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BKLYN Program

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CASTBrooklyn: Madeline Elyse Smyth and Emma HarderParadice: Barry-Suzanne Collins, Amber Bethel and So'UniqueHighStreet Singer: Will Buckholz and Kevin WilliamsTaylor: Elliott Horwitz and Alex RuppFaith: Sophia Vernon and Maddie French CREWDirector and Producer: Ted LewisStudent Director: Gabriella RowlandAssistant Director: Jenny ZhangVocal Director: Carol McCoyStage Manager: Jack SagarAssistant Stage Manager: Annika Mack and Jenny ZhangProps: Alexa Morgan and Brooke BelcherCostumer: Dori LloydCostume Crew: Loren Smyth and Madeline SmythLighting Design: Xavier Ayala-Vermont and Robi HartLighting Technicians: Xavier Ayala-Vermont, Robi Hart, SamMadsen, Hayden SmithLighting Apprentices: Danielle Gallingane, D'artagnan GreenSound Design: Jack SagerSound Technicians: Savannah Henseley and Katie JordanSound Apprentices: Sarah Hartman, Carl Ridlon, Kaitlin Thomas Makeup Design: Mae Thuy Anh Nguyen, Amelia RufinoVideography Director: Jason HeffingtonVideographer Team: Ryan Savage, Gavin Graham, Ellie GollSpotlight Team: Chase Watson, Jack VossScenic Artists: Maddie French, Gabriella Rowland, Sarah Hartman,Amay Torres, Maddie SmythPainters: Samantha Cooper, Emily Kirkland, Khalen MorganProgram Design: Mia Billingsley

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Musical NumbersAct OneOpeningUnderscoreHeart Behind These HandsStreet Singer, Ramona, Eden, Karen and KevinPrologueTaylor, Faith and BrooklynChristmas Makes Me CryFaith and TaylorNot a SoundKaren, Ramona, Cleavant, Karen, Kevin and BrooklynBrooklyn IntroBrooklynBrooklyn Grew UpKaren, Ensemble and BrooklynInto "Once Upon a Time"Brooklyn and FaithOnce Upon a TimeBrooklyn and B.VAfter "Once Upon a Time"UnderscoreSuperloverParadice, Kevin, Eden and KarenAfter "Superlover"UnderscoreBrooklyn in The BloodBrooklyn, Paradice, Ensemble, Karen, Cleavant and Kevin

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Musical NumbersAct TwoBrooklyn in The Blood PlayoffUnderscoreBrooklyn Grew Up- RepriseBrooklynMagic ManStreetsinger and EnsembleAfter Magic manUnderscoreOnce Upon a Time- RepriseStreetsinger, Taylor, Brooklyn and EnsembleNot a Sound- RepriseRamona, Cleavant and KarenLove Was a SongTaylor and BrooklynI Never Knew His NameBrooklynThe TruthTaylor, Ensemble and BrooklynDoes Anyone Wanna Buy a Memory?Melba, Streetsinger and JulieVietnam SequenceFaith, Taylor and EnsembleHeart Behind These Hands- RepriseCleavant, Ramona and KarenRavenParadiceSometimesTaylor and EnsembleMadison Square GardenUnderscore

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Musical NumbersAct Two (Cont'd)Love Me Where I LiveParadice and EnsembleInto "Love Fell Like Rain"UnderscoreLove Fell Like RainBrooklynMagic Man- RepriseStreetsingerStreetsingerBrooklyn and StreetsingerStreetsinger- PlayoffEnsembleFinaleCompanyBowsUnderscore

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GABRIELLA ROWLAND-DIRECTORThis is Gabriella’s third timedirecting a Buchholzproduction and she enjoysevery minute of it. She is verythankful for each opportunitythat presents itself and is sadto leave such an amazingprogram full of talentedpeople. She wants to thank theentire crew, production team,and her great actors/actressesthat made this show possible.She wants to remind everyoneto keep dreaming big andalways be kind. AMBER BETHEL- PARADICEAmber is a 10th grader at BHS.Amber has recently been seen in13 The Musical as Kendra, Bye ByeBirdie as Deborah Sue, and inRent as Joanne. She wants tothank her amazing director/favperson Gabby!! and the entirecast and crew <3WILLIAM BUCKHOLZ-STREETSINGERWill is a senior, and is thrilledto be capping off his year withBKLYN. He is grateful for histime in the program and forthe many friends he has made.He would like to thank hismom, dad, sisters, andeveryone he has ever had thepleasure of working withthroughout his four years introupe 1452.BARRY-SUZANNE COLLINS-PARADICEBarry-Suzanne is currently servingas the outgoing Vice President ofthe Buchholz Drama Department.With the ambition to pursue acareer in theatre, Barry-Suzannewill begin her studies at NYU thisfall, majoring in Drama. Barry-Suzanne would like to acknowledgeDr. Carol McCoy for her amazingwork on Musical Direction over theshow, Gabby Rowland for hercreative mind and powerful StageDirection, and So’Unique High andAmber Bethel for being so lovely toshare the role of “Paradice” with.Barry-Suzanne sends thanks to herparents, sisters, and friends fortheir constant love and support,and a special thanks to Ted Lewisfor his guidance and mentorship. “Iproudly represent Troupe 1452” ~Barry-Suzanne

