BloomSKINCARECOLLECTIONFor personal use of Pure Senzes Members only. Do not copy or alter without permission Whatever your skin type is, BLOOM by Young Living helps tobrighten your skin's appearance and restore uneven skin tone!
The BLOOM by Young Living Brightening SkinCare Collection is infused with the mostadvanced natural ingredients available tobrighten the skin’s appearance and addnatural radiance. BLOOM products areformulated free of synthetic fragrance —just one more expression of our unwaveringcommitment to clean beauty. Featuring theSheerlume Brightening Complex, the BLOOMBrightening Skin Care Collection is loadedwith antioxidants to help intensify hydration,minimize the appearance of future damage,and help improve the appearance of aneven skin tone. On the inside of everyBLOOM by Young Living carton, you’ll find acolour and cutout flower activity toencourage the reuse of packaging and tohelp spread the message of reducing waste.Bloom BRIGHTENING SKINCARECOLLECTIONThe exclusive Sheerlumé™ Brightening Complex featured inthe BLOOM Brightening Skincare System is formulated withplant-based natural ingredients that can brighten the skin'sappearance and add natural radiance. Sheerlumé™ Brightening Complex Contains: Vetiver, Blue Cypress, Davana, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood,Clove, Jasmine, Carrot Seed, Spearmint, Geranium andFrankincense essential oils.1
KEY INGREDIENTSSodium Hyaluronate:Draws moisture into the skinand supports the skin’s barrierfunctionPlumeria acutifoliaflowerextract:This fast-absorbing oil has amoisturizing effect that makesthe skin feel soft and smooth,and has been used in theSouth Pacific as a staple ofhair and skin beautyPentaclethramacroloba(pracaxi) seedoil:supports skin’s naturalhydrationSheerlume BrighteningComplex:Composed ofVetiver, Blue Cypress, Davana,Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood,Clove, Jasmine, Carrot Seed,Spearmint, Geranium andFrankincense essential oilsBENEFITS AND FEATURES • Hydrates skin • Brightens and gives skin a radiant glow • Helps restore the appearance of an even skin tone •Provides skin with a smoother texture •Effectively removes makeup and impurities •Made with naturally derived, gentle ingredients•Hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic •Cruelty free•Formulated without gluten, parabens,phthalates,synthetic fragrance, sulfates, petroleum,or mineral oil, or any of the thousands of potentiallyproblematic ingredients Bloom BRIGHTENING CLEANSERHOW TO USEWet skin with lukewarm waterand gently massage a smallamount of cleanser onto skin. Rinse thoroughly and pat dry,repeat morning and night.Naturally derived facial wash that reveals radiant skin and leaves your facefeeling fresh and smooth. Bloom Brightening Cleanser is powered byplumeria flower extract, sodium hyaluronate, and pracaxi seed oil that helpsto both cleanse and hydrate the skin.Developed to address the appearance of uneven skin that has lost itsnatural radiance, the Bloom by Young Living Brightening Skin Care Collectionsupports brighter, more luminous skin using natural, clean ingredients.Harnessing the power of the Sheerlume Brightening Complex, the BloomBrightening Skin Care Collection is the secret to radiant, glowing skin.2
KEY INGREDIENTSLilium candidum(Madonna lily)leaf cell extract:Helps to brighten the skin, preventand decrease the appearance ofdark spots, contribute to a moreuniform tone Pyrus malus(apple) fruit extract:Can increase the skin’s hydrationby 88 percent, as well as contributeto smoother-feeling skinChlorella vulgaris(green algae)extract:Provides hydration. Green algaehas also been shown to decreaseexcess oil and support the skin’smicrobiomeSheerlume Brightening Complex:Composed of Vetiver, Blue Cypress,Davana, Royal HawaiianSandalwood, Clove, Jasmine,Carrot Seed, Spearmint, Geranium,and Frankincense essential oilsBENEFITS AND FEATURES• Brightens and hydrates skin• Gives skin an instant radiant glow• Reduces the appearance of dark spots• Restores pH balance• Non-drying, non-stripping formula. Naturally derived, gentle ingredients• Helps restore the appearance of an even skin tone • Hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic• Formulated without fragrance, gluten, parabens,phthalates, synthetic fragrance, sulfates, petroleum,and mineral oil, or any of the thousands ofpotentially problematic ingredients Bloom BRIGHTENING ESSENCEHOW TO USEGently shake before use.Pour a quarter-sizedamount