CUBMAMA.COM The Birth of our Baby A keepsake record. Baby’s Name: Date of Birth:
CUBMAMA.COM 2 Important Disclaimer Although the memories of the day your baby was born will stay with you forever, this booklet is designed for you to record details about your labor and birth as a family keepsake. However, we feel that it is important that you understand more about what it is intended to be used for and what it should not be used for. It is not intended to be used to: • Replace healthcare professionals’ or any other person’s own notes or records. • It is not intended that this booklet is completed for you by anyone other than you. • It is not any kind of care plan. • It is not a legal document. • It is not any kind of medical advice or recommendation. • We strongly recommend that you always seek the advice of a registered midwife, nurse, or medical practitioner if you have concerns about you or your baby. • Birthsparks Ltd accepts no liability for any information entered into this record, or for any use that is made of the information entered into the record now or at any time in the future.
CUBMAMA.COM 3 All about us Complete page 2 and 3 before labor begins Our name/s We live in Town/area Our baby is due Day/month/season We plan to give birth at Home/Birth centre/hospital/other We are planning on using e.g CUB, Water, Hypnobirthing, etc.. This will be our 1st, 2nd etc.. baby Our baby’s siblings names and ages (if any) People that we plan to have at our labor and birth. Family, friends, Doula, photographer others Our healthcare team are Midwife, Doctor
CUBMAMA.COM 4 Our hopes, plans and dreams for the birth of our baby.
CUBMAMA.COM 5 The Big Day Active labor began on……………………………………….... (day/date) We were…………………………………weeks and days pregnant on this day. We first recognized that labor had begun when: Frequent and regular sensations that continued until our baby was born Began around………………………………………………………. (Time) lasting…………………………………………………………. (Seconds) And coming every………………………………………. (Minutes apart) At that time, we were feeling: At that point we decided to: Describe sensations, what you noticed, saw, felt, and experienced. Around………………………. (Time) Describe your emotions once you knew labor had begun and you would be meeting your precious baby soon. e.g. Wait, stay at home, call midwife/Dr, go to BC/Hosp, etc.
CUBMAMA.COM 6 We called our: We called our: Midwife Tick Time They/we arrived Date/Time Location Doctor Birth Centre/Hospital Other health care professional/Facility Birth partner/s Name: Tick Time They arrived (if attending) Date/Time Location Family/friends Name/s: Others (photographer etc.) Name: Doula Name:
CUBMAMA.COM 7 I chose to find out dilation at: I chose to manage my labor using the following: Method Tick Result Water Hypnobirthing Music CUB Opiate injection Self-managed coping Epidural Entonox (Gas and air) Movement and position change Other Time Dilation I chose to not have vaginal examinations to find out dilation
CUBMAMA.COM 8 The Birth Our baby was born on (date) Time Place of birth Weight Length Birth Marks Birth details: Add yes/no or comments. My labor lasted: (Hours in total) Early stage: Active stage: Pushing stage: Normal vaginal birth: Waterbirth: Land birth: Position I used when giving birth: Epidural: Gas & Air (Entonox): Other pain relief: Vaginal birth with medical assistance: Ventous (Suction): Other: Emergency or unplanned Caesarean Section: What was the reason: Before labour began or in labour: Planned Caesarean Section: Our reasons: Immediate skin to skin (S2S): (name) Either parent S2S: Delayed or optimal Cord Cutting (OCC): The cord was cut after: (minutes) We chose to store stem cells: How happy were we with our labor and birth experience? The best part: The most challenging part:
CUBMAMA.COM 9 All about our baby Baby’s name Sex Weight Length Breastfed Formula fed. Birth marks Hair color Looked like (Family member) First outfit The person providing care for the birth. (Midwife/Dr/Nurse) The 1st person to hold baby after parents. (family/friend) Our hopes and dreams for our baby
CUBMAMA.COM 10 My birth story
CUBMAMA.COM 12 This booklet is provided by Birthsparks Ltd under copyright. No part maybe copied, altered, or reproduced without prior permission form Birthsparks Ltd. I Contact us: