Message THE FABULOUSFEMALE Ordinary WomenOrdinary WomenCELEBRATINGCELEBRATINGDoingDoingExtraordinaryExtraordinaryWORKS!WORKS!INSIDE THIS ISSUEEmpowering Careers, OneConnection at a TimeA Life of Purpose, Impact, andTransformationEmpowering Women to Rise, Heal &Thrive!Upcoming: Females Are Fabulous –“Be Alive and Financially Thrive in2025!”BLACK HISTORY AND LOVE EDITIONMAGAZINEStella Da SilvaEmpowering Careers, One Connection at a Time
Table of CONTENTSInsider InformationDr. JoAnn Ajayi-ScottiiiiDiscover the mission of Dr. JoAnn Ajayi-Scott, publisher of The FabulousFemale Magazine, dedicated to empowering readers through exclusiveinsights, success stories, and practical tools for growth in all areas of life.The “Original Fabulous Female”, and how she helps fabulous females becomelegendary!Stella Da SilvaEmpowering Careers, One Connection at a TimeDr. Varenda WilliamsA Life of Purpose, Impact, and TransformationMaria A. CephasEmpowering Women to Rise, Heal & Thrive!What Makes You Fabulous?Upcoming: Females Are Fabulous – “Be Alive and Financially Thrive in 2025!”Don’t Talk About It, Be About it!What does this statement mean to you?Be Your Own Bank!i112210101212222223233232Wake Up, Fabulous Females andWalk In Your Fabulousity! Playbook3333Fabulous Female In The Community!3434
Welcome to our Holiday edition of TheFabulous Female! Although this magazine wasfive years in the making, I’ve learned thateverything happens in its own time.This magazine is designed to provideFabulous Females with tools, resources, andstrategies to leverage their finances, connectwith other Fabulous Females, and sharestories of triumph as they navigate theirbusiness, finances, and life.Dr. JoAnn Ajayi-Scott, PublisherI N S I D E R InformationThis issue explores how women give back intheir industry through their business and howthey impact others lives in the process. Thatmakes this magazine unique—we spotlight'ordinary women doing extraordinary work'and showcase them to the world through ourcirculation of over 250,000 people across allsocial platforms, websites, and onlinepresence. So, grab a cup of coffee, tea, yourfavorite drink, or water, and sit back, relax,learn, connect, and LEVERAGE!Join the movementof Fabulousity andconnect with me toshare your journey.Scan the QR code to get started!JAS Enterprise | P.O. Box 17063, Jacksonvillle, Florida 32247 | | info@femalesarefabulous.comii
She became the original Fabulous Female inJune 2012. Her two daughters worked with heron the first annual Females Are FabulousEmpowerment Conference. This conferencewas created to celebrate the girls who hadparticipated in the programs, events, andmentoring sessions during the school year,and to recognize the professional andbusiness women who contributed asphilanthropists by giving their time, talent,and treasure (money) to support Essence ofa Lady, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizationfounded by Dr. JoAnn Ajayi-Scott.THE “ORIGINALFABULOUS FEMALE”DR. JOANN AJAYI-SCOTTHELPS FABULOUS FEMALESBECOME LEGENDARY!read moreDR. JOANN AJAYI-SCOTTDR. JOANN AJAYI-SCOTTFabulous is not just how you look on the outside, fabulous is synonymouswith extraordinary. Fabulous Females are ordinary women doingextraordinary works in their community, business and life!As Dr. Ajayi-Scott ensured that all girls,parents, and philanthropists receivedtheir awards and recognition, her twodaughters came on stage andsurprised her with the first-ever'Fabulous Female' award.Her love for the award birthed theinitiative of awarding the 'FabulousFemale' title to professionals andbusinesswomen who went above andbeyond in supporting Essence of aLady’s mentoring programs during theschool year.From there, she created the FemalesAre Fabulous Empowerment Seriesand, ultimately, the Fabulous FemalePhenomenon!Now, Dr. JoAnn Ajayi-Scott is launchingthe Females Are Fabulous Movement.She is on a mission to bring 1,000business and C-Suite women togetherto help each other transform theirfinancial well-being by 2025.She is bringing together 10 women whowill share how they overcame the oddsto leverage their finances, buildgenerational wealth, and inspire othersto do the same!1
