Supporting the needs of all learners including those with reading and writing challenges Book 1 Created by Tracey Waller Lucy Patston 2020 Adept Education Limited
Adept Education 13A Flavia Place Lynfield Auckland 1042 New Zealand www adepteducation co nz Adept Education Publishing 2020 The Literacy for all Learners Programme has been produced by Adept Education Ltd and is protected under the New Zealand Copyright Right Act 1994 Photocopying or printing for production beyond personal use is prohibited 2020 Adept Education Limited
Contents Introducing Literacy for all Learners 4 Scope and Sequence of Book 1 6 Book 1 Sticker Chart 8 Week 1 9 Week 2 17 Week 3 24 Week 4 32 Week 5 40 Week 6 48 Week 7 56 Week 8 63 Week 9 70 Week 10 79 Appendix I Extra Lined Paper 91 Appendix II Play Dough Recipes 93 Appendix III The Origins of Nursery Rhymes for parents 94 Appendix IV Lowercase Letter Formation 95 About the Authors 97 Resources 99 Certificates of Literacy 129 2020 Adept Education Limited
About the programme Books 1 2 In Book 1 and 2 we focus on phonological and phonemic awareness Phonological awareness is the ability to recognise and manipulate the spoken parts of words Phonemic awareness is the ability to identify and manipulate individual sounds phonemes in spoken words Phonemes are the distinct units of sound like t and th Language is made of words Words are made of sounds and these sounds are represented in a variety of ways through symbols In our books we focus on the stepping stones to reading and writing by starting with the sounds that make up our words This begins by listening for and hearing different types of sounds We do this by exploring rhythm rhyme vocal sounds sounds in words syllables and storytelling Having a strong understanding of phonological awareness develops the foundations upon which the skills of reading and writing can be developed Phonological awareness needs to be taught before we connect letter sounds to letter shapes Therefore a large section of this book focuses on this development These activities are found in the Rhythm Rhyme and Listening and Hearing sections These books also introduce the symbols of our alphabet through recognising them and making some of the strokes Once these stepping stones are established your child will have developed a solid foundation to begin reading and writing letters and words Throughout these books there are a range of activities to meet all needs including moving cutting sticking sorting colouring playing and singing It has been widely researched that multisensory learning is the best way to cater for all learners and of course it is much more fun so get stuck in and enjoy The other aspect of our language is in its written form so we want our learners to develop their story sequencing skills and their recognition and formation of letter shapes Therefore we also have sections focussing on Recognising the name of alphabet letters graphemes Storytelling sequencing stories and Making Strokes forming the strokes that make up written letters Who is this programme for This programme has been designed for parents who want to understand how to support their children s ability to read and write It provides the purpose materials and guidance needed to do this successfully It is presented in a clear manner and is full of tips and resources that will enable the parent and child to succeed It has equally been designed for those who support students with reading and writing challenges It compliments a sequential structured approach to teaching phonological awareness as well as an understanding of print and phoneme grapheme knowledge It supports this teaching through an activity based programme that is multisensory and systematic This format is modelled on the highly researched and respected Orton Gillingham approach So whether you are a parent or a teacher we hope this programme will provide you with a sequential multi sensory fun way to introduce your child to the wonderful world of words We do not introduce letter formation until a series of strokes for each letter are learned in Books 1 2 In later books these strokes are combined to make each letter of the alphabet We have introduced a vocabulary for each of these strokes under the theme of Forest Friends Forest Friends is just a guide for associating memorised strokes or shapes with a common vocabulary shared between you and your learner For example in later books you will be able to explain to them that the letter n is drawn as a small stick and then a rainbow example next page http www skillsforaction com handwriting strokebased approach 4 2020 Adept Education Limited
