© 2023 Adept Education LimitedFollows Stage 4 of the New ZealandMathematics CurriculumAges 6-7 | Year 2Created byLucy Patston
© 2023 Adept Education LimitedBook 51. Able to recognise symbols for half and quarter2. Able to find half and quarter of a shape3. Able to find half and quarter of a set4. Able to count forwards and backwards in the range 0-1005. Able to recognise 2-digit numbers6. Able to order numbers in the range 0-1007. Able to give the number before and the number after in the range 0-1008. Understands the pattern of teen numbers9. Able to identify odd and even numbersBook 61. Able to solve addition and subtraction problems by counting on and back2. Able to record addition and subtraction using equations3. Able to use equals (=) to solve equations4. Knows groupings within 5 and 105. Able to recall addition and subtraction facts to 106. Able to recall doubles and halves to 207. Able to recall addition and subtraction of teen numbers as 10+8. Able to skip count in fivesBook 71. Understands basic concepts and symbols2. Able to solve multiplication problems by skip counting3. Able to count on and back in tens from any number4. Knows the terms “decade” and “century” in relation to tens5. Knows the compatible numbers (in tens) to 1006. Knows the number of tens and ones in any 2-digit number7. Able to use doubles to solve addition and subtraction to 208. Knows groupings within 20Overview of Books 5 to 7
© 2023 Adept Education LimitedApple AppsBase 10 BlocksBy Classroom Focused SoftwareThis is another simple and very elegant product by Classroom Focused Software. This app allows students to pull tens and ones across to their place value positions to make a given number. The beauty here is being able to choose which number.Android Apps Kids Math Place ValueBy RamkyS TechThis is a great app with lots to explore around place value. We use a limited range of the games here but by all means, let your learner investigate the other items.Apple and Android AppsSplashLearn: Educational GamesBy StudyPad, Inc.This app is well designed and aligned to our learning intentions, so it provides a good resource for moving through the books. There is a free version of this app, but it will be useful for many books to come if you want to take the plunge and spend the money. We also suggest turning the music off.IXL New ZealandIXL has excellent graphics, provides great support statements (and certificates!!), but importantly, provides excellent instruction when learners are incorrect. AND it’s adapted to the New Zealand curriculum! See page 6 for more information.3* Adept Education does not endorse the apps recommended here. We have spent time researching apps, on both Apple and Android devices, to find those we feel best suit our programme for the least amount of expenditure to caregivers. It should be noted that Adept Education is not in any way in partnership with the owners of these applications, which may be updated without our knowledge. Please contact us at support@adepteducation.co.nz if you believe a recommended app has been changed significantly from what we describe here, or you can recommend apps you feel would better suit the needs of learners at this stage.Book 7 Apple and Android Applications*
© 2023 Adept Education LimitedLearning Intention Date Sticker7.1Understands basic concepts and symbols7.2Able to solve multiplication problems by skip counting7.3Able to count on and back in tens from any number7.4Knows the terms “decade” and “century” in relation to tens7.5Knows the compatible numbers (in tens) to 1007.6Knows the number of tens and ones in any 2-digit number7.7Able to use doubles to solve addition and subtraction to 207.8Knows groupings within 204Book 7 Learning Intention Sticker Chart