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SO'UNIQUE HIGH-PARADICE/CITY WEEDSo’Unique is a sophomore and isvery excited for anotheropportunity to work with theBuchholz High School. She hasbeen active in Musical Theatresince 6th grade and plans oncontinuing down this path forthe rest of her life. She wouldlike to thank her Mom and God.Enjoy the show!MADDIE FRENCH-FAITH/SCENIC ARTISTMaddie is so thrilled to beperforming in BKLYN as Faith!The whole experience ofpreparing and perfecting theshow has been so enjoyable forher. She has loved getting to beback on stage, and becomingcloser with her fellow castmates. At Buchholz, Maddie hasalso been seen in Bye Bye Birdie(as Kim), the Holiday Snowcase,two of the 5 one acts, andMarian. So far this year, BKLYNhas been her favorite show!Maddie thanks her friends,family, and directors forsupporting her through thisjourney.ELLIOTT HORWITZ- TAYLORCOLLINSElliott is extremely proud to bejoining the wonderful cast ofBKLYN. He is a sophomore atBuchholz and loves performingwith his friends and editingvideos. His previous roles on thestage have been Albert Peterson(Bye Bye Birdie) and WilliamBarfee (Putnam County SpellingBee). He would like to ThankMom, Quinn, Grandma, Grandpa,Gabby, Jenny, Luke, Barry andTed for the Support. Shoutout tothe Boys: Will, Daniel, George,Alex, Kevin, and Jack.EMMA HARDER- BROOKLYNAmber is a 10th grader at BHS.Amber has recently been seen in13 The Musical as Kendra, Bye ByeBirdie as Deborah Sue, and inRent as Joanne. She wants tothank her amazing director/favperson Gabby!! and the entirecast and crew <3

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KEVIN WILLIAMS-STREETSINGERKevin is a Junior, and has beenactive in the drama departmentfor the first time this year. He isvery happy to be able to playStreetsinger. He is very thankfulto be given this opportunity!ALEX RUPP- TAYLORCOLLINSAlex would like to thank all theamazing people in his life (youknow who you are), thenumerous heroes who made thisshow happen, and especially hislate grandmother, who wouldhave been at everyperformance. MADELINE ELYSE SMYTH-BROOKLYN/COSTUMECREW/SCENIC ARTISTMaddie has been part of theBuchholz Players since the age of9 and is thrilled to be completingthis crazy year onstage with anamazing cast and crewperforming LIVE. She is, as always,grateful for her friends, family,and mentors that havesurrounded her throughout hertheatrical experiences. She canoften be seen on stage andscreen. Some favorite roles havebeen Alanna Dale (BHS Film,Marian), Kim (BHS, Bye ByeBirdie), Anne Frank (STAR, Anneand Emmett) and almost everyCratchit Child (The Hippodrome, AChristmas Carol). Special thanksto the seniors in BKLYN who havealways been amazing. SOPHIA VERNON-FAITH/KARENSophia is grateful to Ted andGabby for the opportunity towork alongside a talented cast inBKLYN The Musical. Favoritepast productions that she hasbeen a part of are Mamma Mia!at Gainesville CommunityPlayhouse and Columbinus atBuchholz High School.Previously, she has co-directedPandemic Connections and co-choreographed Bye Bye Birdie.Outside of theatre, Sophiaenjoys dancing, volunteeringwith Girl Scouts, exploring newsubjects, and reading. She wouldlike to thank her family for theirsupport.

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JENNY ZHANG- ASSISTANTDIRECTOR/ASSISTANTSTAGE DIRECTORJenny is so excited to have beengiven the opportunity to assistin directing this amazing musicaland to work with such talentedpeople! She has been part of the2020 Spring musical Bye ByeBirdie and the Halloween filmWar of the Worlds. She has alsoplayed two parts in the 2021night of one acts while co-directing another. Jenny can'twait for future projects andhopes you enjoy this one!!ANNIKA MACK-ASSISTANT STAGEDIRECTORAnnika is so happy to be stagemanaging her first ever musical!She has worked crew on the Fallmusical of 2019 and the Springmusical of 2020. She also stagemanaged a one act last Winter.Annika plans to do more worklike this in the future and looksforward to what's to come!JACK SAGER- STAGEMANAGER/SOUNDDESIGNJack is Junior, and has been in thedrama program since hisFreshman year. This is his secondtime stage managing at BHS andhe wishes everyone involved anamazing run.XAVIER AYALA-VERMONT-LIGHTINGDESIGN/LIGHTINGTECHNICIANXavier is excited to serve as a leadlighting and build tech for his firsttime at Buchholz. He is a varsityathlete and all around handyman.He would like to thank his familyand friends for their support, TedLewis for the opportunity, butmost importantly Jack Sager andMaddie French for being theMVPs of build days.

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BROOKE BELCHER-PROPS/SOUNDBrooke is a junior and has beenactive in the program sincefreshman year. She is so excitedto be working on the show. Priorroles include Chicago(tech),Putnam (Stage Manager),Birdie(Ensemble), War of theWorlds(Stage Manage),Marian(Stage manager), TheDemon(Director), And OneAct(Producer).MIA BILLINGSLEY-PROGRAM DESIGNERMia is a Freshman this year, andhas performed in four shows atBHS so far. When she isn't onstage, she enjoys workingbehind the scenes and helpingwith the technical aspect oftheater. Mia is so happy to bedesigning the program forBKLYN, and she hopes youenjoy the show!ROBY HEART- LIGHTINGDESIGN/TECHNICIANThis is Roby's third year in thedrama program and their 6thshow. They've done lighting forevery show they've worked on,and hopes to continue to do sonext year.

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