eMobility World Congress UPV innovation 13 15 february 2024 eMobility World Congress 1
Contents Pages eMobility World Congress UPV innovation UPV innovation 0 1 About Us 0 2 UPV Services for Innovation 0 3 i2T 0 4 IdeasUPV 1 Research structures 1 1 ITACA 1 2 iTEAM 2 Patents 2 4 9 4 5 7 8 9 10 15 12 13 14 15 16 25 3 Startups Spin off 3 1 Urnovai 3 2 The Car Mentor 3 3 Parking Pat n 3 4 WonderBits 3 5 Marinero B 4 Generaci n Espont nea Design factory 4 1 Hyperloop 4 2 HeliosRace 4 3 EPSA Moto E 4 4 FSUPV 3 26 37 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 47 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
eMobility World Congress UPV innovation UPV innovation innovacion upv es 0 2 UPV Services for innovation 0 1 About us The UPV is recognised as a university that contributes to the innovation of companies and other entities in our society To this end the institution trains people with an innovative and entrepreneurial spirit in its teaching centres and generates knowledge and technology that it transfers to society and the socio economic environment from its research units To make it easier for this contribution to innovation to reach society the UPV Innovation Knowledge Transfer Office has been set up which has several specialised units that promote and channel the relationship with companies and institutions Next pages On the other hand the Unit for Business Orientation in Innovation UNOI of the Valencian Business Confederation collaborates with the UPV units in fostering the relationship between the University and Valencian companies This unit is promoted by the Social Council of the UPV The coordination of these units is based on the following principles Generate synergies between the UPV units involved in the relationship with companies Establish external collaborations from the business environment Generate interaction between research groups as a source of innovation opportunities Dialogue with the Research Structures to guide their activity for their benefit 4 Talent Recruiting Staff Training Human resources at Bachelor Master and Updating and specialization of technical and Doctoral level in engineering business and arts research company staff Research and technology R D projects technical consultancy patents software and other UPV R D results for new company products and processes Investment opportunities SPINOFF and START UP Opportunities for business diversification and investment in knowledge based companies 5
eMobility World Congress 6 UPV innovation eMobility World Congress UPV innovation Connecting university business sector Innovating together Promotion of university and business sector relationship We promote the connection and relationship between the UPV and companies and other institutions seeking R D solutions Intellectual property We protect the knowledge and results coming from UPV research through patents copyright and trade secrets R D solutions We facilitate access to UPV knowledge to contribute to address innovation and technology challenges and requests Technology transfer We draft and negotiate patent and software license agreements confidentiality and material transfer agreements as well as other documents linked to the transfer of UPV knowledge Office for the Promotion of Research Innovation and Technology Transfer Universitat Polit cnica de Val ncia Camino de Vera s n Building 8G 46022 Val ncia Spain 34 963 877 939 i2t upv es www upv es entidades I2T 7
eMobility World Congress 04 IdeasUPV We are the start of the entrepreneurial dream We help turn ideas into reality through innovation UPV innovation eMobility World Congress Elevator Pitch IDEASUPV is the entrepreneurship area of the Universitat Polit cnica de Val ncia that since 1992 supports and encourages the entrepreneurial initiatives of the members of the UPV Community The area has helped the creation and development of nearly a thousand innovative companies that have generated a great impact on society In addition more than 200 startups have been incubated and accelerated in the StartUPV university ecosystem The mission of IDEASUPV is to promote and develop the entrepreneurial culture at the UPV raise awareness and energize the university community in the creation and support of new companies and support the creation and development of innovative and technology based companies in the Valencian Community mainly Services 1 Free mentorship for startups and spinoffs 2 Specific trainings for entrepreneurs 3 StartUPV Business incubation and acceleration program 4 Contact with investors 5 Awards for companies 6 Mobility grants Contact Mail ideas ideas upv es Web ideas upv es Instagram ideas_upv X IDEASUPV Linkedin IDEAS UPV Facebook IDEAS UPV 8 UPV innovation Corporate video 9
