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6. Mauritius - Open for Business 7. A Business Utopia 8. AtComm - Communicate &Converge9. Ferrari - What is Beauty 13. Bluxe Global Prepay Debit Card 14. A Thriving Investment Hub20. A Tale of Resilience 23. Mauritius Unveiled - A DigitalNomad's Perspective27. A Digital Frontier in Cybersecurity

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Joseph Farodoye Editor-In-ChiefUyai AkpanManaging EditorBluxe Graphic Design TeamInternational Team Africa Amogelang MasigoThulani CindiUAEHichame BalouzAdvisorsTurker OzanTiffanee Marie LimContributorsLarry Peters Modupe Ladipo bluxecentury info@bluxecentury.comwww.bluxecentury.comCut from adifferentclothEnjoy a touch of the best in culturaljournalism inspired by our journey aroundthe globe. This year's supplement bringstogether articles focused on Mauritius.Make discoveries that will take you toplaces you've never been before anduncover perspectives on global issuesthat will make you think.The Estate has become Bluxe Centrurywith a broader geographical scope and awider audience. We have grown ourteam, condensed the content andreduced the number of issues per year toone single issue generated once a year,creating the most comprehensive,sought after, annual luxury publication ofits kind in the world.You are part of an exclusive communityof readers with access to the mostinnovative journalism from around theworld. Be inspired by our stories,broaden your horizons and challengeyour preconceptions.Our Team Copyright 2023 all rights reserved Bluxe Global Limited, London UK

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A Business Utopia

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Located in the Indian Ocean,this small island offers a host ofadvantages for those whodecide to set up business inMauritius. The most intriguing fact aboutMauritius is its great reputationas a business-friendlyenvironment with a solid legalsystem. Laws in Mauritiusprovide a stable, user friendlyframework for those looking toinvest in property, opencompanies, and enjoy access toprivileges such as advantageousbanking and tax havens. Mauritius is a perfect locale forthose interested in doingbusiness. Mauritius has becomean increasinglyattractive destinationfor professionals andentrepreneurs lookingMHighly educated people and askilled workforce add to itsalready impressive attributes,making Mauritius an ideal placeto reside and work. Specializedservices providing assistanceto businesses, like accountingand consulting services, canalso be obtained through manylocal firms.Another reason that greatlyfavors business in Mauritius isits proximity to major Africancountries and its strategicimportance in the region. Thismakes Mauritius a wonderfulbase for companies looking toexpand into Africa, as well asother markets in Asia andbeyond.Mauritius is an ideal destinationfor entrepreneurs wanting tostart a business or grow anexisting one. aptly labeled abusiness haven.Mauritius is a business utopia for companies looking to win big.MAURITUIAN SUPPLEMENTB L U X E C E N T U R Y M A G A Z I N E6 to establish their business andmaximize their profits.

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Mauritius is fast establishing itself as one of the bestplaces to do business in the world. With an advantageousbanking and tax system, a solid legal framework, beautifulinfrastructure and people who are famously trustworthy,Mauritius has become an ideal place to set up or movebusiness operations.For entrepreneurs looking to set up shop in Mauritius,there are a variety of benefits to consider. The country’slong-standing commitment to financial independence, lowcorporate tax rate and fewer bureaucratic procedures havemade it a popular choice for businesses from all over theworld.The banking system in Mauritius is one of the main reasonsbusinesses choose the country. Mauritius not only has thevery lowest interest rates, but also a sophisticated andefficient banking system that offers plenty of options forbusinesses to structure their operations in the mostefficient and cost- effective manner.For businesses looking for investment opportunities,Mauritius also offers favorable tax incentives. The countryhas a range of tax benefits and concessions for foreigninvestors, including a ten-year tax exemption for newcompanies. Companies from any part of the world canbenefit from tax savings in Mauritius, while they can alsotake advantage of the government’s commitment to lowtaxes.Another great advantage of doing business in Mauritius isits infrastructure. The island is well- served by a number ofports, including the capital city of Port-Louis. This portoffers reliable and cost-effective options for businesses tomove goods and services internationally.Furthermore, the infrastructure on the island is of a highstandard. This includes both human capital and physicalinfrastructure - such as roads, computers andtelecommunications networks.To sum up, Mauritius is quickly becoming one of the mostpromotable business havens in the world. By providing astrong legal framework, competitive tax system,advantageous banking system and an extensiveinfrastructure, it is an ideal place for entrepreneurs to setup operations or expand their business. With so manyadvantages for those looking for investment opportunity,Mauritius is an ideal choice for businesses from all over theworld.B L U X E C E N T U R Y M A G A Z I N E7

