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Blackbelt Negotiation Guide

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B L A C K B E L T N E G O T I A T I O NS T R A T E G I E ST O S E C U R E Y O U R D R E A M H O M EWithstand Bidding Wars, take back control during negotiations and walk away with your Dream HomeO N Y O U R T E R M S

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In any negotiation, there are a lot of movingparts to juggle. Even if you have the bestintentions, it's easy to get distracted by thewrong things and make fatal negotiationmistakes.This Guide is designed to help you sharpenyour focus, understand some of the strategiesme and my Real Estate Team utilize to get youinto your Dream Home and make you come outvictorious from the Negotiation Table!Let's dive in and show you the levels to MasteryF O R W E O R DJORDAN CULLIVER, REALTOR | WWW.SELLINGMICHIGANHOMES.COM | DIRECT: (517) 416-6329Jordan CulliverREALTORĀ®Green Key Real Estate

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W H I T E B E L TThere is something exciting about a newjourney and just like a white belt, we arestarting out from nothing. And that's okay.There will likely not be a pre approval inplace. You might know what your monthlyrent is and figure your potential buyingpower from there.A word of caution: Assuming you know what you can afford isnot the worst, but when you discover errorson your credit report, then those can derailplans fast as typically it takes time to fixthese.Put yourself in good hands and speak with amortgage broker.In a hot market, your offer would not evenbe looked at with sincerity.Starting out on the right foot is truly thebread and butter for negotiations. Surroundyourself with an amazing real estateprofessional, awesome lender anddedicated attorney! All of which I havereferences to! Welcome to the journey!SLIMCHANCES OFSUCCESSJORDAN CULLIVER, REALTOR | WWW.SELLINGMICHIGANHOMES.COM | DIRECT: (517) 416-6329

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Y E L L O W B E L TSo now that we got the basics out of theway (get your pre approval), let's talk aboutthe next level to step up your game duringthe negotiation of your Dream HomeThe next phase is much more related to theactual negotiation process.A word of caution:Do NOT make assumptions!It's easy to think the sellers want the highestprice (and of course this is the primaryobjective for the listing agent), butsometimes a seller is less concerned withthat extra $1000 over the other offer, andmore concerned with the terms.For some sellers, it's important to meet theirmoving timeline to make sure the pieces arefalling into place.Knowing that their longterm home is goingto good hands, is also sometimes a hugefactor, so make sure to build emotionalrapport whenever possible!A great buyer agent will figure out thesellers main points and use it in negotiationto your adantage!MEDIUMCHANCES OFSUCCESSJORDAN CULLIVER, REALTOR | WWW.SELLINGMICHIGANHOMES.COM | DIRECT: (517) 416-6329

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O R A N G E B E L TTactical Empathy & Rapport BuildingOne of the first hurdles we want to clear, is getting the seller to open up.Questions can include: What would a great closing date be? Is there anything in particular that'simportant to the seller? How long has the seller lived there? Why is the seller moving?Do NOT expect an answer but withoutasking you will not know if there is ananswer!What is the goal with building tacticalempathy and rapport?It's simple! We want to get the other partyto the point of saying:That's Right!Important: We do not want them to say 'You are Right' as this is putting the otherparty on edge for admitting this.My Team and I spend time on positioningour buyer clients way before we submit theoffer.MEDIUMCHANCES OFSUCCESSJORDAN CULLIVER, REALTOR | WWW.SELLINGMICHIGANHOMES.COM | DIRECT: (517) 416-6329

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G R E E N B E L TThe perfect introductionWe strongly advice against down talking theproperty and its interior features during thecourse of negotiation.There is nothing worse than starting negotiation of something a buyer desires bytelling the other party how awful it is.At the same time, we also don't want tostart with empathy loadedconversations. The other party will expect the worse duringthe initial conversation and their guard willbe up. GUARANTEED!So how to start? Here is an example:'My clients like the house! They are {insertsomething desirable for sellers about yourbuyers, e.g well qualified or 2nd homebuyers and not new to homeownership}.What can you tell me about the home?'A seemingly harmless conversation can leadto massive advantages or disadvantages foreither party. Be smart!MEDIUMCHANCES OFSUCCESSJORDAN CULLIVER, REALTOR | WWW.SELLINGMICHIGANHOMES.COM | DIRECT: (517) 416-6329