eMobility World Congress UPV innovation eMobility World Congress UPV innovation 1 Research Structures
Research structures 1 1 ITACA Institute of Information and Communication Technologies UPV innovation eMobility World Congress UPV innovation Elevator Pitch The ITACA Institute has as its mission the improvement of our society through the transfer and application of knowledge from research in the field of Information and Communications Technology ICT Two areas of the Institute are particularly focused on the field of mobility The Air Navigation Systems Area SNA focuses on the development of surveillance and navigation systems and procedures based on them as well as performance monitoring procedures and tools for performance based CNS both for manned and unmanned aircraft The Traffic Control Systems Area SCT develops its activity within the field of city digitalization Smart city and specifically in the control of personal movility vehicles PMV such as e scooters and bikes with the consequences that it is having in terms of accidents and compliance with the legislation its integration with urban traffic planning traffic lights turns and the opportunities that are generated around this solution In fact this area is launching a spin off that will produce and distribute patented technology for PMV characterization Services 1 SNA U TraC U space platform aimed at drone operators to provide safe and efficient use of the airspsace BB Planner software suite that generates a wide variety of realistic trajectories considering different types of UAS and missions CsPM tool that monitors communication and surveillance systems during drone operations and raises alerts when the performance is degraded UAS Encounter Generator 3D simulator that runs randomized trajectories in a pre defined scenario and computes the number of separation events advanced tracking for highly maneuverable aircraft 2 SCT Traffic control traffic quantification security system minimum invasive traffic sensoring speed monitoring vehicle counting aggregated micromobility statistics Contact Mail gestor itaca upv es Web itaca upv es 12 Corporate video 13
Research structures 1 2 iTEAM Photonic sensoring for electrical batteries monitoring UPV innovation eMobility World Congress UPV innovation Elevator Pitch Research and development in the field of connected autonomous vehicles remote driving fleet management coordination mobile robotics ADAS Advanced Driver Assistance Systems driving assistance systems based on radio signals and 3D acoustics and photonic sensoring for batteries monitoring Services 1 Research and development in the field of connected autonomous vehicles 2 Remote driving 3 Fleet management coordination 4 Mobile robotics 5 ADAS Advanced Driver Assistance Systems 6 Driving assistance systems based on radio signals and 3D acoustics 7 Photonic sensoring for batteries monitoring Contact Web iteam es 14 Corporate video 15
eMobility World Congress UPV innovation eMobility World Congress UPV innovation 2 Patents
Patents UPV innovation Patents UPV innovation Cooling system for ultra fast battery charging for hybrid or electric thrusters Recharging batteries requires the process to remain always under strictly controlled temperaturas The system reaches 125 C at the outlet of the turbine it is fitted on To count with enough termal drop in order to be always ready to initiate the battery fast charging process The system uses ambient air as the working fluid to cool a liquid coolant circulating through a refrigeration circuit for the vehicle s batteries and electronic components and or a supercharger It uses a semi closed inverse Brayton cycle with the stages of compression expansion cooling and regeneration Scheme proposed system TECHNOLOGY The system enables recharging times for batteries in electric or hybrid propulsion systems to be shortened without penalizing their useful life Compression and expansion stages are carried out through turbomachines that provide high power and low thermal and mechanical inertia The cooling and regeneration stages employ heat exchangers plate shell and tube or cross flow Compression is carried out in stages including for internal cooling a closed ejector cycle with refrigerants like ammonia