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“If There’s (a) God…” by CJOAT | Escapril 2024

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If There’s (a) God…Prompts: Eye Contact & hand / God / KnifeStep Over a Body by TX2

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Rick and Morty Season 3 Episode 6

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Do you remember all those times, where a look signaled so much; / to meet its gaze with your own was either poisoning cyanide or unlockingthe wrath of Ancients? /To call a bluff so recklessly ensured a knife in your back; /or a revolutionized guillotine cut down to execute you. /To be open-minded in such a conditioned textbook household spelledsabotage; /and be the lamb with Black wool meant so much was the bare minimum. /You call such out only to be overruled with a lamb with golden wool; /rigged in the godly parental system. /The deafening silence fills with noise, family indirectly complicit in yourtorture. /To satisfy a status quo and public image, the Black lamb must apologize ordie without honor. /Do you remember all those times, where a look signaled so much; / to meet its gaze with your own was either poisoning cyanide or unlockingthe wrath of Ancients? /To call a bluff so recklessly ensured a knife in your back; /or a revolutionized guillotine cut down to execute you. /To be open-minded in such a conditioned textbook household spelledsabotage; /and be the lamb with Black wool meant so much was the bare minimum. /You call such out only to be overruled with a lamb with golden wool; /rigged in the godly parental system. /The deafening silence fills with noise, family indirectly complicit in yourtorture. /To satisfy a status quo and public image, the Black lamb must apologize ordie without honor. /

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Prayers to an all-knowing entity the family supposedly worships and isn’tindoctrinated by, /are answered with a deafening silence and a reinforced conditioning blow. /No bloodshed and scars earned would be enough to save the Black lamb. /This cult has gone too far to isolate the Black lamb from potential salvationand its allies. /Fine. /So be it. /The minute the Black lamb dodged a killing templed blow from a WhiteSheep’s bludgeoning, /the Black One voices the end of such pain. /“Your God will not save me. So I will.” /Enduring the pain Job did willingly, what’s not more after having gonethrough so much. /Prayers to an all-knowing entity the family supposedly worships and isn’tindoctrinated by, /are answered with a deafening silence and a reinforced conditioning blow. /No bloodshed and scars earned would be enough to save the Black lamb. /This cult has gone too far to isolate the Black lamb from potential salvationand its allies. /Fine. /So be it. /The minute the Black lamb dodged a killing templed blow from a WhiteSheep’s bludgeoning, /the Black One voices the end of such pain. /“Your God will not save me. So I will.” /Enduring the pain Job did willingly, what’s not more after having gonethrough so much. /

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Even as the Black One was called back into the cultish pasture, They were never on your side. /You had a chance to do right, but you killed it. /The Black One is no longer your Sheep, it is your Wolf. /The Wolf will be your Monster, but never in ways you think so. /The Wolf transformed despite harsh conditioning, to be the Salvation yourAncestors begged for. / “If God exists, it is Me!”/You sheep so fragile and stubborn in your ways, /The Hand no longer extends to you. /It extends to the fainting goats, the abandoned and neglected lambs, theabused calves. /The so-called Abominations. They need a loving hand, not an underhandedblade. /Even as the Black One was called back into the cultish pasture, They were never on your side. /You had a chance to do right, but you killed it. /The Black One is no longer your Sheep, it is your Wolf. /The Wolf will be your Monster, but never in ways you think so. /The Wolf transformed despite harsh conditioning, to be the Salvation yourAncestors begged for. / “If God exists, it is Me!”/You sheep so fragile and stubborn in your ways, /The Hand no longer extends to you. /It extends to the fainting goats, the abandoned and neglected lambs, theabused calves. /The so-called Abominations. They need a loving hand, not an underhandedblade. /

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Sad is the yew who wished only for love and a decent chance; /You Shunned and authoritatively Abused them. /Attempting to exorcise them from the demons, you only Casting saiddemons into. /All the King’s Horses and all the King’s Men…realize in horror… /as they cannot put your pieces together again… /Solemnly turning their heads from the lifeless slaughtered pasture, /To the One that is Free, on greener pastures; /nourishing themselves and thriving with their Loved and Chosen. /“The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.” /“Spare the rod, spoil the child.”/ Your misunderstanding of your own Text was your Downfall. /Your origins are hugely outdated to the 17th Century’s Hudibras! /Will you check your mountain of skeletons under your corpses? /Sad is the yew who wished only for love and a decent chance; /You Shunned and authoritatively Abused them. /Attempting to exorcise them from the demons, you only Casting saiddemons into. /All the King’s Horses and all the King’s Men…realize in horror… /as they cannot put your pieces together again… /Solemnly turning their heads from the lifeless slaughtered pasture, /To the One that is Free, on greener pastures; /nourishing themselves and thriving with their Loved and Chosen. /“The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.” /“Spare the rod, spoil the child.”/ Your misunderstanding of your own Text was your Downfall. /Your origins are hugely outdated to the 17th Century’s Hudibras! /Will you check your mountain of skeletons under your corpses? /

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I know your secrets. Be humbled, /for the family you choose is stronger than the one you’re bornto. /Call me a prophet of the Anti-Christ if it so soothes you. /The Wolf doesn’t follow your God, whose followers are undead,/they sooner abandoning their children for being authenticallythemselves. /For the Black Wolf’s own pantheons, family, and allies /are more loving than the Undead Sheep in the pasture. /“If there’s a God, it’s fucking Me.”I know your secrets. Be humbled, /for the family you choose is stronger than the one you’re bornto. /Call me a prophet of the Anti-Christ if it so soothes you. /The Wolf doesn’t follow your God, whose followers are undead,/they sooner abandoning their children for being authenticallythemselves. /For the Black Wolf’s own pantheons, family, and allies /are more loving than the Undead Sheep in the pasture. /“If there’s a God, it’s fucking Me.”