© 2023 Adept Education Limited5LI Year 1 Year 2 Year 37.1Understands basic concepts and symbols B10 C20 A23 C1 C37.2Able to solve multiplication problems by skip counting F1 F3 F5 F8 A11 A22 A11 A127.3Able to count on and back in tens from any number E4 A8 E7 I37.6Knows the number of tens and ones in any 2-digit number A9 A107.7Able to use doubles to solve addition and subtraction to 20 E2 E3 I2for Book 7Summary of Activities
© 2023 Adept Education Limited6Activities✓1.Sheet 7.01: Brain Busters: Symbol Smasher.2.Sheet 7.02: True or false?3.Sheet 7.03: Fill in the symbol to balance the equation.4.Sheet 7.04: Investigating ordinal numbers.5. nz.ixl.com: Year 1 – B10 Ordinal numbers – up to fifth. 6. nz.ixl.com: Year 3 – C1 Ordinal numbers up to 10th. 7. nz.ixl.com: Year 3 – C3 Writing numbers up to 100 in words. Learning Intention 7.1: Understands basic concepts and symbolsThis learning intention provides a review of the basic concepts and symbols we hope learners have picked up thus far. We will recap on the meanings of the symbols “+”, “–”, “x”, “=”, “1st”, “2nd”, “3rd”, “½” and “¼” (in case you’re wondering, “÷” is introduced later along with the concept of “/” being equivalent to “÷”). We will also ensure learners know the terms “add”, “subtract”, “equals”, “first”, “second”, “third”, “half”, “double”, “quarter”, “before”, “after”, “skip count”, “compatible numbers”, “teen number”, “number sentence”, “equation”, “fact”, “pattern” and “order”. Plus, “decade” and “century” will be added later in this book! practicepracticepractice© 2023 Adept Education Limited
© 2023 Adept Education Limited71| Match the maths symbol with the correct word.Sheet 7.01 +half–timesxplus=quarter½ minus¼ equalsLearning Intention 7.1: Understands basic concepts and symbolsCorrect or false?2|A pattern is something that repeats.3|Half of 8 is 4.4|1 + 1 is to add.5|Double 5 is 25.6|4 + 2 is to subtract.7|20 is a teen number.Answer the questions as correct or false .
© 2023 Adept Education Limited8Sheet 7.02 Learning Intention 7.1: Understands basic concepts and symbolsAnswer the questions as correct or false .Correct or false?1|2, 4, 6, 8, 10 is an example of skip counting.2|The number before 20 is 21.3|15 is an example of a teen number.4|The number after 12 is 13.5|Two compatible numbers to 10 are 2 and 3.6|4 + 8 = 12 is an example of an equation.Correct or false?7|A pattern is a circular shape.8|The number before 17 is 16.9|4 + 8 = 12 is an example of a number sentence.10|7 and 3 are compatible numbers to 10.11|5 + 5 = 10 is a maths fact.12|7, 5, 8, 2 is the order of digits from 2 to 8.
© 2023 Adept Education Limited9Using + – = or x, write the symbol that will balance the equation.4 3 = 73 + 2 = 5=5 2 = 105 5 = 258 4 = 128 4 = 410 5 = 15Learning Intention 7.1: Understands basic concepts and symbolsSheet 7.03 Only the correct maths symbol will make an equation balance on either side of the = sign.
© 2023 Adept Education Limited10Sheet 7.04 Learning Intention 7.1: Understands basic concepts and symbolsOrdinal numbers are the words we use for ordering things, likefirst, second, third, fourth, and so on. We shorten these by writing the numeral and adding the last two letters of the full word, like 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.1| Match the symbol with the correct ordinal number word.1stthird2ndfourth3rdsecond4thfirstColour the fourth scoop light green❑Colour the 1stscoop red❑Colour the fifth scoop dark green❑Colour the 6thscoop light blue❑Colour the 2ndscoop orange❑Colour the seventh scoop dark blue❑Colour the 3rdscoop yellow❑Colour the eighth scoop purple❑5thseventh6thsixth7theighth8thfifth2| Use the instructions to colour the ice-cream in.