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The key to any successful relationship is sound communication and connectivity - simply put betterconnection means higher productivity. Over the past few years, working remotely has taken thebusiness world by storm and many were unprepared for its impact on employee communications,connectivity and productivity. Introducing Atcomm, your first choice for high-level, reliable, secureand resilient connectivity and telecommunication solutions throughout Mauritius. As PlatinumPartners for Motorola for professional and commercial radio solutions for over 20 years, Atcommserve businesses with best-in-class integrated telecommunication solutions, improving productivityand efficiency regionally. With an unparalleled wealth of experience, and bespoke communicationdesign, the Atcomm portfolio is one your business would be proud to be a part of. w w w . a t c o m m . m uCOMMUNICATE . CONNECT . CONVERGE

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F E R R A R I W H A T I S B E A U T Y / / F A L L 2 0 2 3 - 2 4

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The inspiration of Creative DirectorRocco Iannone starts from ananswer that recalls every singlemoment of Ferrari's history: “Beautyis the pleasure that derives fromspeed, captured in its initial burst, inits full symbolic and designpotential. It is the movement thatstems from an idea, the aestheticthat captures the uniqueness of thetransient, the sign of what is aboutto take place”.F E R R A R IWHAT IS BEAUTY FOR FERRARI?B L U X E C E N T U R Y M A G A Z I N E10

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Are you tired of dealing with the hassle of transactions andpurchases? The Bluxe Global pre-pay card is the solutionyou've been looking for. With a maximum daily spendinglimit of $30,000, this card is your passport to a hassle-freeshopping experience. Plus, you'll earn extra points whenusing it with preferred brands. There are no hidden fees, nominimum balance, and the monthly charge is only £3.99,making it an affordable option for everyone. With BluxeGlobal, you can shop with confidence knowing that you'regetting the best value for your money.The Bluxe Global pre-pay card is the perfect debit card forthose who value financial freedom. With its pay-and-spendsystem, you can easily top up your card with money orcryptocurrency, and spend worry-free wherever you go.With Bluxe, you can travel the world and make purchaseswith ease, knowing that you are in control of yourspending.Click here to learn more: L U X E G L O B A LC A R D

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INVESTMENT HUBA THRIVINGMauritius has gained recognition as a thrivinginvestment hub for both local and foreign investors.The island nation boasts a robust economy with asteady growth rate, political stability, andfavourable business regulations. These factorshave contributed to the influx of investmentsacross various sectors, including financial services,real estate, information and communicationtechnology (ICT), renewable energy, andagriculture.B L U X E C E N T U R Y M A G A Z I N E14

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At the core of Mauritius' economic successis its banking system, which is known for itsstability, transparency, and sophistication.The financial services sector in Mauritiushas evolved into a significant offshorefinancial hub in the Indian Ocean region. Mauritian banks offer a wide range offinancial services, including retail banking,corporate banking, private banking, andwealth management. These institutionsadhere to international standards ofcompliance, making them attractive forboth local and foreign investors.B L U X E C E N T U R Y M A G A Z I N E15A PILLAR OFE C O N O M I C S T A B I L I T YF I NA N CI A L S T A BI L IT YW E AL T H M A N A G E ME N T

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1. Regulatory Framework: The Banking Act of2004 and the Financial Services Act of 2007provide a comprehensive regulatoryframework for the banking sector in Mauritius.The Bank of Mauritius, the country's centralbank, supervises and regulates financialinstitutions to ensure their soundness andcompliance with international standards.2. Stability and Solvency: Mauritian banks areknown for their financial stability and solvency.The country has weathered global financialcrises with resilience, and the banking sectorhas remained largely unaffected.3. Foreign Investment: Mauritius is anattractive destination for foreign investors,thanks to its robust network of double taxationavoidance agreements (DTAAs) with numerouscountries. These agreements offer tax benefitsto foreign investors and contribute to theisland's status as an international financialcenter.4. Currency Exchange: The Mauritian Rupee(MUR) is a stable currency, and the bankingsystem facilitates easy currency exchange.This is particularly beneficial for investorsconducting international transactions.5. Wealth Management and Offshore Services:Mauritian banks offer comprehensive wealthmanagement and offshore services to cater tothe financial needs of high-net-worthindividuals, corporations, and global investors.KEY FEATURES OFTHE MAURITIANB L U X E C E N T U R Y M A G A Z I N E16B A N K I N G S Y S T E M