or carbon dioxide At the entrance to the first semi closed stage a filter drier can be provided to reduce humidity in the air The system can include between the coolers an ejection cycle for improved efficiency using a refrigerant fluid with low global warming potential a condenser for the refrigerant gas liquid phase change and a flow divider designed to split the air stream towards a pump primary flow and a lamination valve secondary flow respectively After the compressors and coolers the air passes through a regenerator heat exchanger which lowers its temperature and reaches the turbine where its temperature and pressure are reduced Through a heat IPR Patent Pending Patent Awarded SPTO Tabla Priority Tabla Otras solicitudes de IPR PCT fases State of the Technology Idea R D Laboratory Prototype Industrial Prototype Production Test room with operational demonstrator TRL4 Consortium established with a work plan to achieve TRL6TRL7 prototype in relevantreal environment by 2022 18 Sistema de refrigeraci n para carga ultrarr pida de bater as de propulsores h bridos o el ctricos Para optimizar el rendimiento de una bater a se requiere que su recarga se realice con un rango de temperaturas ptimo Con este sistema se alcanza los 125 C a la salida de la turbina que equipa con el objetivo de disponer siempre de suficiente salto t rmico para acometer instant neamente el proceso de carga ultrarr pido El sistema utiliza aire ambiente como fluido de trabajo para enfriar un l quido refrigerante que circula por un circuito de refrigeraci n de las bater as y componentes electr nicos del veh culo y o de un supercargador Esquema del sistema propuesto PROBLEMA QUE RESUELVE LA TECNOLOG A El rendimiento de una bater a depende de que su temperatura de operaci n se mantenga en un rango ptimo evitando que se caliente demasiado cuando est alimentando el sistema de tracci n o cuando se est recargando sobre todo en estaciones de recarga r pida En el contexto actual de impulso de la descarbonizaci n del transporte el sistema de gesti n t rmica de la bater a se ha convertido en uno de los ejes de desarrollo para fabricantes y proveedores que buscan ofrecer la m xima autonom a posible junto con una velocidad de recarga que haga asumibles los tiempos de espera Con esta tecnolog a se resuelve el problema de generaci n del calor durante la carga r pida utilizando un ciclo hibrido alineado con los objetivos de descarbonizaci n TECNOLOG A El sistema permite acortar los tiempos de recarga de las bater as de sistemas propulsivos el ctricos o h bridos sin penalizar su vida til IPR Patente Solicitada Patente Concedida Emplea un ciclo Brayton inverso semicerrado con las etapas de compresi n expansi n refrigeraci n y regeneraci n Las etapas de compresi n y expansi n se realizan a trav s de turbom quinas que aportan alta potencia y baja inercia t rmica y mec nica OEPM Prioridad P201931124 18 12 2019 Las etapas de refrigeraci n y regeneraci n emplean intercambiadores de calor de placas de carcasatubo o de flujo cruzado La de compresi n se realiza por fases incluyendo entre ellas un ciclo eyector cerrado de enfriamiento interno con refrigerantes como amon aco o di xido de carbono A la entrada de la primera etapa semicerrada puede disponerse un filtro secador para reducir la humedad del aire El sistema puede comprender entre los enfriadores un ciclo de eyecci n mejora de la eficiencia que hace uso de un fluido refrigerante de bajo potencial de calentamiento atmosf rico y que incorpora un condensador para cambio de fase gas l quido del refrigerante y un divisor de flujo destinado a dividir la 19
Patents UPV innovation Patents UPV innovation Personal Mobility Vehicles Monitor system and method System and method for Monitor of Personal Mobility Vehicles in urban environments The traffic and variety of Personal Mobility Vehicles PMV are growing in urban environments Urban planning and law enforcement requires a better knowledge on the use of PMVs This invention Prototype Double Loop circuits enhances the magnetic loops used to detect traffic of motorized vehicles and provides a new tool for the remote assessment of PMVs traffic This invention brings remarkable innovations 1 A double magnetic loop for cost reduction 2 a working resonance frequency 400 800 kHz 3 a low cost electronic circuits designed and tuned for PMV The system and method extracts valuable information for PMV monitoring Type of Vehicle speed and length sense of circulation and traffic density in the target