Stella Da SilvaEmpowering Careers, One Connection at a TimeFor Stella, the journey intobusiness was never just aboutfinancial success but impact. As aseasoned Training Consultantspecializing in vocationaleducation and training, her careerhas been shaped by a deeppassion for employability skills andhelping individuals navigate thecomplexities of the workforce."I've always been driven by thedesire to empower others," sheshares. "Whether it’s supportinggraduates as they take their firststeps into the job market orguiding professionals throughcareer transitions, my goal hasalways been to equip people withthe confidence and tools theyneed to succeed."A Passion for Impact2
Her love for engaging with people and fostering meaningful connectionsultimately led her to launch her own freelance business. This decision wasdriven by her resolve to create a space where she could make adifference on her own terms. Through this work, she gets to combine herpassion for career development with her personal brand of simplicity—keeping things Stellaliciously straightforward and effective!The motivation behind founding her business stemmed from firsthandexperiences of witnessing the transformative power of guidance andsupport. "I’ve always believed that the right mentorship and training cancompletely change the trajectory of someone's career," she explains."Starting my own business allowed me to merge my expertise invocational education with my commitment to empowering others."Building a Businesswith Purpose3
OVERCOMING CHALLENGESEntrepreneurAS ANRunning a business as a solo entrepreneur came with its challenges, butby leveraging her expertise, maintaining strong client relationships, andembracing digital tools, she’s been able to streamline operations withoutcompromising on impact.To fund the early stages of her business, she turned to an invaluablesupport system—her sister, whom she fondly calls ‘the bank of mygenerous sister!’ She believed in Stella’s vision from the very beginning,and while she has made it clear that her investment will pay off, Stellaremains incredibly grateful for that support, which allowed her to focus ongrowing her business and making a real difference.4
The Rewards ofEmpowering OthersFor Stella, the most fulfilling part of the job is the ability to connect withpeople from all walks of life and witness their growth. "There’s nothingmore rewarding than seeing someone land their dream job or a startupthrive because of the strategies we implemented together," she says. "Each day is dynamic and different, andthat’s what I love about it."5
For Stella, the journey into business was never just about financialsuccess but impact. As a seasoned Training Consultant specializing invocational education and training, her career has been shaped by a deeppassion for employability skills and helping individuals navigate thecomplexities of the workforce."I've always been driven by the desire to empower others," she shares."Whether it’s supporting graduates as they take their first steps into thejob market or guiding professionals through career transitions, my goalhas always been to equip people with the confidence and tools theyneed to succeed."Looking to the FutureExpanding HorizonsAs she sets her sights on the future, she aims to expand herbusiness, form strategic collaborations, and continue empoweringindividuals globally. "I want to keep growing, keep learning, andmaybe even work towards buying my third property!" she says with asmile.A Philosophy for SuccessLearn, unlearn, and relearn.Learn, unlearn, and relearn.One philosophy that keeps her grounded is: This quote reminds her that success goes beyond gaining knowledge; itinvolves the willingness to adapt, let go of outdated ideas, and embracenew perspectives. It’s a mindset that has helped her navigate bothchallenges and opportunities with confidence.6
She also highlights the significanceof financial planning and knowingwhen to accept help. Recognizingthe value of relationships, shestates, "Business isn’t just aboutnumbers; it’s about trust. Buildingstrong networks and a personalbrand has been key to mysuccess."Lessons in Business and FinanceReflecting on her journey, she shares the biggest lessons she’slearned about business and finance. "The most important investmentyou can make is in yourself," sheemphasizes. "Whether it’seducation, skill-building, ornetworking, personal growth iswhat keeps you ahead."Among her greatestachievements, she countsthe purchase of her secondhome as a testament to herhard work and financialdiscipline. More importantly, the impact she’smade through her work helpingprofessionals and graduatestransform their careers remains asource of pride.7