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1. Real Estate: The real estate sector inMauritius is experiencing significantgrowth, particularly in luxury propertiesand the hospitality segment. Foreigninvestors can acquire property and benefitfrom attractive residency and citizenshipschemes.2. Information and CommunicationTechnology (ICT): The ICT sector inMauritius has seen substantial growth,attracting startups and tech companiesfrom around the world. The government'scommitment to supporting the ICT sectorhas led to various incentives andinvestment opportunities.3. Renewable Energy: Mauritius activelyinvests in clean energy solutions, includingwind, solar, and hydroelectric powerprojects. The government encouragesgreen initiatives, offering tax incentives forrenewable energy projects.4. Agriculture and Agro-Processing:Mauritius promotes agro-processing andexport-oriented agriculture, providingopportunities in the cultivation andprocessing of sugar, tea, and tropicalfruits.B L U X E C E N T U R Y M A G A Z I N E17INVESTMENTO P P O R T U N I T I E S

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In conclusion, Mauritius, often referred to as the "Pearl of theIndian Ocean," is a thriving investment destination with astable banking system that serves as a pillar of its economicgrowth. The country's regulatory framework, stability, andopenness to foreign investment make it an attractive choicefor investors across various sectors.While there are challenges and considerations, the overallinvestment climate in Mauritius is promising. The islandnation's commitment to economic diversification andsustainable growth, along with its unique appeal, positions itas a safe and appealing destination for those seeking to investin a vibrant and growing economy..

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www.airmauritius.comAIR MAURITIUS

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The history of Mauritius is a compellingnarrative of a small island's journey fromcolonial domination to independence.Nestled in the Indian Ocean, thisparadisiacal island, discovered by Arab andPortuguese explorers, has seen the riseand fall of several colonial powers beforeachieving its own sovereignty. The story ofMauritius's emergence as an independentnation is a testament to the spirit of itspeople and their unwavering determination.Early Colonial InfluenceMauritius first came under Dutch control inthe 17th century but was subsequentlyabandoned. It was the French whoestablished the first permanent settlementin 1721, naming the island Île de France.They transformed Mauritius into a thrivingsugar-producing colony, bringing enslavedAfricans and indentured laborers from Indiato work on the sugar plantations. TheFrench colonial rule lasted until 1810 whenthe British seized the island during theNapoleonic Wars.British Colonial EraUnder British rule, Mauritius underwentsignificant changes. Slavery was abolishedin 1835, leading to the importation ofindentured laborers from India, China, andother regions. The diverse culturallandscape that we see in Mauritius today isa result of this migration. The Britishcontinued to develop the island's sugarindustry and infrastructure.A N D I N D E P E N D E N C E A TALE OFRESILIENCE B L U X E C E N T U R Y M A G A Z I N E20

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21The road to independence was pavedwith negotiations, political movements,and compromises. The milestone towardsself-rule came when the Britishgovernment, under Prime Minister HaroldMacmillan, proposed a new constitutionthat granted Mauritius a measure of self-governance. After years of struggle andpolitical activism, Mauritius finallyachieved its independence.Independence DayIndependence Day, marked theculmination of Mauritius's long journeyfrom colonial rule to nationhood. TheUnion Jack was lowered for the last time,and the Mauritian flag was raised,symbolizing the birth of a new,independent nation. Sir SeewoosagurRamgoolam became the first PrimeMinister of the independent Mauritius,and the country embarked on a new pathof self-determination.Post-Independence ChallengesThe post-independence era brought itsown set of challenges. The task of nation-building was formidable, with the need tobalance the interests of the variousethnic communities that had madeMauritius their home. Yet, throughvisionary leadership, political stability, anda commitment to social and economicprogress, Mauritius graduallytransformed itself into a thriving anddiversified economy.Mauritius's emergence as anindependent nation from colonial rule isa remarkable story of resilience,determination, and a shared commitmentto unity in diversity. The island nation hascome a long way from its colonial past,evolving into a vibrant multiculturalsociety with a thriving economy. Thepeaceful transition to independencestands as a testament to the power ofdiplomacy and non-violent resistance,making Mauritius an inspiring examplefor others striving for self-determination.BLUXE CENTURY MAGAZINETHE PATHINDEPENDENCE TO