area The system design is validated with prototypes and tested in laboratory setup with a variety of PMV PROBLEM SOLVED BY TECHNOLOGY The variety and intense use of Personal Mobility Vehicles PMV are rapidly growing in cities and urban environments This invention provides an improved monitoring beyond the state of the art detectors TECHNOLOGY The basic technologies in this invention are the magnetic loops and electronic circuits applied to detect vehicles These technologies are IPR Patent Applied Patent Granted well established for current traffic detectors for motorized vehicles cars motorbikes buses trucks and are in use for a variety of SPTO P202031271 parameters presence speed sense of circulation and type of vehicle Priority 2020 12 18 Not in PMVs Current detector solutions are installed in single double or dual loops configurations and with a typical size in the range of 1 or 2 meters and with resonance working frequency of 100 200 kHz But these state of art solutions when applied to Personal Mobility Vehicles PMV only detect presence To overcome this limitation the innovation of this invention has the following characteristics Double magnetic loop with size less than 0 5 meters Resonance working frequency of 400 800 kHz The system design is implemented with five functional blocks 1 Double magnetic loop interconnected with 2 and 3 2 Oscillator circuit interconnected with 1 and 3 3 Phase Locked Loop PLL circuit interconnected with 1 and 2 and output to 4 4 Conditioning circuit input from 3 output to 5 20 Sistema de monitorizaci n de Veh culos de Movilidad Personal El tr fico y variedad de Veh culos de Movilidad Personal VMP crece en entornos urbanos Su planificaci n y el cumplimiento de la ley requieren un mejor conocimiento del uso de los VMP Este invento mejora los actuales detectores de espiras magn ticas usados para veh culos motorizados y aporta herramientas de an lisis remoto del tr fico de VMP Innovaciones destacadas 1 Espira de doble bucle con coste reducido 2 Frecuencia resonante de 400 800 kHz 3 circuitos electr nicos de bajo coste dise ados para VMP El sistema y el m todo extraen informaci n valiosa de monitorizaci n de VMP Tipolog a de veh culo velocidad y longitud sentido de circulaci n y densidad de tr fico en el rea objetivo El dise o se ha verificado y validado en laboratorio con prototipos y mediciones con varios VMP PROBLEMA QUE RESUELVE LA TECNOLOG A La variedad y uso intenso de Veh culos de Movilidad Personal VMP crece r pidamente en ciudades y entornos urbanos Este invento aporta una monitorizaci n m s all de los detectores existentes TECNOLOG A IPR La tecnolog a base de esta invenci n son las espiras magn ticas y los circuitos electr nicos aplicados a detecci n de veh culos Son tecnolog as asentadas en detectores de trafico de veh culos Patente Pendiente Patente Concedida motorizados coches motos autobuses camiones con los que se usan para par metros como presencia velocidad sentido de SPTO P202031271 circulaci n y tipo de veh culos Pero a n no para VMP Prioridad 2020 12 18 Las soluciones actuales en detectores son de bucle simple doble o dual con un tama o t pico de 1 o 2 metros y una frecuencia resonante de trabajo de 100 200 kHz Pero estas soluciones de hoy d a al aplicarlas a VMP solo detectan presencia Esta invenci n motoriza Para superar esta limitaci n la innovaci n de este invento tiene las caracter sticas siguientes Espira de doble bucle con tama o menor de 0 5 metros Frecuencia resonante de trabajo de 400 800 kHz El dise o del sistema se implementa con cinco bloques funcionales 1 Doble bucle magn tico conectado con bloques 2 y 3 2 Circuito oscilador interconectado con 1 y 3 3 Circuito de Lazo con bloqueo de Fase PLL conectado con bloques 1 y 2 y salida a 4 4 Circuito acondicionador entrada desde 3 y salida a 4 5 Circuito procesador de se ales entrada desde 4 21