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B L U E B E L T3 Phases in NegotiationThere are actually 3 phases to negotiationand skipping one might end up with no dealfor you on your Dream Home.The 3 phases are actually there toreduce seller pressure.You might think "Wait a minute! I thoughtthis guide was about me!" but hear me out.Reducing seller pressure is actually a keycomponent to making sure they feelconfident with your offer and will go for it.So what are the 3 phases?Phase 1: Build Relationship and gatherinformationPhase 2: Get a "That's Right!" Understandthe seller and reiterate statements!Phase 3: Close the deal and eliminate whatifs!ELEVATEDCHANCES OFSUCCESSJORDAN CULLIVER, REALTOR | WWW.SELLINGMICHIGANHOMES.COM | DIRECT: (517) 416-6329

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P U R P L E B E L TDon't corner your Negotiation PartnerPrompting for only yes-answers is somethingthat is taught in many sales trainings. Butdid you know that it can actually hurtnegotiation efforts?The ability to say "No" helps yournegotiation partner to keep a sense ofautonomy and control.Don't corner someone or you might promptthem for false Yes-answers just so you willgo away! And this way you will not get tothe real information you are seeking!So what should you ask?Here are some examples we use:e.g. Is that right? (yes-oriented) Did I miss something? (no-oriented)e.g. Do I have that correct? (yes-oriented) Am I wrong in saying X? (no-oriented)Techniques used by hostage negotiatorsand we apply them to your Dream Home!ELEVATEDCHANCES OFSUCCESSJORDAN CULLIVER, REALTOR | WWW.SELLINGMICHIGANHOMES.COM | DIRECT: (517) 416-6329

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R E D B E L TExplore opportunities, not solutionsBy trade most agents see themselves asborn problem solvers, but actually this canhinder negotiations!Presenting a solution is a sure one wayticket for negotiations because it rarelyleaves room for open conversationsSo what should you ask?Here are some examples we use:EX.1 What do you think would make themsay yes to our offer?EX.2 I understand. What is really one of themost important things for them in youropinion?EX.3. Do you think there is another way forus to make this deal work for both parties?HIGHCHANCES OFSUCCESSJORDAN CULLIVER, REALTOR | WWW.SELLINGMICHIGANHOMES.COM | DIRECT: (517) 416-6329

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B R O W N B E L TContract ContingenciesWe are almost at the level of Mastery.This Level will go over some of the mostcrucial items that will be up fornegotiations.The Real Estate Contract has over 10contingencies built in and it is youragents job to understand what can benegotiated and what is better leftuntouched for your own best interest.You can negotiate pretty much anythingand we heard stories where the seller wasasked to leave the cat with the home!#TrueStoryA great agent will help you evaluate whatcontingencies are necessary and whichwants are disposable.From Earnest Money Deadlines andAmounts, home to sell and home to closeContingencies, appraisal and inspectiontimelines to cash offers and closing dates,my team and I are ensuring that you are setup with optimal results!Let's secure your Dream Home!HIGHERCHANCES OFSUCCESSJORDAN CULLIVER, REALTOR | WWW.SELLINGMICHIGANHOMES.COM | DIRECT: (517) 416-6329

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B L A C K B E L TLead the wayOnce a deal is struck, the work doesn't endhere. The other party should be made fullyaware of what to expect.A great agent will continue to beinvolved and try to make sure that thereis nothing coming up that might derailthe transaction to purchase your DreamHome.This might include asking if the seller hasgiven written permission to stop allshowings. Verification that the property ismarked under contract promptly todiscourage other offers.Paving the way to a successful closing ismostly done in the background but a greatagent will continue to communicate withyou throughout the entire transaction.The transaction can be confusing and youragent should remain your most trustedadvisor and point of contact.Even when you just want to stop over toyour future home to measure for curtains!HIGHESTCHANCES OFSUCCESSJORDAN CULLIVER, REALTOR | WWW.SELLINGMICHIGANHOMES.COM | DIRECT: (517) 416-6329

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