Nedra Parker-Daughertya Several Sads Seats StoryONE STORMY NIGHT
Pogo the purple Papasan chairloved nothing more than tocradle someone in his warmembrace. He had lived in abeautiful home with a lovingfamily for many years, but oneday, a storm came along.
As the winds howled and therain poured down, Pogo beganto feel scared. He had never experienced astorm before, and now he wasall alone in the dark. Pogo tried to ignore the storm,but the flashes of lightning andthe thunderclaps made him feeleven more frightened.
Pogo didn't know how to copewith his fear. He felt trapped and powerless,and he longed for the comfortof his family. But they were nowhere to befound, and Pogo was left toface the storm all by himself.
As the night wore on, Pogogrew more and moreanxious. He tried to hide under theblankets, but he could stillhear the storm ragingoutside. He saw the trees bendingand swaying in the wind, andhe felt like he was going tobe blown away too.
But then, something wonderfulhappened. The twins came intothe room and saw Pogo tremblingwith fear. They knew just what to do. Theysat down in the chair and gentlyrocked back and forth, singing asoft lullaby.
At first, Pogo was too afraidto respond, but slowly, hestarted to calm down. He felt their warmth and thesound of their voices, andhe began to relax. They heldhim tightly and kept rockinguntil the storm had passed.
As the morning light filteredthrough the windows, Pogorealized that he had made itthrough the storm. He felt a sense of gratitudetowards his family for helpinghim to cope with his fear. Pogoknew that storms could bescary, but he also knew that hehad a family who could helphim through them.
From that day on, Pogo nolonger feared the storms. Whenever they came, he knewthat he was surrounded by loveand kindness, and that wasenough to make him feel safeand secure.