Patents UPV innovation Patents UPV innovation U TOOL Urban Intelligence Tool to improve municipal services based on the activity of social networks TECHNOLOGY U tool is a tool that allows a quick analysis of the activity of a city through the participation of its inhabitants in social networks and facilitates decisionmaking for the improvement of various municipal services Its usefulness includes both the professional sphere for example it allows the analysis of urban planning and the private sphere facilitating the mobility of citizens and tourists who wish to explore the activity of a specific area in real time Unlike other tools that display heat maps U tool generates a contour map that indicates where people are moving taking into account the attraction potential of points in the city This is done using the social network Twitter whose data is public The tool extracts geo positioned data from Twitter and uses it as an input source to calculate the gravitational potential at a set of points in the city Using the values obtained a matrix is generated that is used to draw the contour map U tool translates this data into an activity contour map and allows to obtain the gravitational potential a measure that visually indicates and displays the city s hot spots In the public sphere U TOOL can be used to analyze concentrations of people and thus improve in real time municipal services such as transportation or traffic light control Temporal analysis over time allows similar mobility patterns to be analyzed and assists in making mobility decisions in periods where activity is expected to be similar This application has been developed using Django the most popular Python web environment Raw data begins to be collected by the application when a user creates a new collection task for a hashtag a geographic area or both UTool will query a social network and the next stream of tweets will be filtered and stored in a distributed system based on HDFS and Parquet designed for massive storage scalability The data is then ready to be processed with any of the available analytical tools and this is done using efficient and parallel big data computing libraries such as Dask Finally a user friendly web frontend presents the calculation results to the user in a visual form Referencia S 054 2020 U TOOL Fecha de registro 16 04 2020 STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT TRL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LEVEL OF VALIDATION THEORETICAL LABORATORY RELEVANT ENVIRONMENT OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT U tool has been applied to the city of Valencia although the tool is valid for any other city The data has been integrated into the Fireware platform of the Valencia City Council and in the future will be included in its transparency and open data portal DESIRED You can request a free demo in order to obtain a license to apply the software in your city COLLABORATION Contacto cient fico Contacto comercial More technologies in Vicente Botti Navarro Valencian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence VRAIN E gtiia dsic upv es T 34 963 879 725 W vrain upv es Cristina Alemany L zaro I2T Promotion and Support Service for Research Innovation and Transfer E calemany i2t upv es T 34 963 877 957 W innovacion upv es i2t U TOOL Inteligencia Urbana Herramienta de mejora de servicios municipales a partir de la actividad de las redes sociales TECNOLOG A U tool es una herramienta que permite un r pido an lisis de la actividad de una ciudad a trav s de la participaci n de sus habitantes en las redes sociales y facilita la toma de decisiones para la mejora de diversos servicios municipales Su utilidad comprende tanto el mbito profesional por ejemplo permite analizar la planificaci n urban stica como el privado facilitando la movilidad de ciudadanos y turistas que deseen explorar la actividad de una determinada zona concreta en tiempo real A diferencia de otras herramientas que muestran mapas de calor U tool genera un mapa de contorno que indica hacia d nde se desplaza la gente teniendo en cuenta el potencial de atracci n de puntos de la ciudad Para ello se utiliza la red social Twitter cuyos datos son p blicos La herramienta extrae datos geo posicionados de Twitter y los utiliza como fuente de entrada para calcular el potencial gravitario en un conjunto de puntos de la ciudad Utilizando los valores obtenidos se genera una matriz que sirve para dibujar el mapa de contorno U tool traduce estos datos en un mapa de contorno de actividad y permite obtener el potencial gravitatorio una medida que indica y muestra visualmente los puntos de atracci n de la ciudad En el mbito p blico U TOOL puede servir para analizar concentraciones de personas y de este modo mejorar en tiempo real servicios municipales como los transportes o el control de los sem foros El an lisis temporal a lo largo del tiempo permite analizar los patrones de movilidad similares y servir de ayuda a la hora de tomar decisiones sobre movilidad en periodos donde la actividad se prev que sea parecida Esta aplicaci n se ha desarrollado utilizando Django el entorno