© 2023 Adept Education Limited11Activities✓1.Sheets 7.05 and 7.06: Decide which symbols for the equation matches the story.2.Sheet 7.07: Brain Busters: Brain Boggler.3. nz.ixl.com: Year 1 – C20 Ordinal numbers – up to tenth. 4. nz.ixl.com: Year 2 – A23 Ordinal numbers. applyLearning Intention 7.1: Understands basic concepts and symbols© 2023 Adept Education Limited
© 2023 Adept Education Limited1| Miss Lewis gave her 6 students 3 coloured pencils each. How many pencils were there altogether?3| Caitlin donated 12 biscuits to the school fair. Jenny donated another 12. How many biscuits were for sale at the school fair?2| Tony and his 2 friends each had 5 Lego men to play with. How many Lego men did theboys have altogether?4| Ava had 2 teddy bears and Ella had 8 teddy bears. How many teddy bears did the girls have altogether?6 3 = 183 x 5 1512 12 = 242 8 = 1012Sheet 7.05 Using + – = or x, decide which symbol matches the equation.Learning Intention 7.1: Understands basic concepts and symbols
© 2023 Adept Education Limited1| Mr Bainbridge has 20 lollies. He gives all of them to his students. How many lollies does Mr Bainbridge have left?3| Aiden has 12 toy soldiers. He gives his friend 6. How many toy soldiers does Aiden have left?2| There are 4 drinking glasses in each box and I have 4 boxes. How many glasses do I have altogether?4| Gemma made 3 Duplo towers out of 10 blocks each. How many Duplo blocks did Gemma use altogether?13Sheet 7.0620 20 = 04 x 4 1612 6 = 63 10 = 30Using + – = or x, decide which symbol matches the equation.Learning Intention 7.1: Understands basic concepts and symbols
© 2023 Adept Education Limited14Sheet 7.07 Learning Intention 7.1: Understands basic concepts and symbols1|Order the following numbers from smallest to largest:13 5 1 7 11 9 32|Which of the following animals is 4thin the line?3|Write the equation “four plus three equals seven”.4|Find half of each set:a)c)b)d)5|Continue the pattern:6|Add these numbers together: 5, 2 and 3.7|Write the number before 12.8|Write the number after 16.9|What is left if you subtract 5 from 10?10|Write the symbol for half and then quarter.and
© 2023 Adept Education LimitedHere’s some other pages you’ll see in this book.www.adepteducation.co.nz
© 2023 Adept Education Limited16Revise your skip counting in twos, fives and tens. (How many socks? How many candles? How many fingers?)Learning Intention 7.2: Able to solve multiplication problems by skip countingSheet 7.08 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|
© 2023 Adept Education Limited1| The chocolate box had 2 layers in it. There were 9 chocolates in each layer. How many chocolates were there altogether?3| Daniel had 6 pairs of cherries. How many individual cherries did he have?2| There were 5 pairs of shoes at the door. How many individual shoes were there?4| The pet shop had 8 pairs of love birds. How many individual birds were in the pet shop?17Find the answer by skip counting in twos and then fill in the sentence.Sheet 7.09 Learning Intention 7.2: Able to solve multiplication problems by skip counting9 lots of 2 are ____ ____ lots of 2 are ________ lots of 2 are ____ ____ lots of 2 are ____
© 2023 Adept Education Limited3018My washing machine always takes socks away from my washing!The red one takes 10 socks away. Each sock picture represents 10 socks.How many socks will come out?66 3825 92How many socks will come out if I put in:40 – 10 = 3040- 10701008050-10-10-10-101|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|Learning Intention 7.3: Able to count on and back in tens from any numberSheet 7.14
© 2023 Adept Education LimitedUse your hundred board to find the answers. Then write the equations and solve.23and10moreis3323 + 10=38and10lessis2838 – 10=52and10moreis+=69and10lessis–=85and10moreis=49and10moreis=73and10lessis=31and10lessis=19Learning Intention 7.3: Able to count on and back in tens from any number1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|Sheet 7.15
© 2023 Adept Education Limited20Learning Intention 7.4: Knows the terms “decade” and “century” in relation to tensSheet 7.25 The term century means a period of 100 years.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30……91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99100One lot of 10 yearsOne decadeTwo lots of 10 yearsTwo decadesetc…How many centuries are represented by these numbers?400 years700 years200 years500 yearscenturiescenturiescenturiescenturiesHow many centuries and decades are there?One lot of 100 yearsOne century……1911921931941951961971981992002 lots of 100 yearsTwo centuries1|2|3|4|250 years980 years630 yearscenturies anddecadescenturies anddecadescenturies anddecades5|6|7|
