BLOOMING HOPEPHOTOGRAPHYCapturing your love story through the powerof my lens.H T T P S : / / B L O O M I N G H O P E P H O T O G R A P H Y . M Y P I X I E S E T . C O M /B L O O M I N G H O P E 3 @ Y A H O O . C O MWEDDINGPHOTOGRAPHY WELCOME GUIDE
In essence, I observe and cover events as they happen.I photograph your day as it naturally unfolds,capturing real moments and creating a timeless recordof your day. The types of pictures you would receivewould be a mix of posed and lifestyle storytellingimages with a warm editing style with pops of colorand contrast. Connecting with the wedding and the people involvedon a personal level is hugely important in creatingimportant images that will be part of your familylegacy.W H A T T OE X P E C TMy style
P R O C E S SF R O M S T A R TT O F I N I S HYou have just paid the retainer and signed the contract! Isend you my Wedding Welcome Guide and it’s officiallytime to get things rolling!Schedule the Engagement session1.Do the Engagement Session2.Send you the wedding questionnaire 3.Create a custom wedding day timeline basedoff of answers from the questionnaire 4.Go over the wedding day timeline about 1-2weeks before the wedding day on Zoom5.Do a final check-in the week of the wedding .6.The Wedding Day!!!7.Sneak Peeks to be delivered a few days afterthe wedding.8.Final gallery to be delivered within 6 weeksafter the wedding9.Prints/Albums will be created and ordered ifthey are included in your package or purchasedas an add-on10.
This is by far one of the most importanttips we can give you. Choosing outfitsthat make you feel like a million bucks iskey. If you purchase something new, takeit out for a test run. You also want tothink about how it’ll photograph duringyour session.My biggest advice is comfort overeverything. Neutrals and earth tones is aMUST when trying to pick outfits. Thesephotos are representative of your ownpersonalities, and you should feel likeyourselves and dress like yourselves, too.With my engagement shoots, you get towear two outfits. I always suggest thatone outfit be dressy and more formal,while the other outfit is more casual suchas jeans and a comfortable top! . ENGAGEMENT SESSIONENGAGEMENTADVICEsession WEAR SOMETHINGCOMFORTABLE
P O P U L A R E N G A G E M E N TS E S S I O N L O C A T I O N SHere are some beautiful location suggestions for yourengagement pictures in the Ohio/WestVirginia/Pennsylvania area. Scenic Vista Park:Located in Lisbon, OhMill Creek Preserve:Located in Canfield, OhFellows Riverside GardensLocated in Youngstown, OhBrooke Hills ParkLocated in Wellsburg, WvBoardman ParkLocated in Boardman, OhHartwood MansionLocated in Pittsburgh, PaMonroeville CommunityPark WestLocated in Pittsburgh, PaPhipps Conservatory andBotanical GardensLocated in Pittsburgh, PaPoint State ParkLocated in Pittsburgh, Pa
I know exactly what you are looking for fromyour wedding day. An incredible celebration,that is memorable and of course, stress-free.But also amazing wedding photos that will lastthe test of time and allow you to relive saidincredible memories.Is it possible to have a fusion of amazingphotography and a relaxed, fun day withoutfeeling like you are in a photo shoot as a brideor groom? You bet it is.072022TIPSWEDDINGforthe
Creating a timeline for is essential tomake sure all of you are well-prepared forthe day and that everyone is on the samepage. So while it’s good to stay on task with thetimeline, I always allow a little extra timebetween transitions on the chance thatthings are running behind schedule. For a timeline to be created, a weddingday questionnaire, filled with detailed andspecific questions, will be given to you tofill out. All you want to include in yourday, will be properly implemented toensure a smooth-sailing day!TRY TO STICK TOYOUR ORIGINALTIMELINEMake sure that you get a list of familymembers names to your photographersat least a week before your wedding.The list should have first names of allpeople wanted in the portraits. Let all close family members knowthat you want them to stay at theceremony site for family portraits.Sometimes family members (yes, evenclose ones like grandparents) forget ordon’t realize they need to stay for thefamily portraits. It takes time to gatherlost family members and is much easierwhen they all know prior to thewedding day. The rings, bouquets, wedding invitations,jewelry, boutonnieres, shoes, and cufflinksare all gorgeous details that shouldn’t beforgotten! It’s helpful for your weddingphotographer to rely on a wedding partymember or other helper to organize theseitems, so make sure to keep them closewhile you are getting ready. Don’t limit yourself to this list, though! Ifyou have any items that are meaningful toyour relationship (such as love letters,keepsakes/tokens, souvenirs, etc..) thosemake wonderful additions to your detailphotos. You can also think outside thebox! CREATE A LISTOF FAMILYMEMBERSGATHER ITEMSFOR DETAILSHOTS
Allow your wedding photographer togently guide you towards natural lightand direction that will make you lookand feel your best. I’m always open tocreative suggestions from my couples,but I also might suggest otherwise if Isee that perhaps the shadows from anearby tree might not be your bestcompliment in a particular location. So rest assured, you can put your fulltrust in me when it comes to what isthe most flattering ALLOW YOURPHOTOGRAPHERTO GUIDE YOU With all the busyness and hustle &bustle on your wedding day, it’s easyto forget to hydrate and eatthroughout the day! During thegetting ready process, definitely bringalong your favorite snacks or stop by arestaurant that caters and enjoy ameal together! Also, during your reception, it isimportant to talk to your guests, butit’s also important to sit down ashusband and wife and enjoy the foodyou paid for MAKE SURE YOUEAT AND DRINKENOUGH! WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY SESSIONEMPTY POCKETS ANDREMOVE HAIRTIES/APPLEWATCHES.When it comes to doing the pictures for thewedding day, I will make sure all of the guyspockets are empty so that there no prominentoutline in the pockets such as a phone or a wallet.That can be distracting in the images and I’ll haveto spend extra time editing that out. For the ladiesif your dress had pockets then that’s completely fineto put tissues or other small things in there for thebride. This is all the same with Apple Watches and hairties, please take them off at the start of the day.