web m s popular de Python Los datos en bruto comienzan a ser recogidos por la aplicaci n cuando un usuario crea una nueva tarea de recopilaci n para un hashtag una zona geogr fica o ambos UTool consultar una red social y el pr ximo flujo de tweets se filtrar y guardar en un sistema distribuido basado en HDFS y Parquet dise ado para una escalabilidad de almacenamiento masiva A continuaci n los datos est n listos para ser procesados con cualquiera de las herramientas anal ticas disponibles y esto se realiza utilizando librer as de computaci n de big data eficientes y paralelas como Dask Por ltimo un frontend web f cil de usar presenta los resultados del c lculo al usuario de forma visual Referencia S 054 2020 U TOOL Fecha de registro 16 04 2020 GRADO DE DESARROLLO TRL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NIVEL DE VALIDACI N TE RICA LABORATORIO ENTORNO RELEVANTE ENTORNO OPERACIONAL U tool se ha aplicado a la ciudad de Valencia aunque la herramienta es v lida para cualquier otra ciudad Los datos se han integrado en la plataforma Fireware del Ayuntamiento de Valencia y en un futuro se incluir n en su portal de transparencia y datos abiertos COLABORACI N Puede solicitar una demo gratuita con el fin de obtener una licencia para aplicar el software en su DESEADA ciudad Contacto cient fico Contacto comercial More technologies in Vicente Botti Navarro Valencian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence VRAIN E gtiia dsic upv es T 34 963 879 725 W vrain upv es Cristina Alemany L zaro I2T Servicio de Promocion y Apoyo a la Investigaci n Innovaci n y Transferencia E calemany i2t upv es T 34 963 877 957 W innovacion upv es i2t 22 23
Patents UPV innovation Patents UPV innovation Internal combustion engine with no harmful gas NOx or CO2 emissions New generation hydrocarbon internal combustion engine cost efficient disruptive and self transportable The technology based on MIEC ceramic membranes patented by ITQ eliminates all contaminating gases harmful to health NOx capturing and liquefying own and atmospheric CO2 so it can be stored and collected at petrol stations potential negative CO2 emissions It complies with emission regulations planned for 2040 Scheme of the motor cycle TECHNOLOGY An internal combustion engine with high specific power and high efficiency which uses two Brayton cycles a first cycle that incorporates an MIEC membrane to separate O2 from the air so that the suctioned oxidizing stream has not any N2 a second cycle combined in a binary way with the first cycle and nested with a cycle selected from an Otto cycle and a Diesel cycle using oxycombustion The first cycle delivers compressed O2 from the MIEC membrane to the second cycle The second cycle transmits mechanical and thermal energy from the exhaust gases to the first cycle This technological integration prevents the emission of harmful gases NOx to the atmosphere by separating N2 in the MIEC membrane It can be used in various ways including but not limited to by way examples Premixed or diffusion oxy combustion engine with o Either Zero or low positive tail pipe CO2 emissions o or Negative tail pipe CO2 emissions with a polymeric membrane or a molten carbonate based membrane to separate CO2 from the air IPR Patent Pending Patent Awarded SPTO P201930285 Priority Tabla Otras solicitudes de IPR PCT fases State of the Technology Idea R D Laboratory Prototype Industrial Prototype Production Prototypes of the components have been developed TRL4 Prototype in real environment in 2022 TLR7 with the necessary funding Potential spin off with investors 24 Motor de combusti n interna sin emisi n de gases nocivos para la salud NOx ni CO2 Motor de combusti n interna de hidrocarburos de nueva generaci n coste eficiente disruptivo auto transportable La tecnolog a empleada basada en la utilizaci n de membranas cer micas MIEC patentadas por el ITQ elimina todos los gases contaminantes y nocivos para la salud NOx capturando el CO2 propio y atmosf rico licu ndolo siendo susceptible de almacenaje y recogida en las estaciones de servicio potenciales emisiones negativas de CO2 Cumple la normativa sobre emisiones prevista para 2040 Esquema del ciclo del motor TECNOLOG A Motor de combusti n interna de alta potencia espec fica y alta eficiencia que emplea dos ciclos de Brayton un primer ciclo que incorpora una membrana MIEC que separa el O2 del aire de manera que la corriente de oxidante comburente succionado est libre de N2 un segundo ciclo combinado de forma