Stay open to learning,Stay open to learning,take risks, and build atake risks, and build astrong support network.strong support network.The business world isThe business world isever-changing, and theever-changing, and theability to evolve isability to evolve iscrucial. Mostcrucial. Mostimportantly, trustimportantly, trustyourself. We, as women,yourself. We, as women,bring unique strengthsbring unique strengthsand perspectives to theand perspectives to thetable, and when we steptable, and when we stepinto our power, weinto our power, wecreate businesses thatcreate businesses thatnot only thrive but alsonot only thrive but alsoleave a lasting impact.leave a lasting impact.Advice for For women just starting their journey in business andfinance, she offers this advice:Women in Business8
‘Having known Stella for many years through our many mutual friends, I hadthe pleasure of working with this amazing enthusiastic lady on a professionallevel to refine my CV. This decision made after being made redundant in Q4-24 and seeking new work opportunities. I CANNOT RECOMMEND THEIRSERVICES HIGHLY ENOUGH! Her expertise in crafting tailored, impactfulresumes is unmatched. She took the time to understand my professionalbackground, skills, and career aspirations, and transformed my CV into apolished, results-driven document that now stands out.A real eye opener and what impressed me most was her ability to highlightmy unique value while aligning the content with industry standards and ATS-friendly formatting. (Something I am not familiar with at all!) Stella's attentionto detail, personalized approach, and prompt delivery exceeded myexpectations.Thanks again Stella! I now feel more confident in presenting my experienceto potential employers.If you’re looking for someone to elevate your professional profile and helpyou put your best foot forward, I highly recommend Stella's CV services’CLIENT TESTIMONIAL- Michael Cupid (LinkedIn)9
Fabulous?What extraordinary work have you done in yourcommunity, business, or life?With all these accomplishments, is your money workingfor you, or are you working more, making more, but stillliving an average life?What Makes You The Females are Fabulous phenomenon is looking tohelp 1000 seasoned C-Suite and business women “Be Alive and Financially Thrive in 2025!” Dr. JoAnn Ajayi-Scott has over 35 years ofexperience mentoring and empowering women inwealth building, monetization, and moneyacceleration! She and 9 other money and wealthexperts will come together for 12 months toprovide tools, strategies, and resources toempower 1,000 women to 'Be Your Own Bank,''Protect Your Family' in a crisis, and 'Establish aLegacy of Generational Wealth.'This journey starts at the 'Be Alive and FinanciallyThrive in 2025!' Retreat in January and ends at the'Females Are Fabulous Empowerment Conference'in December 2025!Join the movement.Let’s chat!10
DR. VARENDAWilliamsA Life of Purpose, Impact,and TransformationWith over 25 years ineducation and more than 35years in ministry, Dr.Varenda’s journey has alwaysbeen about teaching,mentoring, and leadership.Her transition into businesswasn’t something she initiallyplanned; it was an opportunitythat found her. Whensomeone approached herabout becoming an author,she embraced the challenge.However, as she navigatedthe publishing process, sherealized that many aspiringauthors struggled to take thatnext step. Seeing the gap, shestepped in not just as anauthor but as a mentor andguide for others on theirpublishing journey.A Journey Rooted inEducation and Ministry12
Dr. Varenda began facilitating workshops, speaking at events, and evenserving as an emcee and moderator. Her passion for education andministry seamlessly blended with business and professionaldevelopment, allowing her to empower others in ways she had neverimagined. For years, Dr. Varenda poured her heart into education, leadership, andministry, going above and beyond for those she served. But it was theconsistent feedback from those she had mentored that made her realizeher true value. The impact of her guidance—whether in coaching,education, or professional development—was life-changing for many.Their testimonials were a wake-up call, confirming that her expertise wasnot just beneficial but essential.From Opportunity to MISSIONWhat startedas a singleopportunityevolved into abroaderMISSION. 13
