Message Pupil versionMs O’Flynn is theDesignated Teacher forChild Protection. She is incharge of child protectionfor P5, P6 and P7.Mr Love is another DeputyDesignated Teacher forChild Protection. He is incharge of child protectionfor P3 and P4. CHILD PROTECTIONCHILD PROTECTIONPOLICYPOLICYWHO IS THE TEAM?These are the people youcan talk to in school if youneed helpThere are some otherplaces to get help too.WHERE ELSE CAN IGET HELP?Mrs Hirthe is a DeputyDesignated Teacher forChild Protection. She is incharge of child protectionfor P1 and P2. Of course, you can also talk to any adultin school and they will all know what todo when you need help. Your own teacher or classroomassistant, lunch time staff and ofcourse- Mrs Black too.The police are alwaysthere to help too.
CHILD PROTECTIONPOLICYWHAT DOES THESCHOOL DO?WHY DO WE NEEDTHIS?What is child protection?A policy is a piece of writing that theteachers make which explains howthe school does all the things it needsto do. We have policies for lots ofthings like: anti-bullying, markingand behaviour.Your parent’s or care-giver’s jobis to: keep you safe from harmgive you enough healthy foodto eat every daymake sure you have theclothes you needlove and support youand almost all parents andcaregivers do the most amazingjob at this.It’s really sad, but sometimes childrencan be harmed, either by accident oreven on purpose. This means somechildren are not safe.This is never ok.It’s the school’s job to watch out forwhen this happens, and be ready tolisten to any child who tells us theyneed our help, and to make sure theyget all the help they need.Child protection is a really special job that all adults have.It’s really important that schools are good at it becausechildren spend so much time in school every week.The child protection policy tells everyone what the schooldoes to keep all the children safe, and what we will do ifone of you needs our help.PlanningListenHelpParent InvolvementThe school has a team whose job itis to make sure we’re ready tohelp. We talk to other adults whoare experts in protecting children.When someone tells us they needhelp we don’t get cross orimpatient. We make time andspace so we can hear all the thingsyou want to tell us.Once we know what the problem iswe can start to help straight away.The type of help you need will bedifferent for different situations -but it will always be helpful. We will talk to your parents toexplain what type of help we thinkyou need, and to let them know ifwe have to tell the other expertchild protectors.What is a policy?
CHILD PROTECTIONPOLICYWHAT DOES THESCHOOL DO?WHY DO WE NEEDTHIS?What is child protection?A policy is a piece of writing that theteachers make which explains howthe school does all the things it needsto do. We have policies for lots ofthings like: anti-bullying, markingand behaviour.Your parent’s or care-giver’s jobis to: keep you safe from harmgive you enough healthy foodto eat every daymake sure you have theclothes you needlove and support youand almost all parents andcaregivers do the most amazingjob at this.It’s really sad, but sometimes childrencan be harmed, either by accident oreven on purpose. This means somechildren are not safe.This is never ok.It’s the school’s job to watch out forwhen this happens, and be ready tolisten to any child who tells us theyneed our help, and to make sure theyget all the help they need.Child protection is a really special job that all adults have.It’s really important that schools are good at it becausechildren spend so much time in school every week.The child protection policy tells everyone what the schooldoes to keep all the children safe, and what we will do ifone of you needs our help.PlanningListenHelpParent InvolvementThe school has a team whose job itis to make sure we’re ready tohelp. We talk to other adults whoare experts in protecting children.When someone tells us they needhelp we don’t get cross orimpatient. We make time andspace so we can hear all the thingsyou want to tell us.Once we know what the problem iswe can start to help straight away.The type of help you need will bedifferent for different situations -but it will always be helpful. We will talk to your parents toexplain what type of help we thinkyou need, and to let them know ifwe have to tell the other expertchild protectors.What is a policy?
CHILD PROTECTIONPOLICYWHAT DOES THESCHOOL DO?WHY DO WE NEEDTHIS?What is child protection?A policy is a piece of writing that theteachers make which explains howthe school does all the things it needsto do. We have policies for lots ofthings like: anti-bullying, markingand behaviour.Your parent’s or care-giver’s jobis to: keep you safe from harmgive you enough healthy foodto eat every daymake sure you have theclothes you needlove and support youand almost all parents andcaregivers do the most amazingjob at this.It’s really sad, but sometimes childrencan be harmed, either by accident oreven on purpose. This means somechildren are not safe.This is never ok.It’s the school’s job to watch out forwhen this happens, and be ready tolisten to any child who tells us theyneed our help, and to make sure theyget all the help they need.Child protection is a really special job that all adults have.It’s really important that schools are good at it becausechildren spend so much time in school every week.The child protection policy tells everyone what the schooldoes to keep all the children safe, and what we will do ifone of you needs our help.PlanningListenHelpParent InvolvementThe school has a team whose job itis to make sure we’re ready tohelp. We talk to other adults whoare experts in protecting children.When someone tells us they needhelp we don’t get cross orimpatient. We make time andspace so we can hear all the thingsyou want to tell us.Once we know what the problem iswe can start to help straight away.The type of help you need will bedifferent for different situations -but it will always be helpful. We will talk to your parents toexplain what type of help we thinkyou need, and to let them know ifwe have to tell the other expertchild protectors.What is a policy?
Pupil versionMs O’Flynn is theDesignated Teacher forChild Protection. She is incharge of child protectionfor P5, P6 and P7.Mr Love is another DeputyDesignated Teacher forChild Protection. He is incharge of child protectionfor P3 and P4. CHILD PROTECTIONCHILD PROTECTIONPOLICYPOLICYWHO IS THE TEAM?These are the people youcan talk to in school if youneed helpThere are some otherplaces to get help too.WHERE ELSE CAN IGET HELP?Mrs Hirthe is a DeputyDesignated Teacher forChild Protection. She is incharge of child protectionfor P1 and P2. Of course, you can also talk to any adultin school and they will all know what todo when you need help. Your own teacher or classroomassistant, lunch time staff and ofcourse- Mrs Black too.The police are alwaysthere to help too.
Pupil versionMs O’Flynn is theDesignated Teacher forChild Protection. She is incharge of child protectionfor P5, P6 and P7.Mr Love is another DeputyDesignated Teacher forChild Protection. He is incharge of child protectionfor P3 and P4. CHILD PROTECTIONCHILD PROTECTIONPOLICYPOLICYWHO IS THE TEAM?These are the people youcan talk to in school if youneed helpThere are some otherplaces to get help too.WHERE ELSE CAN IGET HELP?Mrs Hirthe is a DeputyDesignated Teacher forChild Protection. She is incharge of child protectionfor P1 and P2. Of course, you can also talk to any adultin school and they will all know what todo when you need help. Your own teacher or classroomassistant, lunch time staff and ofcourse- Mrs Black too.The police are alwaysthere to help too.