Noticeover-looked opportunitiesAI generatedAlignwith the big picture of God’s KingcomDiscoverwhat worksin lifeA Study of FIRST ADITION February 2004Avoidwhat doesnot workin lifeYOUYOU
D I S C O V E R W H A T W O R K S I N L I F EA trained eye see benefitsin nurturing others beyondself A trained eye sees the difference between true success and illusions of successA trained eye sees what builds life up and what tears life down.A trained eye works smarter, not harder
A trained eye noticeshigh returns and invest in peopleA trained eye seeshuman efforts thatdisappoint and hinder successA trained eye seesbenefits of God’s Lifeand builds upon it
AI generatedHere at A Study of YOU, you canfind opportunities to developrapport with future partnersthrough online discussion groups -webinar, face-to-face andmember volunteer guest speakers. It is a place where you can grow fromshared life experiences. Bounce yournew business ideas off of others. And share contacts.COMMUNITY CONNECTIONSYou can learn how to run your business moreefficiently. And discover provensuccessful life-styles from the bible.
A FAILED EDUCATIONAL EXPERIMENT...SHOULD WE CONTINUE USING IT?@reallygreatsiteTEDxYouth How School Makes Kids Less Intelligent | Eddy Zhong |
Isa 3:5 “The child will behavehimself proudly against the old man,”Where we are today
Special EditionA CRY FOR INDIVIDUAL Deut 11:19 “and you [PARENTS] shallteach them diligently to your children,and shall talk of them when you sit inyour house, and when you walk by theway, and when you lie down, andwhen you rise up. BREAKING NEWSPERSONAL EDUCATIONRE-DISCOVERING WHAT WORKS IN LIFE
Kids schooled at homenaturally develop leadership,responsibility, self-discipline,free-thinking and confidence Special Edition
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