Fueled by this realization, she founded her consulting business,determined to provide structured support, training, and mentorship tothose who needed it most. Her mission? To equip individuals with thetools, strategies, and confidence to succeed, whether in leadership,business, or personal growth.Dr. Varenda’s work is deeply rooted in addressing the barriers that oftenhinder professional and personal success. She recognizes that manyindividuals, especially in underrepresented communities, lack access toquality mentorship and strategic resources. Founding a Consulting BusinessAs an African American female entrepreneur,she understands the challenges of breakinginto and excelling in certain industries, fromsystemic biases to limited networkingopportunities.14
Empowering Others ThroughCoaching and TrainingStarting and growing a business requires resources, and for Dr. Varenda, thisjourney has been about strategic networking and continuous learning. Sheimmersed herself in professional development, attended workshops, andconnected with like-minded individuals. By facilitating intensives and trainingsessions, she not only established her credibility but also built meaningfulrelationships with those who needed her expertise.Through her coaching,workshops, and consultingservices, she bridges thesegaps. Her approach is not justabout sharing knowledge butabout instilling confidence,empowering individuals toleverage their skills, andfostering a supportive, results-driven environment. She iscommitted to ensuring herclients don’t just learn but alsotransform their mindset andapproach to success.15
The growth of her business has been an evolving process. Whetherexploring grants, securing sponsorships, or forming strategic partnerships,she remains committed to expanding her reach. Every step has reinforcedher resilience, resourcefulness, and willingness to embrace newopportunities that align with her mission.GROWTH,RESILIENCE,ANDEXPANDINGHER REACHFor Dr. Varenda, the greatest joy comes fromseeing people step into their potential. Whether it’scoaching, speaking engagements, or trainingsessions, she thrives on those transformativemoments—when someone realizes their worth, gainsconfidence, and takes a bold step toward their goals.16
The Futureof Her WorkThe future holds excitingpossibilities as she isfocused on expanding herconsulting business byhosting masterclasses andprofessional developmentworkshops designed foreducators, business leaders,and clergy. These structuredlearning experiences willprovide solution-orientedstrategies to help individualsexcel in their fields.Data-driven decision-making is also a priority. By assessing keyperformance metrics, audience engagement, and client feedback, sheensures her services remain relevant and impactful. Additionally, she’sexploring new engagement methods, including interactive coachingexperiences, increased speaking engagements, and collaborations withlike-minded organizations.17
SuccessLESSONS INBUSINESS AND One of the mostvaluable lessonsDr. Varenda haslearned is theimportance ofsurroundingherself with theright people.Early in her journey, she believed that passion and hard work alonewould drive success. However, she soon realized that having the rightfinancial and business mindset is just as critical.Fear often holds people back from seeking guidance, but she haslearned that mentorship, financial literacy, and strategic partnershipsare essential for long-term success. Now, she is intentional aboutsurrounding herself with individuals who challenge her, elevate herthinking, and push her toward greater financial and entrepreneurialgrowth.18
Recognitions andAchievementsDr. Varenda’s impact has not gone unnoticed,as she has been honored with severalprestigious awards, including the 2024Philanthropist of the Year Award and the2024 Presidential Lifetime Award underthe Biden-Harris administration. She was alsonamed one of the 2025 Most InfluentialPhenomenal Women.While these accolades are meaningful, shemeasures success by the lives she touches.Her next goal is to become a New YorkTimes #1 Best-Selling Author, sharing herinsights and experiences to inspire evenmore people. She is also working onexpanding her literacy initiatives, includingrecording audiobooks and producingdocumentaries.19
