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BLPC Online Brochure

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How Laser TherapyWorks Conditions Seen Office Information

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Office Hours:Mon., Wed. Thurs7AM-12PM & 2PM-5PMTuesday7AM-12PM205-536-7758Benjamin W. Smith III, D.C.

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Creates Analgesic (PainRelief) Effects Laser therapy is creates aprocess known as Photo-Biomodulation whichstimulates celluarinteractions that creates 4main healing effects:Increases CelluarMetabolismCauses Anti-Inflamatory EventsStimulates New TissueFormation whileDecreasing Scar TissueConditionsOffice InfoIntro Page

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In the injuried cells, light fromthe laser gets absorb bycytochrome c oxidase(COX)which cleaves NO from the COXmolecule reversing theinhibition and providing energyfor the cell to function, repair,and reproduce .In the mitochondria of all cellscytochrome c oxidase(COX) isconverted into AdensineTriphosphate(ATP). ATP is theenergy of the cell. This process isknow as celluar respiration.ConditionsOffice InfoIntro Page

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Both systemic and localrelease of Beta EndorphinsA reduction in theproduction and secretion ofBradykins(chemical paintriggersThe release of aceytol-choline a neurotransmitterthat lowers the firingthreshold of noxious(pain)nerves and stablizes theactionpotiential(transmission) ofthe nervesConditionsOffice InfoIntro Page

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Inhibits inflamatoryprostaglandinsStimulates Vasodialation ofarterial blood supply due toincrease in Nitric Oxicideincrease in Serotoninand decrease inhistamineAngiogenesis or increase incapilary beds Increase in white blood cellactivityremoval of celluar andtissue debrismore rapid repair andregeneration processReduction in Interleukin 1proinflamatory cytokine ConditionsOffi I fOffice InfoIntro Page

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New TissueFormation/Reduction ofScar Tissue Increased celluarmetabolism causes:Uptake of nutrients andremoval of wastebyproductIncrease in celluarmitosis(reproduction) andcollagen formationReduces fibrous tissueformation and stimulatescurrent scar tissue toremodel into elastic tissueActivates fibroblast,chondrocytes and otherrepair cellsStimulates peripherial nerveConditionsOffice InfoIntro Page

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Conditions Seen Peripherial NeuropathyRotator Cuff Injury Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Knee Arthritis Knee PainTMJ Spinal Disc Pain Plantar FacsitisOffice InfoSciaticaIntro Page

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Sports Injury Intro PageOffice InfoShoulderAnkleHip

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SciaticaConditionsOffice InfoIntro Page

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Rotator Cuff InjuryConditionsOffice InfoIntro Page

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PeripherialNeuropathyConditionsOffice InfoIntro Page

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Carpel TunnelSyndromeConditionsOffice InfoIntro Page

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Knee ArthritisConditionsOffice InfoIntro Page

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Knee PainConditionsOffice InfoIntro Page

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TMJConditionsOffice InfoIntro Page

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Spinal Disc PainConditionsOffice InfoIntro Page

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Plantar FacsitisConditionsOffice InfoIntro Page

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Sports InjuryConditionsOffice InfoIntro Page AC Joint Sprain-Football Rotator Cuff Injury-Tennis

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Hip Tendonitis-Dancer Ankle Sprain-Soccer Sports InjuryOffice InfoIntro PageConditions