΙÏ∑‰ÏÏÏÏÏ∑2
%%>ααα25∑25Œ ‰ιÏιÏ−ÏÏÏÏŒ ‰ΙÏ∑‰ÏÏÏÏÏ∑∑Œ ‰ιÏιÏ−ÏÏÏÏŒ ‰ΙÏŒÏ ÏÏÏÏIt's a Beau-ti - ful‰ÏÏÏÏÏ∑%%>ααα29wday.29Œ ‰Ï−ÏÏÏÏŒ ‰ΙÏMOM: Every Tuesday, Lucy takes us grocery shopping.Ο∑‰ÏÏÏÏÏ∑∑Œ ‰Ï−ÏÏÏÏŒ ‰ΙÏŒ ‰ιÏÏÏÏA bla my-Spring‰ÏÏÏÏÏ∑%%>ααα33wday.33Œ ‰Ï−ÏÏÏÏŒ ‰ΙÏDAD: She makes us buy much more than we can use.∑‰ÏÏÏÏÏ∑∑Œ ‰Ï−ÏÏÏÏŒ ‰ΙÏŒÏ Ï Ï Ï Ï ÏI am sit-ting on a‰ÏÏÏÏÏ∑3