© 2023 Adept Education Limited21Learning Intention 7.5: Knows the compatible numbers (in tens) to 100Point to the answers in the box below as fast as you can! You can check the equations off as you go.1|4 + ? = 10❑9|100 – 70 = ?❑2|100 – 40 = ?❑10|10 – ? = 3❑3|10 – ? = 8❑11|1 + 9 = ?❑4|100 – 80 = ?❑12|? + 90 = 100❑5|5 + ? = 10❑13|100 – 60 = ?❑6|? – 50 = 50❑14|6 + ? = 10❑7|10 – 7 = ?❑15|80 + 20 = ?❑8|30 + ? = 100❑16|100 – 20 = ?❑Sheet 7.29 6602205501003307074408081090
© 2023 Adept Education LimitedUsing your Base 10 Equipment, count out the number given. Then count into lots of 10 and bundle together. Write down what you discover about the number of tens bundles and the number of ones left over.12is bundle of 10 and ones26isbundles of 10 andones37isbundles of 10 andones18is bundle of 10 and ones23isbundles of 10 andones40isbundles of 10 andones22Learning Intention 7.6: Knows the number of tens and ones in any 2-digit numberSheet 7.30 51isbundles of 10 andones1|2|3|4|5|6|7|
© 2023 Adept Education LimitedFill in the halves below.1| ½ of 4 is4| ½ of 10 is7| ½ of 16 is2| ½ of 6 is5| ½ of 12 is8| ½ of 18 is3| ½ of 8 is6| ½ of 14 is9| ½ of 20 is15 –7 I can use:14 – 7 + 1The answer is:813 –6 I can use:The answer is:11 –5 I can use:The answer is:17 –8 I can use:The answer is:15 –7 I can use:The answer is:19 –9 I can use:The answer is:9 –4 I can use:The answer is:How can you use halves to work these out? 2310|11|12|13|14|15|16|To find the answer to 15 – 7, you can use:– 7 = 7 + 1 = 81 2 3 4 5678 9 10 11 121314151 2 3 4 5678Learning Intention 7.7: Able to use doubles to solve addition and subtraction to 20Sheet 7.38
© 2023 Adept Education LimitedNeeta and Mei Hsin have noticed a pattern while they’ve been working on their compatible numbers. They think they have a quicker way to look at the compatibles to 20.1| Help them to fill in the table they have created.2| What do you notice about the sequence?24Compatible numbers to 2020-00-2019-1-18-2-17--16--15--14--1413--1312--1211--1110-10Learning Intention 7.8: Knows groupings within 20Sheet 7.40
© 2023 Adept Education Limited1|2|3|25Complete the family of facts for each… family!!720133201752015Learning Intention 7.8: Knows groupings within 20Sheet 7.41 A family of facts is a group of facts that use the same numbers, whether we are adding or subtracting. Here’s an example:2 + 18 = 2018 + 2 = 2020 – 2 = 1820 – 18 = 222018
© 2023 Adept Education Limited26Sheet 7.011|2|3|4|5|6|7|+ plus–minusx times= equals½ half¼ quarterCorrectCorrectCorrectFalse, Double 5 is 10False, 4 – 2 would be to subtractFalse, teen numbers have –teen on the end (although we accept 11 and 12 as teen numbers as they are 10+ numbersSheet 7.021|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|CorrectFalse, 19CorrectCorrectFalse, 2 and 3 are compatible to 5CorrectFalse, a pattern is something that repeatsCorrectCorrectCorrectCorrectFalse, to order these numbers would be 2, 5, 7, 8Sheet 7.03All green boxes are + symbolsAll yellow boxes are – symbolsAll orange boxes are x symbolsAll blue boxes are = symbolsSheet 7.041|2|1stfirst2ndsecond3rdthird4thfourth5thfifth6thsixth7thseventh8theighthSheet 7.051|2|3|4|6 x 3 = 183 x 5 = 1512 + 12 = 242 + 8 = 10Sheet 7.061|2|3|4|20 – 20 = 04 x 4 = 1612 – 6 = 63 x 10 = 30Sheet 7.07 continued…5|6|7|8|9|10|Diamond, square, circle, circle5 + 2 + 3 = 1011175½ and ¼ Sheet 7.081|2|3|4|5|1041440206|7|8|9|10|4525904070Sheet 7.091|2|3|4|9 lots of 2 are 185 lots of 2 are 106 lots of 2 are 128 lots of 2 are 16Sheet 7.071|2|3|4|1 3 5 7 9 11 13Seal4 + 3 = 7a)Half of 6 is 3b)Half of 4 is 2c)Half of 2 is 1d)Half of 8 is 4Sheet 7.101|2|3|4|4 lots of 5 are 207 lots of 5 are 353 lots of 5 are 156 lots of 5 are 30Sheet 7.111|2|3|4|2 lots of 10 are 206 lots of 10 are 609 lots of 10 are 903 lots of 10 are 30© 2023 Adept Education Limited
© 2023 Adept Education Limited1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1Base 10 EquipmentTens rods and ones unitsCut only where you see dotted lines.