Book 1 Forest Friends Strokes Short stick The Science of Reading Tall stick The term science of reading refers to the research conducted by reading experts on how we learn to read This research has developed over the last 20 years Based on the science of reading the 2000 National Reading Panel Report report can be found on our website stated that students need explicit instruction structured literacy in the essential components of reading phonological awareness hearing sounds phonics sounds to letters fluency vocabulary and reading comprehension This program uses explicit instruction to incorporate these features and also support spelling and writing in a way which compliments school learning Caterpillar Butterfly feeler Tulip u Rainbow Short stick n u Stink bug Essential components of reading Comprehension Vocabulary Fluency Rainbow Alphabetic Principle All of these activities are meant to be progressive and worked through when the child is ready Each activity should take between 1030 minutes depending on engagement levels and what it involves The most important aspect of all these activities is the modelling of what you do and how you do it before you ask your child to join in This way it will become a richer experience so read ahead and prepare beforehand like cutting out cards etc so that you can concentrate on enjoying the activities with your child Phonemic and Phonological Awareness Auditory Discrimination Blending and Segmenting Sounds Onset and Rime Rhyme Alliteration Syllables Adept support If you have any questions as you move through the programme please don t hesitate to email us at support adepteducation co nz In this book we will mostly be focussing on the method My turn together your turn For example model a slow march to the rhyme The Grand Old Duke of York whilst banging your drum Ask your child to join in with you Now ask them to march to a different rhythm that you tap or they can tap one for you As the books progress the activities will become more child led We will be happy to support you in helping your child s confidence and literacy ability grow and are keen to hear any feedback you may have on our programme https literacyonline tki org nz Literacy Online Planningfor my students needs Sounds and words Phonologicalawareness https www inclusive tki org nz guides dyslexia andlearning understanding structured literacy 5 2020 Adept Education Limited
Book 1 10 Rhyming Snap Rhyming Story Match To identify rhyme Finish My Rhyme Matching Pairs Learning Intention Learning Intention Learning Intention To develop Learning awareness of sounds Intention To distinguish between different vocal sounds Learning Intention Rhyming Endings 8 9 In My Box Storytelling READ RETELL Making Strokes Roly Poly Aa Humpty Dumpty Short stick stroke i Trumpet Sounds Bb Grand Old Duke of York Tall stick stroke l Sounds Scrummy Cc REVISE Aa Bb Cc Pat a Cake Sound Patterns Dd Word Jump Sentence Train Jumping Syllables Ee Ff REVISE Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hey Diddle Diddle Little Miss Muffet I m a Little Teapot Twinkle Twinkle Able to write different strokes that will support future letter formation 7 Rhyming Story Match Recognising Able to sequence and retell story events 6 Clap to the Beat Listening Hearing Able to recognise and name letters 5 Move to Beat To recognise that sentences are made up of individual words 4 Listen to the Beat To develop awareness of syllables 3 Rhythm Rhyme To identify syllables in words 2 To develop awareness of rhythm 1 To develop awareness of rhyme Week Scope Sequence of Learning Intentions and Activities Ccaterpillar stroke j Butterfly feeler stroke f Stink bug stroke v REVISE i l Tulip stroke u REVISE j f Rainbow stroke n REVISE v u Syllables Tap Hh Row Your Boat Syllabubble Ii REVISE Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Here is the Beehive REVISE v u n Syllable Sort Jj Kk REVISE Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Jack and Jill REVISE i l j f vun 6 2020 Adept Education Limited REVISE i l j f
Book 1 Sticker Chart Week Date Week Sticker 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 7 2020 Adept Education Limited Date Sticker
Week 1 Week 1 Week 1 Activities Learning Intentions Checklist Sheet 1 01 Able to listen to and copy a simple repetitive beat Recognising Sheet 1 02 Able to hear and respond to different sounds in words Sheet 1 03 Able to recognise and name the letter Aa Storytelling Listening Hearing Rhythm Rhyme These checklists will help you track what your learning intentions are for the week At the end of each week you can tick off what your learner has been able to achieve and note anything you may need to provide extra support with If you wish at the end of the book you can review any areas that have been challenging and check in to see if your learner has retained their knowledge enough to repeat it Sheet 1 05 Able to retell and sequence the nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty Sheet 1 04 Able to recognise all forms of the letter Aa Making Strokes Sheet 1 06 Able to identify the Book 1 Forest Friends Sheet 1 07 Able to identify name and write the short stick stroke The coloured writing lines will be explained in Week 3 8 2020 Adept Education Limited