Success is only meaningful andenjoyable if it feels like your own.Words to Live ByA quote from Former First Lady Michelle Obamakeeps Dr. Varenda focused on her mission:This reminder keeps her groundedin authenticity, knowing that herjourney is about more thanrecognition—it is about purpose,fulfillment, and making a lastingimpact.Moving Forwardwith PurposeAs she continues forward, Dr.Varenda remains committed toempowering others, breakingbarriers, and creating opportunitiesfor success. Her story is one ofresilience, faith, and unwaveringdedication to transforming lives.20
BE YOUR OWNBANK!This may sound unrealistic or even impossible, but wouldn’t it be wonderful tonever have to worry about whether your credit score, monthly income, or racewill determine if you get a loan? Unexpected emergencies can happen to youor your family at any time, hence the phrase, “Life Happens!”This is why the concept of "Be Your Own Bank"resonates with so many people today. Everyday,hardworking individuals—especially C-Suite andbusinesswomen aged 30 and up—are makinglong-term financial decisions to protect theirfamilies from societal judgments aroundqualifying for loans. They do this by saving andinvesting in themselves, building cash value toborrow from their own savings. They can accessfunds for a down payment on a house, car, orbusiness; cover repair costs; or even send achild off to college!Scan to complete and beinterviewed for thisyear’s activities!22
Empowering Women to Rise, Heal & Thrive!Maria A. CephasDiscovering Her CallingMaria’s journey into business was sparked by a deep passion fortransformation—both her own and that of others.From a young age, an older siblingrecognized her innate ability tocreate a safe and welcomingspace where people, evenstrangers, felt comfortable sharingtheir deepest thoughts andemotions. It wasn’t until later in lifethat Maria fully embraced this giftas her calling—to connect, serve,and empower others.23
Entrepreneurial Roots & TheBirth of The Heart of MACGrowing up in a family of entrepreneurs, with her parents andgrandmother laying the groundwork, Maria’s entrepreneurial spiritwas nurtured early on. Combined with her diverse background inconference and event production, sales, mentoring, matchmaking,and dance coaching, these influences led her to establish The Heartof MAC, LLC—a platform designed to Make Amazing Changes®. Asa Certified Professional Life Coach, Maria is committed to helpingindividuals evolve and step into their fullest potential.24
She founded The Heart ofMAC after recognizing howdeeply personal challenges,self-worth struggles, anddecision-making affectedpeople, particularly women.Her own experiences ofovercoming challenges andembracing her truth fueledher desire to create a spacewhere others could do thesame. Through coaching,online workbooks, andempowerment events,Maria provides practicaltools and strategies thatfoster growth, enhance self-awareness, prioritize self-care, build assertiveness,and establish healthyboundaries. By offeringthese resources, sheempowers women toconfidently lead lives filledwith purpose, freedom, andfulfillment.Coaching& EventsEmpowering Women Through25
Maria started her business with her own savings, leveraging her networkto build her brand organically. Her experience in resourcefulness,marketing, and community engagement allowed her to grow The Heartof MAC with minimal overhead. She reinvested her earnings intobusiness development, expanding her services and offerings as herclient base grew.Building a Business with Purpose & StrategyThe most rewardingpart of her work iswitnessing thosebreakthroughmoments—when aclient shifts from self-doubt to self-empowerment orrealizes she doesn’tneed permission tolive her best life.Maria loves bringing peopletogether, and seeing themstep into their power andembrace their worth is whattruly drives her.26
