Championing businesses,enriching communities
DID YOU KNOW?Over 3 million tourists pass this location each year heading to Frankenmuth.Exit 136 that serves Birch Run and Frankenmuth is the busiest along the I-75interstate from Florida to Michigan. In addition to being the gateway to Frankenmuth, Birch Run welcomesthousands of visitors every year due to its family friendly attractions, premiumshopping, fine & casual dining options, affordable lodging, and seasonalevents. Birch Run Bridgeport Chamber of Commerce7971 Main St, Birch Run, MI 48415(989) 624 - 9193WWW.BIRCHRUNBRIDGEPORTCHAMBER.ORG
Two Communities,One ChamberThe Birch Run BridgeportChamber of Commerceserves theVillage/Township of BirchRun and the CharterTownship of Bridgeportin Saginaw County, aswell as many businessesin surroundingcommunities.Our membership is comprised ofdedicated business owners,professionals, community leaders,government officials and everyonein between - working together tocontinue providing economicstability and quality of life for theBirch Run and Bridgeport areas. Our mission is to champion ourmembers' interests and contribute toour area's overall economic success.We are dedicated to creating anenvironment where businesses canthrive, connect, and prosper. Ourmission is to champion ourmembers' interests and contribute toour area's overall economic success.
BEST OF AWARDSOur PurposeThe Best of Awards is our premier eventattended by 400+ people. The ceremonyrecognizes the accomplishments of students,educators, police officers, firefighters,Rotarians, employees, citizens, volunteersand businesses in Birch Run, Bridgeport,Taymouth and Spaulding Townships.
WE HONOR AND CELEBRATE THEBEST IN OUR COMMUNITYWe are proud to acknowledge the outstanding efforts of many of our local residentsand businesses in Birch Run, Bridgeport, Spaulding, and Taymouth townships. Our awards include:Educator of the Year, Student of the Year, Firefighter of the Year, Police Officer ofthe Year. Citizen of the Year, Volunteer of the Year, Rotarian of the Year, Retailer ofthe Year, Business Partnership of the Year, and the Best of the Best.
SPONSORSHIPS & DONATIONSThe Best of Awards honors the accomplishments ofour community and is a great night to support localbusinesses and organizations.SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIESDIAMOND LEVEL $1,000 (Includes 6 tickets)RUBY LEVEL $750 (Includes 4 tickets)SAPPHIRE LEVEL $500 (Includes 2 tickets)EMERALD LEVEL $250 (Includes 1 ticket)TICKET SPONSOR $1,500 - (Includes 8 tickets)MEDIA SPONSOR $1,500 - (Includes 8 tickets)DESSERT SPONSOR $1,500 - (Includes 8 tickets)SILENT AUCTION & RAFFLE DONATIONSOur event includes an extensive Silent Auction andRaffles with donations from all over the state ofMichigan. Contact us about making a donation.INCREASE YOUR VISIBILITY WHILESUPPORTING THE COMMUNITYMARCH 6, 2024When you sponsor or donate, yourbusiness will be promoted at theevent, and across all of our digitalmedia channels, including ourwebsite, social media and weeklynewsletter. Call the Chamber at(989) 624-9193 for moreinformation.Celebrating Birch Run,Bridgeport, Spaulding &Taymouth Townships
Sponsoring the event or donating tothe silent auction can help build brandawareness and enhance your visibilitywith local residents and businesses.Your business will be promoted at theevent, in our weekly newsletter, on ourwebsite and throughout our socialmedia channels. Our Best of Awardsceremony is attended by more than400 people.We launched a new website this yearand developed a comprehensive digitalmarketing strategy. Our statistics provethat our email and social mediacampaigns are effective. We have over1200 active email subscribers with animpressive “open rate” higher thanindustry standards, and we have morethan 2000 followers on Facebook. We reach more than a local audience.Our website and social media channelsare also visited by hundreds of peoplefrom all over the state who come to ourarea for the many tourist attractionsand events.Contact us at (989) 624-9193.WHY ADVERTISEWITH USEnhance your visibility
6TICKETS ($45) ON SALE NOW!Call the chamber @ (989) 624-9193to purchase a ticket.UPTOWN NORTH MAIN975 N Main street, Frankenmuthattend, sponsor, donateWEDNESDAY5:00 PMmarchAwards Ceremony