binaria con el primero y anidado con un ciclo seleccionado de un ciclo de Otto y un ciclo Di sel realizado mediante oxicombusti n El primero proporciona al segundo O2 comprimido procedente de la membrana MIEC El segundo transmite al primero energ a mec nica as como energ a t rmica procedente de los gases de escape Esta integraci n tecnol gica evita la emisi n de gases nocivos para la salud NOx a la atm sfera por la separaci n de N2 en la membrana MIEC Es susceptible de diversas realizaciones no limitativas a modo de ejemplos Motor de oxicombusti n premezclada o por difusi n con emisiones operativas por el tubo de escape de CO2 o Positivas muy bajas o cero o Negativas con membrana polim rica para separar CO2 del aire o bien con membrana basada en carbonatos fundidos para separar dicho CO2 IPR Patente Solicitada Patente Concedida OEPM P201930285 Prioridad 28 03 2019 Estado de la tecnolog a Idea I D Prototipo de Laboratorio Prototipo Industrial Producci n Desarrollados los prototipos de los componentes TRL4 Prototipo en entorno real en 2022 TRL7 con la financiaci n necesaria 25
eMobility World Congress UPV innovation eMobility World Congress UPV innovation 3 Startups Spin off
Startups Spin off UPV innovation 3 1 Urnovai Connecting urban and business innovation Elevator Pitch Specialised advice on innovation and sustainability projects for cities and companies Thanks to a digital platform with Artificial Intelligence we connect the real needs of administrations and other public entities with the disruptive solutions offered by companies driving development and transformation on both sides Services 1 Urban and sustainable mobility plans 2 Future of Mobility 3 Mobility data management Corporate video 28 Contact Mail urnovai outlook com 29
Startups Spin off Corporate video 30 UPV innovation 3 2 The Car Mentor Not sure what to choose Say goodbye to the stress of searching and compare We recommend your ideal vehicle Elevator Pitch The Car Mentor is a private vehicle recommender that allows the user to find the vehicle available on the market that best fits his or her personal needs Services 1 Digital solutions 2 Vehicle marketing 3 Big Data 4 AI 5 Automotive 6 Micro mobility Contact Mail jaime thecarmentor com Instagram X thecarmentor_es Linkedin The Car Mentor 31
Startups Spin off UPV innovation 3 3 Parking Pat n Create Your Parking Pat n Space Elevator Pitch Parking Pat n is a recently created company dedicated to the design and manufacture of various models for the parking of electric scooters We combine safety functionality and aesthetics in each of our products and make use of the latest technology in locks thus promoting the use of electric personal mobility vehicles in an organised and sustainable ecosystem Services Furniture for parking electric scooters Corporate video 32 Contact Web parkingpatin es Instagram parkingpatin Facebook Linkedin Parking Pat n Mail info parkingpatin es 33
Startups Spin off UPV innovation 3 4 WonderBits We are here to solve all of your custom software and design needs Elevator Pitch WonderBits provides full data coverage from digitalization and data capture to data analytics and automation with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence always putting a great focus on User Experience Corporate video 34 Services Our WonderBI Mobility Analytics platform provides population mobility analysis with heat maps traffic and emissions prediction through correlated and external data time series Machine Learning models Contact Web wonderbits net Linkedin Wonder Bits Mail hello wonderbits net 35
Startups Spin off UPV innovation eMobility World Congress UPV innovation 3 5 Marinero B We are a high tech company with engineering applied on all the stages of our products from the design desk to the real world as a test lab Corporate video Elevator Pitch MARINEROB is a SpinOff created from the Polytechnic University of Valencia SPIN UPV program in 2023 This recently founded company MARINE ROBOTICS S L www marinerob com is devoted to the development of innovative products and solutions for the marine environment Among others their projects are related to engineering R D and application of advanced technological developments in particular sustainable autonomous vehicles boats and underwater vehicles both manned and unmanned These two types of marine artifacts are intended to perform long term operations at sea in a wide vision of applications In addition the two types of vehicle concepts are designed for