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Mauritius, a tiny paradise in the Indian Ocean, is a destination that has captured thehearts of travelers for years. With its pristine beaches, lush landscapes, and a vibrantmix of cultures, it's no wonder that Mauritius is now gaining popularity among digitalnomads. In this article, we'll take a look at Mauritius through the eyes of a digitalnomad and explore the highlights of this incredible island nation, focusing on visaentry, banking, access to nightlife, and, of course, the mouthwatering cuisine.VISA ENTRY FOR DIGITAL NOMADSOne of the most appealing aspects of Mauritius for digital nomads is its friendly visapolicy. Most nationalities can enter Mauritius visa-free for up to 90 days, making it anattractive destination for those seeking short to medium-term stays. However, if youplan on staying longer, you can apply for a long-term visa through the OccupationPermit system, which is designed to attract foreign professionals, investors, andretirees. The process is relatively straightforward, and the authorities are generallyquite responsive to inquiries.MAURITIUS UNVEILEDA D I G I T A L N O M A D S P E R S P E C T I V EB L U X E C E N T U R Y M A G A Z I N E23

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MAURITIAN NIGHTLIFEBANKING & FINANCIAL SERVICES Mauritius is a hub for international finance, and as a digital nomad, you'llfind it easy to manage your finances here. The island offers a wide range ofbanking and financial services, with modern online banking platforms thatmake managing your finances a breeze. The Mauritian Rupee (MUR) is thelocal currency, but many establishments also accept major foreigncurrencies, such as the US Dollar and Euro.NIGHTLIFE: WHERE THE ISLAND COMES ALIVEWhen the sun sets in Mauritius, the island transforms into a lively andcolorful nightlife haven. Whether you're looking for beachside bars, clubs,or live music, Mauritius has it all. Grand Baie, located in the north of theisland, is renowned for its vibrant nightlife, with countless bars and clubsthat keep the party going until the early hours of the morning. Port Louis,the capital city, is another fantastic spot for nighttime entertainment, with avariety of bars, restaurants, and clubs to choose from.24

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Mauritius is a culinary melting pot, and you're infor a treat as you explore the diverse andflavorful cuisine on the island. With influencesfrom Africa, India, China, and Europe, the localfood scene is a delightful fusion of flavors andtraditions. Some must-try dishes include DhollPuri (stuffed flatbread), Boulettes (dumplings),and the famous Chicken and Seafood Curries.Don't forget to savor the tropical fruits likelychees, mangoes, and the exotic "Victoria"pineapple.Moreover, the street food scene is a digitalnomad's dream. Tasty snacks, like gateauxpiments (chili cakes), samosas, and roti, arereadily available and incredibly affordable. Andno trip to Mauritius would be complete withoutindulging in a refreshing glass of "Alouda," asweet milk-based beverage flavored withexotic ingredients like basil seeds or agar-agar.In conclusion, Mauritius offers digital nomadsan excellent blend of convenience, culture,and natural beauty. Visa entry isstraightforward, banking services are world-class, nightlife options are abundant, and theculinary scene is a sensory delight. Whetheryou're here for a short escape or a long-termstay, Mauritius is sure to leave you withunforgettable memories and a desire to returnto this stunning tropical haven.So, if you're considering your next destinationas a digital nomad, Mauritius deserves a topspot on your list. Come and explore this hiddengem in the Indian Ocean and see it through theeyes of a digital nomad for yourself.B L U X E C E N T U R Y M A G A Z I N E25A CULINARY ADVENTURE

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Mauritius, known for its pristine beaches andstunning landscapes, is quietly making waves inthe world of technology, specifically in thedomains of cybersecurity and digital banking. Overthe past five years, this small island nation hasundergone a remarkable transformation,embracing technological advancements that areturning heads not only in the Indian Ocean but alsoacross the African continent.B L U X E C E N T U R Y M A G A Z I N E28MAURITIUS RISING