TIPS INFO MAKE DO Remember to model well first and join in with your learner if they are struggling It doesn t matter if their version is slightly different to yours as long as they are giving it a go Week 1 Listen to the Beat Make or find a drum or shaker for each of you then play a short pattern of beats for your learner and have them copy you Make the beats faster more difficult or slower easier Simple beats Make a drum or shaker 1 Grab an empty tin can or a cup glass or anything hollow and cylindrical 2 Find a sheet of paper baking paper or cut the mouth piece off a balloon 3 Find a rubber band hair ties work too For those of you with no musical experience here s a crash course on beats Consider this one beat If we beat 4 in a row they will all be the same length as if we counted to 4 in time to a ticking clock 1 4 Put the paper or balloon across the top of the tin like a membrane and secure it in place with the rubber band 5 Find a pencil stick chop stick or pen to use as a drum stick Six rhythms to start you off 4 Find some rice pasta or beads and pop a few into the can 5 Put the paper or balloon across the top of the tin like a membrane and secure it in place with the rubber band 2 3 4 Consider these two half beats Two of these will fit into the time of one beat 1 and Let s make some noise 1 2 3 and 4 1 and 2 3 4 1 2 and 3 4 and 1 and 2 3 and 4 9 2020 Adept Education Limited 2 and 3 and 4 and Get your learner to copy you 1 2 3 and 4 and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 Sheet 1 01
TIPS INFO This activity introduces the language used when discussing letter sounds and formation in later books This is the language of slow fast long short soft loud and high low PLAY Week 1 Roly Poly We re going to use the Roly Poly rhyme to practice making different sounds with our voices There are many different versions of this Have a listen to our example video and then have a go While you re saying Roly Poly model the arm movements shown in the video and photos www adepteducation co nz roly poly Roly poly e v e r s o s l o w l y Roly poly ever so FAST Say hello ever so slowly h e e e l l l l l l o o o o o o Say hello ever so FAST HELLO Picture Roly poly ever so looooooooooooooooooong Roly poly ever so SHORT Sing a song ever so long l a a a a a a a a a a Sing a song ever so SHORT la Picture Picture Picture Roly poly ever so softly Roly poly ever so LOUD Say your name ever so softly name Say your name ever so LOUD NAME Roly poly ever so Roly poly ever so high low squeak Make a squeak ever so high Make a squeak ever so low squeak 10 2020 Adept Education Limited Sheet 1 02
It is important for your learner to learn that letters are symbols we use to read and each one has a name Explain to your learner that there is an uppercase version and a lowercase version Also remember we are only considering letter names in this book LOOK CIRCLE Week 1 Aa First point to the two A s above and ask your learner to repeat the letter name after you Then point out the alternate type font a in gold just below and explain that these are the two ways we see a s typed but they are the same letter Circle all the uppercase and lowercase A s apple 11 2020 Adept Education Limited Sheet 1 03
Explain to your learner that the uppercase letters or capitals tell us the word is an important one Most words use lowercase letters or little letters Whatever terms you use try to be consistent LOOK COLOUR Week 1 Aa Colour only the uppercase and lowercase A pictures including the words You can glue your A Alphabet Cards to this page when you ve finished the book 12 2020 Adept Education Limited Sheet 1 04
See Appendix III for the origins of this nursery rhyme Correct Sequence Order 4 3 2 1 Save the Story Sequence Cards for a later activity After that you can glue them onto this page table face up Ask your learner to arrange the Story Sequence Cards from left to right in the correct order Cut out the Humpty Dumpty Story Sequence Cards from the Resource Section and place these on a Read the rhyme to your learner and have them repeat it with you Watch the video by Super Simple Songs on Video Link https video link w s0rK link available on our website READ RETELL Week 1 Humpty Dumpty Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall All the King s horses and all the King s men Couldn t put Humpty together again 1 DO NOT GLUE NOW save Story Sequence Cards for Week 4 DO NOT GLUE NOW save Story Sequence Cards for Week 4 DO NOT GLUE NOW save Story Sequence Cards for Week 4 3 4 2 13 2020 Adept Education Limited DO NOT GLUE NOW save Story Sequence Cards for Week 4 Sheet 1 05
