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BrainWeaves- Program details

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Future belongs to the Mindful

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Why weaving?Weaving is a multi-sensory activity with a width and depth to provide the perfect level of challenge and reward for our brain and intellect depending on our interests and moods. It provides an unending supply of puzzles for a left-brainer and an unend-ing urge to be creative for a right-brainer. The rhythmic movement of our hands and limbs along with the focused approach to creation improves our emotional well-being. The woven piece acts as a tangible testimony to celebrate the process of creation. It gives the children an opportunity to understand the culture and intellectual capabilities of people from remote past and also build on the concepts to connect with the future.

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About the program:BrainWeaves program focuses on making children think and create original & authentic work using hand weaving as the medium. Program structure:We oer 2 kinds of programs for the schools to choose from:BrainWeaves - Applied conceptsBrainWeaves - Weaving arts

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Brain Weaves- Applied concepts:In this program, hand weaving is used as a medium rather than solely as a craft form.The program has lesson plans involving the application of the children’s knowledge in subjects like maths (for example numerical sequences, binomial equations, geometry and the like), physics and also art subjects like music, ne arts, etc. The program can be implemented in modules of 12 sessions followed by a consolidation exercise by the student showcas-ing the learning. The students who have completed the rst module can move forward to the next module with a dierent set of learnings. Mod-ules can be added as per the school’s requirements and the time allocated.Age appropriateness: Recommended for ages 10 and above.Pattern made in a binomial equation and arranged in bbonacci sequence

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Brain Weaves- Weaving arts:This program is for schools that prefer to have weaving as part of the art class under the guidance of the art teacher.The focus of the program will be on the use of colours and textures as part of the creation. Students will be introduced to dierent hand manip-ulation techniques in weaving and encouraged to explore and experiment to bring out dierent visual eects. The program can be implemented in modules of 12 sessions followed by a consolidation exercise by the stu-dent showcasing the learning. Modules can be added as per the school’s requirements and the time allocated. Age appropriateness: Recommended for ages 10 and above.3 colour clasped weft motif

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Expected outcomes:• A deeper understanding of concepts of maths, physics and arts, as the program gives time for the student to reect on the concepts while they execute the exercise.• Provides the basis for design thinking including forms, shapes, colours and compositions.• Training the brain to apply existing knowledge to newer circumstances• Ability to connect the dots• Improved focus and analytical skills• Provides appreciation for delayed gratication• Appreciation of material possessions• Seeding slow consumerism• Appreciation of culture and tradition

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Infrastructure requirements:Handlooms: The handlooms deployed for this program are modern, user-friendly and practi-cally zero maintenance. They are designed for multi-user environ-ments.A child can get started with weav-ing in a matter of minutes with these looms. Low on skill demands so that the children can focus on creativity. One person can work on a loom for a session. The program is designed in such a way that each lesson plan can be completed in a session of approximately 40 min-utes to an hour by the student. So, multiple students can use the same loom on a given day. Consumables: Warps & yarns for weaving.

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Supply of loomsCourse materialSupply of consumablesConversion of fabrics woven by children to functional productsTeacher trainingFurther learning and engagement curationScope of supplies and services from Shuttles & Needles

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Way forward: To discuss further how to implement BrainWeaves program at your school and the commercials, please email Ms. Sukanya Parthasarathy @ or call 98407 39124You are also welcome to visit Shuttles & Needles studio for a detailed discussion and a walk-through of the program.

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Woven fabric puzzle

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