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In the digital age, cybersecurity is aparamount concern for governments andbusinesses alike. Mauritius has takensignificant steps to bolster itscybersecurity infrastructure andcapabilities:1. National Computer EmergencyResponse Team (CERT-MU): Mauritiusestablished CERT-MU, a dedicatedagency responsible for monitoring andresponding to cyber threats. This initiativehas greatly enhanced the nation's ability todetect and thwart cyberattacks.2. Collaboration with InternationalPartners: Mauritius actively engages withinternational organizations andneighbouring countries to share threatintelligence and best practices. Thiscollaborative approach has provedinvaluable in addressing cross-bordercyber threats.3. Skilled Workforce: The government, inconjunction with educational institutions,has invested in developing a skilledcybersecurity workforce. Certifications andtraining programs have produced a pool oftalented professionals dedicated tokeeping the nation safe from cyber threats.4. Comprehensive Regulations: Thegovernment has introducedcomprehensive cybersecurity regulationsand policies, ensuring that criticalinfrastructure and sensitive data are well-protected. These measures havesignificantly reduced vulnerabilities.B L U X E C E N T U R Y M A G A Z I N E29ADVANCEMENTSI N C Y B E R S E C U R I T Y

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While Mauritius has made impressiveprogress, it still faces certain challenges:1. Rising Cybercrime: Cybercriminals haveadapted to the evolving cybersecuritylandscape, leading to an increase incyberattacks such as phishing, ransomware,and financial fraud.2. Data Privacy Concerns: Stricter dataprotection regulations have put pressure onorganizations to safeguard customer data andmaintain compliance, which can be a complexendeavor.ADVANCEMENTS IN DIGITAL BANKINGThe banking sector in Mauritius has alsoembraced the digital revolution:1. Mobile Banking: Mobile banking solutionshave gained immense popularity in Mauritius.Mobile wallets and payment apps have madeit convenient for citizens to access andmanage their finances through theirsmartphones.2. Thriving Fintech Ecosystem: Mauritius hascultivated a thriving fintech ecosystem,attracting startups and innovative financialservice providers. This has led to thedevelopment of various digital bankingsolutions.3. Progressive Regulations: The governmenthas introduced forward-thinking regulations tosupport digital banking and fintech, fostering asecure and innovation-friendly environment inthe financial sector.RISKS INCYBERSECURITY B L U X E C E N T U R Y M A G A Z I N E30

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Mauritius stands out as a regionalleader in technological advancements:1. Cybersecurity: Mauritius'commitment to cybersecurity surpassesthat of many neighbouring countries. Itsactive participation in internationalinitiatives has elevated its status as aresponsible player in the digital realm.2. Digital Banking: While Mauritiusboasts an impressive digital bankinglandscape, countries like Kenya andNigeria are known for their innovativefintech solutions, presenting healthycompetition.CHALLENGES & FUTURE PROSPECTSTo maintain its leading position in thesefields, Mauritius must address thefollowing challenges:1. Capacity Building: Continuouslyexpanding the pool of skilledprofessionals in cybersecurity anddigital banking is vital for sustainedgrowth.2. Adaptation to New Threats: Astechnology evolves, so do cyberthreats. Mauritius must remain vigilantand adaptable to new risks.Mauritius' technological journey incybersecurity and digital banking is atestament to the nation's commitmentto embracing digital transformation. Asthis picturesque island nation sets newstandards for its neighbours and theAfrican continent, it serves as a shiningexample of the potential for growth andprogress in the realms of technology,cybersecurity, and digital banking. Theworld is watching, and Mauritius iscertainly a name to remember in thedigital age.B L U X E C E N T U R Y M A G A Z I N E31COMPARISONW I T H N E I G H B O U R I N G C O U N T R I E S & A F R I C A

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C OP Y R I GH T A LL R I GHT S RES E R V ED 2 0 23 B L UX E G LOB A L LI M I T EDB L U X E G L O B A L C A R DBluxe Global Visa Debit Card, your ticket to effortless, securepayments worldwide for whatever you want, wherever you are.Experience 24/7 account access, enhanced transactionprotection, and the utmost security with advanced EMV chiptechnology and real-time fraud monitoring. Unlock a world ofconvenience, security, and peace. One card for the world'scountless opportunities.WHATEVER.

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I N T E L L I G E N C E I N G E N U I T Y S T R A T E G YC O M M O N / / U N I T YW E A R E A P E O P L E F U E L E D B Y O U R D E S I R E S ,L I N K E D T H R O U G H O U R P A S S I O N S A N DF O C U S E D O N C R E A T I N G A B E T T E RE N V I R O N M E N T F O R T H E F U T U R E O F O U RP L A N E T .

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