WRITE Week 1 Welcome to our Forest Friends We hope these cheeky critters will help make letter formation learning fun Before we launch into forming real lowercase letters it s best to practise the strokes that will join together to form these letters in later books see Appendix IV The idea behind our Forest Friends is to give you and your learner a common vocabulary that is linked to memorised visual strokes See pages 6 7 for more information on this concept Capital or uppercase letters can be found in Appendix V When practising strokes make sure your learner is sitting upright with both arms resting on the table Book 1 Strokes Tall stick Caterpillar Butterfly feeler Stink bug v Tulip u Rainbow u Short stick Found in the letters Found in the letters Found in the letters Found in the letters Found in the letters Found in the letters Found in the letters i a m n r u l b d h k t j g y f v w u y n h m The Tripod Grip The Tripod Grip is the ideal pencil hold but this is still developing in some learners It is best to guide them once and then try again the next time rather than pursuing perfection For more tips see https www ot mom learning activities com correct pencil grasp html 14 2020 Adept Education Limited Sheet 1 06
WRITE Week 1 The Short Stick Stroke We can think of the vertical letter stroke for the letters i a m n r and u as a short stick i a m n ru The arrow shows you which way means Can you write the short stick stroke first stroke shows shows you where you where to stop to start It s your turn There is extra lined paper in Appendix I if needed Write the short stick stroke where it appears in the letters Start at the green dot i a m n r u 15 2020 Adept Education Limited Sheet 1 07
Week 2 Week 2 Week 2 Making Strokes Storytelling Recognising Listening Hearing Rhythm Rhyme Activities Learning Intentions Checklist Sheet 1 08 Able to move to a simple repetitive beat Sheet 1 09 Able to make different sounds to match an instruction Sheet 1 10 Able to recognise and name the letter Bb Sheet 1 11 Able to match uppercase and lowercase forms of the letter Bb Sheet 1 12 Able to retell and sequence the nursery rhyme Grand old Duke of York Sheet 1 13 Able to write the tall stick stroke 16 2020 Adept Education Limited
PLAY Week 2 Move to the Beat Read the rhyme to your learner If you re not familiar with it watch the video by Super Simple Songs using the link below https video link w 56rK Oh the Grand Old Duke of York He had ten thousand men He marched them up to the top of the hill And he marched them down again And when they were up they were up And when they were down they were down And when they were only half way up They were neither up nor down Model a slow march to the rhyme The Grand Old Duke of York and have your learner copy or join in with you Then repeat it with a faster march as you say it faster If you wanted to you could get your drum or shaker from last week to play with as you march Keep increasing the pace as you repeat the rhyme until you can t go any faster Music vector created by brgfx www freepik com 17 2020 Adept Education Limited Sheet 1 08
MAKE DO Week 2 Trumpet Sounds Make trumpets by forming a cone with a piece of paper or lightweight cardboard and experiment by making different noises through the cones Use the trumpets to make contrasting sounds like loud and soft and high and low Make the sound your learner s name begins with and much more Make your voice go down a slide Make your voice bounce like a ball Sound really disappointed sssssssss Hiss like a snake Keep everyone quiet shhhhhhhh Gently moo like a cow Sound astonished oooooooo Be a steam train ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch Buzz like a bumble bee Be a clock buzzzzzzzzzz 18 2020 Adept Education Limited Sheet 1 09
With any new task always model the instructions first and help if your learner is stuck LOOK CIRCLE Week 2 Bb First point to the two B s above and ask your learner to repeat the letter name after you Circle all the uppercase and lowercase B s You can glue your B Alphabet Cards to this page when you ve finished the book 19 2020 Adept Education Limited Sheet 1 10
LOOK MATCH Week 2 Bb Match the uppercase B s to the lowercase b s Start by putting a circle around the B b s in each column and then write a connecting line B g A h F a B F C B D E b b D e C b A c D B d A c D b a B b C d c B d C a F 20 2020 Adept Education Limited f c b d Sheet 1 11
Save the Story Sequence Cards for a later activity After that you can glue them onto this page table face up Ask your learner to arrange the Story Sequence Cards from left to right in the correct order 2 1 DO NOT GLUE NOW save Story Sequence Cards for Week 4 DO NOT GLUE NOW save Story Sequence Cards for Week 4 3 4 DO NOT GLUE NOW save Story Sequence Cards for Week 4 2 3 Correct Sequence Order 4 Cut out the Duke of York Story Sequence Cards from the Resource Section and place these on a Oh the Grand Old Duke of York He had ten thousand men He marched them up to the top of the hill And he marched them down again 1 Read the rhyme to your learner and have them repeat it with you Week 2 The Grand Old Duke of York See Appendix III for the origins of this nursery rhyme Watch the video by Kids Preschool Baby Nursery Rhymes on Video Link https video link w 56rK link available on our website READ RETELL 21 2020 Adept Education Limited DO NOT GLUE NOW save Story Sequence Cards for Week 4 And when they were up they were up And when they were down they were down And when they were only half way up They were neither up nor down Sheet 1 12