eathe, relax, and stay focused on each other. Do what is right for YOU TWO.Customize your wedding to your love story and what you two want. Sit back andadmire all of the hard work that you (and your loving family/friends) have put intoyour day. Plus, don’t sweat the small stuff, because in the end, all will work out and you andthe love of your life will be married! Soak it all in. The best is yet to come!ENJOY THE DAY ANDDON’T SWEAT THE SMALLSTUFF!
You may be familiar with the term “golden hour” aka the beautiful time of day just before the sunsets. My go-to time for sessions is during golden hour! This is when you want to shoot if you’relooking for that warm light in your photos. Planning ahead of time using your weather app to findout when sunset is ensures that you have plenty of time to shoot before the light is gone.Make sure to think about this information for your wedding ceremony! Sunset times are alwayschanging throughout the year. so depending on when you are getting married, check and makesure you know when it’ll be. Knowing when sunset is will help you determine when yourceremony will be. From when the ceremony starts to the start of the reception, there should beabout 2-3 hours in between to make sure there's enough time for pictures and not feel too rushed.If you are wanting to add on a sunset session, please reach out and let me know so that we canmake sure we set aside time for that! This would need to occur 45 minutes to a half hour beforesunset. The early afternoon may sound like a goodtime for photos schedule-wise, but keep inmind that the light is much harsher at thistime because the sun is directly overhead.Early morning light can also be magical, soif you’re a morning person, consider gettingto your first location just as the sun startsto rise.SCHEDULE YOURPICTURESAROUND THE SUN
FIRST LOOK I absolutely love this modern twist on the traditionalwedding that gives you and your fiancé the opportunityto see each other for the first time in a more intimatesetting. You could choose a more scenic location, or justhave a first talk or handhold around the corner/behind adoor so you don’t see each other. A first look doesn’t have to happen right before you walkdown the aisle, many couples choose to do a first look a fewhours before the ceremony. Seeing each other earlier in theday opens up the possibility of getting somegroup/family/wedding party photos out the way prior to theceremony, which means that you don’t have to spend asmuch time away from your guests and your party later on inthe day.momentthe
F R E Q U E N T L Y A S K E DQ U E S T I O N SQ: Do I have to order prints through you?A: I highly recommend ordering prints through one of my professionalvendors, but it isn't required. The difference in quality is huge when itcomes to ordering through a professional lab, so I always love to help withprints!Q: How do you backup the images?Backing up your images is SUPER important to me! I import all the finalimages to a main external hard drive and then to a backup external harddrive. I have a backup for my backup!Q: How long will my gallery stay active?I will always leave the gallery active. I will not put an expiration date onit! BUT, once you receive your gallery, I strongly advise you to import yourimages to a file on your computer or backup them on a flash drive.
Whether you want a second photographer is entirely up to you.There aredefinitely advantages to having two photographers. This is a HUGE timesavor and can allow the main photographer essentially be in two places atonce! Plus with a second photographer you get more images in your galleryand different points of views of all parts of your wedding day!The only wedding package that includes a second photographer is theplatinum package. Other than that, if you would want another photographerthere, it would be an extra cost as an add-on!Do you bring a second photographer?Once your photos are ready, you will receive a link to apassword protected online gallery that has all of thefinished photos from your wedding day for you to viewand download.Yes I do! You can include any add-on item that isn’t alreadypart of the package. You would just let me know and Iwould add that to your outstanding balance. The info forthe add-ons is in my pricing guide. How will we receive our photos?Do you offer add-ons?Definitely! Travel fees are applied if I'm going over 50miles, which is charged both ways. Destinations thatexceed three hours driving time each way may requireovernight accommodations. Are you willing to travel?
C O N T A C Tb l o o m i n g h o p e 3 @ y a h o o . c o m 7 2 4 - 4 0 7 - 8 4 0 7h t t p s : / / b l o o m i n g h o p e p h o t o g r a p h y . m y p i x i e s e t . c o m