into palms. Rubhands together and lightlypress palms into skin fromthe center of face outward,including neck anddécolletage. Repeatmorning and night.This luminous, gel-textured essence infusesmoisture into skin, refining skin’slook and texture. Its pH balance-restoring formula supports skin barrierfunction, reduces the appearance of pores, and leaves your skin refreshedand radiant. Developed to address uneven skin that has lost its naturalradiance, the BLOOM by Young Living Brightening Skin Care Collection createsa system for brighter and more luminous skin using natural, clean ingredients.Harnessing the power of the Sheerlumé Brightening Complex, the BLOOMBrightening Skin Care Collection leaves you with radiant, glowing skin.3
BLOOM by Young Living Brightening Lotion,featuring the Sheerlumé Brightening Complex,is infused with the most advanced naturalingredients available, brightening the skin’sappearance while boosting natural radiance.BLOOM’s lightweight hydration helps moisturizeskin, while antioxidants help minimize theappearance of future damage. BLOOM isformulated with pili pulp oil sourced directlyfrom the Happy Pili Tree Farm and Distillery inthe Philippines, cultivated and craftedaccording to Young Living’s exacting Seed toSeal®quality commitment. Native to SoutheastAsia,pili pulp oil offers major moisturizingbenefits for the skin. Developed to addressuneven skin that has lost its natural radiance,the BLOOM by Young Living Brightening SkinCare Collection creates a system for brighterand more luminous skin using natural, cleaningredients. Harnessing the power of theSheerlumé Brightening Complex, the BLOOMBrightening Skin Care Collection leaves youwith radiant, glowing skin.KEY INGREDIENTSPili pulp oil: From our Happy Pili TreeFarm and Distillery in the Philippines,we chose this oil for its talents as aglow-making moisturizerAlpinia officinaru:Also known asginger root extract, this powerfulingredient brightens skin andbalances skin tonePalmaria palmata:Derived fromseaweed, Palmaria palmata iseffective against signs ofphotoaging and can brighten andenhance the complexion andradiance of your skinSodium carrageenan:Derived fromred algae, this ingredient works tomoisturize and hydrate your skin,which strengthens the skin’s naturalprotective layer Sheerlume Brightening Complex:Composed of Vetiver, Blue Cypress,Davana, Royal HawaiianSandalwood, Clove, Jasmine, CarrotSeed, Spearmint, Geranium andFrankincense essential oils Bloom BRIGHTENING LOTIONBENEFITS AND FEATURES•Brightens and gives skin a radiant glow •Helps improve the appearance of an evenskin tone •Includes gentle ingredients •Hydrates the skin and strengthens themoisture barrier •Reduces the appearance of dark spots •Gives skin a smoother texture•Hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic•Cruelty free• Formulated without gluten, parabens,phthalates,synthetic fragrance, sulfates,petroleum, or mineral oil, or any of thepotentially problematic ingredientsHOW TO USEGently press and pat twopumps of lotion evenly overface, neck, and décolletage.Repeat morning and night.4
Trust your common sense and have a deep sense of desire tobring balance and restoration from the inside out.SyntheticsFragrancesParabensPhalatesPhenoxyethenolSulfatesGlutenPetroleum Free from:Bloom THE PROMISES 5
Blood pressurePoor circulationPoor dietConstipation; bloatingGastrointestinal imbalanceIndigestionSalt intake AllergiesStomach problemsToo much sugarStressDirt; dirty pillow cases & phones Digestion problemsSmall intestine issuesLiver issuesIrregular sleep scheduleToxin build upStress / worrySweat LUNGS + RESPIRATORY SYSTEMDehydration Too much alcohol Greasy foods KIDNEYS, LIVER, INTESTINESLack of sleepDehydrationDirt from makeup & rubbing eyes Adrenal fatigueHYGIENE + STOMACHHORMONES + INTESTINES Overeating malabsorption of nutrients JAWLINEAROUND LIP AREABETWEEN CHEEKS AND LIPBETWEEN TIP OF NOSE AND UPPER LIP SPLEEN Chinese Face MapDehydrationPoor lymphatic circulationDiet too high in fatToo much processed foodStressExcess oil production Hormonal imbalancesOvulation Reproductive organs Menstrual cycleConstipation; irregular bowels Hormonal problemsGynecological issuesKidney imbalancesGreasy foodsDehydration DirtGreasy foods BLADDER, KIDNEY, REPRODUCTIVE ORGANSBLADDER + INTESTINES LIVER 6EARS + TEMPLES KIDNEYSNOSEHEARTCHEEKS FORHEAD IN BETWEEN EYEBROWS UNDER EYESCHINLIVER NECKThyroid
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