WRITE Week 2 The Tall Stick Stroke We can think of the vertical letter stroke for the letters l b d h k and t as a tall stick bdh k t Can you write the tall stick stroke Write the tall stick stroke where it appears in the letters l b d h k t l b d h k t 22 2020 Adept Education Limited Sheet 1 13
Please purchase for full content www adepteducation co nz 2020 Adept Education Limited
Appendix IV Lowercase Letter Formation c d e f j o p q r c t u i w y z z 24 uu 2020 Adept Education Limited r x o o c s v l m s i k n g h c o c c e u b u a u v vv x u z
About the Authors Tracey Waller BA Hons PGCE Lucy Patston BA BSc Hons PhD Tracey has had nearly 25 years experience in the teaching field and now specialises in supporting diverse learners Lucy has 20 years of teaching experience and a strong academic background She has expertise in neuroscience psychology and human development and gained her doctorate for research investigating how childhood learning affects brain functioning in adulthood After many years working in the primary sector Tracey felt dissatisfied with the way certain students were slipping through the system so she trained as a specialist teacher for those with Specific Learning Difficulties SPELD This training gave her an insight into the way the brain processes language into words and reinforced the need to teach literacy through a systematic and structured process Lucy is a mum to three children all of whom have recently entered the school system Lucy s husband and two of her children have dyslexia so this is an area of learning and teaching that is very close to her heart As a parent she understands how important it is for children to be taught reading and writing in a way that works for all learners and that parents can have a huge impact by supporting this process with their children Tracey s interest in creating this programme stems from a strong interest in language and how we use language to read and write She also felt there was a lack of NZ based hands on resources available for parents and teachers of students who need support developing these essential skills Thus the collaboration on Literacy for all Learners was born Lucy is the founding director of Adept Education and has also written a series of mathematics books that help parents support their children in this area of the curriculum in a fun and engaging way 25 2020 Adept Education Limited
Explore literacy with your learner at your own pace with this guided interactive programme It is a comprehensive well structured resource that includes a clear progression with an oral visual and hands on approach to learning Each book contains all the resources you will need including explicit instructions learning activities games suggested websites sticker charts certificates and re usable resource cards With a combined teaching career of over 40 years the authors have rigorously researched and designed this series to support the needs of all learners including those with reading and writing challenges The programme progresses children and caregivers together along the road to literacy and a love for language Throughout the series you are empowered to understand the way children learn to hear sounds in words and interpret them to be able to read and write You can become an integral part of their literacy development Books 1 and 2 are a must for anyone with a child who is ready for school Online and printed versions available at www adepteducation co nz 2020 Adept Education Limited
Story Sequence Cards Week 2 The Grand Old Duke of York Week 1 Humpty Dumpty Cut along the dotted lines 2 1 C o Super Simple Songs Kids Songs 3 4 C o Kids Preschool Baby Nursery Rhymes And Children s Songs 2 1 27 2020 Adept Education Limited
Voice Cards Cut along the dotted lines wheeee boing ohhhhh ssssssss shhhhh moooo ooooo ch ch ch ch 28 2020 Adept Education Limited zzzzz tick tock
Row Your Boat Rhyming Endings Cards Cut along the dotted lines Rhyming Sentence Cards Cut along the dotted lines Fold along the hard lines and glue Fox in a box Cat on a hat Pig in a wig Frog on a log Boy with a toy Bug on a mug 29 2020 Adept Education Limited
Rhyming Family Cards Cut along the dotted lines The at Family The en Family 10 The op Family The ug Family 30 2020 Adept Education Limited
Syllable Cards 1 and 2 syllables Cut along the dotted lines 31 2020 Adept Education Limited
Syllable Cards 3 and 4 syllables Cut along the dotted lines 32 2020 Adept Education Limited
Certificate of This award gives credit to for achieving Weeks 1 to 5 for Book 1 of the Literacy for all Learners Programme Date Signed Certificate of This award gives credit to for achieving Weeks 6 to 10 for Book 1 of the Literacy for all Learners Programme Date Signed 2020 Adept Education Limited