© 2023 Adept Education LimitedDesigned by Lucy PatstonYou will need:1 counterInstructions:Start your gymnast on their routine at “1” and get them to the end at “50” first time. Be careful! Any mis-steps will see them disqualified.This game is for a single player12987654310Move to 9 + 5Back to9 + 211121314151617181920Move back15 - 9Move to 4 + 5Move to 8 + 9Forwards 2 + 321222324252627282930Forwards 5 + 631323334353637383940Move back17 - 9Move back16 - 9Forwards5 + 4Forwards 7 + 841424344454647484950Move back9 + 3Forwards 9 + 9Move back11 - 9Move back3 + 4Forwards2 + 3Forwards9 - 3
© 2023 Adept Education LimitedFor full content please purchase from the website.www.adepteducation.co.nz
© 2023 Adept Education LimitedAbout the AuthorLucy Patston BA/BSc(Hons), PhDLucy has 20 years of teaching experience and a strong academic background. She has expertise in neuroscience, psychology and human development, and gained her doctorate for research investigating how childhood learning affects brain functioning in adulthood. Lucy is a mum to three very energetic children, all of whom have recently entered the school system. As a parent and a teacher, she understands how important it is for students to grasp key mathematical concepts and for parents to be actively engaged in this process where possible. Lucy was raised in New Zealand during a time when the school curriculum was taught very differently to today, and provides the Reaching Competence Programme direct to parents also. In the Programme, Lucy spends an equal amount of time helping parents understand the curriculum as she does students! She believes that if parents can communicate effectively with their children about the concepts they are currently learning in the classroom, then children will not only feel supported in their learning, but will be open to realising how important maths is in our everyday lives. When parents and teachers are using the same terminology and strategies to help their learners with numeracy, our kids are winning.30
© 2023 Adept Education Limited31Overview of the Reaching Competence Mathematics ProgrammeAge and Stage Reaching CompetenceCurriculum Level School YearStudent Age Approx.Maths StageNumberMeasurement, Geometry & Statistics10-1 5-6 0-3 Books 1-4 Lapbooks Years 0-22 6-7 4 Books 5-723 7-85Books 8-10Lapbooks Years 3-4*4 8-9 Books 11-1435 9-106Books 15-17Lapbooks Years 5-6*6 10-11 Books 18-2047 11-127Books 21-23 Book 24*8 12-13Books 25-27*Book 28**Not yet publishedwww.adepteducation.co.nzHelping parents and tutors support their neurodiverse learners
© 2023 Adept Education LimitedExplore the mathematics curriculum with your child at your own pace with thisguided, interactive programme.Includes information about the curriculum for parents and caregivers, learningintention checklist, worksheets, activities, board games, certificates and other print-and-cut resources.The learning intentions covered in this book are:• Understands basic concepts and symbols• Able to solve multiplication problems by skip counting in twos, fives and tens• Able to count on and back in tens from any number• Knows the terms “decade” and “century” in relation to tens• Knows the compatible numbers (in tens) to 100• Knows the number of tens and ones in any 2-digit number• Able to use doubles to solve addition and subtraction to 20• Knows groupings within 20www.adepteducation.co.nzDownloadable books available at: adepteducation