Future Expansion &Upcoming ProjectsLooking ahead, Maria is focused on expanding her impact and deepening thetransformative work she does. She is launching two new online workbooksdesigned to guide women through a journey of transformational growth,equipping them with the tools they need to break free from limitations andstep into their power. She is also revitalizing her dance division with thehighly anticipated return of The MAC Steppers Weekend Experience, a four-day event set for January 2026. In addition, she is preparing for the 9thedition of The Ladies Day Out Transformational Retreat, following thesuccess of the 8th edition, It’s Your, Mine, Our Time to Rise!The retreat has become a powerful experiencewhere women embrace their authentic selvesand transform their lives. Attendees gainstrategies to overcome limiting beliefs, buildmeaningful connections with like-mindedwomen, and take practical steps toward lastingchange through hands-on workshops andinsightful talks. Dr. JoAnn Aji-Scott, one of theevent’s speakers, shared valuable financialwisdom, reinforcing the power of womencoming together with purpose to fosterhealing, growth, and transformation.27
MACnificently Made: A Movement for HealingMaria is also advancing the movement forglobal healing from fatherlessness throughher published anthology book,MACnificently Made. More than just abook, it’s a transformational guide thatexplores the profound impact of a father’spresence, the importance of self-worth,and the power of prioritizing self-care.Readers discover strategies forreconnecting with themselves and theirloved ones, drawing wisdom from lifelessons, and stepping into their truepurpose. The book also provides guidanceon cultivating inner peace, embracingmeditation, practicing forgiveness, andtrusting the process of personal growth.28
Through speaking engagements and collaborations, Maria is expanding herreach, ensuring that more individuals benefit from her message of personalfreedom, self-empowerment, and healing. She has learned that business is amarathon, not a sprint, and thatconsistency, relationship-building,and reinvesting in herself and herbrand are essential for long-termsuccess. Above all, she has realizedthat she is not in competition withanyone else—her value is non-negotiable, and pricing herservices based on her worth, ratherthan just market rates, was agame-changer.Some of Maria’s proudest achievements include embracing her true self,helping countless individuals transform their lives through coaching andempowerment events, and receiving proclamations from the Mayor’sOffices of Ft. Lauderdale and Broward County for her contributions topersonal development and community empowerment. She has alsoreceived a Lifetime Achievement Award for her contributions to theChicago Style Steppin dance community and was honored as one of the100 Successful Women in Business at the Conference & Expo.Additionally, she developed a groundbreaking dance training module formiddle school students, leading to multiple contracts and the highestapproval ratings in Palm Beach County’s Out of School Programs.Notable Achievements & Recognitions29
Global ImpactA Vision for Looking forward, Maria is committed to growingthe movement for global healing through her bookand speaking engagements, relaunching herdance division, launching new online workbooksand courses, and collaborating with more leadersand organizations to foster transformation on alarger scale. Her goal is to expand her impactglobally, reaching more women and empoweringthem to rise, heal, and step fully into theirgreatness.One quote that keeps her motivatedand focused on her goals is: “Be fearless inthe pursuit ofwhat setsyour soul onfire.” This mantra fuels her journey as she continues toinspire, empower, and support individuals on theirpath to transformation.30
"This retreat lived up to itspurpose to transform women.Their mindset about self, life,friends and family andfinances was truly impactedand I was transformed!"CLIENT TESTIMONIAL- Testimony from Ladies DayOut Transformational Retreat(January 11, 2025)31
What does thisstatement mean to you?It means don’t just sit aroundand watch things happen—make them happen!eladies.bizIn the business world, it means don’t just have abusiness—get your business in front of yourtarget audience by marketing and promoting itfrequently. As a Fabulous Female, you have thebenefit of an online presence at eLadies.Biz,where women buy, sell, and connect! Get yourcomplimentary business listing today32
To learn more about securing your future,borrowing from yourself, and achievingfinancial freedom, connect with Dr. JoAnn byscanning the QR code and get your playbookon Amazon.DOWNLOAD THE PLAYBOOK33
In The Community!Fabulous Female34
: 100 Women Chartered Into The Legendary Women’s SocietyBe.Legendary.2025!, JoAnn Ajayi-Scott, LLC dbaPurpose Driven Wealth ServicesDr. JoAnn Ajayi-ScottMonday, February 17th at 10:00 AM EST35