All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, ordistributed in any print or electronic form without written consent from TBM. Copyright © 2022 by Texas Baptist Men5351 Catron Drive Dallas, TX 75227tbmtx.orgVersion 1.0 Written by: Preston Cave
Matthew 22:36-40 ~ “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your souland with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And thesecond is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophetshang on these two commandments.”Romans 13:9-10 ~ The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shallnot murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not covet,” and whatever othercommand there may be, are summed up in this one command: “Love yourneighbor as yourself.” Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is thefulfillment of the law.L - What is being said and what does it mean? How can I help them feel heard and seen?O - Is there something outwardly about them I should comment on to help themfeel valued as a Divine Image-bearer? (Haircut, clothes, positive action/trait,etc)V - If I hear/see something of value I will express it in an appropriate manner, aslong as it contributes positively to the conversation.E - I commit to bringing value to every person and situation. If what I am about todo or say does not bring value to the person or situation then I will not do orsay that thing.The 1st word in our Interactive Bible Study isJesus was once asked, "What is the most important thing in all the world?” Do youknow what he said?Jesus taught that if we do laws we will do other laws naturally!The Apostle Paul said it this way:If love is how we live in harmony with God and others, then how to LOVE well. Love that is not expressed is never experienced. Express love today!
H to hear him.E him to speak.A it is him when he does speak.R appropriately to what he says.The 2nd word in our Interactive Bible Study isList some interests you have? If we aren’t careful we can separate our interests from our relationship with Jesus.Yet, if an interest does not violate the law of love (1st & 2nd commandments) thenmaybe it is a gift from God for our joy and his glory.Our interests are the “ ” we speak and respond to best.If God really loves us and if he gave us specific “ ”, don’t youthink he plans to talk to us through our interests?If God wants to speak to us, what can we do to H.E.A.R. him better?Start using your interests to hear God better.
Do you need to extend forgiveness to a family member?Do you need to ask forgiveness from a family member?The 3rd word in our Interactive Bible Study isFill in the blanks, “Love your as you love ”Who is our neighbor? Before God established the church he established the family, so God places a highvalue on our family.We should always fight our family and not them.Whether you are in a healthy family right now or not, you will one day have a familyof your own. What do you want your future family to look like? Write it down:Start building the kind of healthy family NOW that you want for your future.How can you L.O.V.E. your family members well this week? Write it down:
1 John 1:9 ~ "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us oursins and purify us from all unrighteousness."The 4th word in our Interactive Bible Study is This word was a common 1st century Greek term meaning, “An assembly of thosecalled out to represent.” It was much like our modern-day elected officials. Today,we elect certain individuals within our community to represent the people in civicmatters. In the same way, God has chosen that every person who trusts in Jesus will be partof a larger “Ecclesia” of people who have been called out by God to re-present him tothe rest of the world. If we have a relationship with Jesus, we are called to re-present him to those in ourcircle of influence, using our interests as a ministry of love. Is there anything in your life that would be considered a poor re-presentation ofJesus and His way of life?Is there anything you need to confess to Jesus today? Experiencing L.I.F.E.Love-Interests-Family-Ecclesia. These four words will help us better experience theabundant life Jesus promised. We can’t receive what has been promised unless wego to the One who promised it. Perhaps you have never started a relationship could be your day. You can start a relationship with him right now! Wemust simply acknowledge we are broken and confess that brokenness to Jesus.Next, we ask him to forgive us of our sin and we choose to follow him from this pointforward. Becoming a christian is NOT about following rules. It is about following Jesus. Inorder to experience life the way it was designed, we must submit to the Designer.Becoming a christian means saying NO to our way of life and YES to his way of life.The Jesus way of life is the way of LOVE. The Blueprints for LIFE: Simply love God and love people!
Day 1REA D PRA Y Holy Spirit, I pray _____ will put his/her trust in the lighttoday so he/she may live like a child of the light. InJesus' name, amen.Father, I pray that you, Lord, who said, “Let light shineout of darkness,” will make Your light shine in _____’sheart today to give him/her the light of the knowledgeof Your glory in the face of Christ. In Jesus' name, amen.Numbers6:24-26Holy Spirit, I lift up _____ to you today and ask You toproduce in him/her the fruit of the Spirit that onlycomes from you. May _____ have love, joy, peace,patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness,and self-control today. In Jesus' name, amen.Galatians5:22-23Father, I pray for _____ to not be conformed to this world,but that his/her mind may be renewed by Your wordtoday so that he/she will know what is good andpleasing to You. In Jesus' name, amen.Holy Spirit, I pray for you to surround _____ with friendswho will spur him/her on towards love and good deeds.Bring people in his/her life today who will encouragehim/her. May _____ also be this type of friend to others.In Jesus' name, amen.King Jesus, I ask you to protect _____ from the thief andto experience the abundant life you promise to givehim/her today. In Jesus' name, amen.Father, may you bless _____ and keep _____; make Yourface shine upon _____ and be gracious to _____; turnYour face towards _____ and give him/her peace. InJesus' name, amen.In se rt a na me in t he b l an ks be lo w to pr a y s c ri pt ur eov er y o u r p ra ye r t ar ge t e ve ry d a y .7-Day Prayer GuideDay 2Romans12:2Day 3Hebrews10:24-25Day 4John 10:10Day 5John 12:36Day 62 Corinthians4:6Day 7Download the 40-Day Prayer Guide
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