having the capability of performing cooperation in complex operations at the ocean Among other some present applications in which the company is working are measuring marine physicochemical and biological parameters validate innovative systems for the generation of alternative marine energy the generation cycle and application of green hydrogen autonomous navigation and other advanced technology of application to the marine environment Services 1 R D 2 Marine autonomous vehicles boats and underwater vehicles marine clean energy systems clean hidrogen propulsion for marine applications full accesible boats for limited mobility persons Contact Mail info marinerob com Web marinerob com Linkedin Javier Busquets Mataix 36 37
eMobility World Congress UPV innovation eMobility World Congress UPV innovation Design Factory is a UPV program where students create multidisciplinary groups to learn by doing 4 Generaci n espont nea Design factory
eMobility World Congress UPV innovation 4 1 Hyperloop UPV Hyperloop technology presents a revolution in mobility that could change the way we live work and travel HYPERLOOPUPV Elevator Pitch Hyperloop UPV is a team of 50 students from different fields of knowledge who are in charge of developing the transport of the future Hyperloop is a means of transport that levitates inside a vacuum tube reaching speeds of 1000 km h in a sustainable way Last season our team was able to develop a fully functional vehicle capable of levitating and moving frictionlessly inside our own vacuum tube autonomously Generaci n espont nea Design factory Services 1 Electric mobility 2 Innovation Contact Mail halbert hyperloopupv com Web hyperloopupv com 40 41 UPV innovation Corporate video
eMobility World Congress UPV innovation 4 2 Helios Race We are building a sustainable future by committing ourselves to the creation of solar vehicles Generaci n espont nea Design factory Elevator Pitch We are the Solar Racing team of the UPV Our goal is the design and construction of a solar car to compete in Solar Racing races in the world Solar Racing involves endurance competitions where solar cars race for at least 24 hours posing the challenge of designing vehicles capable of enduring the night period Services Innovation in the mobility sector Contact Mail heliosraceupv gmail com Instagram heliosraceupv 42 43 UPV innovation
eMobility World Congress UPV innovation 4 3 EPSA Moto E Escola Polit cnica Superior d Alcoi Generaci n espont nea Design factory UPV innovation Elevator Pitch We re a University team of the Polytechnic University of Valencia at its campus in Alcoy Formed by a group of students from various disciplines and majors we share a passion for innovating in the design development and construction of electric motorcycles from scratch From engineers to social media and logistics coordinators each member contributes with their unique expertise to achieve our common goal in the International MotoStudent Competition Services We can offer insight into the competitive side of electric mobility as well as insight into the development of a competitive prototype and how students nowadays take on the challenge of designing and making a prototype competing at the highest level of electrical motorsport at a international university level Contact Mail epsamotoe gmail com Instagram tiktok linkedin epsamotoe 44 Corporate video 45
eMobility World Congress UPV innovation 4 4 FSUPV Team Universitat Polit cnica de Val ncia Formula Student Team Generaci n espont nea Design factory UPV innovation Elevator Pitch The FSUPV Team is formed by 45 students from the Polytechnic University of Valencia whose purpose is to design manufacture and compete with a hybrid powertrain Formula Student prototype in the most emblematic European circuits This prototype is a conventionally driven race car with the addition of a completely functional autonomous system Services Our target is to develop a hybrid powertrain concept on our path to electrification with a four wheel drive with 4 electric motors mounted directly on the wheels and a self developed battery During the last 3 years our prototypes include a completely functional autonomous system this concept is based on complex perception algorithms velocity and position estimations path definition and optimization and self actuation of the powertrain and steering of the race car Contact Mail team fsupv com Web fsupv2017 webs upv es Instagram X FSUPVteam Linkedin Facebook Youtube FSUPVteam 46 Corporate video 47